Pat Boone predicts: Birth certificate fraud will be proven by September

Despite the blackout of birther coverage at the major conservative media outlets, notably the Fox News TV, liberals are all to happy to talk about it and give voice to prominent birthers, evidenced by the  recent interview of Pat Boone by Alan Colmes on Fox News Radio yesterday (June 23).

In a rambling comment, Boone predicted that something would happen by September, that a “smoking gun” would do something, but the actual verb eluded me. What follows is my transcript of part of the of the broadcast that differs in minor ways from what appeared on the Fox web site, and is extended in length:

imageBOONE: What I’m going to predict here is by September of this year, the major smoking gun, which is a high crime, not just a misdemeanor, but a high crime, that supposed copy of the birth certificate that is displayed on the White House website as we talk, by many experts has already been proven  to be not a copy of anything, of something perhaps that doesn’t exist, which is an actual birth certificate, but it is a Photoshopped fraud created to look like what they wanted it to look like. And I say “they” because I don’t think it was the President himself, but those around him, but experts who understand the techniques of these things, including a guy in my own office, who knows how things are Photoshopped, and knows the telltale signs of things that have been pasted onto other documents or other things, that it is obviously, to anybody that knows that process, a fraud. It is not a copy of anything, and that is a high crime.

COLMES: Are you saying this will be revealed?



BOONE: The evidence. I say by September.

COLMES: And what… And tell me how you know this.

BOONE: Well, I’m talking to some people that, you know, they are trained. I’ll say this that they are trained detectives and investigators. And I have been trying to get people in Congress to pay attention to these things and create .. That we shouldn’t have to be, us citizens, say “wait a minute, this thing doesn’t look real.”

Colmes then pushed back saying that the State of Hawaii verified Obama’s birth.

BOONE: There are trained investigators who are finding out, and I can’t divulge anything more, than I will make a prediction that by September of this year it will be proven that that is not the case. …

BOONE: It’s all going to come out, I think. It’s taken a while. It’s taken an awful long while. But, and I’m not a conspiracy theorist, but boy when you keep…

COLMES: But don’t you think you might sound like one?

In the full version of the interview, Boone brings out many of the usual birther shibboleths: sealed records, anybody can put announcements in the newspaper, wrong hospital name on birth certificate, etc.

Boone, however, is in deep denial when he says:

I’m not a birther. 😯 🙄 😯

While Boone isn’t very specific, it seems pretty obvious that he’s been talking to someone at the Cold Case Posse. What other “trained detectives and investigators” could it be? Boone has a longstanding connection with the Surprise Arizona Tea Party Patriots, and at one time was scheduled to appear at an event they sponsored, at which Mike Zullo was scheduled to speak. He appeared via Skype at a Surprise Tea Party Patriots event honoring Joe Arpaio (starting around 8:51 in the video). And if the CCP is feeding Boone inside scoop on the Posse timetable, one has to wonder why they are doing that, and one answer that comes to mind is that Boone is giving them money.

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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58 Responses to Pat Boone predicts: Birth certificate fraud will be proven by September

  1. bgansel9 says:

    Well, since he’s shelling out, I know of a bunch of bills Sheriff Arpaio owes. I’d be very grateful if Mr. Boone would be so helpful. Maybe I’ll even re-consider the lack of talent I remember from those crappy records he made during my childhood:

  2. CarlOrcas says:

    Carl predicts: Pat Boone will be proven a fool by September.

  3. sactosintolerant says:

    I hope Pat lives to October. If urbandictionary is right, it would be too much to hear birthers talk about people getting Booned.

  4. Arthur says:

    Carnac the Magnificent: The answer is, “Certainly by December.”

    Ed McMahon: And the question is: “What will the Pat Boone say when September comes and goes?”

  5. 3Fiddy6 says:

    The article was described as a “Bombshell”. It was in the header.. Bombshell at Fox!! And it’s nothing but Pat Boone saying to wait a few more months..

    Is this all that’s left for the Birthers? Pat Boone?

  6. Folks use that word “bombshell” but I don’t think it means what they think it does.

    The article was described as a “Bombshell”.It was in the header.. Bombshell at Fox!!And it’s nothing but Pat Boone saying to wait a few more months..

    Is this all that’s left for the Birthers?Pat Boone?

  7. Rickey says:

    Pat Boone was, among other things, a Y2K survivalist. He even admitted to drinking his own urine.

  8. CarlOrcas says:

    Doc wonders: And if the CCP is feeding Boone inside scoop on the Posse timetable, one has to wonder why they are doing that, and one answer that comes to mind is that Boone is giving them money.

    Boone’s Wikipedia entry says he has a net worth of $30-million.

    Coincidence? We report. You decide.

  9. Boone is reportedly a big fan of Sheriff Arpaio. My articles has been updated to add:

    Boone has a longstanding connection with the Surprise Arizona Tea Party Patriots, and at one time was scheduled to appear at an event they sponsored. He appeared via Skype at a Surprise Tea Party Patriots event honoring Joe Arpaio (starting around 8:51 in the video).

  10. JPotter says:

    September just happens to be 6 months after March. Lies planted in Spring ripen into Fall disaster?

    Are they busy reassembling the universe so it can be re-shattered?

  11. RanTalbott says:

    CarlOrcas: Boone’s Wikipedia entry says he has a net worth of $30-million.

    So, does that make him a “VIP”?

    Come to think of it, doesn’t he often attend events like the CPAC convention?

    Could it be that the Dumbnamic Duo actually did manage to recruit a rich markPowerful Ally™ at CPAC last year?

  12. Bonsall Obot says:

    So Shurf Joke and Kommandante Zullo have at least one credulous mega-donor, as suspected.

    Sure makes he, Lucas Daniel Smith, look like a small-timer for only being able to con Steadman of a few thousand clams. Step up your game, [Redacted. Doc]!

  13. Benji Franklin says:

    I suppose the Birther’s convinced Bat Poone that voters were misled by the information displayed on the online image fraudulently into voting for him when he had no other undisputable proof of the circumstances of his birth.

    Well good luck to the voter who claims to have been so misled and seeks standing to take it to court. Individual harm? Don’t think so.

    They can only speak obliquely about some irrelevant sense in which the likeness online is NOT the original and they admit it is NOT a counterfeit, because NO original document could have looked like that, (if it was a counterfeit indistinguishable from the offiicial original [how would they know that anyway], they’d be screaming it must be a crime to make it look TOO much like the original!

    What will the announcer (ZOO LOW) say?

    “Good afternoon, everyone. I address the following remarks to almost the entire government of the United States of America, and the entire Press Corp, less those in attendance today.


    That’s about it….. (Share If Our Pie Hole whispers something to him and ducks away.)

    Uh, oh Joe reminded me, be sure to tip your waiters.”

  14. Notorial Dissent says:

    Boone’s music whether you liked it or not was a big item during his heyday. That being said, I never thought he was even close to being the sharpest blade in the drawer in his younger years, looked pretty, made nice noises, don’t remember him ever being sought after for his opinion on anything except which starlet he was going out with next, and I don’t think he’s improved any with antiquity, in fact he has gotten downright embarrassing to be honest.

  15. Very impressionable patsy.

    RanTalbott: So, does that make him a “VIP”?

  16. CarlOrcas says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    Very impressionable patsy.

    Very good!! That belongs in the Birther Dictionary.

  17. RanTalbott says:

    Curious George: Nobody came due to lack of interest. Birthers bomb.

    Yeah, but that was back when their evydunce was merely “Shocking!!”. Now that they’re up to “UNIVERSE-SHATTERING!!!!”, they’ll definitely be able to sell out the hall.

    (Interesting to note that Pat Boone was listed as a scheduled speaker for that event)

  18. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    He apparently had ties with WND as well, at least according to Wikipedia.
    There is also this nugget.
    In 2009, Boone, a “birther”, stated his belief that President Barack Obama is ineligible to serve as the President of the United States.[27][28] Boone also has alleged that Barack Obama is fluent in Arabic and read the Koran in Arabic as a boy.

  19. Bob says:

    Would you trust the judgement of someone who turned down the chance to work with Marilyn Monroe? According to Boone’s autobiography he did just that.

    Recently I tried to watch April Love, the movie Boone starred in with the great Shirley Jones. He stunk up every scene and ruined the movie.

  20. Bonsall Obot says:

    Notorial Dissent:
    Boone’s music whether you liked it or not was a big item during his heyday.

    Owing solely to making black music palatable to racists.

  21. James M says:

    Usually when dementia sets in, we make some effort to keep the individual comfortable and we try to protect them as best we can from embarrassing themselves in public with their demented statements. This is undoubtedly more difficult to do when the person has any degree of notariety or fame and/or has access to broadcast media. Poor guy. He had such a great run in the 50s. His children are really dropping the ball here. They alone have the power to keep him away from embarrassment.

  22. Upgradedd says:

    September just happens to be 6 months after March. Lies planted in Spring ripen into Fall disaster?

    Another Friedman Unit shall come, go and be forgotten..

    six months (also known as a Friedman Unit or FU)

  23. Dave B. says:

    “A guy in my own office who knows how things are Photoshopped, and knows the telltale signs of things that have been pasted onto other documents or other things, that it is obviously, to anybody that knows that process, a fraud. It is not a copy of anything, and that is a high crime.”

    Man, I didn’t know he still had it in him. That Pat Boone STILL knows how to entertain.

  24. Dave B. says:

    No more Mr. Nice Guy.


    Ed McMahon: And the question is: “What will the Pat Boone say when September comes and goes?”

  25. Keith says:

    Notorial Dissent: I never thought he was even close to being the sharpest blade in the drawer in his younger years

    How smart could he be after all?

    If you write your ‘Love Letters in the Sand’, how is your loved one going to tie them up with a ribbon and store them in her shoe box as a remembrance for your grandchildren?

  26. Curious George says:

    It looks like good old Pat has some interesting Birther connections.

  27. Dave B. says:

    Birthers missed their chance at April Love, now Pat’s going to be September Blue.

    Keith: How smart could he be after all?

    If you write your ‘Love Letters in the Sand’, how is your loved one going to tie them up with a ribbon and store them in her shoe box as a remembrance for your grandchildren?

  28. Keith says:

    Dave B.:
    Birthers missed their chance at April Love, now Pat’s going to be September Blue.

    They write themselves.

  29. RanTalbott says:

    Keith: If you write your ‘Love Letters in the Sand’, how is your loved one going to tie them up with a ribbon and store them in her shoe box as a remembrance for your grandchildren?

    That’s easy. Any (former) Boy Scout can tell you: plaster casts.

    Or, even better: with the rubbery stuff they’re using to make sci-fi critter masks these days, you could make molds, and give the grandkids their own copies.

  30. The Magic M says:

    Did Boone just claim he knows one of the forgers personally?

    And I say “they” because I don’t think it was the President himself, but those around him, but experts who understand the techniques of these things, including a guy in my own office


    He’s also channelling The Donald and his “investigators who can’t believe what they’re finding” – never to be heard of again – when he says “There are trained investigators who are finding out, and I can’t divulge anything more“.

    by September of this year

    Several memes ring here:

    1. “October surprise”.

    2. The Gallups claim that the CCP will release something before the 2014 elections.

    3. Another person obviously not affiliated directly with the CCP making a specific prediction that serves two purposes:

    a. It gets birthers riled up again with a promise of “universe-shattering evidence” and

    b. It provides an easy way out for Zullo when September comes and goes without anything – just like with the March date, they will claim “*we* never said September” and the birthers will digest it as “only the Obots said September”.

    PS. My current #1 prediction for “universe-shattering information”: “When Obama was 6, he once told another child he was a Native American named Black Feather, so he’s obviously not who he says he is.”

  31. jd reed says:

    Pat is in denial — or de Nile — so deep he is in peril of drowning. The guy used to have a few functioning brain cells if his magna com laude graduation from Columbia University’s General Studies school means anything. But he comes late in life to see someone elected president, twice, something that just does not compute in the world as he p understands it. So he looks for explanations and embraces those that –no matter how farfetched — would account for his world tilting off its axis.

  32. Dave B. says:

    Riding the Crazy Train:

    “I woke up trembling, in a cold sweat, furious but weeping for my country. Surely it couldn’t be true, America could never let this happen!” – See more at:

    Okay, he’s no James Brown.

  33. Keith says:

    RanTalbott: That’s easy. Any (former) Boy Scout can tell you: plaster casts.

    Or, even better: with the rubbery stuff they’re using to make sci-fi critter masks these days, you could make molds, and give the grandkids their own copies.

    Oh! I see! (SMH).

    So THAT is what 3D printers are for!

  34. Curious George says:

    Ringling Bros. And Barnum & Bailey Circus is performing at US Airways Center in Phoenix, AZ.

    Wow! Here’s an opportunity to clean up the old Klown Kar and show it off from June 25-June 30. Quick, put out a call to Pat Boone. The big CCP reveal could happen in June instead of September.

  35. Carol says:

    I find it sad that the only comments made about Pat Boone are based on his music and/or his acting. This is an intelligent man who has stood on his convictions for years. Yes, like most of us he has made mistakes, who hasn’t. But this man is doing everything he can to wake the people of the US to the disception of our government and our President.

    I have said since Obama entered the office that he did not belong there, that he was not a citizen of the US, that his supposed birth certificate is a fake. Now, Pat Boone is saying there is proof and it will be revealed possible by September. I applaud him for his attempts. There are some of us who are awake.

  36. Pat Boone saying “any day now” means nothing more than all the others who have said the same thing for 5 1/2 years. They have been 100% wrong to date, and there is no reason to think that the future will be any different.

    We have proven that the Cold Case Posse lied and fabricated evidence. We have proven that they are wholly incompetent as investigators. That ship has sailed and will not return.

    Carol: I have said since Obama entered the office that he did not belong there, that he was not a citizen of the US, that his supposed birth certificate is a fake. Now, Pat Boone is saying there is proof and it will be revealed possible by September. I applaud him for his attempts. There are some of us who are awake.

  37. Bonsall Obot says:


    I find it sad that the only comments made about Pat Boone are based on his music and/or his acting.

    Please don’t be sad.


    This is an intelligent man

    Who believes in things that are demonstrably untrue.


    who has stood on his convictions for years.

    Believing in something really strongly affects its truth value not at all.


    I have said since Obama entered the office that he did not belong there, that he was not a citizen of the US, that his supposed birth certificate is a fake.

    The first is merely your opinion, one which the majority of voters disagreed with. Twice. The second and third are demonstrably untrue.


    Pat Boone is saying there is proof and it will be revealed possible by September. I applaud him for his attempts.

    Please come back and tell us your thoughts on October 1st. If you put the goalposts on wheels, they will be easier to move.


    There are some of us who are awake.

    That’s adorable.

  38. Dave B. says:

    Okay, you’re just as ill-informed as he is. Exactly WHY is it that you thought President Obama “did not belong there”?

    Carol: I have said since Obama entered the office that he did not belong there, that he was not a citizen of the US, that his supposed birth certificate is a fake. Now, Pat Boone is saying there is proof and it will be revealed possible by September. I applaud him for his attempts. There are some of us who are awake.

  39. Bonsall Obot says:

    Dave B.:
    Okay, you’re just as ill-informed as he is.Exactly WHY is it that you thought “he did not belong there”?

    The only thing we can be sure of is that it wasn’t about race, because it’s never about race.

  40. Arthur says:

    Carol: Now, Pat Boone is saying there is proof and it will be revealed possible by September.

    Come back in September, Carol. Well see what song Pat Boone is singing then.

  41. Bonsall Obot says:

    In fairness, I will commend Carol for using spellcheck and for acknowledging that Mr. Obama is President of the United States, two things that most Birfers can’t bring themselves to do.

  42. wrecking ball says:

    I find it sad that the only comments made about Pat Boone are based on his music and/or his acting.

    I have said since Obama entered the office that he did not belong there, that he was not a citizen of the US, that his supposed birth certificate is a fake.

    then put forth your best evidence that obama is not a citizen and/or that his birth certificate is fake and we can comment on that.

    c’mon, get happy.

  43. RanTalbott says:

    Carol: Now, Pat Boone is saying there is proof and it will be revealed possible by September.

    Two years ago, Arpaio and Zullo promised the same thing. They gave us amateurish crap, and outright lies.

    Eighteen months ago, they promised an “eligibility event”, with national press coverage, that could overturn the presidential election results. They gave us nothing.

    A year ago, they promised us new evidence, and “VIPs” who could “move the case forward” in the courts and Congress. They gave us the same old crap, at the CSPOA convention.

    Six months ago, they said there would be new “universe-shattering” evidence, “possibly by March”. Again, nothing. Although this time they at least offered lame excuses.

    An “intelligent man” would see the pattern of failure and deception. And, in fact, one did, and documented it quite nicely:

    The “proof” that will be revealed is that they’re grifters. And, one would hope, since he does appear to be honest, that Pat Boone is their biggest victim.

  44. justlw says:

    Arthur: Come back in September, Carol. Well see what song Pat Boone is singing then.

    I see what you did there.

  45. bgansel9 says:

    Carol: I find it sad that the only comments made about Pat Boone are based on his music and/or his acting. This is an intelligent man who has stood on his convictions for years. Yes, like most of us he has made mistakes, who hasn’t. But this man is doing everything he can to wake the people of the US to the disception of our government and our President.

    So what you meant to say was that you took a wrong turn and meant to end up at Birther Report? You seem to think your opinion is popular here. LOL This isn’t a birther site, Carol. you sound as if you think you have some authority on the matter, but you don’t and here on this very site, if you’d actually look at it, is debunking proof for every conspiracy birthers have come up with. Your opinion is just that, your opinion.

  46. Arthur says:

    justlw: I see what you did there.

    Wow, I actually didn’t know that Pat recorded “September Song!” I was thinking of “Try to Remember (the kind of September)” from “The Fantastiks.”

    Here’s an exceptionally plodding version by The Lettermen,

  47. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    I find it sad that the only comments made about Pat Boone are based on his music and/or his acting. This is an intelligent man who has stood on his convictions for years.

    He can’t be THAT intelligent, he threw in with Birthers after all. That kind of stupid doesn’t wash off.

  48. justlw says:

    Arthur: Here’s an exceptionally plodding version by The Lettermen

    When I was growing up in the LA area, my dad, an otherwise estimable human being in most every way, would listen to KPOL (“1540 on your radio dial!”), a “beautiful music” station, whenever we were in the car.

    I’m fairly certain that version of “Try to Remember” must have featured significantly on their playlist, because that first swelling of strings coaxed a certain decades-old tension headache to come creeping out of the dim mists of time.

    “…then follow!”

  49. Rickey says:


    I have said since Obama entered the office that he did not belong there, that he was not a citizen of the US, that his supposed birth certificate is a fake.

    Even if you could prove that Obama’s birth certificate is a fake, how could you know that he is not a citizen of the United States?

    1. He holds a United States passport.
    2. He is registered to vote in Illinois.
    3. He was elected to the U.S. Senate in 2004.

    Only U.S. citizens are entitled to have a U.S. passport, vote, and hold a seat in the U.S. Senate.

    Please feel free to provide us with your evidence that Obama is not a U.S. citizen. I assure that we will give it all the attention that it deserves.

  50. Arthur says:

    Rickey: Please feel free to provide us with your evidence that Obama is not a U.S. citizen. I assure that we will give it all the attention that it deserves.

    Evidence? Rickey . . . he’s black. What other evidence do you need? He’s just not, well, one of us.

  51. Rickey says:

    Arthur: Evidence? Rickey . . . he’s black. What other evidence do you need? He’s just not, well, one of us.

    How foolish of me!

  52. CarlOrcas says:

    Carol: Now, Pat Boone is saying there is proof and it will be revealed possible by September. I applaud him for his attempts. There are some of us who are awake.

    Out of curiosity…..why do you find Pat Boone credible on this subject?

  53. Or perhaps Pat Boone is the evil mastermind behind the entire birther movement, spinning his spiders’ web for 6 years now, manipulating every action of the birthers, directing Corsi, orchestrating Birther Report, and funding the project generously.

    Wheels within wheels, man.

    RanTalbott: And, one would hope, since he does appear to be honest, that Pat Boone is their biggest victim.

  54. JPotter says:

    Carol: There are some of us who are awake.

    Yea verily, even at these early hours, you are correct.

    (Lookee! Birfer got one right!)

  55. Keith says:

    Carol: This is an intelligent man who has stood on his convictions for years.

    Oh sure. Let me explain to you how ‘intelligent’ this man is.

    His career was in entertainment, yeah? He did OK, had a couple of hit records, and believe it or not, I actually liked ‘Love Letters in the Sand’ when it came out (hey I was too young to know better, OK?). That’s better than me, I only had two very very NOT hit records. Once upon a time there was a chance I could have had something approaching a hit record though – well maybe not a hit exactly, but something that might have sold in the multi thousands anyway.

    I was in the Tucson Arizona Boys Chorus as a lad, and one time we were in Casa Grande Arizona to do a special concert for some local organization’s Annual General Meeting or something. Pat Boone was to be there too, and it was essentially an audition for a support gig for his annual Christmas Album.

    We all got on stage and the pianist started the intro for our first number, and the director, Mr. Caso, got this horrible look on his face, stopped the pianist, and walked off stage to find the venue manager. The piano was horribly out of tune and it was really important to him that we sound as good as possible; he was anxious to get the gig. The venue manager was embarrassed, but couldn’t find another piano. The audience was getting antsy, so the director sent the pianist to get the electric warm-up piano. Just then Boone appears and starts making a lot of noise about how unprofessional it was ‘to expect the audience to wait while you argued over an untuned piano’ and that we should just get our asses up on stage and sing. He got very loud and very vulgar. If we could hear him on stage from the adjacent hall, so could the audience.

    I could not believe the insulting, ignorant, unprofessional, attitude. Mr. Caso was not being unreasonable, he tried his best to put a workaround in place as quickly as possible. Boone was just another charleton that couldn’t read music (that’s a projection – I don’t know that for sure) and couldn’t understand people who could. The TABC ran on the smell of an oily rag, Boone had advance crew from the record companies that made sure he just had to show up sober and things would work.

    Mr. Caso told Boone where to go and we packed up and left without singing a single note. I understand the organization for whom we were to have sung apologized to the TABC and even made a donation above the normal fee (but being a kid at the time, I don’t know that for sure of course – I wasn’t the bookkeeper). Fransisco Grande (the resort were the concert was to be) apologized too. I never heard whether Boone ever said boo about it.

    Boone is ignorant, vindictive, nasty, and not a very nice person in spite of his squeeky clean Mr. Cleaver public image.

  56. Rickey says:

    One of Pat Boone’s lies from 2011:

    On Obama’s religion: “Growing up in Indonesia, he used to read the Koran in that was instilled in him as a young boy…he hasn’t celebrated any Christian holidays in the White House, but he does Ramadan.”

    Obama celebrating Easter at the White House in 2010:

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