Orly’s next case?

Photo of John Boehner with sour expressionPoliticus USA reports:

For the second time in two months, a law firm has dumped Speaker of the House John Boehner and refused to represent House Republicans in their lawsuit against President Obama.

Commenters on that site have come up with the obvious solution, an attorney who would certainly be willing to sue President Obama, Orly Taitz.

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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5 Responses to Orly’s next case?

  1. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Oh, I’d love to see her try. I honestly mean that. If her lawsuit actually made it into court, It would be a proverbial bloodbath. Obama’s lawyers would destroy her.

  2. Jim says:

    But, but…this is how she can get DISCOVERY!!! Plus, she’ll have access to unlimited taxpayer funds and all the Congressional research she can handle. It’s the perfect case at the perfect time for Orly. She should hurry and contact the speaker before KKKlayman beats her to it! 😆

  3. Dave B. says:

    And she could get The Gifted Legal Mind and the Paraleagle to help.

  4. GLaB says:

    I’ve got a birthday coming up …

    … and I never did get that pony! grrr

    Please, please, pleeeease!!!

  5. katahdin says:

    But, but…this is how she can get DISCOVERY!!!Plus, she’ll have access to unlimited taxpayer funds and all the Congressional research she can handle.It’s the perfect case at the perfect time for Orly.She should hurry and contact the speaker before KKKlayman beats her to it!

    But even with all those advantages, she’d still be Orly.

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