Obama! Kenya! Tribe! Human Sacrifice!

Shocker. Brian Reilly reveals: in March 2012 Mike Zullo was speaking to a group of influential Christians (plus Reilly and his wife) that he had asked Reilly to assemble. Zullo told them that he had received information that when Obama was in Kenya with his tribe, he attended a human sacrifice.

You can hear the story from Reilly himself at the end of the RC Radio Show, September 24, 2014. Unfortunately the show ended in mid sentence, with the most important question dangling: Did Mike Zullo pick up the check at Denny’s?

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Dr. Conspiracy’s All American Grand Jury Slam breakfast at Denny’s:


Title Credit: Bonsall Obot.

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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49 Responses to Obama! Kenya! Tribe! Human Sacrifice!

  1. CarlOrcas says:

    Oh my! They’re gonna love this one at Birther Report.

  2. Yoda says:

    I heard it. Amazing.

  3. To answer the question: No Zullo didn’t pick up the check but he showed his badge to get the cop discount.

    PS: Doc, you are fast!

  4. I am reminded of a scripture from the Bible that I see parallels the birthers and Zullo:

    “My people consult a piece of wood,”

    (NRSV) Hosea 4:12a

  5. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    The more I hear/read from Brian Reilly, the more I think that some* birthers can actually be rehabilitated.
    And I gotta criticize that slam. There isn’t nearly enough bacon there.

    *Less than 0.5%

  6. Bonsall Obot says:

    I had tears running down my face. Reilly saved the best for last.

  7. Lloyd had me in stitches.

  8. Bonsall Obot says:

    And, as I said in chat at the time, this is when Zullo put down the dog-whistle, picked up the bullhorn, and announced that the President is really quite blackity-black-BLACK, indeed.

  9. john says:

    Maybe this is the “Universe Shattering” information. Gallups said it was sinster. Does Zullo have any evidence or proof?

  10. The human sacrifice angle is actually not new, and Zullo’s information MAY have been the output of a game of “telephone” from something pursued by Orly Taitz way back in 2009. See:


  11. CarlOrcas says:

    Maybe this is the “Universe Shattering” information.Gallups said it was sinster.Does Zullo have any evidence or proof?


    When I saw this a few minutes ago I said (to myself) “No one could possibly be stupid enough believe this.”

    Wrong again, Carl.

  12. Bonsall Obot says:

    Maybe this is the “Universe Shattering” information.Gallups said it was sinster.Does Zullo have any evidence or proof?

    Does he ever?

    (Hint: no. He never does.)

    You really are the most gullible Birfoon, john.

  13. Arthur says:

    Maybe this is the “Universe Shattering” information.

    Oh, God, I hope so, John. Birthers are already a national laughing stock; if Zullo would try to run with this, it would subject birtherism to universe-shattering levels of ridicule.

  14. John Reilly says:

    No matter how much you lower your expectations for John, you are still not there.

  15. John Reilly says:

    And I thought Pres. Obama’s tribe was the Chicago machine.

  16. Jim says:

    John Reilly:
    And I thought Pres. Obama’s tribe was the Chicago machine.

    No way, we’ve been laughing at the birthers for too long, WE’RE THE PRESIDENT’S TRIBE!!! From now on, I wish to be know as Chief Laughing-at-Zullo.

  17. keith (mobile) says:

    So what?

    Millions go to Roman Catholic Mass and take communion every day. Why shouldn’t Obama?

  18. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Does Zullo have any evidence or proof?


  19. Curious George says:

    Doc C:
    “The human sacrifice angle is actually not new, and Zullo’s information MAY have been the output of a game of “telephone” from something pursued by Orly Taitz way back in 2009.”

    So Zullo possibly got this lead off the Internet? Wow!!! Great find Doc!

  20. Notorial Dissent says:

    Curious George: So Zullo possibly got this lead off the Internet? Wow!!! Great find Doc!

    I seriously doubt that, he has never shown enough intelligence or capability to be to be doing web searches, he’s not Orly Taitz after all. Someone had to have given it to him, after explaining it to him repeatedly, at a dead drop in the men’s room at Maricopa Park in a plain vanilla envelope.

  21. jtmunkus says:

    Andrew Vrba, PmG:
    The more I hear/read from Brian Reilly, the more I think that some* birthers can actually be rehabilitated.
    And I gotta criticize that slam. There isn’t nearly enough bacon there.

    *Less than 0.5%

    I’m a converted Brian Reilly fan.

    Even if he very well could have been the single catalyst that allowed Shameless Joe Arpaio to raise enough money to win another election against his most vigorous challenger in 20 years.

    Because if Joe hadn’t raised millions of dollars on the backs of birthers across the nation, as a result of Reilly’s misguided brainstorm that resulted in the Cold Case Posse investigation, Maricopa County residents might have gotten rid of the Arpaio scourge, and begun its community healing once and for all.

    But Mr. Reilly has shown himself to be a reasonable man of honor, having accepted facts for their truth. He’s taken a moral stand once the facts were revealed to him, and has steadfastly held true to his course.

    It is the reasonable Republicans like Reilly and John Woodman who I’m counting on to smack some sense into the extremist radicals who are running the GOP.

    Otherwise, America’s two-party system is likely doomed.

  22. The Magic M (not logged in) says:

    john: Maybe this is the “Universe Shattering” information. Gallups said it was sinster. Does Zullo have any evidence or proof?

    There is no evidence which proves it was scrubbed which proves it is true, right?
    Maybe it’s among the sealed college records, in the section where it says “Did you ever attend a human sacrifice ceremony?” and Obama checked the “Yes” column? Please Prof. Dr. Zullo, investigate!

  23. roadburner says:

    Maybe this is the “Universe Shattering” information.Gallups said it was sinster.Does Zullo have any evidence or proof?

    y’know, i stand at the edge of the hole of desperation looking down at birthers milling around at the bottom, and watch with amusement as they get out the shovel of stupid and start digging.

  24. Craig HS says:

    It’s the Rule of Holes: when you find yourself in one, stop digging.

    But of course, everybody KNOWS the rules are the tools of big Government, no self-respecting militiaman/patriot/birfer would EVER stoop so low as to obey the evil communist muslim socialist government!!

  25. The European says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    The human sacrifice angle is actually not new, and Zullo’s information MAY have been the output of a game of “telephone” from something pursued by Orly Taitz way back in 2009. See:


    That was something to have happened in the US, as far as I recall …..

  26. The European says:

    Human Sacrifices have a long tradition in many cultures. May I remind you of Abraham. God asked to kill him a son on Highway 61. And he was willing to do it. So Human Sacrifices are part of our beloved Judeo-Christian heritage.

    OTOH, they are unknown to the Luo people of Kenya.

  27. Keith says:

    I’ve got a comment in moderation – Keith (mobile)

  28. Bonsall Obot says:

    The European:

    OTOH, they are unknown to the Luo people of Kenya.

    Ah, but tribe. In Kenya. Do I have to paint you a picture, in dusky hues?

  29. The Magic M (not logged in) says:

    The European: So Human Sacrifices are part of our beloved Judeo-Christian heritage.

    It’s only Christian/doubleplusgood if white males do it, dontchaknow? 😉

  30. JPotter says:

    Surprise. Racial / cultural slander peddled by a wingnut. It’d be nice to say that was a new low for Zoo-low, but that’d be giving him waayyyyy too much credit.

    Definitively have to listen to this episode. Thanks for the heads-up, Doc!

  31. Arthur says:

    The European: Human Sacrifices have a long tradition in many cultures. May I remind you of Abraham. God asked to kill him a son on Highway 61. And he was willing to do it. So Human Sacrifices are part of our beloved Judeo-Christian heritage.

    “Where do you want this killin’ done?”

  32. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Bonsall Obot: Ah, but tribe. In Kenya. Do I have to paint you a picture, in dusky hues?

    Yeah, the undertones there, are about as subtle as the explosions in a Michael Bay film.

  33. realist says:

    Did Zullo point out to the group which Article of the Constitution contains the section stating one is ineligible to be president if he/she has witnessed a human sacrifice?

    I saw many in the old Tarzan movies. I wonder if that makes me ineligible.

    Or it may just make me blek.

  34. The European says:

    Arthur: “Where do you want this killin’ done?”

    Man, you must be puttin’ me on …

  35. wrecking ball says:

    The open thread seems closed so I’ll stick this here until a new one opens…

    also in open thread news: arpaio continues to tease the tea party with BS about the “investigation”:


  36. All I have to say is that President Obama’s family reunions are a lot more interesting than mine. All we do is sit around and gossip about those relatives who didn’t attend.

  37. I don’t know what happened to it, but it’s gone. Pls re-enter.

    Keith: I’ve got a comment in moderation – Keith (mobile)

  38. Yes, but rumors change the story over time. That’s the reference to the game of telephone.

    The European: That was something to have happened in the US, as far as I recall …..

  39. I personally read that story as a parable against human sacrifice, God saying in effect “I desire faith rather than sacrifice.” There are explicit criticisms of child sacrifice in the Bible, as part of the practice of worshiping idols, such as this from Jeremiah 19

    “They have built also the high places of Baal, to burn their sons with fire for burnt offerings unto Baal, which I commanded not nor spoke it, neither came it into My mind.”

    See also 2 Kings 17.

    The European: May I remind you of Abraham. God asked to kill him a son on Highway 61. And he was willing to do it. So Human Sacrifices are part of our beloved Judeo-Christian heritage.

  40. Dave says:

    Well, then there’s the less-known story of Jephthah, who promised to sacrifice his daughter, and did. As far as I know, nobody takes that as a sign that God likes human sacrifice, but it does take a bit of interpretation to avoid that conclusion.

  41. Dave B. says:

    Yeah, you have to be able to at least form the numbers of your age in bacon. I’m 88.

    Andrew Vrba, PmG: There isn’t nearly enough bacon there.

  42. JPotter says:

    Reality Check: those relatives who didn’t attend.

    … because you ate them prior to the reunion?

    Yes, it would make a more interesting event if you had saved up all the fun. Get some self-control in that tribe o’yours!

  43. JPotter says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    Yes, but rumors change the story over time. That’s the reference to the game of telephone.

    What is most interesting about the telephone game, is how, over time and repeated cycles, the story morphs from reporting what actually happened (if the game actually started from factual retelling, that is!), to what allegedly happened, to, finally, what the group playing the game expects to hear happened .. thereby revealing the stereotypes and biases of the group that have influenced the transformation of the story.

    Of course people in Africa are primitive cannibals. Bones in noses and living in squalor. Everyone (in wingnut echo chambers….) knows that!

  44. Keith says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    I don’t know what happened to it, but it’s gone. Pls re-enter.

    Its on now, maybe I missed that it had passed through. (It the one about Roman Catholic Mass and Communion.

  45. Keith says:

    In his collection of essays, “The Mythic Dimension“, in the essay “Renewal Myths and Rites of the Primitive Hunters and Planters”, Joseph Campbell describes the mentality of the cannibalistic ritual. After describing a particularly vivid puberty ritual from New Guinea where-in a young girl, having endured several days of ritual intercourse

    and while the youth chosen to be the last embraces her, the supports of the logs are jerked away, and the platform drops to a great boom of drums. A howl goes up and the dead girl and boy are dragged from the logs, cut up, roasted, and eaten.

    This savage ritual is typical of the world of the Great Goddess, who is at once the womb and tomb of the universe. And even where the victims are not boys and girls but animals – pigs, for example, goats or bulls – the victim is never an offering in the sense of a gift offered to some god but is the god himself.

    Campbell goes on to show that the example from New Guinea is not unique – it is echoed in mythology all around the globe; in Egypt and in Sumeria; in Europe and in America; in Indonesia and in India. The idea that from death comes life is not a curse, it is a wonderment, and has been acted out to reinforce that wonderment from time immemorial. The evidence is that originally the local king was sacrificed as the god each year. Eventually, kings worked out that substitute sacrifices would work just as well, so priests or other holy persons could take their place. Then the priests decided that animals would work. But always the sacrifice is not a gift TO the gods, the sacrifice IS the god.

    In Christianity, Christ has taken the place of all other sacrificial ‘victims’. His place is, once again, not a gift TO God but God himself (thus the necessity of the Trinity). While in Protestantism, the wafer and the wine have reduced to being symbolic of that sacrifice, in the Roman Catholic Mass, through the Miracle of Transubstantiation, the wafer IS the flesh and the wine IS the blood of Christ, in exactly the same way as the flesh and blood of the ritually sacrificed couple in New Guinea becomes the flesh and blood of their god.

  46. roxy7655 says:

    See also Henderson the Rain King.

  47. The Magic M says:

    Keith: in the Roman Catholic Mass, through the Miracle of Transubstantiation, the wafer IS the flesh and the wine IS the blood of Christ

    I’ve never understood the desire to physically consume one’s god anyway, even if all subtexts of cannibalism are ignored. “Hey, you can’t make an image of me, but eating me is fine.”
    While I was some sort of a believer when I was young and didn’t know better, I already knew to stay away from religious rituals.

  48. JPotter says:

    JPotter: Definitively have to listen to this episode. Thanks for the heads-up, Doc!

    I did listen to the show last night while working late. Thanks to all involved for the late night hilarity! 😀

  49. Keith says:

    The Magic M: “Hey, you can’t make an image of me, but eating me is fine.”

    The ritual sacrifice is MUCH older than proscription against the making of graven images.

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