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I can help you there. To begin with, ZulloMoore had a major criminal discovery, acid-burned fingerprints, just handed to him by me while having never left his desk. Because of this, many people in the investigative fields hold him in high regard and he’s not going to give up his fake reputation at any cost.
Bottom line, he is what everybody says he is. A traffic cop who feared going into the backwoods of Florida where the real hard core cartel members lived. There’s more to this. But, I’ll share it at a later date. Suffice it to say, if I recall correctly, some of his family members were murdered at this time because brother Frank wasn’t as dim witted as brother ZulloMoore.
Lol no one in the investigative fields hold Zullo in high regards. No one has ever heard of him. What about Mike Volin and Mark Gilar?
Let me add that I remember Sharon Rondeau as well. The very first day the new Sheriff Vaughn came into the County sub station Rondeau and I were “encouraged” to give Vaughn and his son, murdered within just a few years because the boy just simply lacked any sort of intelligence, that sort of “special” welcome-to-the-family greeting. In other words, Vaughn was compromised from day one and rendered completely ineffective at policing our little community.
This satement seems to line up with the screwy Obot logic frequently spewed by Mr. C regarding the CCP’s ONGOING investigation into the “birth certificate”.
The following quote sums it up nicely…
Childishness is What Liberalism Is All About
Canada Free Press ^ | 10/31/14 | Tim Dunkin
Posted on Friday, October 31, 2014 8:37:11 PM by Sean_Anthony
Immaturity. Self-indulgence. Irresponsibility. These are what liberalism is all about
Anyone who regularly uses common sense knows that liberals are almost always wrong. Wrong in their opinions, wrong in their justifications, wrong in their worldview. There is not an area in our social or political discourse in which liberals don’t regularly say or do things that simply make no sense to people who expect rational behavior on the part of others. More often than not, normal people find themselves looking at liberals and wondering, “What were they thinking???”
Now, it’s alright to be wrong. Everybody gets something wrong every once in a while. I even get things wrong very occasionally. But it’s how we get them wrong that makes the difference. You can be wrong, yet be wrong in a “right” sort of way. One can be in error about something, yet still demonstrate that one is thinking seriously about a question, or has access to relevant facts and pertinent arguments. Even Einstein made a few mistakes in his thinking and his arguments. But I think we can all agree that Einstein nevertheless was on the ball with respect to his areas of specialty.
(Excerpt) Read more at …
And both shoes fit in Mr. C’s case…
Have you tried checking your blinker fluid?
If you’re Zullo and Arpaio, as long as it takes for all opposing witnesses to die off. I hope you realize that this is exactly what’s taking place. If they gave a time limit for prosecution of murder, many of these cases would’ve been solved long before now. ZulloMoore had a brother murdered, yes, by me, and Arpaio, if he is who I think he is, had a son and several deputies murdered under his watch.
Mind you, his “watch” was sitting his fat behind on a couch in front of the TV set trusting that the men under his command were doing their jobs. They weren’t and little Deputy Vaughn, Jr. lost his life because of it.
See, ultimately, Arpaio will have to face his wife and tell her the truth about Junior and the fact that he couldn’t keep it in his pants despite having a wife, which ain’t gonna happen. He will have to face the producers of the “Joe Show” and tell them that he’s nothing but a fake and that ain’t gonna happen.
Ask Arpaio if his son was shot and killed in the line of duty in South Florida and let me know what he says. If he says yes, I promise, I’ll write out an affidavit ASAP. He has to agree to submit it to the, and I use the term loosely, “authorities,” the news outlets, and the producer of his new show.
He’s a coward. It’ll never happen. Same deal goes for ZulloMoore. Let’s stop the puppy yelping and start getting down to the nitty gritty because I am, quite frankly, sick and tired of staring at this computer screen expecting somebody to man up and I’m sure ya’ll are all sick and tired of listening to me as well.
OK, so we’re waiting for ZulloMoore and Arpaio to get the horse before the cart? In forty years it has never happened. There is a horse and she’s pulled many a cart to success including Zullo with his “Breakthrough” acid burning fingerprint. But, Zullo, on his own has no cart. Just a bunch of hot wind which nobody falling for anymore.
Do you really think, having acquired that cart through absolute NO EFFORT on his part, that he’s going to give it up now?
Even a murdered brother, who skillfully caught the acid burns on my own fingerprints which prompted me to kill him, couldn’t move that faux investigator back in the early 80’s. It’s time for someone to file charges on Zullo because my website has been up for over a year and he can’t claim ignorance of its existence. Volin hung up on me. Gallups hung up on me. Arpaio refused to answer my emails.
Well, Nancy, that sounds like they are part of a conspiracy to cover up your whistle-blogging. I’d say you should get a political-fund-raising Sheriff after them, and make DVD copies of all the evidence you share with the sheriff, and then if that sheriff doesn’t get the job done, send those copies to every sane person you know, (ask around if that number is zero) and call it a “Sheriff’s Kaboodle” . That will help normally intelligent people see where you’re coming from.
It’s worked real well for Mike Volin. Everybody he sent a kit to is glad they escaped with their lives. He’s the small time beverage distributor in New Jersey that the Framers wanted to ultimately settle all disputes about what the Constitution means, instead of the judiciary. Oh, excuse me – just the parts of the Constitution he’s interested in during a black President’s term of office. That expert’s name again, MIKE VOLIN. Read some of his Constitutional crap. You can tell that he’s not got a lot to learn.
Let’s see. They’ve killed off any political opponents and most of the military so we’re left with what for 2016? CIA Agent killing Bush, let’s blame it on Oliver North and “My pimp daddy Vince Foster’s watching over me like a hawk so try to make it feel real good” drunkard Hillary Clinton?
We all know voting is nothing but a joke these days. Do we still have a military, I wonder? I have no idea who’s up to bat tomorrow other than “Yes, I’ll take your cocaine cartel cash while you murder off whites (Adam Walsh) and our brass for Fidel Castro/Russia” Charlie Christ and Rick Scott.
I’m not going to waste my time.
You have no idea how happy that makes America.
No, Nancy, “we” do not know that. Please – and I can NOT emphasize this enough – speak for yourself.
Oh, you mean the TWO kits that made it to the White House? I can’t remember where I heard that one, yes I do, KNUS Peter Boyles just a week or so ago. Nobody’s interested in this info. It’s TOO EMBARRASSING for them.
This country is going down the tubes but they don’t want to BE EMBARRASSED so they continue the cover up. How much land has Russia taken from us so far?
Seven islands and they’re working on Ukraine if I’m not mistaken. Do NOT expect this to stop. But, under NO CIRCUMSTANCES should we to allow these filthy politicians to be embarrassed.
Smart people… What else should they do? Take you seriously?
As one who did contract kills for the politicians, trust me, it IS a huge joke.
“Where’s Waldo?”
*knowing smile* Many people throughout the years did not and now they can’t say they weren’t warned.
Alas Nancy dear, you are the joke, as someone who killed not infrequently for Queen and Country your bullshit annoys me intensely.
Leave the nice folks here free of your garbage and post your insane meanderings over at Birther Report, Free Republic or Above Top Secret.
Ok, just ignore all of those illegal immigrants coming across our non-existent borders. (what happend to that 8 mill/bill? slated for a border fence?) As for Queen and Country, I don’t doubt that. *wink* Was Princess Di’s murder actually a drug deal gone bad in South Florida? I guess they didn’t trust you enough to do that one, eh bovril?
Oh, no. Surely those greedy politicians didn’t all end up in the exact same location just as the cocaine trade was getting started in a remote area of South Florida? Yeah, no way, huh? And the Medellin Cartel managed to blossom with all of its members living thousands of miles apart? Yeah, no way they all STARTED out in the exact same location? It’s just not possible, is it? Go ask Alex Jones. It’s no longer a conspiracy theory. It’s a conspiracy fact. Alex Jones for 2016?
Hear, hear! Alex Jones is America’s top choice for using his voice to lance the infected anal glands of arthritic dachshunds.
Alex Jones? He’s the leading conspiracy theorist for 9/11, Birthers and all the other ridiculous conspiracy theories you can read about online. His tin foil hat is way too tight. As for you, Nancy, you’re just nuts! NOBODY BELIEVES ANYTHING YOU SAY!
that you won’t let me post here is all the proof i, as a birther need.
I just reread this post and I’m putting proof of something on Facebook for you right now. Read it carefully and note the location which is Conway, Arkansas, 13 miles north of Little Rock:
Nancy, the very FIRST time you posted that pic is when you started claiming you wn ere in Arkansas in the early ’80’s. You also said you worked at the Sheriff’s office, went to PBCC and lived in Clewiston at the same time. That pic may or may not be your truck but you’re certainly not the only Nancy Ruth Owens in the country. Just like you noted a slight resemblance to President Obama’s sister after having been online and posting since the election, you didn’t mention any nonsense about allegedly being related to him until almost 2 years ago. Yet you had referenced him in posts prior to that! You find things and then add to your fairy tales. When you first started telling the stories about Pablo, you said that Clinton lied when he said he had him killed. Clinton never said it was because of him. It’s also strange that you talked about that for almost two years and then suddenly post this pic and say you were the one who obtained the blue dress and gave it to Mike Volin! Mike Volin had nothing to do with Zullo and Arpaio until the past 2 years with his website about the b.c. He didn’t know them before this and no matter what nonsense you try to spin, nobody will ever believe you. A picture of a truck in an accident doesn’t mean it was your truck. Mentioning the other driver by name, including her middle initial, didn’t add credibility. It was more surprising that you allegedly remembered it yet there it is in the pic. Nice try, but you’re still full of shit!
Ah, so now the veneer of pacifism has been ripped away, and you’re making “open threat”s, instead of “open thread”s 😉
I just came across a couple of comments I posted here and elsewhere a few days short of exactly a year ago. They reference a statement Zullo made “recently” (as of then) that his technical resources shouldn’t be called “experts”. I _think_ he was talking to Gall-oops on Free Dumb Friday, and was trying to spin the exposure of his “experts” lack of credentials by suggesting they should be called “professionals”, instead. I’m pretty sure I’m right about it being oral, because I couldn’t find it with google.
Does anyone have a better recollection and/or a link to the Youtube video where I probably heard it? It would make a nice clue-by-four to whack those who keep babbling about “official law enforcement” and “document experts”.
I think I’ll leave that typo as it is.
Well, Leonard Pitts is all out of bubblegum.
Wow. Talk about “service”… Did you suffer through the first 5+ minutes to find that, or did you have it bookmarked? 😉
Thank you very much. That’s exactly what I was thinking of. And it’s even more ironic than I remembered, since he talks about the term “expert” being over-used, and thinks that “professional” is somehow better.
Of course, he would _have_ to think that, since everyone on his “panel” who tried to get accepted as an “expert by a court got rejected.
Really? So, what did I do here? Go back and search every Little Rock, Arkansas newspaper article from thirty-five years for anything with my name on it? C’mon. Even to you, that must sound as asinine as it comes. And, coincidentally I look like Obama and the little girl in the picture? Oh, not to mention my websites and blogs have been up and running for almost two years now with no challenge from the courts.
Since he’s the president and has the authority to seal all of his personal records, done on day one according to Alex Jones, wouldn’t he have the authority to shut down ALL of my websites and blogs?
Mike Volin is the one who brought the blue dress to the forefront and he had asked me if I wanted to testify. I said no because the man I was, and still am, living with is reportedly the son of Ralph Sonny Barger, leader of the Hell’s Angels which I am very inclined to believe since Pablo Escobar was murdered by me on or about October 2, 1990 in Melbourne Beach, Florida under the watch of the Hell’s Angels and this is, to the best of my recollection, the only time I ever met Mr. Barger.
I don’t think they expected things to turn out as they did but I had a newborn child to protect and if there’s one thing Pablo hated, it was being challenged by any male.
Well, as Dr. Thompson said, when the going gets weird…
One of Nancy’s more ridiculous claims is that Mike Zullo is actually Mike Moore, a retired Deputy Sheriff in Hendry County, Florida. While there is a very superficial resemblance, Mike Moore is 67 years old and still lives in Clewiston, Florida. Mike Zullo is 54 years old and lives in Arizona.
Here is a recent photo of Mike Moore:
And here is a recent photo of Mike Zullo:
Commenters here have repeatedly called upon Nancy to seek medical help, but she apparently prefers to live in her fantasy world.
Exactly. Russia and Cuba currently have dominion over the U.S. I am awaiting their orders activating the FEMA camp detention of subversives.
I saw your name near the top of the round up list. You had better join Jedi Pauley in London where you can get sanctuary..
That would be a pretty good trick, considering that Sonny Barger was in prison in Arizona between 1988 and 1992.
In November 1987, Barger was arrested for conspiracy in interstate bombing based on evidence produced by a high-level FBI informant, West Coast representative Anthony Tait. Tait had pretended to be planning the bombing of the Outlaws clubhouse in Chicago and tried to muster the support of several Hell’s Angels, including Barger who after a five-months trial in Kentucky was convicted of conspiracy to violate federal law to commit murder. He served his time in Phoenix, Arizona, until 1992.
Poor Nancy, caught in yet another lie.
So was Sermon Dyess, Jr for seven years. But, really he wasn’t. I found that one out the hard way. You think they’re serving time in prison and the next thing you know they’re (Dyess) coming to your child’s school trying to molest them saying to the principal, “I have to get right back home. Remember, I supposed to be in prison.”
One of these days you’ll realize that almost everything the gov. says is nothing but one massive lie.
And, here is Mike Volin of the CCP saying otherwise.
Republican who claims Obama is possessed by demons elected to Colorado House:
I am collecting transcripts onto a new Transcripts page under the site’s Bookmarks menu.
ZulloMoore will play victim, of course.
Well, for what it’s worth, I made a very limited partial transcript of the Purpura v. Obama hearing, focusing on the stipulation birthers insist was an admission of forgery:
Judge Masin pointed out that testimony regarding the authenticity of something that hadn’t been presented as evidence in the first place was irrelevant. Mario then said,
“That’s perfectly fine with our position, provided that counsel is willing to stipulate that whatever’s on the internet will not be considered as evidence of a birth certificate either by your honor or the Secretary of State.”
Judge Masin then discussed the Secretary of State’s role, and reiterated that such testimony was irrelevant. The exchange continued–
Mario: Can we have a clear stipulation that that internet birth certificate is in no way evidence in any shape or form whether or not…
Judge Masin: In this case.
Mario: Yes, in this case.
Judge Masin: It’s not before me. It’s not in the record.
Mario: Can we have a stipulation?
Judge Masin: Miss Hill?
Alexandra Hill: I’m not– I’m not presenting it in this case, no.
Mario: The internet image…
Alexandra Hill: I don’t have it. Sorry, I don’t have it.
Judge Masin: It’s not here. I can assure you, I’ve never seen it; I haven’t looked at it; I’m certainly not going to look at it in regard to deciding this case. It has not been offered; it’s not in the record and if the Secretary– and, and my understanding of the law, and I’ve been doing this for a long time, is the Secretary of State can’t suddenly look at the internet and say “Oh, there’s the birth certificate, ” because that would be outside the record of this case.
Mario then agreed that his witness was not needed–
Mario: Again, that’s based on the stipulation that that internet image is nonexistent…
Judge Masin: Well, it’s not that it’s nonexistent– it is not in the record of this case.
Mario: This case…
Judge Masin: And that’s all I can decide this case on, is the record of this case. I could not look here anywhere and say “Ah! somebody gave me the birth certificate of Barack Obama.” It’s not here.
When I use that, I usually include a link to Mario’s statement on his own website:
“I am not personally aware of Ms. Hill ever admitting during the court proceedings that the posted image of the 4-27-11 birth certificate is a forgery. What she did stipulate to is that the image was not to be used as evidence in the court proceeding or by the NJ Secretary of State and that there was no other evidence before the court or the Secretary of State as to Obama’s identity or place of birth. She said such evidence was all irrelevant to Obama getting on the NJ primary election ballot. ALJ Masin confirmed with her that that was her position and that there was no evidence before the court as to Obama’s identity or place of birth and that such evidence was irrelevant. She agreed with the judge’s assessment and the case proceeded on that basis,”
an instance of honesty for which I commend him.
After he tried so hard to make Ms Hill agree that the image is “non-existent”? Not really.
It was a dirty trick on par with Van Irion’s attempt to have the judge give him default judgment against a non-existing defendant.
Well, yeah, but I’m talking about what he said on his website in response to someone making that “admission of forgery” claim. I’ll give the devil his due on THAT one.
My favorite part was when Apuzzo said that Obama had put the birth certificate on a coffee mug, and Judge Masin replied: “In this case, I don’t have a mug.”
There’s a lot to love there. One of my favorite parts was when Alexandra Hill asked Nick Purpura if he had any PROOF he was a registered voter. The whole thing about Nick and Ted and their attorney going on about the President being called “Barry” really cracked me up.
Why not?
ZulloMoore has been doing it since the 80’s when we worked at the Hendry County Sheriff’s Department (FL) and very few people have caught on to it. He’s a master at the, “It’s under investigation and I can’t talk about it,” routine.
Obama’s middle name is Allen and he’s from South Florida.
Well, not exactly related to birtherism, but just further evidence that it doesn’t take too much in the intelligence department to be a birther in the first place. Rev. Manning went public with his acceptance of another unbelievable story:
Why we hate America:
If she knew everyone’s names on here, we’d all be included in her fairy tales! She gets her dates and times mixed up on everything. She now claims she only forged the short form and someone else did the LFBC because of a “comma error” she made on the short form. Remember how she told you on RCRadio that the name Obama was selected from the Bible? Now she’s changed the story to having selected a family from public data in Hawaii to sub as Obama’s family. When she and Griselda allegedly went to Hawaii after the b.c. was forged, she realized she had to get rid of the family and said “and so it was done.”
This fact has been brought up so many times but she doesn’t want to listen and doesn’t want anyone else to believe because then her alleged history with Zullo, her killing of Arpaio’s family and the recently added, Volin, becomes even more senseless. The two men look nothing alike and have clearly been living in different states thousands of miles apart but that never stops Nancy.
She’s also taken Escobar’s life in Colombia and transported it and the compound he built to Florida despite the fact that he stayed as far away from the U.S. as possible and built his own prison in Colombia to avoid extradition to the U.S.
She’s an attention whore and a liar. I wonder if she’s actually convinced herself that the crap she spews is true, has she reached that level of crazy?
That’s interesting because at different times she claimed she only did the short form. Then she claimed she did both. Now she’s back to the short form. When I asked her if she signed Ann Dunham’s name on the short form she said yes. The problem is no signature appears on the short form. She then moved to claiming the long form.
I just think it’s funny how all these so-called events in her fiction writing all take place in the same backwater town in florida that has at most 4000 people in it. What would all these historical figures be doing in such a backwater town? Obviously something bad happened to her in that town that she has to revolve all her stories around it.
I have contacted Van Irion many times about his client, Walter Fitzpatrick, and gotten nowhere.
What he told me was the Walter’s original charge pertaining to the birth certificate had been dropped and that the charges for which he was serving three years were stemming from the initial claim of Obama’s birth certificate.
Van Irion also failed to tell me he had just returned from court where he lost an appeal for Fitzpatrick. He did acknowledge an email I sent to him from three weeks earlier where I identified myself as Obama’s forger.
I also penned an open letter to Walter on the “Before It’s News” website.
Other than that, I have heard nothing from Van Irion or the Fitzpatrick family. Some of those videos of Walter look like they’re from South Florida in the 80’s.
Getting riled up by Nancy for making insane claims is like getting mad at a dog for eating its own vomit. It’s just what they do.
Another of Nancy’s easily debunked fantasies is that Nancy Pelosi is related to Joseph P. D’Alessandro, a former Florida state attorney who supposedly had some connection with the drug carter.
The problem is that Pelosi’s maiden name is D’Alesandro, not D’Alessandro. When confronted with this fact, Nancy claimed that Pelosi dropped one “s” from her maiden name in an effort to hide her supposed relationship. Unfortunately for Nancy, the D’Alesandro family has been involved in Maryland politics for decades and Pelosi’s father, Thomas D’Alesandro, was mayor of Baltimore from 1947 to 1959. Contemporaneous newspaper clippings confirm that the family name has always been spelled “D’Alesandro.”
Adding an “s” or taking off an “s” nothing. When you have complete access to records, anything is possible. The cocaine trade has made many, many people filthy rich. History is written by those who survive. Not those who have been murdered or silenced. So, why don’t they produce a birth certificate for Obama?
The crazies at Gerbil Report aren’t all that optimistic that a Republican held congress is going to do their cause a lick of good. I find it very hard to believe that common sense has sunk in with that lot, so there must be some other reason for them allowing a sliver of reality to seep into their minds.
I have made a video specifically for the bloggers of Doc’s website which can be found here:
Remember Illinois birther Sharon Meroni (a.k.a. Chalice Jackson)? Apparently, she’s still getting up to tricks: Report: Birther Behind Misleading Chicago Election Judge Robocalls (AUDIO)
Once one side attributes omnipotence to the conspirators, rational discussion is over.
They even changed the spelling on the the grave of Nancy Pelosi’s father, and apparently nobody but you noticed. That’s some conspiracy!
And here is Mike Moore at a lodge meeting in Florida six months ago. He’s the one with the mustache. Does he look like Mike Zullo to you?
When have we ever seen rational discussion?
I stand by what Volin said. I asked him several times if that was really Mike Moore and he said, “Yes.” I said something about the fact that he has aged quite well at which point he could have corrected me. He could also have corrected via a response video or comment on the birther blogs. He didn’t. And, not only that, but he refuses to take my calls for clarification.
So in other words there’s nothing to back up the crap you spew yet you’ll continue to do it anyway. This is just as stupid as Martha Trowbridge claiming all the records that support her made up nonsense have been exchanged with records that only support that she made it up.
Noone cares Nancy.
It’s also just as stupid as Barry Soetero Esq. at Gerbil Report saying that there has been a massive coverup to hide the “fact” that Sandy Hook Elementary School was closed two years before the shootings.
Nancy would have us believe that every public record, every microfilmed newspaper story, every birth certificate, death certificate, and marriage certificate has been altered to change the spelling of Nancy Pelosi’s maiden name from D’Alessandro to D’Alesandro. And of course all of this was done without anyone noticing.
I’ll pull a Donald Trump here, “Where’s the birth certificate?” And, “What was Pelosi’s motivation for signing off on a PDF file?”
My favorite soap opera, “As the DARPA Gerbil Turns” is starting to heat up again. Here is a quick recap: After the civil war started, Scott was driven from the site and both Tweetie-Bird and Lithium Barry ravaged him and anyone that tried to defend him for more than a week. But the host of LunaticReport finally had enough of the Sandy Hook nonsense and told Barry to ‘take it down the road’ and stop spamming. That took the wind out of his sails (since that was 90% of what he posted) and gave those who had been defending Scott more courage to fight back, since the whole fight was about spamming the Sandy Hook nonsense. Now, Scott has sensed the winds of change…and he has returned! He started posting again this morning and now both sides are claiming that the other side is the one that is trying to cause harm to the birther movement. I have a feeling things are going to get good in the next few days and that ultimately the host is going to have to take sides because it will be too much of a distraction. It was very entertaining when this all blew up last week, and I felt a little dissapointed when it seemed to die down. But never underestimate the birthers’ ability to be their own worst enemies! Popcorn time is BACK!
You know that Mike Volin denies having ever said that to you and that you didn’t ask for his permission to record him. You could have easily doctored that video because everything after that statement doesn’t make much sense, either. However, whether you doctored the video or not, the fact remains that Mike Moore and Mike Zullo are two unique individuals, with Moore currently living in FL, Zullo living in AZ and both having done so for decades. When are you going to admit you’re wrong, Nancy?
Here’s some secret video that captures the infighting going on at Gerbil Report!
Twas birthers killed birtherism.
Yes, by too often saying things like, “Out, damned black spot!”
Omnipotence implies omniscience (not the other way around) so the conspirators would’ve known about 2008 birtherism many years before 2008, so why did they even allow birthers to exist? They could easily have arranged that Berg, Orly and Apuzzo were never born in the first place. 😉
But it doesn’t necessarily include it. The mere ability to do stuff at a certain level is not always accompanied by an equal ability to foresee the consequences. The Iraq War and teenage drivers come to mind…
Perhaps a downgrade to “plenipotent” would help? Or “pluripotent”: big conspiracies are always comprised of many cells 😉
Glenn Beck Sick With Mysterious Neurological Illness
What is so mysterious about Foot in Mouth Disease? He’s always going on about some stupid thing or another. His foot is just about permanently lodged in his mouth. He hardly has room to put his tongue in his cheek when he talks about gold. There is even a Glenn Beck Conspiracy Theory Generator to help people understand what the heck he is talking about (not).
What’s that?
The disease is called Foot AND Mouth Disease?
And Glen Beck doesn’t have it?
Oh, thats very different then.
Never mind.
By the way, it is the 11th of the 11th in the USA now. Try to remember to take a moment of silence at the 11th hour, won’t you?
Lest We Forget Part 1
Lest We Forget Part 2
I’m not going to waste my time trying to convince someone who can’t even trust THEIR OWN EYES. You’ve watched the video. You heard what he said. I did not doctor the video. ‘Nuff said.
Your own actions betray your words. You do waste your time trying to convince “us” which is why you spam your links all over the place. You seek attention because obviously you’re not getting any at home.
I repeat, “‘Nuff said.”
Thanks for the admission that your stories are all made up.
Correct. Being omnipotent means you can make yourself omniscient, not that you have to. 😉
You’ve got it all wrong, of course. I do trust my own eyes, thoroughly, and I can see the marked difference between photos of Zullo and Moore. I also know that one person cannot be in two different places at the same time. Where is Moore? Living in FL as of TODAY! Where is Zullo? Living in AZ, as of TODAY! You never admit when you’re wrong and don’t want to admit that Volin was either dead wrong or didn’t say what he said and you doctored the video. Or he could have been playing with the crazy lady not realizing how stupid that would be and not ever imagining that you would try to drag him into your alleged past history. You surely have some proof of your past, right? Pictures with all these people? I’m certain Bush, Jr. was running around all over S. Florida in ’82 (one of the years you said you were in Arkansas) especially indifferent to who saw him with major criminal figures like Escobar all the while his father was running for V.P. on the Reagan/Bush ticket.
What you fail to realize is that nobody will ever believe anything you’ve said. You talked about Clinton for over 2 years and failed to mention he raped you until a couple months ago. You even mentioned what a hero Lewinsky was for proving Clinton to be a liar. A dress that was over 10 years old would not have been able to be faked as if it was recently worn and the evidence would have been degraded. You have this craving for attention yet your wild stories have people either pitying you or ridiculing you. There’s no in-between. That, in itself, is pitiful and the sign of a very sick person.
It sounds like it’s not me you’re trying to convince but yourself. Bush Jr. was in South Florida with Pablo Escobar. I guess you’ve never heard of planes, trains, and automobiles. Look ’em up on wikipedia. ‘Nuff said.
Wow, birdboy is on a bonafide rampage at Gerbil Report. He’s attacking anyone and everyone he suspects might so much as politely disagree with him. I like where this is going. I like where this is going, a lot!
He claims he was once married. I can’t imagine why his wife would have divorced him.
Wait, Nancy Owens killed Arpaio’s family? At his point, composing a list of people whom Nancy Owens didn’t kill sounds easier than composing a list of people whom she did.
She knew Arpaio by another name, of course, when he allegedly lived in So. FL. I think she’s claiming it was Vaughan. Or that he’s related to an entire family that she killed in AZ because the owner of the home where she was staying (after talking herself out of charges of murder AGAIN) was going to call other LEO or something like that. She got away with that murder, too, by running outside yelling that somebody killed the entire family. I might have some of the details mixed up, she’s claimed to have killed so many people and the stories are so wildly fabricated that it’s difficult to keep track of any of them. She actually told one story of which she said, “I might have imagined all of this” and admitted there was a possibility that none of it was true. She should add that line to all her videos.
The best line for her videos would be:
rm -rf *
Arpaio=Vaughn. He looks an awful lot like our former Sheriff. Thanks. I think you just gave it away.
According to Nancy south Florida is the matrix and everyone lives in her small backwater town. since she rarely travels the conspiracy has yo come to her.
Rarely travels? In the early 80’s I was all over the place. What makes you think I didn’t travel? Oh, let me guess, the “official,” AKA “elitist drug dealer,” records have me living in just one or two places.
Apparently having Obots to argue with was the only reason LDS continued posting on his blog. Its been one month since he posted anything. No new comically far fetched stories, to updates on his supposed impending extradition. Coincidentally, that’s also when the obots stopped posting there. I’m thinking of hitting the hornets nest with a stick, just to see what comes crawling out.
It hardly makes sense to maintain a blog that nobody reads, unless it’s just a diary, which is not what Smith was doing. I personally haven’t been over there in ages because he has no influence on the birther movement.
How many years ago were “the 80s” 3 decades. What you claimed to have done back then has nothing to do with what you’ve done now. I’m sure the super duper top secret spy club has records on you… uh huh. sure.
OK, I wandered over there for the first time in months…maybe a couple of years. This is what struck me…
When I was in college, my girlfriend was a huge “All My Children” fan. We scheduled our classes around it, our activities. She just couldn’t stand to miss an episode. Flash forward 3 years later, my new girlfriend takes me to meet her parents and her mother is a huge fan. So, for the first time in 3 years I watched an episode with her. In 3 years, I hadn’t missed a thing. All the same characters, problems, etc, etc, etc.
That’s the feeling I get reading over at BR, it’s the SOS they’ve been repeating for years and nothing ever gets accomplished. Whenever a BR poster starts out with “I have a feeling…” you know that feeling is wrong.
I didn’t think he’d stick with it much longer anyway. He fancies himself a conman, but his narrative just got too complex to maintain. The lie had too many plots, and subplots. He also broke the cardinal rule of trying to run a con. He gave a specific time frame.
I see that you once lived in Oak Ridge, Tennessee. Otherwise it’s been Florida – Clewiston, Kissimmee, Saint Cloud, and Gainesville. And your criminal record appears to be limited to a misdemeanor assault charge in Clewiston on 1/26/01. It looks like you were given a conditional discharge.
I checked the list of elitist drug dealers, and your name isn’t on it.
Just for Giggles Nancy……
1. How many people in total do you imagine you’ve killed?
2. Can you send us a scan or a picture of your acid burned off fingerprints?
I could use the extra amusement.
I wonder if we could get a copy of the arrest record and see for ourselves that she has no fingerprints?
My handler kept everything hush hush and arrested dozens of innocent fall guys:,5198742
And, I did live in Conway, Arkansas. As I told you before, they love eliminating evidence so why do you expect me to show up on any list?
Just get Shrimpton to throw her a party when he comes to testify for Strunk, and steal her water glass.
As much as I loathe Arpaio, he has a well-known verified history as Joseph Arpaio going back decades, NOT Vaughan. You said this about him in one of your earlier videos. I don’t know any of these people personally and neither do you. You never met Volin, Rondeau, Zullo, Arpaio or any of the others you claim. You hear names or come across a pic that happens to be on Google under Nancy R. Owens with a traffic accident involving a truck, no need to search for 35 years as you put it, it was right there and I saw it months ago. You gave yourself away when you referred to the other driver and used her middle initial.
You have been caught with so many discrepancies and when they are brought to your attention, you bring up something else and pretend you’ve made a valid point. For instance, when you were asked about why you waited so long to come forward with your so-called information, you blamed President Obama for not releasing his b.c., not realizing he had already done so in 2008. That’s what was used by Pelosi and the DNC, not a PDF file. It was located in their campaign office. However,you didn’t answer the question. You went off on a tangent about claiming you weren’t a professional forger and how you never said you were when nobody else had, either. You tried to defer the conversation to another topic when it gets into areas for which you have no answer. It’s what you do in your posts here, too. In reality, all you’ve done is proven yourself to be a psychotic liar. You are in desperate need of mental health care.
How did you manage to go to school then, too? Did they give you time off for your side business of serial killing? That must have made for one hell of an excused absence note!
Exchange at Gerbil Report(tm):
★FALCON★: Islam is so backward that they milk the goat, even if it’s male. Saw that on a website and laughed my ass off.
Dr. Conspiracy: You can’t believe everything you read on the web.
★FALCON★: Especially anything posted at your site. You should just call it quits.
Dr. Conspiracy: The readership that I go for at Obama Conspiracy Theories is not the kind of folks who would believe something that I said just because I said it, but ones who appreciate the references I give to authoritative sources that they can check for themselves, and who recognize a valid argument when they see it.
Your comment, “you should just call it quits,” reminds me very much of the trash talk in the children’s amime series Yu-Gi-Oh! where the bad guy repeats over and over about how Yu-Gi is doomed, is worthless, can’t win, should give up, and on and on way past the point of being annoying. Of course, Yu-Gi wins. He wins because he is honest, his heart is in what he does and he has loyal friends.
You are the one who brought up the “list.” Apparently your sarcasm radar doesn’t work very well.
Conway, Arkansas? Is that another hotbed of assassination?
Excellent analogy. I guess Blue Falcon mostly watches pro wrestling, though, given his fixation with male sexuality.
Shrimpton is a disinformation agent and I predict that he will be found guilty.
And he has the craziest hair! Crazy hair = instant win.
That seems to be a rule of thumb anime…well except for Kenshiro, but that was back when anime still made sense.
Republicans aren’t going to impeach Obama, so says Slate magazine.
The birthers scream about how Obama is a Muslim, which he isn’t, but even if he were, so what?
But wouldn’t it just be some amazing popcorn theater, to see the reactions of every RWNJ in the country, if the American people ever did elected a President, who also happens to be Muslim? I wonder which country the nutters would flee to.
They wouldn’t go to Mexico, because they hate brown people, and Canada is too progressive for their lot.
Robert Quinn added to Birthers A-Z
Are these the same Republicans who said they’d never shut the government down?
“If you complain that the President is a dictator, and you haven’t disappeared yet, then you’re just another con artist with a microphone.”
Quote came to me from Facebook via Amazon. A sentiment often expressed here, I was struck by this particular formulation!
The disfunctional California Bar is even more disfunctional…
“The case alleged that the bar’s Chief Trial Counsel unlawfully removed backlogged cases ahead of an evaluation, and failed to prosecute certain legal fraud cases as required by a 2013 state law.”
Wonder how many of the complaints against Orly were just removed and not investigated? Probably all of them.
Offered by a birfoon in response to a demand for evidence to back up his claim that Obama Senior would not have been allowed to use “African” for race:
In addition to the amusement value, it offers an important warning about taking advice from a website without making sure they require that their contributors be at least smart enough to be able to count to five 😉
I’ve had that one pulled out on me before. Something else that cracks me up is when birthers think anything with “constitution” or “gov” in the web address– like this one:
— is an “official” source. By the way, that writer has changed her tune about how many citizen parents a person born abroad must have in order to qualify as eligible for the presidency.
That article discusses terms used on Birth Certificates to describe the race of the child.
I have never seen a birth certificate that lists the race of the child. every one I have seen does describes the race of the parents, but not the child. Am I missing something?
Hawaiian BCs don’t, but I _think_ those from some other states do/did. Doc knows a lot more than I do about this, so trust any answer he might give, rather than mine.
But don’t mention it too loudly, since I flung the answer back in the birfoon’s face as though it were actually evidence countering his point, and I would rather he didn’t see past my weasel-wording to notice that I was just proving him silly, rather than wrong. 😉
Sorry, too late. I’ve already gone in feet first and doubled down.
But of course if any non-birther points to any website as proof, their knee-jerk reaction is either “unreliable” or “owned by Soros”.
A “Steve McGarrett” wants to set the record straight:
“Mike Zullo has been fully trained by the Maricopa County Sheriffs Office under the powers granted to Sheriff Arpaio by the Arizona Constitution. He is well qualified and has ALL the Maricopa County Sheriffs Office resouces at his disposal, including their attorneys. Also Arpaio opened up a second criminal investigation a year ago appointing two full time detectives from the department. This is why the posse hasnt asked for donations anymore in many months.The second criminal investigation is what has delayed revealing all of the new posses evidence they collected since the second press conference. Once the 2nd investigation wraps they will hold two seperate conferences announcing their findings.”
States largely follow federal guidelines in the content of their birth certificates, and the US Standard Certificate (a federal guideline) does not contain the race of the child, and has not contained the race of the child at any time since the first version in 1900.
The history of the federal guidelines is document in the book:
“U.S. Vital Statistics System: Major Activities and Developments, 1950-95”
Prior to 1989, the race of the child was derived based on some rules using the reported race of parents, and that derived race was used solely for statistical reporting. Starting in 1989, tabulations were based on the reported race of the mother.
States are free to add elements to the US Standard Certificate in their own birth certificates, but I would be surprised to see the race of the child on any modern certificate.
Well, we can be confident that _that_ “McGarrett” isn’t Zullo: he’s at least 3 grade levels further along in written English.
A little weak on the concept of time, though: he adamantly insisted that the Framers used Vattel’s definition of “NBC” _after_ it was pointed out to him that it was never in the original, and didn’t even appear in the translations until 10 years later.
So Galll-oops lied when he said that the reason was that Zullo had to double-check all his evydunce and vet his sources? Shocking…
steve!!! i miss the little delusional racist. he used to be a fixture on the city-data political forum ( under a multitude of handles ) but for some reason has been m.i.a. of late.
I wouldn’t necessarily say that. Other posts I have found from McGarrett are entirely literate.
Oops: ambiguous antecedent. I meant that the “current” McGarrett has mucho more betterer grammar than Zullo. Though he doesn’t have much of an advantage on fact-checking.
I didn’t see enough of the others’ postings to guess whether this one is the same.
Hence my use of the indefinite article. Us Obots tends to try and say things the right way, right away.
Took a morning shufti at Gerbil Report, and the wind has shifted from “Only an armed riot will stop Obama!” to “Don’t riot! That’s exactly what he wants us to do!”
No wonder birthers can’t ever get anything done. The voices in their head are extremely fickle, and can’t even agree on a consistent plan of action.
Also starting to wonder if RamboIke is one of the LDS’s sockpuppets as he started posting again on GR, soon after LDS made a reappearance on the Wobik blog.
Gerbils will find any excuse to avoid having to pull themselves away from their computers and into their scooters.
Of course, rioting would require them to become real Kommandos.
With an afternoon nap and large glass of metamucil.
I have installed a different caching system in the blog and it appears to be working OK with the mobile theme, at least on the iPhone.
I have personally switched my default browser from Firefox to Google Chrome. You can read about that on my other blog.
Added birther financier Gary Laconis to Birthers A to Z.
7 Habits of Chronically Unhappy
2. You believe most people can’t be trusted.
3. You concentrate on what’s wrong in this world versus what’s right.
4. You compare yourself to others and harbor jealousy.
7. You fill your conversations with gossip and complaints.
Nice article about the folks over at BR. 😆
The prints grow back eventually. It’s no different than if you clean your stove with OvenOff and fail to use protective rubber gloves.
Ah, exposure to harmful chemicals. Another piece of the puzzle.
While I don’t think I fit #s 2-7, I do believe #1:
“1. Your default belief is that life is hard.”
And given that, I feel that I am very lucky.
I always assumed that Nancy was, at some point or another, bitten by a radioactive stupid person, gaining their powers tenfold in the process.
BREAKING NEWS: Fact-checking website publishes an article about Dr. Orly Taitz!
According to Gerbil Report™, Jeff Lichter, Greater Phoenix Tea Party member and Obama ineligibility activist, is in the hospital. Lichter is a member of the Birthers from A to Z list.
Lots of new Dr. Conspiracy – Gerbil hybrid photoshops at Gerbil Report™
Writing a book on Photoshop doesn’t make someone a forensic document examiner, any more than writing a book on toothbrushes makes someone a dentist.
— Dr. Conspiracy (2014)
It boggles the mind to see the words “Taitz” and “True” on the same page.
plus this irony meter killer from william:
“Must be a bitch living in constant denial and defending what you never knew in the first place.
– Definition of Stupidity”
To which I replied:
“I am completely confident that I am correct in my beliefs in this matter and that I express them truly and with integrity.
What would seem to be a “bitch” is to believe that someone lives ruled by a usurping tyrant and that there is destruction and doom all around them, and being totally unable to get anyone who matters to believe them.”
GR have their panties in a bunch over what i assume is a routine change in HI director of health with a change in state administration:
Now that “thumbs down” is back at Gerbil Report, I’ve got reason to visit the site more often. Its great fun causing birther whine-a-thons. “Waaaah! The mean old Obots keep voting me down!”
You mustn’t be the only one because “Barry Obama Esq” is getting lots of thumbs down.
Oh, I’m sure it will be removed again, once Falcon is tired of seeing his posts devalued before his very eyes. The illusion that people agree with them, is key to the birther ego after all.
Look what I’ve found, there’s another Michael Zullo on Amazon:
He writes cat astrology books! Definitely a more productive endeavour than the one Investigator Zullo of the CCCP is involved now!
I personally treat BSE with benign neglect.
Arpaio lawyer cites ethics as reason to withdraw
Read more: