The occasional open thread: Weebles wobble, but they don’t fall down

Place your Obama Conspiracy comments not related to the current articles here. This thread will close in two weeks.

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About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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149 Responses to The occasional open thread: Weebles wobble, but they don’t fall down

  1. bob says:

    This accusation of playing the race card has an image that may be of interest to some here.

  2. RanTalbott says:

    Someone asked on a different posting about the “Sandy Hoax” lunacy going on at Gerbil Report. Here’s what happens when the same sort of rocket surgeons who “proved” the PDF a “forgery” go after the death certificate of one of the victims. I think we can say it’s now proven that stupidity does _not_ hurt, because all but one or two of them would be immobilized by pain if it did.

  3. Crustacean says:

    Remember, Arthur, you asked for this (sorry, this ended up being way longer than I thought it would be):

    BR’s gerbil-cub reporter, “Barry Soetoro ESQ”, is bravely leading the charge to expose what he’s just super-duper sure is one of the Obama administration’s most heinous crimes: faking the mass-murder of children at Sandy Hook Elementary as part of their “gun-grab” campaign against true-blue Patriots. He’s so afroth about this crusade, in fact, that he actually drove through Newtown, CT and took lots of pictures to prove, uh, well, to prove something. Unfortunately for Barry, this nonsense is even too much for some of his fellow birthers (not Falcon, of course. Falcon doubles down on the crazy). Questions of Barry’s mental well-being are being asked (BR doesn’t have a Rule 15 like Doc does, so armchair psychologists *ahem* are free to offer their analysis). Here are some of this week’s highlights.

    Barry Soetoro, ESQ 118p • 5 days ago
    (Trending Now) PHOTO TOUR of Sandy Hook. [Barry uploads here photos he took of his field trip, as well as other photos from Sandy Hook, complete with multi-colored circles and arrows]

    Guest: I am sure your pals Falcon or Scott would jump all over me for saying this so I will post as guest but we all know a dozen times over that you think Sandy hook was a staged event. Maybe it was maybe it was not but I for one get it already. You are borderline spamming at this point and wasting b/r bandwidth.

    Barry Soetoro, ESQ: Just imagine how much “bandwidth” will get wasted when folks realize 2 or 3 false flags were staged, and start rounding up the crime syndicates behind them. Then you’ll really be squealing. Sandy Hoax = the key to the whole enchilada.

    C0NQUESTadur: Dramatic predicitions, how very unheard of here.

    Guest who may or may not be a lobster: It’s worse than that, fellow guest. Barry was caught spreading misinformation about a Swiss diplomat named Veronique Haller, who Barry claimed was in on this “false flag operation”. (The photo posted looked nothing like this diplomat, whose Facebook page can be easily referenced). Did Barry stop posting this lie after he was called out? No, he did not. Barry Soetoro ESQ is either a deep-cover Obot, trying to discredit this blog, or he’s mentally ill. There is no other possibility.

    Guest: ‘Barry’ is a obot. He came out of nowhere and all of a sudden went on a campaign to discredit this site as some kind of universal kook conspiracy site. Nancy Ruth Owens was doing the same thing. She got exposed and right after that this Barry shows up using the real name of obama so that it couldn’t be ridiculed anymore as it should have been,. I caught that one right away.

    Barry Soetoro, ESQ: It seems my unmasking of VERONIQUE POZNER (real last name = HALLER), as one of the FAKE Sandy Hook “mothers,” has rubbed DARPA-bots the wrong way. [Barry inserts photos here of Veronique Pozner, mother of Noah, one of the boys slain at Sandy Hook. Next to her image he inserts a snippet from the Swiss Embassy’s Web site, a listing of staff, including Veronique Haller, Legal Counselor]

    Lysander Spooner: Dear Barry Soetero, ESQ,
    What the Focus? Please start a SandyHookReport site for the Sandy Hook theories. Thank you in advance.


    Barry Soetoro, ESQ: Veronique Pozner-HALLER is a FRAUD. She’s a fake “Sandy Hook” mother of fake “Noah Pozner” who got killed by the fake “Adam Lanza” at the mothballed “Sandy Hook Elementary School” that got closed down 4 years prior to the FAKE gun-grab Hollywood ‘shooting.’

    Guest who may or may not be a lobster: Barry, please help! Who is this person?

    ★FALCON★: I’ve seen a lot of posters attacking Soetoro Esquire lately, most of this is leftwing psycho-babble. I’ve yet to see the owner of this amazing site tell Soetoro Esquire to stop posting. That tells me that he has the owner’s blessing to post. The owner if this site knows what’s going on here night and day. I know one thing – if you’re against Soetoro Esquire and his pursuit of the truth – you’re my enemy.

    [Edit: some of the comments that called out BSE’s BS went through moderation. Methinks Falcon may be overestimating BR’s patience with BSE]

    ScottKB1978: I am NOT a Sandy Hook “hoaxer” at all. Are you saying that makes ME your “enemy”…?

    Guest: Barry is, lets be honest, mentally ill, he believes everything in the world is a conspiracy or ‘photoshopped’. Sun comes up, photoshopped conspiracy, sun goes down, photoshopped conspiracy, Barry has a cold, the world is out to get him, Barry doesn’t get a cold, the regime is scared of him, no one argues with him, he’s right, someone argues with him, he’s an Obot therefore Barry is right.

    Barry Soetoro, ESQ (posting a police dash-cam video): Watch Police drive around in circles trying to FIND THE SCHOOL. That’s because the “school” was closed in 2008 (4 years before the FAKE school ‘shooting’).

    Selfsovereign: BSE you’ve stated “That’s because the “school” was closed in 2008.” This statement does not reconcile with the Newton School District Financials. They can be found here:… BSE, what is your source for the school being closed in 2008?

    Barry Soetoro, ESQ: If you’re looking for sources to SCRUB, do your own research. Ask Wolfgang Halbig what happened to his (numerous) FOIA requests for Custodial and Supply records from Sandy Hook Elementary (during periods when it was supposedly “open” prior to the historic hoax).

    Guest who may or may not be a lobster: Wow, Barry! Caught in ANOTHER lie?? (Sandy Hook was most certainly NOT closed in 2008). Ask Chris Hernandez what he thinks of Wolfgang Halbig. Who is Chris Hernandez? Glad you asked:

    My personal favorite quote from Chris Hernandez’s blog:

    “Halbig is reportedly going to travel to Newtown himself, so he can ask questions “eyeball to eyeball”. I’d highly suggest he carry a first aid kit. Because if I had lost a son or daughter at Sandy Hook, and some “truther” came around accusing me of lying about the brutal murder of my own child, I know exactly how I’d react.”

    Someone should give that same advice to Barry Soetoro, ESQ.

  4. Arthur says:

    Crustacean: Remember, Arthur, you asked for this (sorry, this ended up being way longer than I thought it would be):

    Thanks for your hard work in the swamps of Gerbelia!

  5. Hilarious that they finally got one correct. I was surprised as everybody else to learn that BSE is Rikker.

    Crustacean: Barry Soetoro ESQ is either a deep-cover Obot, trying to discredit this blog, or he’s mentally ill. There is no other possibility.

  6. Thomas Brown says:

    Oh, man… at BR even the imposters are imposters!

  7. Dave says:

    That is an interesting article. The first point I’d raise is that, according to the polling average at right-wing news site Real Clear Politics, Brown is leading by 11 points. The Daily Caller wants you to believe that the guy leading by 11 points is the one who’s desperate.

    To me, the phrase “playing the race card” refers to accusing those who oppose your candidate of racism, when there is no evidence that that is true. Maybe others understand it differently. However, I note that none of what DC brings up even remotely matches that description.

    DC seems to adopt a much more sweeping definition — that it’s playing the race card to mention that your candidate is black. Or to mention policies of the GOP that harm black people.

    DC however does feel it necessary to report that they heard of this flier because it was tweeted by “an African-American woman.” Why do they regard that as a relevant fact? I wonder if they could clarify, in their view when is mentioning race “playing the race card” and when isn’t it?

    This accusation of playing the race card has an image that may be of interest to some here.

  8. bovril says:

    Actually Crusty BS Esq is even more down the rabbit hole than this…. He doesn’t believe the regime killed all the children in a gun gran ‘false flag’…. No…..BS “knows’…

    That the whole thing was staged,
    There were no killings,
    Adam Lanza never existed,
    The families and children are all ‘crisis actors’
    Sandy Hook is some CIA/NSA/DARPA/NWO fake or filled with manufactured personae

    As a thought experiment one once attempted to query BS’er as to which is more credible as a CT

    1. The government incites, equips and manipulates a mentally damaged adolescent/young adult to perform a heinous act against real people as a ‘false flag’ with utter simple deniability

    2. The government spends years creating a false community, staffed by a wide selection of false people, involving hundreds if not thousands of conspirators, staging a huge, well orchestrated but ultimately flawed reenactment where hundreds of people are recorded on film and TV, the police and government agencies are involved, the ‘actors’ all have to vanished except for the fact they are still there and no one dies and the gun grab fails

    Strangely enough it got wiped from Gerbil Report…..

  9. RanTalbott says:

    Crustacean: I know one thing – if you’re against Soetoro Esquire and his pursuit of the truth – you’re my enemy.

    One of the best parts is Birdboy’s sentence that immediately follows that one:

    He’s been polite, defined and knowledgeable.

    So we can now be sure that he was _not_ raised by wolves, because even wolves wouldn’t consider BSE’s vile conduct “polite”.

  10. Lupin says:

    Actually Crusty BS Esq is even more down the rabbit hole than this…. He doesn’t believe the regime killed all the children in a gun gran ‘false flag’…. No…..BS “knows’…

    That the whole thing was staged,
    There were no killings,
    Adam Lanza never existed,
    The families and children are all ‘crisis actors’
    Sandy Hook is some CIA/NSA/DARPA/NWO fake or filled with manufactured personae

    As a thought experiment one once attempted to query BS’er as to which is more credible as a CT

    1. The government incites, equips and manipulates a mentally damaged adolescent/young adult to perform a heinous act against real people as a ‘false flag’ with utter simple deniability

    2.The government spends years creating a false community, staffed by a wide selection of false people, involving hundreds if not thousands of conspirators, staging a huge, well orchestrated but ultimately flawed reenactment where hundreds of people are recorded on film and TV, the police and government agencies are involved, the ‘actors’ all have to vanished except for the fact they are still there and no one dies and the gun grab fails

    Strangely enough it got wiped from Gerbil Report…..

    Beyond the sheer odiousness of BSEsq postings, it’s the abysmal stupidity that continually amazes me.

    As you point out, were the Government inclined to resort to such an inane scheme to promote a non-existent gun grab, there would be dozens of way that would make more sense.

    As a writer/editor, I look at BSesq’s “scenario” and were it submitted to me, I’d reject in a second because it’s simply stupid.

    That the gerbil hordes continue to entertain such imbecility day after day speaks volumes about their collective IQs.

  11. The Magic M (not logged in) says:

    bovril: the ‘actors’ all have to vanished

    And were “re-used” for the Boston Marathon and other “false flags” across the country – if you follow the YouTubes of the most deluded Sandy Hookers.

    Because the birthers’ “he looks like… so he must be his father” is a common thread throughout the crank scene.

    And of course all these people are time travellers:

    bovril: As a thought experiment one once attempted to query BS’er as to which is more credible as a CT

    I never understood why the Sandy Hookers go for the complicated “nobody died” instead of the simple “the shooter was a government agent / manipulated by HAARP”.
    Maybe it’s because they have to give themselves an example how the Almighty Konspiracee [tm] is able to stage *anything*, no matter how complex, without getting caught by anyone except the most enlightened super geniuses on the internets.
    Probably harks back to the “Moon landing hoax” which also would’ve required 50,000+ people and the Soviets to have been “in on it”.

  12. The Magic M (not logged in) says:

    Dave: DC however does feel it necessary to report that they heard of this flier because it was tweeted by “an African-American woman.” Why do they regard that as a relevant fact?

    It’s the old “I’m not racist, I’m black” defense, one cousin removed – “I’m not racist, there’s this black person who agrees with me”. (Which is why RWNJ’s love people like Erik Rush or Mychal Massie who seem to harbour deep disgust for their own skin colour.)

    If they had just reported that somebody who got the flier was offended, it would be assumed it was a racist white guy. So they had to stress it was not a white person and not a man. So instead of saying “We don’t like it when a candidate stresses he’s black”, they can say “Blacks don’t like it when a candidate stresses he’s black”.

  13. RanTalbott says:

    The Magic M (not logged in): I never understood why the Sandy Hookers go for the complicated “nobody died” instead of the simple “the shooter was a government agent / manipulated by HAARP”.

    A couple of not-mutually-exclusive possibilities come to mind:

    1. It makes them look less ghoulish for spending so much time reveling in discussions of it. They’re “waving the ketchupy shirt” instead of a bloody one.
    2. It makes them look less monstrous for wishing for many more of them..

    It might also make them feel more like they’re those “most enlightened super geniuses” you mentioned, because the “false false flag” is harder to spot than a real one.

  14. Jim says:

    Office of the President
    Department of Anti-Birtherism

    TO : All DOAB Agents
    From : Director of DOAB
    Subject: End of the year reassignments
    Date : October 24, 2014

    Dear Agents

    As the 6th year of the Obama Presidency winds down we are again finding that we will be needing to move personnel around to better cover our department needs. With birtherism now a mere shell of its former self, we are overstaffed in the debunking and research areas. There just isn’t anything left to debunk but old, worn-out, useless evidence that has been debunked many times over and nothing new to research has come up in over a year. The President would like to thank all the agents for their years of tireless work and thank you for your expert debunking of the birthers…as the President likes to say “They never laid a glove on me.” It’s a credit to all your hard work that the re-election went through without a hitch.

    With that in mind, we have certain areas where we will be needing more personnel in the future…both for the next 2 years and the post-Presidency. All openings will be on a first apply, first hire basis except leadership positions. If you choose not to apply, you will be assigned where there are openings. If you will be working on the Hillary campaign, let us know and we will put you on the “Kick Their Ass Again” list.

    Here is a list of needs with more to be added later:

    1) Obama Presidential Library – Birther Exhibit

    You will be charged with the procurement and selection of exhibits and their placement. Things like the complete Jack Ryan Collection, maybe a life-size Foggy and Doc guarding the door. The President only had a couple of suggestions…that his BC be put in a display case on a raised stage in the center of the room. When the viewer steps onto the stage a light appears from the heavens pointing at the BC and the angels sing “Hallelujah”. That shouldn’t upset the birthers too much. The second thing is going to be much tougher so we going to add a bonus of 1 week extra pay and an extra 2 weeks vacation. The President would like a display of Donald Trump’s hair…not a lock of hair, the whole scalp. Put your team together and collect that bonus!

    2) Develop and run a “Birther’s Anonymous (BA)” program

    Like tobacco, booze, and drugs, birthing has become an unhealthy habit that will need to be addressed. The country does not need a bunch of lost, confused, and dumb birthers running around begging to “see the REAL birth certificate” to all the sane people. So we will need to be ready when the President leaves office so that these lost souls with a lost cause don’t become a bigger burden to society. I’m envisioning a 12-step program like AA, but will be flexible as to what the final program looks like. Cattle prods are not required, but recommended.

    3) The Barack Obama II Memorial Retirement Home for Birthers

    We have discovered that birthers are mostly old, white, and scared. We think it will be important to keep these folks separated from the rest of sane society, their families agree. We will need people to staff the home. Some of the amenities include:
    No FOX News, Rush, or Glenn Beck…TV’s only receive ‘G’ rated Disney cartoons and movies.
    Weekly “The Government is coming to get you” hide and seek games…the “seek” is optional.
    Pin the Fake ID on the illegal alien game
    Daily “Let’s Bitch about the Government” sessions
    Minority tolerance classes (we may have to require attendance)
    And much more!

    4) Anti-birther debunker’s Hot Line/site

    Some people have been debunking birthers for over 6 long years, some have only been at it for a couple. However, one thing that is true about all the debunkers is that they LIKE IT! There’s so much less debunking to be done out there that these poor people are feeling alone and abandoned. The Hot Line will provide these people with someone who can act as a birther and allow the caller to debunk them, or to lead them to other conspiracies such as flat-earth, UFO’s, or is Trump’s hair real? for them to replace birthers. Although birtherism may not be dead and may never die, it has become boring. Let’s help these people find a new conspiracy to laugh at!

    So, pick your next assignment, fill out your application and get it sent in by January 31, 2015. For those of you applying to create the 12-step BA program, your program outlines should be in no later than January 15th so they can be reviewed. Good luck and happy debunking!

    The Director

  15. Jim says:

    Q: What do you call a horny birther?
    A: A Pedophile

    Q: How many birthers does it take to change a light bulb?
    A: None, they’d rather stay in the dark than see the light.

    Q: What is a birther fundraiser called?
    A: A scam

    Q: Why did the birther cross the road?
    A: To avoid the minority walking on their sidewalk.

    Q: What is a birther’s favorite word?
    A: Usurper (although they aren’t sure of the meaning)

    Q: What is a birther’s favorite fantasy?
    A: To see the President naked.

    Q: What is the birther’s favorite game?
    A: “I can’t hear you!” (When they’ve been debunked, again)

    Q: What is a birther’s favorite movie?
    A: Anything with gay porn.

    Q: What do you call a birther gathering?
    A: Sparse

    Q: What do you call a birther protest?
    A: A conniption fit

    Q: If you had a room, added 25 birthers, 3 left to go to doctor’s appointments, 18 are bussed in from a neighboring community, 4 leave because they’re afraid of missing FOX news, 7 come in from church, and 2 leave to find out what Mike Zullo has been doing. What do you have a room full of?
    A: Hot Air

    Q: What does a birther do when another birther calls him an idiot?
    A: Call the other birther an “Obot”, because he’s probably right.

    Q: What is the average age of a birther?
    A: Physical – 64 years
    Mental – 3

    Q: What is the greatest birther achievement?
    A: Getting out of bed in the morning.

    Q: Why are the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the Mayflower Pact the birthers’ favorite documents?
    A: They think they’re all the same thing.

    Q: What is a birther’s major skill?
    A: Misquotation

    Q: What do the birthers want to do with the President if they get a hold of him?
    A: Hang him, shoot him, stab him, drown him, then torture him until he tells them the truth.

    Q: What do birthers consider strong evidence?
    A: An April Fool’s Joke.

    Q: Why do birthers look up to Joe Arpaio?
    A: The Sheriff is a bigger bigot than they are.

    Q: Who is the birthers’ favorite famous person in history to quote?
    A: Adolph Hitler (it’s like they’re enamored with him!)

    Q: What part of the Constitution do the birthers like most?
    A: The part that doesn’t exist except in their minds.

    Q: Why do birthers sit on overpasses and protest the President?
    A: They think it puts them closer to doG.

  16. justlw says:

    Hey Doc — I noticed there’s a minor problem with the table at

  17. justlw says:

    Q: How can you tell you’re talking to a birther intelleckshual?

    A: They say, “I prefer to read the Constitution in the original French.”

  18. Dave B. says:

    Too goofy for BR:
    BR haz a mad, says “The article was published on, which appears to publish mostly bogus articles.” The NERVE of them, horning in on BR’s territory like that.

  19. That was a weird one. It used to be that whenever you put something around the smiley code, it wouldn’t interpret as the icon. That “something” could include HTML code or a hard space ( ). That doesn’t work any more; however, I found that a soft hyphen works.

    justlw: Hey Doc — I noticed there’s a minor problem with the table

  20. justlw says:

    I’ve mentioned before my amusement that one of the conspiracy beats in the plot to Capricorn One would require that NASA could replace every phone book in Houston in the course of a day or so. (The movie had a scene of Elliott Gould staring in amazement at a phone book that showed a completely different family living at his now-disappeared informant’s address.)

    The same thing is of course necessary for the Sandy Hook deniers’ demented fantasy to work — adding pictures of Adam Lanza to hundreds of high school yearbooks, inserting all the victims’ families into years of printed phone books, and so on ad infinitum.

  21. Rickey says:

    I’ve mentioned before my amusement that one of the conspiracy beats in the plot to Capricorn One would require that NASA could replace every phone book in Houston in the course of a day or so.(The movie had a scene of Elliott Gould staring in amazement at a phone book that showed a completely different family living at his now-disappeared informant’s address.)

    The same thing is of course necessary for the Sandy Hook deniers’ demented fantasy to work — adding pictures of Adam Lanza to hundreds of high school yearbooks, inserting all the victims’ families into years of printed phone books, and so on ad infinitum.

    Yes, it also would require the falsification of property records, voter registration records, DMV records, etc. False credit records for all of the “pretend” victims would have to be created. Phony announcements about activities at the school would have to be printed. Photoshopped photos which purport to show school plays, recitals, award ceremonies, etc. would be required. And of course the government would have to figure out a way to make sure that not a single person in Newtown or the surrounding town would express surprise that multiple students and teachers were killed at a school which had been closed for four years.

  22. roadburner says:

    Q: What do you call a horny birther?
    A: A Pedophile

    Q: What is the greatest birther achievement?
    A: Getting out of bed in the morning.

    a couple of corrections here jim….

    a horny birther can only be considered a pedophile if their sister is underage

    their greatest achievement is geting out of bed in the morning at 9am before their first morning pee at 9.01am

    the overpass demonstrations have a good purpose. if they were held in the street they would have to explain why the people passing by didn’t stop and talk to them. sitting on an overpass means every car passing is a potential supporter, but very few bithers understand morse code, or they would realise that what they are taking as honks of support actually spell out `w.i.n.d.o.w.l.i.c.k.e.r.s’

    i must however give my thanks to the birthers, or without them i would not be able to count to a million….

    `297…298…299….1 million! we got our million man march to impeach the usurper!

  23. The Magic M (not logged in) says:

    BTW, if you want to see somebody whose “A looks just like B, so A is B” skills outperform any birther, take a look at this guy:
    (Of course that link appeared on Gerbil Report.)
    Hard to believe the guy is serious.

  24. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    I couldn’t help myself and had a shufti at Gerbil Report this morning.
    Their article about Obama’s family tree redefines straw grasping.
    Also gave LDS’s blog a look. It’s been pretty dead quiet since both me and Bobj decided to quit posting. I think Bruce has replied to his own replies a few times in the last couple of weeks, but that’s it.

  25. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Also checked out some birther blogs that I haven’t in quite some time. The Steady Derp’s Sam Sewell still has a planet sized angry at Obama, but he isn’t post much in the way of birther poopies.

    Citizen Wells is doing a lot of screaming about conspiracies, Rod Blagojevich and Ebola(Who isn’t these days? Am I right?), but birtherism is also seemingly absent from the last several articles he posted.

    Lame Cherry seems to have moved towards posting crazy conspiracies about lots of folks, but again, new birther rants aren’t among the new material.

    Dr Kate posts a lot of paranoid rants, and updated lists of things she blames Obama for, but next to no new eligibility posts.

    It seems to me that Gerbil Report is the only continually active birther site in the web that is still going full birther. Everyone else has either gone inactive, or moved onto other things.

    Its seems like the pattern of behavior for birthers wanting out, is to just stop talking about it.

  26. Rickey says:

    A Republican who could soon be in charge of Arizona’s elections struggled on air Sunday to explain why she supported a “birther” bill demanding presidential candidates prove their American citizenship.

  27. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Oh how I do love seeing a birther getting slapped in the face with their own words and actions. No choir of anonymous gits to back her up, and scream “Shut up Obot!” at the guy giving the interview. Just her the camera, and the interviewer. Good stuff!

  28. Dave B. says:

    A little bit of stand-out goofiness, and “why the whole “natural born Citizen” issue is a red herring”:

  29. y_p_w says:

    A Republican who could soon be in charge of Arizona’s elections struggled on air Sunday to explain why she supported a “birther” bill demanding presidential candidates prove their American citizenship.

    What is it with Arizona? I remember there was a bill floating around that not only stated that one had to have a “long form birth certificate” with a physician’s signature, but that they had to attest that the person had never had multiple citizenships at any time. By definition, anyone who can trace ancestry to an Italian citizen since unification is an Italian citizen. Additionally, my child’s BC was certified by a hospital administrator and doesn’t have “witness” signatures per se, although there is a spot for a parental signature (the administrator told my wife and myself to sign in the same box).

    Even the one that passed and was vetoed by Brewer only accepted a “long form birth certificate”. So that would leave out any future candidates who were born in a technological age where many states’ records are purely electronic. At least some of the other birther bills included references to the Consular Report of Birth Abroad.

  30. A couple of items in the news:

    Birther Sheriff Richard Mack declares Ted Cruz ineligible.

    Birther Joseph Farah thinks the earth is 6,000 years old, and that there’s no proof that it is millions or billions of years old.

  31. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    A couple of items in the news:

    Birther Sheriff Richard Mack declares Ted Cruz ineligible.

    Birther Joseph Farah thinks the earth is 6,000 years old, and that there’s no proof that it is millions or billions of years old.

    Sounds like the setup to a bad joke.
    A former sheriff, and a current kook, walk into a bar…

  32. Keith says:

    Q: How can you tell you’re talking to a birther intelleckshual?

    A: They say, “I prefer to read the Constitution in the original French.”

    Well, Jefferson WAS in Paris at the time.

  33. RanTalbott says:

    In one of those weird bits of “search engine synergy”, a birther video on youtube came with a link to one entitled Homemade open crank motor bicycle in the “recommended” sidebar. Since I pretty much never search for anything bicycle-related, you have to wonder whether the choice is a subtle dig at birfoons 😉

    p.s. The video _is_ interesting if you’re mechanically-inclined, or a Rube Goldberg fan.

  34. JPotter says:

    justlw: I’ve mentioned before my amusement that one of the conspiracy beats in the plot to Capricorn One would require that NASA could replace every phone book in Houston in the course of a day or so.

    Rickey: Yes, it also would require the falsification of property records, voter registration records, DMV records, etc. False credit records for all of the “pretend” victims would have to be created. Phony announcements about activities at the school would have to be printed. Photoshopped photos which purport to show school plays, recitals, award ceremonies, etc. would be required. And of course the government would have to figure out a way to make sure that not a single person in Newtown or the surrounding town would express surprise that multiple students and teachers were killed at a school which had been closed for four years.

    What, you guys haven’t seen the physics documentary Dark City ?

  35. AnyDayNow says:

    Wow. Civil war over at GerbilReport. The comment sections are exploding with friendly fire as some of the most known commenters have declared war on each other, and it’s all revolving around Sandy Hook, of all things. The venom being spit at each other is powerful, and one of the most hard-core birthers is now being called an obot by the others. It is dividing the birthers into two camps and they are turning on each other. It is bizarrely amusing!

  36. roadburner says:

    Wow. Civil war over at GerbilReport. The comment sections are exploding with friendly fire as some of the most known commenters have declared war on each other, and it’s all revolving around Sandy Hook, of all things. The venom being spit at each other is powerful, and one of the most hard-core birthers is now being called an obot by the others. It is dividing the birthers into two camps and they are turning on each other. It is bizarrely amusing!

    ooh! slap fight in the back of the short bus!

    i can’t help but find it ironic that scott is now facing EXACTLY the same replies that we get when we set about debunking birther rubbish.

    i’d love to stick the knife in, but currently i’m moderated into silence

    i’d like to think he might see it and have a rethink, but alas i don’t believe it’ll be the case.

    his bromance with bird-boy seems to be well and truly over!

  37. The Magic M (not logged in) says:

    y_p_w: So that would leave out any future candidates who were born in a technological age where many states’ records are purely electronic. At least some of the other birther bills included references to the Consular Report of Birth Abroad.

    I was actually rooting for such a birther bill, knowing that one day it would bite the GOP in the rear end.
    It would be hilarious to see them twist themselves into a pretzel when their own candidate couldn’t pass the hurdles set up by them.
    Or just imagine if, just out of spite, a blue state would refuse to release the “original long form” for a GOP candidate and said candidate would then not be on the ballot in a red state. Hilarious.

  38. wrecking ball says:

    roadburner: ooh! slap fight in the back of the short bus!

    i can’t help but find it ironic that scott is now facing EXACTLY the same replies that we get when we set about debunking birther rubbish.

    i’d love to stick the knife in, but currently i’m moderated into silence

    i’d like to think he might see it and have a rethink, but alas i don’t believe it’ll be the case.

    his bromance with bird-boy seems to be well and truly over!

    comedy gold.

    from scott:

    “Yes, “Barry”. I knew that I would become an obot by calling you out on your spamming, non-evidence, and bizarro view of the real world. “

  39. bovril says:

    The whole fight is immensely funny to read. Poor old Snotty is learning the hard way that deviation from group think leads to ostracism….. He is trying to separate Bird Brain from BS Extraordinaire to no avail alas and this has all led to him being labelled a paid disinformation Obot Liberal and stuff with extra cookies.

    Of course Snot is taking a spurious moral high ground saying how he’s the only one who has the ‘nads to take on BS, conspicuously failing to mention that for several days before, ‘Guest.’ had been slapping BS with little if any censoring by Bonking Bob Nelson.

    Wonder how long before Nelson has to wield the dead hand of administrative retribution…. and who on..? Taking bets at the window now…. 😈

  40. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    roadburner: ooh! slap fight in the back of the short bus!

    i can’t help but find it ironic that scott is now facing EXACTLY the same replies that we get when we set about debunking birther rubbish.

    Irony, it is lost on birthers. Don’t hold out hope that Scott is gonna have an “Aha!” moment. That would be giving him too much credit. Still, a Gerbil Report civil war is always a good thing.

    bovril: Wonder how long before Nelson has to wield the dead hand of administrative retribution…. and who on..? Taking bets at the window now…. 😈

    I’m guessing it will strike whomever Falcon takes the most dislike towards. Still not convinced that Falcon isn’t a sock puppet for Gerbil Report’s admin.

  41. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    I’m following the bickering, and it looks like Scott is dangerously close to being kicked out of Gerbil Report’s little “You must be this crazy to hang with us!” clique. Birther infighting is fun, but birther infighting that damages their ever shrinking group? All the better!

  42. wrecking ball says:

    Andrew Vrba, PmG: Irony, it is lost on birthers. Don’t hold out hope that Scott is gonna have an “Aha!” moment. That would be giving him too much credit.

    it would be great if scott could read his own posts replacing “Connecticut Department of Criminal Justice Report ( CT DCJ Report ) with ” Xerox Workcentre 7655 “…..:

    “Again, you are more than welcome to prove me wrong.

    When is that going to happen?

    So far you have FAILED to disprove the [ Xerox Workcentre 7655 ] in any way, you haven’t presented any evidence to refute the facts therein, and all I’ve gotten from you and others of like mind so far — and I hate this term, it’s over-used — is ad hominem attacks.”

  43. Crustacean says:

    I had a feeling that employing the phrase “deep-cover Obot” (TM) might just appeal to their conspiracy-addled minds (because birthers know it’s more fun to live in a spy novel than to read one). But now I have feelings of guilt, knowing that I may have played a part in starting this brush fire.

    Sweet, sweet, tasty guilt…

    AnyDayNow: The venom being spit at each other is powerful, and one of the most hard-core birthers is now being called an obot by the others.

  44. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Crustacean: Sweet, sweet, tasty guilt…


  45. Bovril says:

    Ahhh, Gerbil Report is rapidly devolving to the same level of insanity as the old Dr K(H)ates blog and I expect it will sufffer the same fate where she was left with about a half dozen sycophants that slowly dies away to utter insane irrelevance

  46. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Another birther I get a giggle out of, is that goes on about secret messages, then posts random stuff in faux binary.

  47. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Some people never learn though. The latest article at Gerbil Report is pimping another Joel Gilbert project.

  48. sfjeff says:

    Just to make it clear that Birthers are not racist…over on USMessage Board in the same day that a Birther was spouting the usual Birther stuff(2 citizen parents!)….

    He also started a thread about the rape accusations against Bill Cosby- and said that was hardly surprising because thats what blacks do- rape white women.

    Another example of how Birthers couldn’t possibly be motivated by race.

  49. wrecking ball says:

    i think doc should offer to publish a guest article from scott debunking the sandy hook conspiracy theory.

  50. Jim says:

    wrecking ball: i think doc should offer to publish a guest article from scott debunking the sandy hook conspiracy theory.

    No articles till he’s been debirthalized.

  51. AnyDayNow says:

    wrecking ball:
    i think doc should offer to publish a guest article from scott debunking the sandy hook conspiracy theory.

    Or Doc could even just publish one on his own, which would make Scott seem even more like he was ‘in cahoots’ with the Obots to the ‘Lithium-deficient’ BSE. This new ‘revelation’ that they have discovered an obot mole is all that the lobotomy twins can talk about, and they will keep injecting it into each new thread, no matter what the topic. So anything we can do to stir the pot and keep the fire burning just makes the whole thing sweeter. I’m also giving strategic comments ‘thumbs up’ to help give the impression that the division between the two groups is getting deeper. I shouldn’t be enjoying it this much, but damn it I am!

  52. Arthur says:

    Andrew Vrba, PmG:
    I’m following the bickering, and it looks like Scott is dangerously close to being kicked out of Gerbil Report’s little “You must be this crazy to hang with us!” clique. Birther infighting is fun, but birther infighting that damages their ever shrinking group? All the better!

    Since the Sandy Hook nonsense became so dominant at GR, I’ve refused to go to the site. However, I just had to see the infighting today. It’s remarkable how the community, led by Bird Boy and B.S. Barry have, turned against Scott. I guess this is how the Stalinist purges began.

  53. AnyDayNow says:

    Arthur: Since the Sandy Hook nonsense became so dominant at GR, I’ve refused to go to the site. However, I just had to see the infighting today. It’s remarkable how the community, led by Bird Boy and B.S. Barry have, turned against Scott. I guess this is how the Stalinist purges began.

    Actually, yesterday was pretty much all about destroying Scott, because Chicken Little and Tweety Bird were just giving it to him with both barrels and nobody seemed to want to stand up for him and possibly suffer the same wrath. Bozo and Krusty are still going to town on Scott today in a new thread, but just in the last couple of hours, 3 or 4 other prominent commenters have come out in a kind of defense of Scott (but trying to phrase it in ways that wont anger the ‘conformity police’). At first it seemed very one sided against Scott, but now there is a growing consensus that BSE (BullShitEveryday) goaded Scott into his actions. So we will see If Tweedle Dumb and Tweedle Dumber will start to tone down this crucifixion of Scott now that others have shown some support for him, or if it will lead to a ‘his side or our side’ type standoff situation. I am definitely going to need more popcorn!

  54. We are tracking what could prove to be a major story out of Phoenix. Stay tuned.

  55. I respectfully decline.

    wrecking ball: i think doc should offer to publish a guest article from scott debunking the sandy hook conspiracy theory.

  56. justlw says:

    Does it strike anyone else that GamerGate is kind of “Birtherism, Millennial Edition”?

  57. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    In the latest Gerbil Report article’s comment section, BSE actually tries to tie Obama’s lineage to the Salem Witch Trials. If BSE’s parents aren’t first cousins, I’ll be genuinely surprised.

  58. wrecking ball says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    We are tracking what could prove to be a major story out of Phoenix. Stay tuned.

    you’re teasing like gallups.

  59. I do it for fun, not for money.

    At least I won’t string you on for years. This should be out by the weekend if not sooner.

    wrecking ball: you’re teasing like gallups.

  60. AnyDayNow says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    I do it for fun, not for money.

    At least I won’t string you on for years. This should be out by the weekend if not sooner.

    When you said ‘stay tuned’, I got the impression that the news was imminent, within hours. So I have been checking every hour since. Now I see that it will be days, not hours. A slightly less vague phrase to describe the timeframe would really be appreciated next time. 😜

  61. The Magic M says:

    Arthur: I guess this is how the Stalinist purges began.

    Especially ironic given how often birthers have croaked how the “useful idiots” that we are will be the first against the wall when Obama declares himself Caliph of the World.
    Now it’s the useful useless idiot birthers who are first against the wall when their own handlers turn on them.

  62. Not it.

    Keith: Spoiler Alert?

  63. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Well well. There’s still a bit of life left in after all.
    In a new piece titled “I TRIPLE DOG DARE YOU Senator Cruz!”, the site runner goes on a long whine.
    Here’s an excerpt.

    “Senator Cruz, I will not give your campaign $25.00 because you are not a natural born citizen, and I am telling everyone not to give you anything over $20.01. Why am I doing this? Because you are not a natural born citizen of the United States of America. In fact I say a natural born citizen does not need to renounce through action or inaction any citizenship other than citizenship in the greatest country on earth the United States of America,. And if you don’t like it, sue me!”

    His plan is to goad Ted Cruz into suing him for the other $4.99, and in doing so establish, in a court of law, whether or not he is a natural born citizen…Well, its certainly a different approach. Still stupid, but different!

  64. Bob J says:

    Jim: No articles till he’s been debirthalized.

    I had done pretty well the last couple of weeks staying away from GR®, but those last few comment threads were hilarious. I just have to wonder why Scott has faith in the State of Connecticut, but not in the State of Hawaii.

  65. gorefan says:

    Andrew Vrba, PmG: And if you don’t like it, sue me!”

    More likely “if you don’t like it, ignore me!”

  66. Jim says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: We are tracking what could prove to be a major story out of Phoenix. Stay tuned.

    Will this be a Super-Sized Popcorn major story? 😀

  67. Rickey says:

    wrecking ball:
    i think doc should offer to publish a guest article from scott debunking the sandy hook conspiracy theory.

    Sandy Hook needs debunking about as much as we need to debunk the belief that the moon is made of cheese, or the belief that the earth is hollow and flying saucers emanate from openings at the poles.

  68. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Guys, the big reveal Doc is gonna make, is that he’s been Santa Claus this entire time! 😉

  69. Jim says:

    Andrew Vrba, PmG: Guys, the big reveal Doc is gonna make, is that he’s been Santa Claus this entire time!

    No, no, no…you can’t fool me. There is NO Santa Claus…Doc is GERBIL CLAUS!!! 😀

  70. Lupin says:

    Rickey: Sandy Hook needs debunking about as much as we need to debunk the belief that the moon is made of cheese, or the belief that the earth is hollow and flying saucers emanate from openings at the poles.

    For argument’s sake, I find the existence of flying saucers and the notion of a hollow earth actually more credible than the vast Sandy Hook conspiracy preached by BSE.

    I’m actually an agnostic when it comes to UFOs. I have a cousin in the French Gendarmerie and they’ve come across some really odd cases, utterly impossible to explain, although nothing pointing specifically to extra-terrestrials in the common meaning of the word.

  71. AnyDayNow says:

    I would like to make a suggestion. I’ve noticed at BR that there are more posts about ‘false flags’ than there are about gerbils nowadays, so I wanted to propose that we change the name to LithiumReport to reflect the fact that 2 of the inmates have taken over the asylum and are now dictating what everybody must believe about every conspiracy ever conceived.

  72. Arthur says:

    Jim: No, no, no…you can’t fool me.There is NO Santa Claus…Doc is GERBIL CLAUS!!!

    Gerbil Claus is a false flag operation to take away our milk and cookies.

  73. Arthur says:

    I would like to make a suggestion. I’ve noticed at BR that there are more posts about ‘false flags’ than there are about gerbils nowadays, so I wanted to propose that we change the name to LithiumReport to reflect the fact that 2 of the inmates have taken over the asylum and are now dictating what everybody must believe about every conspiracy ever conceived.

    It seems odd for a couple of posters to take over a site such as has happened at Gerbils-on-Lithium Report. The owner doesn’t seem to be a hands-off person, since he’s quick to delete and ban posters he doesn’t like, but you’d think that by now he would have added an open thread.

  74. Jim says:

    Arthur: Gerbil Claus is a false flag operation to take away our milk and cookies.

    You’re accusing Doc of being a milk and cookie thief? Oh the inhumanity! Get Taitz and Klayman on it right away!!! 😆

  75. Jim says:

    AnyDayNow: I would like to make a suggestion. I’ve noticed at BR that there are more posts about ‘false flags’ than there are about gerbils nowadays, so I wanted to propose that we change the name to LithiumReport to reflect the fact that 2 of the inmates have taken over the asylum and are now dictating what everybody must believe about every conspiracy ever conceived.

    In that case…I propose we call it the Dumb and Dumber Report. Might as well describe the 2 running the asylum properly.

  76. Lupin says:

    There is (new???) commenter on Gerbil report whose handle is FUBO who posted:

    Sometimes I feel like I’m a passenger on the Titanic.
    I look into the captains quarters, and I see a clown steering the ship.
    It’s Obama, with his bloody joker face, looking for an Iceberg.
    I think Democrats, the average “war on women” “I need an abortion” morons are finally seeing the clown. He wants to kill everyone on the ship.
    It’s the Barak Ebola ship. Its no longer America. He can’t find an Iceberg because the crew keeps him steering around them, so he’s now filling it with deadly disease at foreign ports and taking on pirates.
    The Ebola clown is at the wheel.

    They are truly and really deranged. There’s enough materials on there to feed a psychiatric research journal for a year.

  77. The Magic M says:

    Jim: I propose we call it the Dumb and Dumber Report

    There’s another fitting German name but it won’t work in the translation.
    The Laurel and Hardy antics were billed as “Dick und Doof” (“Fat and Stupid”) in Germany, doing huge injustice to these two brilliant comedians/actors.

  78. Keith says:

    Arthur: It seems odd for a couple of posters to take over a site such as has happened at Gerbils-on-Lithium Report. The owner doesn’t seem to be a hands-off person, since he’s quick to delete and ban posters he doesn’t like, but you’d think that by now he would have added an open thread.

    You couldn’t handle an open thread.

    Edit: not sure I spelled that correctly. Maybe it is “hindel”. Jack Nickelson’s accent doesn’t lend itself to spelling accuracy sometimes.

  79. Arthur says:

    Keith: You couldn’t handle an open thread.

    I can’t handle their regular threads!

  80. I continue to be amazed that after 5 years, there is still something to write about.

  81. Please not. The only phrase that I’ve coined that ever caught on was Gerbil Report™.

    AnyDayNow: I would like to make a suggestion. I’ve noticed at BR that there are more posts about ‘false flags’ than there are about gerbils nowadays, so I wanted to propose that we change the name to LithiumReport

  82. RanTalbott says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: I continue to be amazed that after 5 years, there is still something to write about.

    Some days I think Einstein was overly optimistic about the breadth of human stupidity.

  83. Jim says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: I continue to be amazed that after 5 years, there is still something to write about.

    That’s the problem with trying to educate the idiots…it’s a long, drawn-out process. Oh well, back to educating bird-brain.

    Let’s try this again Falcon, read the following sentences aloud
    See Spot run.
    Run Spot run.

  84. roadburner says:

    Jim: That’s the problem with trying to educate the idiots…it’s a long, drawn-out process.Oh well, back to educating bird-brain.

    Let’s try this again Falcon, read the following sentences aloud
    See Spot run.
    Run Spot run.

    falcon mode on/


    /falcon mode off

  85. Arthur says:

    roadburner: falcon mode on/


    /falcon mode off

    Speaking of bird-boy, some have suggested that the source of Falcon’s cartoonish anti-gay screeds is his own closeted homosexuality that occasionally emerges in unexpected ways. To add more humorous fuel to the fire, I found this comment he made a couple months ago:

    “I really liked Bird Cage. That’s the La Cage aux Folles spin-off and that was very funny. Especially Hank Azaria as Agador Spartacus. Possibly one of the funniest characters of all time. What a hoot. That has me rolling. Egg soup, damn that was a riot. ”

    Next thing you know and he’ll be praising “300” for its costumes.

  86. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Arthur: Next thing you know and he’ll be praising “300” for its costumes.

    Or “Batman and Robin” aka “Batman if Ed Wood had made it” for it’s use of neon colors.

  87. JPotter says:

    There was a sudden outbreak of birfin’ at Amazon today:

    Russian media expose Obama birth ‘forgery’

    … and featured this screamer:

    Posted on Oct 30, 2014 6:13:54 AM PDT
    gginnc says:
    [Customers don’t think this post adds to the discussion. Hide post again.]
    Why is the Russian press incorruptible? The truth matters to them.

    It was lead off with a belated unearthing of that WND classic, Russian media expose Obama birth ‘forgery’ (But American news agencies still absent on presidential scandal)

    Never fear, this sudden outbreak appears to be well contained to a handful of the drollest of trolls, and has yet to spread to any other threads.

  88. Dave B. says:

    Speaking of birthers and their universes, “They Live” is on Sundance. Epic fight scene just concluded.

  89. Dave B. says:

    Great picture of Arpaio there. It’s probably what he thought when he got the news.

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    Federal Judge Orders Sheriff Joe Arpaio To Undergo Racial Profiling Training

  90. According to its Facebook page, the book Arpaio De Facto Lawman is off the shelves for a few weeks (presumably for some much-needed editing).

  91. wrecking ball says:

    apologies if this has been posted before but i just came across zullo’s business card for the first time:

    do all posse members have similar business cards? if someone handed me this i would absolutely assume they were law enforcement. i find it surprising that this could be legal.

  92. CarlOrcas says:

    wrecking ball: do all posse members have similar business cards? if someone handed me this i would absolutely assume they were law enforcement. i find it surprising that this could be legal.

    What I’d like to know is who assigned Zullo an official MSCO e-mail address? How about the 602 phone number? Was it on the MCSO system?

    Answers to those questions would put the lie to the notion that no county assets were used to support the Cold Case Posse.

    That said it is very easy to create one’s own business cards these days.

  93. wrecking ball says:

    CarlOrcas: What I’d like to know is who assigned Zullo an official MSCO e-mail address?

    i wondered the same.

  94. wrecking ball says:

    That said it is very easy to create one’s own business cards these days.

    if zullo created the cards himself without MCSO authorization i’d think that would open up a huge can of trouble.

  95. CarlOrcas says:

    wrecking ball: if zullo created the cards himself without MCSO authorization i’d think that would open up a huge can of trouble.

    In the big scheme of things the business cards will probably be the least of Zullo’s problems,

  96. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Heh. Falcon seems to get really freaked out when people check out his profile. If I had an Intense Debate profile, I’d be certainly tempted to like a Darpa/NSA/FBI icon for an avatar, then check his profile a few times a day.

  97. Arthur says:

    Andrew Vrba, PmG:
    Heh. Falcon seems to get really freaked out when people check out his profile. If I had an Intense Debate profile, I’d be certainly tempted to like a Darpa/NSA/FBI icon for an avatar, then check his profile a few times a day.

    That would certainly ruffle his crazy feathers!

  98. The Sun City West commander has a gmail address.

    CarlOrcas: What I’d like to know is who assigned Zullo an official MSCO e-mail address?

  99. gorefan says:

    So Zullo goes on Boyles show and says the SSN isn’t something to pursue because he has access to databases that normal people can’t access.

    Then Susan Daniels says she is glad she disassociated herself from the CCP.

    Now Zullo says Susan Daniels is conspiring with Brian Reilly and another person to be named later against the CCP.


  100. Keith says:

    CarlOrcas: What I’d like to know is who assigned Zullo an official MSCO e-mail address? How about the 602 phone number? Was it on the MCSO system?

    Answers to those questions would put the lie to the notion that no county assets were used to support the Cold Case Posse.

    That said it is very easy to create one’s own business cards these days.

    602 is the Phoenix area code. Used to be all of Arizona but they split it sometime in late 70’s early 80’s.

    The number is probably just a receptionist somewhere that is assigned to receive calls for all possees.

  101. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    At this point it seems like it’s the world vs Falcon and BSE over at Gerbil Report.
    Faster and faster those two are ostracizing themselves, as too angry and crazy for the rest of the angry crazies.

  102. CarlOrcas says:

    Keith: 602 is the Phoenix area code. Used to be all of Arizona but they split it sometime in late 70’s early 80’s.

    Actually, Keith, there are three area codes in the Phoenix metro area….480, 602 and 623.

    Or at least that was the count when we moved away a few years ago.

    Now…….there was only one area code in the whole state when we moved there……in 1958.

    As far as your speculation about the blacked out number I suspect you don’t have any more idea what that number is than I do.

  103. CarlOrcas says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    The Sun City West commander has a gmail address.

    Some of them have e-mail addresses on which appears to be registered to the Communications Posse but the contact is at the MCSO’s West Durango facility with a e-mail address.

    So much for that “no support” from the sheriff’s office stuff.

    P.S. The Cold Case Posse doesn’t appear to have any info on the site. It refers to their pitifully out of date drivel.

  104. Status update:


    Last Appearance:
    Appearance Date: 10/31/2014 — Information updated
    Appearance Time:
    On For: Supreme Trial
    Appearance Outcome: Adjourned
    Comments: 6X — Information updated

    Future Appearances:
    Appearance Date: 11/24/2014 — Information updated
    Appearance Time:
    On For: Supreme Trial
    Appearance Outcome:
    Comments: 7X — Information updated

  105. Keith says:

    CarlOrcas: Actually, Keith, there are three area codes in the Phoenix metro area….480, 602 and 623.

    Yeah, Arizona is growing too fast 😎 . I probably should have said that 602 is A Phoenix area code, not the. Even Tucson probably has a several by now.

    CarlOrcas: As far as your speculation about the blacked out number I suspect you don’t have any more idea what that number is than I do.

    No, I don’t, but it stands to reason that there would be a receptionist somewhere as a central contact point for the Sheriff’s posse structure.

    It appears that I misread your post anyway. I read ‘who gave Zullo that 602 number’, but you asked about the email. My point was only that the 602 area code could be expected whether it was an MCSO number or not – which doesn’t address your question.

    My bad.

  106. If I had to guess, I’d say the blacked out number is (602) 876-1011, the Sheriff’s Office “non-emergency” number. I know what the 480 number is.

    CarlOrcas: As far as your speculation about the blacked out number I suspect you don’t have any more idea what that number is than I do.

  107. RanTalbott says:

    Keith: Even Tucson probably has a several by now.

    Nah: Tucson hasn’t exploded like Phoenix. 520 still covers all of Cochise, Santa Cruz, and Pima counties, nearly all of Pinal, and a weird little snippet of Maricopa. Water limitations will probably keep it that way for a while.

  108. Hmm…strange. I just noticed that another forum Free Republic has not mentioned CBS 5, Reilly, or Obama’s birth cert. Not a very reliable news source if you ask me.

  109. Keith says:

    FR is not a news site. It is a comments forum with a reactionary world view.

  110. wrecking ball says:

    “lord” monkton goes on another comedic rant over at WND:

    i like this new piece of revisionist history:

    “When I first visited Sheriff Joe some years ago, it was at once apparent that he had more than enough credible evidence to go before a Federal District Court and demand orders of the court obliging the extremely reluctant “Democrat” administration in Hawaii to hand over for forensic examination not only the original “birth certificate” but also the relevant birth records of the Kapi’olani hospital. The attorney general of Arizona, in failing to permit the sheriff to apply for the necessary orders, is guilty of the grossest negligence.”

    so, now it’s ken bennett’s fault?

  111. Dave B. says:

    That would’ve been Tom Horne, who makes Ken Bennett look like Abraham Lincoln.

    wrecking ball:
    “lord” monkton goes on another comedic rant over at WND:

    i like this new piece of revisionist history:

    “When I first visited Sheriff Joe some years ago, it was at once apparent that he had more than enough credible evidence to go before a Federal District Court and demand orders of the court obliging the extremely reluctant “Democrat” administration in Hawaii to hand over for forensic examination not only the original “birth certificate” but also the relevant birth records of the Kapi’olani hospital. The attorney general of Arizona, in failing to permit the sheriff to apply for the necessary orders, is guilty of the grossest negligence.”

    so, now it’s ken bennett’s fault?

  112. wrecking ball says:

    Dave B.:
    That would’ve been Tom Horne, …..

    whoops. my brain-fart. thanks for the catch.

  113. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Looks like Falcon and BSE just about have two more of the more acid tongued posters ready to quit Gerbil Report. At this rate it will be just the two of them.

  114. RanTalbott says:

    I recall reading (probably here) that Obama Senior had filled out some other forms (possibly school applications, or even one for governments) listing his race as “African”.

    Do I recall correctly? If so, does anyone have any links? It doesn’t seem to be in any of the “African race” threads. And it not easy to come up with keywords that would isolate those results from the gazillions referring to his famous son 😉


  115. RanTalbott says:

    wrecking ball: The attorney general of Arizona, in failing to permit the sheriff to apply for the necessary orders, is guilty of the grossest negligence.

    Question for the lawyers: my understanding is that only prosecutors are allowed to ask for _indictments_, but isn’t it true that any cop can apply for a search warrant? I’m sure I’ve seen a few requests over the years, in the news coverage of criminal cases, that were sworn and signed by “Officer X” or “Detective Y”.

    Isn’t Monckton as wrong about the process as he is about what constitutes “evidence”?

  116. Dave B. says:

    It’s in his immigration file. I went through it one time and made a list of references to Kenya and “African,” etc. for a reply to the “no such thing as Kenya” claim. It’s a partial list, because I wanted to emphasize pre-independence dates. Here it is:

    In Barack Obama, Sr.’s INS file, as published here,
    the very first document you will find is an Alien Registration card from September of 1962 in which Barack Obama, Sr. reports his own nationality as “Kenya.” Moving down to page 31, you’ll find a Notice and Report Concerning Nonimmigrant “F-1” Student signed June 27, 1962, which lists Barack Obama, Sr.’s Country of birth as “Kenya, Africa”– and his Country of citizenship as “Africa.”
    On page 34, you’ll find a handwritten memo dated August 31, 1961, which includes the notation,
    “When finished school here plans to go to a mainland school for a Doctor Degree in Economics– after that to return to Kenya.”
    On page 35, you’ll find an Application to Extend Time of Temporary Stay, dated August 31, 1961, which lists Barack Obama, Sr.’s country of birth and country of citizenship as “Kenya.”
    On page 37, you’ll find a Certificate of Eligibility for Nonimmigrant “F” Student Status which lists Barack Obama, Sr.’s Place of Birth as “Kenya (Africa).”
    On page 39, you’ll find a Memo for File regarding an allegation of bigamy on the part of Barack Obama, Sr., which says, in part,
    “Mrs. McCabe, University of Hawaii, Foreign Student advisor, called on 4/10/61 and reported that BARACK H. OBAMA, a student at the University since 1959 was married on February 2, 1961 to Stanley Ann Dunham, a United States citizen from Seattle, Washington in Maui, Hawaii. The problem is that when he arrived in the U.S. the subject had a wife in Kenya. The Subject was born on June 18, 1934 in Kisumu, Nyanza, Kenya, Africa and entered the U.S. at New York, N.Y. on August 9, 1959 as an F student…Subject told Mrs. McCabe that in Kenya all that is necessary to be divorced is to tell the wife that she is divorced and that constitutes a legal divorce. Subject claims to have been divorced from his wife in Kenya in this method.”
    On page 43 you’ll find an Application to Extend Time of Temporary Stay, dated July 28, 1960, in which Barack Obama, Sr. reports that he is a citizen or subject of Kenya, and was born at Kisumu, Nyanza, Kenya.
    On page 45, you’ll find a Certificate of Eligibility for Nonimmigrant “F” Student Status, dated 24 July 1960, listing Barack Obama, Sr.’s Place of Birth as “Kenya.”
    On page 51, you’ll find a Report of Initial Registration and Termination of Attendance of Nonimmigrant “F” Student, dated July 28, 1960, which lists Barack Obama, Sr.’s place of birth as “Kenya, Africa.”
    On page 52, you’ll find an Alien Registration fingerprint card, dated July 28, 1960, listing Barack Obama, Sr.’s RACE and nationality as “Kenya,” and his place of birth as “Kisumu-Nyanza, Kenya.”
    On page 54, you’ll find an alien fingerprint record, date-stamped August 15, 1960, listing Barack Obama, Sr.’s RACE and nationality as “Kenya,” and his place of birth as “KisumuNyanza, Kenya.”

    I also threw in some other “Kenya” references:
    The Kenya Colony Order in Council, 1921:
    Colony and Protectorate of Kenya, Annual Report for 1921:
    Same, for 1922:
    The Official Gazette of the Colony and Protectorate of Kenya, Published under the authority of His Excellency the Governor of the Colony and Protectorate of Kenya, Nairobi, February 9, 1921:
    Same, for May 3, 1938:
    In the Annual Report of the Immigration and Naturalization Service for the Year Ended June 30, 1962,
    you will find Kenya among the countries listed in Table 31, on page 74; and in Table 32, on page 77.

    And I threw this one in the other day when somebody really ASKED for it:

    I recall reading (probably here) that Obama Senior had filled out some other forms (possibly school applications, or even one for governments) listing his race as “African”.

    Do I recall correctly? If so, does anyone have any links? It doesn’t seem to be in any of the “African race” threads. And it not easy to come up with keywords that would isolate those results from the gazillions referring to his famous son


  117. Dave B. says:

    As I look through that, I realize it doesn’t really answer your exact question. I have failed miserably. At any rate, what you WON’T find in that immigration file is Barack Obama, Sr. identifying himself as “Negro.”

    I recall reading (probably here) that Obama Senior had filled out some other forms (possibly school applications, or even one for governments) listing his race as “African”.

    Do I recall correctly? If so, does anyone have any links? It doesn’t seem to be in any of the “African race” threads. And it not easy to come up with keywords that would isolate those results from the gazillions referring to his famous son


  118. RanTalbott says:

    Dave B.: I have failed miserably

    Not at all: you failed _well_. 😉

    Aside from being a useful reference for whacking “There was no Kenya” birfers, it _does_ answer my question, in part: the INS forms, even the fingerprint card for making his alien ID, didn’t ask for race at all. Just nationality and citizenship. Which was a pleasant surprise, considering how race-conscious much of society was back in those days.

    So, I learned something new and interesting, _and_ found out that I shouldn’t waste time checking out any INS documents that might turn up in my searches.

    Thank you.

  119. Dave B. says:

    Actually, the fingerprint cards DO have an entry for Race. And he entered “Kenya”– non-standardized race designator and “nonexistent” country all in one, on official US government documents…

    RanTalbott: Not at all: you failed _well_.

    Aside from being a useful reference for whacking “There was no Kenya” birfers, it _does_ answer my question, in part: the INS forms, even the fingerprint card for making his alien ID, didn’t ask for race at all. Just nationality and citizenship. Which was a pleasant surprise, considering how race-conscious much of society was back in those days.

    So, I learned something new and interesting, _and_ found out that I shouldn’t waste time checking out any INS documents that might turn up in my searches.

    Thank you.

  120. Lupin says:

    On GERBIL REPORT, the notorious Bird Brain speaks on behalf of “rational people” everywhere:

    Any rational poster has recognized that there has been a shift in strategy. The exposure of Obama is coming and it’s coming quickly. When you can not refute the evidence it’s now time to discredit the messenger and the protocols and procedures. This is the gay version of “nuts-n-sluts”. It should be called “nuts-n-nuts”.
    The latest attacks on Zullo gives me some idea that moles have revealed to the Regime Zullo put a bow on it and it’s going to be all occurring soon. I’m also seeing some efforts to save some parts of the apparatus.
    After Hilter committed “suicide” in the “bunker”, the Reich did continue on for a brief period but were essentially finished. Hiring Neil Eggleston was major clue. This tells me they think they have some type of legal arguments and that previous American Jurisprudence will some how factor into the attempts to save Obama from prison and a possible death sentence.

    It’s hard to know where to start.

  121. RanTalbott says:

    Lupin: When you can not refute the evidence it’s now time to discredit the messenger and the protocols and procedures.

    Despite coming from Birdboy, this actually makes some sense.

    There are some difficult problems in debunking Zullo’s crap, based mostly in the ignorance of his suckers:

    1. Understanding that his claims about the PDF are nonsense requires a middling amount of technical knowledge.
    2. Understanding that they’re irrelevant requires some knowledge of law (like what a “document” is).
    3. Understanding that his claims about the certificate numbering are crap requires either some knowledge of statistics, or some evidence about the real sequence of operations that was used that discredits his made-up one. Which evidence appears to be unavailable.

    Zullo’s “case” is a form of Gish Gallop: he presents it in “passive-audience” venues like press conferences, videos, and talk show appearances where the targets either can’t, or are disinclined to, pause to examine what he’s just said/shown. That, combined with the cachet he gets from being a fake lawman, and a desire to believe what he’s saying, has led to a lot of uncritical acceptance.

    Discrediting the source could turn out to be a lot easier than disproving the nonsense. Birthers are especially prone to judging claims based on their perception (whether accurate or not) of the source, rather than the quality of the supporting evidence and argument. If they saw the CCP as a cynical publicity gimmick, they’d be more inclined to reject its “findings”.

  122. In my experience birthers are especially prone to judging their sources based on whether the claims they make align with the birthers’ prejudices.

    RanTalbott: Birthers are especially prone to judging claims based on their perception (whether accurate or not) of the source, rather than the quality of the supporting evidence and argument. If they saw the CCP as a cynical publicity gimmick, they’d be more inclined to reject its “findings”.

  123. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    In my experience birthers are especially prone to judging their sources based on whether the claims they make align with the birthers’ prejudices.

    Yup! Doesn’t matter how batty or questionable the source is, they’ll pimp it out, if it supports their confirmation bias.

    Speaking of batty, questionable people. Just for laughs, I was considering photoshopping LDS’s photo onto a milk carton, and then post a link to the pic over at his website, but decided against doing so, as that requires way more time and effort than any birther is worth.

  124. wrecking ball says:


    [ falcon quote: ]

    ” When you can not refute the evidence it’s now time to discredit the messenger …”

    which is exactly what zullo, gallups, and the birthers are currently doing to brian reilly ( and falcon seems to be doing to any birther that disagrees with him or BSE ).

  125. CarlOrcas says:

    RanTalbott: Question for the lawyers: my understanding is that only prosecutors are allowed to ask for _indictments_, but isn’t it true that any cop can apply for a search warrant? I’m sure I’ve seen a few requests over the years, in the news coverage of criminal cases, that were sworn and signed by “Officer X” or “Detective Y”.

    Isn’t Monckton as wrong about the process as he is about what constitutes “evidence”?

    Yes and yes.

    The grand jury is a tool of the prosecutor and he/she controls what goes before it.

    Any officer can go before judge and request a search warrant.

    Monckton has no idea how things work….at least in Arizona. His apparent notion that the AG has any control over what the sheriff can do is laughable…..especially considering Arpaio’s history.

  126. dunstvangeet says:

    RanTalbott: 3. Understanding that his claims about the certificate numbering are crap requires either some knowledge of statistics, or some evidence about the real sequence of operations that was used that discredits his made-up one. Which evidence appears to be unavailable.

    This one is the easiest. All you have to do is display, in numerical order, the 6 birth certificates from August of 1961 that we know about. Johanna Ah’nee’s birth certificate is the most devistating to their claims (was born after the other 5, but has a number that’s significantly lower). Here are the six that we know about.

    Johannah Ah’nee – 09945 – August 23rd, Accepted/Filed Aug. 24th
    Nordyke, Susan – 10637 – August 5th, Accepted/Filed Aug. 11th
    Nordyke, Gretchen – 10638 – August 5th, Accepted/Filed Aug. 11th
    Obama, Barack – 10641 – August 4th, Accepted/Filed Aug. 8th
    Waidelich, Stig – 10920 – August 5th, Accepted/Filed Aug. 8th
    Sunahara, Virginia – 11080 – August 4th, Accepted/Filed Aug. 10th

    You’re able to see the pattern, which is month of birth, district of birth, followed by last name. The only one that doesn’t fall into this absolute coorleation is Susan Nordyke or Gretchen Nordyke, who should be flipped based upon first name. That’s understandable.

    The two proposals that I’ve heard are an absolute date-of-birth coorleation, and date filed.

    In order to get date-of-birth, you’d have to change the following birth certificates: Ah’nee, Obama, Sunahara. You’d also have to make an odd supposition that at least 283 births happened on August 5, in order to get the Waidelich birth certificate number to line up.

    In order to get date-filed, you’d have to move 4 birth certificates: Ahnee, Waidelich, Waidelich, and Sunahara. So, in reality, neither of the birth certificate numbers line up with either proposed birther way of numbering.

    However, what does line up is the following: Month-of-birth (these were processed in monthly batches), location of birth (Sunahara was born outside of Honolulu, the other 5 were born inside of Honolulu), Last name. It’s quite plain to see that if you lay them out that way.

    You can even provide links to the certificates (except for Stig Waidelich’s) from birther websites so that they’ll accept the birth certificate numbers.

    Factual claims about the content in the birth certificate are the easiest to debunk, because they require no technical knowledge of things like image software.

  127. Arthur says:

    OK, this comment by BornTexas at Gerbil Report just made my irony meter explode, collapse in on itself, and begin to swallow all other irony meters in the solar system.

    “Great article in Scientific American that explains the psychology and differences between scientific hypothesis and investigation and conspiracy theory. SH Hoaxers and 9/11 Truthers take note.

    “Conspiracy theories, by their very nature, are tough to disprove. Their proponents can make the theories increasingly elaborate to accommodate new observations; and, ultimately, any information contradicting a conspiracy theory can be answered with, ‘Well sure, that’s what they want you to think.'”

  128. Rickey says:

    OK, this comment by BornTexas at Gerbil Report just made my irony meter explode, collapse in on itself, and begin to swallow all other irony meters in the solar system.

    “Great article in Scientific American that explains the psychology and differences between scientific hypothesis and investigation and conspiracy theory. SH Hoaxers and 9/11 Truthers take note.

    “Conspiracy theories, by their very nature, are tough to disprove. Their proponents can make the theories increasingly elaborate to accommodate new observations; and, ultimately, any information contradicting a conspiracy theory can be answered with, ‘Well sure, that’s what they want you to think.’”

    That makes perfect sense to a birther. Studying the psychology of conspiracy theories is itself part of a conspiracy.

  129. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    OK, this comment by BornTexas at Gerbil Report just made my irony meter explode, collapse in on itself, and begin to swallow all other irony meters in the solar system.

    “Great article in Scientific American that explains the psychology and differences between scientific hypothesis and investigation and conspiracy theory. SH Hoaxers and 9/11 Truthers take note.

    “Conspiracy theories, by their very nature, are tough to disprove. Their proponents can make the theories increasingly elaborate to accommodate new observations; and, ultimately, any information contradicting a conspiracy theory can be answered with, ‘Well sure, that’s what they want you to think.’”

    OW!!! The Irony! It’s actually hurting me! Its too much!!!

  130. Arthur says:

    Rickey: That makes perfect sense to a birther. Studying the psychology of conspiracy theories is itself part of a conspiracy.

    What I find amazing is that he could read that article and not be able to draw a connection between what it said and birtherism.

  131. For an update to Jedi Pauly’s political asylum application in the UK, check out this at The Fogbow.

  132. wrecking ball says:

    OK, this comment by BornTexas at Gerbil Report just made my irony meter explode,…..

    somebody pointed out to BornTexas that the MO for birthers and sandy hookers is the same, to which he/she replied:

    “Silly man, totally different. Don’t confuse factual evidence with conspiracy theory.”

    ……. yet didn’t offer any examples on how they’re different.

  133. Arthur says:

    wrecking ball: “Silly man, totally different. Don’t confuse factual evidence with conspiracy theory.”

    Said every conspiracy nut-job ever.

  134. Arthur says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    For an update to Jedi Pauly’s political asylum application in the UK, check out this at The Fogbow.

    That was absolutely fascinating! While your typical birther is nuts, Guthrie is a bull moose looney.

  135. Jim says:

    Andrew Vrba, PmG: Looks like Falcon and BSE just about have two more of the more acid tongued posters ready to quit Gerbil Report. At this rate it will be just the two of them.

    This brings up an interesting point to me…for almost 6 years we’ve been listening to Falcon claim we’d all be going to jail, etc, etc, etc….
    My question, what is the current tally on birthers that are in/have gone to jail for birthering and how many anti-birthers have gone to jail for protecting the President?

  136. Punchmaster via mobile says:

    Oh, Falcon promised nothing short of gallows and firing squads for the whole lot of us, but Romney losing to Obama prevented it, doncha know?

  137. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Punchmaster via mobile:
    Oh, Falcon promised nothing short of gallows and firing squads for the whole lot of us, but Romney losing to Obama prevented it, doncha know?

    For those unaware, that’s the screen name I use when I’m on my phone. That said, I wanted to expand on that post. A lot of birthers will talk about how they fear Obama pulling a “Night of the Long Knives” on them, but the only ones who talk about wishing to collect, and then doing harm to, their fellow American citizens, are them.

  138. Bonsall Obot says:

    After all these years, finding out what PmG means is a little anticlimactic.

  139. Crustacean says:

    Hmmph! I thought Andrew was a Postmaster General.

    Bonsall Obot:
    After all these years, finding out what PmG means is a little anticlimactic.

  140. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Mark Gillar on kpho is too busy telling everyone that liberals will be the ones in jail over this and yet the only ones going to jail on this are birthers.

  141. The Magic M (not logged in) says:

    Arthur: That was absolutely fascinating! While your typical birther is nuts, Guthrie is a bull moose looney.

    I noticed a few things:

    1. The idea that him getting asylum “because Obama doesn’t have two citizen parents” has any legal or even propaganda value is quite outlandish (yeah, I know, birthers have no problems with the Brits (!) agreeing with them that your government has no legal leg to stand on, they probably would’ve sided with King George had Washington been black).

    2. The Legal Choice of Doom – “I just fired my lawyer because I can do this ten times better than he can” said no successful pro se litigant ever.

    3. Then he pulls a Trump saying “I am blowing their minds and they can’t wait to get more!” which totally echoes “My investigators are in Hawaii and they can’t believe what they’re finding”.

    4. Charming hint of misogyny when he stresses “The two male interview officers of the Home Office “. I wonder why he left out “white”. Maybe they weren’t.

    5. The words “the process is moving forward in a timely fashion” eeriely sounds like Mike Zullo talking about how he will “venisoon” release stuff and is not behind any schedule at all, no Siree, despite letting birthers wait for 2+ years now,

  142. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Bonsall Obot:
    After all these years, finding out what PmG means is a little anticlimactic.

    Hmmph!I thought Andrew was a Postmaster General.

    I came up with the PmG thing a few years back, when we were ribbing certain birthers for adding meaningless titles to the end of their names, to sound all big and important. Rather than going for an Esquire, I wanted something more random and amusing, so Punchmaster General became a thing, on the grounds that its just as “important” as Esquire is these days. Sounds cooler too.

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