The occasional open thread: picking up the pieces

Place your Obama Conspiracy comments not related to the current articles here. This thread will close in two weeks.

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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71 Responses to The occasional open thread: picking up the pieces

  1. Jim says:

    Fresh meat for the birthers! Eric Holder to resign.–politics.html

    Let the conspiracy theories flow. BR should be hopping today with this news. Even Falcon will take credit for this one.

  2. Arthur says:

    Fresh meat for the birthers! Eric Holder to resign.–politics.html

    Let the conspiracy theories flow. BR should be hopping today with this news. Even Falcon will take credit for this one.

    I imagine they’ll also be making predictions about when Holder’s assassination will take place.

  3. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    They seem to be operating under the idea that Holder leaving is somehow significant to their cause.

  4. Rickey says:

    Andrew Vrba, PmG:
    They seem to be operating under the idea that Holder leaving is somehow significant to their cause.

    Holder has already served longer than any of George W. Bush’s three attorneys general.

  5. Crustacean says:

    Here’s something you know already: Gerbil Report commenter charlesmountain is a despicable idiot.

    The Obama conspiracy meme that probably angers me the most is the “Sandy Hoax” bull-crap. I managed to successfully correct BS-ESQ a few days ago when he tried to push (again!) the baloney that the mother of one of the victims was really a Swiss diplomat (international intrigue, don’t ya know), but I’m banned again.

    Now charlesmountain, Super Genius, is trying to tell his condemned brothers and sisters in hate that according to the FBI, no one was murdered in Newtown in 2012 (the “Radio-Shattering” article). So, if anyone who can post at GR is so inclined to set the pathetic little nut-job straight, please ask him to read page 415 of this report.

    How many times do these clowns have to be fooled by “news” sites like InfoWars before they realize maybe it’s not the best place to get reliable information? Of course, that’s assuming they WANT reliable information…

  6. John Reilly says:

    Crustacean: How many times do these clowns have to be fooled by “news” sites like InfoWars before they realize maybe it’s not the best place to get reliable information?

    The computer has not yet been invented which can measure a number that high.

  7. BillTheCat says:

    Unfortunately Crust, you are swimming upstream with those sick morons. Truthers never listen, I’ve battled them in many a comments section and it just isn’t worth it. Sane, normal humans don’t care what they have to say and know the difference between reality and sick fantasy, as angering as it is to hear anyone spew that sick, mentally ill garbage.

  8. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Here’s something you know already: Gerbil Report commenter charlesmountain is a despicable idiot.

    The Obama conspiracy meme that probably angers me the most is the “Sandy Hoax” bull-crap.I managed to successfully correct BS-ESQ a few days ago when he tried to push (again!) the baloney that the mother of one of the victims was really a Swiss diplomat (international intrigue, don’t ya know), but I’m banned again.

    Now charlesmountain, Super Genius, is trying to tell his condemned brothers and sisters in hate that according to the FBI, no one was murdered in Newtown in 2012 (the “Radio-Shattering” article).So, if anyone who can post at GR is so inclined to set the pathetic little nut-job straight, please ask him to read page 415 of this report.

    How many times do these clowns have to be fooled by “news” sites like InfoWars before they realize maybe it’s not the best place to get reliable information?Of course, that’s assuming they WANT reliable information…

    Charlesmountain is Charles Kerchner. There is no setting that nutjob straight. Even after he was corrected on air about his lie claiming that FDR had the bonus army fired upon he still tried to justify what he claimed.

  9. Crustacean says:

    BillTheCat: Sane, normal humans don’t care what they have to say and know the difference between reality and sick fantasy, as angering as it is to hear anyone spew that sick, mentally ill garbage.

    Thank you, Bill. You’re right, and being reminded of that actually makes me feel better.

    I e-mailed the FBI to ask why the Newtown murders were not included in their 2012 crime report, while the Aurora, Colorado murders were. If they confess that it’s all part of a false-flag cover-up, I’ll be sure to tell Charles.

  10. JPotter says:

    Andrew Vrba, PmG:
    They seem to be operating under the idea that Holder leaving is somehow significant to their cause.

    Of course, because, you know, they (whatever team the birfers imagine they are on) ‘got to him’ and “Obama’s next!” W/o Holder to ‘protect’ Obama, the courts are wide open, right? 😉

    Because, you know, Obama is sure to nominate a wingnut birfer loon, right? Is Taitz too busy to take a turn as AG? 😀

    Nevermind that there have been twice as many AGs as Presidents …. and that’s if you don’t count the numerous ‘acting’ AGs that have filled in between appointments and confirmations.

    And that Holder is 63.

    And that no one in their right mind would want the AG job for long! He’s been open about wanting to move on for years. And, oh, Holder isn’t stepping down until replaced. Not a quick process. D’oh!

  11. gorefan says:

    Dr. Kenneth Noisewater: Charlesmountain is Charles Kerchner.

    Are sure about that. I thought mountaingoat was Kerchner. And IIRC there was some denial by charlesmountain that he was Kerchner. Doesn’t Kerchner usually post under his own name at BR?

    [Kerchner told me he was not mountaingoat Jan 10, 2015. Doc]

  12. The Magic M says:

    gorefan: Doesn’t Kerchner usually post under his own name at BR?

    I’d be surprised if there were a Gerbil Report regular who does *not* have any sock puppets.

  13. The Magic M says:

    Arthur: I imagine they’ll also be making predictions about when Holder’s assassination will take place.

    Fuddied, Breitbarted, Holdered… the birther dictionary is growing every day.

  14. The Magic M says:

    In case it hasn’t been posted here before:
    Court affirms sanctions for plaintiff Liberty Legal Foundation in birther lawsuit

  15. Thar makes sense. I know Kerchner used the pseudonym E Publius Goat.

    gorefan: Are sure about that.I thought mountaingoat was Kerchner.And IIRC there was some denial by charlesmountain that he was Kerchner.Doesn’t Kerchner usually post under his own name at BR?

  16. I do not believe Kerchner is Charles Mountain either. Kerchner has used the handle “Mountain Goat” in comments on blogs but one night both Kerchner and Charles Mountain were in Volin’s BTR chat room. Kerchner was using his Protect Our Liberty handle at BTR.

    gorefan: Are sure about that.I thought mountaingoat was Kerchner.And IIRC there was some denial by charlesmountain that he was Kerchner.Doesn’t Kerchner usually post under his own name at BR?

  17. Keith says:

    In case you missed it… John Stewart REALLY shot his load over “Latte Gate”.

    Jon Stewart Tells Fox News: ‘F*ck You And All Your False Patriotism’

    Oh, sure, he gets indignant all the time in his opening segment – that’s what it is about – but this one just sounded a bit different to me.

    His most damning remarks were said straight faced staring right down the camera; usually he makes a face or some kind of body shtick.

    Not only but also, Happy New Year to those of you who are observing it.

  18. Paper says:

    Just FYI: Looking to test the new iPhones 6 and 6 plus the other day, I used this site for comparison. Looks great either way.

  19. Arthur says:

    Keith: In case you missed it… John Stewart REALLY shot his load over “Latte Gate”.

    Thanks for the link. It’s remarkable how similar the anti-Obama hysterics of main steam right-wingers are to the lunatic fringe at Gerbil Report. Although Fox News has rejected birtherism, they seem ready to embrace all the other b.s. about Obama. I’ve got nothing against people critiquing Obama’s policies, but this sort of thing is just childish.

  20. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    So back in June, Lucas Daniel Smith posted some Cody Robert Judy level insanity, about the Dominican Republic offering him an alternative to being extradited to Kenya, a country he’s never actually been to. As the fiction goes: In exchange for his freedom, he was given a few short months to capture the owner of some company that he had just made up…or something. Well by my math, that time is since expired. I wonder what Bruce Steadman friendly story he’ll be posting to explain all of that away.

  21. Bonsall Obot says:

    I’ve got nothing against people critiquing Obama’s policies

    I’ll go you one further: I want valid, reasoned criticism of this President – every President, every elected official – but these petulant children disqualify themselves from the process with crap like this.

  22. Arthur says:

    Bonsall Obot: I’ll go you one further: I want valid, reasoned criticism of this President – every President, every elected official – but these petulant children disqualify themselves from the process with crap like this.

    I agree, Penetrating criticism, as opposed to simply always saying, “No!” is one of the most effective ways to prevent an individual, group, or nation from making bad decisions.

  23. Rickey says:

    Andrew Vrba, PmG:
    So back in June, Lucas Daniel Smith posted some Cody Robert Judy level insanity, about the Dominican Republic offering him an alternative to being extradited to Kenya, a country he’s never actually been to. As the fiction goes: In exchange for his freedom, he was given a few short months to capture the owner of some company that he had just made up…or something. Well by my math, that time is since expired. I wonder what Bruce Steadman friendly story he’ll be posting to explain all of that away.

    Apparently he is in Iowa, based upon some photos he recently posted. He is ignoring questions about his supposed extradition,

  24. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    He’s in the US? He’s playing with fire, considering he has outstanding warrants here.

  25. Notorial Dissent says:

    Shouldn’t someone let the authorities with the warrants out know? I mean, just saying. After all his pretend problems, it might do him some good to have to do with some real warrants for a change, at least State can flag his passport, as they should have beforehand.

  26. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Notorial Dissent:
    Shouldn’t someone let the authorities with the warrants out know? I mean, just saying. After all his pretend problems, it might do him some good to have to do with some real warrants for a change, at least State can flag his passport, as they should have beforehand.

    The freak out would be pretty epic.

  27. Notorial Dissent says:

    Andrew Vrba, PmG: The freak out would be pretty epic.

    I know, sounds like fun to me!!!! And only fair I think.

  28. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Uh oh! Looks like Lucas was just called on his “I have 86 days to catch this person, or get arrested and shipped to Kenya!” BS!

  29. Rickey says:

    Andrew Vrba, PmG:
    Uh oh! Looks like Lucas was just called on his “I have 86 days to catch this person, or get arrested and shipped to Kenya!” BS!

    I just did the math, and 86 days from today is Christmas Day.

  30. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Rickey: I just did the math, and 86 days from today is Christmas Day.

    It was 86 days from June 30th.

  31. Dave B. says:

    Yeah, and it’s October now, too. Whatever happened to Pat Boone’s September?

    Andrew Vrba, PmG: It was 86 days from June 30th.

  32. Rickey says:

    Andrew Vrba, PmG: It was 86 days from June 30th.


    Never mind!

  33. Crustacean says:

    Dave B.: Whatever happened to Pat Boone’s September?

    Didn’t Green Day write a song about that? I think it goes something like…

    summer has come and passed
    the innocent can never last
    wake me up when Pat Boone’s September ends

    ring out, the bells will peal
    like we did with the spring reveal
    wake me up when Pat Boone’s September ends

  34. Thomas Brown says:

    So… Lucas has been arrested and sent to Kenya?


  35. Arthur says:

    Thomas Brown:
    So… Lucas has been arrested and sent to Kenya?


    I hope they test him for Ebola.

  36. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    If you ever need a good case study in logical fallacies, you can’t do any better than skimming the rants of birthers.

  37. Crustacean says:

    Andrew Vrba, PmG:
    If you ever need a good case study in logical fallacies, you can’t do any better than skimming the rants of birthers.

    Or how about a case study in just plain-ol’ feckwititude? See how many erroneous assertions you can find in this comment by Gerbil Reporter “fed up” (someone, who, if I were in charge, would be on a terrorist watch list):

    “hurricanes only happen in the Atlantic ocean and tsunamis only happen in the Pacific ocean hurricanes turn clockwise and tsunamis counter clockwise and can generate much higher wind speeds. the media is so stupid they called the tsunami a hurricane that hit Baja Mexico.”

    Yeah, fed up, it’s the media who are stupid (sigh)

  38. Dave B. says:

    It’s not birther-related, it’s not a mondegreen, it’s not at all relevant. But this headline just cracks me up:
    “Melbourne legend Robbie Flower will be remembered as one of the finest players to ever pull on the boots after passing away.”

  39. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Yup. They went there. According to the morons at Gerbil Report, Ebola is in fact Obama’s fault.
    I guess stupid doesn’t hurt after all, because none of them ever seem to complain about being in blinding pain.

  40. Bovril says:

    In other news over at Gerbil Abusers Anonymous, we now have confirmation that yesterdays breathless piece of tomfoolery, “SHOCK REPORT : Well Known Attorney Planning Lawsuit To Have Obama Deported; ID Fraud” is being led by everyones favourite kiddy fiddler, Larry (Leisure Suit) KKKLayman…… 😎

    Yes folks, the man who a judge is on record as saying was in his view suspiciously potentially pederasty with his own children, who has sued his own mother and was kicked out from the foundation he formed is at it again.

    His whine de jour (sorry) “Petition” hits a swathe of all the usual suspects including daffydavids from

    Zullo (2 of)
    Our Pie Hole
    Jerome The Gnome
    I Lucas Daniel Smith

    Other “exhibits” include

    The Gnomes book “Where’s the Birth Certificate”
    The Gnomes “updated” book, “Where’s the REAL Birth Certificate”
    The joint e-pamphlet with Zilly and Gnome “A Question of Eligibility”

    Oh and 6 links to various YouTube recordings

    We visit all the golden oldies memes

    Barry Soetoro
    Indonesian citizenship
    Never born in the US
    SAD needed to be older to “transmit” citizenship
    Forged BC
    MEEEEEEELIONS of dollars in legal fees hiding his Ebil Nature
    Grandma said Obama was born in Kenya
    Adopted by an Indonesian father
    Lost his US citizenship
    Never re-applied for his US citizenship
    Never renounced his Indonesian citizenship, which is OK ’cause he’s really Kenyan/British as well….also
    Illegally got a US passport even though he somehow used it or an Indonesin passport to travel to many differnet countries including TAADAAH….Pakistan

    He then lays out a list of 21 discrete demands, again all the usual stuff including

    He must be investigated and interrogated by Zilly, The Gnome and He Lucas Daniel Smith
    Oh and other unnamed “expurts” consulted by the crack team above
    Oh and Little Timmy Adams
    General “Show us the papers”, not that we’ll believe them ’cause they be all forged
    Give us unfetterd access to the original BC records of Obama and a swathe of other Hawai’i BC’s fro Aug ’61 to “compare” and “analyse”
    You gotta pay for our other expurts to analyse the documents includibng someone called Hartford Kittel (Who He..?)
    Hawai’i is full of poopy heads so we want all documents of any sort without constraint or restriction from the gubmint and hospitals
    Not that we trust them and their sneaky ways ’cause we expect you to show us how there are no controls over BC’s issued in Hawai’i..EVAH…SO THERE

    And so on and so forth , airlines records, Kenya, Indonesia, SSN’s, horrid wording in FOAD responses we didn’t like, customs records (why not immigration..?) Occidental and the magical foreign student grants etc etc

    It goes on and is a full on nlist of whacky sh*t and nonsense

    The only plus is, since Orly didn’t do it, there are less than 45 fonts, someone used a spell checker, there are no 30 times copied blurred out ‘Zibbits etc.

    Chock full of crunchy nutty goodness

  41. RanTalbott says:

    Today’s “Breaking-ing-ing-ing News-ews-ews-ews!!” on Gerbil Report: Klayman is serving up a previously-eaten dog’s breakfast to ICE, vomiting up every birfoon myth ever debunked in a petition to deport Obama.

    Not only has he got “grandma said”, he even has a daffydavit by LDS.

    Do petitions to ICE count as points toward “vexatious litigant” status?

  42. roadburner says:

    ok, IANAL, but i have NEVER read such a collection of debunked memes, exploded claims, and outright lies as i have in this collection of dog’s eggs that kkklayman has presented here….

    this one is bound directly for the round file on the floor to the side of the clerk’s desk

  43. Keith says:

    Dave B.:
    It’s not birther-related, it’s not a mondegreen, it’s not at all relevant.But this headline just cracks me up:
    “Melbourne legend Robbie Flower will be remembered as one of the finest players to ever pull on the boots after passing away.”

    Hey, be careful. Robbie was a legend.

    He almost made me a Demons fan. Almost.

    Melbourne newspapers are not known for their command of the English language. I am convinced that their proof-reading department consists of a PC-AT running Wordperfect.

  44. The Magic M (not logged in) says:

    Bovril: You gotta pay for our other expurts to analyse the documents includibng someone called Hartford Kittel (Who He..?)

    A cheap version of Reed Hayes?
    “Handwriting Service”

    So probably like a scanner salesman is a forensic document examiner (Irey), now the owner of a handwriting service is a forensic signature examiner.

  45. JPotter says:

    Bovril: In other news over at Gerbil Abusers Anonymous, we now have confirmation that yesterdays breathless piece of tomfoolery, “SHOCK REPORT : Well Known Attorney Planning Lawsuit To Have Obama Deported; ID Fraud” is being led by everyones favourite kiddy fiddler, Larry (Leisure Suit) KKKLayman……

    I am sure this does wonders for his chances in his ….. uh …. more serious (*wink, wink*) lawsuits.

    And he wonders why mainstream wingnuts won’t join his efforts when their faux concerns align. May as well paint himself green and wear a “KRYPTONITE” nametag.

  46. RanTalbott says:

    JPotter: I am sure this does wonders for his chances in his ….. uh …. more serious (*wink, wink*) lawsuits.

    I think it’s likely he filed this because most of those are scheduled to die in the next SCOTUS conference.

  47. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Not birther related, but amusing anyway, for the simple fact that RWNJs have such thin skin, and that irony is utterly lost on them.

    For those not wanting to actually visit Free Republic, allow me to summarize the entirety of the article.
    “WAAAAH! They’re making fun of us right wingers! That isn’t fair!” Never mind that all we ever do is make fun of the left! Help us, Republican Jesus! Help us!”

  48. Dave says:

    So, let me get this straight, the “lawsuit” turns out to be a petition to ICE?

    Would I be correct in assuming that ICE has no process for accepting petitions that some individual be deported? And that Klaymann is just playing pretend again?

  49. Dave B. says:

    Best “I’m not a birther but…” I’ve seen in a while:
    “I’m not a birther but I have know since reading his books before he was elected in 2008 YUK and YUKKER) that he was born in Kenya, is a Muslim with Communist ideology. But he fooled a lot of people and is still fooling a lot of people. IOt’s almost like the rise of Hitler in Nazi Germ, any in the 1930″s. Obama has the ability to mesmerize his audience when he speaks. People are so gullible for a charismatic speaker. Frankly, to me he is the most despicable person alive. The world, not just the United States, the world would be a better and safer peace had he never been born.”

  50. bob says:

    So, let me get this straight, the “lawsuit” turns out to be a petition to ICE?

    Would I be correct in assuming that ICE has no process for accepting petitions that some individual be deported? And that Klaymann is just playing pretend again?

    The DHS is free to ignore Klayman’s petition, and it will.

    Klayman has threatened to sue the DHS if it ignores him. Let him: The courts will dismiss.

    Meanwhile: Send money.

  51. AZ Central reviews the Joe Show:


  52. The Magic M (not logged in) says:

    Andrew Vrba, PmG: for the simple fact that RWNJs have such thin skin, and that irony is utterly lost on them.

    It’s obviously a great crime to (falsely?) call a conservative “angry”. When we all know only blackety-black communist agitators community organizers are angry.

  53. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Lol. Once again ,the inmates at Gerbil Report think they really have something.

  54. Dave says:

    I think you meant this:

    I think the story is that Mark Gillar says that the CDC confirmed Zullo’s interpretation of the race code on Obama’s birth certificate.

    No one will be surprised to hear that we don’t get to see the confirmation. We just have to trust Gillar on that.

  55. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Yup. That’s what I meant. They’re so desperate for any morsel, that anyone asking “Well, did the CDC actually confirm this?” are met with the usual poo-flinging.
    And lets not forget the Gerbil Report mantra of “If it didn’t come from Zullo, then it isn’t true.” This came from Gillar, not Zullo. So birthers should deny it wholesale.

  56. gorefan says:

    SCOTUS denied several birther cases today including the Alabama Supreme Court case and Rudy v. Lee (w/Herb Titus amicus brief)

  57. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    The “big ol’ clown shoes” clip from “The Joe Show” is online:

    Is it wrong of me, to hope that this video ruins Shurfjoe for life?

  58. Arthur says:

    While Dr. C. is a beacon of rationality and generosity, not everyone in his state follows his lead. Take for example, Todd Kincannon, the former executive director of the South Carolina Republican Party. In a series of tweets, Kincannon recommends executing everyone infected with Ebola, and using napalm to incinerate African villages where the virus has been identified.

    Of course, since he’s pro-life, Kincannon urges that this “putting down” should be done “humanely.” Apparently Kincannon thinks that murdering people by burning them to death with jellied gasoline is humane. I’m sure he’s a regular church goer and a responsible gun owner, too.

  59. Arthur says:

    Andrew Vrba, PmG: Is it wrong of me, to hope that this video ruins Shurfjoe for life?

    You can hope, but I don’t think it will have any effect on birthers’ devotion to their ol’ Joe.

  60. Arthur says:

    The “big ol’ clown shoes” clip from “The Joe Show” is online:

    Incredibly indicting, but birthers will figure out a way to interpret it positively, e.g., “Look how Joe’s standing up to his advisers who say birthers are all nuts! Gee he must really love us.”

  61. Added Rick Hyatt #354 to the Birthers A to Z list.

  62. Dave B. says:

    Well he’s finally arrived. There should be a special Thanksgiving gathering for all the people who claim to be relatives of Barack Obama. Have “The Joe Show” guy make a movie out of it.

  63. The European says:

    There is a strange piece:

    “Why the safety of the American people takes second place to the goal of helping people overseas” here on Jewishworldreview.

    ht to GerbilReport

    I guess a lot of jews are turning in their graves right now and a lot of the living are tearing their hairs out. Btw., Thomas Sowell is no Jew but a 84 years old black man. Conservatives can be very strange people.

  64. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    I think I’m done checking Gerbil Report, until the end of October. Its just so dull now, but surely the days leading up to the mid-terms will be comedy gold. LDS’s site isn’t worth checking out any more either, he’s turned into Cody Robert Judy II. Orly Taitz’s site is just a series of rants and posts about how popular she is, so no need going there either.

  65. roadburner says:

    yep, they’ve even recycled susan daniels dross (funny how their short term memories are REALLY short) about SS numbers

    i’d post a link to the FOAD letter she got, but i seem to have an ip ban now – guess i bitchslapped william too much last time

    saying that, they seem to have got the ban hammer out in a big way…little in the way of dissenting voices lately

  66. The Magic M (not logged in) says:

    The European: Btw., Thomas Sowell is no Jew but a 84 years old black man. Conservatives can be very strange people.

    He used to write for WND. No surprise there.

  67. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    yep, they’ve even recycled susan daniels dross (funny how their short term memories are REALLY short) about SS numbers

    i’d post a link to the FOAD letter she got, but i seem to have an ip ban now – guess i bitchslapped william too much last time

    saying that, they seem to have got the ban hammer out in a big way…little in the way of dissenting voices lately

    Recycling: Good for the environment, but bad for entertainment material. Its probably why Patrick stopped regularly updating BadFiction. You can only point and laugh at the same old crap so many times, before it just stops being funny.

  68. Jim says:

    This whole thing is like a comedy routine…


    Lou: Heeeeeeeeey Aaaaaaaaabbott!!!

    Bud: What’s wrong Lou?

    Lou: Have you seen this? It says the President is not eligible and should not be holding office. (Shows Bud piece of paper)

    Bud: I sure have seen it. We have a crack team of investigators working on it right now, they’ll get to the bottom of it.

    Lou: Crack team of investigators?

    Bud: Yeah, this group is fantastic, they’ll have no problem in getting the truth out.

    Lou: Well, who are some of the members of this crack team? Do I know any of them?

    Bud: I’m sure you’ve heard of them all. You know, nowadays everyone has a nickname. You know, like Brangelina, the Hammer, Snookie…

    Lou: Pie Lover

    Bud: Who’s the Pie Lover?

    Lou: That’d be me…hehehe

    Bud: Well, our team consists of Nobody, our supervisor. No Clue is our lead investigator, Send Money is…

    Lou: Who is supervising the investigation?

    Bud: Nobody

    Lou: Nobody’s in charge?

    Bud: That’s right.

    Lou: Well, if nobody’s in charge, who does the team report to?

    Bud: Nobody

    Lou: So this team of crack investigators has no leader?

    Bud: Of course they have a leader, couldn’t have an investigation without one.

    Lou: Then who is their leader?

    Bud: Nobody

    Lou: (getting irate) How can you have an investigation with nobody in charge???

    Bud: Calm down Lou…Nobody is a great leader.

    Lou: Nobody is a great leader?

    Bud: Oh yeah, whenever they mention great Republican leaders in this country, you can bet Nobody is at the top of the list.

    Lou: I certainly can’t argue with that.

    Bud: And he works so well with our lead investigator, nothing will get by these guys.

    Lou: Does your lead investigator have a name?

    Bud: No Clue

    Lou: You don’t know who the lead investigator is?

    Bud: Of course I do.

    Lou: And his name is…

    Bud: No Clue.

    Lou: If you don’t know who the lead investigator is, how do you know he’s doing a good job?

    Bud: I know the lead investigator and he’s doing a bang-up job.

    Lou: Then what’s his name?

    Bud: No Clue

    Lou: (getting irate) If you don’t know who he is, how do you know who he is?

    Bud: Now Lou, no reason to get upset, I’ve known him for years.

    Lou: What did he do before he became lead investigator?

    Bud: Used car salesman.

    Lou: Used car salesman?

    Bud: That’s right.

    Lou: And the supervisor knows that he’s turned the investigation over to a used car salesman?

    Bud: He sure does.

    Lou: And he stands behind this investigation?

    Bud: The investigation has Nobody’s full support.

    Lou: Nobody’s full support?

    Bud: That’s right, and you can be sure that Nobody will stand behind the findings.

    Lou: Nobody will agree with the report?

    Bud: And you can be sure Nobody will be filing charges in the near future.

    Lou: And you still can’t tell me the lead investigator’s name?

    Bud: I’ve told you his name many times.

    Lou: NO YOU HAVEN’t!!!

    Bud: Sure I have!

    Lou: Then what’s the name of your lead investigator?

    Bud: No Clue.

    Lou: AAAAAAAARGH!!! Surely a big investigation like this has a spokesperson.

    Bud: Oh yeah, no high-profile case should be without one.

    Lou: Does your spokesperson have a name?

    Bud: Send Money

    Lou: I gotta pay for his name?

    Bud: No

    Lou: Then what’s the name of your spokesperson?

    Bud: Send Money

    Lou: I don’t want to pay for it, I just want to know his name!

    Bud: Who’s name?

    Lou: Your spokesperson.

    Bud: Send Money

    Lou: Well, I only got a couple of dollars on me, will that do it?

    Bud: Do what?

    Lou: Get the name of your spokesperson.

    Bud: I gave you his name.

    Lou: You gave me nobody’s name!

    Bud: Nobody’s in charge.

    Lou: You’ve got no clue do you?

    Bud: No Clue is the lead.

    Lou: Who’s the spokesperson?

    Bud: Send Money

    Lou: AAAAAAAAAARGH! I don’t want to buy him, I just want his name!

    Bud: I told you.

    Lou: Told me what?

    Bud: His name.

    Lou: I got nobody’s name.

    Bud: He’s in charge.

    Lou: You’ve got no clue what he’s in charge of.

    Bud: No Clue is leading the investigation.

    Lou: And if I want to find out what’s going on I should listen for…

    Bud and Lou together: Send Money

    Lou: Don’t high-profile investigations usually have an attorney to help them sort out the legal intricacies of the case?

    Bud: Well yeah, you want to make sure your case will pass legal tests to make sure you have a good case.

    Lou: Does your team have a lawyer?

    Bud: Sure do, and she’s a crackerjack attorney…known all across the country.

    Lou: Sounds like we’re finally getting someplace. Does this lawyer have a name?

    Bud: Let Me Finish


    Lou: Are you done?

    Bud: Yes.

    Lou: Then what’s your lawyer’s name?

    Bud: Let Me Finish

    Lou: You said you were done.

    Bud: I am done.

    Lou: Then what’s your lawyer’s name?

    Bud: Let Me Finish

    Lou: When are you going to be done?

    Bud: Done with what?

    Lou: I DON’T KNOW!

    Bud: Calm down Lou…I’m just talking about our attorney.

    Lou: Can you tell me her name?

    Bud: Sure can!

    Lou: Then what’s your attorney’s name?

    Bud: Let Me Finish.


    Bud: Calm down Lou, we’re just talking about the crack investigative team that’s going to bring down the Presidency.

    Lou: Crack investigative team? We have an investigation that nobody is in charge, no clue seeking evidence, to find out what’s going on you have send money, and when you need legal advice you have to let me finish.

    Bud: That’s the first thing you’ve said correctly all day.

    Lou: Correctly??? I DIDN’T SAY ANYTHING!

    Bud: What did you say?

    Lou: I said, “I DIDN’T SAY ANYTHING!”

    Bud: Oh, that’s our long-winded DUI Attorney…(aside) he thinks he’s a constitutional scholar.

    Lou: AAAAARGH!!!!

  69. gorefan says:

    roadburner: yep, they’ve even recycled susan daniels dross (funny how their short term memories are REALLY short) about SS numbers

    There were some interesting stuff in Daniels’ interview.

    1) slams Al Hendershott and the whole Harrison Bounel thing.

    2) Orly’s performance in Georgia was the most unprofessional thing she had ever seen.

    3) She started out help the CCP but had philosophical difference and distanced herself from them. She filed a lawsuit, CCP has done nothing. Final word on the next CCP press conference – “Don’t hold your breath.”

    I guess we can figure out why Zullo downplays the databases used by the public and why he’s not pursuing the SSN. Hurt feelings all around.

  70. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Jim: This whole thing is like a comedy routine…

    That had me about rolling in the floor.
    Imma go get a shovel and some voodoo stuffs, this thing needs to be acted out proper!

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