Monthly Archives: September 2014

Obama smear filmmaker sentenced to confinement and therapy

Filmmaker Dinesh D’Souza received his sentence for violating election laws, says Reuters today. The judge, after viewing post-conviction videos of D’Souza, rejected his claims of remorse, saying: And it is still hard for me to discern any personal acceptance of … Continue reading

Posted in Birthers Behaving Badly, Crimes | Tagged , , | 7 Comments

Taitz transcribed, with typos

I noticed today that the transcript of the Taitz v. Johnson hearing on August 27 has been made available as part of the Jack Ryan collection at Scribd. As you may recall, the hearing was almost 4 and a half … Continue reading

Posted in Orly Taitz | Tagged , , , | 22 Comments

Getting shed of Orly Taitz

As much as I dislike Orly Taitz, she is a citizen of the United States and unless she by her own actions renounces that citizenship, she has the right to live here, just as much as all the other people … Continue reading

Posted in Orly Taitz | Tagged , , , , | 42 Comments

Arpaio had no evidence, former Deputy Chief says

In an interview, former Deputy Chief of the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office, Brian Sands, told CBS 5 in Phoenix: … the investigation never uncovered any evidence that the president’s birth certificate was a fake, despite what the sheriff said in … Continue reading

Posted in Featured Articles, Joe Arpaio | Tagged , , | 91 Comments

Preserve, protect and defend

Today I completed my training to be certified as a poll manager for Spartanburg County in South Carolina. I should get a letter in the next couple of weeks telling me where I will be working. One of the next … Continue reading

Posted in Lounge, Terry Lakin | Tagged , , , | 21 Comments

Disturbing the birthers–priceless!

Sharon Rondeau, citizen journalist at the Post & Email web site, has interviewed Cold Case Posse commander Mike Zullo. In the interview, republished at Birther Report™, [cue the MAD-TV “Lowered Expectations” theme], Zullo is quoted: The Post & Email spoke … Continue reading

Posted in Birther Report, Mike Zullo | Tagged , , | 58 Comments