“Any day now” gets closer

It’s been a slow week and I am reduced to republishing Birther Report. One of them had the stomach to listen to Carl Gallups Freedom Friday program and this comes from that:

Carl Gallups: Been talking to Mike Zullo. Both the birth certificate and criminal investigations are still ongoing. Sheriff Arpaio is getting close to holding the press conference. They are in the process of getting over two legal hurdles so they can release some of the information. All sources and information must be extensively vetted.

So “any day now” becomes “getting close” and “getting VIPs on board” becomes “getting over two legal hurdles.” I wonder what those legal hurdles are. Could they be:

  1. No evidence
  2. No jurisdiction

Perhaps we will find out, any day now.

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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41 Responses to “Any day now” gets closer

  1. Dave says:

    Could be “would we be liable for slander,” if they’re planning to start smearing non-public persons.

  2. Bonsall Obot says:

    “All sources and information must be extensively vetted.”

    Translation: “We’re still walking funny after the race code debacle.”

  3. Arpaio has a history of bringing trumped-up charges against political opponents, and I still think that the “criminal investigation” is the Dennis Montgomery / Tim Blixseth stuff. I expect the likely criminal target is Eric Holder. That will go nowhere.

    I was interested to note the phrase “some of the information,” which has two possible meanings: there are legal hurdles related to some of the information, or after surmounting the legal hurdles, they are going to release only some of the information.

    Dave: Could be “would we be liable for slander,” if they’re planning to start smearing non-public persons.

  4. gorefan says:

    Could be “would we be liable for slander,” if they’re planning to start smearing non-public persons.

    Exactly. Maricopa County has already forked out a ton of bucks for that kind of thing. Would Zullo be personally liable? I can’t image the County would cover him.

  5. gorefan says:

    Bonsall Obot:
    “All sources and information must be extensively vetted.”

    Translation: “We’re still walking funny after the race code debacle.”

    Or is that a reference to the Phoneix New Times article?

  6. Janny says:

    What we should be talking about here are the FEMA camps that are being set up for pastors around the country. Wait. What? The Orly insanity only gets worse. Oh. And by the way, did you know that 200 million Americans are going to die this year from diseases brought in by the illegals? How in the hell did she EVER get admitted to the bar?

  7. CarlOrcas says:

    gorefan: Exactly.Maricopa County has already forked out a ton of bucks for that kind of thing.Would Zullo be personally liable?I can’t image the County would cover him.

    Zullo can’t write a parking ticket. Bill Montgomery isn’t real bright, in my humble opinion, but he is conscious enough to note what happened to the last guy (and lady) that carried Joe Arpaio’s water.

    The bottom line, as Doc notes, is simple:

    1 – No evidence
    2 – No jurisdiction

    Add in “Going nowhere” and that’s it. It’s done….stick a fork in it.

  8. Bonsall Obot says:

    gorefan: Or is that a reference to the Phoneix New Times article?

    That, too.

    I think they’re thinking that after their fake race codes were exposed, what they need is better fakes, rather than just not lying at all.

    I don’t think they’ll ever bother to hold a press conference, but I sure hope they do. Nothing funnier these days than Birfer hubris.

  9. gorefan says:

    CarlOrcas: Zullo can’t write a parking ticket. Bill Montgomery isn’t real bright, in my humble opinion, but he is conscious enough to note what happened to the last guy (and lady) that carried Joe Arpaio’s water.

    The bottom line, as Doc notes, is simple:

    1 – No evidence 2 – No jurisdiction

    Add in “Going nowhere” and that’s it. It’s done….stick a fork in it.

    They have given themselves an out. Plan B. Now all they have to do is claim they could not overcome the legal hurdles (damn county lawyers). So on to Plan B – e-book.

  10. Keith says:

    Janny: And by the way, did you know that 200 million Americans are going to die this year from diseases brought in by the illegals?

    That is a rather drastic way to reduce the nation’s carbon footprint, don’t you think?

  11. CarlOrcas says:

    gorefan: They have given themselves an out.Plan B.Now all they have to do is claim they could not overcome the legal hurdles (damn county lawyers).So on to Plan B – e-book.

    So much for saving America from the Marxist usurper.

  12. Dave says:

    The FEMA camp thing is illustrative of the wingnut propensity for recycling. Taitz’s article is a cut and paste of an article at teapartycrusaders.com. That article is a cut and paste of an article posted last January at thelibertydigest.com. That article is a cut and paste of an article at beforeitsnews.com from December. That article is somewhat rewritten from a message board post at apfn.net from June 2006. And that was a rewrite of a May 2006 article at prisonplanet.com. You just knew we’d wind up at Alex Jones eventually.

    What we should be talking about here are the FEMA camps that are being set up for pastors around the country.Wait.What?The Orly insanity only gets worse.Oh. And by the way, did you know that 200 million Americans are going to die this year from diseases brought in by the illegals?How in the hell did she EVER get admitted to the bar?

  13. Curious George says:

    The set up for pulling the plug is in. It all comes down to the people and what they do with the information. The Gallups / Zullo book may be just around the corner. Gallups give only about a total of 10 minutes in two segments for the “earth shattering” evidence. It be done.

  14. Rickey says:

    Zullo reminds me of Hal Lindsey, the Christian fundamentalist who has made a career out of wrongly predicting the end of the world. No matter how many years go by with the world still existing, Lindsey’s followers stand by him.

    Lindsey even resembles Zullo.


  15. wrecking ball says:

    i didn’t realize B and S were legal hurdles.

  16. Arthur says:

    Rickey: Zullo reminds me of Hal Lindsey, the Christian fundamentalist who has made a career out of wrongly predicting the end of the world. No matter how many years go by with the world still existing,

    I agree. They’re both ego-driven hucksters.

    In other news, birtherism seems to have run its course. To borrow from C,.S,.Lewis, it’s always winter in Birtherstan, always winter but never Christmas.

  17. Arthur says:


    Yup. Birtherism has become as tedious as a rerun of “Pawn Stars.”

  18. RanTalbott says:

    The second “legal hurdle” needs no guessing, since Gallups stated it quite explicitly “He has to vet and verify all his information sources and the information he has”.

    I’d say that the odds are at least 5 to 1, based on Gallups description, that the first “hurdle” is getting the “NSA document” declassified. Or, in reality-based terms, finding out that Montgomery suckered him.

    So really there’s only one “hurdle”, and they’re already tripping over it. They just don’t know it yet 😉

    Which means that, after the team doctor verifies that they didn’t suffer concussions from their faceplant, we’ll get to find out what “Plan B” is.

    I’d like to buy the square in the office pool that says “Run Like Hell”, please.

  19. RanTalbott says:

    Oh, yeah: there’s another piece of exciting “Breakinging!!! Monumental!!! News!!!” from today’s Free Dumb Friday. Reed Hayes got a promotion: he is now the “Nation’s Foremost Document Expert”. Which means either:

    a. He’s taken a lot of professional development courses in the last year, or
    b. He’s learned how to authenticate signatures writtten in milk.

  20. Benji Franklin says:

    Karl Gall Oops!:”Okay, Listeners! Here’s the big reveal! Yes, that day HAS ARRIVED! Here’s ‘Share If Our Pie Hole’ to announce the part of the Earth-shattering charges we are bringing against Obama which have been vetted and verified. The mike is all your’s, Joe!”

    ‘Share If Our Pie Hole’ :”Charge Number One- Name of accused redacted and nature of charge redacted pending verification. Charge Number Two- Name of accused redacted and nature of charge redacted pending verification. Charge Number Three- Name of accused redacted and nature of charge redacted pending verification. That concludes all that we can release at this time.”

    Karl Gall Oops!:”WOW! WOW! WOW! Well, it was worth the three year wait, wasn’t it, Listeners? Tell you what – the phone lines are burning up here today – let’s take a call. Go ahead caller! ”

    Caller:”Karl, Doc Conspiracy is claiming the legal hurdles that must be overcome with these Universe shattering charges against Obama, are No evidence and
    No jurisdiction! Is that true?”

    Karl Gall Oops!: “No, no, no, no…… Nothing like that! What a bunch of liars the Obots are! Of course we can’t go into all the details about the legal hurdles right now, but I CAN TELL YOU THIS! The only legal hurdle we face is getting legislation passed by the House and Senate, and signed by Obama, which makes these things we’re accusing Obama of, into crimes, because, frankly, without that, our lack of evidence and jurisdiction won’t matter.”

    Caller:”Thank God!”

  21. Note: Foremost is a brand of milk sold in the upper Midwest of the US.

    RanTalbott: b. He’s learned how to authenticate signatures written in milk.

  22. alg says:

    My take is that this is all coming from Gallup’s fertile imagination, beginning with the very first sentence. Frankly, I doubt that he’s “been talking to Mike Zullo.” At least, not within recent history. This is just Carl trying to respond to his listener concerns that he’s not said anything about the so-called “cold case posse investigation” for the past several weeks.

    There will be no “press conference.” Nor will there be any “Plan-B.”

  23. ScottKB created the cutest image of you in a pink bunny suit, Doc. I LOLed. :mrgreen:

  24. Notorial Dissent says:

    I think that is more correctly fevered imagination of Gallups. Giddyap is on a roll now fer sure!!!!

  25. Arthur says:

    Comrade Fogovich:
    ScottKB created the cutest image of you in a pink bunny suit, Doc. I LOLed.

    It’s a real funny picture, and not at all smutty. If it was of me, I’d save a copy.

  26. Thomas Brown says:

    That Mr. Redacted guy is in a heap o’ trubba, you betcha.

  27. Bernard Sussman says:

    “Any day getting closer”. We could also say that about the day that the moon falls from the sky and crashes into the earth. I will accept bets on which happens first.

  28. Thinker says:

    What happened to their “VIPs of standing”? Did they all stand down?

  29. wrecking ball says:

    Arthur: It’s a real funny picture, and not at all smutty. If it was of me, I’d save a copy.

    agreed. got to give credit where do on that one ( altho unfortunately he still felt the need to dip into some rough-trade homo-erotica disguised as an insult ).

  30. y_p_w says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    Note: Foremost is a brand of milk sold in the upper Midwest of the US.

    There’s a complex history of the name. It all started with a prized breeding dairy bull named Langwater Foremost bought by some guy named James Cash Penney – maybe you’ve heard of him. The company merged with McKesson in the 50s. I remember when Foremost-McKesson was based in San Francisco, but they divested themselves of the dairy business in the 80s. That’s where it is now – with a Midwest dairy cooperative that uses the trademark.


  31. Yoda says:

    Don’t ya’ll know that allowing kids to come in with bubonic plague is part of Agenda 21?

  32. DSM says:

    I too believe that Dennis Montgomery is central to the “universe shattering” revelations touted by Zullow and company. (Note: per Gallups on Friday’s show the evidence is now merely “earth shattering”.)

    I would further speculate that Montgomery has fabricated Top Secret/Eyes Only government cables that he will claim to have intercepted using his proprietary software. And there will be a question as to whether the Gang Who Couldn’t Shoot Straight will be in violation of espionage statutes if they release same. Might come in handy in explaining any delay in releasing their Beyond Universe Shattering findings.

  33. Rickey says:

    I too believe that Dennis Montgomery is central to the “universe shattering” revelations touted by Zullow and company. (Note: per Gallups on Friday’s show the evidence is now merely “earth shattering”.)

    I would further speculate that Montgomery has fabricated Top Secret/Eyes Only government cables that he will claim to have intercepted using his proprietary software. And there will be a question as to whether the Gang Who Couldn’t Shoot Straight will be in violation of espionage statutes if they release same. Might come in handy in explaining any delay in releasing their Beyond Universe Shattering findings.

    I agree. My suspicion is that Zullo really believed that they had something with Montgomery, but at some point early this year he and Arpaio discovered that Montgomery is a con artist and they realized that nothing that he gave them could be relied upon.

    It’s impossible to tell if they have completely given up on Montgomery or if they are still try to “vet” his information. Not that it matters, because we know that in the end they have nothing because there is nothing to have.

  34. Arthur says:

    Rickey: I agree. My suspicion is that Zullo really believed that they had something with Montgomery, but at some point early this year he and Arpaio discovered that Montgomery is a con artist and they realized that nothing that he gave them could be relied upon.

    I think that’s a likely scenario, too. Based on what Brian Reilly wrote of Zullo’s gullibility regarding Monkton’s spurious connections to the British intelligence, (see:
    http://www.obamaconspiracy.org/2014/03/banned-birther-breaks-br-censorship-barrier/) I have no trouble believing that Zullo could be taken in by a con man of Montgomery’s apparent skill.

  35. Dave says:

    I was dubious when the Phoenix New Times story came out — not that I mistrust them, but their sources could have been mistaken or lying. But, unless I have the timeline wrong, that was when Zullo and Gallups suddenly clammed up. And there was no reason to react that way if the story was wrong.

    If the New Times story actually was the reason they stopped their blabbing, there are several possible scenarios. One is that they realized the bottom just fell out of their universe-shattering evidence. Another is that they realized they would have to conceal where they got the evidence. Yet another is that they don’t care that Montgomery is a known con man — after all, they’re just out to bilk birthers and Tea Partiers — and only clammed up because they had a leak.

  36. Notorial Dissent says:

    DSM, I hadn’t thought about that angle with Montgomery at all. I felt he had to be in it up to his neck, just couldn’t figure out how. I remember the NSA nonsense, but figured it was just a red herring or the Klown Posse getting all het up over nothing, never actually occurred to me that Montgomery would try and forge actual NSA documents to sell the loonies, and of course if he could come up with something juicy enough, they’d bite hook line and sinker, and I think you’ve hit the nail squarely on the head. I mean, if you think about it, what would be more ego satisfying to the Shurf than gen-u-ine gov’t documents implicating his two arch nemeses in a something really nasty. He wouldn’t be able to resist it and wouldn’t look too hard at it all. I think it was all going along swimmingly until that nasty awful newsrag that has been making his life a misery blew the lid off of Montgomery and his assorted scams, and now there they sit, having gotten taken for at least 50 big ones, and who know how much else, with nothing to show for it but the egg that would be on their faces if they tried to go public with any of it now. If they thought they were laughing stocks after the last great presser, this would truly have been “universe shattering” except it would have been their universe. I agree with Dave here, the resounding silence from the Klown Posse and the Shurf, as well as from Dougy all lead me to believe that Montgomery took them all for a grand ride, and they got left holding the bad. Just out of curiosity to the legal minds here, how much trouble can you get in from forging NSA documents, or in using forged NSA documents? I’m betting a whole heap.

  37. Arthur says:

    Notorial Dissent: I agree with Dave here, the resounding silence from the Klown Posse and the Shurf, as well as from Dougy all lead me to believe that Montgomery took them all for a grand ride, and they got left holding the bad.

    If this is true, there is at least one way out for Arpaio and Zullo: acknowledge they’ve been duped, but claim Montgomery is an Obama operative spreading disinformation in order to discredit Arpaio. The denizens of Bitherstan would eat that up and forgive the the sheriff immediately.

  38. Dave says:

    If they just want to sell this story to the birthers, all they need to do is say that the earlier stories about Montgomery being a con man are BS.

    Thing is, I don’t know who Arpaio wants to sell this story to. But I’m sure he knows he can’t sell it to anyone except the dumbest wingnuts if he reveals that the info came from Montgomery.

  39. RanTalbott says:

    I wonder if the “vetting” process for their new evydunce will be the same one that failed to catch:

    1. The incompetent claim that no one used “African” as a race designator.
    2. The incompetent claim that Hawaii was coding its BCs for the feds.
    3. The dishonest claim that the CCP had the coding manual.
    4. The dishonest claim that it included rules for how race could be entered on a BC.
    5. The incompetent claim that Hawaii processed and numbered BCs in birth order.
    6. The dishonest claim that a coding instruction that said it was for “Race of parents only” also applied to “Kind of Business”
    7. The incompetent claim that “the White House computer image .pdf file contained anomalies that were unexplainable unless the document had been fabricated piecemeal by human intervention, rather than being copied from a genuine paper document”.
    8. The incompetent claim that it was necessary for a forger to fabricate a physical date stamp in order to create a monochrome image to be inserted in the microfilm record.
    9. The fraudulent claim that the CCP is running “an official law enforcement investigation”.

    And, of course, the complete lack of admissible evidence for any of the claims the CCP has made over the last 2+ years.

    It would appear to me that, if the CCP wants to ensure that nothing incorrect is released, the first thing it’s going to have to do is eliminate the sources of the errors by firing Zullo and Gallups, and closing down the CCP. 😉

  40. The Magic M (not logged in) says:

    Arthur: I think that’s a likely scenario, too.

    Same here.

    I doubt that Zullo would care much about how quickly his stuff is dismantled by the sane community (unless he were a true believer, but then he likely wouldn’t fabricate evidence). So there must be a deeper reason why he isn’t feeding regular stuff to the birther community (and has pretty much delegated that function to Gallups). The Montgomery angle is a probable explanation.

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