I just wanted to document for reference this business card from the Newsblaze site, supposedly that of Mike Zullo.
Just looking at it, one might get the mistaken impression that Zullo was an employee of the Sheriff’s Office.
I just wanted to document for reference this business card from the Newsblaze site, supposedly that of Mike Zullo.
Just looking at it, one might get the mistaken impression that Zullo was an employee of the Sheriff’s Office.
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Well that just shows that you don’t have the ability to SEE THE EVIDENCE FOR WHAT IT IS!!!
And just what is the “evidence” that you see and the rest of us have missed, Suranis?
Well it does not have Zullo’s Name ON THE SAME LINE as the MCSO so they are obviusly totally separate, silly Obot.
And the paper is Brown!!! See!!??!!
Ah, ok, missed that lol
Obviously, this business card is a forgery. Those funny blacked out areas give it away. A real business card would show the complete phone number and email address.
Am now checking for layers….
“Just looking at it, one might get the mistaken impression that Zullo was an employee of the Sheriff’s Office.”
Right Doc! So let me get this straight, the business card has the following elements:
Zullo has an official title.
There appears to be valid office number.
The email Address is that of the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office Domain.
The business card has a police badge on it.
The business card has an official Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office Letter Head on it.
So like you said we are lead to believe Mike Zullo is a real law enforcement officer but in reality when have to believe Brian Reilly that Mike Zullo actually is NOT a law enforcement officer and has No police powers what so ever.
I’m curious Doc. Were you aware when debating “Joe Mannix” regarding the penciled coding in these comments at Gerbil Report that were having a direct conversation with Mike Zullo?
The exchange between you and Zullo is in this thread:
If Zullo is a cop, then he should go to jail for accepting a bribe.
If he’s not a cop, then he should go to jail for impersonating a police officer.
Its funny reading that now and knowing its zullo making the replies.
do you think the “joe mannix” at GR is a different poster from the “joe mannix” at city-data?
Notice that he uses the term “Investigator” which has no legal meaning under Arizona law……like requiring a POST certificate, or something like that.
I’m not sure. I had concluded that Mannix was Zullo by mid May of 2014, but that exchange was in April.
Looking back at the care and detail that I put into those comments, I might have suspected it was Zullo. In any case, I am very glad that I did respond so thoroughly because Zullo knew then and there that he had no chance to wiggle out of his race code faux pas.
My first article mentioning Mannix was from September 2013, when I should have guessed it was Zullo, but didn’t.
Two issues with that.
First, the title on the card is not an official title. Second, the State of Arizona confirms that Zullo is not a law enforcement officer, not having certified with the POST. Zullo’s status has nothing to do with what Reilly says. A business card really means nothing.
Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office Posses
Many Roles. One Goal.
Though varied by skill set and interest, all the Posse groups have one goal — to support the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office personnel. All Posse groups train for, participate and respond to missions such as: Search & Rescue, Crime Prevention, Civic Functions, Disaster Relief and Emergency Support.
Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office Posse Roster by Category
Executive Posse
Instructor Posse
Metro Assistance Posse
Operations Posse
Special Projects Posse
Youth Education Posse
For those of you interested in joining the CCP:
The Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office holds recruiting meetings for the volunteer Posse program once a month. These volunteer, non-compensated positions are made up of people from all walks of who that want to do law enforcement work as a way to give back to their community.
In order to join the Posse program, a person must be at least 18 years old, a US citizen, have a valid Arizona driver’s license and be in good health. A person cannot have been convicted of any felonies or have any misdeamenor convictions in the last 12 months or record of improper personal conduct – which will be discovered during the background check – that may affect their suitability for law enforcement work.
Applicants must complete and have notarized a written application to start the process. The monthly recruiting meetings are held the third Wednesday of each month, except December, and begin at 6:30 p.m. at the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office Training Center, 2627 South 35th Avenue, just north of the intersection of 35th Avenue and Lower Buckeye Road, Phoenix, Arizona.
During the monthly recruitment meeting, interested recruits will be briefed on the Posse program, what to expect throughout the hiring process, training and complete or review the written application.
To expedite the recruitment process, interested recruits can download and complete a Posse recruitment application at the Posse Recruit Application link below. Completed applications must be notarized and brought to the monthly meeting for validation and processing. Do not print the application double-sided, only single-sided applications will be
Your point?
Those black boxes mean it’s been altered. It’s void. And null. It’s not a real business card. I want to turn Albert Renshaw loose on the pdf, and if there isn’t one, I demand that one be made.
Silly Obots, citing POST standards! He has a business card! And a BADGE! These confirm immense power upon those who wield them, as anyone who watches TV knows!
I’ll bet TV’s Joe Mannix had a similar business card. On TV it was called a prop.
So too did Paladin:
Fuzz T Was
November 2, 2014
“Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office Posses
Many Roles. One Goal.'”
Watch the Joe Show documentary. It really makes it clear. The Posse is used to give the impression of a large police presence. But they aren’t real cops. Just like Marcus Welby M.D., he wasn’t a real doctor, but he gave a very good impression.
My favorite-ist TV theme : Have Gun Will Travel
Paladin’s card > literally every other business card in existence.
It doesn’t matter if Zullo and the CCP are “REAL” cops. To make an issue out of that is just a Sol Alinsky, “Rules for Radical”, diversionary tactic. Assault the character or credentials of the messenger to divert attention from the message. It’s a tactic employed when the message has substance and is believable. When the message has no substance, why bother, it won’t be believed and will eventually die and be forgotten.
This Obama birth certificate issue just won’t die because their is substance and it is believable. It has created a whole cottage industry. We are here talking about it aren’t we? Whatever would Dr. Conspiracy do without it?
What is relevant here is does Arpaio and Zullo have the evidence they claim that proves Obama’s birth certificate is a forgery or don‘t they. That’s all that matters. I don’t know what they have and neither does anyone outside their loop. Let the chips fall where they may, I just want the truth and soon, one way or the other.
Fuz T Was:
It doesn’t matter if Zullo and the CCP are “REAL” cops. To make an issue out of that is just a Sol Alinsky, “Rules for Radical”, diversionary tactic.
Actually Fuzzy, it does matter. If Mr. Zullo is a real cop as everyone seems to think, accepting a $10,000 personal gift from a big time birther could be a problem. Some here have suggested this could be considered a bribe. In the real world that could not only taint the evidence but the entire investigation. This has nothing to do with Saul Alinsky and everything to do with Mike Zullo’s actions.
What is the “substance” that you find believable?
You are absolutely correct.
Arpaio and Zullo first announced that there was probable cause to believe the birth certificate was a forgery in July 2012.
So……why do you think no “chips” have managed to fall in the intervening 28 months?
How long are you willing to wait?
* Obama sekrit Kenyan
* Obama sekrit Moosleim
* Obama teleprompter
* Obama elitist
* Obama golf
* Obama vacations
… you mean like that?
But really not, because what you’ve described is not one of the twelve “Rules for Radicals” that Alinsky synthesized. (Feel free to look stuff up before you say things! Learning is fun!)
Your rule, which I’d summarize as “make crap up and see if it will stick” is more from the Atwater/Rove/O’Keefe playbook.
The credibility of an accuser is always an issue. Zullo has made accusations about Obama’s birth certificare – accusations which have not been backed up by any evidence – so of course his credibility is an issue.
17 months ago Zullo claimed that he had “100% proof” that Obama’s birth certificate is a forgery. 17 months ago! What is he waiting for? Why won’t Zullo release the Reed Hayes report? What is he hiding?
Actually, we know why Zullo hasn’t released his “evidence.” He hasn’t released it because all of it has been thoroughly debunked. It has been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that the so-called anomalies in the PDF copy of the birth certificate are actually standard characteristics of the Xerox WorkStation copier which was used to make the PDF copy. It likewise has been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that Zullo lied when he said that he had the 1961 birth certificate codes.
We also know that the State of Hawaii has repeatedly verified that Obama was born in Honolulu on August 4, 1961.
But by all means, continue to wait for Zullo to release his “evidence.” I just wouldn’t recommend holding your breath until he releases it.
1. Perhaps it’s different where you live, but pretending to be a cop when you’re not is a _crime_ in Arizona.
2. Soliciting contributions to support “an official law enforcement investigation” when you’re actually running a publicity stunt for a politician is a _felony_.
3. Pretending to be a cop to lend unjustified credibility to your claims is at least immoral, and would also be illegal if it were part of #2.
It’s also a tactic employed when con men use false credentials to sucker fools like you into believing that there’s substance to their nonsense.
We know that everything they have presented to date has been either:
a. incompetent speculation, or
b. outright fabrication.
We know that they’re currently working with a notorious con man who specializes in fabricating fake “evidence”.
So we can assume, with a very high level of confidence, that what they’re hiding will be no better than what they’ve already produced.
The chips have fallen. You have the truth. You just don’t like it.
Blog about Radios, building houses, and Choir Practice.
Just as it doesn’t matter if it was a “real investigation” you birthers don’t seem to give a crap.
Interesting timing considering the payment was made in May 2012
Convene a grand jury at the local dennys?
Just a coincidence. I’m sure. Honest.
Any day now.
Mmmm, no. The “probable cause” announcement was at the first debacle, in March.
The second one (which, amusingly, Gerbil Report has incorrectly identified as the first in their recent screeds and videos) was where they announced they were certain.
“That’s a joke son, ah say that’s a joke!”
Foghorn J. Leghorn
(Kinda like the Cold Case Posse investigation.)
Ran Talbott
“Mmmm, no. The “probable cause” announcement was at the first debacle, in March.”
March 1, 2012
Probably engage in some other sort of hobby. This isn’t a meal ticket for him, or a way of life.
LOL Sol Alinsky – He has a sunny disposition I guess? Comedy gold, you armchair fake patriots have to spew your nonsense so badly you can’t even manage to spell it as you blather.
Seriously, when does claiming “Saul Alinsky,” become a “Saul Alinsky,” tactic in and of itself? It would appear that Saul Alinsky has become the new replacement for Godwin’s Law in political discussion circles.
“As an online political discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Rules for Radicals and/or Saul Alinsky approaches 1”
Initially, Zullo prepostered to claim that he was out to prove that there was NO rabbit hole. Then he announced he had probable cause to believe that there WAS a rabbit hole, when actually, he was just desperately trying to dig one himself! Failing to create that rabbit hole, he is now futily trying to conjure up a way to distance himself from that imaginary rabbit hole’s “ground Zullo” before literally handfuls of lunatic Birthers trample him, trying to go down the hole to join him.
It’s going to be hard to fool the little boy anymore after the wolf has called out “Townspeople” so many times.
Almost from the beginning, the Birther narrative relied on frequently getting the horse before the cart; that narrative has long since regressed to requiring the horse to be IN the cart.
Yep, it will be interesting as the birthers discover that there is no rabbit hole…just Zullo’s a$$hole. Of course, for most of them it will be just like home. 😀
Warned about what, that you’re f’ing nuts?! You’ve never been in the same vicinity as George Bush, Bill Clinton or any of the other people you claim to have known. Nobody takes you seriously because you’re crazy and you prove it with every NEW version of the stories you tell. It’s impossible for you to keep all those lies straight!
Honestly, Nancy. I’m surprised Doc lets you post here, given your penchant for ethnic slur-ridden tirades.
I do recall that Doc banned her, but she seems to have found a way around that.
Between the 2008 and the 2012 Presidential elections, hoping to influence the outcome, Obama haters unleashed a never-ending torrent of unfounded, speculation based accusations that Obama was not born in Hawaii. Most of these charges were accompanied by demands that Obama show what individuals declared would be FOR THEM the necessary proof OF Hawaiian birth in a variety of ways.
The haters were infuriated when Obama reluctantly finally had Hawaii officially confirm his birth in that state publicly in a format now used routinely because that OFFICIALLY proved them wrong! There being no reasonable way to send out to the American people over 300 million individual Hawaiian certified copies of his birth certificate, the White House published an informational likeness on their web site, which Hawaii officially confirmed contained all the same matching vital birth information as the one they sent to the White House.
The haters now want to claim, by using the word “forgery”, that the very creation and public display of a likeness that is anything less than a certified raised-stamp copy sent by Hawaii, constitutes some sort of serious “crime”.
No governmental charging authority, including the cold case posse’s own county attorney, agrees with them. Common sense and fair play do not agree with them for that matter. Haters can’t falsely accuse someone of carrying counterfeit money in their wallet, and then accuse them of forgery when they have a Treasury Agent verify that the bills are authentic and take and display a photograph of the agent holding up the bills being examined to the camera! The falsely accused in such a case is not committing fraud by photographing US currency! There is no attempt to defraud – only an effort to disprove a false charge.
The online likeness of Obama’s BC has not been submitted officially by Obama for any legal purpose; a certified original copy will be delivered in any such instance.
No doubt exists in any one’s mind about the fact that Obama was officially born in Hawaii and that the online likeness of his BC constituted no act of forgery with an attempt to defraud anyone. Obama haters want to blather on about Obama being a fraud himself; when they carry that attitude into formulating an opinion about the legality of something he has done, they make idiots of themselves.
Although we really should require him to carry malpractice insurance when he does.
I think he should invest in the new musical business card.
Oh, wait… You said “voice.” I read “teeth.”
I find his voice to be more abrasive than his teeth ever could be, and capable to penetrating skin. Whenever I happen to hear his voice, my ear drums hurt.
100 West Washington, Suite ??????
That is the Wells Fargo Plaza, a 27-story commercial office building. Do I have to visit every office on every floor to find the Investigamatation Department?
Nah: just ask the SEC or the Postal Inspector’s office to lend you one of their fraud-sniffing dogs, and turn it loose in the lobby…
Kate give Nancy time I’m sure she’ll retcon you into her stories as well.
Quote the cuckoo, “Nevermore!”