For those who have not been around the birther movement a long time, I mention in this article an important work chronicling the exploits of Orly Taitz from 2009. I have one image from The Orliad, the iconic drawing of Orly as Joan of Arc, in an article, but I never featured the whole work, an omission that I correct now. Here’s a sample from one chapter, “The Orliad and the Idiocy.”
The Orliad is attributed to someone named Mrs. Polly, and appeared at the Rumproast web site. Here is an index to the chapters and related material:
Thank you. That was hilarious. I nearly sprained something laughing a couple of times, and the illustrations are priceless and worth the trip alone. I’m sorry it hasn’t recently updated, since the subject keeps providing new material.
I had not heard of the Orliad before – how wonderful!
Sadly her site is back up. And she’s leading with a PRESS RELEASE PETITION FOR CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY FILED WITH INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL COURT. The basis for this seems to be that she got slammed into the ground on Taitz v Colvin. If she knew even as much law as my cat, she’d know that…well, she’d know her complaint is a pile of what my car does in its litter. She’d also know that, courtesy of John Bolton, America isn’t a signatory to the ICC and the Court has no jurisdiction.
Why, she’s never let little things like facts and reality get in her way before, and hopefully they are charging her a boatload of Euros for filing her litter pan leavings. She can waste her time and hopefully lots of money there and leave the US courts alone for a while.
To be fair, your cat makes Perry Mason and Ben Matlock look like a couple know nothing posers.
Wow, that was a stab from the past. Especially Book 3, when Lisa Ostella kicked her off Then Lisa stopped moderating posts, and those of us who had been frustrated by the moderation went wild.
That was the day I sealed my fate. It was Easter Sunday, 2009. Some birther idjit said something about Italy controlling the Vatican. I had already posted using eleventeen different usernames that day, so without thinking, I posted something as the Pope, explaining that the Vatican is sovereign territory, not part of Italy.
That’s correct. I impersonated Pope Benedict on Easter Sunday. I am surely going to Hell. See y’all there!
Wow, I’ve never seen this before. Utter brilliance!
Certainly a lot more classy and a lot better than stupid godawful pancake paintings.
oh my that is classy sockpuppetry – and cannot be matched, ever!
He may forgive you, since you were (I am confident) accurate! And your cause was just!
It would have been easier to impersonate Benedict as many would doubt he knew what the internet was. With the current Pope, I would not be surprised if he was commenting up a storm all over the internet, to the great horror of the Roman Curia. Just like sneaking out of the palace, it is yet another way for him to go pastor to the people wherever they may be.
Don’t worry, Jo (we’re on a first name basis) told me he doesn’t mind, noting “Two popes, three popes, who’s really counting?”.
Jorge, or “the other Jo” as I usually call him, is indeed much more internet-aware, but that has its perks, too. The other day I hacked his laptop and added Farah and Corsi to his “To excommunicate” list (and moved The Donald from there to his “Straight to hell” list).
Hey Hermie!
Just a couple more years till the birthers get Obama out office. Keep up the good work!
Hermie seems more frustrated than usual. I guess the cold, hard reality about Zullo has finally set it. His hopes dashed against the rocks, like a ship full of castaways on a three hour tour.
…A three hour tour.
What a fun trip to early Birfistan! I love Miss Polly’s drawings. The details are just so great.
I’ve noticed that visits to this blog from birthers has slowed to less than a crawl. No universe-shattering announcement, the utter failure of Operation American Spring, and they are facing 2 1/2 more years of the usurper in the White House. It must suck to be a birther.
Of course what Hermie failed to grasp/remember is that Pollarik/Polland had in his quite normal incompetent manner mixed up his “work” with the original WH document.
He then made his asinine claim, got soundly debunked, doubled down, was laughed at vigorously then slunk from the scene.
Which is actually typical conspiracy nut MO. On my law forum, you see the same “The Reich still exists and the current German state is illegal” claims popping up every 4-6 months, usually wrapped in a veil of concern trolling (“I read somewhere… can this really be?”). I’m not sure if it’s always the same guy.
Another guy (who’s one of the “I hate the judicial system” folks) also drops by every 3 months with a new handle and spouts his nonsense, but is easily spotted because, like all cranks, he likes to reuse certain strange expressions nobody else uses.
There needs to be an Orly Taitz video game.
Yes but how could you win at it?
You roam the countryside, dodging flying sanction and dismissal orders, while gathering giant magical zibbits that you pile on an empty table. If the table collapses before either Obama leaves office in 2017 or you get disbarred, you win.
Math isn’t her strong point, either:
“A US military transport plane can carry 4 brigades of 3,000-5,000 each. That is up to 20,000 adults can be airlifted in one flight. We can send all minor illegals to their parents in 1-2 flights at no cost”
Even Nazi trains to Belsen didn’t overcrowd quite that much.
20,000 troops would weigh about 1800 tons. The largest cargo plane (I think), the Antonov 225, carries 275 tons.
OMFSM she’s an idiot.
So first Dr. Taitz suggests that the U.S. military has planes which can fly four brigades of 3,000 to 5,000 soldiers. This is, of course, nonsense.
Then one of her flying monkeys reports “We do not have a plane that can carry 20,000 people , maybe 500 at the most . Still 40 flights is cheaper than 3.7 billion.”
Dr. Taitz, not to be befuddled by reality, replies that “I looked up military transport planes, it states hat [sic] it can carry 4 divisions. I believe that they sit on the floor, as it is a transport plan [sic], which can carry both equipment and troops.
I remember reading that when Israelis transported Ethiopian Jews, who were threatened with persecutions, they took out the seats from passenger El Al planes and people sat on the floor of the plane and that is how they airlifted quickly a large number of people.”
Now four divisions is about 80,000 soldiers. Sitting on the floor, with their equipment. If Dr. Taitz knew how many 80,000 people were, she would grasp that crowd is too big for an airplane. Of course, the crowds she draws could fit in a Cessna or Gulfstream.
She does have one thing right. The record for the most number of people on an airplane was set May 24, 1991. Guinness reports that El Al, the Israel airline, left Addis Ababa with 1,086 people and landed with 1,088. Two births en route. (On Ryan Air, that’s an extra charge. On Spirit, you can save money by booking your delivery in advance.) Some sources report the total passenger load as 1122. Apparently tickets were not collected.
Mr. Brown, above, is correct. A pilot is concerned with passenger weight. He will take the number of passengers and multiply by an estimated weight.
So Dr. Taitz has now doubled down on innumeracy.
“I wrote that a few flights by large transport military planes can transport all the illegals back to the countries of origin within a few hours.
I got a this comment from a reader David L:
57 approved1
Submitted on 2014/07/09 at 10:30 pm
Your numbers are way off.
The C-5 galaxy is the largest transport. Payload is 280,000 pounds. Divide that by your 20,000 adults and each adult must have average weight of 14 whole pounds.
Response from Orly
David, I am not familiar with Galaxy, however here are the specs on Antonov
The Antonov An-225 Mriya is, quite simply, the largest airplane in the world. At 275 feet in length with a 290 foot wingspan and a maximum takeoff weight of 640 tons, it dwarfs 787′s. When it debuted in 1988, the An-225 was 50 percent bigger than any airliner ever built before it.
so here are my calculations
640 tons=640,000 kilograms.
Obama claims that we need 3.7 billion to solve the issue of deportation of some 30,000 illegal children. My point was that these children can be transported in a few flights using large transport planes. Children are ages zero to 18. It means average age is 9. Look at the table. average weight of a child 9 year old child weighs on average 20 kilograms. A petite child from Central America weighs even less than that. Divide 640,000 kilograms by 20 kilograms = 32,000 children can be transported on one transport plane within less than 3 hours. A plane ride from Houston to Roatan, Honduras is 2hours and 45 minutes.
Clearly we will not transport all of minor illegals in one flight. But is shows that according to your own calculations I was absolutely correct. Such hypothetical transport is possible.
The problem can be solved in a few flights within hours. US military has the planes for which we, the taxpayers, already paid. At issue is that we have an America hating enemy combatant with bogus IDs sitting in the WH, who wants to flood this nation with illegals so that hos benefactors will get cheap and obedient labor, so that Dems will have voters, churches will get donations, unions will get dues, but 320 million Americans will get robbed and destroyed having to carry the heavy load of paying for all the social needs of these illegals..”
In response to comments that a C5A has only 73 seats and that takeoff weight must include the weight of the plane and fuel, she agrees they will not use one plane, but does not agree she was wrong.
John, Mrs. Taitz has become so disgusting that you can’t even make fun of her nowadays.
The way she calculates she would have to put cadavers into the planes. People of my country have found a more practical way for that problem.Dr. Taitz may ask some of her relatives about that.
There is precisely one An-225 Mriya in the world and it transported a payload of 247,000 kilograms (545,000 pounds) on a commercial flight…once, not 640,000 Kg’s.
Seats weigh an average of 80 pounds each so average per passenger weight total is no less than 160 pounds = 3,400 theoretical passengers.
In reality as the plane can’t support that number of people in a pressurized cargo hold, you know, O2 in CO2 out, the maximum potential actual would be closer to 2,500 for a very short haul.
Hey, MOO is out by a factor of 13 but what does that matter..?
Oh and lets not forget that the human body at rest punches out about 100 Watts of heat per hour so 3400 x 100 = 340Kw’s of heat to disperse and in a bare bones cargo container there’s not that much in the way of heat sink capacity. I’m sure MOO would just say, “Open Ze Windowzes”….
I was in Central Europe a few months ago. When in Hungary, an Israeli member of our team took me to see a display of shoes along the banks of the Danube. This commemorates the spot where Hungarian Fascists, upset that Adolph Eichmann was not deporting and killing Jewish people fast enough, lined hundreds up, ordered them out of their shoes, and shot them.
Dr. Taitz ought to be ashamed of her efforts to figure out how to pack tens of thousands of people into inhumane conditions and ship them to distant lands.
That would be Mittens. 😉
No surprise Orly doesn’t understand “maximum take-off weight”, apart from being incompetent at math.
By her calculations, because she weighs 70 kg, she can eat 75 kg of bread with no problem. Maybe we should let her try. 😉
The only thing that surprises me is that she doesn’t calculate how expensive the kerosene would be and suggests that it would be cheaper to simply chase the kids across the border – “Smithers, release the hounds!”
With Lufthansa, getting pregnant is free if the pilot is involved. 😉
Oh, my bad, I meant Lusthansa.
I think his line would be “Put ’em in a cage on top of the fuselage”…
So, if a half-dozen 16-year-olds go to the mall, and one of them brings along his 8-year-old little brother, their average age drops to 12?
That woman shoulod lose he dental license: she’s obviously too stupid to be allowed to use sharp objects or calculate anaesthesia dosages.
Haven’t you seen wing walkers? More capacity. Who cares about take-off weight?
Incidentally, one factor in the crash of Arrow Air 1285 was a miscalculation of the weight of the plane because of a miscalculation of the weight of the passengers, which led to a change in how passenger flights calculate weight.
Even if Orly’s calculations were correct, her proposed flight to Roatan would kill everyone on board. The Antonov AN-225 Mriya, at MTOW (Maximum Takeoff Weight), needs a runway that is 9,842 ft long; at MLW (Maximum Landing Weight), it needs a runway that is 11,482 ft long. The runway at Juan Manuel Gálvez International Airport is only 6.857 ft long.
We’re talking about a person who advocates kidnapping children off the street for being brown.