Monthly Archives: July 2014

This is your brain on birthers

Sometimes I attempt to get inside the heads of birthers. If this were a television show, the narrator would be saying about now, “do not try this at home.” Certainly I can understand the desire to be distinctive, special. Birthers … Continue reading

Posted in Lounge | Tagged , , , | 45 Comments

Rasmussen: 23% say Obama not American citizen

Numbers in a mid-July Rasmussen poll reported today show a remarkable similarity in the number of people who believe Obama is not an American citizen and the number of people who believe that the US government was complicit in the … Continue reading

Posted in Polls | Tagged , , , | 71 Comments

Image without comment

Posted in Lounge | Tagged | 20 Comments

How do I make this sound interesting?

Readers may recall that the FOIA lawsuit Taitz v. Colvin, an attempt to force the Social Security Administration to release a non-existent record for the apparently equally non-existent Harrison J. Bounel, was decided in favor of the Social Security Administration. … Continue reading

Posted in Orly Taitz, Social-security numbers | Tagged | 93 Comments

“Any day now” gets closer

It’s been a slow week and I am reduced to republishing Birther Report. One of them had the stomach to listen to Carl Gallups Freedom Friday program and this comes from that: Carl Gallups: Been talking to Mike Zullo. Both … Continue reading

Posted in Birther Report, Joe Arpaio, Mike Zullo | Tagged | 41 Comments

We’re patched

A number of WordPress plug-ins have been found to have security issues of late, including the WPTouch feature that reformats this blog for mobile devices, reports ZDNet. I am very aggressive in installing updates and patches on this blog, to … Continue reading

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