BR v. BR

GerbilReportBirther Report (BR) has a new article up consisting of an email exchange involving Brian Reilly (BR). In an article titled “Cold Case Posse Initiator Reverses Course,” author George Miller exhibits an email exchange between Kevin “Pixel Patriot” Powell (is a pixel patriot like a keyboard warrior, only a lot smaller?) and Brian Reilly. I wanted to take a bit of what Powell wrote as an example of how confused birthers are about the facts and how they raise bogus objections.

The first item refers to the verification received by Arizona Secretary of State Ken Bennett from the State of Hawaii, one reason Reilly considers the Obama identity issue closed. Here’s what Powell said:

Dr. Onaka’s verification letter on May 22nd, 2012 did undermine the investigation to some extent but if you look at the circumstances in their entirety, it did not and should not have shut down the investigation which proceeded on many fronts beyond what you are privy to.

The first issue is the implication that Brian Reilly was not privy to the entire scope of the Cold Case Posse investigation; however, since there were only two people (Reilly being one of them) working on the investigation, it hardly seems credible for someone who wasn’t part of any of it (Powell) to make a claim that there were material things Reilly was not privy to. How could Powell know such a thing? If he could not know it, he must have made that claim up. Powell continues:

In reality, the so-called verification letter is missing two fundamental elements such as the name of the parents and the date of birth.

Without these, everything is suspect…

The article, to its credit, links to that verification. Powell claims that the parent’s name and date of birth, items which Powell calls “fundamental” elements, are not part of the itemized list of data elements that Dr. Onaka verified. How are they “fundamental”? Parents are irrelevant to presidential eligibility (no one ever alleged Obama’s father was an ambassador), and no one has ever suggested that Barack Obama was not at least 35 years old when he became president. So Powell is attempting to spin the non-critical items into something important. It is true that the itemized list doesn’t contain the two elements, but the verification also says:

Additionally, I verify that the information in the copy of the Certificate of Live Birth for Mr. Obama that you attached with your request matches the original record in our files.

Since the White House copy of the certificate includes the date of birth and parents’ names, the verification’s general matching statement verifies them too. For more on the verifications, see my 2012 article “Reverse engineering Dr. Onaka” and my 2013 article, “Onaka’s verification wording.” Further, the Bennett verification is not the only one.

Powell goes on to say:

…An honest evaluation undoubtedly demands full disclosure by the known liar waging war against the Constitution and the citizens of this Republic….

Given that Sheriff Arpaio has been sued by Obama’s Justice Department for abuses in his department, Arpaio is hardly the one to provide an unbiased evaluation, nor is Mike Zullo who has no specialization in law enforcement, beyond a short stint as a policeman in a small town 20 years ago, in any way qualified to lead, much less solely comprise the investigation.  Mike Zullo himself is a known liar, presenting a false race code table to the public and assuring his listeners that he had the original manual containing the codes. (He either lied about the content of the manual, or he lied about having it.) If an honest evaluation is to be done, Arpaio and his Cold Case Posse is one of the last places where it could be found.

Powell then states:

Hawaii Gov. Neil Abercrombie vowed to find Obama’s Birth Certificate but couldn’t produce it. Then, Gov. Abercrombie gave Dr. Onaka an award for modernizing the national vital statistics model law. Onaka also helped Hawaii implement EVVE as a Pilot state. The system can verify within 7 seconds whether a birth record is valid or fraudulent. Both AZ and Hawaii were early adopters of the EVVE System, yet Arizona Secretary of State Ken Bennett spent weeks exchanging emails with that same state registrar just so he could ask the question in the right way to get the “correct answer” while completely ignoring an official investigation by a sheriff that had declared it to be a forgery created by an act of fraud. The answer Sec. Bennett agreed to receive from Dr. Onaka did not include the date of birth, a critical component which was recommended to remain unchanged (p.59) in the national vital statistics model law because of the legal implications by the work group Dr. Onaka chaired for which he was given said award.

The claim that Abercrombie couldn’t find Obama’s birth certificate is bogus. Abercrombie was looking for some document he could release, and was told that by law he couldn’t release what they had.

Abercrombie giving Onaka an award is news to me. Did it happen? I couldn’t find such a thing. The Department of Health received an award from the Center for Digital Government (finalist in the Best of the Web contest), but that’s not from Abercrombie. The DoH received another award in 2007 (before Abercrombie became governor) from the same organization for its Electronic Death Registration System. Onaka received the Halbert L. Dunn award in 2008 from the National Association for Public Health Statistics and Information Systems, and another NAPHSIS award in 2011 for his work as chair of the committee that produced recommendations for updates to the Model State Vital Statistics Act. None of these awards has anything whatever to do with Governor Abercrombie.

Powell alleges that Bennett could have simply used EVVE (Electronic Verification of Vital Events), an electronic system used by participating government agencies to check the validity of birth certificates under the Real ID Act. Powell correctly states that EVVE implementation was complete in Hawaii and Arizona (as of January of 2011). The technical specifications for EVVE are not public, and I didn’t take stuff home with me from my prior job in vital records. What I can say from the research that I have been able to do, is that it is within the realm of possibility that Ken Bennett might have been able to call some office in some Arizona state agency and after a long discussion of whether there was authority for what he was asking, been able to verify some limited set of information on Obama’s birth certificate electronically.

The problem with that approach, assuming it was permissible, is that the results are not certified by anybody. Can you imagine a Secretary of State certifying a candidate for president based on a screen print of some terminal at the DMV? 🙄 EVVE verifications are nothing more than a computer-to-computer data match, not an official record. Further, it is highly unlikely that such data elements as the name of the hospital are included in the EVVE transaction. One paper on electronic birth registration systems in the EVVE context listed the following data items as “birth identification data”:

  • registrant’s name
  • date of birth
  • city, county, and State of the place of birth
  • gender
  • mother’s maiden name
  • father’s name
  • mother’s address
  • birth certificate number
  • mother’s Social Security number
  • father’s Social Security number
  • date filed

If that is the correct list, then EVVE could not have verified the following elements that Bennett asked of Onaka:

  • Time of birth
  • Name of Hospital
  • Age of Father
  • Birthplace of father
  • Age of mother
  • Birthplace of Mother
  • Date of Signature of Parent
  • Date of Signature of Attendant
  • Date Accepted by Local Registrar

That means that only 3 of the 12 items Bennett requested for verification might have been verifiable by EVVE. Powell’s entire complaint is bogus from start to finish.

Now, about the gerbils. Gerbil Report (as I now prefer to call Birther Report) trots out the gerbils, in this gratuitous image, courtesy of Barry Soetoro, Esq.:


In an email Brian Reilly responds:

Birther Report has published selected communications between myself and individuals who embrace the position that President Obama’s birth certificate is a forgery.  My goal was to tell the numerous people who were open copied in Gary Wilmott’s recent email that former MCSO Chief Brian Sands’ new exposé entitled "Arpaio, DeFacto Lawman" is available from as an e-book for $4.99. I hit the Jackpot when Birther Report chose to advertise the book for all to see.  In the memorable words of President George Bush:  "Mission Accomplished!"

Brian Reilly

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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80 Responses to BR v. BR

  1. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    That’s actually one of his less crappy looking photoshop jobs.

  2. DaveH says:

    Not a bad job on the photoshopping. And I would not be worried about being a gerbil other than those like Falcon that would like to have a gerbil run up his rectum. Guess it gives him some sort of pleasure. Kind of like an electrode of some sort being forced up in that direction I guess….

  3. BillTheCat says:

    Barry Soetoro, Esq continues to confirm his personal desire for, and obsession with, gay sex.

  4. Crustacean says:

    “He looks like a deranged Easter bunny. It’s a pink nightmare. Are you happy wearing that, Ralph?” ~The Old Man

    Obviously, Barry Soetoro, Esq. has a little crush on you, Doc.

    And *Chickensh–* has been stalking Foggy pretty hard lately, too. You two are brave to allow your true identities to be known to such slimebuckets.

  5. 3fiddy5 says:

    I used to mock the people at birther report. Now i just pity them.

  6. john says:

    “The claim that Abercrombie couldn’t find Obama’s birth certificate is bogus.”

    Far from it Doc…

    “Abercrombie said on Tuesday that an investigation had unearthed papers proving Obama was born in Hawaii in 1961.
    He told Honolulu’s Star-Advertiser: ‘It actually exists in the archives, written down,’ he said.
    But it became apparent that what had been discovered was an unspecified listing or notation of Obama’s birth that someone had made in the state archives and not a birth certificate.”

    Doesn’t sound like a birth certificate to me Doc.

  7. john says:

    “The first issue is the implication that Brian Reilly was not privy to the entire scope of the Cold Case Posse investigation; however, since there were only two people (Reilly being one of them) working on the investigation, it hardly seems credible for someone who wasn’t part of any of it (Powell) to make a claim that there were material things Reilly was not privy to. How could Powell know such a thing? If he could not know it, he must have made that claim up.”

    Pixel is right on target Doc. Brian Reilly HIMSELF has said that Mike Zullo DID NOT share all the evidence of the investigation with him. In fact, according to Brian Reilly, Zullo actually kept alot things secret from him.

    So yes, Pixel is right target when he says that CCP has evidence that Brian is no privy to.

  8. ASK Esq says:

    What Powell fails to mention is that Bennett did not specifically ask for Obama’s date of birth or his parents’ names to be verified. He included what he termed as a “request for a verification in lieu of a certified copy,” but it was another Hawaii DOH form that he basically wrote “verification request” on, which was, naturally, disregarded by Onaka. But he also included a list of specific items he wanted verified:

    “Enclosed please find a request for a verification in lieu of a certified copy for the birth record of Barack Hussein Obama II. In addition to the items to be verified in the attached form, please verify the following items from the record of birth:

    Department of Health File #151 61 10641
    Time of birth: 7:24 p.m.
    Name of hospital: Kapiolani Maternity and Gynecological Hospital
    Age of father: 25
    Birthplace of Father: Kenya, East Africa
    Age of mother: 18
    Birthplace of mother: Wichita, Kansas
    Date of signature of parent: 8-7-1961
    Date of signature of attendant: 8-8-1961
    Date accepted by local registrar: August-8 1961

    Additionally, please verify that the attached copy of the Certificate of Live Birth for Mr. Obama is a true and accurate representation of the original record in your files.”

    So Onaka answered the questions that Bennett asked. He had no reason to answer any questions that were not asked or to verify any information that was not requested.

  9. john says:

    “Additionally, I verify that the information in the copy of the Certificate of Live Birth for Mr. Obama that you attached with your request matches the original record in our files.”

    Notice the ADDITIONALLY. This point was added in. The fact is the DOB was not verified on the record. The addition of this point was cannot erase that the fact the DOB was not verified while other items were.

  10. john says:

    I’m not sure if “Match” is legally definitive term however “Legal and Accurate Representation” are and that’s what Bennett asked of Onaka. Onaka couldn’t state that.

  11. john says:

    Good manipulation from Doc. Pixel said the EVVE could have validated Obama’s birth certificate. Pixel is absolutely right. The fact that some items on Obama’s birth certificate could not be verified by EVVE is irrelevant since the EVVE could not verify those items simply because its limitations. The EVVE couldn’t verify those items on Obama’s BC or any other BC. So that is really a nonissue. The no official concern is of no issue as well as any such output could have easily be authenticated and sealed by the authority producing it.

  12. alg says:

    Doc, I think you look pretty good in that pink bunny suit.

  13. I agree, but what I don’t get is what that has to do with a gerbil.

    alg: Doc, I think you look pretty good in that pink bunny suit.

  14. John Reilly says:

    So if I understand Mr. Powell, had Mr. Bennett simply used EVVE and received a response confirming the details of Pres. Obama’s birth, he would have been satisfied.

    Yeah. Right.

  15. gorefan says:

    ASK Esq:
    What Powell fails to mention is that Bennett did not specifically ask for Obama’s date of birth or his parents’ names to be verified.

    The form for requesting a letter of verification is the same form as used to request a copy of a birth certificate. That form includes the child’s name, sex, DOB, city, island and parents names.

    IMO, Bennett thought that Dr. Onaka would specifically verify those items and Dr. Onaka assumed that those items are implicitly verified by the letter of verification itself.

  16. Joey says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    I agree, but what I don’t get is what that has to do with a gerbil.

    Come on Doc, you’re smarter than that. You have to think like our gay birther friend Barry Soetoro, Esq.: gerbils are animals, rabbits are animals and Doc. C is a human animal.

  17. The Magic M says:

    the investigation which proceeded on many fronts beyond what you are privy to

    That’s the typical birfer response that echoes child’s play – “you may think you know everything but we have sekrit stuff you have no idea of”.
    Heck, if Zullo ever turns his back on the birthers, they’ll probably claim the “investigation” was far broader than Zullo himself was ever allowed to know.

    Can you imagine a Secretary of State certifying a candidate for president based on a screen print of some terminal at the DMV?

    I can, but I can also imagine the birfer reaction to that.

    Isn’t it funny how they always ask for stuff that they would never have believed in in the first place? Basically Catch-22 again, coupled with intellectual dishonesty.

    We saw this with the LFBC – first “release it if you have nothing to hide”, then “why did he release it if the COLB was the real BC?”.
    We saw this with the souvenir hospital BC that Obama wrote about in his book – birthers asked why he didn’t release that instead of the (official) BC but never would’ve accepted it as official if he had released it.
    We saw this with the chain of custody for the LFBC – birthers asked why it wasn’t simply mailed to the White House but would’ve claimed “somebody switched it at the post office” if Hawaii had done so.

    Just more examples why birthers are not to be taken seriously.

  18. No. Abercrombie wasn’t looking for a birth certificate. The Hawaii Department of Health announced in 2008 that they had looked at Obama’s birth certificate, and was well settled that they couldn’t release any birth record except to a narrow list of people with a tangible interest in the document. Abercrombie was looking for something he could release.

    john: Doesn’t sound like a birth certificate to me Doc.

  19. The important point is that EVVE isn’t a legal document, and therefore not usable for Bennett’s legal purposes.

    john: The fact that some items on Obama’s birth certificate could not be verified by EVVE is irrelevant since the EVVE could not verify those items simply because its limitations.

  20. The statute under which Abercrombie responded only allows him to verify information submitted. So no, Abercrombie could not use the terms “Legal and Accurate Representation” for Obama’s or any other birth certificate.

    john: I’m not sure if “Match” is legally definitive term however “Legal and Accurate Representation” are and that’s what Bennett asked of Onaka. Onaka couldn’t state that.

  21. Bennett didn’t ask for the date of birth to be verified, and so Onaka didn’t verify it explicitly, nor any thing on the certificate Bennett didn’t ask for. You may question why Bennett didn’t ask about the Date of Birth, but not why Onaka didn’t answer what was not asked.

    john: The addition of this point was cannot erase that the fact the DOB was not verified while other items were.

  22. Just because Mike Zullo says he has something is no reason for anyone to believe it. Zullo is a proven liar.

    john: So yes, Pixel is right target when he says that CCP has evidence that Brian is no privy to.

  23. American Mzungu says:

    alg: Doc, I think you look pretty good in that pink bunny suit.

    Do you do birthdays, and if so, what is your rate? 🙂

  24. john says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    No. Abercrombie wasn’t looking for a birth certificate. The Hawaii Department of Health announced in 2008 that they had looked at Obama’s birth certificate, and was well settled that they couldn’t release any birth record except to a narrow list of people with a tangible interest in the document. Abercrombie was looking for something he could release.

    Abercrombie was indeed looking for the birth certificate and couldn’t find it. This was of big interest because upon the election of Abercrombie is was revealed that Abercrombie and Obama were very close friends. That being so, Abercrombie with his close friendship to Obama was going to end contraversey and get the birth certificate released. The only problem is his investigation couldn’t find it but apparently revealed some sort vague record. After it was further revealed that Abercrombie’s close friend Mike Evans said to many radio shows that Abercrombie couldn’t find the BC, an intense interest in the issue quickly got started. It was quickly resolved by getting Mike Evans to change his story saying he mispoke (Yes, he mispoke the same thing to all the radio stations?) and the Hawaii AG ran further “interference” saying Abercrombie couldn’t release anything without Obama’s consent. The story quickly lost interest. The saga of Abercrombie not being able to find the BC is a very important part of the birther issue. It is one of primary reasons why the CCP suspects Hawaii is involved in the cover up and that Hawaii can not be trusted. Just to add, Governor Laura Lingle was apparently able to get her Health Director Fukino to find the BC but her description of it was different from what was released. When Abercrombie tried to find the BC in his investigation with his health director, he couldn’t find it. It is also important to note that any investigation invovling the BC would have included Alvin Onaka but the BC still couldn’t be found.

  25. john says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    The important point is that EVVE isn’t a legal document, and therefore not usable for Bennett’s legal purposes.

    The EVVE is used by a state department. Any output of it would be considered government official and legal documents especially such a request that is asking to verify vital records.

  26. Jim says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    Bennett didn’t ask for the data of birth to be verified, and so Onaka didn’t verify it explicitly, nor any thing on the certificate Bennett didn’t ask for. You may question why Bennett didn’t ask about the Date of Birth, but not why Onaka didn’t answer what was not asked.

    Plus, realizing the denseness and stupidity of the birthers, Onaka handled that bit of birther lunacy in the Kansas verification.

  27. alg says:

    Well, what’s now clearly apparent is that the so-called Cold Case Posse has become the one-man propaganda arm of the MCSO. However, referring to Zullo as “one-man” may be overstating the case.

  28. john says:

    john: Abercrombie was indeed looking for the birth certificate and couldn’t find it.This was of big interest because upon the election of Abercrombie is was revealed that Abercrombie and Obama were very close friends.That being so, Abercrombie with his close friendship to Obama was going to end contraversey and get the birth certificate released.The only problem is his investigation couldn’t find it but apparently revealed some sort vague record.After it was further revealed that Abercrombie’s close friend Mike Evans said to many radio shows that Abercrombie couldn’t find the BC, an intense interest in the issue quickly got started.It was quickly resolved by getting Mike Evans to change his story saying he mispoke (Yes, he mispoke the same thing to all the radio stations?) and the Hawaii AG ran further “interference” saying Abercrombie couldn’t release anything without Obama’s consent.The story quickly lost interest.The saga of Abercrombie not being able to find the BC is a very important part of the birther issue.It is one of primary reasons why the CCP suspects Hawaii is involved in the cover up and that Hawaii can not be trusted.Just to add, Governor Laura Lingle was apparently able to get her Health Director Fukino to find the BC but her description of it was different from what was released.When Abercrombie tried to find the BC in his investigation with his health director, he couldn’t find it.It is also important to note that any investigation invovling the BC would have included Alvin Onaka but the BC still couldn’t be found.

    Another important note to add is the Abercrombie characterized his search for the birth certificate as an “Investigation”. That being said, it can be assumed that Abercrombie would have used the DOH officials and Alvin Onaka as part of the investigation. But, in the end, Abercrombie came up short in regards to finding a birth certificate.

  29. john says:

    john: Abercrombie was indeed looking for the birth certificate and couldn’t find it.This was of big interest because upon the election of Abercrombie is was revealed that Abercrombie and Obama were very close friends.That being so, Abercrombie with his close friendship to Obama was going to end contraversey and get the birth certificate released.The only problem is his investigation couldn’t find it but apparently revealed some sort vague record.After it was further revealed that Abercrombie’s close friend Mike Evans said to many radio shows that Abercrombie couldn’t find the BC, an intense interest in the issue quickly got started.It was quickly resolved by getting Mike Evans to change his story saying he mispoke (Yes, he mispoke the same thing to all the radio stations?) and the Hawaii AG ran further “interference” saying Abercrombie couldn’t release anything without Obama’s consent.The story quickly lost interest.The saga of Abercrombie not being able to find the BC is a very important part of the birther issue.It is one of primary reasons why the CCP suspects Hawaii is involved in the cover up and that Hawaii can not be trusted.Just to add, Governor Laura Lingle was apparently able to get her Health Director Fukino to find the BC but her description of it was different from what was released.When Abercrombie tried to find the BC in his investigation with his health director, he couldn’t find it.It is also important to note that any investigation invovling the BC would have included Alvin Onaka but the BC still couldn’t be found.

    I must also point that the Hawaii AG’s claim that nothing could be released without Obama’s consent is completely bogus, that’s why I characterize it as “interference”. The reason is that Abercrombie and Obama was very close friends. And in fact, this fact was discussed at length in many reports even to the point that Abercrombie said was there when Obama was born (shortly after) and that he used to hang with the parents. I am sure Abercrombie would not have had any problem getting Obama’s consent.

  30. HistorianDude says:

    I’m not sure if “Match” is legally definitive term however “Legal and Accurate Representation” are and that’s what Bennett asked of Onaka.Onaka couldn’t state that.

    There are no magic words, Jim. “Match” is not an ambiguous term, legally or otherwise.

  31. HistorianDude says:

    john: Doesn’t sound like a birth certificate to me Doc.

    Not only DOES it sound like a birth certificate to me (establishing if nothing else that your own opinion is subjective), but placed back into the context of the exchange it is clearly a direct reference to… wait for it… a birth certificate.

    This is the question that the journalist asked:

    Q: You stirred up quite a controversy with your comments regarding birthers and your plans to release more information regarding President Barack Obama’s birth certificate. How is that coming?

    Note that the subject of the question is not ambiguous. It is a question explicitly about “President Barack Obama’s birth certificate.”

    In response to that direct question about the birth certificate, Abercrombie answered:

    A: It was actually written I am told, this is what our investigation is showing, it actually exists in the archives, written down …

    As a direct response to a direct question, the “it” referred to by Governor Abercrombie can only be “President Barack Obama’s birth certificate.” He was not asked about anything else.

  32. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    “The first issue is the implication that Brian Reilly was not privy to the entire scope of the Cold Case Posse investigation; however, since there were only two people (Reilly being one of them) working on the investigation, it hardly seems credible for someone who wasn’t part of any of it (Powell) to make a claim that there were material things Reilly was not privy to. How could Powell know such a thing? If he could not know it, he must have made that claim up.”

    Pixel is right on target Doc.Brian Reilly HIMSELF has said that Mike Zullo DID NOT share all the evidence of the investigation with him.In fact, according to Brian Reilly, Zullo actually kept alot things secret from him.

    So yes, Pixel is right target when he says that CCP has evidence that Brian is no privy to.

    How on target was Pixel when he pulled the video of Zullo with Rep Woodall?

  33. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    “The first issue is the implication that Brian Reilly was not privy to the entire scope of the Cold Case Posse investigation; however, since there were only two people (Reilly being one of them) working on the investigation, it hardly seems credible for someone who wasn’t part of any of it (Powell) to make a claim that there were material things Reilly was not privy to. How could Powell know such a thing? If he could not know it, he must have made that claim up.”

    Pixel is right on target Doc.Brian Reilly HIMSELF has said that Mike Zullo DID NOT share all the evidence of the investigation with him.In fact, according to Brian Reilly, Zullo actually kept alot things secret from him.

    So yes, Pixel is right target when he says that CCP has evidence that Brian is no privy to.

    Have you read Deputy Chief Brian Sands book yet? He basically says that Zullo admitted to him that there is no evidence. That he has nothing that is provable in court. He also said that Zullo is now the sole member of the CCP.

  34. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    “Additionally, I verify that the information in the copy of the Certificate of Live Birth for Mr. Obama that you attached with your request matches the original record in our files.”

    Notice the ADDITIONALLY.This point was added in.The fact is the DOB was not verified on the record.The addition of this point was cannot erase that the fact the DOB was not verified while other items were.

    Except it was verified since the additionally verifying that the PDF that Bennett included matched the original verifies the BC and all the items on the BC.

  35. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    I’m not sure if “Match” is legally definitive term however “Legal and Accurate Representation” are and that’s what Bennett asked of Onaka.Onaka couldn’t state that.

    Try looking up verify and match in the dictionary and get back to us.

  36. Thomas Brown says:

    Listen up, john.

    NASA never took the question of the moon being made of cheese seriously. They never considered how cheese would affect their equipment. They made no preparations to protect the astronauts from cheese-borne pathogens. They utterly failed to include any casein-related analysis of the moon’s surface. They didn’t lick the moon rocks, nor spread them on a cracker. Clearly, bad (or at least incomplete) science.

    They never explicitly stated that the moon is NOT made of cheese. So according to your type of ‘thinking,’ the moon may very well be made of cheese, and it is highly suspicious that no one addressed the possibility.

    Was there a conspiracy to cover up the lunar fromagetude, john? Is there still a possibility that NASA missed something?

    And how seriously should we take someone who insists they did?

  37. ASK Esq says:

    john: Notice the ADDITIONALLY. This point was added in. The fact is the DOB was not verified on the record. The addition of this point was cannot erase that the fact the DOB was not verified while other items were.

    John, as usual, you’re making stuff up without even looking at what you’re talking about. Here’s the quote from Bennett’s request:

    “Additionally, please verify that the attached copy of the Certificate of Live Birth for Mr. Obama is a true and accurate representation of the original record in your files.”

    You see that? Bennett made this an additional request. Onaka’s response was, where it could be, a mirror of exactly what was requested. Bennett said additionally, so did Onaka. As to why Onaka said the information matched rather than say that the attached copy was a true and accurate representation, perhaps the DOH attorneys told him to word it that way, as they were not the ones who made the scan. Saying it was a true representation may have been something they weren’t willing or able to say. However, the word “match” contains no ambiguity. It means that the information on the scan is the same as the information on the original. No wiggle room there.

  38. ASK Esq says:

    gorefan: The form for requesting a letter of verification is the same form as used to request a copy of a birth certificate. That form includes the child’s name, sex, DOB, city, island and parents names.IMO, Bennett thought that Dr. Onaka would specifically verify those items and Dr. Onaka assumed that those items are implicitly verified by the letter of verification itself.

    You’re probably right. The website now says to use the same form when requesting a letter of verification as when requesting a certified copy, although the form still doesn’t say anything about requesting a letter of verification. My recollection is that when Bennett did this, he wasn’t even supposed to use the form, but I could be confused.

  39. This article has been updated with a reply from Brian Reilly.

  40. The form for a verification has always been the same as the application for a certified copy at least since I filed my own request for one back in 2009. You just have to scratch it out.

    ASK Esq: My recollection is that when Bennett did this, he wasn’t even supposed to use the form, but I could be confused.

  41. Bonsall Obot says:

    Thomas Brown:

    lunar fromagetude

    Dear Sir or Madam;

    Your suggestion for a band name does not meet our current needs. However, we are pleased to notify you that your suggestion is being considered for use as the name of a live concert double album for our awesome band.

  42. OllieOxenFree says:

    john: After it was further revealed that Abercrombie’s close friend Mike Evans said to many radio shows that Abercrombie couldn’t find the BC, an intense interest in the issue quickly got started.It was quickly resolved by getting Mike Evans to change his story saying he mispoke (Yes, he mispoke the same thing to all the radio stations?)

    Actually, no. What Michael Evans actually said was,

    “I was on 34 radio station that morning. That was the only station where I said, instead of saying ‘the hospital said there’s no birth certificate’ I misspoke and said Neil said that,” Evans said. “I misspoke and I apologize for that. I apologize to Neil.”

    So as you can see, it was only one station that he made that statement, and not all the stations as you claimed.

  43. Hektor says:

    Ah the birther word parse game. One of the fundamental differences between bither “logic” and obot logic is exposed here. Bither “logic” states that there are some sort of magic words to use that makes everything legal (and rarely state what said magic words are but never insist such words are used until after the official statement is released) and any other words that are used, no matter how such statement reads in everyday English, are actually Orwellian newspeak that sekritly means the exact opposite of the everyday English meaning of the statement.

    Obot logic an analogous circumstance would be to believe that the person in question was simply lying (and have facts and evidence to back up the accusation of lying and not simply wishful thinking).

  44. Jim says:

    Well, what’s now clearly apparent is that the so-called Cold Case Posse has become the one-man propaganda arm of the MCSO.However, referring to Zullo as “one-man” may be overstating the case.

    I have to agree with you there…one-moron describes it better.

  45. Bonsall Obot says:

    One Tin Soldier?

    Put it on the album!

  46. ArthurWankspittle says:

    Bonsall Obot:
    One Tin Soldier?

    Put it on the album!

    Half Man Half Biscuit ?*

    (*band from the 80s)

  47. bob says:

    Reilly in his update says he wanted to tell others about Sands’ book. BR, of course, excised that portion of the conversation.

  48. bob says:

    I like how Pixel Patriot and John think Bennett’s failure to use EVVE demonstrates anything other than Bennett’s shortcomings.

  49. john: Pixel is right on target Doc. Brian Reilly HIMSELF has said that Mike Zullo DID NOT share all the evidence of the investigation with him. In fact, according to Brian Reilly, Zullo actually kept alot things secret from him.

    Brian Reilly replies:

    Mike Zullo kept certain things close to his chest. The most notable item that Mike Zullo did not share with me was the fact that the Cold Case Posse “evidence” was discussed by Sheriff Arpaio with Maricopa County Attorney William Montgomery. Mr. Montgomery classified the “evidence” as “speculation” and that he (Mr. Montgomery) had no jurisdiction. Montgomery said that the Cold Case Posse would have to prove that Barack H. Obama II was not a U.S. citizen. The Verification of Birth issued to Secretary Bennett proved that Mr. Obama is a U.S. Citizen. So what was the reason that Zullo gave for continuing the “investigation”? The purpose was to change the opinion of 5% of the voters prior to the 2012 election, according to Zullo. When was the “investigation” to be concluded? It was to be concluded by the November, 2012 general election. Essentially, there was no “evidence” to conceal only speculation.

    Another item. When I asked Mike Zullo what he was going to speak about at the July 17, 2012 press conference, I recall him stating that he “didn’t have a clue.” This statement was remarkable knowing that Dr. Corsi had built everyone’s expectations with his internet video reports from Hawaii that Zullo wasn’t “privy.” Shortly after that conversation I resigned from the Cold Case Posse and my wife Denise and I refused to attend the July 17th press conference. As we all know, Zullo gave false “evidence ” at the press conference to the public about the race codes and displayed 1968 race code charts that he said were from 1961. This information was falsely represented as being absolute proof that the Obama birth certificate was a forgery. (Once this misrepresentation was exposed by Kevin Davidson and others, Zullo kept the bogus code information close to his chest and to my knowledge, never discussed it in any of his various sworn affidavits.)

    Zullo also kept another item close to his chest. He never told me the total dollar amounts that he was receiving from various outside sources as an unpaid, volunteer Cold Case Posse member to help pay for his family’s living expenses while he conducted his biased Birther “investigation ” 24/7. At one time he told me he had received a five figure check for his personal family expenses (during a trip coming back from Oklahoma). Hopefully, the receipt of those funds, that he said were for his personal use were recorded on a 1040 form. Of course, I’m not “privy” to that information.

    Another item that Zullo didn’t share with me during our April 1, 2012 trip to Washington state (I was not a posse member at the time) was that he checked me into motels as “Law Enforcement” to get a government motel rate. As the trip was not sanctioned by Arpaio, and Zullo had no law enforcement authority in Arizona and certainly no law enforcement authority in Washington state, I was shocked to discover evidence of this in the past few weeks. Zullo paid the motel bills with his personal Visa credit card, according to the evidence that I am now “privy.” What do the legal minds on this sight have to say about what constitutes defrauding an innkeeper and impersonating a law enforcement officer in Oregon and Washington state?

    Yes, Zullo kept certain things close to his chest. There was no jurisdiction and no evidence. But, I was privy to all of the “speculation.”

  50. Reminds me of a story. There is a BMW factory in this area, and one of the executive vice presidents at OUR company from New York was checking in at a local Marriott. He asked whether they had a BMW rate. The reply was yes, and they gave him that rate. Notice that the EVP never said he was with BMW. My experience is that some places are happy to find a way to give you a lower rate in order to entice you to stay there.

    On the other hand, I have had some trouble getting the federal government rate when I was traveling for business purposes where the federal government was under contract to pay for the room (and told me to get the federal rate). It is my experience that the more expensive the hotel, the less they are interested in giving you a good rate.

    Maybe Zullo thinks his Cold Case Posse badge makes him law enforcement.

    Brian Reilly: What do the legal minds on this sight have to say about what constitutes defrauding an innkeeper and impersonating a law enforcement officer in Oregon and Washington state?

  51. Rickey says:


    The EVVE is used by a state department. Any output of it would be considered government official and legal documents especially such a request that is asking to verify vital records.

    It isn’t usable for legal purposes unless it is certified.

    I have direct access to New York State records for my job – for example, DMV records. I can download and print them from my computer. However, the records which I download cannot be used in court. To do that, I have to order certified records.

    Do you understand the difference?

  52. Bonsall Obot says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    Reminds me of a story. There is a BMW factory in this area, and one of the executive vice presidents at OUR company from New York was checking in at a local Marriott. He asked whether they had a BMW rate. The reply was yes, and they gave him that rate. Notice that the EVP never said he was with BMW. My experience is that some places are happy to find a way to give you a lower rate in order to entice you to stay there.

    On the other hand, I have had some trouble getting the federal government rate when I was traveling for business purposes where the federal government was under contract to pay for the room (and told me to get the federal rate). It is my experience that the more expensive the hotel, the less they are interested in giving you a good rate.

    Maybe Zullo thinks his Cold Case Posse badge makes him law enforcement.

    I spent ten years in hotel/motel management and operations, and I can verify that everything you’ve said here, including your speculations, is spot-on. Within the limits of not destroying the brand, the entire focus is “heads in beds.” Travel in the off-season and you’ll be amazed what kinds of deals you can wheedle, merely by pointing one foot toward the exit.

  53. Rickey says:

    I see that John has returned to regurgitate his long-debunked claims about Governor Abercrombie, Mike Evans, and the verification which was sent to Ken Bennett.

  54. Hermitian says:

    Mr. C.

    Could Reilly be scamming Mr. C ?

    The first two items that Reilly ticks off in his post are two of Mr. C’s favorite attacks on the credibility of the CCP. Mr. C has mentioned them numerous times on his OC blog.

    The “Motel bill” was the only new offering of Reilly’s that he could not have already read on Mr. C’s OC. And it hardly ranks up there with ObamaCare, Illegal Immigration, Fast and Furious and ISIS be-headings.

    His post reads like a man who was kept totally in the dark as to the activities of the CCP.

    Some Obot genius should have asked Reilly long ago “Just what if anything did you investigate for the CCP ?”.

    [Because Mr. Reilly was a sworn member of the Cold Case Posse, he feels an obligation not to publish details of that investigation. He is intentionally non-specific for the time period when he was a Posse member, but speaks freely of the time before and after. For your purposes, the motel receipt proves that Reilly was traveling with Zullo on Posse business. Further, MCSO Deputy Chief Brian Sands confirms that Zullo and Reilly where the entire investigative team.

    Back in the box.


  55. Rickey says:

    I’m not sure if “Match” is legally definitive term

    John, John, John.

    After all this time, you still haven’t figured out what the verb “match” means?

  56. Joey says:

    Federal Rule Of Evidence 1005-Copies of Public Records To Prove Content
    The proponent may use a copy to prove the content of an official record — or of a document that was recorded or filed in a public office as authorized by law — if these conditions are met: the record or document is otherwise admissible; and the copy is certified as correct in accordance with Rule 902(4) or is testified to be correct by a witness who has COMPARED it with the original. If no such copy can be obtained by reasonable diligence, then the proponent may use other evidence to prove the content.

    Dr. Onaka, the Hawaii Registrar of Vital Statistics COMPARED the copy of the Obama birth certificate to the original copy (which is stored in Dr. Onaka’s office safe) and he found that the data MATCHED.

  57. Joey says:

    “Back in the box.


    How did Hermitian ever get OUT of the box? Was the lid on too loosely?

  58. Bonsall Obot says:


    Dr. Onaka, the Hawaii Registrar of Vital Statistics COMPARED the copy of the Obama birth certificate to the original copy (which is stored in Dr. Onaka’s office safe) and he found that the data MATCHED.

    But he didn’t say the exact right magic words in the exact right magic order so he gets a penalty roll -d20.

  59. I am a bleeding-heart liberal.

    Joey: How did Hermitian ever get OUT of the box? Was the lid on too loosely?

  60. Rickey says:


    The “Motel bill” was the only new offering of Reilly’s that he could not have already read on Mr. C’s OC.And it hardly ranks up there with ObamaCare, Illegal Immigration, Fast and Furious and ISIS be-headings.

    Didn’t you forget — BENGHAZI! ???

    And don’t forget, there would be no ISIS in Iraq but for Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, etc. Of course, we all know that there was no illegal immigration prior to 2009, right?

    And Connecticut just announced that overall there will be no rate increases for Obamacare health insurance plans in 2015. Another Obamacare success story! That must eat away at you.

  61. OllieOxenFree says:

    “But he didn’t say the exact right magic words in the exact right magic order so he gets a penalty roll -d20.”

    -d20 on a penalty roll?! That’s freaking harsh! Any feats or proficiencies Onaka can use to offset the penalty roll? I am guessing any racial abilities would be out of the question.

  62. Keith says:

    Thomas Brown: Was there a conspiracy to cover up the lunar fromagetude, john? Is there still a possibility that NASA missed something?

    The evidence supplied by Wallace’s experience would indicate that the moon is made of Wenslydale. Is that what you mean?

  63. Keith says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    I am a bleeding-heart liberal.

    Wow, what a coincidence!

    I just noticed a some of your wine at the bottle shop last night when I stopped to replenish my beer fridge.

    Bleeding Heart Mclaren Vale

  64. Bonsall Obot says:


    Any feats or proficiencies Onaka can use to offset the penalty roll?.

    Sadly, his alignment of Lawful Neutral is perpetually incompatible with any magicks that oppose his Chaotic Evil antagonists.


    I am guessing any racial abilities would be out of the question.

    Merely mentioning it proves that YTRR.

  65. Hermitian says:

    Mr. C.
    [Redacted. Doc.] I haven’t seen the motel receipt. Have you ? [Redacted. Doc.]

    [Yes. Doc]

  66. justlw says:

    john: I am sure Abercrombie would not have had any problem getting Obama’s consent.

    As a matter of fact, eventually yes. And how did that work out for you?

  67. Notorial Dissent says:

    Just as a sample of the general level of competency over there, they don’t seem to know the difference between a hamster, a gerbil, and a pink bunny rabbit. That speaks volumes about psychopathology, and just general dumb in specific.

  68. gorefan says:

    john: I am sure Abercrombie would not have had any problem getting Obama’s consent.

    Probably not, but he specifically said he would not try to get the consent.

    “We haven’t had any of those discussions,” Abercrombie said of the White House. “It’s a matter of principle with me. I knew his mom and dad. I was here when he was born. Anybody who wants to ask a question honestly could have had their answer already.”

    Asked if one option is to ask Obama to waive his privacy rights so that a copy of his actual birth certificate can be released publicly, Abercrombie cut off a reporter’s question.

    “No, no, no – it’s not up to the president,” he said. “It has nothing to do with the president. It has to do with the people of Hawaii who love him, people who love his mom and dad. It has to do with respect the office of the president is entitled to. And it has to do with respect that every single person’s mother and father are entitled to.”

    Pressed on whether he might unilaterally release a copy of Obama’s actual birth certificate, Abercrombie made clear that he is waiting for his cabinet officials to give him a report on what he can legally do before proceeding.

    “Obviously, I’m going to do what is legally possible,” the governor said.

    See John, he never said he was going to release the birth certificate. Legally, he can’t. For him it was a matter of respect.

  69. Lupin says:

    From commenter west1890 at GerbilReport ™:

    “The BS from this fraud never stops. He’ll do whatever he can to pound us into the ground. I’m at the point where I don’t think we have the luxury of waiting for the CCP “universe shattering” release. I think we ought to consider a plan B before we are standing and looking at a smoking crater that used to be our country.”

    If you could bottle their bitter bitter tears of impotent rage, I’d buy a crate.

  70. nbc says:


    If you could bottle their bitter bitter tears of impotent rage, I’d buy a crate.

    Yeah… These birthers feel so impotent while our President is moving our nation forward. It’s just that they are soooo afraid that they can not apply reason nor logic to evaluate what he is doing. It’s all based on fear and ignorance; the foundations of hate.

  71. The Magic M says:

    ASK Esq: Saying it was a true representation may have been something they weren’t willing or able to say.

    Obviously, because the certificed copy contains stuff not contained on the original (the security pattern, the certification stamp of the copy etc.).
    Had Onaka said “true and accurate copy”, birthers would’ve claimed “impossible since the Onaka stamp can’t be on the vault document, so he’s lying, so who knows what else he’s lying about”. Or they would’ve claimed “this proves the vault BC was created in 2011” or something. Catch-22.

  72. The Magic M says:

    Thomas Brown: lunar fromagetude

    Word of the Month. 🙂

  73. The Magic M says:

    john: Any output of it would be considered government official

    Like the COLB. So, end of story.
    (Then again, since when have birthers ever accepted a “government official” document, john?)

    john: I’m not sure if “Match” is legally definitive term

    You are correct. It actually means “something closely resembling, but different” or “vaguely connected”, as in “the date 01/01/1980 matches the date 10/10/1908” or “born in Hawaii matches born in Kenya”, therefore birthers win. Huzzah!

  74. You seem to be back in mindless mode again.

    john: The EVVE is used by a state department. Any output of it would be considered government official and legal documents especially such a request that is asking to verify vital records.

  75. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    You seem to be back in mindless mode again.

    Birtherism seems to be an addiction. Every time we think John has recovered he suffers a relapse.

    Time to open the Foggy Ford Clinic for Recovering Birthers.

  76. nbc says:

    Dr. Kenneth Noisewater: Birtherism seems to be an addiction. Every time we think John has recovered he suffers a relapse.

    sad really but so predictable

  77. Curious George says:

    This is dedicated to John and the Hero that he blindly follows like a teenage groupie. Close your eyes John. Sit back, close your eyes and enjoy.

  78. Thomas Brown says:

    Bumper sticker synopsis…


  79. The Magic M (not logged in) says:

    “We’ve been waiting for the Second Coming for 2000 years now, we’ll be damn if we can’t wait for the usurper to be exposed for twice as long.” 😉

  80. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    I’m not sure if “Match” is legally definitive term

    You’re not sure of anything! And that is precisely why no one takes damned word you type seriously! Well, that and the fact you’re a complete nutter!
    Also, you’ve been proven wrong, every single time you’ve posted something. People tend to get tired of that after a while.

    The teal deer version: Just because you’re “not sure” a judge used the right phrasing, or you “think” you know better than a lawyer, doesn’t make it so!

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