Arpaio had no evidence, former Deputy Chief says

In an interview, former Deputy Chief of the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office, Brian Sands, told CBS 5 in Phoenix:

… the investigation never uncovered any evidence that the president’s birth certificate was a fake, despite what the sheriff said in front of the cameras.

Oh, the birthers! Oh, the weeping and gnashing of teeth!

Sands also said that Arpaio felt the investigation was “politically powerful for him,” in line with Arpaio’s remarks caught on camera and appearing in the new documentary, The Joe Show, that the birther investigation would bring in large campaign contributions.

Former Deputy Chief Sands also has an eBook about his experiences with Joe Arpaio and the MCSO. Lisa Allen, the director of media relations for the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office, criticized Sands’ book for its numerous spelling errors.

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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91 Responses to Arpaio had no evidence, former Deputy Chief says

  1. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    And there wasn’t a dry eye in all of birtherdom, or a pair of clean drawers.

  2. bovril says:

    Oh Andrew it will simply be dismissed as yet another dastardly Obot trick, I mean how on Jeebus’s white bread RWNJ world can a black Democrat be President……?

  3. Thinker (mobile) says:

    I think anyone who still believes that Arpaio and Zullo have evidence that Obama’s BC is a forgery is not going to be convinced otherwise by the lack of any such evidence, by eyewitnesses and insiders who say it’s all a scam, and by a video of Arpaio himself saying he’s doing it for fundraising. That kind of stuff means nothing when you really, really, really want something to be true.

  4. Curious George says:

    Birthers need to consider who they want to believe, a former MCSO Chief Deputy, law enforcement professional of 30 years, or Mike Zullo in his capacity as….a non-professional, non-law enforcement, unpaid volunteer with 5 years of law enforcement experience decades ago. Birthers, you’ve been had!

  5. Crustacean says:

    Wait, wait, don’t tell me! From left to right: fed up, FatherTime, Barry Soetoro ESQ, and William. Is that right?

    Can’t quite make out who that fine-lookin’ hound is at their feet. I’m guessing Scott…

  6. JPotter says:

    Wow. The Obvious has been stated. I’m sure that settles everything.

  7. Arrogantlyignorant says:

    I feel so very badly for those poor birthers, being strung along for years.

    Actually not really 😀

  8. Bob says:

    Bu . . . bu . . . but gerbils.

  9. Curious George says:

    So with it now being shown that Zullo doesn’t have any evidence that shows that President Obama’s birth certificate is a fake, does that mean the “investimagination” was simply a money making sham? I see trouble on the horizon.

  10. john says:

    I thought the investigation is and has been ongoing. Arpaio and Zullo have said that many many times. It appears Sands might not be credible.

  11. john says:

    It would appear that Sands appears to have same insight AS Brian Reilly, old and obsolete information in which new information evidence that Brian and Sands are simply not privy to.

  12. 3fiddy5 says:

    Zullo always claimed he had universe shattering information. He never said whose universe would be shattered. Poor birthers!

  13. Thomas Brown says:

    Someone needs to tell Sven.

  14. Jim says:

    Well, DUH! We’ve been telling them for years they’re being scammed, WTH kind of official investigation has as its main investigators a used-car salesman and an internet preacher? Come on, get serious birthers! This was NEVER about the President, it was about $$$. How much Arpaio could bleed the RWNJs and how much Zullo/Gallups could bleed the idiot birthers. Now how many of you are STILL giving money to this scam? 😆

  15. Dave says:

    Looks like GR doesn’t have a post about this yet.

  16. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Thomas Brown:
    Someone needs to tell Sven.

    And John, who was absolutely wounded at the prospect of Zullo fessing up that this was all for naught!

  17. Black Lion says:

    So where is John and Sven? No comment? Crying over the truth? I am sure they are going to try and spin this somehow. It is going to be fun to watch.

  18. john says:

    It’s well known that Zullo reports DIRECTLY to Sheriff Arpaio. Considering this investigation, this is probably by design. Therefore, Sands probably does not know anything.

  19. JayHG says:

    Bu . . . bu . . . but gerbils.

    …or Benghazi!!!!!!!!!!!!

  20. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    The Joe Show, starring Joe Don Baker.

  21. GLaB says:

    Black Lion:
    So where is John and Sven?

    Engrossed in oppo research on Brian Sands.

  22. Craig HS says:

    But… but… secret obot flippers! Benghazi! flying lizardmen leaving chemtrails!!

    Surely there’s a REAL all powerful sherruf somewhere who can fix this??

  23. Lupin says:

    So far the Birthers have casually dismissed rather incontrovertible contrary evidence about:
    – Vattel’s accurate translation,
    – the total absence of Vattelist sources backing up their views,
    – the fact that James Madison agreed to become a French citizen,
    – and the fact that Obama was traveling under a US passport when he was at college

    Why on Earth should their delusion be shattered by Sands’ statements?

  24. nbc says:

    John is going to deflate fully…

  25. Bonsall Obot says:

    Nah; john has proven remarkably resilient in his ability to rationalize away such disappointments.

  26. Lupin says:

    Bonsall Obot:
    Nah; john has proven remarkably resilient in his ability to rationalize away such disappointments.

    I agree. Look at Sven: the fact that it’s pretty much established that Obama had a US passport way back then completely destroys his kookie naturalization “theory” and yet he keeps holding to it as if nothing had happened.

    These people are sociopaths; truth has no impact on them.

  27. Greenfinches says:

    Look if the universe ISN’T about to be shattered, I need to know.

    I was about to buy a house and wasn’t worrying about the mortgage – but now you say I need to? Life is going to carry on?

  28. If you go with the “obsolete information” theory, than you are admitting that Arpaio was lying at first. Now if you admit he was lying to start with, why would you have any confidence that he’s not still lying? It’s not like he has actually released any evidence. It’s only promises.

    john: It would appear that Sands appears to have same insight AS Brian Reilly, old and obsolete information in which new information evidence that Brian and Sands are simply not privy to.

  29. Bonsall Obot says:

    I rest my case; john is still all-in. There is no Birfer lie he won’t buy.

  30. CarlOrcas says:

    It would appear that Sands appears to have same insight AS Brian Reilly, old and obsolete information in which new information evidence that Brian and Sands are simply not privy to.

    Sands retired a year ago, john. Are you telling us things changed 180 degrees in the last year?

  31. CarlOrcas says:

    I thought the investigation is and has been ongoing.Arpaio and Zullo have said that many many times.It appears Sands might not be credible.

    Are you saying Sands is lying?

  32. Bonsall Obot says:

    john deems anyone (Sands, Reilly, Does 1-50) who doesn’t toe the Zullo line as “not credible.”

    Three years, john. Three years, and they’ve never given you a single thing that holds up to the slightest scrutiny. You really are the Platonic Ideal of Birferism.

  33. Thinker (mobile) says:

    Here’s a brand new video where Rudy Davis asks Arpaio about his birther investigation and Arpaio says, “First of all, let me say one thing. I have never raised one penny for my election using the birth certificate. My campaign manager would kill me if I ever mentioned the birth certificate. So all that is garbage that you hear from a couple of lawyers. Total garbage. Not one penny did I ever raise for my election. None. And I got the proof. You can check everybody that gave me the money. Get that clear.”

    His statement starts at about 2:05,

  34. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Hey John, you were wrong about everything else, and guess what? You’re wrong about this too.

  35. Jim says:

    I thought the investigation is and has been ongoing.Arpaio and Zullo have said that many many times.It appears Sands might not be credible.

    So’s the investigation into extra-terrestrials…my money is on discovering ET first. It appears Arpaio and Zullo aren’t credible.

  36. Curious George says:

    Well John, which Arpaio do you want to believe? The Arpaio, recorded on video where he says to the Tea Party faithful in Texas, that his campaign hadn’t made a “penny” on the birth certificate investigation, or the Arpaio on Randy Murray’s film?

    And then we have Randy Murray of Randy Murray Productions making the following quote:

    “In the third act of our feature documentary, “The Joe Show,” we show a series of events in the lead-up to the 2012 election, including a very entertaining sequence on the Birther issue and its impact on the Sheriff’s reelection efforts. Without giving away too much, it is clear that the Sheriff’s decision to publicly pursue the legitimacy of President Obama’s birth certificate was designed to generate a major windfall for the campaign. The Sheriff says, “You’ll get more money than you will know what to do with.” His campaign manager later says, “It has literally meant millions of dollars to his campaign.” While shooting portions of these segments, dollar amounts were casually talked about in my presence, giving me the impression that up to seven million dollars could have been attributed to the fundraising campaign tied to the Birther issue. These scenes add to the powerful “behind the curtain” experience of this film.”

    John, you can’t have it both ways. Judging by Arpaio’s anger as seen in his video, it looks bad for Arpaio. The “toughest sheriff in America” is afraid of his campaign manager.

    John, Arpaio wasn’t lying when he said a penny, because it was, according to Murray’s quoting Arpaio’s campaign manager, “MILLIONS OF DOLLARS.

    (This is very similar to Zullo saying that he didn’t make a dime on his e-book when in reality he gave over a thousand dollars of e-book profits from the sale of his e-book to his church.)

    Once again John, you don’t have a clue about what you’re talking about. Nice try but no cigar.

  37. john says:

    Curious George:
    Well John, which Arpaio do you want to believe?The Arpaio, recorded on video where he says to the Tea Party faithful in Texas, that his campaign hadn’t made a “penny” on the birth certificate investigation, or the Arpaio on Randy Murray’s film?

    And then we have Randy Murray of Randy Murray Productions making the following quote:

    “In the third act of our feature documentary, “The Joe Show,” we show a series of events in the lead-up to the 2012 election, including a very entertaining sequence on the Birther issue and its impact on the Sheriff’s reelection efforts.Without giving away too much, it is clear that the Sheriff’s decision to publicly pursue the legitimacy of President Obama’s birth certificate was designed to generate a major windfall for the campaign.The Sheriff says, “You’ll get more money than you will know what to do with.”His campaign manager later says, “It has literally meant millions of dollars to his campaign.”While shooting portions of these segments, dollar amounts were casually talked about in my presence, giving me the impression that up to seven million dollars could have been attributed to the fundraising campaign tied to the Birther issue. These scenes add to the powerful “behind the curtain” experience of this film.”

    John, you can’t have it both ways.Judging by Arpaio’s anger as seen in his video, it looks bad for Arpaio. The “toughest sheriff in America” is afraid of his campaign manager.

    John, Arpaio wasn’t lying when he said a penny, because it was, according to Murray’s quoting Arpaio’s campaign manager, “MILLIONS OF DOLLARS.

    (This is very similar to Zullo saying that he didn’t make a dime on his e-book whenin reality he gave over a thousand dollars of e-book profits from the sale of his e-book to his church.)

    Once again John,you don’t have a clue about what you’re talking about. Nice try but no cigar.

    Well, we certainly know Obama used his Birth Certificate for campaign money making purposes by putting his birth certificate on everything in creation. Actually this was violation of Hawaii Statutes but of course Hawaii never did anything about it.

  38. It’s not a violation of Hawaii Statutes. I have a t-shirt and a mug and some bumper stickers.

    john: Well, we certainly know Obama used his Birth Certificate for campaign money making purposes by putting his birth certificate on everything in creation. Actually this was violation of Hawaii Statutes but of course Hawaii never did anything about it.

  39. Bonsall Obot says:

    john: Well, we certainly know Obama used his Birth Certificate for campaign money making purposes by putting his birth certificate on everything in creation.Actually this was violation of Hawaii Statutes but of course Hawaii never did anything about it.

    Are you under the delusion that what you’ve said is relevant?

    Are you familiar with the tu quoque fallacy of logic?

    Of course you aren’t.

    Even if you could cite a Hawai’ian statute that the President has supposedly violated (you can’t,) it would have bugger-all to do with Arpaio’s grift.

    So gullible.

  40. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    It would appear that Sands appears to have same insight AS Brian Reilly, old and obsolete information in which new information evidence that Brian and Sands are simply not privy to.

    Keep telling yourself that. No one is privy to the information that Zullo has since it’s non-existent.

  41. Arthur says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: It’s not a violation of Hawaii Statutes. I have a t-shirt and a mug and some bumper stickers.

    You obviously don’t know it, but in john’s universe, you’ve already been tried and imprisoned for possession of graven images.

  42. Dave B. says:

    Feel free to provide a reference to the violated statute.

    john: Actually this was violation of Hawaii Statutes but of course Hawaii never did anything about it.

  43. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    It’s well known that Zullo reports DIRECTLY to Sheriff Arpaio.Considering this investigation, this is probably by design.Therefore, Sands probably does not know anything.

    Yes we know it’s by design because none of the command staff wanted anything to do with this farce.

  44. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    CarlOrcas: Sands retired a year ago, john. Are you telling us things changed 180 degrees in the last year?

    Well considering they haven’t released any new information since the press conference 2 years ago I don’t see how Sands’ information could be out of date. That was the last time they did anything on this.

  45. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    john: Well, we certainly know Obama used his Birth Certificate for campaign money making purposes by putting his birth certificate on everything in creation. Actually this was violation of Hawaii Statutes but of course Hawaii never did anything about it.

    Why are you changing the subject? You were asked a simple question which time was Arpaio lying?

  46. Curious George says:

    Yes, John, please answer the question. Which time was Arpaio lying?

  47. Jim says:

    john: Well, we certainly know Obama used his Birth Certificate for campaign money making purposes by putting his birth certificate on everything in creation.Actually this was violation of Hawaii Statutes but of course Hawaii never did anything about it.

    BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Let me get this straight John, first you’re upset because you find out that Arpaio and Zullo got nothing and never had anything, And now you’re pissed because the President’s staff used your idiotic misinvestigation to drum up campaign $$$ for his re-election? And the best you can do is blame non-existent Hawaii laws? I don’t think my pathetic meter goes that low, John.

  48. Curious George says:

    John, try to wrap your mind around this. The Obama campaign puts the BC image on a coffe cup to raise campaign funds. The Arpaio campaign raises funds saying they will do something that they haven’t done. The Obama campaign sends you a coffe cup with a BC on it. Arpaio doesn’t send you anything.

  49. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    john:Actually this was violation of Hawaii Statutes but of course Hawaii never did anything about it.

    Show us the exact law he was breaking, John.
    If I had my way, people like you would be deemed too stupid to be allowed to mingle with the general populace, and would be quarantined on an island somewhere.

  50. Rickey says:

    Andrew Vrba, PmG: Show us the exact law he was breaking, John.

    John pulled that out of his posterior, obviously.

  51. Rickey says:

    I thought the investigation is and has been ongoing.Arpaio and Zullo have said that many many times.It appears Sands might not be credible.

    Since you didn’t answer my question in the other thread, I’ll ask it again:

    Is it better for the United States that Obama was born in Hawaii, or would it be better for the country if he were exposed as a usurper?

  52. Bonsall Obot says:

    Andrew Vrba, PmG: Show us the exact law he was breaking, John.
    If I had my way, people like you would be deemed too stupid to be allowed to mingle with the general populace, and would be quarantined on an island somewhere.

    With all the Brawndo your little hearts desire.

    (It’s got electrolytes.)

  53. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Bonsall Obot: With all the Brawndo your little hearts desire.

    (It’s got electrolytes.)

    You better stop before upgrayedd tracks you down.

  54. Bonsall Obot says:

    Nah, he back in 2005.

  55. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Bonsall Obot:
    Nah, he back in 2005.

    You didn’t watch the after credits scene

  56. Bonsall Obot says:

    Shhhh…. I’m not supposed to know about that. Increases the dramatic tension.

  57. DaveH says:

    It must stick in John’s craw that birthers not only helped President Obama raise funds for his re-election but also helped him get re-elected.

    I have never ever given money towards the election of any candidate and wouldn’t have for President Obama had it not been for those nifty cups with the image of his bc printed on it. I ended up making enough donations to get 10 of them!

  58. Jim says:

    You know what this means…the only birther actually DOING anything is Orly. The rest are just all hot air and brave talk…and nothing else. So, will the freepers and the ORYRers be ready to support her? Will Texas end up being their Alamo?

  59. HistorianDude says:

    john: Well, we certainly know Obama used his Birth Certificate for campaign money making purposes by putting his birth certificate on everything in creation.Actually this was violation of Hawaii Statutes but of course Hawaii never did anything about it.

    Which statutes are those? Specifically?

  60. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    You know what this means…the only birther actually DOING anything is Orly.The rest are just all hot air and brave talk…and nothing else.So, will the freepers and the ORYRers be ready to support her?Will Texas end up being their Alamo?

    Orly reminds me of that mutant space chicken lawyer from Futurama.
    I deeply apologize to mutant space chickens everywhere for that comparison…

  61. nbc says:

    john: I thought the investigation is and has been ongoing. Arpaio and Zullo have said that many many times. It appears Sands might not be credible.

    ROTFL… Yes, sure… Zullo and Arpaio are credible…

  62. nbc says:

    john: It’s well known that Zullo reports DIRECTLY to Sheriff Arpaio. Considering this investigation, this is probably by design. Therefore, Sands probably does not know anything.

    Not even John could be this clueless… Then again…

    How many more times does he have to be disappointed before he realizes that the emperor has no clothes.

    So gullible…

  63. alg says:

    I thought the investigation is and has been ongoing.Arpaio and Zullo have said that many many times.It appears Sands might not be credible.

    John, it has been over three years since Sheriff Joe commenced his so called cold case posse “investigation.” It has been two and a half years since he announced he had “probable cause” of a “forgery.” It has been over two years since he announced that “I did my job, it’s now up to others.” Not once in three years has the Sheriff sought subpoenas or warrants, or filed charges based upon the posse’s “work.”

    When are you going to finally wake up and realize you’ve been snookered?

  64. The Magic M (not logged in) says:

    Andrew Vrba, PmG: Orly reminds me of that mutant space chicken lawyer from Futurama.

    Except the chicken actually wins cases every now and then.

  65. The Magic M (not logged in) says:

    john: t’s well known that Zullo reports DIRECTLY to Sheriff Arpaio. Considering this investigation, this is probably by design.

    You mean like the claims at Gerbil Report where for over 2 years they’ve been croaking “he’s keeping it secret so Obots will be surprised when it’s released ANY DAY NOW”?

  66. Arthur says:

    The European:
    Now, Obots, you finally have lost. Better go into hiding, or else ….

    Report: Sheriff Joe Arpaio Presented With
    Sheriff’s Kit Outlining Obama’s Felony ID Fraud

    Holy smokes! This is universe-shattering!

  67. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    The European:
    Now, Obots, you finally have lost. Better go into hiding, or else ….

    Report: Sheriff Joe Arpaio Presented With
    Sheriff’s Kit Outlining Obama’s Felony ID Fraud

    The two takeaways one could get in listening to Arpaio:

    His investigation is a waste of time, he has no idea about any press conference or 2nd criminal investigation.

  68. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    They’re in full blown denial mode at Gerbil Report today.

  69. Jim says:

    The European:
    Report: Sheriff Joe Arpaio Presented With
    Sheriff’s Kit Outlining Obama’s Felony ID Fraud

    I take it the Sheriff’s kits were given to the Sheriff leading the investigation so that he could see what evidence his own investigation has turned up? But wait, didn’t Zullo himself say they were way past that evidence and now working on a couple of completely different lines of questioning?

    So, they’ve given Sheriff’s kits with evidence the Sheriff no longer considers evidence to the Sheriff running the investigation so that he can…ignore it? The stupid runs deep…

  70. Jim says:

    Andrew Vrba, PmG:
    They’re in full blown denial mode at Gerbil Report today.

    They’ve been in denial mode for the last 3+ years.

  71. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Jim: They’ve been in denial mode for the last 3+ years.

    It seems more desperate and panicky than usual, but then again, Mondays do that to everyone.

  72. Arthur says:

    Andrew Vrba, PmG:
    They’re in full blown denial mode at Gerbil Report today.

    Not the poster known as “furtive” — her latest post will no doubt gain the wrath of the Zullo loyalists:

    “if Arpaio doesn’t galvanize LE ACROSS THE COUNTRY TO COME FORWARD WITH A PROCLAMATION TO EVERY GOVERNOR…& soon, he is no better than anyone in DC.whose self-preservation come before country The Titanic is sinking, & he tells activists, it is a waste of time!

    “My only conclusion: Sheriff Joe may have already been controlled by Holder’s mob.”

  73. Lupin says:

    Andrew Vrba, PmG: They’re in full blown denial mode at Gerbil Report today.

    As opposed to “mildly delusional”? I don;t think they ever have been mildly delusional. The only settings they have are:


    (With apologies to Mean Machine Angel.)

  74. Curious George says:

    Speaking about Sheriff Arpaio, here is a recent review of The JOE SHOW that was posted on another site. From what I’ve read it’s vital to see the entire film. You’ll miss the most telling scenes in the latter half of the movie according reviewers.

    “Must watch whole movie”
    10/10 | anonymous | 21 Sep 2014

    “At first The Joe Show my seem like a homage to Sheriff Arpaio. However, this approach only sets the stage for the second half of the documentary, which discusses the incredible dysfunction and cruelty underneath his movie star status.

    This documentary would be interesting to either party, as it recognizes the face Joe puts on only disguises the injustice that lies beneath.

    The most important information that was shared was that these are jails with people who haven’t been convicted of any crime, 150 inmates have died, $120M in lawsuits have been paid by taxpayers, the political intimidation, and the way he has manipulated republican support by tapping into issues like Obamas birth certificate in order to turn the public eye away from the corruption in his office.”

    Things are not looking good for Shurf Joe.

  75. The European says:

    “150 inmates have died”

    You are serious ?

  76. CarlOrcas says:

    The European:
    “150 inmates have died”

    You are serious ?

    I can’t find a number but given his time in office that number is probably correct.

    The deaths and the millions of dollars in settlements really is the big story that has, in my opinion, been obscured by Arpaio’s years of grand standing on subjects from pink underwear to illegal aliens.

  77. gorefan says:

    The European: Sheriff Joe Arpaio Presented With
    Sheriff’s Kit Outlining Obama’s Felony ID Fraud

    So the question is how quickly did he throw the kit in the trash? Before he left Texas? As soon as he arrived back in Arizona?

    I’m guessing he left it in the hotel as a tip for housecleaning or in the car that drove him to the airport.

  78. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    gorefan: So the question is how quickly did he throw the kit in the trash? Before he left Texas? As soon as he arrived back in Arizona?

    I assume he’ll use it as toilet paper during the flight.

    …I’ll go stand in the corner now.

  79. Arpaio is not very good at making his community safe. The LA Times reports:

    “The area has become a hotbed of gun running, kidnappings and drug smuggling. The Justice Department warning letter noted that violent crime rose by 69% between 2004 and 2007, including a 166% increase in homicides.”

    At my last tabulation, lawsuits had resulted in $55 million in settlements against the County.

    CarlOrcas: The deaths and the millions of dollars in settlements really is the big story that has, in my opinion, been obscured by Arpaio’s years of grand standing on subjects from pink underwear to illegal aliens.

  80. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    Arpaio is not very good at making his community safe. The LA Times reports:

    “The area has become a hotbed of gun running, kidnappings and drug smuggling. The Justice Department warning letter noted that violent crime rose by 69% between 2004 and 2007, including a 166% increase in homicides.”

    At my last tabulation, lawsuits had resulted in $55 million in settlements against the County.

    How does someone so bad at being a cop keep getting re-elected?

  81. Bonsall Obot says:

    Andrew Vrba, PmG: How does someone so bad at being a cop keep getting re-elected?

    He tickles the pleasure centers of what’s left of the brains of his constituents; right-wingers are racists and have deep authoritarian streaks.

  82. Curious George says:

    Andrew Verba PmG

    “How does someone so bad at being a cop keep getting re-elected?”

    Marketing, hype, creating an illusion, creating a threat to the public that only he can handle. Promoting this illusion to the nation while seeking donations to keep him in office to solve the threat. It looks like Arpaio and his handlers have mastered this technique. It also helps to have pretty ignorant constituents.

  83. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Curious George:
    AndrewVerba PmG

    “How does someone so bad at being a cop keep getting re-elected?”

    Marketing, hype, creating an illusion, creating a threat to the public that only he can handle.Promoting this illusion to the nation while seeking donations to keep him in office to solve the threat.It looks like Arpaio and his handlers have mastered this technique.It also helps to have pretty ignorant constituents.

    At this rate, the only way they’ll be rid of him, is if he croaks in office.

  84. CarlOrcas says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    Arpaio is not very good at making his community safe. The LA Times reports:

    “The area has become a hotbed of gun running, kidnappings and drug smuggling. The Justice Department warning letter noted that violent crime rose by 69% between 2004 and 2007, including a 166% increase in homicides.”

    At my last tabulation, lawsuits had resulted in $55 million in settlements against the County.

    The settlement costs probably don’t include the lawyers…..especially county staff or contract counsel. Last time I heard a guess of the total cost it was in the neighborhood of $100-milion. Ugly.

    The thing to remember about the MCSO is that they only have primary enforcement responsibility for the county’s unincorporated areas and a couple of contract cities so it’s hard to tell what responsibility it may have for increasing crime rates.

    The most accurate measure of their efficiency is their clearance rate for their own major crime investigations and, last I recall, it was miserable.

  85. CarlOrcas says:

    Andrew Vrba, PmG: How does someone so bad at being a cop keep getting re-elected?

    Simple. He’s the PT Barnum of Arizona law enforcement.

  86. y_p_w says:

    CarlOrcas: The settlement costs probably don’t include the lawyers…..especially county staff or contract counsel. Last time I heard a guess of the total cost it was in the neighborhood of $100-milion. Ugly.

    The thing to remember about the MCSO is that they only have primary enforcement responsibility for the county’s unincorporated areas and a couple of contract cities so it’s hard to tell what responsibility it may have for increasing crime rates.

    The most accurate measure of their efficiency is their clearance rate for their own major crime investigations and, last I recall, it was miserable.

    I thought Arpaio had a habit of making his own immigration raids in cities where his department didn’t have primary jurisdiction. I know around here where there are about a dozen different jurisdictions (five local police, two county sheriff’s, CHP, park district, transit police, University of California, and federal) within five miles, there is a concerted effort to not step on toes.

    I have heard of cases where Arpaio went to events and the local police tried to make him seem silly by surrounding him with officers to show how little impact he really had. He had a noted feud with then Mesa Police Chief (and current San Francisco DA) George Gascon.

    I know he’s had sitting judges and county supervisors arrested. I’m wondering if he’s tried that on other law enforcement. The only case I’ve heard of recently around California was a state park ranger caught napping in his patrol car with a Keystone Light between his legs. Someone tried waking him up (not sure about the safety of waking up a sleeping guy with a loaded gun and who has been consuming alcohol) but he was out cold. So the guy called 911. Eventually the park ranger woke up, started driving, and got pulled over by the CHP and eventually arrested after a field sobriety test. I suppose there’s no “professional courtesy” when he’s drinking. I also wonder if the arrest of another uniformed peace officer is covered in POST training.

  87. CarlOrcas says:

    y_p_w: I thought Arpaio had a habit of making his own immigration raids in cities where his department didn’t have primary jurisdiction. I know around here where there are about a dozen different jurisdictions (five local police, two county sheriff’s, CHP, park district, transit police, University of California, and federal) within five miles, there is a concerted effort to not step on toes.

    Yes, Arpaio wanders far and wide in search of publicity. There are two dozen cities in Maricopa County with their own police departments and they work (for the most part) well together. And, like California, there is also the state DPS, university police, etc.

    His immigration stunts really didn’t effect interdepartmental cooperation since they were only designed to get publicity. Surprise!

    y_p_w: I have heard of cases where Arpaio went to events and the local police tried to make him seem silly by surrounding him with officers to show how little impact he really had. He had a noted feud with then Mesa Police Chief (and current San Francisco DA) George Gascon.

    I don’t recall any situations like that but Arpaio wasn’t very popular with any of the chiefs. Most kept quiet but Gascon got really pissed and wasn’t shy about speaking up.

    Yes, Arpaio and a disbarred former County Attorney tried to prosecute a presiding county judge and several newspaper editors. Their settlements are part of the total Doc talks about.

    If you’re interested the Phoenix New Times has been chronicling Arpaio’s excellent adventure for 20-years and has most of their past stories on their website. Go to and search for Arpaio. There’s some amazing stuff.

  88. y_p_w says:

    CarlOrcas: Yes, Arpaio wanders far and wide in search of publicity. There are two dozen cities in Maricopa County with their own police departments and they work (for the most part) well together. And, like California, there is also the state DPS, university police, etc.

    His immigration stunts really didn’t effect interdepartmental cooperation since they were only designed to get publicity. Surprise!

    I don’t recall any situations like that but Arpaio wasn’t very popular with any of the chiefs. Most kept quiet but Gascon got really pissed and wasn’t shy about speaking up.

    There are a many articles on this feud, although the Arizona Republic website (with a lot of the best articles) seems to have changed where the old links don’t work. Here’s one:

    Arpaio has even fought with other law enforcement. In 2008, a series of crime sweeps by Arpaio’s officers led to public protests in Mesa over harassment and racial profiling. To prevent Arpaio from sending officers to confront the protesters, as he had done in other towns, Mesa police chief George Gascón cordoned off the protesters and invited free-speech lawyers to represent them. Infuriated, Arpaio responded by conducting a late-night raid on the Mesa City Hall, ostensibly looking for illegal immigrants. He arrested a handful of janitors, all of whom turned out to be documented workers – and then raided Gascón’s police station to obtain the workers’ computer files under the suspicion that their papers were invalid.

    Wow – trying to piss off the police chief by rounding up his janitors. Now that’s a real low. Also – raiding another police agency’s computers? I always thought that was something that was reserved for state or federal law enforcement agencies. Around here, a county sheriff is basically coequal with local police.

    This was the show of force I was referring to:

    Gascón, a Cuban immigrant and a former assistant chief at the Los Angeles Police Department, had already bumped heads with the sheriff over a November roundup in Mesa, ordering a spokesman to slam Arpaio for his high-handed tactics. Gascón continued to egg Arpaio in the press, sniping that the sheriff “can’t keep his jails open, yet he can arrest cooks and gardeners.”

    When Arpaio, and the news media, tipped off Gascón to his upcoming plan for another sweep in Mesa, the chief was ready.

    The sheriff had planned initially to make an appearance at the operation’s field headquarters, a county office near Baseline Road and U.S. 60. But Gascón swamped the area with 132 Mesa police officers. They worked in shifts because of the extreme heat, most on foot and some on bicycles, in cars and on building rooftops.

    Whether it was Gascón’s intention or not, the show of force made the Sheriff’s Office look like the puny kid on the block — a wimp who needed George Gascón’s protection.

    The chief told the news media that he had meant only to provide security for both sheriff’s deputies and demonstrators, mindful of the civil unrest that had brewed in recent months during similar protests in central Phoenix and Guadalupe.

    “While they were in Guadalupe, the sheriff himself stated publicly he had moved his command post the second night because he felt that their safety was in jeopardy,” Gascón told New Times in an interview after the Mesa sweep. “We wanted to make sure that their safety in the city of Mesa was going to get protected.”

  89. CarlOrcas says:

    y_p_w: There are a many articles on this feud…………….

    Thanks for refreshing my memory. I had forgotten all about the Great City Hall Janitor Roundup.

    I suspect that Gascon always planned on a short stay in Mesa and that’s why he was willing to take on the sheriff.

  90. bgansel9 says:

    So, does this mean that the “Just wait until MCSO Cold Case Posse releases their evidence” thing is done then?

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