Place your Obama Conspiracy comments not related to the current articles here. This thread will close in two weeks.
Remembering those who died trying to save others on September 11, 2001.
Place your Obama Conspiracy comments not related to the current articles here. This thread will close in two weeks.
Remembering those who died trying to save others on September 11, 2001.
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With it being 9/11, you can bet that every RWNJ site will be spewing more vitriol than normal, and Gerbil Report will be finding some way to retroactively blame Obama for the attacks.
and after all the claims that ISIS would be doing major attacks on the u.s. today, or the govt making a false flag operation and neither of them happening, the reponse will now be `well, they didnÂ’t do it because they knew we knew about it!Â’
birfoon/RWNJ logic 101
Over at Birfoon Report, BS Esq, Little Snotty, SIlly Billy and Bird Brain had all be swearing that “stuff” was gonna happen…..Og course any attempt to point out that nothing did happen is followed by the iron grip of the censor…….
I dunno what Doc and Foggy did, but it has William at Gerbil Report sweating bullets! The guy is in full blown panic-post mode. I’ve never seen a single birther so rattled before.
You may recall and BS Esq. among others have claimed that the killings at Sandy Hook never happened, or if they did, it was an elaborate scheme concocted by the government to regulate guns. Of course, this is paranoid idiocy of the highest level, but now an actual Republican candidate in Colorado is unashamedly making the same claim (video):
My favorite comment about this incident from the article: “You know why I despise most conservatives? Because nothing bad ever happens until it happens to them!”
William’s side of the story:
– William did not cheat on his SAT. Really? And you have hard, documented evidence of this?
– William has never raped anyone. Really? And you have hard, documented evidence of this?
– William has never inserted any small rodents into his anus. Really? And you have hard, documented evidence of this?
Poor William. So clueless, and so clueless about how clueless he is.
I think it was Monday, I straight out said I suspected him of financially backing bob, and that was the reason any comments countering him were deleted.
that particular comment lasted exactly 2 minutes
Ah, so he was flipping the hell out, because someone reflected birther logic back on him. Strange how making them play by their own rules, results in such a violent reaction.
Hey, another fact-free Friday tomorrow. Will Zullo be making another appearance, or will he go back into hiding? My guess is back into hiding, he’s said all he’s going to…nothing. But just in case, maybe Gallups should play some theme music to let the listeners know that it’s Zullo Time! Here’s a humble suggestion…
Zullo’s Pile (Sang to the tune of Gilligan’s Isle)
Just sit right back and you’ll hear a tale
a tale of a scam for pay,
the start was with a tea party fright,
throwing their money away
The Sheriff was an immoral old lawman,
their money was his tools
a posse was formed that day,
to make them into fools,
to make the into fools.
The case was started with a bang,
the scared were full of glee.
It was lead by an ex-traffic cop
who took all their money.
Who took all their money.
They started with a news conference
proud of their great guile
with old pictures,
a graph or two,
the registration stamp,
and race codes,
the forger they would soon get caught
here on Zullo’s Pile.
(Ending verse)
So this is the tale of our fake posse,
they’ve been caught in many lies.
They’ve yet to explain wrong race codes,
or given xerox tries.
The Posse has now been shrunk to one
he keeps them all in line,
telling them what they want to hear
and nothing at the same time.
No charges, no arrests, no VIPs,
not a single Grand Jury
he keeps on leading them as blind,
they’re as gullible as they can be.
So join us here each week my friends,
you’re sure to get a smile,
from the fools who still believe,
here on Zullo’s Pile!
Several days ago Randy Foreman was on Mike Volin’s show and he said he was in Washington D.C. helping Mike Zullo do research at the Library of Congress. Foreman also said that a good Lutheran woman was helping with the research (Butterdezillion?). He actually said it several times
Today Larry Sellin was on the Peter Boyles show and he said several things. He talked to Zullo about a week ago and was told
1) Zullo is a one man operation.
2) Arpaio was going to sghut down the investigation (right – LOL) last fall but than a whistle blower (Dennis Montgomery?) came in and gave them a bunch of info about how BC was forged and who forged it and where it was forgered. That it supposedly the “universe shattering” news. But now they have hit some snags. [It’s interesting that Sellin speculates that the snags are related to the whistle blower not wanting to testify or the press smearing the whistle blower but he never says that the whistler blower might be wrong. I guess he’s not willing to go there].
3) Zullo was in Washington to research the newspaper announcements because someone may have switched out the microfilm rolls [back to butterdezillion delusions].
Thanks for the update. It’s funny the way birthers never object to Foreman consistently getting Zullo’s biographical information wrong (calling him Lieutenant Zullo and referring to him as a former Detective with decades of police experience), and yet cry conspiracy when journalists have erred about Obama’s background. It’s also interesting that Zullo never takes the time to correct Foreman.
It’s interesting that Zullo appears to be following the butterdezillion delusion trail. It starts with someone swapped out all the microfilm copies with the birth announcements from the libraries of the world and ends with scuba divers in the waters off Molokai.
It smacks of desperation.
Birdboy has always disparaged butterface–I wonder how he’ll react to Zullo working with her?
I’m more than 90% certain that Zullo said last week that he didn’t plan to be on again for a while. Almost certainly not until after the election (But, of course, there’s always the possibility that something dramatic will come up, and they’ll have an announcement before the heat death of the Universe, so keep tuning in…). There was some birther disappointment about that in the youtube comments.
Now that is really bright.
If someone was switching out microfilm rolls, the first place they would do it is at the libraries in Hawaii, and the second place would be the Library of Congress.
I real investigator would search for obscure libraries which have the Honolulu newspapers on microfilm. But of course he was on a fool’s errand, since no microfilm has been switched out. And he picked the worst time of year to visit D.C.
I wonder if Grand Mufti ZooLoo will choose any of the rest of BitterDelusionals mad meanderings……How Al Queda /Hamas were all smuggled into Venezuela and are just waiting on the order to invade the USA. Or how North Korea managed to secretly launch a satellite into orbit that at any moment detonate a nuclear EMP device bringing America crashing to is knees. Or how Uncle George Soros is going to instigate another “run on the banks”, in conjunction with the commies and Moslems and bring the world economy crashing down AGAIN.
So many theories so many rich comedic material
There’s something actually resembling “news” at Gerbil Report today. Irey announced that:
a. He’s filed some sort of daffydavit (which sounds suspiciously like the packet of awful offal he and Vogt assembled) with a court in Brooklyn, and
b. He’s leaving the country.
The two do not appear to be related đ
The story doesn’t say whose fool’s errand the filing is associated with. Could be his own, could be some other fool’s.
Perhaps more interesting: Sellin was on Boyles’ show, and GR, of course, has a story with Youtube audio. Starting about 9:30, he relays some info from “an insider” at the CCP that appear to confirm speculation about Montgomery. Specifically, that the “Universe-shattering” info came from a “whistleblower” around November, and that Zullo encountered some “snags” around March.
But the real shocker was in a comment someone using his name (not confirmed him, afaik) posted in the GR comments:
If true, it could mean that all the hours that RC and NBC put into the Xerox proof really did put the final nail in the CCP’s coffin.
Until Montgomery came along with a crowbar to pry it open and see if he could steal the pennies off the dead manhunt’s eyes, that is đ
There is a piece on this a Kerchner’s blog.
Irey is taking two paths:
1) Faked copyright filing for Dreams from My Father
2) Vogt’s naming of the forger (wonder if I get a shout out?)
Not unless you’ve changed genders…
The fake newspaper announcements delusion comes from the fertile minds of butterdezillion and ladysforest (IIRC). I believe they said that only 6 libraries carry the microfilm copies of the Honolulu newspapers.
That someone gave a fuller account of his call to Zullo:
Mr. Reagans_Ghost, My telephone conversation with Mike Zullo took place on August 21, 2014 at 8:10pm, just after I received confirmation from an investigation “insider” of my suspicion that the release of the “universe shattering” evidence would be delayed because, as I stated on Peter Boyles’ program, it is radioactive before the election. That was the purpose of my call. He told me he was traveling and that I had first reached him on an elevator. He called back. During the course of that conversation, which lasted 30 or so minutes, he said the Obama birth certificate investigation was to be stopped in the autumn of 2013. That was very clear. It may have been that whatever they had at that point would have been made public, but he didn’t say that. It was at that time, just prior to the expected stop of the investigation that the “universe shattering” information was brought to Arpaio. It was a serious telephone conversation and I don’t think Zullo was lying to me. Those are the facts.
Still no confirmation that it is the real Sellin but I suspect it is.
A little bit of birther hilarity:
“I guess they are wingnuts and tabloid writers now in Kenya. Here’s a 2008 Kenya stamp”
followed by a great big picture of a stamp from…Malawi.
Oh my goodness. Even more hilarity, just below the picture:
“The Federal judge (a.k.a. wingnut) is Ellen Lipton Hollander, and the defense from Obama’s attorney (Orly Taitz) is that “privacy” of the President is equivalent with national security. Note that Orly Taitz suddenly has a consideration for appointment as a Federal judge position in the liberal 9th Circuit District of the United States.”
What an amazingly fortuitous coinkydink that Montgomery just happened to have the sort of info Zullo needed to pull his investimagination out of its dive, mere moments before it was to meet its fate in a smoking crater in the desert. Why, it’s almost as though it were part of some sort of plan…
btw, it’s worth noting that Zullo’s panicked postponement preceded the New Times article by a couple of months. I wonder whether he found out who Montgomery is, and the leak to the New Times was actually a result of the revelation he’d been suckered, rather than the source of his finding out. I can easily imagine one of the real cops at the MCSO saying “I’m sick of this clown sullying our reputation with his incompetent gaffes. I’m blowing the whistle”.
May I ask here also, too :
Can someone explain to me the juridical foundations of this âhearingâ ?
Book Club Court? It’s a pickle..
I wouldn’t rely on anything which Irey says.
He obviously showed up in Brooklyn for Strunk v. Board of Elections in the City of New York, et al., which was on the trial calendar for 9/11. I see no evidence in the docket that the judge “agreed to accept into evidence” anything which Irey brought with him. Irey also liked when he wrote “we were given another date that will be after the upcoming national elections.” The next court date is 10/31/14, which of course is before election day.
Thanx, Rickey. A bit clearer now. Strunk and Irey – a marriage made in heaven….
I am intrigued by Irey’s comment that he’s leaving the country, because he doesn’t like it here any more. I do wonder which countries the crazy right-wing extremist anti-Muslim bigots like better. The only country I can think of that has a very right-wing government and isn’t majority Muslim is Israel — though that’s speaking very generally, since in some ways Israel is not as conservative as the US, e.g. health care.
Well, since he’s leaving the country, perhaps he was referring to the Cayman Islands election (Assuming they actually have elections, and don’t just have a committee of the 5 biggest corporations headquartered there pick the government).
Good riddance to rubbish.
Good riddance to treasonous rubbish.
Ain’t posted much for the last few days. Fallout New Vegas Ultimate Edition is one of those “sucks all your free time” kind of games.
A few posts back I meant to say to Irey LIED when he said that the next court appearance is after the mid-term elections.
This is STRUNK, CHRISTOPHER-EARL vs. BOARD OF ELECTIONS (021948/2012). If I am following this correctly, Strunk has moved to have the dismissal of his case reconsidered. My articles on the case are:
The original 2012 case challenged the eligibility of some of the members of the electoral college from New York, and President Obama. The former had something to do with Strunk’s quirky reading of a statute regarding who could serve as electors in New York.
Actually, it appears that the case was dismissed only in regard to four of the defendants. There are 27 named defendants, but it is likely that Strunk failed to properly serve most (if not all) of them.
This is the case in which Strunk wanted Shrimpton to testify back in June. Apparently Shrimpton is still persona non grata, so Strunk had Irey tag along last week.
I suspect that most people assume that real hearings are held at these pre-trial conferences. Nothing could be further from the truth. In reality, a judge in Brooklyn is likely to have two dozen cases on his trial calendar in a single day. The calendar call is handled by a clerk, who routinely adjourns cases which aren’t ready for trial and which are not viable candidates for settlement. If Irey is to be believed, no attorney appeared for the remaining defendants, so the clerk kicked it over to 10/31/14. I doubt that Irey and Strunk ever spoke to the judge.
He failed to properly serve the four that were dismissed.
But US right-wingers “heart” Putin, Slayer of Gays, much more than Netanyahu.
damn doc! youÂ’re poking them beautifully over on GR today!
warms the cockles of my heart đ
Gerbil Report is really hurting for some new material. They’re actually reposting Smith’s poopies!
Kudos to you, too, roadburner – or rather, e.p.lovejoy. Your comments there – as well as Doc’s and a few other Obots who manage to sneak through the razor wire and flaming moat protecting the “sanctity” of Gerbil Report – are the only reason I even bother reading that blog.
It’s simply mind boggling that you can shred their arguments in post after post, yet they act like they just taught YOU a lesson. A more delusional collection of misfits would be hard to find. The back-and-forth you (or maybe it was someone else?) had with William the other day, where he proved he doesn’t know the meaning of the word “besides” had me howling with laughter. Laughter is good for the body and mind, so I thank you!!
I’ve had a good run over the last few days, but it looks like bob has finally got pissed off at me bitchslapping the locals…..last post deleted by admin đ
still, it was fun while it lasted
Doc C. is mentioned in this Lucas Smith posting.
Yeah. I get from the title that Smith is trying to undermine an argument I made a long time ago that Obama couldn’t have traveled from Kenya to the US by air in 1961 because 1961 federal immigration tabulations don’t count such a person. I think what he is trying to show is that approach is invalid because we know Obama Sr. made the trip in 1959, but is not shown in tabulation.
Whether that is true or not, I haven’t looked at yet. It should be looked at, though. It could well be true that the tabulations aren’t complete, and if so this piece of the “impossible” argument would have to be dropped. A good bit of the impossible argument would remain, though, including the statements in Obama Sr.’s file as to the dates he had entered the US.
I haven’t bothered to look, but is he saying he didn’t show up in the stats for 1959? He wouldn’t show up in the figures for the year ended June 30, 1959.
Smith is claiming that Obama, Sr., embarked from Kenya in August 1959, but the INS report indicated no Kenyans entered the U.S. by air for 1959-1960.
He says he doesn’t show up in the 1960 book that cover the time until June 30th, 1959.
“Lord” Hurts seems to have a new story:
So he bought the “real” Obama BC for $2 million from Loretta Fuddy? That’s new. Of course he doesn’t bother showing a picture…
BTW I doubt he ever owned as much as 2 million Turkish Lira…
H’mmm reading the breathy and dubious prose of that little story reminds me so much of that other fabulist, I Lucas Smith
Here is the one he’s using. It says year ending June 30, 1960 (July 1st, 1959 to June 30, 1960)
Well, considering Barack Obama, Sr., departed from Nairobi by air on August 4, 1959, and arrived soon thereafter in the United States, I’d say he has a point.
How do we know Obama, Sr., embarked by air from Kenya on August 4, 1959? (I know that’s what Jacobs said in her book, but I have not read it or reviewed her sources.)
In this article, Smith notes the famous “Kenyan airlift” is not reflected in the INS’s 1959-1960 statistics.
That’s a perfectly fair question. I just looked it up in the Jacobs book, which I think is a thoroughly researched, detailed and, to the best of my knowledge, trustworthy source. I didn’t look any further.
from what i can see by searching the foundation which sent the kenyan students to the u.s, that the first group of 81 students entered the u.s. in sept 1959, and obama sr was not in the first group
could it be possible that as it was an educational programme organised with the collaboration with the u.s. govt, that the students entering didnÂ’t pass through immigration in the traditional way?
just a thought…
I think Smith is right on this point, but for the wrong reasons: Obama, Sr., (and the other African “airliftees”) likely disembarked somewhere (likely several places) between Kenya and the United States. Their point of embarkation is likely listed as London (or some other transit hub).
But there’s still no proof that the Obamas (Jr. or Sr.) or Dunham flew either to or from Kenya in 1961.
According to Jacobs, he didn’t come under that program.
Obama, Sr.’s INS file indicates that he entered the United States at New York on August 9, 1959, so that’s pretty likely– particularly when presuming the August 4 departure date is correct. Everybody’s got to be somewhere.
On the other hand, I don’t think very many of the 12,151 passengers listed as arriving from Africa by air had direct flights. And the 1962 annual report does list one alien passenger arriving in the United States, having embarked in Kenya; which further complicates interpretation of the reports. So I think Smith’s right– one can’t conclude that the 1962 INS report proves that no such air travel by a US citizen passenger took place.
Okay, I think the source from which the statistics were compiled was the “Arrival-Departure Record,” Form I-94. Barack Obama, Sr.’s Form I-94 is on page 8 of his INS file here:
and indicates that his visa was issued in Nairobi, but that “Passenger boarded at London.” So based on that, he would’ve been recorded as arriving from London (I think).
Obama, Sr.’s INS file indicates that he last entered the United States at New York on August 9, 1959. It may have also been his first entry.
It also lists “London” as the point of departure (not Kenya).
Gerbil Reported that Zullo has announced…are you ready for this? Another press conference! LMAO!
I would call the issue settled based on your argument and findings.
but that does cause a bit of a problem for the 1961 INS records concerning dunham, as if she travelled the same route, it would be the same.
for once smith might be right about something.
still, dunhamÂ’s passport records showing that her first passport was issued in 1965 doesnÂ’t help him much though
I find it amusing that some of the Gerbil Report inmates think that we have some inherent dislike of bacon. I guess they’re trying to say that we’re all…Jewish? đ
I think that kind of points out the big difference between us and the birthers.
Or Muslim?
Perhaps, swept up in America’s current bacon craze, they have decided that bacon is essentially American, like apple pie and baseball, and therefore naturally disliked by any who fail to agree completely with them. Any disagreement with them makes one throughly “unAmerican” doncha know.
Proudly unReal ‘Murican⢠since 19[mumble]
The feds take away Sheriff Joe’s guns:
From the story:
“”I was in the army in the Korean War, it looks like they are Korean War weapons that we have,” said Joe Arpaio.”
Perhaps he should use more precision when selecting prepositions.
Good call! I wouldn’t trust that man with military hardware either!
I was visiting a favorite website called Sega-16, an ode to The Sega Genesis. I like it for the in-depth interviews from former Sega employees, and game developers. Its got a forum that is sometimes entertaining. Twenty years after the fact, you still have some guys going “If Sega had only done X, they would have beaten Nintendo!”
I can’t help but think that in 20 years time, there will be a forum where small pockets of birthers will still be going “If Zullo had only done X, he would have ousted Obama!”
New article in Pravda:
Barack Obama’s birth certificate: Where is truth and clarity?
by Lord Howard Hurts
This one is not the usual birther stuff, once it gets going. It is a remarkable fictional narrative of the pseudonymous Lord Hurts relationship with Loretta Fuddy, and this meeting:
That was remarkably dishonest and disrespectful, even by Birferstan standards.
wow! so the president is NBC to birther standards then – 2 citizen parents!
and so ends birtherism đ
Who cares? It’s Pravda, the famed “news” service of Russian liars and seditionist -ex-Americans who think anyone believes or cares what they have to say.
Carl Gallups was on the Peter Boyles show this morning. Gallups basically said the same things he has been saying for the past year and a half. Basically nothing
After the segment, Boyles read some e-mails about the Gallups interview:
âWe got a lot of critical e-mail on that last segment and I canât argue against the critics. This one Iâll read it to you â âMany of us quite interested in the topic defined for the 7 to 9 hour. Forty five minutes of hot air.â Yeah, I canât argue your critique. Read another one, people are sending them to us. ââPeter, he took forty five minutes to say nothing.â Well, letâs hope things turn but I mean I agree the criticism is legit. And it is very hard. And uh but we will see. Your criticism is welcome and your criticism is on the money.â
What did he expect? Gallups doesn’t say anything on his own show, did Boyles really think he come on the Boyles’ show and say something significant?
Gallups gives crooked, back-woods preachers a bad name.
Gallups is scheduled to come back on Tuesday. It will be interesting to see if it happens and if anything changes.
In other news, it turns out that the California Bar does in fact exist, as this story proves. But it begs the question – why is Orly Taitz still in good standing?
Well, she only posts photos of herself with kooks, not celebrities.
There are some slightly spooky comments in the article, though:
Kinda obvious when the same head is pasted onto two different photos.
If only the posters at B.R. could Photoshop as well as that lawyer!
well as a vegetarian, I don’t really go for bacon….the smell used to appeal, but that’s it.
and as I am not american, I suppose it is unAmerican in any event!
Andrew Vrba, PmG: I find it amusing that some of the Gerbil Report inmates think that we have some inherent dislike of bacon. I guess theyâre trying to say that weâre allâŚJewish?
they must be listening to bryan fischer: âDo you want one single item of proof that America is a Christian nation? And not a Jewish nation? And not an Islamic nation? One single bit of proof is all you need. We freely allow restaurants and grocery stores to sell and to serve bacon. That can only happen in a Christian country. You canât do that in Israel. Iâve been to Israel. You go into the hotel to eat dinner; you go into a restaurant⌠you canât get bacon there! Youâre not gonna get it! Because it is a Jewish country. You go to a Muslim country, you are not going to get pork; youâre not going to get bacon; youâre not going to get a ham sandwich anywhere. Why? Because it is a Muslim land. The sheer fact that we clearly allow the consumption of bacon is absolute proof that we are in fact a Christian nation.â
GlobalPost notes in “Believe it or not, Israel has excellent bacon”:
“The fact of the matter is that it is not that difficult to buy pork in Jerusalem. Most supermarkets in the city, including the large chains, are either kosher or halal, and thus do not carry the product. But between the secular, native-born Muslims and Jews, Christians, the local tribe of internationals, and Russian Jews who lost many kosher habits during 70 years under communism, a significant number of consumers hanker after the rosy meat.”
“Believe it or not, Israel has excellent bacon”
So… it can’t happen in a Buddhist country? Hmmm.
And what about a Pastafarian country? I lurves me some amatriciana, I really duz.
I wonder where someone would get the idea that only Christians are allowed to sell or eat pork? And why the concept of a secular country didn’t enter his mind.
Oh yeah, he must have pulled it out of the north end of a south bound donkey.
According to Joseph Heller, the followers of Dagon make a mighty tasty ham sandwich.
So Russia is a Christian nation?
The sheer fact that we clearly allow the consumption of bacon is absolute proof that we are in fact a Christian nation SAID nut job bryan fischer
I guess Fischer’s view is that the only requirement to be a Christian is the consumption of bacon? That seems more than a little out of the mainstream of Protestant doctrine.
Most of the comments on Fischer’s video missed the real logical fallacy in his argument. He assumes there are only 3 possibilities: Jewish, Muslim, or Christian. There are numerous other possibilities, including secular (which is, in fact, what we are).
Goofy article using John Woodman as a BIRTHER reference:
I’m starting to think it’s a satire site meant to bait right wingers. Some of the stuff on there is crazy.
Sheriff Arpaio gives Rudy another non-answer about the investigation:
Rudy: When do you expect there will actually be legal action that can actually be acted upon?
Arpaio: First of all let me say one thing. I have never raised one penny for my election using the birth certificate. My campaign manager would kill me if I ever mentioned the birth certificate. So all that is garbage that you hear from those of couple of lawyers. Total garage, not one penny did I ever raise for my election. None! And I got the proof; you can check everybody that gave me the money. Get that clear.
Arpaio: Do you cited 2010? Did we know? That wasnât publicized out on the White House until 2000 what? What was it? Was it 10? My time isâŚ
Rudy â âBlah, blah, blah.â
Arpaio: Short form! Which you didnât have any evidence, there is no short form.
Rudy: âBlah, blah, blah.â
Arpaio: Well youâre very; uh youâre very aggressive which you should be because you want justice. But remember there are always restrictions when you try to do a case. I canât tell you everything we know that we found out later. Iâm not âŚI canât do it. Itâs sensitive and I just have to bear with me and see how I can take this. But weâre still working every day.
It appears the Sheriff doesn’t know what to do with whatever it is he has.
Probably he should go see a doctor about it.
Not exactly birther related, but still amusing.
Folks that show up for the average birther/RWNJ event: 50 to 150, over the course of several days.
Folks that showed up to the Peoples Climate March in NYC: over 300,000, in a single day.
[This comment was moved to the Open Thread. Doc]
Judge Hanen: Mr. Hu has been in front of me before.
The President of the United States is the US federal government’s prosecutor. An eligible President delegates authority to the US Attorney General which delegates prosecutorial discretion through the filter of the sitting President’s rules, regulations, and memoranda for the Assistant Attorneys General to exercise in the District Court.
As a US federal officer sworn to support the US Constitution pursuant to Article VI, AUSA Hu is not qualified to represent the US if the President is holding the Office of the President of the United States while in violation of the Eligibility Clause. And the District Court does not have jurisdiction to hear a case or settle a controversy from a complaint filed by AUSA Hu if the President is in violation of the Eligibility Clause.
Judge Hanen has an unavoidable conflict of interest with respect to Orly’s case. Judge Hanen cannot hear a case or controversy presented by or defended by appointees, designees or assignees of an ineligible President. President Obama will have to personally appear in Judge Hanen’s court to defend the United States or Judge Hanen must grant Orly a default judgment.
So Sven, what’s the problem, surely you have access to those corroborating details on the mystic Obama naturalization certificate, they are to hand..?
Why one asks do you singularly fail to provide them, it is as if you have made up the thing from whole cloth.
Just as a reminder, naturalization certificate number, A number, signer and location of issuance. All the proof you need to but we wicked Obots in our place. All whilst of course performing the minimal amount of work required to get a copy of the freely available (if it exists) original.
Off you trot, there’s a good Sven.
I took note of that, too. I was going to alert the folks at Gerbil Report, but what’s the use?
Once more, Sven: unsupported hypotheticals will get you exactly nowhere. No one cares about your made-up stories.
As of this moment, the President has been found to be eligible, as he has since 2008. Judge Hanen will have no problem hearing this case.
Sven’s doomed folly can be annihilated by the response the Spartans gave Philip of Macedon:
Speaking of Gerbil Report, I found Doc’s next quote of the day “BR stands by all who just want truth and justice to prevail in regards to Obama’s ID fraud. Nothing more nothing less.”,
You know, unless that truth happens to be “Obama is our legally elected 44th President, and he is exactly who he says he is!”
Svenksa thanks once again for allowing me to say that you are a complete and utter idiot.
For a pretend lawyer you really are ignorant, guess that’s why you’ve been relegated to the moral, or in your case immoral, equivilant of ambulance chasing.
The Attorney General does not get his authority delegated from or by the President, it comes from the constitution and the statutes generated by Congress, but then you’d know that if you were a for real lawyer instead of a pretend one like Orly. The President appoints the AG, but he holds the office by virtue of consent of the Senate and cannot become same until he gets that. But then you’d also know that if you were a for real lawyer instead of a bitter old fraud pretending.
If you have proof that Obama is not who and what he says he is then by all means bring it forward, you have a duty and responsibility to do so, but you can’t, and won’t, since you are lying and are a proven serial liar. Unless and until something is presented to prove that Obama is not Obama, then he is the duly elected, qualified, and certified President of the United States, and all your whinging and whining is just that, and his actions and those of the gov’t are valid and legal and will remain so.
Larry Sellin back on Peter Boyles show discussing Carl Galllups and the Cold Case Posse
Birther Wars still raging.
YES! And worth listening to, just to imagine how all the BR declared worshipers of Sellin, must be reeling to hear him declare after 3 years that Zullo is not a cop and has no police power, and that, again after three years, it makes no sense for Zullo to not share “universe-shattering” evidence with any official charging authorities but instead confide it to Carl Gallups, a KNOWN non-CCP member and SUSPECTED preacher. All this coming right after Mike Volin admits that in a recent phone call with Sheriff Joe, Joe told him taking these accusations to Congress was” a waste of time.”
Yeah, well we Obots have known for some time that this sham ‘investigation’ was going exactly nowhere. The Birthers just throw Birther Crap into the fan, hoping some of it will stick to the wall, but then it blows back onto them and becomes the only stink they can raise.
That’s why the sum total AND individual legal successes of Birthers attacking Obama smells so bad! After all, the Birther Crap that Birthers pull out of their collective ass, to hurl at Obama, is made by them out of poorly digested statutory and constitutional Law.
Only if he assumes to be true what plaintiffs are trying to (and have to) prove in the first place. That’s not how a court works (outside the very low standard of ruling on an MTD).
Your logic is like me suing you because I allege you are not Sven Magnussen and then claim the court can not hear your defense because you are not Sven Magnussen.
And he’s confirming things that the Sellin-possible posted on Gerbil report.
Plus new details: the “whistleblower” told them that the forgery may have been done on government computers, under the supervision of John Brennan.
And that the MCSO had been “penetrated” by the DOJ (no mention of whether they used a lubricant), which will doubtless get the Gerbil Report crowd … um … excited. Said alleged penetration being what set off the second investigation with real genu-wine deppities.
Sellin and Boyles also both admitted they’d donated to the CCP.
It just keeps gettin’ better đ
LOL! Mark Levin went and hurt the birthers’ feelings. He told them to stop sending him birther crap! There’s a lot of rage, and wound licking, going on about it, over at Gerbil Report.
Brian Reilly now on Boyles. So is Sellin.
Yesterday, Boyles invited Sellin to “help him” with Gal-oops.
Wonder if Gerbil Report will put today’s show on their YouTube channel…
Reilly is ripping the CCP and Zullo. Talks about the race codes from July, 2012.
Now Sellin is ripping Gallups. ‘Gallups sets up straw men and knocks them down, answers questions no one is asking.’ LOL
The podcast will be available very soon.
Brian Reilly – all about publicity and money
The Gallups/Sellin/Boyles segment is now available on line.
They’re reacting at BR. Looks like the cyber version of a circular firing squad.
Boyles greatest statement – Corsi distanced himself from the CCP because of ethical reasons.
They’re also mad, mad, mad about Mark Levin disparaging birthers and calling their “evidence,” crap. Imagine: 150 people so furious they could just spit. It’s a wonder the republic can drag itself through another day!
Sellin claims the criminal investigation is about “penetration” by government departments into the Maricopa County Sheriff’s office. This sounds like Dennis Montgomery stuff.
I suspect this is based on the CIA accessing Senate computers.
Freedom Friday this week should a corker, Li’l Carl did not take to being ousted as a lying liar too well….đ¤
We are in the end days!!!!
The posse’s weren’t low enough for him????
Brian Reilly segment now available
And they wonder why Obots read and comment at Gerbil Report. đ
Oh, I so want to go there right now to assess the damage, but I know that if I do, an hour of my day will be gone just like that. Must… resist… the urge…
Church historians should be directing their attention to Gerbil Report. It is a contemporary embodiment of every religious schism . . . ill-tempered, self-righteous people arguing about imaginary things.
Heh. That’ll learn him!
Wanna bet? đ
wooo! gotta love the birther on birther action.
Amen brother!!
Wow! I just wanna smack Boyles upside the head with a big old 2×4, He spouts long disputed memes about President Obama. He thinks Ann Dunham went to Washington state 10 days after Obama was born. He assumes the LFBC is a forgery with no evidence. I can’t listen to more of this guy. Sooo sickening!
Captain Tuttle returns to Reality Check Radio tonight to discuss the latest Birther war. Former CCP member Brian Reilly is also scheduled to call in to the show.
9-11 PM EDT–the-saga-continues–09-24-2014
I’m also hoping Patrick McKinnion will do a play-by-play. His deconstructions of birther behavior are always a hilarious read, even if he only does them once in a great while anymore.
/offtopic ??
ThereÂ’s a new Firefox add on: ZenMate. Gives you instantly another IP. Best way to use it (imho) is to switch it on only when you need it, like letters to the editor of GerbilReport… Try it out. It is free for Firefox (at the moment)
Meh seems like too much effort, just to poke Gerbil Report denizens with a stick.