When I saw this statue, I immediately thought of Orly Taitz.
Maybe it was the eyes.
Orly has always been a difficult character to relate to, not really helped by my having an extended phone conversation with her. I have a moral imperative to view and speak of my neighbor in the best possible light; most people I have known throughout the years have been decent people. Orly strains that attitude.
All conspiracy theorists (and here I only include unreasonable theories) are working from a disadvantage. My understanding of them comes from Michael Shermer’s book, The Believing Brain, and I see the conspiracist mindset as coming from a low-functioning nonsense filter. So I don’t think that being a conspiracy theorists makes someone a bad person, or even a stupid one. Indeed, my criticisms of Orly Taitz are only tangentially related to her being a conspiracy theorist. Here are some of them:
- Incompetence. Orly Taitz is a lawyer and a very bad one. She has been repeatedly lectured by judges that she doesn’t follow procedures and that she doesn’t understand the law. She repeatedly violated court rules by failing to redact social-security numbers. She has bungled service in almost every case. She was sanctioned 3 times.
- Lack of regard for others. At various times, Orly has solicited clients and then represented them badly, doing things that were in Orly’s interest, but not that of her clients. Connie Rhodes had to write the Court to tell them that the things Orly was filing were not on her behalf. She has blatantly violated the privacy of individuals by publishing their names, addresses, social-security numbers, and even birth certificates. She even egged on her readers to investigate the deaths of newborns who had nothing whatever top do with any public issue.
- Dishonesty. The most recent instance of this was when Orly presented a petition to the Court claiming “new evidence” that she had known about for at least 6 months. I believe she lied to me when she claimed that she had public records of other names associated with Obama’s social-security number before the number was published on the Internet.
- Bigotry. I have seen Orly demonize illegal immigrant children on her web site. Orly likes to seek sympathy because she is a mother, but she doesn’t seem to be very motherly towards other people’s children.
- Immorality. This assumes the truth of reports of her having an extramarital affair. I take a dim view of adultery.
I recognize that everyone has their bad points; nevertheless, I can chose those people I like, and those I don’t. There are people I get along with, and those I would rather stay away from. Orly Taitz is just someone I don’t like.
That sculpture is gonna’ make one sweet gerbil.
As a boy, I loved the TV show M*A*S*H. I thought it was just perfect, until my father explained to me that the character of Frank Burns did not belong on the show.
I disagreed, staking out the position that, while he was certainly unlikable, he provided a great comic foil for the other characters. My father explained that, while that was true, Burns had no redeeming qualities; he was dishonest, selfish, self-centered, bad at his job, bad at being a soldier, a bad husband and father… there was absolutely nothing he had to contribute to society. He had no humanity.
I sincerely hope that Taitz is a good wife or a good mother or a good friend, because she is otherwise an utter failure at simply being human.
For the life of me I can’t understand why he stays married to her either, unless he is completely blind to her very public persona.
…Or maybe its a Mother Bates kind of thing. Maybe “Hubby” stays in a chair…in the basement.
Orlys hubby may still be married to her for a variety of reasons, all personal.
It may be that he takes the vows of marriage seriously and cannot leave her for personal belief
Maybe he believes the stuff she promulgates
Maybe he feels it is better to have her in the tent pissing out rather than providing himself as a new obsession to Mad Ole Oily
Maybe he has written the marriage of and just doesn’t care, all her crape keeps her out of his hair
Maybe he has run the numbers and simply isn’t prepared to take the financial hit of divorcing her under CA law
Maybe something else
In my view, in the same manner as her children, unless he starts spouting birther crap he should be off limits…. Hey if nothing else that shows a basic human difference between Obots and Birfoons.
I think that the best way to understand Orly Taitz is that she is mentally ill. That doesn’t excuse her behavior (most mentally ill individuals do know right from wrong), but it does explain it.
I suspect that she lives a very tortured life, filled with constant anxiety and persistent self-doubt. I honestly think that being her would be a kind of personal hell that I wouldn’t want to wish on anyone.
That is, I think, another reason the image in the story reminded me of Orly.
The only thing I will say with regard to alg’s comment is that as much as Orly hates the rest of humanity, and make no mistake, that is what it is, she must truly loathe herself, or else she wouldn’t be able to generate the continual nastiness that is her stock in trade because it really does have to come from deep inside to be that virulent and pustulent.
Hey, maybe he loves her.
‘S ist mal bei mir so Sitte,
Chacun à son gout!
Doc, I agree with nearly everything you said. But – a little adultery here and there is the salt and pepper in the soup of marriage.
Perhaps they have an open marriage. The rest is undeniable.
IMO I don’t think she loathes herself. I think she is the ultimate narciciss.
Loves the attention with no understanding of what havoc she creates. I go to her website anyway, even tho makes me cringe beyond cringe.
What, no pancake?
Under the heading “Bigotry,” her recently discovered anti-Latino bigotry is nothing compared to her anti-Muslim bigotry, which consumes her.
While I think that Orly’s tale of adultery is hilarious because of the circumstances of the affair, I tend not to think of it as part of what makes her such a despicable person. It’s the self-centeredness, racism, and willful stupidity that mostly makes her so horrible. The Charles Lincoln affair, the atrocious hair and makeup, screechy voice, thick accent, overall slovenliness, etc. turn her into a human cartoon character to be ridiculed, but these are separate from the very good reasons to revile her.
Orly Taitz is to competent lawyering what piranha are to the traditional USDA-approved carving of beef.
I respectfully disagree with your father in one aspect. I have known at least one person who had no redeeming qualities whatsoever. A completely self-centered sociopath without an ounce of humanity. Not even a sense of humor. They do exist.
I agree. I suspect she is showing early signs of dementia. They often do show up 8 to 10 years before a neurologist may officially diagnose it.
“In literature as in love, we are astonished at what is chosen by others.” André Maurois
You forgot to add that she took the oath of American citizenship and has been working towards the undoing of our government in recent years. The woman is one huge act of sedition.
You can bet she pretty much sternsigged that one.
A term I have never heard (I admit, I spend little time on the Fogbow). Luckily I found the definition. Quite hilarious and very true. Are we under the impression though that she never meant a word of the oath when she took it or she did and she’s screwing up her commitment to that oath in exponentially horrendous ways?
Just my $0.02, but I think that she has little to no concept of “duty” and therefore can’t comprehend that her incompetent, dishonest and obsessive actions are in violation of any oaths she’s taken. This is completely consistent with her having a “cargo cult” understanding of the law (and, I suspect, most other things as well).
Forgive me if the answer is in the article or somewhere on this page, but what is this sculpture?
I admit I am at a loss to define it.
The closest I can come is “to apply one’s signature with one’s stern’?
1) “The baby left his sternsig in his diaper”.
2) “She left her sternsig; yet another steaming pile of Taitz”.
Am I close?
I don’t know the answer, but if the universe is just, it is titled “Medusa”.
Fogbow member Sterngard Friegen’s signature is:
“When there are a finite number of ways to screw something up, Orly Taitz will find an infinite number of ways to do so. (The Sternsig Rule.)”
I figured that, from the impression of Perseus’ hand. Wondering about the media. Looks to be carved from a large, possibly bois d’arc, tree root.
Yeah, looks to be at least 6 pieces, maybe 8.
Orly reminds me of the girl in high school who was always trying to fit in and couldn’t. She has found, what she thinks, is a place to be liked. She jumped on the birther bus and felt loved there. She campaigned twice and thought she was loved enough to be elected. Now she’s casting lots with the anti-immigrant folk and sticking her legal knob (not nose) into AND has time to “fight for Israel” by filing stupid briefs with an international court that has no authority or credibility (after all she claims to be a committee member). She is not well. She suffers from some serious mental issues and one day, she’s going to turn her attention to the wrong cause and she’ll be physically or fatally hurt by one of the whack jobs she pals around with. She is morally dishonest as Doc said and she has never disclosed her finances to anyone. She authors all of the material on news services and then pretends like “they” are now reporting it. She’s a hot mess and in the words of my grandson “she’s off…”