It seems that Larry Klayman exhibits a curious pattern of behavior, following Orly Taitz around and copying her lawsuits.
Taitz, as you know, was one of the early attorneys filing lawsuits over Barack Obama’s eligibility, starting with the Alan Keyes lawsuit in California. Taitz later became plaintiff in her own lawsuits over the issue. Larry Klayman followed suit (no pun intended) in 2012 representing Michael Voeltz in Florida, and most recently himself petitioning to have Barack Obama deported, probably as a prelude to filing a lawsuit on his own behalf.
Now it’s happened again. Orly Taitz broke new ground with her lawsuit against the government to stop immigration from countries with active Ebola outbreaks and to quarantine them. She certainly caught the leading edge of that one, before the first person became sick in the United States of the disease. Now Klayman, writing in his WorldNetDaily column, says he is preparing a similar suit in response to what he calls “Ebola-gate.” He writes:
In the interim, I am fashioning a lawsuit to force Obama to curtail travel and immigration from Liberia and the rest of West Africa until we know we can combat the deadly Ebola outbreak. And, immigration from all Muslim nations where terrorists have a beachhead must also be immediately stopped.
Oh, yes, he has a thing about Muslims too.
Maybe they should team up…they’d be unstoppable!!! BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
OK, maybe not unstoppable, but their partnership would be a comedic gold mine. 😀
I think it wouldn’t be long before one sued the other.
Not only is he copying her, but his lawsuit got a brief write-up in the Washington Post. Hers didn’t. Stealing her ideas is one thing, but stealing her media attention is a crime against humanity in OrlyLaw.
A KKK lawsuit. A natural for the KKKlay Man!
Judge Hanen should be so lucky… 😀
Yup: he said in his Colmes interview that he was going for mandamus
ifwhen he got rejected.Klayman is a grifter who will do anything to grab some attention, just like Orly. The difference, I think, is that Orly in mentally ill (I’d take a sizable bet than in 10 years, she is diagnosed with alzheimer or some kind of cognitive illness) while Klayman is just a narcissistic crook.
Because that has worked so well in his other crank suits. *lol*