Just two days ago tweets from Donald Trump, tied by a USA Today reporter to the fake Barry Soetoro Columbia University student ID, found their way into the news. Now another tweet, this time republished by Republican candidate for Maryland state comptroller, William Campbell, has become an issue in his campaign.
The Delmarva Daily Times reports this 2013 entry from Campbell’s Facebook page:
Note Campbell’s comment, “He does look like Travon (sic), doesn’t he?”
The newspaper is quick to note that the ID image is faked: the digital barcode wasn’t used in 1981, and the Obama photo was from Harvard.
When questioned, Campbell said that he didn’t remember the post, and:
I have other issues with his governance, but I don’t believe in that birther stuff.
This is not the only injection of birtherism into Maryland Politics. Democratic candidate for Maryland’s governor, Anthony Brown, has sent out a mailer raising the issue. This image was reported by The Daily Record in Baltimore:
Brown is a strong favorite to win.
Brown lost.
Election season is when politicians who dabble in birtherism end up paying the price. Granted Shurfjoe is the exception to that rule.
I like the connecting of Jim Crow Racism to The Animus That May Not Speak Its Name behind the ‘Birther’ Movement. As it should be. Very nice.