Disgusted birther leaves country

Paul Irey (pictured right) knows how to use a typewriter, but not so much how typewritten documents are converted into electronic documents through scanning and image processing. His biased pseudo-expert analysis of Barack Obama’s birth certificate and other documents has been foundational in several birther lawsuits, such as those by Douglas Vogt and Orly Taitz. Most recently he has weighed in on behalf of Chris Strunk in the ongoing attempt to revive his 2012 suit against the New York Board of elections. (Nothing Irey could say can remedy Stunk’s lack of standing.)

Charles Kerchner has published an email from Irey in which he says [italics replaced by underscores]:

Meanwhile I am leaving the country to reside elsewhere.  I may stay out of the country regardless of the outcome of my efforts … as our national problems are not all caused by this present usurper … that to me seem impossible to solve … mainly due to the tightly controlled media that prevents information such as I have described here from ever reaching you.  Fear is not the reason for my leaving.  It is disgust with the amazing amount of corruption and disregard for our constitution … and the likelihood of serious “fundamental” changes in the future.

One has to note with irony the fact that the “information” that Irey says is suppressed is being discussed right now on this Internet web site.

I had the opportunity to talk to Irey when he appeared on the RC Radio show way back in 2011. I found him a sincere fellow who was totally unable to see straight when it came to looking at evidence about Obama. He said he knew Obama’s birth certificate was a fake before he even looked at it!

I suspect that reinforcement from folks like Strunk, Vogt, Kerchner and perhaps rightwing nut job web sites, trying to outdo each other in exaggeration of their imagined usurpation of the US presidency, has gotten Irey so worked up that he’s actually leaving the country. If he’s leaving for negative reasons, then I feel sorry for him.

One of the great insights in my life is “it’s not about me.” That principle guides me away from making grand symbolic statements, such as leaving when some people don’t act the way I think they should. The proper response is to engage those I disagree with and work to change things. Irey has the right to his politics and his view on how the country ought to run, even though I think he is 100% wrong on some of his conclusions about President Obama. Irey’s leaving the country isn’t going to change anything, and is a futile gesture.

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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29 Responses to Disgusted birther leaves country

  1. realist says:

    Ahhhh. The very mature If I can’t get my way I’m taking my ball and going home approach.

  2. I personally believe that Irey has in his hands a likely means of having the authenticity of Barack Obama’s birth certificate adjudicated (and I also believe that he knows it), but I’m going to keep my mouth shut so as not to engage in champerty and maintenance.

  3. Thinker (mobile) says:

    I recall Irey saying that he believes every media outlet, including websites like Gerbil Report, are licensed by the federal government and have to get some sort of approval for everything they post. He is also obsessed with the JFK assassination. Wherever he goes, I think he will be disappointed to find that, at the end if the day, he was not able to escape his own mind, which is, IMO, the real cause of his problems.

  4. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Good riddance! Now, if we can just get the Gerbil Report denizens to follow suit. To paraphrase the Dark Knight: Birthers are a superstitious, and cowardly, lot.

  5. Rickey says:

    Irey also said that Strunk’s lawsuit was adjourned until after the mid-term elections, which is a lie. The next court appearance date is 10/31/14. I wonder if Irey and Strunk will wear their Halloween costumes to court.

    Court: Kings Civil Supreme
    Index Number: 021948/2012
    Case Type: Special Proceedings
    Track: Standard

    Appearance Information:
    10/31/2014 Supreme Trial NON-JURY TRIAL READINESS PART

    09/11/2014 Supreme Trial Adjourned NON-JURY TRIAL READINESS PART

  6. Bonsall Obot says:

    Irey says he’s leaving.
    But Birfers say a lot of things.

  7. alg says:

    I think that’s terrific. Maybe he’s retiring in Mexico or Guatemala . Hope he doesn’t spread some contagious disease among the locals. 🙂

  8. Curious George says:

    Maybe Irey will take Zullo with him?

  9. Keith (not logged on) says:

    Ahhhh.The very mature If I can’t get my way I’m taking my ball and going home approach.

    Or in this case, NOT going home.

    My money is on the ‘he is just going on holiday’ option.

  10. Joe Acerbic says:

    Quite simply and literally too good to be true.

  11. Dave says:

    Someone should do a poll of wingnuts, which country will you move to when you can’t stand the US any more?

    I’m thinking Colombia would be popular. The place is basically run by right-wing militias. Sounds like a wingnut paradise to me.

  12. Craig HS says:

    When they say “Australia”, please be sure to mention our socialised medicine and strict gun laws.

    We don’t want them here! We’ve got enough nuts of our own!

  13. Bovril says:

    It isn’t just a queston of where Irey wants to go but which country would take him for anything other than a vacation.

    As far as I am aware he has no demonstrable ties or links to another country that would offer him resident status and the ones he may want to live in would all be characterised as commie/socialist hell holes from his political perspective

  14. Lupin says:

    Bovril: As far as I am aware he has no demonstrable ties or links to another country that would offer him resident status and the ones he may want to live in would all be characterised as commie/socialist hell holes from his political perspective

    I’m looking forward to welcoming him in one of our reeducation centers. 🙂

  15. Keith says:

    Craig HS:
    When they say “Australia”, please be sure to mention our socialised medicine and strict gun laws.

    We don’t want them here!We’ve got enough nuts of our own!

    I actually did explain that to some idjit a couple of years ago who had decided that Australia was the libertarian/anarchist paradise. He was sure that Obama was just about to take his guns and the ACA was proof of the country was going to hell in a handbasket. He didn’t believe me. I think it was on “Above Top Secret”.

    But if Irey really does want to come to Australia, then in the words of Arthur Laurents in “West Side Story”: “I know a ship he can get on; uh-huh, bye-bye”.

    Of course he has to get to Indonesia to board that ship; maybe he can look up President Obama’s naturalization papers while he’s there.

  16. RanTalbott says:

    Rickey: I wonder if Irey and Strunk will wear their Halloween costumes to court.

    I wonder whether you could tell if they did.

  17. There are a lot of Americans in Mexico, in the Cancun area, or so I was told. Here is a web site to help you move there:


    All he has to do is to show “sufficient income” (around $1050/mo) and he would be allowed to stay. Tourist visas are good for 180 days.

    alg: I think that’s terrific. Maybe he’s retiring in Mexico or Guatemala . Hope he doesn’t spread some contagious disease among the locals.

  18. interestedbystander says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    I personally believe that Irey has in his hands a likely means of having the authenticity of Barack Obama’s birth certificate adjudicated (and I also believe that he knows it), but I’m going to keep my mouth shut so as not to engage in champerty and maintenance.

    I see what you did there. But how does he get it submitted into evidence? It’s a pickle ..

  19. Curious George says:

    Great word! “Champerty “

  20. Stanley Telega says:

    I guess he is to the right of Fox “news” and the NEW YORK POST which are about tea party people. Has he tried to have his proof shown or published there?
    I am sure he will never use Medicare or accept social security or go to a country that has these socialized things. He will be exposed as a hypocrite if he does.
    Some people don’t know. They are called ignorant. Some people can’t know. They are called stupid.

  21. Arthur says:

    Irey claims that there is a “tightly controlled media that prevents information such as I have described here from ever reaching you.”

    In a world where the internet has decentralized the media and opened it up to incredibly diverse points of view, Irey’s claim is absolute hogwash . . . and entirely consistent with the delusional thinking so often found among birthers.

  22. Rickey says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    There are a lot of Americans in Mexico, in the Cancun area, or so I was told.

    Belize has been running television ads which encourage Americans to move there. Maybe Irey saw one of them.

  23. Belize is quite an interesting place.

    Rickey: Belize has been running television ads which encourage Americans to move there. Maybe Irey saw one of them.

  24. JPotter says:

    Plenty of wingnuts have relocated; many more pretend to have relocated while posting online. Irey seems to have gone farther than usual in constructing a rationalization for his desire to embrace his bitterness and fly the coop.

  25. jtmunkus says:

    I’d be inclined to believe that Irey the fake expert has been planning on retiring abrotad for quite some time, and is just using Obama as an excuse because it smears the president among the three or four dozen vile afterbirthers who are left.

    He’s probably got some relatives or friends who’ve taken up residence somewhere down south, spending their US Treasury funds frugally in some sunny dictatorship full of Spanish speakers. Yannow, like when the fake chief Kessler’s friends took him to go see their Bearded Flag Granny in Texas, and the ex-chiefy called it a “boarder mission”.

    Good riddance to the delusional fool ex-typist.

  26. The Magic M (not logged in) says:

    jtmunkus: Good riddance to the delusional fool ex-typist.

    What makes you believe he won’t continue to birf from abroad?

  27. Lupin says:

    jtmunkus: He’s probably got some relatives or friends who’ve taken up residence somewhere down south, spending their US Treasury funds frugally in some sunny dictatorship full of Spanish speakers.

    Since Irey is a jewish name it is possible that Irey’s destination is Israel and his move dictated by other reasons.

  28. JPotter says:

    The Magic M (not logged in): What makes you believe he won’t continue to birf from abroad?

    Why believe that he’s leaving?

  29. bovril says:

    Lupin: Since Irey is a jewish name it is possible that Irey’s destination is Israel and his move dictated by other reasons.

    Having read some of his general insanity I get a feel for a strong evangelical bent, not so much Jewish. Not to mention Israel is a socialist/social-democrat/Labor country, he is not going to feel at all happy there, although the theocratic element would probably make him happier…

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