Turning dark

Mike Zullo spoke to the Surprise Arizona Tea Party Patriots November 18, and according to interviewer Sharon Rondeau of the Post & Email:

Zullo “said that the investigation that they started ‘turned very dark,’ whatever ‘dark’ means,” the individual added.

Indeed, what does that mean?

Here’s a quotation from the Associated Press just today:

A detective investigating the high school shooting in Washington state that left five teens dead says in court papers that the young shooter’s texts turned dark the week before he opened fire, with references to his funeral and the message: “Bang bang I’m dead.”

Writing in the American Journal of Forensic Psychiatry (2007) we see something similar in the Columbine school shooting:

Three days after his arrest, Klebold made one of his few entries into his diary. He wrote about his love for a female student and wondered if the feelings were mutual. But the note turned dark. He talked about suicide, blowing himself up with a bomb strapped to his neck.

I certainly hope that there is not some kind of murder-suicide pact about to be acted out by the Cold Case Posse!

Barry Cooper, a former drug enforcement officer said:

In fact, governments have always turned dark and corrupt which has always led to mass suffering.

Certainly there are suspicions of corruption in the Cold Case Posse, and they have clearly lied to the public about evidence. Still, I find it unlikely that Mike Zullo would be admitting this to his Tea Party audience.

Turning dark can be a sign of illness. In a chilling true story titled “Biohazard,” author Ken Alibek discusses a case of the Marburg virus:

By the fifteenth day, the tiny bruises on Ustinov’s body had turned dark blue, and his skin was as thin as parchment. The blood pooling underneath began oozing through. It streamed from his nose, mouth, and genitals.

Enough of that. Generally “turning dark” refers to reduction in light, nightfall, or a scene being obscured by smoke. It’s also associated with the end of an activity, such as a company going out of business (turning out the lights). A blog goes dark when it disappears from the web. “Going dark” in police jargon can refer to the failure of an investigation due to lack of evidence and leads. FBI Director James B. Comey spoke last month at the Brookings Institution of the conflicts between the need for privacy and criminal investigation:

Unfortunately, the law hasn’t kept pace with technology, and this disconnect has created a significant public safety problem. We call it “Going Dark,” and what it means is this: Those charged with protecting our people aren’t always able to access the evidence we need to prosecute crime and prevent terrorism even with lawful authority. We have the legal authority to intercept and access communications and information pursuant to court order, but we often lack the technical ability to do so.

It probably makes more sense to view the comment in some kind of context, and a commenter here reminded us of this quote from Carl Gallups 22 November 2013:

…the investigation has gone “deeper and darker” than they ever imagined…

I think that what Zullo intended was that his audience assume that the Cold Case Posse had uncovered some great evil in its investigation, but in fact to say nothing. Even back to the early Cold Case Posse press conferences, Zullo proved himself a master at leaving his audience thinking he said things he didn’t actually say. So as far as I am concerned, “turned dark” coming from Mike Zullo means exactly nothing.

I want to give credit to the Tea Party member who spoke to Rondeau. He didn’t jump to any conclusion about what Mike Zullo meant. I also want to credit Rondeau who, no matter what one thinks about her slant on things, does an outstanding job of getting birther stories.

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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52 Responses to Turning dark

  1. wrecking ball says:

    GR reports on the arpaio/zullo appearance last night:


    the investigation has “turned very dark”.

  2. RanTalbott says:

    wrecking ball: the investigation has “turned very dark”.

    Translation: we see no way of getting out this corner we’ve painted ourselves into.

  3. To which I replied:

    “Mike ZulloMoore just found out why his brother/roommate was murdered and it doesn’t make him look good for waiting while this nation faces some of the greatest threats from foreign enemies ever. And, Sheriff Vaughn just found out why his precious deputy sheriff boy was murdered.”

    To which Barry Soetoro, ESQ replied:

    “Christ, she’s back.”

    wrecking ball:
    GR reports on the arpaio/zullo appearance last night:


    the investigation has “turned very dark”.

  4. Yup. I see you got some through moderation at Birther Report.

    Nancy R Owens: To which I replied

  5. Benji Franklin says:

    wrecking ball: http://www.birtherreport.com/2014/11/report-sheriff-arpaio-and-mike-zullo.html

    The Post & Email interviewed attendeees at yesterday’s Surorise Tea Party Meeting featuring Arpaio and Zullo and reported that Arpaio apparently spoke about illegal immigration and the war on drugs, leaving EVERYTHING concerning Obama’s birth issues to Zullo.

    Zullo reportedly said that he had spoken with multiple members of Congress about the forgeries who reportedly told him, “We’re not going to do anything.” Zullo also reportedly said his investigation ‘turned very dark,’ “whatever ‘dark’ means.”

    It’s been over 15 minutes since I read the report, and I really can’t stop laughing. IMAGINE! These anti-Obama fanatics who lit the fuse to get rid of Obama THREE YEARS AGO, and must be ready to explode from the never-ending ‘any-minute-now’ frustration of seeing NO PROGRESS AT ALL, are treated to their big bad sheriff AVOIDING ALL MENTION of the ‘investigation’ and sad sack Zullo reporting that the ‘mover and shaker’ V.I.P.’s in Congress have collectively gotten in line to agree to do NOTHING!

    And, presumably maddeningly for this mob who see the clock running out and would at least symbolically like to see the President lynched, his account of the substance of the investigation gets vaguer and vaguer! He says mysteriously in the lingo of a comic book super hero, that the investigation ‘turned very dark’, without explaining what in Hell that means!

    Why that crowd must have been as pleased with that update as would have been a barrel full of Mike Volins! Who’s Mike Volin, you ask? Oh, that’s just the guy Mike Zullo must think is the stupidest person on Earth to still believe the investigation has evidence of ANY value in pursuing Obama!

    Or would that be Pat Boone, who in an almost unintelligible recent interview, pronounced Mike Zullo a ‘top-notch’ investigator and declared Obama was guilty of (Presidential) ‘high crimes’ – not misdemeanors! And, Pat? While you are usurping the judiciary’s right to officially interpret the Constitution, isn’t “Tutti Frutti” another Obama-disqualifying ‘legal term of art’? Like ‘Natural Born Citizen?’

    What a bunch of cranks! You just know that Tea-Party meeting ended with a bunch of fuming Obama-haters even closer to exploding! Imagine! With Arpiao and Zullo appearing, you gather with your like-mindless hateful peers to hopefully see the bitter seedling you planted, bear Obama-dooming fruit! Instead you see a broken-down coat-tree draped with a handful of cardboard badges and are thrown a bouquet of donation pledge cards.

    Oh, they’re fuming all right! ‘Top-O’-the-World’, Bird-Boy’!

    Tee hee!

  6. wrecking ball says:

    Benji Franklin: He says mysteriously in the lingo of a comic book super hero, that the investigation ‘turned very dark’, without explaining what in Hell that means!

    i loved it at GR when doc pointed out that zullo, once again, said nothing doc got this reply:

    “what part of “went dark” is not clear to you? “

  7. The Magic M (not logged in) says:

    Benji Franklin: that the investigation ‘turned very dark’, without explaining what in Hell that means!

    You just answered your own question. I suppose they’re going for the “Satan’s behind it” angle now. 😉

    Benji Franklin: You just know that Tea-Party meeting ended with a bunch of fuming Obama-haters even closer to exploding!

    Anyone who ever tried to rile up a bunch of loons for his own purposes knows that the danger of your violent minions turning against you is ever growing, so you better have some good exit plan for when you can’t keep the lid on anymore.

  8. RanTalbott says:

    The headline, itself, is wonderfully ambiguous: “Report: Sheriff Arpaio And Mike Zullo Address Surprise Tea Party Meeting; Turned Very Dark”.

    Was it an outdoor meeting around sundown?

    Did someone accidentally bump the “movie night” switch on the meeting hall lighting control panel?

    Did Arpaio and Zullo choke on their rubber chicken and turn blue?

    Disquieting minds want to know…

  9. Krosis says:

    The investigation was so sunny,
    It was excellent, all clear-cut and bright,
    It had gathered Arpario so much money,
    Like a beam of light in darkest night.

    It was all so beautiful, so clear,
    Like a song of spring sung by a lark,
    But the end comes already so near:
    It has turned very, very dark.

    Zullo can’t find his way in darkness,
    No longer sees the shining light.
    All the evidence – a whole lot of nothing,
    He cannot rely on his insights.

  10. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Yeah, the bit about the investigation “going dark” is classic Zullo. It’s just sensational sounding enough to keep the die hard’s hooked, but its also vague enough that Zullo can easily backtrack and go “Well, you took read too much into that, what I really meant was…” at a later date.

    Bonus Edit:
    I popped by Cody Robert Judy’s House of Crazy, and he’s wondering if Congress “is co-dependent on narcissistic insanity”. Which is ironic, as CRJ is an insane narcissist.

  11. The Magic M (not logged in) says:

    RanTalbott: The headline, itself, is wonderfully ambiguous: “Report: Sheriff Arpaio And Mike Zullo Address Surprise Tea Party Meeting; Turned Very Dark”.

    Was it an outdoor meeting around sundown?

    Did someone accidentally bump the “movie night” switch on the meeting hall lighting control panel?

    Did Arpaio and Zullo choke on their rubber chicken and turn blue?

    Disquieting minds want to know…

    They probably mean: “Some black guy wandered in by accident.”

  12. wrecking ball says:

    Andrew Vrba, PmG:
    Yeah, the bit about the investigation “going dark” is classic Zullo.

    Gallups, 11/22/13: “…the investigation has gone “deeper and darker” than they ever imagined…”

    Zullo, 11/19/14: “…the investigation that they started ‘turned very dark,’…”

  13. Jim says:

    Andrew Vrba, PmG: Yeah, the bit about the investigation “going dark” is classic Zullo.

    Wow, this investigation has been “going dark” for so long,

    I haven’t the heart to tell birthers…but in police jargon, an investigation that is “going dark” is an investigation that is reaching its end with no charges being filed. Zullo has been telling them for months he has nothing and nothing will be done, they’re just too dumb to realize it.

  14. Crustacean says:

    Turn out the lights, the party’s over
    They say that all good things must end
    Call it tonight, the party’s over
    And tomorrow starts the same old thing again

    Jim: Wow, this investigation has been “going dark” for so long,

    I haven’t the heart to tell birthers…but in police jargon, an investigation that is “going dark” is an investigation that is reaching its end with no charges being filed.Zullo has been telling them for months he has nothing and nothing will be done, they’re just too dumb to realize it.

  15. Benji Franklin says:

    Benji Franklin:According to the attendees interviewed by the P&E, Zullo reportedly said that he had spoken with multiple members of Congress about the forgeries who reportedly told him, “We’re not going to do anything.” Zullo also reportedly said his investigation ‘turned very dark,’ “whatever ‘dark’ means.”

    Birdboy commenting at BR has panicked by responding maniacally to this devastating news for Birthers; he’s trying to suggest it’s GOOD NEWS for the crazies!

    He writes about the collapse of the three year fantasy featuring unnamed V.I.P’s driving an imaginary Congressional investigation :” It appears that Zullo will now embarrass the entire Federal government and force them to act to preserve their own careers and lives. I like this method best of all the options.”

    Sure you do Birdboy! Just about as much as you liked Obama getting elected to a second term!

    But Birdboy’s explanation of the attendee’s report of not comprehending Zullo’s dodgy statement that “the investigation that they started ‘turned very dark,’ whatever ‘dark’ means,”, leads us to believe that in real life, Birdboy scripts super-hero comic book plots!.

    Instead of admitting to the obvious “fail message” he preposters: “That statement could mean a lot of things to a lot of people – however, in my opinion, Zullo must have uncovered a plot to overthrow the country using a foreign enemy combatant …” !!!!

    No, Birdboy! It means the investigation was a sham to everybody with a brain. It could only mean a lot of OTHER things to a few stupid Birthers.

    Admit it, Birdboy! You were furious when you read that report. And the day is coming when you’re going to tell us YOU knew Zullo was bluffing all along.

    You know he has no evidence, and you know Obama has committed no crime referenced by the “investigation”!

  16. OllieOxenFree says:

    “I haven’t the heart to tell birthers…but in police jargon, an investigation that is “going dark” is an investigation that is reaching its end with no charges being filed. ”

    Correct, often due to uncorroborated evidence, a lack or absence of witnesses and/or expert testimony, and any leads exhausted to the point of futility. In other words, there is no where the investigation can go and no conclusions can be drawn beyond mere speculation.

    This investigation “went dark,” years ago and Zullo had been clinging to the hope that something, anything, would happen to change his luck. I have always been convinced that the bluster made by Zullo and Arpaio had been a desperate hope that someone would be scared and come forward and give them what they just knew was there, but had not discovered yet. A tactic I believe was encouraged by Corsi.

  17. justlw says:

    Translation: Zullo’s going to play along for now and pull out the aces when the time is right.

  18. And it ended just now, 4:45 p.m. this date, when I posted about my latest video pertaining to Mike Volin on YouTube and the fact that in Pete Santilli’s newest video Shurf Arpaio seems to be using the term “collusion” twice. It may be just a loop. I’m not really sure. It’s definitely a Freudian slip.

    They’re not to keen on people posting the truth.

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    Yup. I see you got some through moderation at Birther Report.

  19. That’s something I hadn’t thought of, although it makes sense from the point of view of a true believer.

    For someone to come forward out of fear, two things are required: guilt and a credible threat. Neither of those apply since Obama’s ID documents are fine, and even if they weren’t, Sheriff Joe has no jurisdiction.

    In every respect, this would be an empty threat.

    OllieOxenFree: I have always been convinced that the bluster made by Zullo and Arpaio had been a desperate hope that someone would be scared and come forward and give them what they just knew was there, but had not discovered yet. A tactic I believe was encouraged by Corsi.

  20. RanTalbott says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:

    In every respect, this would be an empty threat.

    If there were actually something to be found, they could (threaten to) turn it over to _real_ law enforcement.

    Even children, playing in vacant lots or under bridges, occasionally spot evidence that leads to real cops solving real cases.

    Maybe the reason for their lack of success is that Arpaio turned the case over to Zullo, instead of the Cub Scouts.

  21. gorefan says:

    On Broadway many of the shows go “dark” on Mondays. Maybe Zullo is referring to shutting down the entire stage production. Certainly at times this whole saga seems like bad theatre.

  22. Bob says:

    Elvis has left the building.

  23. john says:

    This does not sound good at all. Remember a few months ago –

    “The Post & Email spoke with Zullo, who told us that “there are going to be some findings that ‘birthers’ may find disturbing,” referring to those who specifically doubt that Obama was born in Hawaii, as he claims.”

    These phrases made by Zullo suggests the CCP investigation has fallen flat.

  24. john says:

    “Zullo reportedly said that he had spoken with multiple members of Congress about the forgeries who reportedly told him, “We’re not going to do anything.” ”

    Almost every member of Congress has received the Sheriff’s Kit containing Zullo’s investigative work. Unfortunately for birthers, the information in the kits is old, discredited and debunked information that has been hacked to death by Obots.

    I have always said to birthers like Mike Violin, Zullo should create a new affidivitt with new information to include Reed Hayes’s report, something no one has ever seen. That kit should then be sent to only select birthers like Mike Voilin and Charles Kerchner who can then present the ‘Never Before Seen’ information to their Congressman.

  25. Rickey says:

    “Turning dark” could also mean that Zullo is bringing in a psychic to help him. “A paranormal investigation, usually conducted indoors and at night, where all the light sources and other electronic devices in the building have been turned off. The equipment used for paranormal investigations is typically more sensitive at night and in the dark. Having lights off reduces the possibility of false or misleading evidence caused by reflections and glares.”

    One can only hope. Of course, it’s more likely that Zullo is setting up the birthers for the inevitable letdown.

  26. OllieOxenFree says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: That’s something I hadn’t thought of, although it makes sense from the point of view of a true believer.

    Exactly. From the first Presser…

    – They claimed they knew the computer that was used
    – They claimed they had a person of interest

    When I heard this, my first reaction was they were just trying to scare someone into talking. They knew they had no evidence of the kind, but were convinced that something was wrong. All they needed to do was make someone believe they were closing in on them, and the person would come forward out of fear of prosecution. After that, it would not matter if their evidence was sound, because their suspicions would have been correct.

    It would explain Zullo’s excitement over a tabloid magazine article that pictured a man with a coat over his head being led away in handcuff’s that Reilly had described. Turns out, it had been a tabloid magazine article that Zullo himself had given an interview to, though no arrest had been made.

    If I remember correctly, he had tasked Reilly with finding out who the man with the coat was, but Reilly had discovered that it was just the Zullo article and he was surprised that Zullo had not remembered giving the magazine an interview.

    My personal belief was that Zullo was excited to think that the tactic had worked and someone had come forward.

  27. RanTalbott says:

    john: That kit should then be sent to only select birthers like Mike Voilin and Charles Kerchner who can then present the ‘Never Before Seen’ information to their Congressman.

    So, basically, since everything birthers have ever produced has been exposed as nonsense (or, sometimes, just plain fabrication) as soon as the reality-based community sees it, your plan is to try to sneak the new “information” past anyone who might vet it and see if you can sucker anyone in Congress into buying it.

    I.e., run a con on them.

    I say “Go for it”. If you embarrass enough of them, they might pass a law making it a crime to be a birfoon. Then your collection of Groucho-Marxist lawyers can fight some First Amendment battles they could actually win. Just think of the headlines: “Court Rules It’s not Illegal to be a Nutbar”.

  28. wrecking ball says:

    On Broadway many of the shows go “dark” on Mondays.

    i work for multiple concert venues and we refer to nights with no band performing as “dark” ( basically: nothing going on ).

  29. wrecking ball says:


    I have always said to birthers like Mike Violin, Zullo should create a new affidivitt ….

    if that were to happen mike may want to look up the meaning of “first hand information” and “hearsay”. he seemed to be unclear of the concepts last time.

  30. Jim says:

    I have always said to birthers like Mike Violin, Zullo should create a new affidivitt with new information to include Reed Hayes’s report, something no one has ever seen.That kit should then be sent to only select birthers like Mike Voilin and Charles Kerchner who can then present the ‘Never Before Seen’ information to their Congressman.

    Brilliant john, absolutely BRILLIANT!!! Let’s see how many congress people jump on board to do a fool’s errand of trying to impeach a lame-duck President…especially the ones that may have Presidential ambitions. They’ll love the idea of running with that hanging over them.

  31. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    john: These phrases made by Zullo suggests the CCP investigation has fallen flat.

    Durrrrrrrrrr, ya think?
    Good grief, john. As an infant, did your parents drop you on your head for an entire day or something?

  32. wrecking ball says:

    OllieOxenFree: Exactly. From the first Presser…

    – They claimed they knew the computer that was used
    – They claimed they had a person of interest

    and joe from yesterday:

    ” You have a crime, wouldn’t you like to know who did it? Isn’t that the ultimate goal? So we’re working on that.”


  33. The Magic M says:

    john: I have always said to birthers like Mike Violin
    […] select birthers like Mike Voilin

    Funny how you get two attempts to refer to one of your birther heroes and get his name wrong both times.

    I guess it’s time for some Gratuitous Sax and Senseless Violins!

    Volin plays the violin
    Zullo plays the cello
    Arpaio plays the piano
    And john just plays dumb

  34. bovril says:

    What on earth is this fetish that Birfoon have with ‘daffydavids’..?

    All said piece of paper is, in the real world, is a set of words that has ben recited to or witnessed by (typically) a notary. AFAIK, It has no inherent legal value other than to be able to say Mr X recorded this statement Y at time and date N.

    I can go to a notary, recite the whole Sovereign Citizen creed of Argle-Bargle, get a notary to stamp it and guess what, I STILL have to pay taxes etc.

  35. People don’t want the truth. When they finally get it and admit to it, they say, “Prove it.” When you show them that you can prove it, they say, “It’s, quote, ‘National S’curity.'”

    As Alex Jones is frequently quoted as saying, “It’s not a conspiracy anymore. It’s a fact!”

    Whitey Bulger ordered the end of Gorbechev in 1983.

    Bill Clinton did not kill Pablo Escobar in 1993. I did in 1990.

    George Bush bowed before the Cuban/Colombian Drug Lords while ignoring the killlings of Adam Walsh and many other Americans in South Florida.

    Crack cocaine was deliberately sold to the blacks who could not afford the white powdered cocaine in 1983.

    John F Kennedy and Jimmy Hoffa were both killed in 1981 by me and it’s the primary reason why CIA’s Blagovich is in prison today.

    We are headed for the Second Civil War and the only ones who know what the truth and, therefore, know what side to chose are the politicians and the elite.

    Elvis has left the building.

  36. Pete says:

    The investigation was “dark” from the very beginning.

    If you cut apples, and leave them sitting on the counter, they will turn dark too.

    I’m sure this has some sort of connection with Zullo’s case.

  37. Curious George says:

    November 21, 2014
    “The investigation was “dark” from the very beginning.

    If you cut apples, and leave them sitting on the counter, they will turn dark too.

    I’m sure this has some sort of connection with Zullo’s case.”

    Pete, road apples are always dark. So far Zullo and Co. have produced mounds and mounds of road apples. The $10,000 “gift” was just more road apples. (For those who don’t live in the country, road apples come from a horses a$$. )

  38. Jim says:

    Curious George: PeteNovember 21, 2014The $10,000 “gift” was just more road apples. (For those who don’t live in the country, road apples come from a horses a$$. )

    Mike “Road Apple” Zullo…has a nice ring to it. 😀

  39. Jim says:

    Nancy R Owens: People don’t want the truth.

    There’s a difference between wanting the truth and believing your nonsense Nancy.

  40. I repeat: We are headed for the Second Civil War and the only ones who know the truth and, therefore, know what side to chose are the politicians and the elite.

    Jim: We are headed for the Second Civil War and the only ones who know what the truth and, therefore, know what side to chose are the politicians and the elite.

  41. Do you have a time line on that or is this just one of those things we have to wait indefinitely for?

    Nancy R Owens: I repeat: We are headed for the Second Civil War and the only ones who know what the truth and, therefore, know what side to chose are the politicians and the elite.

  42. bgansel9 says:

    Nancy R Owens: As Alex Jones is frequently quoted as saying, “It’s not a conspiracy anymore. It’s a fact!”

    Yeah, Alex Jones is usually the first person I go to for a quote too! Are you insane? Oh, nevermind, I forgot who I was talking to. Yes, yes you are!

  43. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Nancy R Owens:
    blah blah blah crazy nonsense

    That’s funny because everytime you’ve been asked to prove something you avoid doing it or provide something unrelated that doesn’t prove your claim.

  44. Pete says:

    Curious George: Pete, road apples are always dark. So far Zullo and Co. have produced mounds and mounds of road apples. The $10,000 “gift” was just more road apples. (For those who don’t live in the country, road apples come from a horses a$$. )

    See! I knew there was an important connection there somewhere.

    As far as the latest topic of conversation goes:

    There’s crazy, there’s batsh*t crazy, and then there’s Alex Jones.

  45. Curious George says:

    “There’s crazy, there’s batsh*t crazy, and then there’s Alex Jones.”

    And then there’s “Road Apple” crazy.

  46. Keith says:

    Jim: Mike “Road Apple” Zullo…has a nice ring to it.

    This sounds like another job for the Starship Enterprise

  47. Curious George says:

    OllieOxenFree: I have always been convinced that the bluster made by Zullo and Arpaio had been a desperate hope that someone would be scared and come forward and give them what they just knew was there, but had not discovered yet. A tactic I believe was encouraged by Corsi.

    Apparently, they didn’t realize that there is no one to come forward, because there isn’t a forgery and therefore no forger. Brilliant my dear Watson! Brilliant!

  48. RanTalbott says:

    Curious George: Apparently, they didn’t realize that there is no one to come forward, because there isn’t a forgery and therefore no forger.

    It still hasn’t sunk in: Shurf Mack did a radio appearance just recently, uploaded to youtube by Gerbil Report, in which he expressed puzzlement as to why no one had come forward.

    I resisted the temptation to comment that it might be the nonexistence of anyone to emerge.

    Or to suggest that it might be the (quite literally) thousands of death threats posted online. Which could actually be the reason that we haven’t had another hoaxster like the Bomford creator trying to punk some of the amateur defectives working the “case”. I’m convinced beyond almost all doubt that “Harrison J Bounel” was produced by one, but I know that I’d refuse to claim credit if I’d done it out of fear of a “disappointed out-of-office seeker” going ballistic.

  49. Curious George says:

    Maybe our Canadian friends have the solution for all of the mounds that have been created by the CCCP……?


  50. Pete says:

    “Road Apple” Zullo. I like that.

  51. Curious George says:

    November 22, 2014
    “Road Apple” Zullo. I like that.

    Thank you, thank you very much.

  52. Curious George says:

    November 21, 2014

    “Mike “Road Apple” Zullo…has a nice ring to it.”

    Some would say, more of a “ker-plop” to it. 😉

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