Fitzpatrick sentencing hearing August 19

I have not been a close follower of Walter Fitzpatrick III and his battle against the grand jury system in Tennessee that led him to some jail time. His most recent conviction has a sentencing hearing in Athens, Tennessee, next Tuesday, August 19. Fitzpatrick has not been cooperating with the process, refusing to meet with probation officers.

So the schedule is:

  • August 18 at 8 AM – Prayer breakfast at the Cracker Barrel
  • August 18 at 3 PM – BBQ at the Athens Regional Park
  • August 19 – Sentencing hearing

The Abel Danger radio show is interested, and Lt. Col. Field McConnell, Ret., that show’s host, will be at the hearing. Some fellow named William “Wilky” Fain (of William Fain Productions) will be making video which promises to uncover widespread corruption in Tennessee family courts.

Here’s a video from yesterday about Fain making the video including Sharon Rondeau. (Warning: Cookies are eaten during the video).

In other Fitzpatrick news, Attorney Van R. Irion filed a motion for a new trial, as well as to suspend sentencing pending appeal.

Read more:

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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29 Responses to Fitzpatrick sentencing hearing August 19

  1. The Magic M (not logged in) says:

    That handshake picture is so photoshopped…

    Kinda ironic how birthers – who accuse the President of forging several of his documents – can’t go a day without a fake picture…

  2. Curious George says:

    Interesting that in the video Rondeau and Fain discuss not having an agenda. Rondeau’s reporting on the Obama birth certificate “investigation” sure looks agenda driven to me. I also find it interesting that “Wilky” when asked to give his webste address, he says something about being all over the Internet…….but doesn’t give an address. So far, I can’t find any website for William Fain Productions. Is “Wilky” the so called “major media” that Zullo will also use for his Big Reveal? Something is just not quite right here.

  3. The European says:

    I guess that Walter Fitzpatrick III aka The FitzFilcher is not really a birther. He is just a sworn enemy of any government which happens to be representated by BHO today.

    Mr. Fitzpatrick can’t forget his misfortunes which came over him because he is the blueprint of the proverbal “pain in the ass” guy.

  4. Egipcios says:

    Interesting that there is an “Oath Keepers” logo splashed across the fake handshake. Last time I heard, Oath Keepers refused to have anything to do with the Fitz.

  5. Notorial Dissent says:

    I guess even they have standards, after a fashion.

    Interesting that there is an “Oath Keepers” logo splashed across the fake handshake.Last time I heard, Oath Keepers refused to have anything to do with the Fitz.

  6. Dave says:

    I can’t figure out, who is the other guy in the fake handshake?

  7. The Magic M says:

    His head is faked on, that’s for sure. Can’t tell if the body was in the pic to begin with, but likely not.

  8. Curious George says:

    Was Mr. Wilky the voice for Gomer Pyle? Gaullleee.

  9. john says:

    No Victim..what a silly argument. You can you use the same argument when someone is caught driving drunk. (DUI) In that case too, there is no victim. You may have been drunk on the road and didn’t hurt anybody but you will still be arrested and be put in jail. The victim here is the violation of state statute. In Walt’s case, the victim was Cunningham but even if there wasn’t the victim was the violation of state statute law. Walt violated perjury and extortion laws according the the facts of the case (the events and circumstances that lead up to his arrest.) How about trespassing? You can be arrested and sentenced for trespassing even if no one was around and no property was damaged or stolen. The victim here is the violation of state statute laws regarding trespassing.

  10. I would really be interested to know whether there will be more folks at the Prayer Breakfast than there were at Denny’s for breakfast at the Philadelphia Obot meetup.

  11. john says:

    With crimes where there is no “Victim”, the victim is the violation of state statutory law.

  12. john says:

    Since Walter Fitzpatrick has been found guilty, he will sentenced. He was found guilty of 2 Class D Felonies. According the Tennessee statute, a person guilty of Class D felonies MUST serve a minimum of 2 years in prison and can’t serve more than 12. At the bear minimum, Walt Fitzpatrick will serve 2 years in state prison. That’s a gaurantee unless the sentence is vacated which is unlikely. Depending upon what mitigation Walter present, this would the the minimum. Also it remains to be seen if his sentences will be consecutive or concurrent. If Consecutive, he’s going away for 4 years. Given, Walt’s bad history will the law in recent times, his sentence might be harsh. They can provide mitigation of his service record but even that is lack luster since he was nearly court martialed. The best hope for Walt getting minimum time is a sincere and severe apology to the court and some beg for mercy.

  13. Van Irion has filed a motion to present mitigating evidence. But don’t expect any begging for mercy, since Fitzpatrick is unrepentant. He thinks that he is in the right, and his supporters are turning him in to a martyr that will wake up the entire country. Here’s something from one chain email:



    Personally, I think a “diminished capacity” mitigation is justified, but I find it hard to imagine either the defendant or his counsel taking that route.

    john: Given, Walt’s bad history will the law in recent times, his sentence might be harsh. They can provide mitigation of his service record but even that is lack luster since he was nearly court martialed. The best hope for Walt getting minimum time is a sincere and severe apology to the court and some beg for mercy.

  14. CarlOrcas says:

    john: At the bear minimum, Walt Fitzpatrick will serve 2 years in state prison.

    They’re gonna lock him up with a bear?? Wow…….those Tennessee folks are tough.

  15. Bonsall Obot says:


    The best hope for Walt getting minimum time is a sincere and severe apology to the court and some beg for mercy.

    That would entail admitting error.

    You, of all people, should know that Birfers are incapable of admitting error.

  16. Keith says:

    john: You can you use the same argument when someone is caught driving drunk. (DUI) In that case too, there is no victim.

    Not so.

    Putting others at risk makes those others victims of your recklessness. The fact that you arrived home safely and didn’t kill anyone is serendipitous, but doesn’t change the fact that every other road user was placed in danger.

  17. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    I hope john learns something from Walt’s impending sentencing!(Yeah, as if!)
    No matter how many times that birthers try to moan about technicalities, or hypothetical scenarios, or argue that a judge isn’t understand how the law works, the rule of law wins in the end. And the rule of law says that birthers are wrong.

  18. nbc says:

    They can provide mitigation of his service record but even that is lack luster since he was nearly court martialed.

    In fact, he was court martialed and received a reprimand. After this, he was apparently passed over for promotion and then retired a Lt Cdr.

    And he complained a lot in an ever expanding claim of corruption and fraud… Poor Walt.

  19. The Magic M says:

    nbc: And he complained a lot in an ever expanding claim of corruption and fraud… Poor Walt.

    That’s the most basic crank MO – one incident where you felt “run over” and then it all stars to spiral into all-encompassing madness. Since obviously if everybody tells you you’re wrong, then everybody must be “in on it”. 😉

  20. Daniel says:

    Fair is fair. Just want to point out that John has been almost reasonable in this discussion.

    Good on you John.

  21. nbc says:

    The Magic M: That’s the most basic crank MO – one incident where you felt “run over” and then it all stars to spiral into all-encompassing madness. Since obviously if everybody tells you you’re wrong, then everybody must be “in on it”.

    And often it becomes an obsession and the person starts to believe more and more that he or she got a rough deal. With Walt, his commander after the Court Martial, observed how Walt seemed obsessed with the case and even when he was facing another possible court martial for failing to show up for duty, he was hard to focus on anything else.

  22. Curious George says:

    We continue to hear about the BIG REVEAL, “UNIVERSE SHATTERING” evidence, major media involvement, and that Mike Zullo is REALLY a law enforcement officer. One of the major media sources that may be involved in the BIG RELEASE is William “Wilky” Fain Productions. After tireless research on the internet I believe that I’ve discovered the promo for the BIG REVEAL! It may be happening ANY DAY NOW but just remember you heard it here first on OCT!

  23. Sef says:

    I realize this site is not meant for discussion of sovereign citizen stuff, but NLA’s CLGJ folks are going to hop into bed with Walt soon ( listen to last night’s recorded Thursday call: ). Birthism is moribund, but sovcit idiocy is growing. NBC and TFB have regular discussions on this.

  24. nbc says:

    Sef: Birthism is moribund, but sovcit idiocy is growing. NBC and TFB have regular discussions on this.

    And as is the case with birthers, the sovcits are not very well informed about our laws, our Constitution.

    Can’t wait for the NLA to get involved… So far Walt’s ‘friends’ have done little more than encouraging him in his follies, which have now resulted in more convictions.

    Quite funny how poorly informed these people continue to be…

  25. ZixiOfIx says:

    nbc: And as is the case with birthers, the sovcits are not very well informed about our laws, our Constitution.

    Can’t wait for the NLA to get involved… So far Walt’s ‘friends’ have done little more than encouraging him in his follies, which have now resulted in more convictions.

    Quite funny how poorly informed these people continue to be…

    Funny, except for the acts of extreme violence against law enforcement officers and innocent bystanders. Then it gets downright frightening.

    I don’t want to contemplate the birthers joining up with the SC movement. So far, the birthers have been largely non-violent.

    Wikipedia, Sovereign citizen movement incidents^

  26. ScottRS says:

    Per Foggy (on the ground), Fitzpatrick sentenced to three years, remanded immediately to custody. Judge used the word “ludicrous”.

  27. Bonsall Obot says:

    Sharon’s gonna have an aneurysm.

  28. mimi says:

    Pics and stuff at WDEF:

    One quote for there: “#AthensTN judge says #walterfitzpatrick is a “moral coward” and his 4 year tirade against “#barackobama is pointless” regarding whether the President was born in the US or not @wdefnews12″

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