Birther cop in Ferguson

The Americans Against the Tea Party have a couple of interesting videos up. The first shows citizens in Ferguson, Missouri, including CNN reporter Don Lemon, being pushed off the sidewalk by police. The officer involved has been identified as Dan Page, and Page is a birther—that is evident from the second video where Page says President Obama “was born in Kenya.” He doesn’t like blacks, Muslims and gays either.

Following the video, characterized by several news outlets as a “racist rant,” going viral on the Internet, Page was suspended from the St. Louis Police Department.

Mr. Page is being inducted into the Birthers from A to Z list.

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About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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25 Responses to Birther cop in Ferguson

  1. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    “He doesn’t like blacks, Muslims and gays either.”
    Sounds like “New BFF” material for Falcon.

  2. Jim says:

    Couldn’t have happened to a nicer guy. Hope they take away his pension.

  3. CarlOrcas says:

    Couldn’t have happened to a nicer guy.Hope they take away his pension.

    He’s only been on the department for a couple of years, so he’s a long ways from a pension there.

    Still trying to figure out the timeline for a Vietnam vet (war ended nearly 40 years ago) to not be too old for the police department.

  4. CarlOrcas says:

    CarlOrcas: He’s only been on the department for a couple of years, so he’s a long ways from a pension there.

    Still trying to figure out the timeline for a Vietnam vet (war ended nearly 40 years ago) to not be too old for the police department.

    Confusion cleared up: According to St. Louis Post Dispatch he’s been with the police department for 35 years. That makes sense.

    As far as his pension. He’ll probably get it no matter what happens.

    Still trying to figure out the Vietnam part but that isn’t really important now.

  5. jdkinpa says:

    What a lying POS.

    Belmar said Page is a 35-year police department veteran who joined the agency in 1979. He described Page’s career as “unremarkable,” with no great accolades or noticeable marks on his record. He also said Page has spent nine of the last 12 to 15 years deployed as a member of the Army. Which means he was a reservist or national guard. He could have been to several hot spots, but it’s a stretch to do all that and not be active duty.

    “We do not require a psych when our soldiers come back to us, but I know there is a procedure for the Army,” Belmar said.

    He claimed he had been a Ranger, a SGTMGR, He claimed to have been in every Army action since Vietnam, did nine eighteen month combat tours. (The police chief says he has done nine deployments in the last 12-15 years) Was a drill sergeant and also managed to have a thirty-five year career with the St. Louis county police dept. Superman was good, but then he was fiction…. Just like this hero, in his own mind.

  6. CarlOrcas says:

    jdkinpa: What a lying POS.

    Something doesn’t add up, that’s for sure.

    Lots of police officers serve in the reserves/national guard. Nothing out of the ordinary there.

    The nine eighteen month deployments are what don’t compute. That’s 13.5 years on active duty. Maybe in 35 years but not likely in the last 12 to 15 years.

    What I wonder about is how this guy flew under the radar with the police department with these attitude for more than three decades…..or maybe he didn’t.

  7. Bonsall Obot says:

    Clarification: the Chief said nine years of the last 12-15 years were spent on deployment, not that there were nine deployments, according to that article.

    IIUC, deployments for these wars have been for seven-to-twelve months, generally, with some as long as 15 or (rarely) 18 months.

    Still, yeah, something doesn’t add up. And if he began serving in the Vietnam Era, he didn’t “retire two years early” because Black Hitler; he’s been eligible for retirement since the.mid-90s.

  8. jdkinpa says:

    Did some more research. He did a long interview with TRUnews here.

    He was a Command Sergeant Major with the 418th Civil Affairs (a Reserve unit).

    The magazine is from 2010. (He’s listed as the Command Sergeant Major)

    I’m of the opinion that he embellishes quite a bit on his past. Yes he was a CSM in AFRICOM, but not THE CSM of AFRICOM. He says he first went in the Army in 1969 and was a Ranger. So he could have had a long career in the Army as well as a civilian police officer. I’d love to see his DD214 just to verify all that he says he is, is. Just saying the man just doesn’t ring true. But then the crowd he seems to enjoy talking to probably think he’s a true blue ‘Merican and believe and hang on his every word. He may very well have been a DI “on the trail” (but for 10 years?) and have several years of active duty as well as reserve service. I’m pretty sure he decided that he has been all he could be in the reserves and getting out because of President Obama was just an after thought when he was working up his notes for his presentation to the Oathkeepers. Nothing gets a glad had like saying something negative about the usurper.

  9. jdkinpa says:

    Does Falcon over at BR know about this yet?

  10. Keith says:

    If youse guize don’ stop bilden this guy up, he’s gonna end up as Rand Paul’s running mate in 2016.

  11. The Magic M (not logged in) says:

    jdkinpa: Does Falcon over at BR know about this yet?

    Poe’s Law at work. Do the morons not understand that impeaching Obama, even if it happened, won’t mean “electing us another President”? These people know less about the Constitution than Al Quaeda does.

  12. J.D. Reed says:

    This guy’s situation is an example of doing one stupid act and then compounding it with another stupid act. First he does the hour long rant at a birther rally — and if he had stopped there he might well have lived out his life in obscurity. But no, he had to throw his weight around with a CNN reporter on live TV, which led to someone’s digging up the revealing video exposing the guy’s hate-filled world view.
    Reminds me of Dinesh D’Souza’s marital and legal misadventures. He makes an illegal campaign contribution in the name of a married woman he is courting, and then the woman’s estranged husband records a damaging phone conversation that prosecutors use to build their case — and very likely persuade D’Souza to plead guilty rather than go to trial.

  13. ObiWanCannoli says:

    The Magic M (not logged in): Poe’s Law at work. Do the morons not understand that impeaching Obama, even if it happened, won’t mean “electing us another President”? These people know less about the Constitution than Al Quaeda does.

    Birther movement is deeply rooted in hatred and bigotry. It was never about the BC, layers, smileys, natural born status, etc.

    They know Joe Biden will be sworn in as the next POTUS if President Obama is impeached. It just that the POTUS won’t be a black guy. Obama’s tyrannical laws and court appointments will be reversed. The constitution will be restored to its old glory. The black clouds over the country will give way to sunshine and the birds will sing once again. They will get their country back and live happily ever after.

  14. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    The longer birtherism drags on, the more apparent it becomes, that if the birthers can somehow(in their minds) make Obama leave office just a scant five minutes before he is scheduled to, they’ll count that as a win. I honestly expect them to ramp up the “Well, lets try to oust him now, before January!” rhetoric after the November 2016 election is decided.

    I get the feeling that when its all said and done, the utterly nonsensical idea of “We stopped him from running for a third term!” will be their ultimate victory cry.

  15. DaveH says:

    It won’t be long before someone sets up a GoFundMe for this guy and he becomes somewhat wealthy from the haters on the right.

  16. jdkinpa says:

    It won’t be long before someone sets up a GoFundMe for this guy and he becomes somewhat wealthy from the haters on the right.

    No doubt that is a possibility. If he hasn’t already he can start charging big bucks for his speechifying on the various ‘birfer’. ‘teapucky’, true ‘merican circuit.

  17. Arthur says:

    Andrew Vrba, PmG: I get the feeling that when its all said and done, the utterly nonsensical idea of “We stopped him from running for a third term!” will be their ultimate victory cry.

    Good point. And I guess it was the birthers who kept Obama from sending all those patriots to FEMA camps. Or is that still a thing?

  18. dunstvangeet says:

    Arthur: Good point. And I guess it was the birthers who kept Obama from sending all those patriots to FEMA camps. Or is that still a thing?

    Don’t you understand, it was the birthers that forced Obama to use his most powerful tool, Osama bin Laden’s death.

    In reality, Osama bin Laden was killed on January 10, 2009. George W. Bush, being the gentleman that he is, decided to keep it quiet, and let Barack Obama take credit for it. Barack Obama sat on this information, until people started asking questions about his birth certificate. Then he sent the Navy Seals into Pakistan so that people could hear the helicopter noises, and destroy a helicopter to make it believable, then played the trump card that he always had in his deck, the death of Osama bin Laden.

    That’s the reason why they buried him out at sea! So that no person would actually see the level of decomp on his body!

    It all makes sense! It’s also the reason why Obama released his birth certificate less than a week before this so-called raid. He knew that people would ignore his birth certificate when they thought that he just killed Osama bin Laden.


  19. Curious George says:

    Yes FALCON knows about this guy. Here’s a link to Birther Reports April 30, 2014 news story about Dan Page.

  20. Curious George says:

    From Birther Report:

    “Sergeant Major Dan Page, speaking to the St. Louis/St. Charles, Missouri Chapter of Oath Keepers, explains how they plan to end American sovereignty and the Constitution, establishing martial law and merging the U.S. with the New World Order.”

  21. CarlOrcas says:

    Curious George:
    From Birther Report:

    “Sergeant Major Dan Page, speaking to the St. Louis/St. Charles, Missouri Chapter of Oath Keepers, explains how they plan to end American sovereignty and the Constitution, establishing martial law and merging the U.S. with the New World Order.”

    FALCON and Command Sergeant Major Dan Page: Twins separated at birth? Or………………………

  22. This article has been updated with news stories about Page’s suspension. I found a number of international news outlets carrying the story.

  23. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Predictably, the usual suspects are crying foul about this.
    Some of the inmates at Gerbil Report are just livid that a bad cop is being made to face the consequences of his words and actions. This is the same group that screams “Where’s the accountability?!” when Obama so much as bats an eyelash.

    On an unrelated note: I’m hooked on Animal Crossing again. For the life of me, I’ll never figure out how Nintendo managed to make paying your home mortgage fun and addicting.

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