Throw Miki under the bus or not?

The podcast of Freedom Friday last week has finally appeared on the WEBY web site. Mike Zullo is not on the program, but there were two call-in segments. Here’s the link to them at WEBY:


I haven’t had a chance to listen to these yet, except that the first birther-related call is somewhere around 10 minutes into the first segment above. I’m taking the quote from a comment at Birther Report, Gallups speaking:

I do know Miki very well, and her husband, and and think the WORLD of her.

If Gallups is indeed Mike Zullo’s official spokesperson, then this is a pretty strong endorsement from the Cold Case Posse faction going against the accusation from Doug Vogt that Booth is an accessory to forgery. However, birthers can see things we can’t. Notice “WORLD” in all caps. That relates to what followed in the comment:

Considering EARTH-shattering information will soon be revealed, this comment by Gallups could prove to be VERY telling.

I thought it was “UNIVERSE-shattering” but I digress. Somehow for this commenter, the character reference for Booth by Gallups is only the cause for more suspicion, in the hypothetical soup that ends the comment:

I ask you all this: If Vogt was wrong in his analysis, why are the Obots so adamant about attacking Vogt (even more than they already have) and defending Booth? Why are certain people so willing to attack the messenger (Vogt) instead of the message (sealed affidavit)? Why are certain people so willing to deny the facts in an analysis of a man they seemed to have supported all along up to this point? Why has Zullo not retracted some of his previous statements that have coincided with what Vogt has written in his affidavit? Why are certain people so willing to give into feelings instead of facts? Why shouldn’t we be skeptical until all the facts come to light? Should we just “STFU” like a certain poster here said?

That comment so far has drawn 47 replies (some prompted by my involvement), including one that features this YouTube video from Rudy who, like Carl Gallups, calls Booth his friend and says: “I know Miki Booth is innocent.” I recommend taking a minute to watch it.

I replied to the video on Rudy’s YouTube channel:

What I hope Rudy will come to realize is that Vogt’s bogus accusation against Miki Booth is not simply something something he says out of spite. It is the result of his detailed forensic examination of birth certificates she presented. Vogt says that the same indications of forgery found in Obama’s certificate are also found in the Booth certificates. If the Booth certificates are authentic (and I don’t doubt that they are), then what are claimed as marks of forgery in Obama’s certificate are in fact NOT marks of forgery, but marks of incompetence by Vogt, the person who was a major supplier of analysis to the Cold Case Posse.

The unfortunate Miki Booth is a victim of the same incompetence and confirmation bias that makes Obama’s birth certificate a forgery in the minds of birthers. Or put another way, those who engage in witch hunts may find themselves accused of witchcraft.

One BR commenter, Cassandra Hocutt said:

So far, I have a lot more reason to believe Vogt than the guy in this video. It seems really suspicious to me the way he seems to think that renown as the “Birther Princess” is enough to exonerate Miki no matter what evidence is presented against her. And it’s even worse how instead of helping to bring her innocence to light, he prefers to attack Doug Vogt.

Stay tuned tomorrow for the next exciting episode of How the Birther Turns.

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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44 Responses to Throw Miki under the bus or not?

  1. Pastor Charmley says:

    “Those who engage in witch hunts may find themselves accused of witchcraft.”

    Indeed. I noticed this back when the 9/11 ‘Truther’ groups were more active, a disagreement between Truthers would very quickly lead to one, perhaps both, of the parties accusing the other of being a counterintelligence agent. Of course in my opinion both were presenting ideas counter to intelligence, but I digress…

  2. Lupin says:

    Burn the witch!

    Er, who is the witch, already?

  3. Thinker says:

    Ha! New tag. “Mikied” Love it!

  4. Joey says:

    Darn it!

    It looks like all the real birther action is on “As the Birther Turns” and I’ve been watching “One Birther Life To Live” and “General Birther Mental Hospital.”

  5. CarlOrcas says:

    Darn it!

    It looks like all the real birther action is on “As the Birther Turns” and I’ve been watching “One Birther Life To Live” and “General Birther Mental Hospital.”

    Be sure to check out One Flew Over the Birther’s Nest.

    I think Zullo is scheduled for shock treatment shortly.

  6. dunstvangeet says:

    Burn the witch!

    Er, who is the witch, already?

    Does she weigh as much as a Duck? If she doesn’t, then she’s not a witch, and therefore we can’t burn her…

  7. Woodrowfan says:

    Lupin: Burn the witch!

    Er, who is the witch, already?

    eh, just start burning people, we’ll get the witch eventually..

  8. Bob says:

    If she wanted to, Miki Booth (if that’s her real name), could put this whole controversy to rest by just proving that she’s not an Obot.

    What is she hiding?

  9. aarrgghh says:

    Bob: If she wanted to, Miki Booth (if that’s her real name), could put this whole controversy to rest by just proving that she’s not an Obot.

    What is she hiding?

    an honest person would be **HONORED** to prove in any way possible that she wasn’t the forger.

  10. Speaking of Birther Report, it develops that Jerad Miller, the Las Vegas shooter, was a subscriber to Birther Report’s YouTube channel.

    Found by Flatpointhigh on Frogbrow

  11. Dave says:

    If I’m not mistaken, that conclusively proves that Miller was employed by Soros to make BR look bad.

  12. justlw says:

    Bob: Miki Booth (if that’s her real name)

    Bob, kudos. Clearly you know more than you’re letting on.

    As does our friend Rudy.

    Doc all-but-demanded that each and every one of us consider the evidence:

    I recommend taking a minute to watch it.

    “It” of course being Rudy’s multiverse-annihilating revelation, contained in the video embedded above.

    “Taking a minute” is clearly Doc’s way to get us to focus on the center portion of Rudy’s three minute video, where at 1:25 (exactly in the middle! More or less!) he refers to:

    A good friend of mine, Miki Birth


    The truth is now out there — way out there. “Miki Booth” is not her real name, Bob! It’s “Miki Birth”!

    How do we know incontrovertibly this is true, and what does it mean to the reality of birtherdom? Good questions! I’m glad I asked!

    First, we know it is true, because Rudy refers to her exactly once as “Miki Birth,” out of countless times he mentioned her by her full name. By The Iron Law of Birther Proof, this means we must discard all other references in favor of the anomaly. Therefore, her name is Miki Birth. Quod erat demonstrandum, baby.

    Now, if your last name was “Birth”, in this Age of the Usurper, what could it lead you to do? The mind reels. Or that might be the egg salad sandwich of questionable origin that I had for lunch. But either way!

  13. Haters flock together. Pun intended.

    Comrade Fogovich: Speaking of Birther Report, it develops that Jerad Miller, the Las Vegas shooter, was a subscriber to Birther Report’s YouTube channel.

  14. Arthur says:

    Comrade Fogovich: Speaking of Birther Report, it develops that Jerad Miller, the Las Vegas shooter, was a subscriber to Birther Report’s YouTube channel.

    Just to add to this, at Crooks and Liars, they have a picture of Miller posing with birther and “Constitutional Sheriff” Richard Mack. Then, at the end of the story they include Miller’s Facebook logo–which happens to look a lot like bird boy’s Intense Debate logo.

  15. CarlOrcas says:

    Comrade Fogovich:
    Speaking of Birther Report, it develops that Jerad Miller, the Las Vegas shooter, was a subscriber to Birther Report’s YouTube channel.

    Found by Flatpointhigh on Frogbrow

    Why am I not surprised?

  16. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    CarlOrcas: Why am I not surprised?

    He’s one of theirs and they cannot deny it. Someone should rub their nose in it like cheese on a grater.

  17. CarlOrcas says:

    Andrew Vrba, PmG: He’s one of theirs and they cannot deny it.

    They were also at the Cliven Bundy ranch up the road but, according to a Bundy son, they were kicked out.

  18. Arthur says:

    Andrew Vrba, PmG: He’s one of theirs and they cannot deny it. Someone should rub their nose in it like cheese on a grater.

    They’ll simply say he was manipulated by the CIA, or HAARP, or the NSA, or chem trails, and that their hate-filled movement is completely innocent.

  19. eg says:

    Hi doc, off topic
    Been a while, but what with the Asheville, NC residency, I gotta ask: M Robinson has a few conspiracies to blog about. Are you in for the long run?

    Bless you, and Mrs Conspiracy. I miss the old days, but commenting here regularly has been a professional nightmare.

  20. I’m planning my final article for January 21, 2017. The blog will stay around as an archive.

    Hi doc, off topic
    Been a while, butwhat with the Asheville, NC residency, I gotta ask: M Robinson has a few conspiracies to blog about. Are you in for the long run?

    Bless you,and Mrs Conspiracy. I miss the old days, but commenting here regularly has been a professional nightmare.

  21. Bonsall Obot says:

    CarlOrcas: They were also at the Cliven Bundy ranch up the road but, according to a Bundy son, they were kicked out.

    How batcrap loony do you have to be to be shunned by Bundy supporters???

  22. Rickey says:

    Comrade Fogovich:
    Speaking of Birther Report, it develops that Jerad Miller, the Las Vegas shooter, was a subscriber to Birther Report’s YouTube channel.

    I’m seeing reports that he was a supporter of Operation American Spring on Facebook.

  23. CarlOrcas says:

    Bonsall Obot: How batcrap loony do you have to be to be shunned by Bundy supporters???

    That would be Super Duper Double Chocolate Batcrap Loony.

  24. CarlOrcas says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    I’m planning my final article for January 21, 2017. The blog will stay around as an archive.

    And miss all the fun with Hillary????

  25. Arthur says:

    CarlOrcas: And miss all the fun with Hillary????

    It funny, but when I decided to vote for Barack Obama rather than Hillary Clinton, I did so with expectation that Obama would incite far less hostility than Clinton would. Oh, I was naive little scamp back then!

  26. Thomas Brown says:

    “A quick message to all you right-wing popular-media bunkum-merchants (and you know you you are):

    YOU were the ones who told millions of Americans not that Obama might some day send paramilitary squads out to take all their guns, but that those squads actually exist and could be here any second.

    YOU were the ones who told millions of Americans not there are possibly troubling aspects of International Agreements, but that their leaders are actively cooperating with selling their freedoms out to the New World Order so as to enslave them in a world-wide Socialist Hell on Earth.

    YOU were the ones who told millions of Americans not that Andrew Breitbart and Loretta Fuddy and so many others died prematurely and tragically, but that our Government coldly and calculatedly murdered them.

    YOU were the ones who told millions of Americans not that having to share public life with homosexuals makes some folks uncomfortable, but that there is a “gay agenda” to brainwash and seduce their children, to demolish their churches and put them in reprogramming camps.

    YOU were the ones who told millions of Americans that even though he was raised by the white side of his family and has never written or said anything negative about them as a monolithic group, Barack Obama hates and wants to destroy white people.

    YOU were the ones who told millions of Americans not that perhaps we ought to keep an eye out for a small minority of Muslims who might be capable of extremist terrorism, but that every Muslim in America is a potential terrorist and every Mosque a training center for mass destruction.

    YOU were the ones who told millions of Americans not that you disagree with and would like to alter the Supreme Court’s interpretation of the President’s powers under the body of Law and the Constitution, but that the current President is frequently, willingly, and flagrantly violating both.

    YOU were the ones who told millions of Americans not that Americans with fewer than two citizen parents and/or dual citizenship at birth shouldn’t be allowed to serve as President, that there was a diabolical foreign plot to forge documents and install a usurper in the White House to subjugate the populace.

    YOU were the ones who told millions of Americans there are Chinese and/or Russian troops already stationed in America to assist in the coming take-over. That Liberals and Progressives are actually Socialists and Communists. That Democrats want to siphon off all of The Republican voters’ money and give it to thugs and illegals. That the Founders intended the Second Amendment to empower Americans to take up arms against their Government.

    YOU put those ideas into all those heads.

    YOU did that. Nobody else. You got people mad and confused enough to kill police officers and random bystanders.

    You planted those ideas and watered them.

    Now eat the fruit.”

    I fully intend to spread that note around as far and wide as I be able.

  27. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Thomas Brown:
    “A quick message to all you right-wing popular-media bunkum-merchants (and you know you you are):

    YOU were the ones who told millions of Americans not that Obama might some day send paramilitary squads out to take all their guns, but that those squads actually exist and could be here any second.

    YOU were the ones who told millions of Americans not there are possibly troubling aspects of International Agreements, but that their leaders are actively cooperating with selling their freedoms out to the New World Order so as to enslave them in a world-wide Socialist Hell on Earth.

    YOU were the ones who told millions of Americans not that Andrew Breitbart and Loretta Fuddy and so many others died prematurely and tragically, but that our Government coldly and calculatedly murdered them.

    YOU were the ones who told millions of Americans not that having to share public life with homosexuals makes some folks uncomfortable, but that there is a “gay agenda” to brainwash and seduce their children, to demolish their churches and put them in reprogramming camps.

    YOU were the ones who told millions of Americans that even though he was raised by the white side of his family and has never written or said anything negative about them as a monolithic group, Barack Obama hates and wants to destroy white people.

    YOU were the ones who told millions of Americans not that perhaps we ought to keep an eye out for a small minority of Muslims who might be capable of extremist terrorism, but that every Muslim in America is a potential terrorist and every Mosque a training center for mass destruction.

    YOU were the ones who told millions of Americans not that you disagree with and would like to alter the Supreme Court’s interpretation of the President’s powers under the body of Law and the Constitution, but that the current President is frequently, willingly, and flagrantly violating both.

    YOU were the ones who told millions of Americans not that Americans with fewer than two citizen parents and/or dual citizenship at birth shouldn’t be allowed to serve as President, that there was a diabolical foreign plot to forge documents and install a usurper in the White House to subjugate the populace.

    YOU were the ones who told millions of Americans there are Chinese and/or Russian troops already stationed in America to assist in the coming take-over.That Liberals and Progressives are actually Socialists and Communists.That Democrats want to siphon off all of The Republican voters’ money and give it to thugs and illegals.That the Founders intended the Second Amendment to empower Americans to take up arms against their Government.

    YOU put those ideas into all those heads.

    YOU did that.Nobody else. You got people mad and confused enough to kill police officers and random bystanders.

    You planted those ideas and watered them.

    Now eat the fruit.”

    I fully intend to spread that note around as far and wide as I be able.

    Well said! Every time one of these lone wolf nuts pops up and does something like this, the people who inspired them need their faces rubbed in it, until they get rug burn. They own this.

  28. I haven’t had much success in coining new terms and having them stick. Still, I like “Mikied” and “Zubot” (which somebody else came up with).

    Ha! New tag. “Mikied” Love it!

  29. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    I haven’t had much success in coining new terms and having them stick. Still, I like “Mikied” and “Zubot” (which somebody else came up with).

    I like Zubot, simply because it sounds like a Pokeymans. 😉

  30. The Magic M says:

    justlw: he refers to:

    A good friend of mine, Miki Birth

    Reminds me of the only time I ever had to sue a guy. He brought a false witness who claimed to be a good friend of his for over 5 years. When the judge asked the witness what the defendant’s last name was, he didn’t have an answer. (The rest of the testimony went likewise; I won the case and both the witness and the defendent ended up doing time for perjury.)

  31. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    A comment I left on one of Rudy’s insane Youtube rants:

    “Patriots”. You keep using that word, but I do not think it means what you think it means.

  32. Thinker says:

    Mikied has a major advantage over Zubot. It can be generalized to refer to a phenomenon that all conspiracy watchers are familiar with, but for which there isn’t really a specific term: this thing where conspriracy theorists who are ideologically similar turn on each other and accuse each other of being conspirators because they disagree on the details of their conspiracy theories. We need a word for that. Mikied will work, I think. Zubot, on the other hand, is a specific reference for a pretty common phenomenon of blindly following idiots.

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    I haven’t had much success in coining new terms and having them stick. Still, I like “Mikied” and “Zubot” (which somebody else came up with).

  33. Joey says:

    Its kind of ironic, isn’t it, that Ms. Booth got “slipped a Miki” by fellow travellers in the Birther Cult.

  34. The European says:

    I guess that Miki got mikied by some birthers and especially by the birdboy (who may be a retired military in his seventies, well known as a birther as well) because well, how can I say it, because of her unclean blood. Just look at her and you know that she’s a traitor.

  35. Miki is Japanese by birth as best I can tell.

    The European: how can I say it, because of her unclean blood.

  36. “Obot” had a good run.

    Thinker: Zubot, on the other hand, is a specific reference for a pretty common phenomenon of blindly following idiots.

  37. Bonsall Obot says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:

    “Obot” had a good run.

    I feeeeel happy!

    I feeeeeeeel happy!

  38. Curious George says:

    Dr. Conspiracy
    June 10, 2014
    Miki is Japanese by birth as best I can tell.

    I concur Doctor.

  39. Curious George says:

    Rudy declares war on Vogt. Let the feathers begin to fly!

  40. The European says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    Miki is Japanese by birth as best I can tell.

    Pearl Harbor ! Pearl Harbor! They attacked first and then they declared war. These traitorous Japs. I never trusted her,

    /birdboy mode end

  41. I hate to say this, Doc, but I suspect you’re not doing Miki Booth any favors by coming to her defense, either on YouTube or on Birther Report. The birthers think that when you protest that she’s innocent, it’s just further proof of her guilt.

    Not that I have any sympathy for her, in all honesty. Just sayin’ …

  42. Jim says:

    Comrade Fogovich:
    I hate to say this, Doc, but I suspect you’re not doing Miki Booth any favors by coming to her defense, either on YouTube or on Birther Report. The birthers think that when you protest that she’s innocent, it’s just further proof of her guilt.

    Wonder if that would work for Zullo and Gallups too? 😀

  43. I’m aware of the contrarian reaction I get on pretty much anything I say around birthers. But I’m not participating to do anyone a favor, not Miki Booth, not Barack Obama. I’m here to call it like I see it. Mainly, when I say Miki’s not a forger, my underlying point is that Obama’s birth certificate isn’t a forgery either, Vogt is incompetent, and so there is no crime for Miki to be guilty of.

    Comrade Fogovich: I hate to say this, Doc, but I suspect you’re not doing Miki Booth any favors by coming to her defense, either on YouTube or on Birther Report.

  44. RanTalbott says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: I’m aware of the contrarian reaction I get on pretty much anything I say around birthers.

    I don’t believe I’ve ever heard death threats described in quite those terms. How charmingly euphemistic 😉

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