Monthly Archives: November 2014

The Joe Show: coming to cable

The Investigation Discovery cable TV channel has acquired the documentary, “The Joe Show,” reported Discovery Communications in a press release July 9. In the documentary, Sheriff Joe Arpaio was caught on tape telling his campaign staff that the birther issue … Continue reading

Posted in Joe Arpaio, Old News | Tagged , | 18 Comments

Strunk something

Christopher Earl Strunk had a court appearance on the 24th of November. An email from him appears at Gerbil Report™ and it provides a narrative of what happened. The problem with this report (and others of its kind) is that … Continue reading

Posted in Lawsuits | Tagged | 14 Comments

Taitz offline

Orly Taitz’ blog is offline as of 2:35 PM Eastern Time.   The 403 error is typically a configuration problem when the page is the home page of a web site. It says that the web server doesn’t have permission … Continue reading

Posted in Orly Taitz, The Blogs | Tagged | 20 Comments

Colmes v. Arpaio

The Fox News Channel has pretty much banned the discussion of birthers on its television network, but that doesn’t apply to Fox News Radio, where the lone liberal, Alan Colmes, has free reign. What happens when Alan Colmes gets to … Continue reading

Posted in Joe Arpaio, Videos | Tagged , , | 49 Comments

Arpaio v. Obama, and other legal stuff

Sheriff Joe Arpaio has not been lucky with attorneys lately. The Maricopa County Sheriff’s office has been operating under a court-appointed monitor after it was determined that they were guilty of racial profiling. Judge Snow appointed Robert Warshaw as the … Continue reading

Posted in Immigration, Joe Arpaio, Larry Klayman, Lawsuits | Tagged , , , | 66 Comments

The treason of images

“The Treason of Images” is one of the translations of the title of a painting by the Belgian surrealist painter René Magritte. For some reason that image came to me during lunch today and I thought of its application to … Continue reading

Posted in Birth Certificate | Tagged , , | 78 Comments