Taitz claims victory in California AG vote

Wins Tea Party straw poll in Yuba City

Yuba City sits right at edge of Sutter Buttes in Sutter County.

Wiki Commons

The Sutter Buttes Tea Party Patriots held a straw poll last week (May 19), and Taitz reports she won the Attorney General race. Taitz was invited to appear at the Sutter Buttes Tea Party Patriots “Meet the Candidates” in 2012 when she was running for the Senate—don’t know if she made it, but she had confirmed. Orly Taitz got 3.9% of the Senate Primary vote in Sutter County in 2012.

The Territorial Dispatch (the local newspaper) mentions the “All Candidates Mixer” in its May 14 issue mentions, but the May 21 and May 28 issues don’t mention the result. It only appears on their blog.  The Sutter Buttes Tea Party Web site has some photos of the event.

I did find this cryptic item in the Territorial Dispatch for May 21:


Meanwhile, the Orly Taitz Super PAC is taking credit for Orly’s win in Yuba City. In an article titled: “Stunning success for Orly Taitz Super PAC” they write:

This is HUGE!

Followers of the Orly Taitz Super PAC may remember Pat M’s comment on our Supporter’s Page:

I was real excited at the presentation at the Protect Our Freedoms Foundation workshop in Yuba City. What your doing is very important and I just wish I had more dollars to spare.

Well Pat, thanks to you and many more, we’ve achieved a stunning success in Yuba City. Candidate Taitz on her blog reports the news that:

the Sutter Buttes Tea Party Patriots announced the results of their 2014 Gubernatorial Primary Election Straw Poll. The Straw Poll was conducted using secret ballots submitted by members who attended the “All Candidates Mixer Extravaganza,” Monday, May 19, 2014.

Their choice for California Attorney General?


Fakes and Frauds

Orly is saying that someone created a fake Facebook page for her. She asked that it be removed, and the link Orly supplied doesn’t work now, so maybe Facebook did remove it.

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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10 Responses to Taitz claims victory in California AG vote

  1. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    I do hope Orly is getting her hopes as high as possible. It will make her defeat all the more entertaining to behold.

  2. bgansel9 says:

    Orly didn’t like her image being used, but she is not a private citizen. Her image is Fair Use if used for educational purposes when discussing her campaign(s).

  3. I have changed this article, removing the comment that I had been to Yuba City. While Yuba and Sutter counties were both customers of the company I was working for at the time, I think that the actual town I was thinking of was Marysville, in Yuba County. Marysville is memorable for its address naming convention. The streets are numbered 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc and the cross streets in at least part of town are in alphabetical order: Ahern, Bubb, Chumiskey, Del Pero, Edwards, Foust, Houston.and then the scheme falls apart. They also had a significant Hmong population at the time as I recall.

    I may well have visited Yuba City, but I don’t specifically remember doing so.

  4. Keith (not logged on) says:

    For those who aren’t following the current story line in Alley Oop:

    Doc Wonmug and Oop recently went back to 1800’s Europe to collect some biological specimens. Oop fell off a cliff and his heart stopped. The Doc revived him with the defibrillator he just happened to bring along, and Mary Shelly witnessed it – thus Frankenstein was written about this event.

    Meanwhile, Oola tired of being left alone while Alley goes off on great adventures was bored and decided to go off on an adventure of her own. She ended up falling off a cliff too, but a Pterodactyl came along just in time and she landed on its back. The Pterodactyl let her off in Lem, where King Tuck thinks he could use her as bait to capture Oop and drugs her to keep her docile. Naturally, Oop rescued Oola, Oola’s Pterdactyl rescued them both, and now Oola has a friendly creature too, ‘Pterry’.

    Now Oop is trying to tell Oola about his adventure and how they both fell off a cliff and isn’t that a coincidence?. Oola of course thinks he’s bragging and just trying to make her adventure look tame by comparison. Oop says no, they even wrote a book about him. Oola is still doubting him, when Foozy comes by to return the copy of the book Oop lent him (Foozy can read?!? English?!?).

    Alley Oop Comic Strip, May 25 2014

  5. Keith (not logged on) says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: Marysville is memorable for its address naming convention.

    I like things like that.

    Phoenix main east west streets are named after Presidents in ascending order from South to North. I am not sure if they rename streets for new presidents. Central Avenue runs north south; to the west of Central are numbered ‘avenues’; to the eat of Central are numbered ‘streets’.

    In Tucson, ‘streets’ run east west; ‘avenues’ run north south. Occaisionally there is a diagonal street called a ‘stravenue’.

  6. RanTalbott says:

    I read recently that there are something like 5 or 10 times as many 2nd Streets, 3rd Streets, etc in the U.S. as there are 1st Streets, because 1st Street tends to get renamed after the local kid who grew up to win the Medal of Honor, become an astronaut, make it big in Hollywood, or otherwise make the town proud of him/her.

  7. In my home town there is a 1st St. but it is only one block long.

    I read recently that there are something like 5 or 10 times as many 2nd Streets, 3rd Streets, etc in the U.S. as there are 1st Streets, because 1st Street tends to get renamed after the local kid who grew up to win the Medal of Honor, become an astronaut, make it big in Hollywood, or otherwise make the town proud of him/her.

  8. The Magic M says:

    Their own history page say they started out as “61 attendees of mostly older folks”. I don’t think they’ve grown much since, so even those 200 Surprise Tea Party members who started Arpaio’s birfin’ are likely a much larger crowd.

    But of course Orly trumpets “Tea Party selects Orly” all over the Twitterverse. *smh*

    Seriously, it would take me an email and 10 minutes to get more votes for California AG by getting a fraction of my colleagues to vote for me.

  9. RanTalbott:
    I read recently that there are something like 5 or 10 times as many 2nd Streets, 3rd Streets, etc in the U.S. as there are 1st Streets, because 1st Street tends to get renamed after the local kid who grew up to win the Medal of Honor, become an astronaut, make it big in Hollywood, or otherwise make the town proud of him/her.

    Or they end up calling it Main Street instead.

  10. My hometown has both a Main and a 1st Street. It also has a 5th Avenue (but not 1-4 or 6). I declare, the map of that town looks like somebody dropped a handful of jigsaw puzzle pieces.

    W. Kevin Vicklund: Or they end up calling it Main Street instead.

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