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- Made in the U.S.A. –
- Nordyke twins birth certificate
- Obama Certificate of Live Birth – Gurhrie Photo
- Obama Certificate of Live Birth – Press
- Obama Certificate of Live Birth – White House
- Obama Certification of Live Birth
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My Other Blogs
The Obama long-form birth certificate is not a “cut and paste job.” it is an official state-issued birth certificate scanned by a high-end office machine that separates elements of the image in order to compress them and to reduce the file size, using technology so advanced that it appears to ignorant savages like forgery.
— Dr. Conspiracy
— Comment at Birther Report
This morning at work, I tried to say the words “Berthel Fisher,” but what came out was “Birther Fishel.” I need to find a new hobby.
“Does anybody notice the cognitive dissonance here?”
LogicalPatriot , BirtherReport
Back in College, I was dating a gal who was a HUGE “All My Children” soap opera fan. We planned our days around it. Well, we broke up and went our seperate ways and I totally lost interest in the show.
Flash forward 3 years, my new GF’s mother was a HUGE fan also. One day, I sat down and watched an episode with her…it was like I hadn’t missed a thing.
I’ve decided the birthers are now my own special soap opera. Don’t worry if you miss a few weeks or years, nothing will have changed.
“As The Birther Turns”
(reposted after getting it into the wrong thread…)
The stoopid is strong in this one…
Maryland Lawmaker Thinks Press Needs His OK To Use His Name, Which Is ‘Kirby Delauter’
And by the way: Kirby Delauter, Kirby Delauter, Kirby Delauter
The right wing of the Republican Party, including just about every birther, are furious today that John Boehner has bern reelected as Speaker of the House of Representatives. To them, Boehner’s reelection as Speaker means no traction for impeachment and Boehner’s most famous birther comment is: “The state of Hawaii has said that the president was born there. That’s good enough for me.”
The schadenfreude the sweet sweet schadenfreude!
For those hanging on with baited breath…
Federal Judge Blocks Sheriff Joe Arpaio From Conducting Workplace Immigrant Raids
Dagnabbit! At this rate, the asking price for bottled birther tears is going to plummet lower than crude oil! I’ll be ruined! The other barons will laugh me right out of the club! They’ll make me turn in my monocle and everything! 🙂
You should probably preserve them in plastic in a 1% solution of polyvinyl acetal resin. That way they’ll last forever.
I also noticed that Gerbil Report has a story where they’re basically crying “No fair! The media is throwing that time Mike Huckabee went birther back in his face! This will ruin his chances for a Presidential bid!”
Donald Trump is appearing on Letterman Thursday, I sent the show an email wondering if they’d ask Trump what his private investigators found in Hawaii. Should be good for a few laughs if he asks. 😀
I seem to recall a story that said he had stopped doing that anyway.
The usual trash at Gerbil Report is already crying “False Flag” over that massacre in France.
Maybe someday, karma will drop the mother of all dirty bombs right in Falcon and BSE’s laps. I won’t lose sleep if it does.
The spokesman said that they would stop after finishing one final case…but there’s always one more for Arpaio. The judge basically said “you’ll stop NOW!”
Jim: Donald Trump is appearing on Letterman Thursday
10/2012 Trump Tells David Letterman He’d Raise $5 Million Offer to Obama
The Celebrity Apprentice star made news Wednesday with his “bombshell” announcement that he’d donate $5 million to the charity of President Obama’s choice if the commander-in-chief would release his college records and applications and passport records and applications. (Trump has publicly questioned whether the president was born in the U.S.)
celebrity apprentice has just begun again so we should be prepared for more “news” from trump to increase his ratings
For a group that believes that the world is going to hell because of Obama, they seem remarkably reluctant to believe and specific acts of violence are real.
Top 10 Douchiest Arizonans in 2014
Poor Joe, came in at number 3. Maybe if he tries to arrest the President today he can get an early start on 2015! 😀
I’m surprised there was anyone else on the list except for Shurfjoke.
Check out this article on Taitz:
Orly Taitz Is Saying Stupid Stuff Again: Amal Clooney Edition
When isn’t Taitz saying something stupid would be a better question.
In the comments is one by “dualer” which is the name used by Michael Voeltz of the Florida ballot challenges (he struck out with three different Florida judges).
I saw some of his regurgitated loss at BR and at Dr. Kate’s.
Lawyers ask Judge Snow not to cite Arpaio for contempt:
oh it would be sooo ironic to see arpaio in his famous pink undies!
doubt it would happen, but we can dream…..
Maybe when the reaper takes him, they’ll bury him in a pair.
As another poster pointed out, birthers are getting more agitated and easily frenzied as President Obama’s second term moves along, completely unhindered by their efforts. I think that’s the specter of reality creeping into their collective psyche, and they can’t fully shake it. “What if this really has been all for nothing?” probably creeps into even Falcon’s head now and then.
That image isn’t exactly the stuff dreams are made of.
“Its like I’m wearing nothing at all…”
“Nothing at all…”
“Nothing at all…”
Okay, that’s not helping.
Let’s see, Orly’s moved onto immigration, Arpaio moved onto trying to keep himself out of jail, Zullo’s moved onto points unknown, Gallups has moved onto “Hear no birther, see no birther, speak no birther”… all they got left if the KKKman or leeching off another conspiracy.
And that dork Lucas Smith, who is still trying to pimp a theory that even other birthers have turned their nose up at.
if i wasn’t banned i’d post this over on gerbil report
cnn getting ripped a new one…..
bet they wished they hadn’t had him as a guest! 😀
In my retrospective of things that didn’t happen in 2014, I mentioned Phil Berg’s Obama book not coming out. I see that as late as December 2014 he was still saying that it would come out. The title is “ObamaScare – The Book.”
Today is 1/12/15, the President has been in the White House 2,184 Days
Total number of days pubs have shut the government – 43 Days
Time it takes to walk from NY to LA – 93 Days
Time from Watergate break in to Nixon resign – 784 Days
Time it took the President to get Osama bin Laden – 833 Days
War of 1812 – 975 Days
Time it took Magellan to circumnavigate the globe – 1124 Days
US Civil War – 1459 Days
World War I – 1568 Days
World War II – 2054 Days
Total number of Days Obama will be President – 2923 Days
Articles of Confederation – 2926 Days
Kennedy announcement to first step on the moon – 2980 Days
American Revolution – 3060 Days
Time it will take the birthers to get the President removed – Never.
One of my all-time favorite Quotes of the Day:
If you, Foggy, and your cohorts would shut up and go away, this site would be a model for intelligent, civilized debate and discussion.
— SirenDrake
— Comment at Birther Report (2015)
Left to their own devices they show that this is false. Look at what happened when one of their own challenged one of them about the Sandy Hook conspiracy theories.
I’ve been wallowing in the WND cesspool today, and had this little dialogue–
Some birther says,
“O’s SS# was brought up in court,but the lawyer for O didn’t contest that fact. He said the Constitution doesn’t require a SS# so it didn’t matter.Whoever the judge was he let it go’it seems with him all he does is break the law and no one will do anything”
Somebody else chimes in, reasonably enough,
“Did you forget the Judge’s name or wasn’t it available to you?”
So I reply,
“I think it was Wapner. Or Judy. Judy Wapner– that’s it.”
And sure enough, this comment turns up about seven hours later:
“Stand behind Dr. Ben Carson for president. Judy Wapner is the judge’s name that threw out a birth certificate suit for Obama.”
Miki Booth:
“kessler and brian reilly = two pos in a pod.”
I just found a historical record for my mom where her race is listed as “American.” Does that mean I’m supposed to go to Kenya and usurp something?
(I originally labeled my previous post “equine floggery”, but really, it’s all been beating a dead horse for quite a while now, hasn’t it?)
After Mama died last July, we emptied out her safety deposit box. Found my original birth certificate, a little older than the President’s– a Certificate of Live Birth, listing my parents’ races as “American White.” So let’s get usurpin’.
Uh, I mean the original COPY of my birth certificate, issued when I was born. One can’t be too careful.
Hmmmm, looks like a little fresh meat for the bigots over at BR….
“Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi announced in a closed-door meeting Tuesday she would name the first Muslim lawmaker to the House’s Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence.”
This should give them a good 6 months of hate.
The site is continuing to have stability problems. I don’t know what’s happening yet. A number of things aren’t quite working right, not just the caching.
OK, the problem with the site is that it is out of disk space.
When it tried to cache the update to the Home page, it failed, leaving an empty file, which is what you saw when you tried to access the page.
Turning the cache off temporarily solved that problem, but I need to file a **** of stuff to delete. I will be busy for a while.
So there’s this birther taking– I mean making great big text dumps over at the WND, and I’ve been having some fun tracking down his sources, which of course are unattributed. This one really cracked me up:
I found it…here:
Obviously that’s a race that will never be questioned.
So there’s a lower bound for the “universe shattering” evidence to be revealed. 😉
A group of RWNJ’s tried to get Clinton removed from office and failed, however, despite the crap you spin, you had nothing to do with it. DNA that is 15 years old is quite different from DNA that is allegedly a year old. You never wore a blue dress, had sex with Clinton or came anywhere near him or Bush. You keep adding people to your stories and when you do, you end up negating the stories you previously told.
I haven’t twisted a damn thing. I called you out on your lies and you can’t answer the questions I posted. It’s a common tactic used by liars to divert to a different answer while ignoring the original question, it’s what you did on RC’s radio show and it’s quite easy to hear. Just looking at the list of your videos, I came up with approx. 60+ people that you’ve killed and that’s not all the videos, either. I don’t think anyone needs to tell you just how sick it is for you to claim that you’ve killed all these people despite many of them still being alive according to their families’ posting. Nobody kills that many people and doesn’t go to jail or get questioned at one time or another, especially when the killing of LEO’s are involved. Your stories are fairy tales, sick, twisted, evil fairy tales.
You seem to be emotionally involved here. I have one question for you: “Do you have some sort of crystal ball the keeps track of everyone, everyday, for the past forty years?” No, you don’t. So you don’t know who has and who has not come in contact with each other.
Bush and the Clintons were friends with Pablo and turned a blind eye to his genocide of Americans most especially in South Florida. The Castros and General Gorbechev lived and or gathered in my hometown which was just a few miles north of the Everglades Swamp. A wonderful hiding place for them and a place where Reagan dared not venture after he was shot.
Reagan gave up and Gorby was dead by 1983. The rest was just pathetic theater on Reagan’s part.
I take it that the GR is calling the DC Circuit Court of Appeals expedited schedule for the Arpaio/Klayman appeal a “big score for Sheriff Joe.”
Yeah. Funny what counts as a “victory” to birthers. Its actually more amusing this way, because when they are once again denied what they thought was a sure thing, they really flip the hell out. And that is always fun to watch.
I just blinked through an article about the USJF petitioning for cert at the Supreme Court for Dummett and Noonan. The title: “U.S. Supreme Court Considers Presidential Eligibility Requirement Case.”
Karl Malone is from Clewiston? I had no idea.
Nancy claims that Mike Moore of Clewiston and Mike Zullo and one and the same. So I’m wondering why Nancy doesn’t pay Mike Moore a visit and ask him why Arpaio won’t respond to her e-mails.
No emotional involvement is necessary to see through your bullshit. Since you refuse to answer any questions that I ask, I can only assume it’s because you’re unable because otherwise, you don’t stop talking about your alleged kills and those numerous assassination attempts made on you by people who you freely associated with afterwards, as if they forgot they wanted to kill you. Anyone who finds you the least bit credible only needs to listen to the discrepancies in your stories. No, I don’t believe that Bush, Clinton or anyone in their circle of politicians would have had dealings with a lowlife pos like you who allegedly killed for a living and did it with ease. If there was any truth to your stories, you would be locked away for good. Cop-killers aren’t forgotten about and certainly aren’t forgiven by other cops. You’re an attention whore and as batshit crazy as Taitz, Trowbridge and President Obama’s other “half-sister” in Kansas. You ought to form a club and make up stories for the Obama haters. They eat this shit up, the rest of us know a blatant lie when we hear it and that is the only thing that has come out of your mouth since you started your fairy tales. Good riddance.
Well, it’s not as grim as the more-realistic “U.S. Supreme Court Schedules Rejection of Birther Failure Appeal”, but, when your chances are limited to oscillating between “slim” and “none”, you have to grab at every faint ray of hope that comes your way.
I’m gonna write a letter to Stephen Hawking asking him if he’d publish my proof Earth is flat, then a blog post titled “Stephen Hawking considering Earth is flat”. EPIC WIN!
If the initial case is any indication, they will completely forget they ever said “it went so well for us, we’re sure we’ll win” and switch back to “we knew from the start the fix was in”.
Say what? Gorbechev (sic) died in 83? Somebody better tell Goverbachev considering he’s still alive. It’s funny how you claim every popular person in history all decided to come to your backwater town.
Umm what does what you just said have to do with what I said? You seem to think Clewiston is the only city on earth since everyone and their mother seems to go there.
You’re the one claiming there’s a problem when there isn’t. It’s not my job to support your insane ramblings. If you can’t get off your lazy ass yourself then how can you expect others. You haven’t “exhausted” every avenue. You’ve made a few calls and posted stuff online. You haven’t once got on a plane and showed up in person.
So you’re just going to assume that will happen. Why would the NSA inform Arpaio if they’re ignoring you? So once again you make up any excuse to not get off your lazy ass. How would you know what would happen if you haven’t even bothered to try it?
….. it’s what you did on RC’s radio show and it’s quite easy to hear.
Oh, you mean the part where I’m yelling at RC to, “Let me talk! Let me finish?!”
Yeah, and Mike Volin’s whole “victory” tour when this is all over, will be a record of pathetically misleading article headlines, like today’s for example:
His headline and subhead scream:
“O’Reilly Factor Email: Obama Is A Muslim; When Is Media Going To Wake Up And Admit It?”
“‘Video: Bill O’Reilly Email; Obama Is A Muslim;
When Is Media Going To Wake Up And Admit It?'”
Then in tiny print he betrays the pathetic truth:
“Fox News’ Bill O’Reilly responds to a viewer email declaring Obama a Muslim and asking when the media is going to wake up and admit it. O’REILLY ANSWERED;
” Perhaps when a SHRED OF EVIDENCE is produced. So far, ZERO on that front.”
Mike Volin is not struggling with a Presidential usurper; he’s struggling with reality!
I know Mike Moore and it would be a huge waste of time. There’s only one person, at this point, that I would trust with sharing this massive amount of info. Someone who’s been in the trenches and knows that, at least in part, I’m telling the truth. I looked at the list of numbers to Congress today and have to ask myself, “Who the heck are you kidding?”
So basically only yourself is the person you’d trust. So crazy.
You mean the part where you were allowed to ramble but then when people tried asking you questions and you couldn’t answer them then you claimed no one let you talk? You basically got to talk for 20 minutes.
There’s more than one forged document. Some were typed. Some were signed. One had to have a mailman stamp, etc. You have to hear the whole account before you can know the truth and RC knows that which is why he cut me short.
You don’t want to talk to Mike Moore because you know that he would laugh in your face about your preposterous conspiracy theories, even though he shares your disdain for Obama.
Mike Moore, the traffic cop who conned the FBI into believing he was a master investigator who made a breakthrough on Medellin Cartel fingerprints having never dared venture into cartel country? The cop who was well-known by all to never go out after dark because that’s when the bad guys come out?
Yes we get it how your story changes every time you retell it. Back then you were talking about the short form and not the long form. Then you claimed you did the long form. Everything was typed on the short form so you were wrong.
Yes we understand you’re crazy and think two different people are the same guy
I take it you must mean “Mr. Entire Internet”, ’cause that’s the only ‘person’ who you’ve told it to so far.
Birther birtherin’, over at the WND:
“I can not prove the veracity of the SS number belonging to someone else.Apparently people who tried to verify Obama’s SS number discovered it was not registered as legitimate. This is similar now to disclaimers by Heimler and Goebbels that Jews were not actually murdered in death camps. How can I prove the Holocaust ever happened? I read books, articles and I decide what sounds believable. I even met a man who had survived the Holocaust and he had a tattoo on his arm made by the Nazis. I can not prove that all the books and articles are not lies. Nor can I do this as a private citizen for Obama’s birth certificate and SS number. I, like you also, are at the mercy of a few so called experts who claim they know the truth. Who is your expert? Valerie Jarrett, Obama himself, the WH spokeman :)”
(It’s the one that come up down by the “Load more comments.”)
That’s getting into QOTD territory.
Back then I didn’t understand your terminology of “short” form or “long” form. To me it’s the green form (what you call short) and the second from that I signed (what you call the long form). For me it’s the “green form” and “the other form.” I can recall specifics much easier that way.
The original forms are on plain paper.
The “short form” is a computer database entry printed onto security paper. The long form is a photocopy of a hospital-generated form in the book printed onto security paper.
Nobody, yourself included, signed any “green form.”
I did sign the long form. I did type the short form. I did acquire the stamp for the selective service registration form. I did do the research for the birth certificate. I did get the info on Hawaii’s lax laws from my professor whom I shot someone afterward to eliminate a potential witness. I did go to Hawaii with Griselda to do further research and I did, along with Griselda, help eliminate the family whose identity we were stealing. Am I a bad person?
Ah yes this is your new lie. You knew exactly what it meant because I pointed it out to you when you claimed you signed Ann’s signature on the short form, despite no signatures appearing on the short form. You were wrong, you lied and now you’re lying again.
The short form isn’t typed. Hawaii regulations aren’t lax.
Where did you get an authentic Hawaii USPO date cancellation device?
You did none of those things. Which is why at different times you’ve claimed you only did the short form. Then the long form then you claimed you didn’t do the long form. You continue to shift everything around. Did you also forge the Barack Obama Sr INS file from 1961 as well? You keep changing how you came about with the Obama name. Yes you’re a bad liar.
No. You mistake my extreme nervousness and your obvious sneering at my comments as lying. If you were sincerely looking for the truth, you would let me talk openly and freely. You would not try to block and harass so you are the one who lies when you say you gave me an opportunity to speak. How often does one have to admit to being the forger of a President’s birth documents and Selective service registration? Not to mention all of the other events that go hand in hand with this birther issue.
Listen to the whole story if you dare. Taking what little you’ve bothered to listen to and tearing it into pieces does not make your version of events true and mine false. I have never been properly questioned and investigated in this matter and you know it.
From the mailman who worked the Clewiston, Florida office.
I thought you meant the postage stamp so ignore the comment above.
Let me begin by saying that I haven’t been following your claims and counterclaims very closely. All I can see is that you’ve made a large number of statements of purported fact, and they have been pretty much universally dismissed by the readers here.
But as far as I can tell, you are able to post openly and freely here, so let me make a suggestion. Why don’t you pick one of those disputed issues — any one of your choice — and prove it to us with solid evidence and logic?
If they’re really true, there must be a single one that you can document, and if you do it convincingly, it might go some distance toward enhancing your credibility.
No, you’re not a bad person! You’re just mentally ill.
Now these are bad girls:
As of 2:45 p.m. this date, I have followed orders and reported it to my Congressman who is Republican Thomas Rooney, (FL). For security purposes, I have recorded it.
You know, this playing “Nancy Owens” is starting to look like fun. Is Griselda like Clyde Frog or something?
I don’t think I understand you.
Is this a response to my request that you “pick one of those disputed issues — any one of your choice — and prove it to us with solid evidence and logic”?
If so, please tell us where we can find your presentation of solid evidence and logic. If I have misunderstood, please explain.
Nervousness? You make hundreds of videos about you rambling incoherently where there is no nervousness on your part to lie. You got caught lying, you got caught multiple times lying. You’ve changed your stories repeatedly when called on these lies. Harass? You post your nonsense everywhere, you seek us out you’re the only one harassing people. You can claim to be the forger 3 million times in a row it still doesn’t mean you are. You can’t actually prove you created anything.
It had nothing to do with you. I was already in the process of calling several Congressmen and knew nothing of your post. It’s just letting you know that, as ordered, I have submitted this to my Congressman and see no reason right now to do anything other than wait for Rooney to make a move.
I’ve listened to your long drawn out stories over the years. Each time you retell it your story changes. Every time you’re caught in a lie you change the story. I’ll tear your story apart all I want since it’s so incredibly unbelievable. It’s not my version of events it’s the real version of events.
So you can’t actually prove any of your claims.
It’s all real and there’s enough of a blood trail to be more than just “coincidental.”
Still waiting on that proof
And, I’m still waiting on an investigator to make contact.
I want to repeat this informative comment from BR about the ring Obama wears. The commenter, named Guest, may have come across a good explanation for the design:
Barry’s ring is not islamic, as it is forbidden to wear gold rings in that faith. What Barry wears on his left hand, where there should be a wedding band but isn’t (nor is there a wedding band on his right hand), is a gold Java band ring of Central Java Period design, the center undulating section imitating Antaboga, the world serpent.
The following all show past and present gold rings which design can be described as a rod coiled around the ring which changes direction by 90º to continue as an undulating serpentine perpendicular to the initial coil wrap, then return as coiled around the ring.
Barry’s gold ring:
Java band ring (female)
Central Java Period ring (Second half of the 8th–second half of the 10th century)*&what=Gold%7CJewelry&pos=433
Central Java Period Bracelet
And then you and Clyde– I mean Griselda– can save Salma Hayek from the big metal spider!
Of course, and you are under no obligation to give us any evidence whatsoever.
I hope you realize, though, that you have left us in a state in which we have heard a boatload of outlandish-sounding claims but we have never been given a logical verifiable basis for accepting even a single one of them.
You can comprehend, I’m sure, that the only rational response in such a position is to assume it’s pure delusion until the contrary is firmly established.
What is this?
…. authentic Hawaii USPO date cancellation device?
Nancy, have I found you at last? Do you still remember me, and the night we crossed the Rio Grande? How proud we were to fight for freedom in this land? Can you hear the drums? Alas, Cuernavaca’s falling. Send lawyers guns and money, dad, get me out of this. (Your hair was perfect!). You always were an excitable girl.
OK, you said: “I did acquire the stamp for the selective service registration form.”
A Selective Service form is filled out in person at a post office and the postal employee uses a hand stamp, the same used to cancel stamps on letters, to indicate the date. Each hand stamp has the name of the post office and the zip code on it. The registration form is not mailed.
So when you said that you “acquired the stamp,” what stamp were you talking about? There was no postage stamp involved because the form is not mailed so the only stamp left is the cancellation stamp.
Thank you, thank you, thank you! For giving me an excuse to listen to ABBA once again.
The rubber stamp with the ’80. I went to the Clewiston office to ask for one. The mailman said he didn’t have a old stamp. Later, when I had returned to Montura, a stamp was delivered.
Excellent find. My compliments to poster Guest. I think I’m banned at BR or I’d tell him myself.
Quite so. But I’m going to fire up Warren Zevon first. Then later tonight, the free concert in the park is the group “Bjorn Again” – which is the top Australian Abba tribute band – oh frabjous day.
Well, this part might be right: “Your hair was perfect!”
Thought for the day:
Your brain lies to you
Much is explained…
Whenever you’re asked questions, you ignore the ones you can’t answer. Why do you claim to be the little girl in the photo with Barack Obama (the one where he has a Hawaiian lei on) when you have said there is less than a year’s difference in your ages and the little girl in the photo is clearly several years younger than he is? Did your eyes change color? The girl in the photo has brown eyes and yours are hazel according to your DL. You’ve been asked this by a number of different posters and yet you repeatedly ignore it because there is no plausible explanation. Let’s see if you’ll ignore it again or actually try to answer it. After all, it took you several months to come up
with a reason as to why you had the short form and long form confused. It doesn’t meet any credibility standards but you tried.
You claim you picked the name Obama out of the Bible as a con job for the Christians and now after saying that for at least 18 months, you claim you picked the name out of the Hawaiian birther roles and killed the family named Obama. Genealogy records show only one family by the name of Obama living in Hawaii in the year Obama was born, 1961, and the same is still prevalent in 1985. So which is the truth?
If you don’t answer these, it’s simply because you can’t but they are very simple to answer IF you’re telling the truth. They are nothing compared to what an investigator would ask you, especialy if they watched your many videos online and the noted disc repancies in them between the time you made them and what you’re saying now.
There is absolute irrefutable proof that Barack Obama attended Occidental College for 2 years, Columbia University for 2 years, graduating in 1983 and later graduated from
Harvard with a J.D., magna cum laude. These facts prove that what you’re saying does not apply to the current President.
I gather Arpaio’s bath is getting hotter:
RE: There is absolute irrefutable proof that Barack Obama attended Occidental College for 2 years, Columbia University for 2 years, graduating in 1983 and later graduated from
Harvard with a J.D., magna cum laude.
No. This is wrong as is the mailman. Stop screaming at me, Orly(?) You’ve been played if you believe this to be true.
We have a very special open thread coming up on January 20.
Open primary season already? 2yr countdown to the frogmarching?
Never seen gerbils march frogs before. First time for everything!
It has to do with Falcon.
Saw a small dog riding on the back of a giant tortoise on Youtube though.
Sorry but it’s right he attended occidental and graduated from Columbia before you claimed you even made the bcs. I notice you also ignored answering Kate’s question.
Tell us though what year you supposedly forged the short form.
This is not something that can be pieced together or explained over the internet or phone. I will continue to ignore Kate’s questions.
Ah, you are playing with me. Perhaps you remember Roland, and drinking Pina Coladas at Trader Vic’s. Little Suzie was there, too. And after you built the cage with her bones, we were glowing like the metal on the edge of a knife. You took the words right out of my mouth. Oh well, two out of three ain’t bad. Let’s sleep on it, or we’ll be praying for the end of time.
And, *in her best Hermione voice* you are?
If that comment is in response to me, you could help me by showing me how it relates to what I said.
Ah, why are you this way, ma belle amie? Was it not I who suggested you use the nom de plume ‘Deep Throat’ when you told Lee Harvey Oswald about Reagan’s plan to arm the Contras? Did I not reveal to you that it was not the real Pablo who masqueraded as the mailman, but that it was a false flag operation to distract the other members of the cartel? Why do you play with these.. these… Obots? It is beneath you. Is not everything I have said as true as anything you have told them? As for the six-fingered man, he fell long ago to the Giant Rat of Sumatra. Not quite the solution he expected. Oh, how can you be in two places at once, when you’re not anywhere at all. I, Don Fernando de Escobar Y Ortega, say that it is so.
Orly? Have you gone off the deep end?
Pardon me, Don Fernando, but as I sit here waiting for the electrician or someone like him, it occurred to me that we are all Bozos on this bus.
RE: Arthur B.: Of course, and you are under no obligation to give us any evidence whatsoever.
That’s not a typical comment by an everyday Jo-Blow. So, again, “You are?”
Hey, whatsa matta? You no understand English? You can’t come in here unless you say swordfish!
**nudge, nudge**, **wink, wink**
Just remember Rule 6. (right Nancy?)
I credit it all to that ancient cockroach in a sombrero.
Somebody over at the WND brought up Chris Monckton’s “affidavit,” so I’ve been going back over that train wreck– anyway, I came across this comment of his here, from when he was schooling all of us back in November 2012:
“Those on this website who are not willing to countenance the possibility that the White House document is a forgery may, therefore, yet find themselves more than a little surprised by the decision of a Federal District Court, in some months’ time, to grant the investigators an Order for scrutiny of the original birth documentation in Hawaii.”
Is that like a “Broken Birther Promise” thing? There’s this snippet, too:
“… once the sheriff’s investigators have verified their findings with the assistance of a suitably qualified forensic document examiner they will want to put the strongest possible case before the Federal District Court. To this end, they will list the irregularities confirmed by the forensic document examiner and – now that they know how the probabilistic analysis works – I expect they will approach a suitably qualified mathematician to carry out the assessment.”
Than’s for retrieving that quote. I will make it a Quote of the Day soon.
You ignore all questions that you can’t cover up with a new lie. You can never explain how the girl in the photo that you claim is you, is obviously several years younger than Barack. So you’ve ignored the question whether I ask it or on other threads when I’ve seen other posters ask the same thing. You also can’t explain how or why you said you picked the name Obama from the Bible but also picked it from a family in Hawaii. I see you’ve now added Professor Nixon to your list of kills. You’re reaching again as he’s still alive and still teaching. Is this another body double? LOL!
You are a liar, Nancy. You’re obviously mentally ill because you talk about such disgusting things in a casual manner. I just noticed today that you posted new videos, all very short in length, each claiming another person that you’ve killed. You also say you blew up a plane but disembarked after getting on, leaving a bomb in the overhead compartment? Your picture would have been all over the TV at the time and you would not have gotten away with that as easily as you claim. I couldn’t stop laughing at your description of going to your local Catholic church and the Pope allegedly coming to Clewiston the following week at your request, where you killed him, OF COURSE! I’m sure the Pope dropped everything because a low-life druggie in redneck FL needed to speak to him. You must believe that you’re more intelligent than everyone else when the only thing you’ve proven is that you have a sick and twisted imagination.
Just so you know, I spotted one of the Doc’s deep cover clones at the free concert in the park around the corner from us last night, but in keeping with security posture lamda-omega I didn’t grab a snapshot.
“Bjorn Again” was kinda lousy, and we didn’t even stay long enough to hear “Fernando” which I assume was the climax. Benny and Bjorn were fine, but Agnetha and Frida, while they had nice enough voices, just weren’t as crisp and ‘tight’ as the originals. The result was a kind of muddy sound, not helped by the good but not great sound system.
Anyway, the concert was listed as running from 6-8pm but Bjorn Again didn’t start until after 8. Sundown was at 8:43 and it was getting quite cool by 8:30 already. We walked home and had a great bottle of wine instead.
Kinda. But only “kinda”: like any good con man, Monckton made his “promise” so vague that a sharp 8-year-old could weasel out of it. We may “yet find [our]selves more than a little surprised … in some months’ time”, by a news conference at which biologists announce that they’ve genetically engineered a flying pig. But I doubt that there are many here who’d even be willing to bet somebody else’s farm on it.
I’m sure I’m not the only one who’s still wondering whether he’s a genuine loon, or merely a “performance artist” playing one for attention and laughs.
What brought me back to that quote was a birther with a crush on Monckton, going on about “Lord Monckton’s 45 page affidavit.” Which I figure was a conflation of Zullo’s and Monckton’s…opera. I told him Monckton was basically like one of those guys who dresses up as Spiderman for kids’ birthday parties.
I’m sorry, that is not correct. You didn’t beat the reaper.
So, Mrs Haber…I mean, Nancy,…..why don’t you tell everyone in the studio audience just who the six-fingered man was, and why he only ‘mostly’ killed the Dread Pirate Roberts.
(If you have any trouble, just hold your finger under line in the script like I do. That way I never get confused.)
As for ‘going off the deep end’, well, you know.
So in other words you need more time to make up a lie that you think makes sense to you. It’s not something that can be pieced together anywhere because you’re making everything up. Her questions aren’t hard to answer you avoid them because you’re caught in obvious lies and contradictions. Tell me though which year you’ve claimed the short form was forged in.
She takes the answers that I give her, distorts them in her own mind, chews them up, spits them back out and then, looking at the pile of goo, say, “Now, explain THAT to me.”
One thing I learned long ago while working for Pablo is, don’t waste your time with women because 99.99 percent of them have never seen these kind of things so they simply don’t have the mental capacity to absorb the reality of what our political “leaders” do in the background where they think no one is watching. Or, thinking that they will never be caught.
What goes on is very crude, bloody, and disgusting with just a few rare moments when you can actually laugh or enjoy life.
Nancy, I have told you before, that was not Pablo. Why you continue to believe such disinformation is beyond me.
And what is it with you and Orly? I render a term of endearment (Ma Belle Amie) and you think that I am her? Have you been unfaithful to me all this time?
Maybe it is that something else you say is true, though: Don’t waste your time with women (like yourself) because…they simply don’t have the mental capacity to absorb reality.
There’s nothing distorted about it. You give answers that change with each retelling simply because you can’t keep your story straight. It’s not a pile on when you keep get caught in a lie. So once again what year do you claim you forged the short form?
It’s true. Pablo is not his real name. You didn’t think I knew that, now did you? As for reality absorption, I’ve seen and done far more than I care to admit. I have witnessed Jeb and George Bush, Jr. helping Pablo build up the cocaine fields while Gorbechev, a true hardcore General who would have done our country proud had he been one of ours, albeit our sworn enemy, began to gather American soldiers while ON American soil.
Bush, Jr is nothing but a childish punk and so are his goons. It pays well, I suppose. It was Gotti who ordered Bush Jr. to kill Gorbechev. Bush, Jr., being the childish punk that I have said he is, then began killing off agents and witnesses so that he could own the hit and con everybody into thinking he was some sort of glorious leader.
How many times do I have to repeat it? OMG! It was the summer of ’85 if I recall correctly because I had to answer to Griselda for my studies in Journalism, that is an absolute, and I can assure you “Obama” was NOT in college from ’83 and ’84. Do you think you can retain this information this time? Please, please remember, ok?
You come across the doggonedest things looking at birther Disqus profiles:
That’s how we can tell you’re lying since the short form wasn’t something that existed in Hawaii until much later with the computer printout. of course Obama wasn’t in college from 83 to 84 he graduated Columbia University in 83 before you claimed you needed to create the bc for him to attend college which he already attended. I didn’t need to remember it. I wanted a public record of your lie.
Gorbachev is very much alive and never served in the military.
Nope. The true “Allen/Obama” whose pictures have been splashed across the boards, the high school photo with black and white female shirt which he had to borrow from me because he didn’t have a decent shirt to wear that day while we were in the 11th grade and the basketball photo, did NOT enter college in the years you’re claiming.
No, sir, un hunh. Monckton is Sacha Baron Cohen’s masterpiece creation.
Ah, thanks for the clarification. I understand now.
I think you’re right, I bring a slightly different perspective to the conversation from many of those participating.
While I have been closely following birther issues since around November of 2008, and have participated rather heavily in many of the relevant fora, your story is one that I haven’t really been following. So, for example, while many here report hearing you tell multiple, conflicting stories over the course of their dealings with you, I myself have not had that experience.
But I was struck by your complaint that you have not been permitted to “talk openly and freely.” As far as I can tell, that’s not the situation here.
So I came up with what I thought was a reasonable suggestion, in order to step aside momentarily from the multi-layered disputes from the past. Let me propose it again:
Why don’t you pick one of those disputed issues — any one of your choice — and prove it to us with solid evidence and logic?
If they’re really true, there must be a single one that you can document, and if you do it convincingly, it might go some distance toward enhancing your credibility.
You see, my feeling is that as long as you hop from claim to claim without establishing any one them on a firm logical, factual basis, you open yourself to accusations of being mendacious, deranged, or both. And to respond to that by hopping more and proving nothing, you do yourself more harm than good.
On the other hand, if you can overcome people’s doubts on even a single one of your claims, they might then be willing to take a fresh look at what you’ve been saying.
Same thing I said, just a matter of degree.
Nah, Monckton is obviously a malformed clone of dead comedy legend Marty Feldman.
I suspect that Nancy’s definition of “talking openly and freely” is “being able to make whatever claims pop into my head without having those claims challenged.”
Nancy has made numerous ludicrous claims which have been thoroughly debunked.
She claims that Mike Moore of Clewiston and Mike Zullo are one and the same. Mike Moore is 68 years old; Mike Zullo is 54 years old. Photographs of both men make it clear to anyone who is not blind that they are not the same person.
Nancy claims that Nancy D’Alesandro Pelosi is related to Joseph D’Alessandro, a former State Attorney in Florida. When it was pointed to Nancy that the names are spelled differently, she claimed that Pelosi had the spelling of her maiden name changed. Unfortunately for that theory, Pelosi’s father and brother were both prominent politicians in Maryland, and vintage newspaper reports prove that both men spelled their name D’Alesandro.
Then there are her claims that she killed Pablo Escobar and numerous other people, her fantasies about Russian/Cuban submarines in Lake Okeechobee, etc.
The black and white photos were taken by his occidental classmate Lisa Jack in 1980. while you were in the 11th grade? You said you were a year apart you wouldn’t be in the same grade. nice try on lying buy you ignored that the short form in Hawaii didn’t exist at the time you claimed you forged it
Are we sure Nancy that isn’t just some performance?
You seem to think that everything is to be absolute specific. Ok, he was in the 11th and I was 10th. Of that, I’m fairly certain because he told me at the time that this would be the last time for high school photos. At which point, I have to be honest, I was a little relieved to hear. Those photos were not done by “Lisa Jack.” They were done by me.
Dr. Kenneth Noisewater: The black and white photos were taken by his occidental classmate Lisa Jack in 1980.while you were in the 11th grade?You said you were a year apart you wouldn’t be in the same grade.nice try on lying buy you ignored that the short form in Hawaii didn’t exist at the time you claimed you forged it
Doc, why do you continue to let Ms. Owens post? She’s clearly in a different reality. My brother believed that Donald Trump visited with him for lunch in our small town, and that some friends murdered each other and buried themselves under the sidewalk in front of our house. He, at least, was diagnosed with schizophrenia.
The photos were done by Lisa Jack in 1980 while he attended occidental college. You weren’t in 10th and he wasn’t in the 11th as those pictures wee taken when he was in college and not by you. I’d say your inability to be specific on something proves you’re lying. Back to the short form that type of form didn’t exist during the time period you claimed you created it.
Fun Fact for the Day: The Amtrak station code for Maricopa, Arizona is “MRC”.
That form was bought for fifty dollars by Griselda Blanco. Where she got it from, I don’t know. However, that green form IS the one that I typed on. If what you’re saying is true, Hawaii officials are in DEEP, DEEP you-know-what. I hope you’re right since it would be a breeze to prove.
For those of us who have not had the luxury of being in the presence of someone truly insane the rantings of Ms. Owens and others like Rod Class and John Vidurek are enlightening. It also gives us an alternative to “Downton Abbey”.
Breaker one-nine. Do you copy?
There was no form like that in 1985. The short form wasn’t created until around the 2000s. There was no form you bought. it’s just another example of you not being able to get your lies straight. you didn’t work with griselda and you didn’t forge anything.
Was, did and did.
I didn’t distort a damn thing. You just can’t answer my questions due to your lies. I didn’t change a damn thing you said, just repeated it and then brought to light the reason it was impossible based on what you said.
It’s just like you coming up with a lie about not understanding what was meant by long form and short form because you knew them by the colors of the form yet you NEVER asked anyone to specify what they meant when they spoke about them. Either way, as Dr. Ken says, it’s just another lie because there was no short form in 1985, no matter what color you claim it was because they didn’t exist until after 2001.
You’re too stupid and ignorant to keep your lies straight. You just got done saying that you took those photos at the same time you allegedly forged the b.c.’s. and that you kept black and white film in your camera for the college newspaper. That’s not 10th grade, is it? Either way, you NEVER took those photos, either. Lisa Jack holds the copyright for them.
How do you explain the existence of Barack Obama in Punahou’s yearbooks from 1971 to 1979? You can’t, except to acknowledge that he was a student there and you have been lying since the moment you opened your mouth about all of this.
You just can’t answer my questions…because you will never comprehend corruption. That’s a good think, mind you. If it’s not in you to begin with, you don’t see it. Again, most women have never been close to the blood and gore that goes on behind the scenes so trying to get you to “see” it is a waste of my time.
In completely unsurprising news, Gerbil Report is taking offense that birthers are once again being called out for what they are!
Inmates are even throwing out the stereotypical “I can’t be a racist! I have ethnic friends/family members!” remarks.
One never knows.
What I do not understand is, given that nobody takes Nancy’s narrative seriously, why people go to so much trouble to try to refute it.
No it wasn’t. Hawaii didn’t use that form in 1985. You lied you got caught lying again. Just like how you claimed you signed Ann Dunham’s signature on the short form despite no signatures being on the document.
You’re really talking to yourself now?
I let her post because she doesn’t violate the editorial policy.
Now tell me why she bothers you so much, and why several people are encouraging her to post more by repeatedly challenging her and picking arguments.
If you (plural) don’t want her posting DON’T EGG HER ON.
oops I didn’t catch that lie. Yeah she just got done saying she took the photos of him in while she was in the 10th grade while at the same time claiming she kept them for her community college newspaper. What’s even funnier in her online postings she claims she graduated from college in 1985
So at the same time she was supposedly in the 10th grade as well.
What questions did you ask of Kate that went unanswered? I’ve asked you a slew of questions as has kate which you won’t answer because you can’t. Oh we understand the corruption of your mind quite well. It’s why you can’t keep your story straight.
By the way Nancy were you born premature?
Counting down…watching the skies towards Albuquerque…
I think for the same reason one sometimes feels compelled to grab an extremely obnoxious person by the shoulders, and shake them while sternly asking then what the hell is wrong with them.
Other than a little passing amusement over their fantastical stories, the Obama-relative claimants, like this one, the crazy woman from Kansas, and Rick Hyatt are, to me, about the most boring birthers out there. Their stories are too self-centered. It would be fun to get them all together and have them hash it out, though.
Just make sure you frisk ’em at the door.
My friends, please do not think too harshly of my petite little flower, Nancy. The 80’s were not kind to her. At the time, she was a simple tax attorney. It was unfair of Nixon to blame her. She told Spiro to use an account in the Caymans, but he did not listen to her. And then, when Ollie North hired the plumbers, she was left high and dry during the Bay of Pigs fiasco. It was then that she met Pablo Escobar. Or, at least, the man she knew as Pablo. I told her not to believe him, that is was all Soviet Maskirova, but she tight with Paris and would not listen. Very few people know that the recording was originally a threesome, but she erased the 18 minutes and blamed it on the secretary. It was about this time that she was first hired as a contract killer, JR being her first assignment, but she had to go undercover to avoid being purged during McCarthy’s Red Scare. J Edgar Hoover, himself, helped her hide out with Patty Hearst, at least until Roland the Thomson Gunner revealed that she was a double agent for Idi Amin. The Raid at Entebbe was a cover for Israel’s attempt to eliminate her, and that is why she emigrated from Israel to the US. The drugs they gave her while she was a detainee at Gitmo did not help, either, and it was only due to the advanced medical technology of the blue alien at area 51 that she survived at all. She and Roland later became friends, as I have said, her having helped take care of Little Suzie after they fell asleep at the drive in. Alas, I have not seen her since we parted after drinking pina coladas at Trader Vic’s.
So do not be too hard on her. If you don’t believe this lie is true, ask the blind man. He saw it too.
I think there is something wrong with your narrative. It may have something to do with a missing head line. Or maybe it was the fact you left out the role played by Lee Ho Fooks. Ahhh whoooooo!
Or not.
I went on the offensive at GR this morning posting this:
Remember, special new open thread goes live at midnight tonight. Startling revelation about Falcon at Birther Report.
And no replies yet. All the inmates sleep in on MLK day?
Thanks for continuing to rub noses in the obvious, Doc. +1!
But did you not notice that Chis Strunk has a book on Amazon “in support of the exoneration of Barrister Michael Shrimpton.”
Isn’t it great when one lunatic offers to help another lunatic? It would be like B.S. Barry making a Photoshopped picture of narcosubs crossing Lake Mudpuppy, or whatever the hell swamp she lives on.
Shh. It is best not to mention that one night in Bangkok with the one-armed man. She still has nightmares about Casablanca. Besides, she just infiltrated that place of purveyance to negotiate the vending of some cheesy comestibles. How was she to know that HE would be there? Is this, at least, she was not responsible for all that came after. As I said, it was the six-fingered man who only ‘mostly’ killed the Dread Pirate Roberts. I was not there myself, you understand, but Inigo Montoya told me about it, and I have no reason to doubt his word. I heard a similar story from Art Wholeflaffer, that nudist trailer park manager in Hellmouth. And it was Nino ‘the mind boggler’ Savatte who told me about the time she ate the blue moss and became an alien. So don’t be surprised if everything you know is wrong.
Besides, I am not one to just name drop. Say no more.
If you took the photos in the summer of 85 and you were in the 10th grade how could you have also been graduating from college as you’ve claimed all over online? Of course but Obama graduated from Columbia in 83
Why would birthers care for logic? Even Jerome Corsi brushed off reproaches that he didn’t include anything about Kenyan birth or two citizen parents in his first anti-Obama book (despite stating he learned in school that NBC means two citizen parents) by claiming he had so much material that not everything could be included. Right, as if the argument “he isn’t just a bad person, he’s ineligible” wouldn’t be #1 on any list of “why Obama is a bad President” if it were correct.
That’s like claiming a book “Why Charles Manson is evil” wouldn’t contain “He killed people” because there was too much about him not greeting his neighbours that had to be included instead.
Ooooh. Sound scandalous! 🙂
Now up on YouTube:
Obama Birth Certificate Forger, Nancy Ruth Owens (Barger), Surrenders To Congress
There, now are ya’ll happy?
Nancy was 23 years old in the summer of 1985, so I doubt that she was in the 10th grade that year.
Exactly she’s the one claiming the pictures were taken in 1985 and that Obama was in high school at the time.
Would that be at 11:00 central? 😀
sorry fenando, but i think you might have mixed up the location.
it was in fact the hollywood hawaiian hotel, and you were actually drinking coffee. i saw the photos (although like when you were in trader vic’s, your hair was perfect!). cast you mind back and you might remember. boom-boom mancini was at the table behind you.
I have a bit of a backlog in Quotes of the Day as I’ve found such fertile ground at WorldNetDaily and Birther Report. The Archives have upcoming entries.
Is he the husband of Carmen Montoya who posts at Orly’s site?
I’m delirious. With laughter. You’re more ridiculous than Michael Shrimpton.
From a birther named ohhhdear, in the following link’s comment section.
“I’m at a loss too. I believed we would have answers by now.
I just admitted to myself that Bozo will most likely finish his term . That is sooooo hard to admit! I feel like I have been punked.”
That poster, who seems like they’re coming to their senses, instantly goes on an idiot tirade about how we need a President who is willing to deport all Muslims. I guess their brief moment of lucidity was just a fluke.
It is perhaps that you are right. The falcon and the snowman would know better. I was, how do you say, ‘under the influence’. Or was it the Fat Man and Little Boy? There have been so many nights, it was a confusing time. Still, it was quite the night. We were glowing like the metal on the edge of knife. And that baseball player, the small stop who gave the play by play, he was with us too.
As for Inigo, he it was that played the rhyming game with Fezzik that irritated Vizzini so. Ah, what a swordsman he was. Only the Dread Pirate Roberts could best him. And even he could not do it left-handed.
Mein Gott. I have just realized. Doctor – the fat man, that time in Casablanca: He was after the Falcon all along. No wonder my petite little flower still has nightmares. The answer was in front of us all along, the answer to the ultimate question regarding the meaning of life: 42.
I can hardly wait to see what surprises the doctor has for us in the new special thread tonight. Seekers, is this the end? Or is it only the beginning??? Tune in, turn on, and drop out.
There’s also the fact that for years, the GOP had been referring to Bobby Jindal as a potential nominee despite knowing that he was an anchor baby and that his parents were not citizens when he was born. The 2 parent theory is nothing but a ridiculous idea that was proposed by those who were looking for any reason, legitimate or not, to declare President Obama as being ineligible. It’s the same reason they latch onto any article that declares he was born in Kenya while ignoring hundreds of articles that claim he was born in Hawaii.
It reminds me of the silly birther argument that “john” recently revived here on another thread — that if we didn’t have the two-citizen-parent “rule”, the spawn of Hitler or Bin Laden might become president.
When it is pointed out to them that such a candidate would have great trouble getting elected, they tend to backtrack and say that they just used that as an example — of course it is beyond the pale to think that we would elect Hitler’s son.
And that is true. The purpose of the rule is not to exclude Hitler’s son. It is to exclude Barack Obama.
Ah yes the true Lisa Jack pictures which you claimed credit for taken in 1980 you now claim were taken in 1985 during the time you claim to have graduated college while claiming you were also in the tenth grade. Yes he didn’t where college in 1983 because he graduated college in. 1983.
I’ll ask you again were you a premature birth? Because sharing the same mother would be downright impossible for her to be pregnant again after August 4 th for you to be born in March just 7 months later that would defy reason.
Lol surrendering to congress all from your computer? You do know you’d actually have to surrender in Washington dc
Maybe we could get Martha Trowbridge over to debate Nancy over who Obama’s parents were.
I ran into her over at Birther Report and was reminded of her article “The Obama Conspiracy Theories Psychological Assault Weapon” (OCTPAW)
I always thought it would be a fun debate getting Nancy Ruth Owens, Linda Joy Adams, Rick Hyatt and Martha Trowbridge on a debate together.
For those anxiously awaiting the publication of the new Open Thread, I should mention that there is more to the story than will appear in the Open Thread article.
You tease!
Doc, would you go so far to say that its “Dimension Shattering”?
I’m working on two articles. The first, “Scraping and crawling,” talks about some of my web software projects and covers what’s been happening behind the screen at Obama Conspiracy Theories since my 2012 article, Max(Orly). It’s ready to go, but I’m not sure I want to publish it. The birthers might get all paranoid and anti-birthers might find it boring.
The second is just in the concept stage, with the working title “Flinging poo.” It’s the story of what birthers do at WorldNetDaily when I score a point with a well-argued fact-filled comment.
Any minute now.
So on a scale of “Meh” to “Save us, Tom Baker!!!”, it probably ranks “No, I concede that this is not butter.”