Image without comment


Posted by Barry Soetoro, ESQ at Birther Report.

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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35 Responses to Image without comment

  1. Majority Will says:

    Birther moron inspiration:

    Farm Film Report

  2. CarlOrcas says:

    The site’s obsession with violence, sex and bodily functions is something to behold.

    In recent days it has gotten so bad it’s not even worth the trip to make fun of it.

  3. ZixiOfIx says:

    What immediately comes to mind:

    They profess that they know God: but in their works they deny Him; being abominable, and incredulous, and to every good work reprobate.

    Titus 1:16

  4. Smirk4Food says:

    I may be wrong, but I think it’s PhotoShopped.

  5. 21st century folk art?

  6. Notorial Dissent says:

    Barry seems a bit, well twisted about something. Couldn’t have been anything you said per chance? Or maybe he jsut missed his morning coffee. Poor lamb!

  7. Majority Will says:

    I may be wrong, but I think it’s PhotoShopped.

    Or the CGI budget for the next Jason Bourne sequel has been drastically slashed.

  8. Benji Franklin says:

    This is the part we don’t get because we are stuck in reality. We imagine that, knowing they have failed and will never succeed, the Birthers are morose and sad every day. We wonder what keeps those who remain running backwards. We wonder how, as six years trudge by, they can weave a handful of Donald Trump-like brain farts, a few article-republishing fringe blogs, the blatherings of an assortment of foreign and domestic political space-cadet-international-spy-mastering gadflies (Monckton & ShrimpMegaton), together with an unbroken record of approaching 300 lost cases in the real world US courts, and come up with a gathering Birther Obama-ejecting storm!

    It’s easy because they ARE crazy. They are sustained by possessing the power of the lunatic. I think that Rabid Birthers live in a reality assembled from imaginings like the illustration of Doc getting HIS. They have the satisfaction of getting rid of Obama and killing Doc, and anything else a God might want to make happen, EVERY DAY!

    There’s a reason why the caricature of a lunatic is usually laughing maniacally. It’s not because they are grimacing against a competing awareness of how the encompassing reality is exposing the error of the loony picture they are painting. It’s because, lost in their lunacy, they really are fiercely happy for the moment.

  9. I don’t think so. He’s been intentionally taunting me for a long time, and my responses are usually pretty mild.

    Notorial Dissent: Couldn’t have been anything you said per chance?

  10. Yeah. In a real explosion, the hat would have come off.

    Smirk4Food: I may be wrong, but I think it’s PhotoShopped.

  11. alg says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    Yeah. In a real explosion, the hat would have come off.

    Not the hat! Please tell me not the hat!😀

  12. CarlOrcas says:

    Majority Will: Or the CGI budget for the next Jason Bourne sequel has been drastically slashed.

    Actually I suspect it is some footage from 3rd Rock from the Sun of the Big Giant Head that never made air.

  13. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Birthers have an obsession with homoerotic descriptive imagery, and execution fantasies involving anyone who doesn’t share in their twisted view of reality. Freud would have a field day with them.

    CarlOrcas: Actually I suspect it is some footage from 3rd Rock from the Sun of the Big Giant Head that never made air.

    My favorite moment from that show was when William Shatner, who played the Big Giant Head’s human form. Complained about the flight over, “I could have sworn that I saw something on the wing of the plane!” and John Lithgow’s character exclaims, “The same thing happened to me!!!”

  14. Curious George says:

    Now if good old sheriff joe saw that picture, wouldn’t he have taken it as a threat and assigned a real investimagination deputy to make an arrest? Since sheriff joe is so closely aligned with BR, maybe he’ll help Doc get the bottom of this evil plan.

  15. CarlOrcas says:

    Andrew Vrba, PmG:
    Birthers have an obsession with homoerotic descriptive imagery, and execution fantasies involving anyone who doesn’t share in their twisted view of reality. Freud would have a field day with them.

    My favorite moment from that show was when William Shatner, who played the Big Giant Head’s human form. Complained about the flight over, “I could have sworn that I saw something on the wing of the plane!” and John Lithgow’s character exclaims, “The same thing happened to me!!!”

    The reason the thought popped into my feeble brain on a Saturday morning is that my wife was watching reruns on one of those channels that runs such stuff and we both noted how well done the show was…..great scripts, great actors, perfect ensemble…….and, of course, lots of funny stuff.

    Now I really feel old because you remind me I saw the original TV show 51 years ago.

  16. bgansel9 says:

    Birthers and their death fantasies. UGH!

  17. In case someone doesn’t know the reference:,000_Feet

    Andrew Vrba, PmG: Complained about the flight over, “I could have sworn that I saw something on the wing of the plane!”

  18. bgansel9 says:

    Benji Franklin: It’s easy because they ARE crazy. They are sustained by possessing the power of the lunatic. I think that Rabid Birthers live in a reality assembled from imaginings like the illustration of Doc getting HIS. They have the satisfaction of getting rid of Obama and killing Doc, and anything else a God might want to make happen, EVERY DAY!

    Well, yeah, except for that tiny little thing about both Obama and Doc being tucked warmly and safely in their beds each night afterwards. LOL What are they accomplishing, exactly?

  19. Woodrowfan says:


  20. CarlOrcas says:

    Curious George:
    Now if good old sheriff joe saw that picture, wouldn’t he have taken it as a threat and assigned a real investimagination deputy to make an arrest? Since sheriff joe is so closely aligned with BR, maybe he’ll help Doc get the bottom of this evil plan.

    I think we need to organize the OCT Posse to provide security for Doc. We can have nifty uniforms….a thought that immediately brought to mind the ones Nixon designed for the White House detail in the 70’s.

    Interestingly when I Googled it the first image came back linked to…..Obama Conspiracy Theories………………..

    Then we can pick up some surplus Crown Vic’s……………………

  21. bgansel9 says:

    Smirk4Food: od: I may be wrong, but I think it’s PhotoShopped.

    I wouldn’t even call that photoshopped. Photoshopping takes some skill and can make one do a double take and wonder if something is actually real (erasing second and third layer backgrounds is a basic prerequisite for this skill – something the BR “artist” lacks. This looks like it was thrown together in MS Paint.

  22. Notorial Dissent says:

    Could it be ’cause you don’t get all ‘fraid & stuff??? and take him like seriously???? Birfoons will birfoon.

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    I don’t think so. He’s been intentionally taunting me for a long time, and my responses are usually pretty mild.

  23. bgansel9 says:

    CarlOrcas: Then we can pick up some surplus Crown Vic’s

    I want a vanity plate that says “NO MO JO” 😛

  24. Dave B. says:

    I knew a fellow once who just had one ear. They couldn’t do that to his picture.

  25. Thinker says:

    On Mike Volin’s show this week, Lord Monkton repeatedly said that he knows the left is turning the United States into Nazi Germany because he got death wishes from people when he started being a climate change denier, and wishing death on their perceived enemies is just what happened in Nazi Germany in the 1930s. I literally laughed out loud when he said this, given all the death wishes expressed every day on Birther Report.

  26. AnyDayNow says:

    The site’s obsession with violence, sex and bodily functions is something to behold.

    In recent days it has gotten so bad it’s not even worth the trip to make fun of it.

    I was thinking that it would be a good idea if someone with posting priviledges at BR (mine keep getting revoked) just started replying to the posts that are gratuitously violent or sexual with very simple, non-emotional running counts of how many of that type of unsolicited comment had been posted for that thread. For example:
    “11th unsolicited reference to violent overthrow of the (twice) duly elected government of the United States of America”
    “37th reference to the threat of hanging other Americans ‘refered to as Obots’ simply for exercising their right to disagree through freedom of speech”
    “183rd unsolicited reference to homosexual activities”
    “666th reference to anybody who disagrees with you being a commie/muzzie/obot/etc…”

    If we just started showing them how many times they actually bring this stuff up the sheer number of it all would make it hard for them to ignore and not be a little (if even subconsciously) embarrassed to have to resort to such pathetic retorts.

    p.s. Plus when they see the actual number of unsolicited references to homosexual activities, they might have to do some serious soul searching to explain that kind of underlying psychological motivations….

  27. Suranis says:

    I think poor barry is sad that he simply has no power, let aline the power to order a helicopter strike.

    Its like getting a death threat from a paraplegic.

  28. CarlOrcas says:

    AnyDayNow: I was thinking that it would be a good idea if someone with posting priviledges at BR (mine keep getting revoked) just started replying to the posts that are gratuitously violent or sexual with very simple, non-emotional running counts of how many of that type of unsolicited comment had been posted for that thread.

    I tried asking what they were proposing with their bizarre messages about violence and never got a response but…..alas….today I was locked out…..again.

  29. One of the strangest is this video that they got from Alex Jones InfoWars site, allegedly of some gay men in bath robes at the “Bilderberg” hotel in Copenhagen, the birthers have posted and claim is of the Obot meetup in Philadelphia.

    Bizarre Homo-Erotic Photo Shoot Caught on Camera at Bilderberg Hotel

    AnyDayNow: p.s. Plus when they see the actual number of unsolicited references to homosexual activities, they might have to do some serious soul searching to explain that kind of underlying psychological motivations…

  30. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    In case someone doesn’t know the reference:,000_Feet

    Yup, and decades later, John Lithgow was in the remake of that very story.

  31. CarlOrcas says:

    It’s here!!!

    Birther Report has the audio of Gallups show.

    No real information. Lots of attacks on the New Times and something about a dirty trick Doc played on Vogt……but that’s it…..about a 1.0 on the blog Richter scale.

    Site seems to be a little overloaded….I can’t get it to play yet.Birther Report, the moderator/owner, also seems to be overloaded. He’s deleting messages and responding on the board to people more than usual.

    I’d say something but he locked me out….again….last night.

  32. RanTalbott says:

    Benji Franklin: We imagine that, knowing they have failed and will never succeed, the Birthers are morose and sad every day

    That would be a mistake.

    Back in the days when CompuServe was an online colossus, I was one of the people running their political forums. Among others, we had boards for the dittoheads and conspiracy theorists (which included the “New World Order” paranoids). So I got to see a lot of how they think.

    Those people tend to be angry, because they think malevolent forces (“libruls”, Bilderbergers, international/Zionist bankers, etc.) have deprived them of the position in life that’s due them. That anger is what drove them to buy into the stereotypes and conspiracy theories in the first place, and they don’t get over it just because they found some like-minded folks to bond with.

    When things don’t go their way, they mostly don’t get sad: they get angrier, and more convinced that they’re right about the power of the forces arrayed against them. The ones that don’t tend to get ostracized, or even actively driven from the group by scorn of their lack of faith and/or zeal.

    Most of them are harmless, because the most violent thing they’re likely to do is throw something at the TV when they see one of the objects of their hatred.

    But, every once in a while, one of them will turn out to be a Timothy McVeigh, or a Branch Davidian, or one of those proverbial “loners” who bombs a church or shoots up the crowd at the Holocaust Museum.

    While we laugh at the birfers, let’s not forget that all the uninformed skeptics, and most of the people who are only a little prejudiced, have been winnowed out. We’re pretty much down to the hard-core bigots and the genuinely nutty conspiracy loons. And I’m quite convinced that they only reason some small number of them haven’t already done violence it that they still have enough functioning brain cells to fear getting caught.

  33. Daniel says:

    That picture is ridiculous.

    Everyone knows you don’t waste a hellfire on a thin skin vehicle. Couple of hydras or a burst of 30mm from the chain gun is what you need in that situation>

    Besides that Apache is fitted for anti-tank, not general purpose, strike, or covering force loadout, which would be appropriate for anti-obot mission.

    Stupid birthers.

  34. JPotter says:

    I may be wrong, but I think it’s PhotoShopped.

    The, uh, artist need to work on his compositing skills.

    Make that, he/she needs to find some compositing skill. Crude montage is not very satisfying.

  35. JPotter says:

    That picture is ridiculous.

    Everyone knows you don’t waste a hellfire on a thin skin vehicle. Couple of hydras or a burst of 30mmfrom the chain gun is what you need in that situation>

    Besides that Apache is fitted for anti-tank, not general purpose, strike, or covering force loadout, which would be appropriate for anti-obot mission.

    Stupid birthers.

    Not to mention the ridiculously close range.

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