Orly’s web site is down

A fate worse than death!


Orly’s web site is back up (June 21), just like it always was, plus new stuff today, but no comment on her being down.

Orly Taitz complained yesterday that some of her visitors have gotten HTTP 502 errors. The 502 usually points to some kind of a configuration error between the web server and a proxy server. I didn’t have any problems visiting her site yesterday, but today is another story.


The “Domain Not Valid” page title doesn’t immediately shed any light on the issue because her domain registration is not expired, nor has it been altered since last year. I suppose she might have failed to pay for her web hosting, but I think more likely this is just one of those hosting errors that are the bane of bloggers.

While the "home page" displays the message above, any attempt to access a particular story on the site returns a "404" or page not found. Accessing any of the WordPress standard directories also returns 404. What I conclude from this is: Orly’s site content isn’t there. Her site content could have been deleted, or her domain directed to another server or directory without any WordPress installation or content.

A theory suggested by commenters is that her site was shut down due to a violation of her host’s acceptable use policy, of which there have been many in my opinion. While Taitz, for example, published an article correcting her earlier false statement that Larry Klayman had been convicted of criminal non-payment of child support, as of last Monday she had not actually removed the original article making this claim where she said (emphasis mine):

Ms. Ruffley actually advised me that Larry Klayman is not licensed in California, she told me that he no longer works with the Judicial Watch and that donors should know about litigation in Ohio, where he was convicted just recentlty (sic) of not paying large amount in child support. She provided a lot of other information. I will publish only, what is a public record. I am not publishing anything, that is not in public record.

That is, not only did Taitz repeat what Ruffley said, but added a claim on her own that it was in the public record.

This comment appeared at Birther Report:


About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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45 Responses to Orly’s web site is down

  1. Thinker says:

    Her blog is down now. It says “Domain not valid” on the tab, and the web page says. “This site is temporarily unavailable. Hosted by Network Solutions.” I wonder if she finally went too far in her rhetoric.

  2. Thinker says:

    Whatever the reason for her web site being down, one thing is for sure. It’s TREASON!

  3. bgansel9 says:

    Maybe her husband finally pulled the plug on her activities. 😛

  4. alg says:

    Whatever the reason for her web site being down, one thing is for sure. It’s TREASON!

    And, as we know, in Orly’s case, a guilty verdict means death by pancakes.

  5. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:


  6. CarlOrcas says:

    Andrew Vrba, PmG:

    Anyone in Virginia to check for black helicopters at the Network Solutions office?

    It’s only about 25 miles from the Pentagon. A little farther from the White House. Coincidence? Hah!

  7. justlw says:

    502: “…received an invalid response from the upstream server.”

    Clearly the upstream server did not let the downstream server feenish.

  8. JPotter says:

    Have her readers paid for a new server yet? Maybe BR Bob will give her a deal on the one in the trunk of his car! 😉

  9. CarlOrcas says:

    JPotter: Maybe BR Bob will give her a deal on the one in the trunk of his car! 😉

    Smart guy. The hackers will never find it there.

  10. Thinker says:

    LOL. I forgot about that scam. I can only imagine the atrocious condition of her blog if she had her own server.

    Have her readers paid for a new server yet? Maybe BR Bob will give her a deal on the one in the trunk of his car! ;)

  11. Mugwhump says:

    Cross posted from TFB:

    Interesting read.


    “Acceptable use policy:

    c. Utilize the Services in connection with any tortious or actionable activity. Without limiting the general application of this rule, Users may not:

    i. utilize the Services to publish or disseminate information that (1) constitutes slander, libel or defamation, (2) publicizes the personal information or likeness of a person without that person’s consent, or (3) otherwise violates the privacy rights of any person; or
    ii. utilize the Services to threaten persons with bodily harm, to make harassing or abusive statements or messages, or to solicit the performance of acts or services that are illegal under applicable law.”

    We all know that Oily has never done any of this right?

    Further down it states:

    “Without limiting the general application of this rule, Users may not:

    xiv: utilize the Services in a manner deemed, in Company’s sole discretion, to display bigotry, racism, discrimination, or hatred in any manner whatsoever;”

    Maybe Network Solutions grew a pair.

  12. Banging head on desk.

    justlw: Clearly the upstream server did not let the downstream server feenish.

  13. In the Klayman case, Taitz clearly disseminated libelous material. She violated the heck out any number of people’s privacy rights, including publishing some birth certificates without permission.

    Mugwhump: i. utilize the Services to publish or disseminate information that (1) constitutes slander, libel or defamation, (2) publicizes the personal information or likeness of a person without that person’s consent, or (3) otherwise violates the privacy rights of any person; or

  14. I posted this comment at BR:

    “Orly Taitz’ web site has been taken down. BR, you better get that new server up and running!”

    It’s the first comment of mine that they’ve deleted in many months. It is apparently a sensitive subject.

    Hmmm. They have deleted my other comment from today. Maybe I wore out my welcome:

    “The idea that Obama attended Occidental Collete as a “foreign student” is pretty silly when you think of it. His high school transcripts were from Hawaii. Duh. ”

    JPotter: Have her readers paid for a new server yet? Maybe BR Bob will give her a deal on the one in the trunk of his car!

  15. Thinker says:

    And has published unredacted SSNs for years, but the novel thing is the defamation finding in Klayman’s lawsuit. I think that this morning’s post joking about kidnapping immigrant children displayed a level of depravity she has not previously displayed, but that’s a judgment call. If this isn’t a technical problem, I think it’s most likely related to Klayman’s recent victory in his defamation lawsuit.

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    In the Klayman case, Taitz clearly disseminated libelous material. She violated the heck out any number of people’s privacy rights, including publishing some birth certificates without permission.

  16. JPotter says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: It’s the first comment of mine that they’ve deleted in many months. It is apparently a sensitive subject.

    When I implied that the donations were to pay off Shrimpton instead of buy a server, Bob posted an expletive laced rant, photo of server dangling from car trunk….and then deleted my comment, leaving no hint at what provoked such a random outburst!

    Quite sensitive indeed. Maybe Bob realized he had been scammed by an opportunistic salesman …. or maybe he really did scam his readers 😉

    I made a stab at googling the car trunk photo, to prove it was lifted, not genuine, but didn’t put too much effort into it.

  17. Thinker says:

    There’s a post on BR from a person named Saska who claims to have received an email from Taitz saying her website was taken down because of a silly article in the Examiner about her Notice of Treason. “This email is from Orly: after this artice on examiner my website was taken down, I am in touch with my hosting company, trying to get the site back up.”

    Birther Report link

    Examiner link

    I don’t for a minute think that it was the ODS Examiner article that triggered the take-down, but the comment confirms that her site is down because of content rather than technical problems.

    Of course, as with all information that comes from a birther, this should be taken with a grain of salt. There are lots of opportunities for stupidity or dishonesty to creep into everything they say.

  18. JPotter says:

    Thinker: comment confirms that her site is down because of content rather than technical problems.

    Explainer from host: “Site removed due to stupid.”

  19. Thinker says:

    And still no explanation as to why. I’m unreasonably curious as to why. LOL.

  20. Crustacean says:

    Doc, I was just over at BR, and I saw your comment.

    Dr. Conspiracy: I posted this comment at BR:
    “Orly Taitz’ web site has been taken down. BR, you better get that new server up and running!”
    It’s the first comment of mine that they’ve deleted in many months. It is apparently a sensitive subject.

  21. Fred Flintstone says:

    An exclusive parody:

    Dear Dr. Taitz,

    It is our sad duty to rescind your website, http://www.orlytaitzesq.org, for the following reasons:

    a. We are embarrassed by your lack of spelling abilities. In the past year, over 7,500 words were mis-spelled per month. When you could spell your own name correctly, we just thought it was best to shut this down.

    b. We don’t accept Moldavian Chicken Soup as payment.

    c. Your site is so filled with viruses, one of our technicians developed an ear infection after reading your site.

    d. We had to shut you down when you said, “Let me tell you what I know about negroes…”

    e. You’ve never presented your birth certificate or a photo of your family, especially your husband, Moo-Che.

    f. We received a complaint from time, and he said you were out of it.

    We hope you will find another service that will handle your slanderous words against blacks, gays, hispanics and those poor children in Central America. Just like this country accepted you – but I guess you only want white refugees admitted only. After all, they won’t do anything right? Like the gentlemen that bombed the Boston Marathon.


    Network Solutions, Incorporated
    of the Cold Case Posse

  22. Half seriously I am wondering if Taitz will use this as justification for an emergency injunction against Network Solutions, filed in the Mississippi case as part of her civil RICO claim.

  23. Notorial Dissent says:

    You are an evil and devious individual. About now, I think Wingate deserves this.

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    Half seriously I am wondering if Taitz will use this as justification for an emergency injunction against Network Solutions, filed in the Mississippi case as part of her civil RICO claim.

  24. ArthurWankspittle says:

    My personal theory is that some recent complaint about Orly’s house of malware and bigotry has caused the host to check up on her. When they see the other complaints, the court loss and the offending article still up, plus the malware and associated crap someone has decided enough and pulled the plug.
    What will be interesting is what will have been removed when the site eventually re-appears somewhere.

  25. roadburner says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: I posted this comment at BR:“Orly Taitz’ web site has been taken down. BR, you better get that new server up and running!”It’s the first comment of mine that they’ve deleted in many months. It is apparently a sensitive subject.Hmmm. They have deleted my other comment from today. Maybe I wore out my welcome:“The idea that Obama attended Occidental Collete as a “foreign student” is pretty silly when you think of it. His high school transcripts were from Hawaii. Duh. ”

    might be partially my fault there

    i was really giving some stick over at BR last week (using variations of my `e.p.lovejoy’ sign in ) and pointing out the hypocracy of BR’s censorship policy and the disgrace of picking on the president’s children until BR bob threw a total hissy fit and posted this…..

    “Tell you what. When Facebook and many of the liberal run news sites stop blocking my comments and content I’ll do the same for you.. Until then… Go pound sand…”

    seems he feels it’s so injust that just because he runs a site that allows and encourages…

    – sedition
    – homophobia
    – islamophobia
    – unconstitutional summary execution
    – torture
    – victimisation of children

    ….to name but a few, that the nasty ebil liberal commies don’t want anything to do with him or his ilk

    must suck being him. living in that kind of world can’t be nice.

  26. Still down this morning.

  27. Thinker says:

    I hope Klayman’s defamation lawsuit played a role in this incident because I would love to see Taitz draw Klayman into her RICO. Those two lunatics would spend the rest of their sorry lives fighting this battle.

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    Half seriously I am wondering if Taitz will use this as justification for an emergency injunction against Network Solutions, filed in the Mississippi case as part of her civil RICO claim.

  28. Bonsall Obot says:


    Those two lunatics would spend the rest of their sorry lives fighting this battle.

    I just got a vision of the Original Star Trek episode, “Let That Be Your Last Battlefield,” with Frank Gorshin and Not Frank Gorshin chasing each other around for 50,000 years.

  29. Northland10 says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    Half seriously I am wondering if Taitz will use this as justification for an emergency injunction against Network Solutions, filed in the Mississippi case as part of her civil RICO claim.

    It wouldn’t happen until her site is back. It is not a filing without a press release and 50 updates.

  30. Northland10 says:

    My theory involves a dude named William of Ockham. She screwed something up.

  31. ArthurWankspittle says:

    My theory involves a dude named William of Ockham.She screwed something up.

    He was a barber wasn’t he?

  32. I can’t think of any way this particular thing could be done by a hosting customer, short of making that custom message in HTML and making it their home page.

    Northland10: My theory involves a dude named William of Ockham. She screwed something up.

  33. Thinker says:

    Here’s another data point for those of us trying to figure out what happened. From the wingnut conspiracy site Fellowship of the Minds:

    “In an email, Dr. Taitz writes: “My website is down, Obots hacked into it and [my server] network solutions suspended the service. they demand I delete all visitor traffic stats and the whole blog in order to reinstate the account, which is insane. I might need to go to another service. Please, let me know, if any of you can help.”


    Demand that she delete the whole blog?? Sounds content-related rather than hacking-related to me.

  34. Foggy says:

    In a post shortly before it went down, she suggested that people kidnap illegal immigrant children and return them to their parents. Apparently she billed it as legal advice. Of all the lowdown evil insane things she’s ever written, that one took the cake.

    But there have been many complaints to Network Solutions over the years. Maybe they finally got a bit of focus and spent some time reading the blog.

    Obots didn’t hack it, but she can’t admit they took her down because the site is a festering cesspool.

    I don’t think it would take many hours of reading it to figure out how toxic it was.

    Good riddance to bad rubbish.

  35. James M says:

    Here’s another data point for those of us trying to figure out what happened. From the wingnut conspiracy site Fellowship of the Minds:

    “In an email, Dr. Taitz writes: “My website is down, Obots hacked into it and [my server] network solutions suspended the service. they demand I delete all visitor traffic stats and the whole blog in order to reinstate the account, which is insane. I might need to go to another service. Please, let me know, if any of you can help.”


    Demand that she delete the whole blog?? Sounds content-related rather than hacking-related to me.

    Trying to figure out why the military person making that report can’t get his hands on, say, a civilian smartphone or maybe a civilian cable network account or anything else not work-related (US Military active service work, mind you. Someone is surprised that a ragingly violent anti-government web site is blocked there?).

  36. Not a good idea. Orly eats her webmasters.

    Thinker: Please, let me know, if any of you can help

  37. Rickey says:

    In a post shortly before it went down, she suggested that people kidnap illegal immigrant children and return them to their parents. Apparently she billed it as legal advice. Of all the lowdown evil insane things she’s ever written, that one took the cake.

    Sheer insanity. At one point she states that if a child speaks Spanish and doesn’t have ID, the kid should be taken to Mexico.

    I don’t know how many children under the age of 16 carry ID, but I suspect it isn’t very many. And imagine the repercussions if one of Orly’s followers picked up a child who was born in Puerto Rico and dropped the kid off in Mexico.

  38. DaveH says:

    When I lived in South Texas, there were many Hispanic children that were perfectly legal that did not know how to speak English. Their parents were also legal and could not speak English.

    Why doesn’t the California Bar at least disbar Orly? I don’t think there would be anything that could hurt her more than not being able to include Esquire after her name. She is such a narcissist.

    Rickey: Sheer insanity. At one point she states that if a child speaks Spanish and doesn’t have ID, the kid should be taken to Mexico.

    I don’t know how many children under the age of 16 carry ID, but I suspect it isn’t very many. And imagine the repercussions if one of Orly’s followers picked up a child who was born in Puerto Rico and dropped the kid off in Mexico.

  39. James M says:

    Foggy: rubbish

    BR hosts an image that literally depicts President Obama being put into a noose.
    Is it lawful to do that?

  40. CarlOrcas says:

    James M: BR hosts an image that literally depicts President Obama being put into a noose.
    Is it lawful to do that?


  41. Dave says:

    That’s a good question. BR also has at least one headline advocating the execution of Obama. I used to think it wasn’t legal, but I have more recently heard that the cops apply a “credible threat” standard, at least for US citizens. Be interested in hearing what a lawyer has to say about this.

    James M: BR hosts an image that literally depicts President Obama being put into a noose.
    Is it lawful to do that?

  42. bgansel9 says:

    I just clicked on the link to her site and I see an “under construction” splash page. It appears she may be setting up a new site.

  43. bgansel9 says:

    Thinker: Demand that she delete the whole blog?? Sounds content-related rather than hacking-related to me.

    She’s counting on her followers to be that stupid.

  44. Matt says:

    Her site is working now.

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