Surprise! Tea Party to hear Rondeau tomorrow

imageThe Surprise Tea Party Patriots (not to be confused with the Surprise Tea Party or The Judean People’s Front), will hear Post & Email web site editor Sharon Rondeau make a presentation September 2, 2014, via Skype™ about her favorite subject, the travails of Walter Francis Fitzpatrick III. STPP describes the Post & Email:

The Post & Email is a child-friendly site which focuses on government corruption and constitutional issues.

The heavily-spun article on the STPP site is quite lengthy with a bio of Rondeau and a narrative of Fitzpatrick’s run-ins with the State of Tennessee over his attempt to force his interpretation of Tennessee grand jury statutes on the State.  One can be sure that the Arizona patriots will not hear both sides of the issue.

The Surprise Tea Party Patriots is the bunch that petitioned Sheriff Arpaio to investigate Obama’s birth certificate.

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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52 Responses to Surprise! Tea Party to hear Rondeau tomorrow

  1. JPotter says:

    “The Post & Email is a child-friendly site …”

    Well, if that ain’t just every kind of creepy.

  2. bovril says:

    If by “child friendly” you mean teaching your kids that sedition is cool, criminal actions should have no consequences and tantrums are rewarded……..” Walter, you’re a badly behaved little boy…. off to the naughty corner with you……”

  3. john says:

    “The Surprise Tea Party Patriots is the bunch that petitioned Sheriff Arpaio to investigate Obama’s birth certificate.”

    Wasn’t Brian Reilly part of the Surprise Tea Party? I seriously doubt he is today given his opinions on the Sheriff Arpaio investigation. I would like to know what Brian Reilly’s opinions are on Walter Fitzpatrick. Perhaps Brian will post a comment on this forum regarding his opinion of Walt and Sharon and idea that she will speaking at the Surprise Tea Party.

  4. Curious George says:

    From the STPP article…..

    “In early August, a professional filmmaker asked to join The Post & Email and Lt. Col. Field McConnell, USMC (Ret.) of Abel Danger in exposing the criminality of the Tennessee judiciary by producing a video about the Fitzpatrick case, with plans made to create a full-length documentary to be marketed to major media outlets.”

    The professional filmmaker is none other than William “Wilky” Fain. Here’s a sample of his work for your enjoyment (?). Action…..roll cameras……..

  5. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Sharon is probably thinking to herself “An echo chamber, where I can lie my ass off, and everyone will be in complete agreement with me! Thank you, Anglo-Saxon Jesus!”

  6. Curious George says:

    And if that wasn’t enough, here’s more……

    (BTW, it’s really tough to find reviews on this film.)

    This film could simply be edited and dubbed with a new title, “The Trial of Walter Fitzpatrick” and yes the judge did say in the trailer, constitutional rights were being violated. What a coincidence.

  7. The Magic M (not logged in) says:

    Two things I noticed:

    The stress on “natural-born citizen” when referring to Rondeau, as if naturalized citizens somehow aren’t real Muricans (Orly need not apply).

    The “no accuser” meme with seems to be SovCit territory.

    In fact, any real Tea Party group should probably distance itself from this group of loons.

  8. Bonsall Obot says:

    The Magic M (not logged in):

    In fact, any real Tea Party group should probably distance itself from this group of loons.

    Sorry, no. A real Tea Party group is a group of loons. They deserve each other.

  9. Curious George says:

    And this from the Tennessee Secretary of State’s Office…

    Status: Inactive – Revoked (Labor & Workforce Dept) Initial Filing Date: 10/19/2007
    Formed in: TENNESSEE Delayed Effective Date:
    Fiscal Year Close: December AR Due Date: 04/01/2008
    Term of Duration: Perpetual Inactive Date: 08/22/2008
    Principal Office: 149 HUNTSMAN DRIVE
    Mailing Address: 149 HUNTSMAN DRIVE
    AR Exempt: No Obligated Member Entity: No
    Managed By: Manager Managed Number of Members: 7

    So Sharon, how’s this all going work to for you ?

  10. Curious George says:

    Talking about “natural born citizens” as defined by Sharon and the birther crowd, they might like to know that according to their “two citizen parents” definition, their hero, Sheriff Joe Arpaio, is not a natural born citizen.

    “Arpaio was born in Springfield, Massachusetts on June 14, 1932,[15] to Italian parents, both from Lacedonia, Italy.[16]”.

    So when Tea Party types think about running Arpaio for president, they better think twice.

  11. Curious George says:

    Sharon Rondeau, August 18, 2014, article excerpt:

    “In the coming weeks, The Post & Email will be addressing a major Tea Party group about the Fitzpatrick case and how the jury’s faulty verdict affects all Americans’ First Amendment rights.

    Professional filmmaker William F. Fain agreed to film Monday’s and Tuesday’s activities on short notice with a camera crew. Because the local mainstream media has refused to report on the rampant judicial corruption, independent voices such as The Post & Email, Fain, and others believe it is their responsibility to do so.

    Funds are needed to produce the initial video, which is hoped will be the springboard for a documentary to be marketed to major media outlets with which Fain has connections when it is completed.”

    This is just too funny!

  12. Bonsall Obot says:

    Willy’s expired Blockbuster card is the extent of his “connections” with “major media outlets.”

  13. wrecking ball says:

    Curious George

    Funds are needed to produce the initial video, ….

    didn’t see that one coming.

  14. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    wrecking ball: didn’t see that one coming.

    I can’t help but see Corsi saying, “Hey! I was making money off of these buffoons, before it was cool!

  15. Rickey says:

    Bonsall Obot:
    Willy’s expired Blockbuster card is the extent of his “connections” with “major media outlets.”

    According to his filmography on IMDB he has never had a deal with a major media outlet.

  16. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    “The Surprise Tea Party Patriots is the bunch that petitioned Sheriff Arpaio to investigate Obama’s birth certificate.”

    Wasn’t Brian Reilly part of the Surprise Tea Party?I seriously doubt he is today given his opinions on the Sheriff Arpaio investigation.I would like to know what Brian Reilly’sopinions are on Walter Fitzpatrick.Perhaps Brian will post a comment on this forum regarding his opinion of Walt and Sharon and idea that she will speaking at the Surprise Tea Party.

    She won’t be speaking at the Surprise Tea Party did you not read the article? She won’t be there in person but via skype because she’s a little lazy.

  17. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Curious George:
    From the STPP article…..

    “In early August, a professional filmmaker asked to join The Post & Email and Lt. Col. Field McConnell, USMC (Ret.) of Abel Danger in exposing the criminality of the Tennessee judiciary by producing a video about the Fitzpatrick case, with plans made to create a full-length documentary to be marketed to major media outlets.”

    The professional filmmaker is none other than William “Wilky” Fain.Here’s a sample of his work for your enjoyment (?). Action…..roll cameras……..

    The blonde looks like a cheap porn star.

  18. Curious George says:

    The makeup is a little thick.

  19. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Curious George:
    The makeup is a little thick.

    Yes that’s the first thing I noticed well besides the bad acting oh and the judge claiming “He was probably violating his constitutional rights.”

  20. Bob says:

    I call her “Harpy.”

  21. Curious George says:

    This was uploaded to You-Tube 4 days ago by Mr. Fain. I’m not sure how he’s going to edit this clip to turn this into a full length feature film or how this will help Mr. Fitzpatrick.

  22. Curious George says:

    “I call her Harpy.”

    Is she married to Harpo?

  23. JRC says:

    Curious George:
    Sharon Rondeau, August 18, 2014, article excerpt:

    “In the coming weeks, The Post & Email will be addressing a major Tea Party group about the Fitzpatrick case and how the jury’s faulty verdict affects all Americans’ First Amendment rights.

    Professional filmmaker William F. Fain agreed to film Monday’s and Tuesday’s activities on short notice with a camera crew. Because the local mainstream media has refused to report on the rampant judicial corruption, independent voices such as The Post & Email, Fain, and others believe it is their responsibility to do so.

    Funds are needed to produce the initial video, which is hoped will be the springboard for a documentary to be marketed to major media outlets with which Fain has connections when it is completed.”

    This is just too funny!

    Why are they asking for donations? They should be selling shares of the profits of the movie. Honestly they know better than to do anything like that because the movie and springboard is a fraud. But the dolts that donate deserve being parted with their money.

  24. Arthur B. says:

    JRC: They should be selling shares of the profits of the movie.

    Bialystock and Bloo-oom!

    Goddag på dig.

  25. Curious George says:

    “Why are they asking for donations?”

    That’s what birthers do.

  26. CarlOrcas says:

    Any word on whether Zullo will be there?

    Probably too busy wrapping up the investigation……I guess.

  27. Curious George says:

    He’s had the wind knocked out of his sails. He’s been running silent and running deep. They’ll have toooo many questions if he shows up.

  28. Georgetown JD says:

    A bunch of senior citizens living in relative affluence in the retirement community of Sun City, Arizona cares about what is going on in Tennessee … why?

    Sounds to me like the group is scraping the bottom for speakers to address its monthly meetings. I guess Ted Nugent wasn’t available.

  29. HistorianDude says:

    Dr. Kenneth Noisewater: The blonde looks like a cheap porn star.

    She’s in episode 7 of the final season of True Blood. So… close enough.

  30. HistorianDude says:

    JRC: Why are they asking for donations? They should be selling shares of the profits of the movie. Honestly they know better than to do anything like that because the movie and springboard is a fraud. But the dolts that donate deserve being parted with their money.

    Not to mention they seem to be spreading the largess a little thin. If all the money goes to William Fain, how the heck are they gonna pay Van Irion?

    It’s a pickle.

  31. Nor Steven Seagal. .

    Georgetown JD: Sounds to me like the group is scraping the bottom for speakers to address its monthly meetings. I guess Ted Nugent wasn’t available.

  32. Curious George says:

    Today is the big day!
    Why aren’t they meeting to talk about corruption in Arizona? Tennessee is a long trek from Arizona. Where did the STPP Truth Squad go? Will “Wilky” Fain make a guest appearance with his 8mm Bell & Howell movie camera? Will Christian Pitre give them lessons on how to scream and be heard while standing in the rain? Will John attend and give us a report? What evils will Sharon harp on tonight ? So many questions. And what about the big September reveal that Pat Boone hinted about? And will they ask for……more donations? This promises to be a “UNIVERSE SHATTERING” event.

  33. CarlOrcas says:

    Curious George: This promises to be a “UNIVERSE SHATTERING” event.

    I think I’ll take a nap.

  34. The Magic M (not logged in) says:

    Curious George: the springboard for a documentary to be marketed to major media outlets with which Fain has connections

    WND? Breitbart? Funny when RWNJ media are asking for money to distribute RWNJ propaganda. You would expect they are “patriotic” enough to do at least part of this for free.
    Then again, “Blacks are racists” sells much more copies than “this old white guy was wronged by the courts” so I understand why even RWNJ media have more “valuable” stuff to publish.

  35. nbc says:

    Dr. Kenneth Noisewater: The blonde looks like a cheap porn star.

    Great acting though… I almost believed it… Almost..

  36. I wish there was a better option than jail for incorrigible people like Fitzpatrick.

  37. nbc says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: I wish there was a better option than jail for incorrigible people like Fitzpatrick.

    Well, the judge tried community service and that did not work.

  38. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    HistorianDude: She’s in episode 7 of the final season of True Blood. So… close enough.

    True Blood.. there could be a joke in here somewhere about being a good sucker or something?

  39. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    nbc: Well, the judge tried community service and that did not work.

    Perhaps be sentenced to playing Battleship as that will be the only command he’ll ever have?

  40. Bonsall Obot says:

    Dr. Kenneth Noisewater: Perhaps be sentenced to playing Battleship as that will be the only command he’ll ever have?

    He’d filch all the tiny boats and feign indignance when confronted about it.

  41. Dave says:

    Especially when a major part of the incorrigible is refusing competent legal representation.

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    I wish there was a better option than jail for incorrigible people like Fitzpatrick.

  42. 3Fiddy6 says:

    “Thank you, Anglo-Saxon Jesus!””

    Too funny!!! Like that little kid in Animal House when the girl fell into his room.

  43. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    “Thank you, Anglo-Saxon Jesus!””

    Too funny!!!Like that little kid in Animal House when the girl fell into his room.

    I’d say I’m joking, but the more conservative Christians firmly believe that Christ was a non-Jewish a white guy. After all, their whole “The Lord is with us, and backs up what we’re doing!” shtick doesn’t work out so well for them, if he isn’t the right color!

  44. Northland10 says:

    Andrew Vrba, PmG: I’d say I’m joking, but the more conservative Christians firmly believe that Christ was a non-Jewish a white guy. After all, their whole “The Lord is with us, and backs up what we’re doing!” shtick doesn’t work out so well for them, if he isn’t the right color!

    They strive to worship the magic guy in the sky who tells them exactly what they want to hear. Wo to them when they find out, it is not Jesus to whom they have given their heart.

  45. The Magic M (not logged in) says:

    Andrew Vrba, PmG: the more conservative Christians firmly believe that Christ was a non-Jewish a white guy

    Which again begs the question if these people are still Christians or rather members of a radical cult that just appropriated the name to attract more followers.

    Likewise, it’s hard to call yourself “Christian” while claiming “those children at the Mexican border bring diseases, therefore we must send them back and make sure they never come to our doorstep again”, exactly the opposite of what Jesus said.

  46. J.D. Reed says:

    Magic M, shipping them back post haste (in violation of a lae signed by the last Presodent Bush) is not the worst thing that some of them propose. These Neanderthals would order the Border Patrol to shoot them as the reach the border as an object lesson to anyone who would be so foolhardy as to follow their footsteps.

  47. JPotter says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    I wish there was a better option than jail for incorrigible people like Fitzpatrick.

    Like what? Incorrigible is by definition, forever. Can’t be corrected.

    Bring back state mental institutions?

    Exile? (…to where? a modern-day ‘Coventry’?)


  48. JPotter says:

    Andrew Vrba, PmG: I’d say I’m joking, but the more conservative Christians firmly believe that Christ was a non-Jewish a white guy.

    Well, duh. God is, of course, white: God made man in His Own Image, and images of white people are white. God’s genes are, of course, completely dominant. Jesus was the Son of God, therefore, Jesus was white.

    No matter how degenerate the mother may or may not have been.


  49. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    I wish there was a better option than jail for incorrigible people like Fitzpatrick.

    Say, didn’t we used to put traitors to the uniform against a wall, and shoot them dead on the spot?
    I think Terry and Walt need to count their blessings, and thank the good Lord that we no longer do that.

  50. interestedbystander says:

    JPotter: Like what? Incorrigible is by definition, forever. Can’t be corrected.

    Bring back state mental institutions?

    Exile? (…to where? a modern-day ‘Coventry’?)


    When I was little my parents frequently and correctly described me as incorrigible. According to family legend I was confused as I was always very encourageable, and couldn’t see why that was a bad thing, since they were doing the encouraging. I was also frightened for a year or two by the giraffe that they said was coming under the study door, until they finally noticed I was acting weird and explained what a draught was. Maybe Walt has similar comprehension issues to my 3 year old self.

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