Sticks and stones

So here’s an exchange from Gerbil Report™:


When I started this blog, I was very intentional that I was not going to lie or even intentionally mislead in any way (except spoofs and April Fools jokes). I wasn’t going to say that a weak argument was strong. At this point RS1_ who said that I lie incessantly had taken more than two hours to come up with anything. If I called someone a liar, I would have at least one example at hand, like these contradictory statements from Carl Gallups:

“And then number 5—Mike Zullo made it clear that unless you hear information and announcements on Freedom Friday or from me, Carl Gallups, or from the PPSimmons News and Ministry Network, it did not come from him.”

“I am not an official spokesperson for Mike Zullo.”


RS1_ came up with something.

It’s mostly images, so I’ll post an image. The hyperlink at the end is to the Free Republic, and is relevant to the discussion.


So here is my response:

Well you tried.

First let me clear up YOUR confusion about my ban at the Free Republic. The reference I made to ideological banning at FR refers to my ban in December of 2008 (what I described as over a year ago in 2010). I actually wrote an article on my other blog about the ban

The second ban, ostensibly for lying, was in 2010. I didn’t remember it when I commented on October 22, 2010 BECAUSE IT HADN’T HAPPENED YET, DILDO. That second ban was October 30, 2010 a week later.

But did I really lie in 2010? Here’s the story from 2010:

Dancing Rabbit said at the Free Republic: “There are so many Founders quoting Vattel during the Convention I cannot list them all.”

And I said: “Given that de Vattel’s name is not mentioned once in the records of the Constitutional convention, I think this pretty much ends the toleration of your lies on this web site.”

At that point I was banned from FR for lying, and not given an opportunity to respond.

In fact, there is one exchange during the Constitutional convention where Vattel comes up (not more than someone can list) and I had missed it. So what I said wasn’t true, but I didn’t lie about it. I was just wrong. I never claimed to be perfect. Subsequently, when discussing this topic, I accurately report what I learned. There has never been any intentional deception. Why would anyone lie about something that is easily verified or disproven? But if I lied, then Dancing Rabbit lied too. Why wasn’t he banned? It’s ideological bias at FR.

Since that time, after learning about my mistake, I’ve gotten it right, and not only have I gotten it right, I have found and published references to Vattel that the Birthers didn’t even know about:……

I also got it wrong when I said on another occasion that Vattel was not mentioned in Kettner’s “The Development of American Citizenship, 1608-1870” which I had read, but missed the single irrelevant mention in the book. I fixed that mistake when I found out about it.…

Dragging Canoe, who posted at my blog under Dragging Canoe, Dancing Rabbit, Rowena, E. Vattel, PseudoObama, and tallbull was indeed banned partly for being an asshole and partly because of the sock puppets.

So if that’s the best you got, I think your charge of “incessant liar” will just not stand. Come on, there are over 3,000 articles on my blog. If I lie incessantly, you ought to be able to find SOMETHING.

Well, RS1_ finally got it, and graciously admitted defeat:

RS1_: Kiss off bullshitter. You lie all the time and you kiss lying Obama butt

Update 2:

Here is a Free Republic thread from 2008 where I was interacting with RS1_ (presumably “Red Steel”) at a time just before the Dr. Conspiracy character was born. I was “kwdavids.” Red Steel didn’t seem to understand my comment, replying with a completely irrelevant objection. There was no announcement that I can find on Free Republic about my ban. My last post was December 20,  2008, and I wrote about the ban at Blog or Die! on December 26. Whether any comments by me between those times were deleted, I don’t know. There was certainly nothing offensive in he posts that remain to justify a banning except that I occasionally pointed out inconvenient facts for birthers. I was polite and I didn’t post a lot. Still when I tried to sign in, I got the message “banned sleeper troll.”

Dr. Conspiracy didn’t appear as a character when the blog started. For example on December 28, I wrote an article titled, “OCT admin featured on Dr. Orly Blog.” It may be that the “Dr. Conspiracy” image was added later, or that it was being introduced in the article (I think the former is the case). Then there was this snippet from December 31, 2008:


You can’t read that on the page because it is an “excerpt” element, but you see it on the list of pages when you search for “admin.”

Now all this is important for the understanding of the 2010 Free Republic comment I made to Dr. Ken. I said:

It is conceivable that I registered or attempted to register an account at Freeperville in the dim past. More likely, they never approved the account if I had tried.

I was responding in a thread on an article where it was said that the Free Republic bans ID’s that have never been registered, and in particular “drconspiracy”. In response to that I said that I didn’t remember registering an account at FR with the implicit addition “as Dr. Conspiracy.” Dr. Conspiracy didn’t have an account at Free Republic at that time, and in fact didn’t exist.

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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44 Responses to Sticks and stones

  1. I am of the opinion that the only reason that they let me post at Birther Report is that it drives traffic.

  2. wrecking ball says:

    it looks like RS1 has pulled up some comments of yours regarding you having a “free republic” account. just FYI.

  3. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Looks like he pulled up something after all this time about freerepublic.

    Its funny that he quotes one of my comments where I caught him in a lie. He was linking to my comment in this thread:

  4. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Someone on br mentioned 3 press conferences? Weren’t there only 2?

  5. There were 2 Sheriff’s office press conferences (I think), but there was another one at The Church on the Green, March 31, 2012.

    Dr. Kenneth Noisewater: Someone on br mentioned 3 press conferences? Weren’t there only 2?

  6. Yes, and it was frankly confusing to me what was going on there until I did a little digging.

    in 2010 when I made the comment, I referred to a ban more than a year prior, not something contemporary. That ban was in December of 2008. I don’t know what ID I was using at FR then but it was birther-critical and there was no charge of lying.

    The reason I seemed to be clueless was that the 2010 ban hadn’t happened yet at the time I was commenting. It happened a week later.

    I received reports of people trying to impersonate me at FR also.

    Dr. Kenneth Noisewater: Looks like he pulled up something after all this time about freerepublic.

  7. gorefan says:

    Isn’t rs1 also red steel at Free Republic?

  8. Joey says:

    There are some folks at Gerbil Report who have a chronic Dr. Conspiracy obsession. Its hilarious to read their posts and giew their “artwork.” Very entertaining, if you have kind of a sick sense of humor.
    I can’t imagine that anyone other than five or ten true believers take that site seriously,

  9. That makes a lot of sense, given that Red Steel was part of that 2010 exchange RS1_ cited.


    gorefan: Isn’t rs1 also red steel at Free Republic?

  10. They have more traffic than I do, meaning more than 1,000 visitors per day. There are a couple hundred folks that have commented fairly recently.

    Joey: I can’t imagine that anyone other than five or ten true believers take that site seriously,

  11. Red Steel is perhaps also Veritas, according to this obscure web posting:

  12. Joey says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    They have more traffic than I do, meaning more than 1,000 visitors per day. There are a couple hundred folks that have commented fairly recently.

    You and I are visitors but neither of us takes that site seriously. (I hope!)

  13. wrecking ball says:

    apart from all the comedy contained in doc and RS1’s exchange i do find it interesting that “charlesmountain” never replied to any of doc’s posts.

  14. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    Red Steel is perhaps also Veritas, according to this obscure web posting:

    He’s probably also Dancing Rabbit as well and dragging canoe on here.

  15. Extremely unlikely. I know who DR is, and he’s not a she, and not from Georgia, etc.

    Dr. Kenneth Noisewater: He’s probably also Dancing Rabbit as well and dragging canoe on here.

  16. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    Extremely unlikely. I know who DR is, and he’s not a she, and not from Georgia, etc.

    It is funny that 8 minutes after I mentioned it DC showed up.

  17. I read most of the comments over at Gerbil Report this morning and all I have to say is wow, can those people mindlessly hate.

  18. The bickering in that thread continues.

    RS1_ claimed that she had to go to the Google cache to get the evidence of the comments, whose images, appear in the article above. I pointed out that the comments are still here on the blog.

    RS1_ claimed that I can turn things on and off. I provided links to the Wayback Machine.

    And, believe it or not, when asked for evidence that Mike Zullo didn’t lie, RS1_ cites Mike Zullo.

  19. Lupin says:

    Reality Check:
    I read most of the comments over at Gerbil Report this morning and all I have to say is wow, can those people mindlessly hate.

    I don’t know if anyone here has a copy of FANTASTIC FOUR #21 which introduced the Hate Monger but check out the dialogue Stan wrote for that character and it reads just like a series of Gerbil Report postings. It’s rather scary in fact.

  20. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    The bickering in that thread continues.

    RS1_ claimed that she had to go to the Google cache to get the evidence of the comments, whose images, appear in the article above. I pointed out that the comments are still here on the blog.

    RS1_ claimed that I can turn things on and off. I provided links to the Wayback Machine.

    And, believe it or not, when asked for evidence that Mike Zullo didn’t lie, RS1_ cites Mike Zullo.

    The only thing I had to do was go to Google type and then use some of the text from the quote and I got it on the first try. so how did rs explain the race code fiasco

  21. Keith says:

    Lupin: I don’t know if anyone here has a copy of FANTASTIC FOUR #21 which introduced the Hate Monger but check out the dialogue Stan wrote for that character and it reads just like a series of Gerbil Report postings. It’s rather scary in fact.

    Once upon a time, I had 4 years worth of every Marvel ‘sci-fi’ title. The collection included Spiderman, XMen, F4, Nick Fury, Dr. Strange, etc, etc, etc. (that is none of the Westerns or the ‘for girls’ titles) I am sure I had Spidy #1 but I can’t remember if I had the Amazing Fantasy with Spiderman). Every one in absolutely mint condition (though not packaged in archive packaging – I was more interested in reading them than ‘investing’ them.

    I think I was missing F4 #1 for some reason – it was a bit before I started ‘collecting’ and I never found it.

    When I moved out of the family home, my dad got house tidy and cleaned out my closet before I had a chance to retrieve them. Pity. I would have had a very nice retirement fund now.

  22. In every instance where I pointed out a lie by Mike Zullo, RS1_ would reply with a link to something Mike Zullo said or one of the CCP videos.

    RS1_ is not really competent to carry on an argument on the Internet at any level beyond birther poo flinging.

    Dr. Kenneth Noisewater: so how did rs explain the race code fiasco

  23. Lupin says:

    Keith: When I moved out of the family home, my dad got house tidy and cleaned out my closet before I had a chance to retrieve them. Pity. I would have had a very nice retirement fund now.

    Oh god that’s a dreadful story! My heart bleeds for you. I have quite a collection myself.

  24. And when I went to college for reasons I never understood, my parents donated my old comic books to a hospital. They included Justice League of America #1 and many from that era (I was a DC reader). Fortunately, I took my MADs with me.

    Keith: When I moved out of the family home, my dad got house tidy and cleaned out my closet before I had a chance to retrieve them. Pity. I would have had a very nice retirement fund now.

  25. RS1_’s claim was that the comment was only in the Google cache 5 years ago, not today.

    I guess I could have let the comment stand long enough for everybody to read it, deleted it just as RS1 as searching the Internet, and then restored it the next day. But why would I do that?

    Dr. Kenneth Noisewater: The only thing I had to do was go to Google type and then use some of the text from the quote and I got it on the first try.

  26. OK, I have gotten this all figured out, vis-a-vis my comment about the ban. The article has been updated, and I left this comment at FR:

    It has continued to bother me why I said I didn’t remember a Free Republic account that I obviously had at one time, and had even written about. It took a while to dig out the truth as evidenced by the facts.

    I personally had a Free Republic Account in December of 2008. Most of what I talked about was an obscure lie from birthers about block 7C on the Hawaii long-form birth certificates, that was claimed allowed the entry of a foreign place of birth for the infant when it didn’t. I even butted heads briefly with a particularly dense FR poster named Red Steel. In any case, the ban occurred between December 20, 2008 (a date I left a comment) and December 26, 2008, the date I wrote about the ban on my personal blog.

    The key point here is that “Dr. Conspiracy” wasn’t banned, and in fact “Dr. Conspiracy” wasn’t created until December 31, 2008. The ban was a to personal ID.

    In the context of “ideological bans at Free Republic,” I said in April 26, 2010, that I had been banned at FR for ideological reasons. I think the record is pretty plain that there was nothing at FR in 2008 justifying a ban. They just didn’t like my facts. My comment was true.

    However, my comment in October 22, 2010, was in a totally different context. It had to do with a list of banned persons at Free Republic, listed by name, but who had never actually registered there. So in the context of Dr. Conspiracy having ever had an account or being banned at FR, I answered that I didn’t remember having such an account and I still don’t. My comment was 100% candid and truthful.

    In the one case I was saying that I personally had an account, but later that “Dr. Conspiracy” did not.

    I invested the time to find my old FR account and to plow through all those old comments on my blog to understand the evidence. I don’t lie and it bothered me that it looked otherwise. All of this probably is over the head of RS1_, but I don’t like loose ends. The truth matters to me.

  27. Jim says:

    Wow Doc, the birther movement has been reduced to you looking up old postings from 2008 just to keep your interest. That’s pretty pathetic for a political movement.

  28. It’s why Birther Report is into recycling too. There’s nothing new to talk about.

    It was a bit interesting to look back at that moment of transition from “admin” to “Dr. Conspiracy.” I just wish all that content from Political Crossfire from the Summer of 2008 was still around.

    I’m starting to write travel articles on my other blog.

    Jim: Wow Doc, the birther movement has been reduced to you looking up old postings from 2008 just to keep your interest. That’s pretty pathetic for a political movement.

  29. bovril says:

    If I recall correctly, this came up from one particularly stupid RWNJ poster who thought he was ded gud and tried to search the Freak Rethuglic site for posters who had been banned thus


    Press enter and if you have the REAL user name you get their “home” page

    If you enter something else from someone who has EITHER been banned, OR suspended, OR never existed you get the same dumb default page

    So, for BitterDelusional, enter

    The Muppet tried a variety of what he/she/it thought were valid names and got the default page, ergo winz and you was all baned

    Such as

    All get

    “This account has been banned or suspended.”

    Typical stupidity but hey no surprises there……….

  30. bovril says:

    Oh, an interesting little thread I caught when posting the above

    It seems that post a certain poster taunting the Freakers with facts, the decision was taken to then not only zot the unwashed but to also actively go back and remove all their posts in a terribly 1984 rightthink sort of way.

  31. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Oh, an interesting little thread I caught when posting the above

    It seems that post a certain poster taunting the Freakers with facts, the decision was taken to then not only zot the unwashed but to also actively go back and remove all their posts in a terribly 1984 rightthink sort of way.

    Ain’t it ironic how RWNJs scream “1984!!!” constantly, yet they are the only ones actively scrubbing disagreeable information away?

  32. THANK YOU!

    This is delicious. Redd called me a liar for saying I didn’t have a Free Republic account. Actually she was lying when she said, back in 2010, that I did.

    bovril: “This account has been banned or suspended.”

    Typical stupidity but hey no surprises there……….

  33. bovril says:

    We lives to serve boss……we lives to serve….😈

  34. bovril says:

    Andrew Vrba, PmG: Ain’t it ironic how RWNJs scream “1984!!!” constantly, yet they are the only ones actively scrubbing disagreeable information away?

    Over the years it seems I, and my various other names have caused a degree of tumoil and acid reflux in right wing nutterstan. To every occasion of banning, baneing (see Ed Hale), zotting, censoring, shunning, editing etc. I say “We win, you lose, you suck and we are and will always remain right…… SUCKAHHHHH”

    Minor gloat finishes……Oh apart from how it seems ORYR really, really got annoyed one time when I was posting from Jakarta…😂

    p.s. currently posting from Sao Paulo a country with the most gorgeous immigration officers evahhhhh….

  35. Keith says:

    bovril: p.s. currently posting from Sao Paulo a country with the most gorgeous immigration officers evahhhhh….

    You only say that because you enjoyed the strip search.

  36. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Keith: You only say that because you enjoyed the strip search.

    And in Soviet Russia, you get to strip search the guards!
    …Wait, that might just end up being completely awful!

  37. bovril says:

    Keith: You only say that because you enjoyed the strip search.

    And my problem is……?

  38. Keith says:

    bovril: And my problem is……?

    absolutamente nada.

    Perhaps I’m just jealous?

    I have so far been able to resist the temptation to search for “brazil immigration officer” on XVideos, but who knows how long that will last?.

  39. Jim says:

    bovril: And my problem is……?


  40. bgansel9 says:

    Speaking of ideological bias at Freeperville, I lurked over there for more than a decade before I decided to register an account (and I lurk still). I used that account ONE time a few months ago, I was very polite while I corrected a piece of information because I felt it was important enough to do so (which was why I registered), I happened to mention that I was a liberal who was not meaning to make any waves on the site and was promptly “zotted” within three minutes.

    Your ideological bias position is absolutely correct.

  41. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    bgansel9: Speaking of ideological bias at Freeperville

    Freepers are a special kind of zealot.
    They seem to believe that America is by and for conservatives alone, as dictated by Jesus Christ himself, on the very same day that he founded the NRA.

  42. bovril says:

    Freak Rethuglic is rather peculiar (qu’elle surprise) in its ideology……

    It used to be, once upon a time, a playground for Birthers of all types and since it was inherently anti-Obama, it was good and so flourished and RimJob blessed the Birthers and the money flowed freely into the grift and the grift was good……

    Then RimJob decided that FR is CRUZ CENTRAL and he is the only ideological saint for FR that is good and all talk otherwise is bad and must be cast into the outer darkness by the power of the zot….

    This lead to much wailing and lamentation and gnashing of false teeth as suddenly a large swathe of the faithful Birthers had become anathema to FR, loh…. Cruz didn’t have two US citizen parents at birth neither was he born in the US….. And the zotting began and it was…… special….

    Alas RimJob saw that the Holy Grift was being damaged by the mass zotting as the delusional give to its prophet with easy abandon and this was not good. So the Great Hypocrisy was released from its chains and the prophet spake that the Birthers may remain but must never speak of the Anointed Cruz in other than adulation and even whispers will not be tolerated. Oh but please feel free to raise any other lies others than the 2 citizen/born on the US heresy.

    And so the Great Delusion was maintained and the Holy Gift was plumped up and the Prophet remains happy but Birther beware as the admins walk amongst you and watch you for your heresy…….

  43. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    bovril: Freak Rethuglic is rather peculiar (qu’elle surprise) in its ideology……

    But at the end of the day, like Gerbil Report, they’re all a bunch of feckless keyboard commandos, incapable of actually doing anything.

  44. bovril says:

    Ahh. No, unlike Gerbil Report, the Freak is a very finely tuned instrument designed specifically to keep RimJob and his family in shiny things by separating gelt from the rubes.

    The business model is quite polished and really should stand as an example of how to legally pick the pockets of the stupid and gullible.

    These are the ADMITTED budget monthly “costs” they post over at FR

    Monthly Expenses
    Bandwidth and Colocation 2,430
    Systems and Programming 7,000.
    Management and Admin + Taxes 13,500.
    Legal and Accounting 1,000.
    Bank Fees, Credit Card Fees, Processing Fees 900
    Equip, Maintenance and Repairs 600.
    Office Expenses, Rents, Insurance, Telephone, ISP, Supplies, Allowance for Declines/Cancels 2,500.
    Travel Expenses. 1,200

    Grand total PER MONTH = 29,130

    It has a “staff” of 4 with at least 21,500 per month going on pay and since they are all partners of the LLC, the tax hit will be managed down dramatically from that of salaried employees.

    Most of if not almost all of the days to day running/managing/censoring of the content is done via a selection of unpaid cronies of RimJob, the “mods”.

    An interesting history oaf FR and it’s bizarre weirdness and outright racism

    A regularly updated distillation of crazy from FR, so you don’t actually have to go there

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