When looking up the recent article about Larry Klayman, I saw this comment over at Gerbil Report™ from Reagans_Ghost:
Wanna take a second here to THANK those Obots who decided to FLIP and HELP Zullo and the MCC Sheriff’s office out. The evidence you all provided was EXCEPTIONAL, and I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart. You may have all been TRAITORS at one point, but as a believer in Jesus Christ and a sinner myself, I’m always thankful when someone REPENTS and gets to REDEEM themselves. Once again, my thanks. You know who you are!!
Of course nobody on the birther side will name these alleged flipped Obots (they can’t). It’s just their way of trying to animate the corpse of the Cold Case Posse investigation, and inject hope into a hopeless situation.
However, I know the facts, and I have never been one to hide them. I know who the flipped Obots are, and I am not afraid to name them!
- The Tooth Fairy
- Santa Claus
- Baba Yaga
- Cinderella
- The Wicked Witch of the West
- Tom Bombadil
- Paul Bunyan
- Alfred Bulltop Stormalong
- Koschei the Deathless
- Snow White
- Sinbad the Sailor
- Pinocchio
- The Big Bad Wolf
- J. Thaddeus Toad
- The Seven Dwarfs (except Doc)
- Jiminy Cricket
- Little Red Riding Hood
- The Three Billy Goats Gruff
- The Ugly Duckling
- The Easter Bunny
- Chicken Little
Ya know, I always thought there was something shifty about that Tom Bombadil. He was always eyein’ my lemon drink!
I, personally, would be glad to help them out. Which way did they come in?
Tom Bombadil! Tom spends his days gathering waterlilies for his Goldberry, stomping around in yellow boots, cajoling grouchy willows, eating honeycomb, and saving Hobbits from barrow-wights. He finds birthers very humorous and votes Green Party.
RATS!! I’m totally bummed out…missed out on the Soros “Flipping Bonus”. The extra bucks would have come in handy for Christmas. 🙁
I’m just glad that Saxton Hale wasn’t among the list of flipped Obots. That would have been heart breaker…
sorry doc, but you got one wrong.
chicken little is exclusively a birther
The old ploy to divide and conquer. So cunning. So wicked. So worthless.
Yesterday, upon the stair,
I met a man who wasn’t there.
He wasn’t there again today,
I wish, I wish he’d go away…
I think it’s more like whistling in the dark.
But on the other side, we have a total of 4 identified members of the Cold Case Posse, two of whom (the attorneys) have quietly withdrawn, and one (Brian Reilly) is in open opposition to the Posse’s results. That leaves only Zullo.
A double agent?
IIRC, BirtherReport fan favorite Falcon often claimed that there had been a turncoat Obot/Fogbow poster that had provided evidence to the CCP. Of course, this meant that the days were numbered for both the usurper and those who supported him. He urged other “obots” to do the same because the day of reckoning was close at hand… a little over a year ago. The “day of reckoning” appears to crawl at a snail’s pace.
There is, of course, another possibility—that someone has pretended to flip in order to punk the birthers.
I think a more logical explanation is what was old is now new again…Zullo has blown them off again and there’s nothing else left until January 20, 2017. We, on the other hand, have a walking, talking, breathing, well-known to the birthers, person who has flipped from the darkside. Mr Reilly has been a wealth of information and entertainment for us! They’re just jealous. 😀
At least SOMEONE remembered Tom Bombadil, eh, Mr. Jackson??? Eh, New Line Cinema???
This “flipped obot” story follows the number one pattern of birther allegations: being both false and irrelevant. It seems that birthers tend to especially like to say things that are both false and irrelevant, because if you point out that the statement is false they can take that as an admission that it is relevant, and if you point out that the statement is irrelevant they can take that as an admission that it is true.
What difference would it make if an obot “flipped”? I mean, seriously, do the birthers think we are privy to all kinds of secret stuff?
In the birther mind, we are all complicit in the usurpation to one degree or another, therefore we all have, at the very least, information about some of our co-conspirators.
Well, I could certainly provide testimony that I observed myself voting for Obama. I don’t know if that evidence would qualify as EXCEPTIONAL. I doubt it would lead to the desired duckwalk by Obama or anybody else.
Maybe he gets his own movie?
No, they just need to make themselves believe that more and more people are “turning against Obama”, making their “any day now” appear a little less desperate.
Also don’t forget they believe there is only a handful of Obots (as in “if these 50 people ‘turn’, nobody will defend Obama on the intertubes anymore”).
Over on Gerbil Report, arch-birther “William” seems to enjoy his latest pet peeve, the reversal of burden of proof (“if you claim Obama never …, why don’t you show proof?”). Ah, it’s so 2009 again. Next up: the 219th revival of the “Obots are panicking… now they’re hiding again… now they’re panicking again” meme.
Falcon has seen too many cop movies. The “your accomplices have already sung, so you better spill the beans, too” line may work on children…
Then again: As a funny side story, recently money was stolen from a co-worker’s drawer in my company. We immediately suspected the new cleaning team was responsible and interviewed them seperately, telling them since we have full video surveillance (which we don’t), it makes no sense to deny it. The culprit actually caved and admitted everything. 🙂
Based on what he’s done with “The Hobbit,” I think it’s best for Peter Jackson to stay as far away from Tom Bombadil as possible. It’s bad enough he made a mess of one of my favorite books, but to do it three times over is mortifying.
I’m sure that whatever retirement community accepted William is now deeply regretting it’s decision.
It may be more projection. Birthers have “spilled the beans” more then Obots. Exhibit 1: Carl Swensson.
Obots are probably rather short on beans to spill anyway.