Obama made a birther joke at a Tennessee town meeting, reports the Associated Press.
“They’re pretty sure that I’m an illegal immigrant,” Obama quipped, before adding, “That was a joke.”
He’s so funny.
Do you know any funny birther jokes?
Obama made a birther joke at a Tennessee town meeting, reports the Associated Press.
“They’re pretty sure that I’m an illegal immigrant,” Obama quipped, before adding, “That was a joke.”
He’s so funny.
Do you know any funny birther jokes?
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an article on yahoo about obama making another birther joke. the comments are a birther explosion dredging up all the classic debunked oldies:
Birthers are a joke, but they’re not funny.
I was worried about you Doc. You haven’t posted for awhile — especially since Orly lost her Maryland appeal.
Wow, wrecking ball. You’re right! They are even using crazy butterdezillion’s theory about the plane crash saying that “they” had “the woman” killed.
Birther walks into a bar.
The non-birther ducks.
A horse, an Irishman, a monkey, and a birther walk into a bar.
The bartender says “What is this? Some kind of joke?”
I have been busy of late.
Orly losing the Maryland appeal, foreseen it was.
If anyone had a motive for killing Fuddy, it was the birthers. She supported Obama’s birth certificate. I’m not saying Donald Trump had her killed, and I hope he’s innocent, but one has to ask the question based on motive and his power.
have you seen the video of Colbert this week when Obama took over?
“Nation, as you know, I, Stephen Colbert have never cared for our president,” Obama said, reading Colbert’s lines. “The guy is so arrogant, I bet he talks about himself in the third person.”
Re-naming the segment “The Decree” to make it sound “more presidential” Obama then went on to read a monologue prepped for Colbert to read, essentially a tirade against Obamacare.
Obama’s speech continued, complete with Colbert’s classic risque and amusing captions (including the phrase “potus interruptus”) flashing up on screen.
Let me see if I got this straight (dons birther hat)
Falcon fell Fuddy for freepers freedom from federal failure for following freepers fanciful fantasies for fictitious foreign family formation?
if trump had been behind it fuddy would still be alive today.
I have a funny birther joke:
Mike Zullo and Sheriff Arpaio keep saying over and over again they are going to release the big clincher that is going to prove once and for all that Obama is ineligible to be president… but they never do! Bwahahahahhahahaha!
If she even exists, it’s because she was lying about the birth certificate being legit which is an act of treason.
Q: How many birthers does it take to remove a sitting President?
A: Infinite – they’ll never figure out HOW to remove a sitting President.
Q: What is Falcon’s favorite passtime?
A: Trolling for gay black men on the web.
Q: What is a birther definition of an expert witness?
A: Anybody that agrees with their pre-conceived ideas.
Q: What do you call an angry birther mob?
A: A six-pack
Q: Why do birthers constantly misread and misinterpret the Constitution?
A: It contains too many words over 4 letters for them.
Q: What is the quickest way to get a birther angry?
A: Make a joke about them.
Q: Why are the birther’s homes full of garbage?
A: They keep telling their mom they’ll take the trash out “Any day now”.
Q: What was the birthers’ favorite class in High School?
A: Detention
Q: What is the best job for a birther?
A: Outhouse cleaner…they’re in their natural environment.
Q: What motivates a birther to get out of bed in the morning?
A: New day, new hatred
Q: A birther, a sovcit, and an oathkeeper are stranded on a deserted Pacific island, who’s in charge?
A: The birther believes he’s in charge because neither other of the group can show a certified, long-form deserted Pacific island birth certificate. The sovcit believes he’s in charge because he formed a People’s Grand Jury of 1 and he returned a verdict that the other 2 were not worthy. The oathkeeper thinks he’s in charge because it was doG’s island, it was doG’s will that they were on the island, and doG spoke to him and said he was in charge. The rest of the world just hopes they stay stranded and out of communication.
Q: What is the ideal gag gift to give a birther?
A: An Obama Presidential Birth Certificate mug, complete with Hawaii DOH letter of authentication for the info on the mug.
Q: What do Alice in Wonderland and Orly Taitz have in common?
A: They’ve both gone down the rabbit hole. Taitz got lost and is still there.
Q: What is the absolutely best evidence the birthers have that the President was not born in Hawaii.
A: Still waiting…any day now…maybe by 2017?
Q: What is birther Mike Zullo’s investigative style?
A: Tell the birthers what they want to hear and beg for more donations.
A couple of my favorites:
“Donald Trump said if President Obama releases his birth certificate, he will release his tax returns. The President said, ‘Well, I promise not to run for a second term if you release that thing on your head.'” –Conan O’Brien
“A new poll shows that one of the major parties in this country – I won’t tell you which one – is a majority birther party. That’s right, more than half of Republicans now think Obama was born in Kenya. They literally do not know where babies come from.” –Bill Maher
One Birther to another Birther drinking soup: “No, I said “You slurper!”
The video linked has been removed, but can be seen at comedy central web site. Very funny.
“Oh my God, Barack Obama’s running the old Kenyan Prince birth announcement scam. Here’s how it goes: you want to destroy America from the inside but you can’t because you’re a foreigner. So first, you gotta find yourself a good ol’ American to reproduce for you. Then, you have that child on foreign soil, while simultaneously placing the birth announcement of that child in one of our “fringe” state’s local newspapers, your Hawaiis, your Alaskas, your Pennsylvanias. Alright, then, kidding. And then, hold on, you wait. Until this baby is a middle-aged man. Now the trap is set. You just sit back and let that child go out and win the election for President of the United States. Now here’s where the scam gets tricky; they can’t just win the popular vote. He or she must have a strategy to win the electoral vote; that’s what trips up most drifters. But, if you pull it off, you and your puppet child can sit back and destroy the fabric of the country you both hate so much. It’s almost too easy.” –Jon Stewart
The definition of treason is in the Constitution. You should read it some time.
In the racist birfer book, they’re all race traitors for allowing a black guy in the White House.
No. They’re trying to bypass the forger who knows too much about ZulloMoore and several of the others so it won’t be a slam dunk. But, Arpaio has to try and make it look good to justify keeping all of the dollar bills people have been sharing. So, he’s filed a lawsuit that has NOTHING to do with the birth certificate just to save face and, quite possibly, to stay out of prison himself. I called CBS5 to make certain that they’re clued in. Pink underwear anybody?
Birthers toss around the word “treason” as if it were committed as frequently as jaywalking.
According to Wikipedia, there have been only 17 people convicted of treason in the entire history of the United States, and none since the immediate aftermath of World War II.
And the airline and the assassination team would be in bankruptcy court.
So I guess we can check this one off as “debunked”…
Clearly, this is because the misprision system they* have been building with an eye to eventually protecting Obama has worked well.
Just one more proof of the vastness and insidiousness of the conspiracy.
* substitute “Illuminati/NWO/Satan/Commies/Jooz/other” for “they”as needed to fit your choice of bogeymen.