Sheriff Joe confirms birther investigation ongoing

After a long silence on the issue, Joe Arpaio once again talked about his birther investigation in a May 10, 2014, interview with Chris Pareja, host of a conservative public access cable channel show in Mountain View, CA, called “The Right Side.” Here’s the transcript of what Arpaio said [17:34 in video embedded at end of this article]:

Pareja: Across the country you’re either loved or hated, and you probably know that very well. But it seems that the citizens of Maricopa County have a pretty high approval rating of at least the results you’re getting. How does that mesh with the national narrative?

Arpaio: Well I, let me say I’m well known across the country. There’s rumors I may run for governor. I’ll make that decision–two weeks. If I do run, I’ll have to leave the office. I don’t wanna leave the office. I have some sensitive investigations going on including the birth certificate.

Pareja: And that’s one that’s come up.

Arpaio: I’m not done with that yet. People think I surrendered. No. It’s really interesting. No politician, nobody will touch it. The media’s a blackout. I can’t believe this. And I have the evidence. So I’m trying to find out who’s behind it now. That’s the key. You can always have a crime to investigate, but I think you would like to know who did it.

Pareja: And why. So for those in the audience who don’t know exactly what the birth certificate investigation is all about, can you give them a sentence or two?

Arpaio: About 200 Tea Party people came to me and said, Sheriff, you’re the elected sheriff. You’re our last resort. Nobody has touched this. I had to make a decision. These are my constituents. They ask me to do something–I’m gonna do it. I could have thrown it in the wastebasket. I decided to use my posse, free posse, cold case posse so it doesn’t cost taxpayers. So we worked it, and worked it, and worked it.

Pareja: And the birth certificate you’re looking for would be that of the current president.

Arpaio: [Speaking with emphasis] No, I’m not looking at whether he’s here illegally or not. I am looking at a forged, fraudulent document in Hawaii by the government. If you did it, you’d be in jail tomorrow. Nobody wants to touch it. Nobody. But I’m still trying to find out who is behind it.

Pareja: Well, their Photoshop skills are poor because the stuff moves around [laughs] on it.

Arpaio: Isn’t it interesting that nobody cares? Yeah, a fraudulent document. You can’t have fraudulent documents. Come on! It’s a felony. I’m locking up people every day with fake documents, that are here illegally.

Pareja: Right, and so but there’s still a case that’s still in the works?

Arpaio: It’s still in the works. Don’t be fooled that it’s over.

Watch the video:


About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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114 Responses to Sheriff Joe confirms birther investigation ongoing

  1. gorefan says:

    Sheriff joe also gave a speech.

    “I’m going after a forged government fraudulent document, that’s all. And I’m still working it, getting a little closer because I got an idea whose behind it but that’s another big issue. I want enough proof so when I go public they don’t run me out of town. They tried that first press conference I had”

  2. john says:

    I guess Frank Arduini and RC just got egg on their face.

  3. Bonsall Obot says:

    Gotta give Shurf Joke some credit: he’s playing his rubes like a fiddle.

    By setting up the narrative that the State of Hawai’i is responsible for the “forgery,” AND that the State of Hawai’i is responsible for the “cover-up,” he’ll be able to throw up his hands and say “welp, we done proved it, but it’s up to the corrupt feds to prosecute, and they hate freedom. Also, no refunds.”

    Mark my words; that’s his end-game, but not until the rubes stop hitting the PayPal button.

  4. CarlOrcas says:

    Notice there’s not a word about the so-called second investigation, the one supposedly turned over to paid deputies. Hmm.

    If I understand him he is now saying Hawaii…the State of Hawaii….forged President Obama’s birth certificate. I don’t recall him or Zullo ever saying anything quite like this. Did I miss it?

    How (never mind why) a state would forge its own official documents is beyond me.

    I’m sure Zullo will fill in the details shortly.

  5. gorefan says:

    CarlOrcas: Notice there’s not a word about the so-called second investigation, the one supposedly turned over to paid deputies. Hmm.

    I think when he says “[s]o I’m trying to find out who’s behind it now. That’s the key.” he is referring to the deputies investigation. Zullo said earlier that the deputies are the guys who go find the “bad guys” and you can’t hide from them.

    When I first listened to the interview I also thought he was talking about the Hawaii State government being the forger which makes sense. but now I think he might be referring to someone in the Federal government.

  6. Curious George says:

    Same old same old with a few revisions.

    The “wastebasket” is always part of his spiel. He can’t quite keep the number of Tea Party people who approached him straight. Sometimes it’s 250, now it’s about 200. According to past WND articles he was approached by 5 Tea Party people who had a petition. Facts seem to be fluid with Sheriff Joe.

    He does make one interesting comment. He said: “I am looking at a forged, fraudulent document in Hawaii by the government.” So now the government of Hawaii is alleged to have forged the document? Good luck with this one.

    Maybe this guy really should run for governor.

  7. john says:

    Zullo has said that the State of Hawaii is “Up to their eyeballs in this thing.” You also have to consider the recent death of Loretta Fuddy which appears to be highly highly suspcious

  8. gorefan says:

    Update today on gallups show:

    “SHERIFF JOE ARPAIO or either MIKE ZULLO will be on Freedom Friday today with the LATEST info and update on the investigation and upcoming conferences. There will be some BREAKING info today – TUNE IN! ”

  9. Lupin says:

    Arpaio is a felon who should be behind bars and might well end up there eventually.

  10. john says:

    Has Arpiao breathed some new life in the birth certificate investigation?

  11. john says:

    If the State of Hawaii is involved, Arpaio and the birthers need to continue to focus on on Loretta Fuddy’s death. They need to track down the brother of Fuddy and see if he will cooperate.

  12. CarlOrcas says:

    gorefan: I think when he says “[s]o I’m trying to find out who’s behind it now. That’s the key.” he is referring to the deputies investigation. Zullo said earlier that the deputies are the guys who go find the “bad guys” and you can’t hide from them.

    I don’t know…….he’s said several times that paid deputies aren’t being used. And, of course, neither he or Zullo has ever explained what the “second investigation” is…..well, investigating.

    gorefan: When I first listened to the interview I also thought he was talking about the Hawaii State government being the forger which makes sense. but now I think he might be referring to someone in the Federal government.

    Hmm. Here’s what he said: I am looking at a forged, fraudulent document in Hawaii by the government. Given the ponderous syntax it’s kind of hard to figure out what he is talking about.

    And why would he say “the government” if meant someone working for the government? This is making my brain hurt.

  13. CarlOrcas says:

    Update today on gallups show:

    “SHERIFF JOE ARPAIO or either MIKE ZULLO will be on Freedom Friday today with the LATEST info and update on the investigation and upcoming conferences. There will be some BREAKING info today – TUNE IN! ”

    Sounds universe shattering to me.

  14. gorefan says:

    CarlOrcas: Sounds universe shattering to me.

    I’m expecting a repeat of Arpaio’s statements to Chris Paraja. Just enough red meat to increase donations.

    I wonder if Gallups is mad that Arpaio didn’t do the interview with him before Paraja.

  15. CarlOrcas says:

    gorefan: I wonder if Gallups is mad that Arpaio didn’t do the interview with him before Paraja.

    As the Minister of Information for Birtherstan I’m sure he is not pleased.

    I’d like to know how Arpaio ended up on Paraja’s program. I know he was in San Francisco for some stunt but Mountain View is a bit of a drive and the cable show probably isn’t seen in the city.

  16. bgansel9 says:

    I wonder why every time I contact the MCSO and ask if there is an investigation into Obama’s birth certificate, they deny it? Sheriff Arpaio apparently seems to be wanting to hide this from the good citizens of Maricopa County.

  17. The European says:

    Arpaio is a felon who should be behind bars and might well end up there eventually.

    I was tared and feathered on another – to many here well known – forum a long time ago when I declared it a crazy politic to keep people of Arpaio’s age on public offices. “They have so much valuable experience.” My ass.

  18. CarlOrcas says:

    The European: I was tared and feathered on another– to many here well known – forum a long time ago when I declared it a crazy politic to keep people of Arpaio’s age on public offices. “They have so much valuable experience.” My ass.

    Age isn’t Arpaio’s problem. It’s unbridled arrogance. He was just as outrageous 21 years ago when he was first elected.

    And the stories about him when he worked for the DEA might lead one to believe that he has actually mellowed in his old age.

  19. Majority Will says:

    If the State of Hawaii is involved, Arpaio and the birthers need to continue to focus on on Loretta Fuddy’s death.They need to track down the brother of Fuddy and see if he will cooperate.

    That’s truly despicable.

  20. Bonsall Obot says:

    Age affects everyone differently; I heard an interview with Mel Brooks (age 87) recently, and was amazed at how sharp he is, whereas Ronald Reagan was showing clear signs of senility just a few years into his presidency, barely past 70.

    If I were an Arizona voter, Arpaio’s incompetence and perfidy aside, I’d be more concerned about his obesity and the Map of Ireland on his face than I would be of any incipient senility; he’s a coronary waiting to happen.

  21. One wouldn’t want a doctor who didn’t know the latest information in his field. Why would one want a sheriff who brags that he knows nothing about computers?

    The European: I was tared and feathered on another – to many here well known – forum a long time ago when I declared it a crazy politic to keep people of Arpaio’s age on public offices. “They have so much valuable experience.” My ass.

  22. Bonsall Obot says:

    Has Arpiao breathed some new life in the birth certificate investigation?

    No. That’s really stupid.

    Arpaio and the birthers need to continue to harass the family of a public servant who died in the line of duty so I can continue to masturbate over my racist fantasies.

    Fixed that for you, you vile little sack of shit.

  23. CarlOrcas says:

    If the State of Hawaii is involved, Arpaio and the birthers need to continue to focus on on Loretta Fuddy’s death.They need to track down the brother of Fuddy and see if he will cooperate.

    Setting aside the crassness of your suggestion please explain just how an Arizona sheriff manages to conjure up the authority to investigate what you think is a murder that occurred in Hawaii?

    How does that work, john?

  24. CarlOrcas says:

    Has Arpiao breathed some new life in the birth certificate investigation?

    No. Next question?

  25. CarlOrcas says:

    Zullo has said that the State of Hawaii is “Up to their eyeballs in this thing.”You also have to consider the recent death of Loretta Fuddy which appears to be highly highly suspcious

    No one has to consider anything, john, until they see some evidence. So far all anyone has from Arpaio, Zullo…..and you… hot air.

  26. Punchmaster via mobile says:

    Shurfjoe has speaking like a politician down pat. Responding to a simple question, with an answer that neither confirms nor denies what the question was about.

  27. Bonsall Obot says:

    Zullo has said that the State of Hawaii is “Up to their eyeballs in this thing.”You also have to consider the recent death of Loretta Fuddy which appears to be highly highly suspcious

    Appears to whom to be “suspicious?”

    Only to those inclined to believe anything and everything (even contradictory and mutually exclusive anythings, simultaneously,) which might reflect badly on The President, even if only in their racist dreams.

    Certainly not to the authorities, meaning the coroner and law enforcement, who found nothing “suspicious” about the death of a dedicated public servant in the line of duty.

    You are a horrible person for trying to exploit another’s tragedy to feed your racist fantasies.

  28. Bob says:

    If Arpaio came out and said “I believe Obama presented a forged document as his birth certificate” the headline would be:

    Sheriff Arpaio Falls Prey To Weird Internet Conspiracy Theory

  29. Thinker says:

    I guess this interview is an indication that the CCP has decided to deal with their Xerox problem by pretending they’ve already addressed it. The crusty old Sheriff leaps right over the problem and jumps right into the ‘whodunnit’ part of the investigation, alleging that he has proved the BC is a forgery.

    It is of no concern to them because they have decided to ignore it.

  30. The European says:

    John, here is nobody who loves you. On BR they shunned you. So why don’t you just stay in your mother’s basement and give it to yourself ?

  31. CCB says:

    It always seemed to me that Arpaio’s interest in the birth certificate investigation was prompted by the feds investigating him. In other words, Arpaio isn’t really interested in it but it may be politically useful.

    This interview was made on May 10th, and the real news was that Arpaio was considering running for governor. He has been reported to be considering running for governor five times before and has always decided against doing so. Of course, he gains publicity from these reports. I haven’t looked at the reports of the previous decisions not to run but I would guess that among the reasons for not running would be his duty to the citizens of Maricopa County to oversee “ongoing”, “sensitive investigations”. And, of course, in recognition of his willingness to forego personal ambition for his duty, it is obvious that the citizens of Maricopa County should re-elect him sheriff.

    Please note that Arpaio decided not to run (again) yesterday.

    Dressing the jailed in pink costumes, housing them in tents and enforcing federal immigration laws are convenient ways of gathering publicity and votes. The alternative would be to actually enforce the laws of the state of Arizona but that would require skills that politicians like Arpaio lack. The report of the feds investigation showed how poorly MCSO does its real job.

    Expecting Arpaio or any of this people to come up with evidence is like expecting George W. Bush to provide evidence of Iraqi WMD’s or Lyndon Johnson to show the dominos actually fell.

    If I am right, then Arpaio isn’t in this for the money. He’s just a sad old man trying to keep his job.

  32. CarlOrcas says:

    CCB: If I am right, then Arpaio isn’t in this for the money. He’s just a sad old man trying to keep his job.

    It’s possible but don’t forget the money sitting in his campaign operation. It was over $3.5 million the last time I noticed.

    If he decides not to run for sheriff again it is my recollection that he can convert that money to his personal use.

    Arizona politics!!

  33. J.D. Sue says:

    john: Arpaio and the birthers need to continue to focus on on Loretta Fuddy’s death. They need to track down the brother of Fuddy and see if he will cooperate.


    As far as I know, Ms. Fuddy’s brother was not present when the plane went down. Thus, he was not even a witness to the incident.

    Arpaio has no authority to “track down” and bother her grieving brother. Neither do you and the rest of the birthers. You should be ashamed of yourselves.

  34. The Magic M (not logged in) says:

    J.D. Sue: As far as I know, Ms. Fuddy’s brother was not present when the plane went down. Thus, he was not even a witness to the incident.

    I think john means something along the lines of “he’s got standing to get the real full real long form autopsy report” or something – similar to the attempts to get the Sunahara BC.

  35. J.D. Sue says:

    CCB: It always seemed to me that Arpaio’s interest in the birth certificate investigation was prompted by the feds investigating him. In other words, Arpaio isn’t really interested in it but it may be politically useful….


    Expecting Arpaio or any of this people to come up with evidence is like expecting George W. Bush to provide evidence of Iraqi WMD’s or Lyndon Johnson to show the dominos actually fell.

    If I am right, then Arpaio isn’t in this for the money. He’s just a sad old man trying to keep his job.

    I think you are right that it is political, and largely in response to his problems with the Justice Dept. and the Courts. The Court recently had to admonish him for publicly mocking the civil rights issues and the Court’s order which he is supposed to be complying with–not mocking.

    The birther issue is useful to him and, unlike the REAL issues, he can talk about it. It allows him to challenge the legitimate authority of the Obama Administration, and implicitly challenge all the Courts that see otherwise.

    And with all of the accusations from Orly et al.–that Arpaio has been taking birther money for doing nothing–it is likewise useful.

    But I will never see him as a sad old man trying to keep his job, Daily, he continues to inhumanely abuse people in his charge. That is how I will always see him.

  36. J.D. Sue says:

    The Magic M (not logged in): I think john means something along the lines of “he’s got standing to get the real full real long form autopsy report” or something – similar to the attempts to get the Sunahara BC.

    Ah, thanks for clarifying. So, because privacy laws forbid him to get the autopsy report, he wants to violate her brother’s privacy.

  37. Jim says:

    Update today on gallups show:

    Sent a message to Matt Hendley of the Phoenix New Times. Maybe he’ll get some press coverage that he craves. 😀

  38. Arrogantlyignorant says:

    I just saw this on the PPSimmons Facebook page. Oh joy 😉

    “SHERIFF JOE ARPAIO or either MIKE ZULLO will be on Freedom Friday today with the LATEST info and update on the investigation and upcoming conferences. There will be some BREAKING info today – TUNE IN! “

  39. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    I just saw this on the PPSimmons Facebook page. Oh joy

    “SHERIFF JOE ARPAIO or either MIKE ZULLO will be on Freedom Friday today with the LATEST info and update on the investigation and upcoming conferences. There will be some BREAKING info today – TUNE IN! ”

    Breaking to Gallups means he’ll make an announcement that there will be an announcement where they’ll announce that someday they’ll make an announcement.

  40. J.D. Reed says:

    J.D. Sue: —–As far as I know, Ms. Fuddy’s brother was not present when the plane went down. Thus, he was not even a witness to the incident. Arpaio has no authority to “track down” and bother her grieving brother. Neither do you and the rest of the birthers. You should be ashamed of yourselves.

    Sorry, J.D. Sue: Birthers like John have no shame as they’ve amply demonstrated over the years.

  41. Arrogantlyignorant says:

    Dr. Kenneth Noisewater: Breaking to Gallups means he’ll make an announcement that there will be an announcement where they’ll announce that someday they’ll make an announcement.

    Cool, I’ll be listening for the announcement about the forthcoming announcement. Surprising that they waited until after Operation American Spring. They could’ve gotten maybe 1 or 2 more attendees 😀

  42. RanTalbott says:

    john: Zullo has said that the State of Hawaii is “Up to their eyeballs in this thing.”

    Zullo has also said:
    1. That “African” wasn’t an acceptable racial designator in 1961.
    2. That Hawaii was coding birth certificates for the feds in 1961.
    3. That he had the codebook they used.
    4. That the code whose instructions said it was for “Race of parents only” applied to the occupation of the father.
    5. That the layering of the BC image could only have been produced by deliberate human action.
    6. That the paper copy Obama showed the press was printed from the PDF.

    At this point, if Zullo said the Sun was going to rise in the east tomorrow, we should demand a second opinion.

  43. RanTalbott says:

    Arrogantlyignorant: SHERIFF JOE ARPAIO or either MIKE ZULLO will be on Freedom Friday today

    OMG! He’s confirming that there are two Mike Zullos!

    Nancy was right!

  44. RanTalbott says:

    J.D. Sue: As far as I know, Ms. Fuddy’s brother was not present when the plane went down. Thus, he was not even a witness to the incident.

    Ah, but can you prove that?

    I think john is saying they need to use questions about Fuddy as a ruse, so they can check his closet for a black wetsuit and an air tank with a pattern that looks like the sole of a running shoe painted on it.

  45. BillTheCat says:

    Haha, Arpiehole speaks, which naturally gives John a thrill up his leg. Ooooo, you can just feel the excitement! Any day now, this time, really actually!

  46. Hmmm. I wonder if this why a certain person asked me for my fax number?

    Arrogantlyignorant: “SHERIFF JOE ARPAIO or either MIKE ZULLO will be on Freedom Friday today with the LATEST info and update on the investigation and upcoming conferences. There will be some BREAKING info today – TUNE IN! ”

  47. jayHG says:

    Zullo has said that the State of Hawaii is “Up to their eyeballs in this thing.”You also have to consider the recent death of Loretta Fuddy which appears to be highly highly suspcious

    Yes! butterdezillion says there was a frog man waiting for Fuddy in the ocean when the plane went down…..*eyes darting from side to side…scary feeling in the pit of my stomach* /super industrial strength snark

  48. Thinker says:

    There’s a new Daily Kos diary about Brian Reilly’s defection. It doesn’t have any new information, but Doc gets a shout-out.

  49. It dawned on me today that I should apply for a spot on the Cold Case Posse as their expert on Xerox WorkCentres. They obviously could use the expertise in that area since the Xerox evidence has been out there almost a year and they haven’t touched it. But in reality I only want the free gasoline.

  50. jayHG says:

    The European:
    John, here is nobody who loves you. On BR they shunned you. So why don’tyou just stay in your mother’s basement and give it to yourself ?

    They don’t like John at BR…why? I tought they’d LOVE him….he’s an idiot birther who hates that President. What’s not to love about that if you’re….say…wackadoodle falcon?

  51. People really still use FAX machines?

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    Hmmm. I wonder if this why a certain person asked me for my fax number?

  52. CarlOrcas says:

    I just saw this on the PPSimmons Facebook page. Oh joy

    “SHERIFF JOE ARPAIO or either MIKE ZULLO will be on Freedom Friday today with the LATEST info and update on the investigation and upcoming conferences. There will be some BREAKING info today – TUNE IN! ”

    Anyone taking bets on who actually shows up on the show?

    1 – Zullo alone
    2 – Arpaio alone
    3 – Zullo and Arpaio together
    4 – None of the above

    It’s an hour from show time! Get your bets in now.

    I put my quarter on #4.

  53. Yes, they do. My fax number, which I haven’t used in a decade, is with eFax.

    I actually have a fax machine (as part of a multifunction device) but it’s not plugged into the phone line.

    Reality Check: People really still use FAX machines?

  54. Jim says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    I actually have a fax machine (as part of a multifunction device) but it’s not plugged into the phone line.

    Me too. JIC, you never know when you might need one.

  55. Actually, I do too and neither is mine plugged in. I have used it 3 or 4 times in the the last few years when I had to fax something. It is a really terrific Brother multifunction machine I want to own a Xerox WorkCentre but they are a bit pricey for my budget.

    Dr. Conspiracy: I actually have a fax machine (as part of a multifunction device) but it’s not plugged into the phone line.

  56. CarlOrcas says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    Yes, they do. My fax number, which I haven’t used in a decade, is with eFax.

    I actually have a fax machine (as part of a multifunction device) but it’s not plugged into the phone line.

    Mine hasn’t been plugged into a phone line since we moved four years ago.

  57. CarlOrcas says:

    Birther Report Update:

    Take a look at the fast growing thread on today’s program. There are a lot of overexcited folks on their computers:

    I think it’s gonna be a long, ugly holiday weekend in Birtherstan

  58. ArthurWankspittle says:

    Can’t remember where I saw it but someone pointed out in an article somewhere that Sheriff Joe probably has more protection and bucks against law suits if he stays sheriff than if he resigns to run for Governor.
    I also think that this is just deflection from the problems he has with federal investigations, judges etc. and is window dressing for the suckers.

  59. Jim says:

    I think it’s gonna be a long, ugly holiday weekend in Birtherstan

    This is it! This is it! It’s time for the release of the UNIVERSE-SHATTERING EVIDENCE! If they don’t do it now, they never will! Call IN! Tell Zullo it’s time to quit hiding behind his total lack of evidence! DO NOT ACCEPT HYPE!!! IT IS TIME!!!

  60. The European says:

    It is 23:00 hours in my time zone now. I will soon go upstairs. Will the world have gone crazy tomorrow morning ? Will Putin be POTUS ? Or Orly ?

  61. J.D. Sue says:

    ArthurWankspittle: Sheriff Joe probably has more protection and bucks against law suits if he stays sheriff than if he resigns to run for Governor.

    I don’t know whether he would technically lose protection/bucks. But it’s always helpful to stay the boss and call the shots, rather than sit at home wondering whether the new guy/gal might feed/sacrifice him to the wolves so they can move on with the new boss in town.

  62. The European says:

    From BR:

    · less than 1 minute ago
    I’m able to watch Ustream and listen on weby.



    The first interview isn’t about Obama. We will probably have Zullo call in with an update.
    The best that we can expect is a set date for the next press conference. I doubt that they
    will leak any info before the press conference.

    I guess I can sleep calm …

  63. CarlOrcas says:

    The European:
    From BR:

    · less than 1 minute ago
    I’m able to watch Ustream and listen on weby.



    The first interview isn’t about Obama. We will probably have Zullo call in with an update.
    The best that we can expect is a set date for the next press conference. I doubt that they
    will leak any info before the press conference.

    I guess I can sleep calm …

    No Arpaio. There’s a surprise.

    I up my bet to 50-cents that all they’ll hear from Zullo is……..”any day now”.

  64. CarlOrcas says:

    J.D. Sue: —-
    I don’t know whether he would technically lose protection/bucks.But it’s always helpful to stay the boss and call the shots, rather than sit at home wondering whether the new guy/gal might feed/sacrifice him to the wolves so they can move on with the new boss in town.

    Maricopa County has a good deal of experience handling the legal affairs of former, disgraced officials.

    They spent a lot of money taking care of former County Attorney Andy Thomas and his assistant with job related matters but cut them lose when it came to defending themselves before the state bar.

    Arpaio likes being sheriff. Even if he were to win a race for governor he wouldn’t have that nifty uniform with the four stars on the collar.

  65. J.D. Sue says:

    CarlOrcas: Maricopa County has a good deal of experience handling the legal affairs of former, disgraced officials.

    They spent a lot of money taking care of former County Attorney Andy Thomas and his assistant with job related matters but cut them lose when it came to defending themselves before the state bar.

    Arpaio likes being sheriff. Even if he were to win a race for governor he wouldn’t have that nifty uniform with the four stars on the collar.

    Interesting. From where I sit, he looks/sounds like a wild-west good ole boy rootin’ tootin’ Sheriff from some old Western flick. I think he likes that image, which is hard to maintain as Governor.

    Plus, I don’t know about Arizona, but in Illinois, being a Governor is considered an extremely risky job. Here, we warn mothers not to let their children grow up to be Governor because it is the job with the highest rate of incarceration.

  66. Arrogantlyignorant says:


    Astounding how Lyin Carl and Weaselboy can talk and talk but never actually say anything.
    Funny how they dismiss the Xerox workflow without ever addressing the evidence.
    Seems like I heard this same show a year ago.

  67. The European says:

    Is Falcon man enough to commit Seppuku tonight ? He could use his 45’Colts …..

  68. RanTalbott says:

    CarlOrcas: I up my bet to 50-cents that all they’ll hear from Zullo is……..”any day now”.

    Looks like you lost that one: Jefe de Orowheat Zullo wouldn’t even commit to “months, not years”.

    Interesting to note that he’s back to calling the PDF “the document”.

    I loved his attempt to discredit the Xerox evidence by saying he’d gotten a copy of an NSA document that tells people how to erase metadata by using Xerox machines. The rubes are going to eat that one up, without getting a clue that it’s completely irrelevant.

  69. The European says:

    The European:
    Is Falcon man enough to commit Seppuku tonight ? He could use his 45’Colts …..

    ★FALCON★ 138p · 4 minutes ago
    Here’s my take – thanks to Jim Youngblood for running your mouth so often and RC for the continued stalking.

    They know who you are RC (and so do others). Your little dive into “blowing away” the halo effect landed your ass on the hot seat.

    Congrats, dick, you. earned. it.

    Looks like they are granted Youngblood’s wish – it will be dealt with.

    No, he is not man enough.

    Poor John / Jim. No love in this world …..

  70. ArthurWankspittle says:

    The European:
    Is Falcon man enough to commit Seppuku tonight ? He could use his 45’Colts …..

    Of course not. He’s not known as chickenshit on the rest of the internet for nothing,
    However, it is a theory I have long considered. How can people like chickenshit still put up with living every day in the America that they so hate?

  71. Because he is just a character in an MMORPG.

    ArthurWankspittle: How can people like [Falcon] still put up with living every day in the America that they so hate?

  72. RanTalbott says:

    The European:
    Is Falcon man enough to commit Seppuku tonight ? He could use his 45’Colts …..

    I doubt it (But, then, I also doubt that I am, unless confronted with an alternative that was even worse: it’s a damned nasty way to die, if you don’t have a second).

    And he couldn’t use his .45s for it: there are rules.

    It is kinda funny, though, in a Wile E. Coyote schadenfreude way, to imagine him trying to perform the hara kiri with the sight of his Colt. Hence the saying: never bring a gun for a knife slice…

  73. CarlOrcas says:

    J.D. Sue: —–
    Interesting.From where I sit, he looks/sounds like a wild-west good ole boy rootin’ tootin’ Sheriff from some old Western flick.I think he likes that image, which is hard to maintain as Governor.

    Plus, I don’t know about Arizona, but in Illinois, being a Governor is considered an extremely risky job.Here, we warn mothers not to let their children grow up to be Governor because it is the job with the highest rate of incarceration.

    Arizona politics is (and has been) full of bigger than life characters going back to statehood.

    Evan Mecham made Arpaio look downright rational. He was a car dealer (yes, car dealer) who was elected in the late 80’s and served barely a year before he was impeached and removed from office.

    J.D. Sue: Plus, I don’t know about Arizona, but in Illinois, being a Governor is considered an extremely risky job. Here, we warn mothers not to let their children grow up to be Governor because it is the job with the highest rate of incarceration.

    Off the top of my head I can think of one that ran seriously afoul of the law in recent years: Fife Symington was convicted of extortion, had it overturned and, eventually, got a Presidential pardon. None in prison…..that I can think of. Illinois’ record is safe.

  74. RanTalbott says:

    ArthurWankspittle: How can people like chickenshit still put up with living every day in the America that they so hate?

    My theory is that most of the worst of them don’t “put up with” it: hence their constant anger and frequent rage.

    And that the reason they stay (also a root of their anger) is that they feel powerless to leave. Not without reason: you can tell that they usually lack the education and/or skills to get into any country advanced enough to have actual border guards and immigration policies.

    So they’re stuck in a place where they believe they’re entitled to prosper and are, at best, just getting by (by U.S. standards). And they’re looking for someone to blame for that.

  75. Northland10 says:

    J.D. Sue: Plus, I don’t know about Arizona, but in Illinois, being a Governor is considered an extremely risky job. Here, we warn mothers not to let their children grow up to be Governor because it is the job with the highest rate of incarceration.

    In this state, our governors make the license plates.

  76. J.D. Sue says:

    Northland10: In this state, our governors make the license plates.

    True that.

  77. Arrogantlyignorant says:

    What Lyin Carl and Weaselboy said before doesn’t line up with what Arpaio said.
    They stated previously that they were “way beyond the birth certificate”.
    The birth certificate and “who did it” are the only things that Arpaio talked about.

  78. RanTalbott says:

    Arrogantlyignorant: They stated previously that they were “way beyond the birth certificate”.

    The way they were talking today, I think they meant that they believed they had proven the “that”, and are now working on the “who” and the “why”.

    Of course, they’ve already demonstrated that their notion of “proven” is as bad as the avreage birfer’s, so that doesn’t mean much.

    The big unanswered question still seems to be whether Arpaio is in on the scam, or really believes that what Zullo has is “evidence”. The quote of his statement about Twitter suggests that “ignoramus” and “crook” are still competing fiercely as possible explanations.

  79. RanTalbott says:

    CarlOrcas: I don’t recall him or Zullo ever saying anything quite like this. Did I miss it?

    I’m pretty sure you didn’t.

    But there’s a hilarious moment from a few years ago, when BR uploaded a video to youtube on 18MAY11 where Corsi said Hawaii forged it:

    Then, two days later, they uploaded another one in which Corsi teased an upcoming announcement by claiming he would reveal details on a “Media Person” who helped forge it:

    Who may or may not be the same person mentioned, but not identified, in the interview Zullo gave to a supermarket tabloid.

    The fact that they kept the investimagination going after HDOH verified means that they must accuse Hawaii explicitly at some point. And some else pointed out in the last day or so that that may be their exit strategy: Hawaii did it, but we can’t touch ’em. You’ll have to get the feds to handle it. Sorry, no refunds of your donations.

  80. The Magic M (not logged in) says:

    RanTalbott: in which Corsi teased an upcoming announcement by claiming he would reveal details on a “Media Person” who helped forge it

    How many years ago did WND reveal “forger Mike” now? Another thing that’s fallen down the collective memory hole in Birtherstan.

  81. The Magic M (not logged in) says:

    ArthurWankspittle: How can people like chickenshit still put up with living every day in the America that they so hate?

    Never leaving their basement might be a way to do it.

  82. Keith says:

    I just saw this on the PPSimmons Facebook page. Oh joy

    “SHERIFF JOE ARPAIO or either MIKE ZULLO will be on Freedom Friday today with the LATEST info and update on the investigation and upcoming conferences. There will be some BREAKING info today – TUNE IN! ”

    Breaking News: Bob Dylan is 70 years old today.

    Breaking breaking news: Bob Dylan is touring Australia and New Zealand in August and September.

  83. Keith says:

    Jim: Me too.JIC, you never know when you might need one.

    Me three.

    I’ve sent a few faxes in the last year, but have never received one. Doesn’t work well with my phone answering machine; you need to make an appointment with me to hook up the fax.

  84. Keith says:

    CarlOrcas: Off the top of my head I can think of one that ran seriously afoul of the law in recent years: Fife Symington was convicted of extortion, had it overturned and, eventually, got a Presidential pardon. None in prison…..that I can think of. Illinois’ record is safe.

    And when they get a half way decent Governor in Arizona, the feds tap them on the shoulder and some lame-ass replaces them.

    Raul Castro was pulled out of the Governors office to serve as Ambassador to Argentina during the ‘dirty war’ (Castro is now in his mid 90’s – SOME NEEDS TO WRITE A BOOK ABOUT HIM IMMEDIATLY!!!). Castro was succeeded by Wes Bolin who died after 5 months on the job and Bruce Babbitt replaced him. A couple of terms later Babbitt chose not to run for the Senate against John McCain and was tapped by Carter for Secretary of the Interior; Ev Mecham succeeded Babbitt. And of course Janet Napolitano, a pretty good Governor what ever you think of her term as head of Homeland Security, was replaced by Jan Brewer.

    Arizona seems to have a lot of very, very bad Governors, a few rather ordinary ones, and a couple of outstanding ones. When they are bad they are very, very bad, when they are good, they are very very good and get singled out very quickly for for Federal Office. There is really very little in between. Weird.

  85. donna says:

    Managing Expectations About
    The Cold Case Posse Investigation

    I was, like many, disappointed in the interview with Mike Zullo of the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Cold Case Posse (CCP) conducted by Carl Gallups on his May 23, 2014 Freedom Friday program.

    Based on the announcement preceding the program, I had expected significant new information to be released. There was nothing new, only a confirmation that they are “honing in on” the alleged forgers of the birth certificate and that the new evidence may not be released for months.

    Given what I have heard and read up until now, I had assumed that their “universe shattering” evidence was a potential game-changer.


    The evidence will have little impact unless it has “legs” beyond the Freedom Friday program. That is a major challenge because the politicians and the media, even conservatives, are vehemently opposed to accepting, never mind presenting the birther argument. As Sheriff Joe indicated in his interview with Fox News’ Neil Cavuto, no one seems to be interested.

  86. CarlOrcas says:

    donna: Managing Expectations About
    The Cold Case Posse Investigation

    Are you the “Donna” on Birther Report who just posted a message about Obama’s mother being on television news between 1959 and 1961 and that was the beginning of the “PLOT”?

    If so….what is that about?

  87. donna says:


    no, i’m not THAT “donna”

  88. donna says:


    U.S. President Obama Receives Memento of Mother’s Work with ADB

    (Information contained on this page is provided by an independent third-party content provider. WorldNow and this Station make no warranties or representations in connection therewith. If you have any questions or comments about this page please contact

  89. CarlOrcas says:


    no, i’m not THAT “donna”

    Whew!! I didn’t think so but I had to ask.

  90. Curious George says:

    Another dud. Now we’re at any month now. This is so pathetic. Interesting discussion above about “weaselboy.”

    Hmmm…..WildlyExaggeratedAsinineSillyEgotisticalLies–BigOld Yawn.


  91. CarlOrcas says:

    Curious George:
    Another dud.Now we’re at any month now.This is so pathetic.Interesting discussion above about “weaselboy.”

    Hmmm…..WildlyExaggeratedAsinineSillyEgotisticalLies–BigOld Yawn.


    Birthers have to be the most gullible people in the world.

    We’re going on three years…..three years……since the Cold Case Posse saddled up and so far what do we have? Nothing. Nothing but hot air and empty promises. Amazing!!

  92. Bonsall Obot says:


    And some else pointed out in the last day or so that that may be their exit strategy: Hawaii did it, but we can’t touch ‘em. You’ll have to get the feds to handle it. Sorry, no refunds of your donations.

    That was me, at the top of this thread, and it really looks like that’s what they’re trying to set up as the narrative. It’s all they’ve got left to dispose of the issue in a way that makes them look like they actually did something.

    Of course, it’s absurd; the State of Hawai’i can no more forge a Hawai’ian birth certificate than Picasso can forge a Picasso, or than the U.S. Mint can counterfeit a dollar bill. If it comes from the official source, and the official source verifies it, it’s genuine, end of discussion.

  93. Curious George says:

    “Birthers have to be the most gullible people in the world.”

    It’s really sad that they are so easily misled. Arpaio has racked up millions of dollars in lawsuits, but he’s great! Zullo won’t give an accounting of the donations and how they were used, and he’s great! Zullo’s office apparently is a mail drop box so he can’t be found. Zullo and Arpaio are said to have “universe shattering” evidence, yet it’s not strong enough to release to the public or a local prosecutor or to the FBI, and then he has the gall to tell his lemmings that the investigation of the birth certificate is over and they are trying to determine who the culprits are and just be patient. At some point one has to assume these people are not only gullible, but they have some serious mental deficiencies. Why would anyone follow this pretend cop, over the birther cliff into absurdity?

  94. CarlOrcas says:

    Curious George: At some point one has to assume these people are not only gullible, but they have some serious mental deficiencies. Why would anyone follow this pretend cop, over the birther cliff into absurdity?

    Doc needs to recruit a shrink to explain these things to us.

  95. RanTalbott says:

    CarlOrcas: We’re going on three years…..three years……since the Cold Case Posse saddled up and so far what do we have? Nothing.

    True, but things are different in Birtherstan.

    What they have is “irrefutable proof”, from a “law enforcement organization”, that’s being “suppressed by the complicit media”, “ignored by the corrupt courts”, and “scaring the (bleep) out of the Obots”.

    Unfortunately, the modern ability to live almost completely inside a bubble, information-wise, means that a lot of them will continue to have that, possibly quite literally until they die.

    One of the mixed blessings of living in a modern, relatively prosperous society, with lots of safety nets, is that it’s a lot easier to believe a lot of ridiculous things without fatal consequences. If you’re in a primitive society, and think that everything that comes your way that looks edible is safe to eat, you’re almost certain to die young. Here, in the rare cases where someone slacks off on refrigerating shellfish, or keeping the runoff from the neighboring feedlot out of the lettuce field, someone will probably call 911, and get you taken to the hospital and saved. Similarly, there are grown-ups who will make a mostly-successful effort at ensuring you and your kids aren’t killed by poisonous dinner plates, balsa-wood car seats or contaminated food, while ignoring your rants about “unnecessary and oppressive government infringement of my rights”.

    Bottom line: one of the prices of the safety and convenience we enjoy is the preservation of a lot of idiots and loons whom evolutionary pressures would otherwise put out of our misery.

    Or: Ya gotta take the mad with the good 😉

  96. Jim says:

    CarlOrcas: We’re going on three years…..three years……since the Cold Case Posse saddled up and so far what do we have? Nothing. Nothing but hot air and empty promises. Amazing!!

    The case has gone cold…time to remove Zullo and leave it to the real professionals…

    They definitely couldn’t do any worse than Zullo and Company.

  97. CarlOrcas says:

    Jim: The case has gone cold…time to remove Zullo and leave it to the real professionals…

    They definitely couldn’t do any worse than Zullo and Company.

    I’m sure Sheriff Joe can find them a Model T to outfit as their posse car.

  98. RanTalbott says:

    Bonsall Obot: the State of Hawai’i can no more forge a Hawai’ian birth certificate than Picasso can forge a Picasso

    Not true: if there were no original birth record, and the Giant Multi-generational Conspiracy™ created one after the fact, it would be a “forgery”.

    Now, you can argue that your statement is technically true, because it would be “bad guys masquerading as the State of Hawai’i”, not “the State of Hawai’i”, doing the forging.

    But the verifications only make forgery “astronomically unlikely, requiring extraordinary proof”, not “completely and literally impossible”. The failure to produce even a semblance of proof means that sensible people should now treat the claim the same way we do the theoretical possibility that brownian motion will suddenly make all the oxygen in the room collect at the opposite end and suffocate us: as something that might actually happen in the expected long future of the Universe, while calling anyone who wears scuba tanks 24/7 to protect against it a “loon”.

  99. Bonsall Obot says:


    Now, you can argue that your statement is technically true, because it would be “bad guys masquerading as the State of Hawai’i”, not “the State of Hawai’i”, doing the forging.

    I argue that my statement is literally, unequivocally true, without reference to “technicality.” The State of Hawai’i – not someone impersonating the State of Hawai’i – has verified the authenticity of the birth certificate not less than three times.

    If it were printed on a Hostess Twinkie wrapper in orange crayon, it would be an authentic birth certificate, IF it were issued by the State of Hawai’i and they verified it. As the controlling legal authority in the matter, they have the final say.

  100. Lupin says:

    Bonsall Obot: I argue that my statement is literally, unequivocally true, without reference to “technicality.” The State of Hawai’i – not someone impersonating the State of Hawai’i – has verified the authenticity of the birth certificate not less than three times.

    If it were printed on a Hostess Twinkie wrapper in orange crayon, it would be an authentic birth certificate, IF it were issued by the State of Hawai’i and they verified it. As the controlling legal authority in the matter, they have the final say.

    All true.

    In fact what matters is the DATA, not the material support on which it appears.

    If HI officially states/confirms that Obama was born in their State, the conversation stops.

  101. ArthurWankspittle says:

    One further thought I had on Sheriff Joe. Suppose he really personally wants to be governor? But, he is a politically smart animal (light years ahead of any birthers) so he checks out the chances he has. He announces he might run then gets some quiet polling done. Unfortunately for Joe, every time the results come back like: Hick county 67%, Birtherville 95% Burbs County 4% Downtown 1%. So he knows he can’t win and sticks with sheriffing. A few years pass and he tries again thinking things may have changed, but they haven’t changed enough to be even close to electing an old git like him.

  102. Suranis says:

    Unless someone successfully challenges the data in a court of Law in the state of Hawaii. That is an important point as no birther has tried it. The closest we have had is Orly lying that she had discovery in another state and she needed the info for that.

    Personally, I’d almost pay to watch loons trying to explain Birther evidence of layers and other bull in a Hawaiin Courtroom.

    Lupin: All true.

    In fact what matters is the DATA, not the material support on which it appears.

    If HI officially states/confirms that Obama was born in their State, the conversation stops.

  103. CarlOrcas says:

    Unless someone successfully challenges the data in a court of Law in the state of Hawaii. That is an important point as no birther has tried it. The closest we have had is Orly lying that she had discovery in another state and she needed the info for that.

    Personally, I’d almost pay to watch loons trying to explain Birther evidence of layers and other bull in a Hawaiin Courtroom.

    I just had a “duh” moment reading your message.

    The simplest way for the birthers to prove their case would be to challenge the State of Hawaii in court and get them to support their affirmation of Obama’s birth data. (Not sure how they would do that but let’s assume, for the sake of discussion, it’s possible.)

    That they have gone to the ends of the earth to avoid doing that tells the tale, in my opinion: They aren’t concerned about America, or the universe. All they want to do is keep the scam alive as long as possible.


  104. Taitz has tried this many times, unsuccessfully.

    CarlOrcas: The simplest way for the birthers to prove their case would be to challenge the State of Hawaii in court and get them to support their affirmation of Obama’s birth data. (Not sure how they would do that but let’s assume, for the sake of discussion, it’s possible.)

  105. RanTalbott says:

    CarlOrcas: Not sure how they would do that

    They could try by presenting that “probable cause” that Arpaio said “we believe … exists” a couple of years ago, to get a subpoena to subject the original to forensic testing.

    But they wouldn’t succeed, because it only exists in the minds of True Believers. So, no matter how hard they clap, Tinkerbell is not going to sprinkle Impeachment Dust on a judge who’ll give Vogt and Irey a crack at examining the original.

    CarlOrcas: That they have gone to the ends of the earth to avoid doing that tells the tale, in my opinion:

    I’m with Doc on this: they (with exceptions) have tried, repeatedly. Yes, there are some con artists trying to keep their scams going, but most of them appear to genuinely believe in their daffy “evidence”, and have convinced themselves that a Vast Conspiracy is what’s keeping them from succeeding, not the fact that they’re delusional loons.

  106. CarlOrcas says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    Taitz has tried this many times, unsuccessfully.

    I know she’s tried to drag them into several of her cases but I was thinking of something more direct… in a court, in Hawaii. Has she done that?

  107. CarlOrcas says:

    RanTalbott: I’m with Doc on this: they (with exceptions) have tried, repeatedly.

    See my response to Doc.

    I know Taitz and others have tried to get info out of Hawaii for their suits against various folks around the country but it just occurred…..why haven’t they gone to the source?

    The more I think about it I guess they wouldn’t have a legal case that would get them very far there either.

  108. She was in court in Hawaii.

    CarlOrcas: I know she’s tried to drag them into several of her cases but I was thinking of something more direct… in a court, in Hawaii. Has she done that?

  109. CarlOrcas says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    She was in court in Hawaii.

    Thanks for setting me straight!!

  110. Joey says:

    Taitz v Astrue. U.S. District Court, Hawaii: ex parte application to compel discovery regarding Obama’s eligibility in a related case in the District of Columbia; 10/2011.

    Taitz v. Health Director Fuddy (Freedom of Information Act). Hawaii state Circuit Court: appeal of agency refusal to grant access to documents allegedly related to Obama’s eligibility; Dismissed; Rehearing Denied; petition for reciprocal subpoena enforcement, Denied; Ex-Parte Amended Motion for Reconsideration, Denied. 11/2011 & 2/2012

    Taitz v Obama. Hawaii Office of Elections: petition seeking to challenge Obama’s eligibility to be on 2012 ballot and demand for an emergency hearing on this challenge; Petition rejected. 12/2011.

    Taitz v Judge Rhonda A. Nishimura. Hawaii Supreme Court; petition for a Writ of Mandamus to force Circuit Court Judge Nishimura to issue a court order forcing the Hawaii Department of Health to grant access to birth vital records related to Obama’s eligibility. Petition Denied. 1/2012.

  111. CarlOrcas says:

    Taitz v Astrue. U.S. District Court, Hawaii: ex parte application to compel discovery regarding Obama’s eligibility in a related case in the District of Columbia; 10/2011.

    Taitz v. Health Director Fuddy (Freedom of Information Act). Hawaii state Circuit Court: appeal of agency refusal to grant access to documents allegedly related to Obama’s eligibility; Dismissed; Rehearing Denied; petition for reciprocal subpoena enforcement, Denied; Ex-Parte Amended Motion for Reconsideration, Denied. 11/2011 & 2/2012

    Taitz v Obama. Hawaii Office of Elections: petition seeking to challenge Obama’s eligibility to be on 2012 ballot and demand for an emergency hearing on this challenge; Petition rejected. 12/2011.

    Taitz v Judge Rhonda A. Nishimura. Hawaii Supreme Court; petition for a Writ of Mandamus to force Circuit Court Judge Nishimura to issue a court order forcing the Hawaii Department of Health to grant access to birth vital records related to Obama’s eligibility. Petition Denied. 1/2012.

    Thanks. I’ll look around a little next time I get a bright idea on a Sunday morning!!

  112. Joey says:

    CarlOrcas: Thanks. I’ll look around a little next time I get a bright idea on a Sunday morning!!

    That a nice thing about this blog, the community helps each other with information from diverse sources and we all learn new things.

  113. Dave B. says:

    Five words you will NEVER hear from a birther.

    CarlOrcas: Thanks for setting me straight!!

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