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Media Matters video.
Fox News military analyst Bill Cowan veers into birther territory.
Fox News Military Analyst Goes Birther: “We May Not Know For Another 100 Years” If Obama’s “Legitimate”
Cowan: When I See An Obama Bumper Sticker, “I Want To Run ‘Em Off The Road. I Don’t Care If It’s A Woman”
Cowan’s August 11 tea party speech veered into the long-debunked territory of Obama’s birth certificate during the question and answer portion when an audience member referenced things on “the Internet” and whether Obama is a “legitimate American.” Cowan replied by going birther
video & transcript:
Another retired military guy is going to be on blogtalkradio tonight with Volin.
Over at BR in the comments about the Volin show, Give Us Liberty 1776 made a comment that the Arpaio/Zullo presser may be postponed due to an unexplained snag.
My guess is the snag is they don’t have evidence or a crime.
How do you postpone something that hasn’t been scheduled?
It was scheduled for a secret place and time, to prevent sabotage. These Birfers thought of everything.
At Bloody Orly’s command, a Flying Monkey has tracked a mean comment made on her blog to… Germany. Bloody Orly is blissfully unaware of proxy servers, so expect her to file a new motion including this information.
BR has a post about a birther case I hadn’t heard of before. The plaintiff is Christopher John Rudy, and his complaint is that a law raising the patent filing fee by $90 is invalid because it was signed into law by The Usurper. This case recently arrived at the Supreme Court.
I can’t find any previous mention of this case here. (Cue Dr. C posting the link I failed to find.)
amicus brief: Rudy v Lee
On Petition for Writ of Certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit
C. It is imperative that this court recognize that the question, whether a president is a natural born citizen, is justiciable
Good lord, now I’m going to have to tell C.J. Rudy and C.R. Judy apart. What a world.
This quote is interesting,
“It is not necessary at this point to decide whether President Obama is a natural born citizen. Nor is it necessary now to endorse Justice Gray’s views over those of dissenting Chief Justice Fuller, or vice versa. Indeed, Mr. Rudy’s case against President Obama’s citizenship is based upon both views — that he is not a natural born citizen based either on his place of birth, or on the citizenship of his parents. ”
Titus seems to feel that Justice Gray ruled that Wong Kim Ark was a natural born citizen. Imagine that.
I have found what appears to be the original Rudy v. Lee complaint, filed in Eastern Virginia in Mar 2013.
Dave: I have found what appears to be the original Rudy v. Lee complaint, filed in Eastern Virginia in Mar 2013.
Current Conferences September 29, 2014
Christopher John Rudy v. Michelle K. Lee, Deputy Director, United States Patent and Trademark Office, et al., No. 14-36 Amicus
Jul 10 2014 Petition for a writ of certiorari filed. (Response due August 13, 2014)
Jul 30 2014 Waiver of right of respondents Michelle K. Lee, Deputy Director, United States Patent and Trademark Office, et al. to respond filed.
Aug 6 2014 DISTRIBUTED for Conference of September 29, 2014.
Aug 13 2014 Brief amici curiae of U.S. Justice Foundation, et al. filed. (Distributed)
Rudy v. The United States Patent and Trademark Office et al
March 1 2013 – Barack Hussein Obama, II sued by Christopher John Rudy for patent infringement in Virginia Eastern District Court
Filed: 03/01/2013
Closed: 08/29/2013
Latest Docket Entry: 06/02/2014
Rudy just says that the President is ineligible because he doesn’t have two citizen parents and everyone knows that is the definition of NBC.
Kinda hard to postpone something that Zullo Inc. has always been adamant to not attach any definite date or time frame to. 😉
BR is back to pimping the opinions of some ex-this and retired-that as news.
Mine is that zullo was rummaging through the box under his bed where he keeps the Sup3r S3kr1t Hayes R3p0rt, and found out that he’s had a copy of the issue of Playboy with the story on Montgomery in it for years. And now he has to find a way to break the news to Arpaio that he wasn’t really spending Posse funds buying Playboy “for the articles”.
Anyone seen any birthers link Abercrombie’s loss in the primary to his anti-birther activities?
Although BR entitled it “Broadcaster To Investigator: Sheriff Arpaio Source Says They Think They’ve Identified Forger”, that only comes up in the last few seconds (Boyles claims he got the tip from some insider at Clueless Clown Central). A large part of it is Abercrombie-bashing.
The BR inmates seem to take it as “any day now” reinforcement – either because “now he’s free to spill the beans” or because “the NWO is taking Obama down step by step”.
Y’know, just like they believe because people still birf, “they” are setting the stage for removal, any day now.
Birthers take literally anything as reinforcement, even a flat out “No!”
Ex-MCSO Deputy spills the dirt on Arpaio
“Additionally, Sands’ dishes on subjects such as Arpaio’s being envious of Sheriff Babeu, skulduggery surrounding the Munnell affair, Arpaio’s obsession with investigating threats against himself, the MCSO’s “birther” probe, and the alleged racism of certain MCSO personnel.”
Maybe more to come. 😀
Pants, just bought it….
Still not a total waste, it confirms
Reilly’s narrative about how he kicked off and became disillusioned and unhappy with the posse
How Arpaio has no actual grasp of basic legal niceties such as probable cause
Pinhole was told that a replacement BC is never going to look like the original but refused to accept it
The “posse” now consists of Zullo and no one else
Cori is correctly identified as nothing more than a blogger with a wild conspiracy mind set
Zullo, when pushed in a corner and asked to explain exactly what his “great evidence” was in the context of actual indictments basically admits he has nothing
Zullo is a true believer
Pinholes entire reason for this was financial, voter stir up, and attempt to put the DOJ off and a hopefuls poke in the eye to Obama who he believes is orchestrating a witch hunt
Nothing new but further confirmation of what is already known or suspected
I KNEW Orly’s pleas for “witnesses” to “testify” reminded me of something.
From 1974… apologies to Dave Loggins
Please come to Brownsville for the witch-hunt,
I’m going there with my case and we’ve got lots of room.
You can sell your story in the courtroom,
To a judge who’s been selected as a friendly loon.
Please come to Brownsville.
They said “no,
Won’t you just go away?”
And they said, “hey Orly Taitz,
Why won’t you take a pill?
Lawyering ain’t your strongest skill.
You ain’t got brains and
You think things that just aren’t true.
You’re a pox on the law and
Everyone’s laughing at you.”
(Several more verses available for those who’d like to feeneesh it.)
As in my all time favourite “We lost, but that’s good because now we can appeal!”, repeated several times.
If nothing else, they’re eternal optimists.
Also this,
Woo buddy, a petition! $#!% just got real!
Obamaconspiracists please vote :
do you think Ukrainian separatists shot MH17 as Obama claims ?
The preliminary Dutch report to be published by end of August …
Obama : (internet is) a network of misinformation
here’s a theory for you…
i’m starting to come to the conclusion that the poster at BR `william’ might be financially backing bob
he claims to be independently wealthy (though claims from behind a keyboard need to be taken with a pinch of salt…or a kilo), and correcting him gets a ban faster than showing bird-boy to be an idiot (though that’s not difficult).
just a thought…..
I’m trying to work out the rule set that BR/ORYR has in place over at his pen of squalor for what gets immediately posted, blocked or stuck in limbo “awaiting admin approval”.
As far as I can tell……. feel free to correct…..
1. With an Intense Debate (ID) or Facebook account your posts go in without delay UNLESS you are one of the heinous Obots (except for Foggy/DocC….. )
2. Without an ID/FB account, as an anonymous’ish entity, your posts will get in unless
a. You have had your IP address blocked for posting some horrid non-rightthink previously…OR
b. You are posting as an anonymous entity on a thread started by one of the favoured few, such a *FAKIN*, FatherTime, William etc….OR
c. Your post as an anon includes certain key strings such as “President Obama”….OR
d. Your post as an anon includes some indeterminate number of instances of “Birther”, “Birfoon”, “Birferstan” etc
3. Posts in limbo “Awaiting approval” will never show unless they are Birther friendly, guano insane or go all BENGAHZEEE….USURPER etc with lots of caps (or some combination of all the above). Posts advocating violence against Obots or LIEBERALS or DEMONRATS etc will get an immediate pass. Posts mocking birthers go to /dev/null
This is totally OT, but I wonder if anyone in US news has posted about the irony of the US working with officially labeled “terrorist” and Marxists to boot (the PKK) to save Satan-worshippers (the Yazdi) from our erstwhile partners the crazy jihadists in ISIS.
If the folks at BR look at it, their heads will explode.
you forgot about posting anything factual that makes the thread title look silly or makes their hopes fizzle out
they still don’t seem to see the irony of blocking and censoring `e.p.lovejoy’ 😀
I couldn’t post there despite creating an ID account, so the IP ban must take precedence.
I tried to Rick Roll them the other day (oops, I guess I just outed myself to them) with a rant that was odd, but not over the top crazy. It seems to have gone into /dev/null.
That indicates to me that someone must have actually checked out the link I included. On the other hand it may just have not been crazy enough and was from a newbie. Maybe I should have worked on my credentials for a few days before hitting them with the Rick Roll.
So, I checked out Orly’s increasingly messy looking website just now. Its not so much about Obama any more, as it is posting anything that will appease the farthest right wing night jobs, who ironically, probably wouldn’t give her the time of day, seeing as she’s Jewish.
bird-boy gives up all pretense of not being a bigotted racist asshat at the bottom of this thread…
guess walt getting sent down tipped him over the edge
Here’s part of a comment by “★FALCON★”:
“Eric Holder murdered 80 kids and adults in Waco – but he’s now outraged that a cop legally killed a strong-arm robbery suspect who attacked him and went for his gun.”
So apparently Eric Holder, who at that time was a judge on the Superior Court of DC, was running the FBI’s operation in Waco.
Seriously, I don’t know how “★FALCON★” has enough brain power to digest his food.
Off Topic:
Birther Report, Pixel Patriot (aka Kevin R. Powell), and another (someone named Cort W.?) have gone after Brian Reilly in an e-mail exchange they have made public.
There was apparently a response to someone named Gary Wilmott (no idea who that is but he apparently sent articles to Brian Reilly regarding the O’Reilly reports) Is he the owner of Birther Report?
Anyway, you can read the report here…
Brian Reilly has apparently gotten under their skin.
Just goes to show, birthers will eat their own, no matter how high on the food chain they are.
Can’t find the comment now, from a few days ago, (from Notorial, I think?) about Birferism on the decline and the rise of the SovCits, specifically the NLA.
You weren’t kidding; I’ve been reading those threads at Quatloos and TFB. These nuts need to get slapped down hard and soon.
Obviously Holder also set up Nixon, staged the moon landing, shot MLK and personally forced the South to implement slavery. Because, you know, there’s nothing as powerful as historical revisionism. Except maybe the belief that “any day now” is going to be any day now.
Velcro has been a major factor enabling birthers to put on shoes and get out of their homes. D*mn you velcro!
Cort W sounds like Cort Wrotnowski, an early birther litigant:
Gary Wilmott was also a birther litigant and runs the Give Us Liberty 1776 blog,
He may have run Birther Report at one time.
Oh, I doubt Falcon has left his mom’s basement in many a moon.
A French invention. We won’t forget this.
Not really birther related in any way, but this just gives me a lot of chuckles. Apparently there’s a member of a Satanic organization who plans on “desecrating” a “consecrated host” (aka communion wafer) at an event at a rented public space in Oklahoma City. The Archbishop of OKC filed a petition to stop it and order that the sheriff seize it. He claims that it was likely stolen and that in any case it is a violation of his religious beliefs for someone to treat this piece of bread in this manner.
I think it’s problematic because this guy claims that a Catholic priest from another country mailed it to him and that it wasn’t stolen by anyone. It would also be problematic because the Archbishop is essentially asking the court to enforce church doctrine, which states that a “consecrated host” is not to leave the church except for specific circumstances and only by authorized people, and that it’s property of the Catholic church.
And, if you believe that doctrine, they’re asking the court to declare that the Catholics have a property interest in God (a bit of a role reversal, that).
This could become the entertainment replacement for a waning birferism: “Thirty Years War: The Sequel”, fought with lawyers instead of swords. The odds makers would have to favor the Catholics in this one: the only large group with the theological firepower to go up against the Jesuits would be the Talmudic scholars, and the Jews have no god in this fight.
And how does anybody know that the host that is in the possession of the Satanic group is in fact consecrated? Does it glow with holy light like the halo in pictures of Jesus? Does it have eyes that follow you around the room?
Mayhap the Satanists are “avin’ a lend of ’em”?
I read the complaint, and it goes into several pages of details about canon law.
Yeah – I find it kind of disturbing that they’re painting this out as a property crime, as if the courts can intervene in a property dispute where the property was freely given away in another country.. Another deal is that the Archbishop filed this in a personal capacity and not specifically as a representative of the Catholic church. From a legal standpoint it seems really odd.
As a devout member of the Church of Low Carbohydrates*, it is a violation of my religious beliefs to eat a piece of bread. Can I sue the Catholic Church?
*OK, that’s a lie. I love a good biscuit. Plus, I’m a homebrewer, and I have no interest in learning how to make low-carb beer. But I am actively working on a recipe for Consecrated Host IPA. This invention could ramp up Sunday service attendance considerably. I’m pretty sure I could get the current Pope’s blessing on this, but sadly I’m having a Devil of a time figuring out how to convert 100 billion yeast cells…
Apparently this wafer was returned along with a promise not to use a “consecrated host” during the event. His direct response to a WSJ Law Blog inquiry was that “I don’t feel like wasting thousands of dollars fighting over a cookie.”
Yesterday (21 August 2014 in Australia), Cardinal George Pell, former Archbishop of Sydney often touted as a future Grand Inquisitor (i.e. Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith) and the author of the “Melbourne Response” that sought to pay victims for their silence in order to avoid trials and insurance claims, told the Australian Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse that:
1) the Catholic Church’s responsibility for child abuse by its Priests was like that of a trucking company whose driver abused a hitch-hiker. “I don’t think it appropriate for the leadership of that company to be held responsible…”
2) the files on Australian Priests would not be turned over to the Royal Commission because they are “internal working documents of a Sovereign State; the Vatican.
Australian welfare and victim support groups are obviously up in arms about both statements.
1) The Catholic Church is NOT a trucking company beholden to its financial bottom line and insurance companies. A trucking company could and would fire its offending employee and cooperate with the prosecution; the Catholic did exactly the opposite, protecting and hiding its Priests and moving them to jobs where they could continue to offend without fear.
2) A few years ago, the Catholic Church successfully defended itself in Australian Courts against one victim, saying that there is actually no legal entity to sue. It is now claiming that it cannot be held responsible for Australian victims because it is a Sovereign State. The question is being asked: “If this foreign state is committing so many crimes on Australian soil against Australia’s most vulnerable citizens, why are we putting them in charge of providing social services to vulnerable people?”
I’m convinced, it’s time to bomb Australia. I believe we can do it.
H. Brooke Paige’s ongoing scramble for relevance:
“Drudging lowly over gerbils
Back to the time when blacks were just slaves
This is the birther site
That they forgot to smite
Any day now, come, any day now, come!
Every day is like Trump day
Every day is silent and grey”
(With apologies to Morissey.)
You have to retrain the cruise missiles about driving on the wrong side of the road first.
And upside down.
Somebody broke the MySQL server on
As God as my witness, I thought turkeys could fly.
Woah…I actually remember when that show was still on the air!
Loni Anderson playing Orly in the movie farce “Let Meeeeeee Feeeeeneeeesh!”.
Fogbow is back.
I…I actually kinda wanna see that!
Ken Olsen and faked video. Courtesy of the Fogbow:
A new kind of ‘birther’ movement
Sideshow: Was Chelsea Clinton’s pregnancy announcement politically-motivated to help Hillary Clinton in 2016? One conservative host is saying it is.
‘Sovereign citizen’ boycotts own trial, convicted of fraud
Article contains a good summary of the SovCit movement, but not quite all its dangers.
I am currently locked out of Fogbow having forgotten my password yet again – but if Epi is reading here I think his assessment of William Rawle is probably correct. If anyone can be bothered to delve into the madness at Nellie’s place (Butterbutts) they will find he is the last one standing still responding to her nuttery, and he has her on the ropes (not that she gets it of course).
More sweet sweet bitter tears of impotent rage on Gerbil Report:
From commenter “fed up”:
yes in true progressive fashion they just change the name when its Al CIA DA all along. this criminal regime is not fooling anyone. and its long past time we started arresting and charging these congressmen and senators who have lied and covered up for this clown. they all know damn well what a natural born citizen is thats why they tried 8 times to change it. congressional records are more than enough to expose their lies. The time has come for the American people to do what our elected leaders refuse to do. protect out nation and our people from this corrupt government. we got 22.5 million veterans in this nation and its about time we got together and talk about the treason going on in DC.
Extra bonus point for the AL-CIA-DA “paranoia pun”
I need some help with something. I’m trying to devise a chart or Venn diagram that would predict how birthers respond to someone’s death or serious injury.
Based on the comments at B.R.,
1, Boston Marathon bombings–fake
2. Sandy Hook–fake
3. Benghazi–real
4. Bin Laden–fake
5. James Foley–fake
6. Ebola patients–fake
7. Loretta Fuddy–fake/govt. execution
I can understand why they would say Bin Laden wasn’t really killed, because they don’t want to deny giving Obama credit, but why, for example, deny the Boston bombings? There’s no 2nd Amendment connection, and couldn’t the bombing be used to say Obama is soft on Muslim terroists?
Not really a representative population: it’s heavily skewed toward the “batbleep insane” (as opposed to merely stupid/misinformed) subset.
Afaict, the “tragedy-denier” sect within birferism is a descendant/continuation of the “New World Order” conspiracy cult. The fake (or “false flag”, if they’re undeniable) attacks are supposed to soften us up for the imposition of U.N./marshall [sic] law. Sometimes they claim it’s for sharia, instead.
Sure. And there are birfers in other sects who do just that. It’s a “blind men and elephant thang”: they interpret events toward the needs of their particular delusion.
They’ve been very consistent. 😀
Basically the denizens of BR, in the same manner as the vermin at Dr K(H)ates believe EVERYTHING is a government conspiracy.
The epitome at BR is BS Esq
Are you looking to make something like this for birthers in general?
Fun Fact: Was at my local American Legion Post recently and noticed that their flag had fringe. WTF???
Possible birther House candidate in Minny
The internet never forgets! :lol
Because the following lockdown was perceived to be “in government interest” and therefore it must’ve been a test scenario for a major false flag that will bring Martial Law, or something.
(In essence, it’s nothing but a rehash of 9/11 trutherism – any and all terrorist attacks are just government false flags to usher in a police state.)
The only reason they believe Benghazi is real is because one of their multiple versions of the event appears to be a way to impeachment.
(My favourite Benghazi claim is that the terrorists that attacked the facility were the same terrorists the embassy was funneling weapons to, like, WTF?! Talk about biting the hand that feeds you…)
The only thing I don’t understand is why they always have to believe in the most complicated conspiracy theory possible (when usually conspiracy believers look for a “simple” explanation).
With Obama, they have to believe some complex story about a highly-pregnant girl flying to the other end of the world, then travel to the other end of the country to give birth, then return immediately with the new-born (instead of just tossing the Mombasa location and claiming he was born in Nairobi next to the airport).
With Sandy Hook, they believe in a humongous set-up with hundreds of parent and child actors (who were so careless as to appear in public at their own funeral, no less) instead of just claiming the shooter was a government agent, or under mind control, or both.
That’s an aspect that seems to distinguish contemporary right-wing conspiracy theories from older ones (though the Moon landing would also qualify).
Magic M,
I disagree—ALL conspiracy theories reject simple explanations. Especially “simple” in the sense of Ockham’s razor (i.e. those with the fewest assumptions). This is because, invariably, the simple assumption is the one that they are trying to avoid at all costs.
What tends to happen over time with guano CT’ers is the CT initially starts off simple minded and relatively straightforward but as it gets debunked, more and more layers get added to cover up the lack of factual basis.
This almost inevitably leads to the general get out that the eponymous “THEY did it, have total control of the government and media and any debunker is part of the cabal of evil.
As a side effect of the continuing layering AND the fundamentalist belief mind set, the shrinking group of CT’ers will start to schism ending up with a spread of competing “theories”…… See my comment passim, Whenever 2 or 3 birthers get together, 4 or 5 mutually exclusive theories will be aired and fought over….
I believe that the deterioration of consensus that you describe is a defining characteristic of conspiratorial thinking. While rational people easily identify a common set of facts and their logical implications, CTers continually require new assumptions to explain away contradictions. Like adding epicycles to the geocentric model of the solar system these only lead to more problems which begins a viscous cycle. It’s kind of like the mirror universe version of the scientific method—all it needs is the goatee…
I think that is a matter of perspective. While the CT explanation is complex to sane people, it usually is simple to the CT believers. (A good example is “God did it” which sounds simple but actually requires believing in a very complex axiom system.)
Now I agree that complexity arises typically as the result of the need to adjust the CT to changing facts while never dropping the previous assumptions (like “born in Mombasa but not anywhere else in Kenya”), but that doesn’t explain the Sandy Hookers who could’ve simply started (and stayed) with “the shooter secretly worked for the FBI”. I don’t see why they would’ve needed to believe in “nobody died, everything was staged” in the first place. AFAIK those theories started before anyone ever said “look, the dead child is in this photo taken after the shooting”.
My current theory is that they needed to fit Sandy Hook in with the larger picture of “false flags” where not only the perpetrators are not who they seem but the entire event never really took place – because they believe the government will eventually stage some large-scale event (like the beginning of the TV series “Jericho”) where everything is faked, they have to believe the government is either intent on doing it all the time or on “practicing” for such an event.
I have a new candidate for Birther A-Z: Tony Heller (who used to write under the psuedonym Steven Goddard), whose main thing is global warming denialism. (His global warming stuff is the kind that embarrasses the professional denialists with its sheer stupidity.)
GR has just put up another “I have nothing to post” post rehashing the Acton & Dystel bio, prompted by a Heller blog post. That post is a rehash of a earlier Heller post. An another earlier Heller birther post was also about the Acton & Dystel bio but added several other people mistakenly saying Obama was born in Kenya.
There are at least a dozen more birther articles on his blog, but I’ll spare you.
Be sure to keep fresh batteries on hand though, otherwise this could happen!
Fun fact, if your prime universe self already has facial hair, then your evil universe counterpart will have a wicked cool scar, an eye-patch, or a combination of both, ala “Brigade Leader” Lethbridge-Stewart!”
Looks like TFB is having a mid-life crisis. Not everyone needs plastic surgery.
No, her Dad. He had an evil double in the serial “Operation Inferno”. The Brig was a much better character than Kate, because he was the stereotypically unflappable British officer. Very much of the “Aliens are invading you say? Oh. Must be Tuesday…*sigh*” type.
roadburner August 19, 2014 at 4:54 am (Quote) #
“here’s a theory for you…
i’m starting to come to the conclusion that the poster at BR `william’ might be financially backing bob
he claims to be independently wealthy (though claims from behind a keyboard need to be taken with a pinch of salt…or a kilo), and correcting him gets a ban ……,…”
I think this is a very good observation, as there appears to be a “William” who backs the birther movement with his financial wherewithal. I’ll bet every major Birther player has been helped by “William.”
Good observation roadburner.
Well, as everyone probably already guessed, Sharon Rondeau has been whinging on a daily basis, about Wacky Walt, and how “unfairly” he was treated! It a amazes me, the sheer amount of time and effort these crazies use up, trying to change the unchangeable.
Our old friend H. Brooke Paige, is in an election today. Two, in fact: He’s running to be the democratic nominee for both Vermont’s governor and attorney general.
He told one interviewer, “I only do things that I think have a chance for success.” What a nut.
Tonight is not Paige’s night.
I hope his wife appreciates skipping a vacation for this.
To prove they don’t blame Obama for EVERYTHING! That makes their blaming him for 99.99 % of all evil throughout recorded history ring ever so true!
Don’t forget the aurora shootings I heard that bandied about as a fake. Ft Hood was real though according to them but carried out by obama himself.
Well, Ken Bennett and Brooke Paige both went down in flames in their respective primaries. I actually bothered to look Bennett’s results up. He got beat like a dirty rug, and you get to see his face on the Secretary of State’s page while you wait for the results to scroll up:
Kind of fitting that the guy responsible for an utterly annoying webpage like that gets rejected.
Someday, a tragedy like that could end up happening in some birther’s neck of the woods. It’ll be all too real to them, but their peers will still chant “There were not victims, just actors! False flag! False flag!”
Slightly OT ODS (classic edition): I’d never heard this until now, but did you know that candidate Obama promised to never take a vacation?
…if you have the reading/listening comprehension skills of, well, a birther, that is.
Here’s an update on the killing of John Crawford, III, the young black man who was shot dead in an Ohio Walmart while holding a pellet gun that he was apparently going to purchase
“Video Shows Police ‘Shot On Sight’ At Black Man Carrying Toy Gun In Ohio Walmart”
“Crawford had picked the gun up in the store’s toy department, Ohio is an open carry state, and he was doing nothing wrong – but police say that he ignored their commands to drop the weapon. The person who called them, a former marine, said Crawford ‘looked like he was going to go violently.’
“However, surveillance footage tells a different story, according to attorney Michael Wright. The video has not been released to the public, but Attorney General Mike Dewine allowed the lawyer and Crawford’s family to view the footage.
“‘John was doing nothing wrong in Walmart, nothing more, nothing less than shopping,’ Wright said. He explained that the video showed Crawford facing away from officers, talking on the phone, and leaning on the toy gun like a cane. He was allegedly ‘shot on sight’ in a ‘militaristic’ police response.
“‘The BB gun was in a down position,’ Wright said. “He was kinda using the BB gun as what it looked like was a crutch. He was just leaning on it. And at some point, he raised it up and he was shot and killed. At no point in time was he facing the officers. At no point in time was there any type of suggestive movements or anything like that.'”
It’s too bad Crawford wasn’t an old white guy, carrying a loaded automatic rifle, and shouting obscenities. He’d still be alive. Hell, he might even be on Fox News.
People waiting for the BOTG report for Taitz v. Johnson should not forget Neil B. Turner will be on Mike Volin’s show today.