The occasional open thread: La Usurpadora!

Here is ★FALCON★’s favorite video, La Usurpadora!

Place your Obama Conspiracy comments not related to the current articles here. This thread will close in two weeks.

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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334 Responses to The occasional open thread: La Usurpadora!

  1. FALCON at Birther Report visited a Brazilian Pop TV web site some years ago and left a comment on an article about the song, La Usurpadora. The comment itself isn’t about the video and is off-topic for this site. Still it made for a neat connection for a title for the Open Thread.

    And yes, I am a tease.

  2. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Amazing! I’m genuinely surprised that bird boy fancies anything of non-American origin.

  3. As I said, his comment wasn’t about the video, so I don’t know if he fancies it or not.

    Andrew Vrba, PmG: Amazing! I’m genuinely surprised that bird boy fancies anything of non-American origin.

  4. RanTalbott says:

    Andrew Vrba, PmG: Amazing! I’m genuinely surprised that bird boy fancies anything of non-American origin.

    It’s got hot women, car crashes, and explosions. Plus music. They’re all universal languages 😉

  5. Obviously ★FALCON★ was searching for “scary dark-skinned usurper” and ended up there.

  6. I’m debating Steven Craig at BR and he is remarkably arguing that the Naturalization Act of 1790 “defines” the term “natural born citizen.” He does this by making an inference so wrong that I don’t think I can even explain it. He called me “obtuse” for not seeing what he did in the text. I left this reply:

    No, I am not being obtuse. You are finding a meaning in the text that is simply not there and contrary to its plain intent. One of the reasons that you and others hold a view of the meaning of “natural born citizen” contrary to virtually every judge, legal expert and textbook that addresses the question is that you have a broken way of approaching the sources. You use definitions that are contrary to the historical usage and you use interpretative techniques that are either invalid or misapplied.

    Not seeing something which is not there is not being obtuse. What is plain to you is not plain to others.

    I seem to recall you cited Dred Scott a bit earlier. Chief Justice Taney was a proponent of slavery. Can you imagine the kinds of mental tricks one must pull in order to support the unalienable right to liberty while at the same time supporting the idea that a child can born a slave? No wonder the Dred Scott decision misrepresented the historical record (which it plainly did). That decision was one of the causes of the Civil War which resulted in untold death and misery. Twisted thinking has consequences.

    Just as people twisted the truth to justify slavery, so others twist the truth to justify the two-citizen parent requirement for US Presidents. Both are arguments to promote race, class and clan. They are not consistent with our framers, who valued experience and merit.

    An honest reading of the debates of the Constitutional convention reveal that what the Framers wanted was Americans, and by that they meant individuals who understood the American experience and its principles of liberty. That is not something one inherits by blood, but by the experience of living here. Historian George Bancroft wrote in his History of the Formation of the Constitution of the United States (1884) (Volume 1 Page 346):

    “One question on the qualifications of the president was among the last to be decided. On the twenty-second of August the committee of detail, fixing the requisite age of the president at thirty-five, on their own motion and for the first time required that the president should be a citizen of the United States, and should have been an inhabitant of them for twenty-one years. The idea then arose that no number of years could properly prepare a foreigner for the office of president; but as men of other lands had spilled their blood in the cause of the United States, and had assisted at every stage of the formation of their institutions, the committee of states who were charged with all unfinished business proposed, on the fourth of September, that “no person except a natural-born citizen, or a citizen of the United States at the the of the adoption of this constitution, should be eligible to the office of president,” and for the foreign-born proposed a reduction of the requisite years of residence to fourteen. On the seventh of September, the modification, with the restriction as to the age of the president, was unanimously adopted.”

  7. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    *applause* The only thing that post was lacking was a mic drop!

  8. Fernando says:

    With the advent of the doctor’s new open thread, and in the spirit of Dr Kate, I ask you, my friends, if you would like to know more of Nancy’s history, as told in the idiom of pop culture. There would be music (such as Zevon and Meatloaf), Comedy (Monty Python, and a healthy dose of the Firesign Theatre, especially their album ‘Everything You Know Is Wrong’), and Movies (The Princess Bride). I was especially proud of tying together the Fat Man (Fat Man and Little Boy, a movie about the Manhattan Project, with the Falcon…The Maltese Falcon, that is; which, as you know, like Casablanca, starred Bogart.

    I warn you, though, some of it might be obscure. For example, the ‘Petite Flower’ (and Love Goddess), for those of you who did not catch it, was the stage personna of Judy Tenuta.

    So I ask you, should I stay or should I go? Or, perhaps, only attend in response to one of McGill’s (She called herself Lil, though everyone knew her as Nancy) posts?

  9. Steve Craig was going to debate Frank Arduini on RC Radio but after he didn’t do so well in comments at my blog he backed out. Most of his comments are on this post:

  10. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Reality Check:
    Steve Craig was going to debate Frank Arduini on RC Radio but after he didn’t do so well in comments at my blog he backed out. Most of his comments are on this post:

    He didn’t do so well after several of us nailed him on quoting the opinion of the appellant in Talbot V Jansen and claiming it was the opinion of the court. He lied about it, showed he couldn’t read the case properly and then ran off.

  11. BTW, Craig likes to use that word “obtuse”:

    He called Pogue Moran obtuse:

    Don’t be OBTUSE …. the collective naturalization of the manumitted blacks was retroactive to their birth by virtue of they having been born STATELESS.

    However, I will research that specific question to see if there were any notable or incidental debates .

    That is unless you have a list of them that you’re holding back…..???

  12. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    I notice he hasn’t brought up Talbot V Jansen yet. Maybe he learned last time around that he was misquoting Justice Rutledge

  13. Well, I’ve been blocked by FaceBook again, so, yeah…as long as they can keep the message from getting out nothing will change. Same ol’, same ‘ol.’

  14. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Nancy R Owens:
    Well, I’ve been blocked by FaceBook again, so, yeah…as long as they can keep the message from getting out nothing will change. Same ol’, same ‘ol.’

    That’s what happens when you spam your nonsense into random groups who don’t even want you there.

  15. No, one of my most recent articles on ‘Before It’s News’ has hit the 30,000+ mark within the past 27 hours so they’re trying to pull it back once again. It happens to me all of the time on all of the blogging sites.

    My YouTube account analysis shows only one hundred fifty visitors when my most recent upload video clearly shows over 10,000 hits in the same time period. Is the truth finally going viral? Will the final push be the prison sentence of one Joseph Arpaio and his fake investigator?

    Time will tell.

    Dr. Kenneth Noisewater: That’s what happens when you spam your nonsense into random groups who don’t even want you there.

  16. bovril says:

    BIN…. seriously Nancy, even the knuckle dragging mouth breathers at Gerbil Report regard BIN as about as accurate as a blunderbuss and as useful as a chocolate firebird.

  17. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Nancy R Owens: Time will tell.

    …that you should have been heavily medicated decades ago.

  18. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Nancy R Owens: No, one of my most recent articles on ‘Before It’s News’ has hit the 30,000+ mark within the past 27 hours so they’re trying to pull it back once again. It happens to me all of the time on all of the blogging sites.

    My YouTube account analysis shows only one hundred fifty visitors when my most recent upload video clearly shows over 10,000 hits in the same time period. Is the truth finally going viral? Will the final push be the prison sentence of one Joseph Arpaio and his fake investigator?

    Yeah probably because you sat there at your computer and refreshed your browser window “30,000” times. What does that tell you when your videos got more hits than visitors? Oh that’s right Nancy is hitting refresh on her own videos. You don’t even seem to know what the word viral means. Time has shown that you should have been institutionalized.

  19. And, these are the guys whose head honcho, Arpaio, is now facing a prison sentence for contempt of court? That’s like saying Lizzy Borden knows how to analyze and manage your pappy’s old folks home. Give me a break.

    BIN…. seriously Nancy, even the knuckle dragging mouth breathers at Gerbil Report regard BIN as about as accurate as a blunderbuss and as useful as a chocolate firebird.

  20. Wow! I never thought of that. That would explain why YouTube holds off on their video counts at 300. I had often read their explanation but never really understood it until now. Thanks for the info.

    Dr. Kenneth Noisewater: Yeah probably because you sat there at your computer and refreshed your browser window “30,000” times.What does that tell you when your videos got more hits than visitors?Oh that’s right Nancy is hitting refresh on her own videos.You don’t even seem to know what the word viral means.Time has shown that you should have been institutionalized.

  21. Jim says:

    You know, someone made a suggestion and I concur, with the President’s term in office winding down we should start pointing out to the birthers that even though he may be gone, he will still be taking their tax money.

    And he shall always be…natural-born. 😀

  22. Fernando says:

    Nancy R Owens: And, these are the guys whose head honcho, Arpaio, is now facing a prison sentence for contempt of court? That’s like saying Lizzy Borden knows how to analyze and manage your pappy’s old folks home. Give me a break.

    Alright, nobody on, no score, bottom of the ninth……Here’s the throw….Here’s the play at the plate….Holy Cow!

    Now, Now, my petite flower, remember what the doctor said about your blood pressure. Besides, it was all sound and fury, signifying nothing. It was the first mate who got drunk, and broke in the captain’s bunk. I wanted to go home, but you shot the sheriff (though you did not shoot the deputy). It was, as Faramir Stone said, “like, taste the colors, man.” You made LSD in the sixties. How hard can it be? Or was it LDS you made? I never thought la cosa nostra would have a thing to do with him, but with your influence, hey, it could happen.

    An aside to roadbunner: I had forgotten about the pictures. A word of caution, she likes not to have her picture taken. I had thought them destroyed when she was burning down the house. Do you have any of the other photographs? You know, the CANDID photographs, he asked knowingly. Nudge, nudge, wink, wink. If you do, Say No More if you value your life.

    Ook Ook-a-Chook to you. I’m so tired, I haven’t slept a wink. (Fade out and exit stage right)

  23. Yeah….ok…..I’ll have whatever you’re having.

    Fernando: Alright, nobody on, no score, bottom of the ninth……Here’s the throw….Here’s the play at the plate….Holy Cow!

    Now, Now, my petite flower,remember what the doctor said about your blood pressure.Besides, it was all sound and fury, signifying nothing. It was the first mate who got drunk, and broke in the captain’s bunk.I wanted to go home, but you shot the sheriff (though you did not shoot the deputy).It was, as Faramir Stone said, “like, taste the colors, man.”You made LSD in the sixties.How hard can it be?Or was it LDS you made?I never thought la cosa nostra would have a thing to do with him, but with your influence, hey, it could happen.

    An aside to roadbunner:I had forgotten about the pictures.A word of caution, she likes not to have her picture taken.I had thought them destroyed when she was burning down the house.Do you have any of the other photographs?You know, the CANDID photographs, he asked knowingly.Nudge, nudge, wink, wink.If you do, Say No More if you value your life.

    Ook Ook-a-Chook to you.I’m so tired, I haven’t slept a wink. (Fade out and exit stage right)

  24. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Nancy R Owens: Yeah….ok…..I’ll have whatever you’re having.

    He’s only speaking your language.

  25. Rickey says:

    Nancy R Owens:
    And, these are the guys whose head honcho, Arpaio, is now facing a prison sentence for contempt of court?

    Arpaio has only been charged with civil contempt, not criminal contempt. He isn’t going to be incarcerated for civil contempt unless he is found guilty and then refuses to comply with whatever the Court orders him to do to rectify the contempt. In that case he could be incarcerated for 18 months or until he agrees to do what the court orders, whichever comes first.

    So he isn’t facing a prison sentence, at least not at this point in the proceedings.

  26. Rickey says:

    Dave B.:
    The NSNBCUS at it again:

    Justice Thomas will be interested to learn that he is not a natural born citizen, I’m sure.

  27. The Magic M says:

    Dave B.: The NSNBCUS at it again:

    That’s Jedi Pauly level wingnuttery. I think the money shot is this:

    Currently, the Federal Constitution does not permit same sex marriage.

    So suddenly RWNJ’s are all against the Tenth Amendment – if the Constitution doesn’t explicitly grant you a right, you don’t have it. Boy who would’ve thought we’d see the day!

  28. Fernando says:

    Nancy R Owens: Yeah….ok…..I’ll have whatever you’re having.

    I was having beef chow mien from Lee Ho Fooks. Shall we meet up at Trader Vic’s, like old times? The first time we met there, we were doubly blessed. We were barely 17 and we were barely dressed.

  29. Dave B. says:

    The one about how
    “An Amendment to the Constitution permitting a person of a Race other than European to be President is required before such a person is eligible”
    is a doozy, too.

    The Magic M: That’s Jedi Pauly level wingnuttery. I think the money shot is this:

    Currently, the Federal Constitution does not permit same sex marriage.

    So suddenly RWNJ’s are all against the Tenth Amendment – if the Constitution doesn’t explicitly grant you a right, you don’t have it. Boy who would’ve thought we’d see the day!

  30. Arthur says:

    Fernando: I was having beef chow mien from Lee Ho Fooks. Shall we meet up at Trader Vic’s, like old times?

    Stay away from him, Nancy. He’s a werewolf!

  31. Thomas Brown says:

    A lie-detector for Nancy:

    How many steps in the making of LSD need to be performed under a specific color of light? And what are the colors?

    Am-scay, uster-bay!

  32. The intent of the family who installed that in the paper was most likely legit and without nefarious intent. However, Griselda and I manipulated the information to form Obama’s false identity. The newspaper clipping itself should stand. However, with my confession, it will not be proof of Obama’s birth in Hawaii. That’s assuming they didn’t delete the murder and all potential witnesses which is possible since it was the White House itself who protected the Medellin Cartel.

    Tricky as usual.

    It can be done with the right people just like was done with Bill Clinton and the blue dress. For the record, that’s the way I want to see it play out and I am thrilled that it’s even a possibility. Not to take down Obama. But, to give credit where credit is due.

    Go hard or go home.

    *hears Trump’s favorite song, “Money, money, money” playing in the background*

    No joke.

  33. Hmm…..interesting. They say your memories never truly go away. OMG! Trump’s favorite song is playing on the TV again. *g*

    Arthur: Stay away from him, Nancy. He’s a werewolf!

  34. Dave B. says:

    Doc, apparently our buddy Melvin who was cribbing from your articles without attribution is trying to make it up by attributing everything under the sun to you:

    (in the comment beginning “Sounds to me like you are putting me on…”)

    As best I can tell, the actual author and source are Birther A to Z honoree David Larocque, and his August 2013 Tea Party Nation blog post:

    Laroque is described here:
    as a “retired senior Naval Officer and expert on Natural Born Citizen status and presidential eligibility.”

  35. “Would it surprise you one iota if I told you that Sheriff Joe Arpaio has boasted of investigating federal Judge G. Murray Snow and his family, according to some very credible sources?”

    Read more

  36. Joey says:

    Nancy R Owens:
    The intent of the family who installed that in the paper was most likely legit and without nefarious intent. However, Griselda and I manipulated the information to form Obama’s false identity. The newspaper clipping itself should stand. However, with my confession, it will not be proof of Obama’s birth in Hawaii. That’s assuming they didn’t delete the murder and all potential witnesses which is possible since it was the White House itself who protected the Medellin Cartel.

    Tricky as usual.

    It can be done with the right people just like was done with Bill Clinton and the blue dress. For the record, that’s the way I want to see it play out and I am thrilled that it’s even a possibility. Not to take down Obama. But, to give credit where credit is due.

    Go hard or go home.

    *hears Trump’s favorite song, “Money, money, money” playing in the background*

    No joke.

    No, that was a joke.
    Neither Honolulu newspaper accepted birth information from family or friends back in 1961. The data on births, deaths and marriages came straight from the Hawaii Health Bureau, as the Department of Health was called back then. That’s why the section of the newspapers that the birth notices appear in are called “Health Bureau Statistics.”

  37. Thomas Brown says:

    FAIL. You never made any LSD, liar.

  38. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Nancy R Owens: The intent of the family who installed that in the paper was most likely legit and without nefarious intent. However, Griselda and I manipulated the information to form Obama’s false identity. The newspaper clipping itself should stand. However, with my confession, it will not be proof of Obama’s birth in Hawaii. That’s assuming they didn’t delete the murder and all potential witnesses which is possible since it was the White House itself who protected the Medellin Cartel.

    You mean the family you claimed to have murdered after you claimed to have gotten the name out of the bible?

  39. Kate says:

    Nancy R Owens:
    The intent of the family who installed that in the paper was most likely legit and without nefarious intent. However, Griselda and I manipulated the information to form Obama’s false identity. The newspaper clipping itself should stand. However, with my confession, it will not be proof of Obama’s birth in Hawaii. That’s assuming they didn’t delete the murder and all potential witnesses which is possible since it was the White House itself who protected the Medellin Cartel.

    Tricky as usual.

    It can be done with the right people just like was done with Bill Clinton and the blue dress. For the record, that’s the way I want to see it play out and I am thrilled that it’s even a possibility. Not to take down Obama. But, to give credit where credit is due.

    Go hard or go home.

    *hears Trump’s favorite song, “Money, money, money” playing in the background*

    No joke.

    STFU! Don’t you understand that nobody believes a word you say? You had NOTHING to do with anything regarding President Obama. You’re not his half-sister, you didn’t forge any birth certificates and the blue dress wasn’t worn by you. You’ve been told repeatedly that DNA that is over a decade old is distinguishable from that which is only a year old. Your stories are so over-the-top ridiculous, especially with all the people you add to them. Volin? Rondeau? Trump? Gotti? You have a serious problem, get some help.

  40. Kate says:

    Dr. Kenneth Noisewater: You mean the family you claimed to have murdered after you claimed to have gotten the name out of the bible?

    She claims to have murdered the college professor, David Nixon, who allegedly gave info that she used for the b.c. but he’s still alive just like many of the other people she has said have been killed. Her most common excuse…body doubles! There must be a warehouse filled with them considering her ludicrous claims.

  41. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    The longer time drags on, the more it dawns on them that A&Z Day is never coming, which in turns means the insults grow ever more sophomoric at Gerbil Report.

  42. Notorial Dissent says:

    I’d believe that he has made the boast, probably repeatedly, but I would also believe that that was just what it was, a hollow empty boast and that there is nothing of substance behind it, just like there is nothing of substance behind his BC investigation.

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    “Would it surprise you one iota if I told you that Sheriff Joe Arpaio has boasted of investigating federal Judge G. Murray Snow and his family, according to some very credible sources?”

    Read more

  43. roadburner says:

    Fernando: I was having beef chow mien from Lee Ho Fooks.Shall we meet up at Trader Vic’s, like old times?The first time we met there, we were doubly blessed.We were barely 17 and we were barely dressed.

    careful fernando!

    remember what happened when she took you to the hyatt house (and i’m not talking about the time you and liz were cleaning up the yard) and she asked if you’d love her forever, if you needed her and never leave her?

    it’s enough to make you want to lay your head on the railroad tracks!

  44. RanTalbott says:

    Notorial Dissent: there is nothing of substance behind it, just like there is nothing of substance behind his BC investigation.

    He did put a lot of resources into the BC investigation, and came up with something that he may, or may not, believe is “evidence” provided by his squad of incompetents and crackpots. I believe he may well have been similarly fooled into thinking his investigation of Snow has produced something other than more smoke and mirrors. Or he could be bluffing in both cases (shrug).

  45. Fernando says:

    roadburner: careful fernando!

    remember what happened when she took you to the hyatt house (and i’m not talking about the time you and liz were cleaning up the yard) and she asked if you’d love her forever, if you needed her and never leave her?

    it’s enough to make you want to lay your head on the railroad tracks!

    Ah, yes, thank you. It was long ago, and it was far away. It was was so much better than it is today. Late last night I heard the news that Veracruz was dying. Send lawyers guns and money, dad, the *** has hit the fan.

    And, Ser Thomas, LSD or LDS? Whichever you take, it is still a bad trip. My petite flower underwent years of Hypnosis Therapy to excise those memories. Perhaps it was something best left unsaid. But the man she knew as Pablo truly did teach her the making of LSD. It was when she met the pope and, for a time, repented of her ways, that she put the drugs behind her. She even wrote a love song to the pope. You can watch it in the link I provided above. “I just want a cowboy in a long, white silky dress.” Hey, it could happen!

  46. Not according to my former Business Law Professor who taught at what was then known as Palm Beach Community College at the Lake Worth Campus. Shot by me. Did he survive? I don’t know. There is a Professor David Nixon (no kin to Pres Nixon that I’m aware of) who now teaches English.

    Joey: No, that was a joke.
    Neither Honolulu newspaper accepted birth information from family or friends back in 1961. The data on births, deaths and marriages came straight from the Hawaii Health Bureau, as the Department of Health was called back then. That’s why the section of the newspapers that the birth notices appear in are called “Health Bureau Statistics.”

  47. Yes.

    Dr. Kenneth Noisewater: You mean the family you claimed to have murdered after you claimed to have gotten the name out of the bible?

  48. We’ve been over this, Kate.

    Kate: STFU! Don’t you understand that nobody believes a word you say?You had NOTHING to do with anything regarding President Obama.You’re not his half-sister, you didn’t forge any birth certificates and the blue dress wasn’t worn by you.You’ve been told repeatedly that DNA that is over a decade old is distinguishable from that which is only a year old.Your stories are so over-the-top ridiculous, especially with all the people you add to them.Volin?Rondeau?Trump?Gotti?You have a serious problem, get some help.

  49. We dotted our “I’s” and crossed our “T’s.” In other words, as a whole unit of assassins, we very rarely made mistakes. It wasn’t Pablo Escobar who made it all happen and this was heavily controlled by members of the White House who are still in power today.

    Pablo was actually a very laid back individual who didn’t let himself get rattled until he felt threatened by losing his one true connection which was Dyess, our Sheriff. That’s when all H*ll would break lose. I’m still surprised when I see so much of the credit for the Medellin Cartel going to Escobar. But, then again, it’s what conspiracies are all about, right?

    Kate: She claims to have murdered the college professor, David Nixon, who allegedly gave info that she used for the b.c. but he’s still alive just like many of the other people she has said have been killed.Her most common excuse…body doubles!There must be a warehouse filled with them considering her ludicrous claims.

  50. Oh, c’mon. Quit twisting this. You know full well that I have always claimed that he was fathered by my father, Thomas Beauchamp Owens. If you think “Stanley” Ann Dunham is his mother you are delusional and definitely not in the know. Or, perhaps you are a disinformation agent.

    Dr. Kenneth Noisewater: The other funny thing is she was born in March 1962 Obama was born in August of 1961.It would be almost impossible to have a proper birth within that time frame.She still never answered me if she was born prematurely perhaps it’s the math that’s got her silent.

  51. I didn’t care for Dyess. However, one piece of wisdom he did try to convey, “There are no heroes, Nancy.” It took me a couple of years. But, I finally got it.

    roadburner: careful fernando!

    remember what happened when she took you to the hyatt house (and i’m not talking about the time you and liz were cleaning up the yard) and she asked if you’d love her forever, if you needed her and never leave her?

    it’s enough to make you want to lay your head on the railroad tracks!

  52. What’s with all of these comments about LSD? It must be your drug of choice, eh? Let me guess, WindowPane?

    Yeah, I was a little freaked out with Russia’s Gorbechev pissing in our streets recruiting my high school friends while George Bush, Jr played footsies with Escobar. Can you blame me?

    Thank God Gotti was only a phone call away and took the situation seriously enough to order Bush Baby to get his ass in gear and get rid of Gorby.

    Fernando: Ah, yes, thank you.It was long ago, and it was far away.It was was so much better than it is today.Late last night I heard the news that Veracruz was dying.Send lawyers guns and money, dad, the *** has hit the fan.

    And, Ser Thomas, LSD orLDS?Whichever you take, it is still a bad trip.My petite flower underwent years of Hypnosis Therapy to excise those memories.Perhaps it was something best left unsaid. But the man she knew as Pablo truly did teach her the making of LSD.It was when she met the pope and, for a time, repented of her ways, that she put the drugs behind her.She even wrote a love song to the pope.You can watch it in the link I provided above.“I just want a cowboy in a long, white silky dress.”Hey, it could happen!

  53. BillTheCat says:

    I see we’re still acting as enablers for the mentally ill here.

    I am dead serious. :/ It’s not cutesy, funny, or playful, it’s just flat-out disturbing at this point.

    Oh well, carry on, I guess.

  54. Kate says:

    Nancy R Owens:
    Oh, c’mon. Quit twisting this. You know full well that I have always claimed that he was fathered by my father, Thomas Beauchamp Owens. If you think “Stanley” Ann Dunham is his mother you are delusional and definitely not in the know. Or, perhaps you are a disinformation agent.

    Nancy, YOU are the one who has twisted this by bringing forth the idea that he, meaning Obama, could be your Mother’s son and you said this when talking to one of the Congressmen’s staff during your calls you made allegedly turning yourself in! Nobody else brought this up, you did it all by yourself. You admitted that you weren’t sure what was true but you compared features and decided you looked alike…sure you did!

    As far as “we’ve been over this,” we’ve been over nothing because you’re too much of a coward to attempt to answer the questions I put to you. You use the ridiculous excuse that because I’m a female I won’t understand and can’t imagine how horrific or bloody it was, what b.s. you spew! You don’t answer my questions because I’ve caught you in so many outright LIES, repeatedly. You’re a coward, Nancy. You hide behind your internet screen, ignoring questions from so many people and then talking to those who you stupidly think believe you. You’re known to be a nutcase, nothing more, along the lines of Taitz, Linda Joy Adams, Martha Trowbridge and a few other crazy birthers.

    Gotti? Bush? Gorbachev? If any of these people had wanted you dead, you’d be dead. The same goes for Escobar and all the rest of the people who allegedly tried to kill you. That means it’s all LIES.

    You have repeatedly said you tried to contact authorities about what was going on but they wouldn’t listen. If that was true, why didn’t you testify at Dyess’s trial? Just one more lie to add to your pile. You’re a wannabe, Nancy. You’re nothing more than an attention whore like Taitz and even crazier than she is, that’s saying a lot!

  55. Fernando says:

    Nancy R Owens:
    What’s with all of these comments about LSD? It must be your drug of choice, eh? Let me guess, WindowPane?

    Yeah, I was a little freaked out with Russia’s Gorbechev pissing in our streets recruiting my high school friends while George Bush, Jr played footsies with Escobar. Can you blame me?

    Thank God Gotti was only a phone call away and took the situation seriously enough to order Bush Baby to get his ass in gear and get rid of Gorby.

    Now my petite flower, the LSD is nothing to be ashamed of. True, those who abused it had problems, but was not Timothy Leary your guide during your college years? Did not John Lennon sing of you in ‘Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds.’ Though, of course, he did not use your real name, as the cartel was already suspicious about the man you knew as Pablo Escobar.

    As for Gorbachev, there I think you are mistaken. It was Chernenko who was the threat. It didn’t take you long to care of that loose thread, though, especially after his actions to break up you and the pope. And Gotti, after you talked him into ‘making’ LDS, had troubles of his own. He turned on you, and that is why Hoover put you into witness protection with Patty Hearst after she heard the burst of Roland’s Thomson gun and bought it.

  56. Settle down, Kate.

    I was told by my mother that he was my brother and the son of my father. It is possible that he might be my mother’s and that she was just playing it safe not knowing how the rest of the family would respond.

    I don’t recall being called to testify with Dyess.

    I was given a questionnaire that sounded like it came from Pablo and/or some of the other cartel members. By this time I was attending the University of Florida and had, per Pablo’s advice, decided to put it all behind me.

    Since it was the sheriff who was protecting the cartel, I saw no reason to risk it. It was not, to the best of my knowledge, a summons to court. With what I know, do you really think they would be so foolish as to summon me to court? I don’t.

    Kate: Nancy, YOU are the one who has twisted this by bringing forth the idea that he, meaning Obama, could be your Mother’s son and you said this when talking to one of the Congressmen’s staff during your calls you made allegedly turning yourself in!Nobody else brought this up, you did it all by yourself. You admitted that you weren’t sure what was true but you compared features and decided you looked alike…sure you did!

    As far as “we’ve been over this,”we’ve been over nothing because you’re too much of a coward to attempt to answer the questions I put to you.You use the ridiculous excuse that because I’m a female I won’t understand and can’t imagine how horrific or bloody it was, what b.s. you spew!You don’t answer my questions because I’ve caught you in so many outright LIES, repeatedly.You’re a coward, Nancy.You hide behind your internet screen, ignoring questions from so many people and then talking to those who you stupidly think believe you.You’re known to be a nutcase, nothing more, along the lines of Taitz, Linda Joy Adams, Martha Trowbridge and a few other crazy birthers.

    Gotti?Bush?Gorbachev?If any of these people had wanted you dead, you’d be dead.The same goes for Escobar and all the rest of the people who allegedly tried to kill you.That means it’s all LIES.

    You have repeatedly said you tried to contact authorities about what was going on but they wouldn’t listen.If that was true, why didn’t you testify at Dyess’s trial?Just one more lie to add to your pile.You’re a wannabe, Nancy.You’re nothing more than an attention whore like Taitz and even crazier than she is, that’s saying a lot!

  57. It was Gorby. That birth mark is something you don’t miss. The rest of your comments are nonsense so I’m going to ignore them.

    Fernando: Now my petite flower, the LSD is nothing to be ashamed of.True, those who abused it had problems, but was not Timothy Leary your guide during your college years?Did not John Lennon sing of you in ‘Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds.’Though, of course, he did not use your real name, as the cartel was already suspicious about the man you knew as Pablo Escobar.

    As for Gorbachev, there I think you are mistaken.It was Chernenko who was the threat.It didn’t take you long to care of that loose thread, though, especially after his actions to break up you and the pope.And Gotti, after you talked him into ‘making’ LDS, had troubles of his own.He turned on you, and that is why Hoover put you into witness protection with Patty Hearst after she heard the burst of Roland’s Thomson gun and bought it.

  58. Dr. Conspiracy to charlesmountain:

    “You should realize that there glass in front of your cage and when you fling poo, it doesn’t get past the glass and onto me.”

  59. Arthur says:

    Nancy R Owens: The rest of your comments are nonsense so I’m going to ignore them.

    Irony meters all over the planet have red-lined.

  60. Fernando says:

    Nancy R Owens:
    It was Gorby. That birth mark is something you don’t miss. The rest of your comments are nonsense so I’m going to ignore them.

    Cara Mia, you know I like it not when you are this way. We have been over this before: the world goes as it will, not as you or I will have it. In this, I am correct. It WAS Chernenko. Gorbachev had nothing to do with the junior Bush after he was almost killed when Bush had that DWI. He was almost another Mary Joe, and never trusted Bush again. It was the elder Bush, when he was at the CIA, who gave you the assignment.

    As for your mother’s supposed indiscretion, remember the times. A white woman having an affair with a black man just was not done. And her husband was, no two ways about it, a bigot. (Not YOUR father, perhaps, but the one she was legally married to.) A place like Hawaii, maybe, it could happen, but not where you came from.

    By the way, speaking of the CIA, I saw Inigo again the other day on the television. He works there now, though under another name. In fact, he was the acting head after the bombing. No, truly, it is so. It was on that Homeland show on the cable.

  61. Rickey says:

    Nancy R Owens:
    It was Gorby. That birth mark is something you don’t miss.

    I agree. The birthmark is why this photo with Angela Merkel two months ago clearly is without question him.

    And then there is this photo of him attending a film premiere in Berlin on 11/8/14.

  62. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Nancy R Owens:
    It was Gorby. That birth mark is something you don’t miss. The rest of your comments are nonsense so I’m going to ignore them.

    Gorby the guy you keep calling a general despite him not serving in the military?

  63. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Nancy R Owens:

    Which was it? You got the name out of the bible or from another family that didn’t exist?

  64. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Nancy R Owens:
    Oh, c’mon. Quit twisting this. You know full well that I have always claimed that he was fathered by my father, Thomas Beauchamp Owens. If you think “Stanley” Ann Dunham is his mother you are delusional and definitely not in the know. Or, perhaps you are a disinformation agent.

    Not twisting this in the slightest. Again he was born August 4th 1961 it would be physically impossible for you to be his sister without being born premature. So you’re claiming his father was white and his mother was white?

  65. I spent years around these people and know them all too well. Noriega I knew from when he was a decent American who would have done anything to serve this country to being one of the most bitter, ruthless of Pablo’s Medellin cartel. Gorby was a deadly soldier, period. Not like our puppies, Jeb and GeorgiPoo.

    Dr. Kenneth Noisewater: Gorby the guy you keep calling a general despite him not serving in the military?

  66. I’m done with your BS. Like Kate, you know exactly what I’ve said prior and chose to ignore it. Let me guess, you two probably know each other quite well. Am I right?

    Dr. Kenneth Noisewater: Not twisting this in the slightest.Again he was born August 4th 1961 it would be physically impossible for you to be his sister without being born premature.So you’re claiming his father was white and his mother was white?

  67. Kate says:

    Nancy R Owens:
    Settle down, Kate.

    I was told by my mother that he was my brother and the son of my father. It is possible that he might be my mother’s and that she was just playing it safe not knowing how the rest of the family would respond.

    I don’t recall being called to testify with Dyess.

    I was given a questionnaire that sounded like it came from Pablo and/or some of the other cartel members. By this time I was attending the University of Florida and had, per Pablo’s advice, decided to put it all behind me.

    Since it was the sheriff who was protecting the cartel, I saw no reason to risk it. It was not, to the best of my knowledge, a summons to court. With what I know, do you really think they would be so foolish as to summon me to court? I don’t.

    No reason to settle down as I’m not upset. After all, I’m not the one telling ridiculous fairy tales about well known people, claiming they fortured me and tried to kill me or that I saw them kill other people. I’m not the one who has claimed to kill at least sixty people or more (based on the numbers in your videos) and then pretending that I tried to get the authorities to listen to me about all those “bad people” I was running around with in the ’80’s. I also didn’t claim to kill someone at the age of 9 and then at the age of 11, pretending it was no big deal. Sick and twisted, Nancy, that’s all you are, along with being a delusional lying POS!

    Why do you bother to write this crap knowing that nobody believes it? You’re unable and unwilling to provide any proof of your stories. No pictures, no newspaper clippings? You don’t blow up planes and kill a busload of children and have it go unreported in the news which means they are nothing but fairy tales. Surely you can find something more productive to do with your life. Start with seeking professional mental health care. You desperately need it.

  68. Rickey says:

    Nancy R Owens:
    I spent years around these people and know them all too well. Noriega I knew from when he was a decent American who would have done anything to serve this country to being one of the most bitter, ruthless of Pablo’s Medellin cartel.

    Noriega was never an American. He was born in Panama to Ricaurte Noriega and Maria Feliz Morena, both Panamanians. He went to military school in Peru and he was in the Panamanian Army from 1968 until his capture in 1990.

    By the time you were 22 years old Noriega was fixing elections in Panama.

  69. Lupin says:

    Nancy reminds me of a woman I knew when I was a kid. She was the landlord of a house in Fontainebleau where my folks rented an apartment. She had had once quite a social life before NATO left but now she was a sad, lonely old woman. She eventually drank herself to death. She told these crazy stories about having affairs with all kinds of famous people (even when, like Nancy’s ravings, chronology alone made it impossible). She was otherwise reasonably functional, although the police had to bring her home a few times she fell down drunk in the street. Harmless, tragic, mad as a hatter.

  70. You don’t know our ‘government’ at all. Yes, they DO kill off Americans when they get in the way of their drug trades.

    Kate: You don’t blow up planes and kill a busload of children and have it go unreported in the news which means they are nothing but fairy tales.

  71. Noriega was a Hendry County Sheriff (FL).

    Rickey: Noriega was never an American. He was born in Panama to Ricaurte Noriega and Maria Feliz Morena, both Panamanians. He went to military school in Peru and he was in the Panamanian Army from 1968 until his capture in 1990.

    By the time you were 22 years old Noriega was fixing elections in Panama.

  72. Funny. I just found this on my YouTube’s analysis page:

    Obama Birth Certificate Forger, Owens, Surrenders To Congress
    This video got more views in its first 3 days than your other videos from the last 6 months! (United States)

  73. Fernando says:

    Ma Belle Amie, you are the sun and the stars and the sky and the deep blue sea. But in this you are wrong. I never said the two of you never slept together. He was like putty in your hands. But we both know that you were just using him to find out who was really behind the attempt on the pope. Just as we both know that it was he who dropped you like a hot potato when his wife found out. In this, you are acting as a typical woman scorned – trying to get even by making up stories. I, Don Fernando Sanchez de Escobar y Ortega, say that it is so.

    Nancy R Owens:
    I spent years around these people and know them all too well. Noriega I knew from when he was a decent American who would have done anything to serve this country to being one of the most bitter, ruthless of Pablo’s Medellin cartel. Gorby was a deadly soldier, period. Not like our puppies, Jeb and GeorgiPoo.

  74. Krosis says:

    Please, write to Dr. Conspiracy, please, demand he bans Ms. Owens for a while and forbids discussing her on his site for a while.

  75. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Nancy R Owens:
    I spent years around these people and know them all too well. Noriega I knew from when he was a decent American who would have done anything to serve this country to being one of the most bitter, ruthless of Pablo’s Medellin cartel. Gorby was a deadly soldier, period. Not like our puppies, Jeb and GeorgiPoo.

    you spent so many years around Gorbachev whose name you keep misspelling only to not realize he never served in the military? You seem to confuse the position of General Secretary in Communist Party with him being an actual General which he was not.

  76. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Nancy R Owens:
    I’m done with your BS. Like Kate, you know exactly what I’ve said prior and chose to ignore it. Let me guess, you two probably know each other quite well. Am I right?

    Yes I know exactly what you’re said prior which is why I keep calling you out on your inconsistencies and lapses in logic. If you find like it you can find somewhere else to sling your fiction. So let me get this straight you claim he was born of a white mother and white father or are you seriously going to claim you were born of a white father and black mother

  77. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    Sheriff Joe fan site.

    Wow, this morning has been full of bizarre entertainment! First I watch that new Terry Crews commercial, and now that, which surely has to be a parody site.

  78. Forbid? What country are you from?

    Please, write to Dr. Conspiracy, please, demand he bans Ms. Owens for a while and forbids discussing her on his site for a while.

  79. Fernando says:

    Regarding your recent reading of the rules:

    If was never my intention to have anything I said taken seriously. But since, as others here have noted, Nancy sometimes seems unpersuaded by the truth, I thought that I might rebut her by being even more absurd in my rantings.
    As Arthur said:

    Arthur: Irony meters all over the planet have red-lined.

    If anything I said has been misconstrued, I most humbly apologize.

    That being said, I did also enjoy sharing some comedic and melodic influences. All Hail Marx and Lennon! (Groucho Marx and John Lennon, that is!)

  80. I have a memory fighting to get back. Would somebody post some photos of Mike Volin when he was younger? I can’t seem to recall his face as well as I should be able to. If he’s sincere about moving this birth certificate issue ahead, this would most certainly help because I know he was around Pablo’s compound during this time in 1985.

  81. gorefan says:


    From Carl Gallups:

    “I have spoken at length with Mike Zullo. He says that he and the sheriff are still proceeding with the investigation and their plans to release the information. They believe it will be soon. HOWEVER, as reported before – they have been involved in jumping some huge legal hurdles that will enable them to bring this info forward. They are still involved in one big legal hurdle now. They hope to have it resolved soon. Any major movement in the case coming forward will be announced on Freedom Friday with Carl Gallups ( and on the PNN internet network.”

    Blahahaha, same old same old. That should cheer the birthers up.

  82. What’s our time marker now? Thirty years of non detective work? Forty? Perhaps, even fifty?


    From Carl Gallups:

    “I have spoken at length with Mike Zullo. He says that he and the sheriff are still proceeding with the investigation and their plans to release the information. They believe it will be soon. HOWEVER, as reported before – they have been involved in jumping some huge legal hurdles that will enable them to bring this info forward. They are still involved in one big legal hurdle now. They hope to have it resolved soon. Any major movement in the case coming forward will be announced on Freedom Friday with Carl Gallups ( and on the PNN internet network.”

    Blahahaha, same old same old.That should cheer the birthers up.

  83. There was never any Joni and Cha Cha. *g*

  84. Arthur says:

    gorefan: That should cheer the birthers up.

    It’s like the promise of water to a man who has died of thirst.

  85. Arthur says:

    Fernando: I thought that I might rebut her by being even more absurd in my rantings.

    That’s a well without a bottom. You might as well out-yell a hurricane.

  86. Kate says:

    Nancy R Owens:
    You don’t know our ‘government’ at all. Yes, they DO kill off Americans when they get in the way of their drug trades.

    Kate: You don’t blow up planes and kill a busload of children and have it go unreported in the news which means they are nothing but fairy tales.

    What a convenient and ridiculous excuse, the all-knowing, capable-of-anything cartel is backed by the government which allows a plane filled with innocent people to blow up along with a busload of school children?! BULLSHIT! You can’t prove a damn thing so you revert to this excuse, time after time when questioned.

    You’re [Redacted. Doc], dragging people through your dirt-filled past who had nothing to do with you. I wish some of them would take you to court for libel and slander. They aren’t all public figures and don’t deserve to have their names associated with the likes of you!

  87. Dave B. says:

    Yes, I believe the correct term for that “one big legal hurdle” would be “the law.”

    gorefan: From Carl Gallups:

    “I have spoken at length with Mike Zullo. He says that he and the sheriff are still proceeding with the investigation and their plans to release the information. They believe it will be soon. HOWEVER, as reported before – they have been involved in jumping some huge legal hurdles that will enable them to bring this info forward. They are still involved in one big legal hurdle now.

  88. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Nancy R Owens:
    I have a memory fighting to get back. Would somebody post some photos of Mike Volin when he was younger? I can’t seem to recall his face as well as I should be able to. If he’s sincere about moving this birth certificate issue ahead, this would most certainly help because I know he was around Pablo’s compound during this time in 1985.

    You mean a memory that consists of whatever lie you want to tell yourself from week to week. Hmm before you said Volin wasn’t involved and you didn’t know him now you’re going to throw him into your story. 1985 you mean when you claimed to have graduated community college while also being in the 10th grade.

  89. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Dave B.:
    Yes, I believe the correct term for that “one big legal hurdle” would be “the law.”

    I can hear Rico from Judge Dredd just shouting “LAAAAAAWWW”

  90. Rickey says:

    Nancy R Owens:
    I have a memory fighting to get back. Would somebody post some photos of Mike Volin when he was younger? I can’t seem to recall his face as well as I should be able to. If he’s sincere about moving this birth certificate issue ahead, this would most certainly help because I know he was around Pablo’s compound during this time in 1985.

    I’m pretty sure that this is what Vollin looked like in 1985.

  91. Don’t you have a horror scope that needs to be read right about now?

    Dr. Kenneth Noisewater: You mean a memory that consists of whatever lie you want to tell yourself from week to week.Hmm before you said Volin wasn’t involved and you didn’t know him now you’re going to throw him into your story.1985 you mean when you claimed to have graduated community college while also being in the 10th grade.

  92. Uno…dos…..tres……viente dos…..viente tres… ( ) it! *g*

    Arthur: That’s a well without a bottom. You might as well out-yell a hurricane.

  93. Fernando says:

    Nancy R Owens:
    Uno…dos…..tres……viente dos…..viente tres… () it! *g*

    MIght I make “A Modest Proposal”? No, wait, that didn’t work, either. (Yes, I’m looking at you, Johnathan Swift) Since nothing else has worked, stop responding to her. Conservatives sometimes refer to it as ‘shunning’. If she doesn’t get the attention she wants here, maybe she’ll go somewhere else.

  94. Oh, what? Was it something I said that hit a sour note? Um…maybe it was my reference to Mike ZulloMoore’s pocketbook which has you thinking, “You know, we’d better do something to shut her up right now or mine might be next!”

    Is this why ZulloMoore has decided to crawl out of his safe little office cubicle unannounced? He’s got my money from the bank that Pablo had me open up an account, doesn’t he?!


    Let’s do this, MikeyPoo!

    Fernando: MIght I make “A Modest Proposal”?No, wait, that didn’t work, either.(Yes, I’m looking at you, Johnathan Swift)Since nothing else has worked, stop responding to her.Conservatives sometimes refer to it as ‘shunning’.If she doesn’t get the attention she wants here, maybe she’ll go somewhere else.

  95. Did this BS update already happen? Because, I really don’t want to sit here and listen to Gallups drone on and on about nothing.

  96. For the Boy who cried Wolf too many times? You see, it was common knowledge that Mike Moore (Zullo) was not one to venture out after dark in cartel country and he had already been groomed by the felonious Hendry County Sheriff to just respond to any reference to me as, you guessed it, “The boy who cried wolf.”

    So, one night while waiting around Pablo’s compound I suggested to Walter Norton, “You know, in all these years I’ve never ever seen Mike Moore out here. Why don’t you call him and tell him there’s an emergency that only he can handle because once, just once, I want to see what he’ll do.”

    He came once.

    Just once.

    He wouldn’t go after Pablo. But, me, he do it with absolute delight……until…well,….until like now when he’s being exposed. It’s been forty years and now….now…he wants to play hero?

    That’s what it means.

  97. LindaJoyAdams says:

    REPLY TO RICKEY RE OSMA BIN LADEN 90 WITNESSES IN OUR FEDERAL OFFICE WHERE HE WORKED FOR 3 WEEKS. GO READ DAILY RECAPS FOR EACH 9/11 ANNIVERSARY DATE. Too many dead from when he came in to pIck up HIS w-2 and the cover up of felonies already occurring other than hiring him to work at Social Security and DELORES BRYNT HIRING HIM AND GIVING HIM ACCESS BEOFRE HE HADHIS SECURITY COEARIANCE TO ACCESS THE RECORDS UNMONITORED. AS ALL NEW HIRES ARE UNTIL THEY HAVE THER OWN PIN TO BE TRACKED ON LINE. HE AND 22 NEW HIRES WLKED OFF THE STREET AND GIVEN ACCESS AND WE WERE PRT OF HHS THEN AND THEIR OIG WOULD NOT LSTIEN TO US NOW a subsidiary of GOLDMAN SACHS RUN FRAUD AT HHS and that is one of the worse things to occur in the Obama Administration him access to everyone’s personal financial records that had an ssn back in 7/88 and the fact that we were in a new billionaire’s building that could not have legally passed city state or federal inspection as safe for humans led to a real disaster , and the cover up put is on a direct path to 9/11/01/ whatever he did in the stairwell he exited down. I DO NOT DEAL IN CONSPIRACIES AND HAVE real toxic cloud injuries accepted by federal workers comp from 1/10/89. Injuries FROM REAL TOXIC CLOULD THAT OVER CAME US. EVIL HAS BEEN AROUND FOR A LONG TIME AND ITS NOT THAT HIDDEN IF ONE WISHES TO INVESTIGIATE WHICH HAS NOT OCCURRED. THIS WHOLE BIRTHER THING IS NOT JUST ABOUT A BIRTH CERTICATE AND SOMEONE? DID CREATE A CERTIFIED ONE AS THERE NEVER WAS ONE in Hawaii JUST THE INITIAL ATTEMPTS TO GET ONE .
    Please respect the victims who have died from our office and their loved ones.

  98. Fernando says:

    Uno..Dos..One, two, tres, quatro…..Wooly Bully

  99. Yeah, it a hoot….until it’s about your pocketbook, eh? Wooly Bully back at cha, Ernando.

    Uno..Dos..One, two, tres, quatro…..Wooly Bully

  100. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Nancy R Owens:
    Don’t you have a horror scope that needs to be read right about now?

    Sorry I don’t believe in fairy tales like you do.

  101. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Linda have you met Barack Obama’s “half-sister”? Nancy? They share a white mother and father somehow.

  102. Must you be such a pain? White father, living. Black mother who was murdered.

    Dr. Kenneth Noisewater:
    Linda have you met Barack Obama’s “half-sister”? Nancy?They share a white mother and father somehow.

  103. LindaJoyAdams says:

    Dr Kenneth Noisewater I have no eye witness knowledge of Obama’s Srs other children. I am an eye witness to what I have shared and few want the truth to be shared in all of this. I have tried to carefully evaluate any info. so that if the su9rce is from somewhere else I can share and evaluate . Eye witness accounts usually are only bits and pieces but the few who have had the courage to share have info that fits in to the time Line of what I know. and have seemed very credible when one carefully finds out exactly what they witnessed. I WAS THERE REMEMBER. THERE WAS NO CERTIFIED BIRTH RECORD IN HAWAII ONLY THE NOTICE AND NEWS PAPER AS THE RUSE GOT STOPPED. Hawaii officials have to know if they check as laws got changed over what was attempted. You know POTUS would not have been allowed to know who created the fake certified one recently.
    The smoke screed is the non issue of birth as Topeka KS is in the USA.
    The real issues re the rest the intelligence community is trying to cover up of creating a coup of the USA over the last 30 years. Read my real eye witness account where justice for three dead is the motivation and not politics .Linda Joy Adams

  104. The Magic M says:

    Can’t we just put Nancy Joy and Linda Ruth in a room, lock the door and lose the key? THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE. 😉

  105. Fernando says:

    Nancy R Owens: Yeah, it a hoot….until it’s about your pocketbook, eh? Wooly Bully back at cha, Ernando.

    Look, I’ve already told you, I can not argue with you unless you have paid.

  106. Fernando says:

    Dr. Kenneth Noisewater: Sorry I don’t believe in fairy tales like you do.

    Hear, hear. Well spoken, Bruce

  107. Fernando says:

    Back in the ’50s (the 1850’s, that is), there was a political party called the Know Nothings. Very anti-immigration, believed that only native-born Americans should be elected or appointed to office. Makes for interesting reading.

  108. In case Doc’s readers don’t read the comments at Gerbil Report there is a funny exchange between Doc and Rambo Ike. Ike seems to think Doc should go through the thousands of comments on this blag and edit the ones he thinks are wrong.

  109. Keith says:

    Back in the ’50s (the 1850’s, that is), there was a political party called the Know Nothings.Very anti-immigration, believed that only native-born Americans should be elected or appointed to office.Makes for interesting reading.

    OK, I’ve had money and I’ve had none, but I’ve never been so broke that I couldn’t leave town. Yet I love her so madly, I love her even as she’s walking out the door, just like she did a thousand times before.

    It seems to me that I’ve been down so long that everything looks like up. The cars pass by like the waves on the beach; the girl is beside me, but out of reach. I just got into town, and looked around, yet I’m haunted by the girl, just another lost angel in the city.

    I tell myself, c’mon don’t be so down, the rain’s coming – change the weather, change your luck – surely you’ll learn to find yourself. Maybe I just need a brand new friend because sometimes, Jim’s directions are so clear, just like the bathroom; other times they are confusing, like why DID you throw the Jack of Hearts away?.

    At least I rule my den, so don’t mess around – I love the friends I have gathered together but no eternal reward will forgive us for wasting the dawn. We are all born here and thrown into the world, like a dog without a bone.

    The point is girl, you must love your man, take him by the hand, and make him understand that the world depends on you to ensure that life will never end.

  110. I should have said edit or remove.

  111. Fernando says:

    Ever since I was a young boy, I’d play that silver ball. All the women came and went, barefoot servants too. And sixteen vestal virgins who were heading for the coast. I met a girl who sang the blues and I asked her for some happy news, but the man there said the music wouldn’t play.

    I was busted flat in Baton Rouge, waiting for a train, feeling near as faded as my jeans. Hey, Joe, where you going with that gun in your hand? Where’d you get the gun, John?

    To think that only yesterday, I cheerful bright and gay. Looking back over the years, I remember I cried when my father died never wishing to hide the tears.

    I’ve been down so long, bottom looked like up. Once I thought that circumstance was enough to fill my cup.

    And the wind whispered, ‘Mary’. My son was lost but now he is found. Sing praises, lord have mercy on me.

    And now I live out on the mountain top, and I’m almost thirty five. And I’ve found my peace, and I’ve found my beliefs, and I’m happy just to be alive. Oh let the sun beat down on my face, stars to fill my dreams. I am a traveler of both time and space. Superman and Green Lantern ain’t got nothing on me.

    And so it was that later, as the miller told his tale, that her face, at first just ghostly, turned a whiter shade of pale. And the three men I admire most, they caught the last train for the coast. And maybe, someday, when we’ve learned, the Cherokee nation will return.

    Just remember, in the winter, far beneath the bitter snow, lies the seed that, with the sun’s love, in the spring becomes the rose.

  112. I think what Rambo is trying to do is prove that I am a hypocrit (liar?) because I said, of my blog, that if somebody points out something wrong, I fix it. So he then claims that a couple of commenters here said things that weren’t true, and demands that I fix them. There wasn’t anything wrong with those comments, but there are lots of things wrong in comments (Apuzzo posted here). The whole exchange was completely silly.

    I did score a huge point over RI, though. He came up with this new theory based on his “research” that the “common law” that existed in the colonies was not the English Common Law, but some “colonial common law.”. I said that South Carolina adopted the English Common Law and he said he didn’t see it. So I posted this image of a SC law adopting “The Common Law of England.”

    Thanks to commenter ballantine for part of that response.

    Reality Check: In case Doc’s readers don’t read the comments at Gerbil Report there is a funny exchange between Doc and Rambo Ike. Ike seems to think Doc should go through the thousands of comments on this blag and edit the ones he thinks are wrong.

  113. That’s the way I read it. I will say that compared with most of the ridiculous juvenile commenters at GR Rambo at least puts some effort into making a cogent argument. However, he is still wrong on almost everything.

  114. gorefan says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    I think what Rambo is trying to do is prove that I am a hypocrit (liar?) because I said, of my blog, that if somebody points out something wrong, I fix it. So he then claims that a couple of commenters here said things that weren’t true, and demands that I fix them. There wasn’t anything wrong with those comments, but there are lots of things wrong in comments (Apuzzo posted here). The whole exchange was completely silly.

    I did score a huge point over RI, though. He came up with this new theory based on his “research” that the “common law” that existed in the colonies was not the English Common Law, but some “colonial common law.”. I said that South Carolina adopted the English Common Law and he said he didn’t see it. So I posted this image of a SC law adopting “The Common Law of England.”

    Thanks to commenter ballantine for part of that response.

    Do have a link to those comments?

  115. The discussion about the SC adopting English Common law is here:

    gorefan: Do have a link to those comments?

  116. Dave B. says:

    Klayman can’t seem to get enough of that losing.

    Dr. Conspiracy:

    Larry Klayman action in Texas. Losing in DC wasn’t enough.

  117. Black mother. White father.

    The Magic M:
    Can’t we just put Nancy Joy and Linda Ruth in a room, lock the door and lose the key? THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE.

  118. Dave B. says:

    I’ve been having that one out with Craig for a while now. He’s called me a lot worse than “obtuse.” He just doesn’t have a clue about what “naturalization” IS. He thinks the First Congress naturalized ITSELF.

    Dr. Conspiracy: I’m debating Steven Craig at BR and he is remarkably arguing that the Naturalization Act of 1790 “defines” the term “natural born citizen.” He does this by making an inference so wrong that I don’t think I can even explain it. He called me “obtuse” for not seeing what he did in the text.

  119. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Dave B.:
    I’ve been having that one out with Craig for a while now.He’s called me a lot worse than “obtuse.”He just doesn’t have a clue about what “naturalization” IS.He thinks the First Congress naturalized ITSELF.

    He never did answer you when you called him out about lying about Justice Rutledge during Talbot V Jansen

  120. Dave B. says:

    Well, he sort of did. Claimed that of course he was right, and said “you 0’bots call up down and left right so be gone damn spot I have no use for you……..”
    He’s pulled that Talbot v. Jansen bit again, but I was too bored with him to respond. I should go back and sic ‘im.

    Dr. Kenneth Noisewater: He never did answer you when you called him out about lying about Justice Rutledge during Talbot V Jansen

  121. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Dave B.:
    Well, he sort of did.Claimed that of course he was right, and said “you 0’bots call up down and left right so be gone damn spot I have no use for you……..”
    He’s pulled that Talbot v. Jansen bit again, but I was too bored with him to respond.I should go back and sic ‘im.

    You should because it was such an obvious mistake that he doesn’t even know how to read the case. He lied after he was called on it.

  122. Dave B. says:

    He claims his current schtick is the new, improved version, and that the courts that rejected his former argument were right to do so. He knows better now, he says. He doesn’t seem to get that in a country subject to the rule of law, lone crackpot claims of being the sole discoverer of a law’s genuine meaning are of no significance.

    Dr. Kenneth Noisewater: You should because it was such an obvious mistake that he doesn’t even know how to read the case.He lied after he was called on it.

  123. LindaJoyAdams says:


  124. John Reilly says:

    I’m looking forward to the “Civil Tights Museum.”

    I will leave the puns to others.

    The two atrocities which currently concern me are posters who can’t spell even on a site with a spell-check feature and posters who are too poor to afford a caps lock key in good working order.

  125. Geir Smith says:

    LindaJoyAdams: LindaJoyAdams January 24, 2015 at 6:24 pm  (Quote) #

    Linda Adams is destroying the whole Obama presidency by revealing Obama’s real name Barry Parks: son of Jim T. Parks. Anyone can investigate this. She’s blowing the lid off this garbage because she out here yelling at the top of her lungs this truth which is bigger than Watergate and the Civil War combined.

  126. Keith says:

    Last night I dreamed I was an Eskimo at Saint Alfonzo’s Pancake Breakfast. I thought I might steal the margarine, but just in time I heard Father O’Blivion tell everyone to “Get on your feet and do the funky Alphonzo”! Just then the mystery man came over and said I could reach nirvana tonight. I said the price of meat has just gone up and your old lady has just gone down! I suppose there’s always Korla Plankton, and that tiny ruby that he use.

    Just keep your nose to the grindstone they say. Will that redeem us, Uncle Reemus? I think I’ll take a drive to Beverly Hills, just before dawn, out through the night and the whispering breezes to the place where they keep the imaginary diseases. You know my python boot is too tight; I couldn’t get it off last night. A week went by and now it’s July. I finally got it off and my girlfriend cried, *YOU GOT STINK-FOOT!*

    Fido got up off the floor, and he rolled over and he looked me straight in the eye and you know what he said?

    “Once upon a time, somebody say to me what is your, conceptual, continuity? Well I told ’em right then”, Fido said “It should be easy to see “The crux of the biscuit is the apostrophe”. I said, in disbelief, “You can’t say that”; he said “It doesn’t, and you can’t, I won’t, and it don’t, it hasn’t, it isn’t, it even ain’t, and it shouldn’t, it couldn’t”. I told him, “No, no, no”, I told him, “Yes, yes, yes”, I said, “I do it all the time ain’t this boogie a mess”?


  127. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    -Incoherent wall of text-

    Protip: If you want your posts to be read, let alone taken seriously, stop typing in mostly all-caps, and try to break your rants up into smaller paragraphs.

  128. Keith says:

    Andrew Vrba, PmG: Protip: If you want your posts to be read, let alone taken seriously, stop typing in mostly all-caps, and try to break your rants up into smaller paragraphs.


  129. Fernando says:

    “And there came unto them Phillip, called Punter, and he was Lillian Roth in his extremities. Merrily, merrily, he came unto them, saying, “Merrily, Merrily, for I am come.”

    And he came. And he came unto the house of his mother’s brother’s servant saying ‘Where am I?’ But there was no one there to answer him, nay, not even no one saying, nowhere, yeah, but in the land of reversible cups and sanitary pedestals. And he lay in that land a long time, like worms out of a hot cheese log….

    Yes, some uncomplicated peoples still believe this myth. But here, in the technical vastness of the future we can guess that surely the past was very different. Like Sid Fudd, the great scientist sportsman once said: What goes down, must come out.

    Fudd’s first Law of Opposition: If you push something hard enough, it will fall over.

    Testlicle’s Deviant to Fudd’s Law: In comes in, it must go out.

    Ah Hah. Sorry, I sat on my pipe. According to my careful prostheses, this gentleman has: The Plague.

  130. Punchmaster via Mobile says:

    I thoroughly enjoy reading Foggy’s comments at GR.(Before the admin takes them down at least) Some of us are merely content with poking the birthers with a stick. Foggy takes the stick and royally crowns them with it! XD

  131. Crustacean says:

    Andrew Vrba, PmG: Protip: If you want your posts to be read, let alone taken seriously, stop typing in mostly all-caps, and try to break your rants up into smaller paragraphs.

    Yet there are gems to be found. Her “CIVIL TIGHTS MUSEUM” idea might have legs. The 80’s metal band wing would be particularly interesting, IMHO.

  132. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Crustacean: Yet there are gems to be found.Her “CIVIL TIGHTS MUSEUM” idea might have legs. The 80’s metal band wing would be particularly interesting, IMHO.

    If Dee Snyder doesn’t have his own exhibit, it just ain’t worth going to.

  133. Rickey says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:

    I did score a huge point over RI, though. He came up with this new theory based on his “research” that the “common law” that existed in the colonies was not the English Common Law, but some “colonial common law.”. I said that South Carolina adopted the English Common Law and he said he didn’t see it. So I posted this image of a SC law adopting “The Common Law of England.”

    And it wasn’t just South Carolina. According to Professor Lawrence M. Friedman’s authoritative “A History of American Law,” Virginia and New York passed statutes which specifically declared that the English Common Law remained in force; Delaware said the same in Article 25 of its Constitution, passed in 1776. As Friedman puts it, “As a practical matter, English law continued to come in, throughout the period, throughout the country. England remained the basic source of all law that was not strictly new or strictly American.”

    Incidentally, Friedman does not mention Vattel, either in his index or his bibiliography.

  134. Dave B. says:

    Well, I have finally arrived. I’ve been blocked over at the WND.

  135. You did good work over there.

    Dave B.: Well, I have finally arrived. I’ve been blocked over at the WND.

  136. Dave B. says:

    Why thanks, Doc– now I HAVE arrived. I must have been, as they say, “over the target.”
    They massacred every comment I ever made over there. My Disqus profile runs red.

  137. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Geir Smith: Linda Adams is destroying the whole Obama presidency by revealing Obama’s real name Barry Parks: son of Jim T. Parks. Anyone can investigate this. She’s blowing the lid off this garbage because she out here yelling at the top of her lungs this truth which is bigger than Watergate and the Civil War combined.

    That’s interesting considering Nancy Ruth Owens says his real last name is Allen. You guys need to get your fictional stories straight.

  138. LindaJoyAdams says:

    Still looking for truth. Does anyone out there have any eye witness info or facts to add the total timeline of President Obama’s biography or any other members of his immediate family. Darlene Hackett who baby sat him for the first few years of his life passed onto Heaven in 2003 as recorded. That was in the Mercer Island WA/OR area. where Stanley Ann finished HS and did attend some college there according to some eye witnesses who have shared . It fits the timeline and my eyewitness info from Darlene. back in 1/71. If you think you know something other than first hand PLEASE SAY THE SOURCE. And Eye witnesses share in minute detail as things you may not think are pertinent may well be.
    This is how the doctor who thought he knew something at the hospital in Hawaii was evaluated. All he saw was the birth listed,, not the birth or baby. which was the ruse by his grandmother Toot who almost succeeded in getting the birth registered with the state due to the laxness of forms etc at the hospital. THERE IS CRMINAL INVESTIGATIEVE FILE ON THIS IN HAWAII AND LT ZULLO, AS LAW ENFORCEMENT SHOULD HAVE HAD NO TROUBLE HAVEING SHERIFF JOE ASK FOR IT. and got it . So those who just want to be nasty who have a serious concern for the truth and for justice for all;, please help with that. Many of you have all kinds of info being put into the mix. We need to know where you got it and if its just sepeculation then SAY SO. If you dislike the politics or character of POTUS< then say that is your motivation and tell us WHY;. As so far Congress has not decided to unearth any recent or current HIGH CRIMES OR MISDEAMENORS. and my speculation is that any kind of real investigations is going to find some in both major parties in legal trouble all over the government and end with a 'perp walk;' that is very long. that might not include POTUS. SEEKING THE TRUTH CAN LEAD ANYWHERE…. TIME FOR SOME REAL POLICE WORK HERE. TO CLEAN UP THE ENTIRE GOVERNMENT AND THEIR SELLIING US OUT TO AN INTERNATIONAL CABAL OVER THE LAST FEW DECADES. Linda Joy Adams

  139. Dave B. says:

    Okay, all this business about Obama’s family is one thing, but you crossed a line there. Referring to “LT.” Zullo as “LAW ENFORCEMENT”– that’s just crazy talk.

    LindaJoyAdams: Still looking for truth, etc.

  140. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:


    This alone shows you lack credibility. Zullo isn’t law enforcement, he’s not a lieutenant. He holds no law enforcement rank and is simply a civilian.

  141. Governor Abercrombie was a friend of the Obamas at the University of Hawaii and said he saw Barack Obama as a baby. There’s a link to the video a few articles back.

    Then there were the two kindergarten teachers who were interviewed by the Maui News.

    What time period are you interested in. Think there was a link to someone in Indonesia, and there’s a whole book of remembrances from students at Punahou Academy.

    The Fogbow has a compilation of people who knew Obama here:

    LindaJoyAdams: Still looking for truth. Does anyone out there have any eye witness info or facts to add the total timeline of President Obama’s biography or any other members of his immediate family

  142. Uh…no.

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    Governor Abercrombie was a friend of the Obamas at the University of Hawaii and said he saw Barack Obama as a baby. There’s a link to the video a few articles back.

    Then there were the two kindergarten teachers who were interviewed by the Maui News.

  143. Registration of new user accounts on the blog is turned off for a while in hopes that the spammers will stop creating them. If you want an account, let me know via the contact form and I will set one up.

  144. Dave B. says:

    Brooke Paige has showed up over at the WND article I got the boot from.

  145. Rickey says:


    Sheriff Joe has no jurisdiction in Hawaii. He isn’t entitled to anything from Hawaii and he will never receive anything from Hawaii.

  146. It was never clear to me why Zullo went to Hawaii and what he thought he was going to be able to get (besides a tan, and he could get that in Arizona).

    Rickey: Sheriff Joe has no jurisdiction in Hawaii. He isn’t entitled to anything from Hawaii and he will never receive anything from Hawaii.

  147. IMO Zullo thought he could waltz in to the DoH with his two paid deputy escorts and get to go in the record vaults or glean some tidbit of information from Fuddy or Onaka. Instead Jill Nagamine showed up at the meeting and essentially told him to pound sand up his rectum. Didn’t we find out that Zullo secretly recorded that meeting?

    Dr. Conspiracy: It was never clear to me why Zullo went to Hawaii and what he thought he was going to be able to get (besides a tan, and he could get that in Arizona).

  148. He should have called first.

    Reality Check: IMO Zullo thought he could waltz in to the DoH with his two paid deputy escorts and get to go in the record vaults or glean some tidbit of information from Fuddy or Onaka.

  149. Notorial Dissent says:

    My take has always been that Zullo really was naive or maybe that’s stupid enough to think that he was going to go over to HI and just waltz in unannounced in to the DOH vaults and look at what was there and that no one would or could stop him cause he was a for real pretend dipity. He was so VERY wrong. What gets me is that they would be screaming bloody murder if someone tried that in AZ, as their laws are not markedly different from HI’s in that respect.

    Reality Check:
    IMO Zullo thought he could waltz in to the DoH with his two paid deputy escorts and get to go in the record vaults or glean some tidbit of information from Fuddy or Onaka. Instead Jill Nagamine showed up at the meeting and essentially told him to pound sand up his rectum. Didn’t we find out that Zullo secretly recorded that meeting?

  150. LindaJoyAdams says:

    Stanley Ann graduated from HS in 1963 and a witness from Australia was in College with her in the fall of 63 at University of Hawaii. So the Maui news one fit the time line/ Since Toot was in Hawaii when he was very young, its plausible that she did visit , etc, when he was very little. or even a baby. She left Topeka within a month of his birth to Washington. State. I have seen these sources before. The question not answered is where did the person see him when he saw him as a baby and how old.? at church perhaps? with Toot? I have several articles linked to my blog even back in 2012, etc. As for Lt Zullo going to Hawaii. I found out later on line, that he was not officially law enforcement in AZ but worked for the non profit group. I SAID in my comment that SHERIFF JOE COULD HAVE ASKED AS PART OF THE FILING ABOUT THE CERTIFIED COPY BEING A FAKE. There would also be info as Hawaii changed its laws and tightened up on handling of Birth records, plus, its in the SSA library and probably that of other federal agencies to take a second look at an Hawaii birth record before the law got changed. Any born there at that time might want to check to see if they have what they need now to file for federal benefits in case you are asked for some kind of second document. if you have not already taken care of such already, And no I don’t have these as not going to work to check it out. But it was discussed and used for training over the years as an example of things to watch out for. at SSA. Its why its so important to find out details as we are dealing with everyone remembering things from over 50 years ago and it was not part of most people;s lives at all. It was only directly part of mine for a few months and comments via family and then 1/71 and a few times in later years when I did not get a chance to speak to him. The miracle is that people do remember anything and its the whole scenarios that was so unusual that maybe it is remembered. For those back in Topeka the memories are painful and not wanted to remember as we lost classmates that just didn’t show up one day and no one was allowed to mourn and none spoke openly. when those in charge cover up it was easier then to follow like sheep. we do a little better today., But some who were in Topeka would have the courage to speak out and al of us treat them with respect for sharing when they do. Linda Joy Adams

  151. His middle name is “Allen.” You never quit, do you, Kenneth?

    Dr. Kenneth Noisewater: That’s interesting considering Nancy Ruth Owens says his real last name is Allen.You guys need to get your fictional stories straight.

  152. “Stanley” Ann and her history are not relevant since she could never have adopted “Obama” prior to 1985 when he was well beyond his teens. This is just regurgitated and useless info.

    Stanley Ann graduated from HS in 1963 anda witness from Australia was in College with her in the fall of 63 at University of Hawaii.So the Maui news one fit the time line/ Since Toot was in Hawaii when he was very young, its plausible that she did visit , etc, when he was very little. or even a baby. She left Topeka within a month of his birth to Washington. State.I have seen these sources before. The question not answered is where did the person see him when he saw him as a baby and how old.? at church perhaps? with Toot? I have several articles linked to my blog even back in 2012, etc. As for Lt Zullo going to Hawaii. I found outlateron line, that he was not officially law enforcement in AZ but worked for the non profit group.I SAID in my comment thatSHERIFF JOE COULD HAVE ASKED AS PART OF THE FILING ABOUT THECERTIFIED COPY BEING A FAKE.There would also be info as Hawaii changed its laws and tightened up on handling of Birth records, plus, its in the SSA library and probably that of other federal agencies to take a second look at an Hawaii birth record before the law got changed. Any born there at that time might want to check to see if they have what they need now to file for federal benefits in case you are asked for some kind of second document. if you have not already taken care of such already, And no I don’t have these as not going to work to check it out. But it was discussed and used for training over the years as an example of things to watch out for. at SSA.Its why its so important to find out details as we are dealing with everyone remembering things from over 50 years ago and it was not part of most people;s lives at all. It was only directly part of mine for a few months and comments via family and then 1/71and a few times in later years when I did not get a chance to speak to him. The miracle is that people doremember anything and its the whole scenarios that was so unusualthat maybe it is remembered. For those back in Topeka the memories are painful and not wanted to remember as we lost classmates that just didn’t show up one day andno one was allowed to mourn and none spoke openly.when those in charge cover up it was easier then to follow like sheep. we do a little better today., Butsomewho were in Topeka would have thecourage to speak out and al of us treat them with respect for sharingwhen they do.Linda Joy Adams

  153. No he hasn’t. The info is being suppressed under the umbrella of “national security.” Nancy Pelosi reportedly just lost her jet. Russia’s Gorbechev is key and I DO remember more and more every day.

    I shot Bush, Jr. close to Abel Danger’s “Texas” ranch and had full intentions of running him over with his own Jeep. “Why?,” asked Gorby. “Because,” in effect he panicked and had turned into a sniveling coward. I was extremely embarrassed for our country and told Gorby so.

    For all intents and purposes, Trump has now widely become an object of ridicule and a parody of whatever he once incarnated. That anyone (outside Gerbil Report) would pay serious attention to him is baffling.

  154. Geir Smith says:

    Keith: Keith January 24, 2015 at 10:09 pm  (Quote) #
    Last night I dreamed I was an Eskimo at Saint Alfonzo’s Pancake Breakfast. I thought I might steal the margarine, but just in time I heard Father O’Blivion tell everyone to “Get on your feet and do the funky Alphonzo”! Just then the mystery man came over and said I could reach nirvana tonight. I said the price of meat has just gone up and your old lady has just gone down! I suppose there’s always Korla Plankton, and that tiny ruby that he use.

    Just keep your nose to the grindstone they say. Will that redeem us, Uncle Reemus? I think I’ll take a drive to Beverly Hills, just before dawn, out through the night and the whispering breezes to the place where they keep the imaginary diseases. You know my python boot is too tight; I couldn’t get it off last night. A week went by and now it’s July. I finally got it off and my girlfriend cried, *YOU GOT STINK-FOOT!*

    Fido got up off the floor, and he rolled over and he looked me straight in the eye and you know what he said?

    “Once upon a time, somebody say to me what is your, conceptual, continuity? Well I told ‘em right then”, Fido said “It should be easy to see “The crux of the biscuit is the apostrophe”. I said, in disbelief, “You can’t say that”; he said “It doesn’t, and you can’t, I won’t, and it don’t, it hasn’t, it isn’t, it even ain’t, and it shouldn’t, it couldn’t”. I told him, “No, no, no”, I told him, “Yes, yes, yes”, I said, “I do it all the time ain’t this boogie a mess”?


    Very interesting poem.

    It’s like interpreting dreams or childrens’ poems which reveal their whole psychological maze/puzzle/layout.

    It’s shows an ignorant and ugly person.

    But there’s a “tiny ruby” in it. That’s the symbol of Nirvana. Great auspicious sign of gaining paradise. Very good dream.

  155. Geir Smith says:

    Dr. Kenneth Noisewater: r. Kenneth Noisewater January 25, 2015 at 6:45 pm  (Quote) #
    Geir Smith: Linda Adams is destroying the whole Obama presidency by revealing Obama’s real name Barry Parks: son of Jim T. Parks. Anyone can investigate this. She’s blowing the lid off this garbage because she out here yelling at the top of her lungs this truth which is bigger than Watergate and the Civil War combined.

    That’s interesting considering Nancy Ruth Owens says his real last name is Allen. You guys need to get your fictional stories straight.

    That’s interesting. Do any of you live in Kansas like Linda Joy Adams? Can you provide the evidence which we can research about you being part of Obama’s close-knit family like Linda Joy Adams?

    Can you prove Linda Joy Adams is telling the truth?

    Until you can I understand it’s normal for you to not talk and remain silent.

  156. Geir Smith says:

    Dave B.:
    Dave B. January 25, 2015 at 7:47 pm  (Quote) #
    Okay, all this business about Obama’s family is one thing, but you crossed a line there.

    Thanks Dave B. We need good people like you to investigate and cut the crap about Obama. We need to get to the bottom of his real name and real father Jim Parks. We need scholarship and intelligent people like you to show us a beautiful attitude.

  157. Geir Smith says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: Dr. Conspiracy January 25, 2015 at 7:57 pm  (Quote) #
    Governor Abercrombie was a friend of the Obamas at the University of Hawaii and said he saw Barack Obama as a baby. There’s a link to the video a few articles back.

    Then there were the two kindergarten teachers who were interviewed by the Maui News.

    What time period are you interested in. Think there was a link to someone in Indonesia, and there’s a whole book of remembrances from students at Punahou Academy.

    The Fogbow has a compilation of people who knew Obama here:

    LindaJoyAdams: Still looking for truth. Does anyone out there have any eye witness info or facts to add the total timeline of President Obama’s biography or any other members of his immediate family

    Doc, thanks for that. Remember you’re an outsider with no knowledge of Kansas. You’re an outsider who is foreign to this whole matter.

    Your opinions or contributions count for nothing. You count for nothing.

    I hope this helps to remind people. Just saying that many seem to imagine they’re someone or something big, when they’re just making things up from what they read on Internet. We must all eat humble pie and listen to these witnesses from Kansas in silence and lap up every word they can give us.

    Hoping this helps.

  158. Geir Smith says:

    LindaJoyAdams: LindaJoyAdams January 26, 2015 at 4:56 am  (Quote) #
    Stanley Ann graduated from HS in 1963 and a witness from Australia was in College with her in the fall of 63 at University of Hawaii. So the Maui news one fit the time line/ Since Toot was in Hawaii when he was very young, its plausible that she did visit , etc, when he was very little. or even a baby. She left Topeka within a month of his birth to Washington. State. I have seen these sources before. The question not answered is where did the person see him when he saw him as a baby and how old.? at church perhaps? with Toot? I have several articles linked to my blog even back in 2012, etc. As for Lt Zullo going to Hawaii. I found out later on line, that he was not officially law enforcement in AZ but worked for the non profit group. I SAID in my comment that SHERIFF JOE COULD HAVE ASKED AS PART OF THE FILING ABOUT THE CERTIFIED COPY BEING A FAKE. There would also be info as Hawaii changed its laws and tightened up on handling of Birth records, plus, its in the SSA library and probably that of other federal agencies to take a second look at an Hawaii birth record before the law got changed. Any born there at that time might want to check to see if they have what they need now to file for federal benefits in case you are asked for some kind of second document. if you have not already taken care of such already, And no I don’t have these as not going to work to check it out. But it was discussed and used for training over the years as an example of things to watch out for. at SSA. Its why its so important to find out details as we are dealing with everyone remembering things from over 50 years ago and it was not part of most people;s lives at all. It was only directly part of mine for a few months and comments via family and then 1/71 and a few times in later years when I did not get a chance to speak to him. The miracle is that people do remember anything and its the whole scenarios that was so unusual that maybe it is remembered. For those back in Topeka the memories are painful and not wanted to remember as we lost classmates that just didn’t show up one day and no one was allowed to mourn and none spoke openly. when those in charge cover up it was easier then to follow like sheep. we do a little better today., But some who were in Topeka would have the courage to speak out and al of us treat them with respect for sharing when they do. Linda Joy Adams

    Why do you appear as a giant among these midgets here yapping at your shins like lapdogs?

    These yammering dwarfs surround you like Gulliver among the Lilliputians.

    These people are like crazy people at a Walmart Sales while you tower above them like a scholar contemplating the viciousness of the ordinary public running around scrounging for something or someone to lynch like a pack or rats.

  159. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Once again Linda there is no lt zullo as Mike zullo isn’t a law enforcement officer

  160. gorefan says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    He should have called first.

    And miss the Mai Tai Bar at Royal Hawaiian Hotel.

  161. Thomas Brown says:


    Demonstrating a failure to grasp third-grade English is always good for establishing your credibility.

  162. No, it doesn’t help a bit. I gave some references to persons in Hawaii, and you claim I don’t know Kansas. It’s a nonsensical reply.

    Anyway, I have spent a fair amount of time in Kansas, both Kansas City, Topeka, Garden City and Salina.

    Geir Smith: Hoping this helps.

  163. I can prove Obama was born in Hawaii.

    I’m not sure what your game is encouraging Linda like this, but it’s liable to result in a renewal of your ban.

    Geir Smith: Can you prove Linda Joy Adams is telling the truth?

  164. Arthur says:

    Geir, pick one insulting name and stick with it. Are we midgets, yapping lapdogs, yammering dwarves, crazy Warmarters, ordinary people looking for a lynching, or a pack of rats?

    I know you want to objectify those who disagree with you, but your scatter-shot calumny is ridiculous and ineffective.

  165. Rickey says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:

    Anyway, I have spent a fair amount of time in Kansas, both Kansas City, Topeka, Garden City and Salina.

    I have been to Garden City and Holcomb. Holcomb is the location of the famous “In Cold Blood” murders.

  166. Rickey says:

    Geir Smith: That’s interesting. Do any of you live in Kansas like Linda Joy Adams?

    Linda doesn’t live in Kansas. She lives in Oklahoma.

  167. Arthur says:

    Rickey: Linda doesn’t live in Kansas. She lives in Oklahoma.</blockquote

    And unless he's moved, I believe Geir lives in France. Or maybe the Moon.

  168. Geir Smith says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: Dr. Conspiracy January 26, 2015 at 1:17 pm  (Quote) #
    No, it doesn’t help a bit. I gave some references to persons in Hawaii, and you claim I don’t know Kansas. It’s a nonsensical reply.

    Anyway, I have spent a fair amount of time in Kansas, both Kansas City, Topeka, Garden City and Salina.

    Geir Smith: Hoping this helps.

    I also spent time in Paris, but I’m not Obama’s third cousin. Linda is. So you should keep humble about visiting Topeka and being a big armchair specialist.

    If I was Obama’s third cousin trust me I’d have loads to offload.

  169. Geir Smith says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: Dr. Conspiracy January 26, 2015 at 1:24 pm  (Quote) #
    I can prove Obama was born in Hawaii.

    I’m not sure what your game is encouraging Linda like this, but it’s liable to result in a renewal of your ban.

    Geir Smith: Can you prove Linda Joy Adams is telling the truth?

    Linda’s a major problem for Obama. The names of Barry Parks and Jim T. Parks are breaking Obama apart and tearing down his house of cards.

  170. And IIRC Liberal, KS is the site of “Dorothy’s House”

    Rickey: I have been to Garden City and Holcomb. Holcomb is the location of the famous “In Cold Blood” murders.

  171. RanTalbott says:

    In a somewhat-surprising development, Mark Gillar recently posted a youtube comment reply acknowledging that the “anomalies” are a product of the scanner (change the coment sort to “newest first” if that thread doesn’t show up at the top). He seemed a little fuzzy on the details, so I posted a nice reply to educate him (and possible lurkers) about JBIG2.

    It’ll be interesting to see whether this indicates that he’s being/been cured of A/Z-ism.

  172. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Geir Smith: Linda’s a major problem for Obama. The names of Barry Parks and Jim T. Parks are breaking Obama apart and tearing down his house of cards.

    Sure, sure…just like everything else the birthers supposedly have.

  173. Geir Smith says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: Dr. Conspiracy January 26, 2015 at 1:24 pm  (Quote) #

    I’m not sure what your game is encouraging Linda like this,

    Why I’m encouraging Linda, Doc oBot? Because anyone can claim to be Obama’s cousin. Until anyone has the guts to actually prove she’s not so what she says stands.

    I’m thrilled to find out Obama’s real name is Barry Parks. Isn’t everyone? Aren’t you all thrilled by this?

    It’s bigger than the Watergate, MonicaGate and the Civil War and WWII combined; It’s the biggest news in the History of This Planet.

    Plus, I’m not very fuzzy on the facts, no one can say that for once.

    Because anyone with a modicum of brains can get on the Internet and prove or disprove what Linda says as to her family links. There are loads of genealogy websites to establish the links Linda’s talked about, between her and The POTUS fraud Obama/Parks.

    If even one of you had a speck of proof she was wrong you’d be all over this website panting about it, wouldn’t you?

    Obviously you’ve all got empty folders.

    I bet you’ve researched it and it’s proven she’s right and Obama is indeed Barry Parks.

    I bet his dad is Jim T. Parks and that’s why you’re not denying one single thing Linda says.

  174. Geir Smith says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: Dr. Conspiracy January 26, 2015 at 1:24 pm  (Quote) #

    I’m not sure what your game is encouraging Linda like this,

    It’s sure as hell better than encouraging you, a paid shill, Doc Obot. Why do you support Obama/Barry Parks?

  175. gorefan says:

    Geir Smith: The names of Barry Parks and Jim T. Parks are breaking Obama apart and tearing down his house of cards.

    I though she said it was Bert Parks.

  176. Rickey says:

    Geir Smith: Linda’s a major problem for Obama. The names of Barry Parks and Jim T. Parks are breaking Obama apart and tearing down his house of cards.

    Problem number one is that the Social Security Death Index has no record of a “Jim Parks” or “James Parks” who died in 1961, When you find those “anyone can investigate” newspaper stories about his murder, be sure to let us know.

    Linda is a deluded conspiracy theorist. Have you ever read her LinkedIn page? It’s a doozy. She makes you sound like you have your act together.

  177. You missed my earlier comment, perhaps.

    Linda is wrong. Obama’s birth certificate proves it. For more information, see the 3,600 articles on this site.

    Have you ever tried Linda Joy Adams in this site’s search box?

    Geir Smith: I bet his dad is Jim T. Parks and that’s why you’re not denying one single thing Linda says.

  178. “Here she is…. ”

    gorefan: I though she said it was Bert Parks.

  179. Insofar as this blog goes, I don’t support Obama. I critique conspiracy theories about him (at least ones that have a modicum of public belief).

    Personally I support Obama because he is the President of the United States and I want him to succeed. Every American should want Obama to succeed.

    Geir Smith: Why do you support Obama/Barry Parks?

  180. CarlOrcas says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: It was never clear to me why Zullo went to Hawaii and what he thought he was going to be able to get (besides a tan, and he could get that in Arizona).

    The beaches are nicer in Hawaii.

    Big Surf just doesn’t cut it.

  181. Faceman says:

    CarlOrcas: The beaches are nicer in Hawaii.Big Surf just doesn’t cut it.

    Maybe the deputies won an all-expense paid trip to Hawaii in the office pool, and the He went along as the chaperone.

  182. 15271331 and counting.

  183. Upgradedd says:

    Geir Smith: Until anyone has the guts to actually prove she’s not so what she says stands….

    I’m the Presidents 2nd cousin and he is whom he says he is.

    : Until anyone has the guts to actually prove I’m not …what I say stands….

  184. justlw says:

    Geir Smith: The names of Barry Parks and Jim T. Parks are breaking Obama apart and tearing down his house of cards.

    With a gentle, cleansing action, so as not to harm delicates. Any eon now…

  185. Axis of Evil says:

    Geir Smith has a dream….. Soon…..

  186. John Reilly says:

    : Geir Smith: Why do you support Obama/Barry Parks?

    As a registered Republican and retired military, I did not vote for Obama either time. In 2012 my wife and I maxed out in contributions to Gov. Romney. Nevertheless, Pres. Obama was re-elected, and having participated in the process, I am not only bound to recognize the result, but also show him the respect the office deserves. I think he is a good, decent Christian family man who only wants the best for this country. That I disagree with him on certain policy matters does not change the fact that he is the President. I wish him success in all his endeavors. If he succeeds in reducing employment, creating good jobs, making us energy self-sufficient, eliminating poverty and hunger, and ending war (thus putting generations of folks like me out of business) I will be cheering him on. That I may (and likely will) vote Republican in the next election does not mean that I wish Pres. Obama ill or I want him to fail.

    As a retired military officer, I am subject to recall, although why anyone would want me flying again is besides me. If he called, I would report for duty as directed.

    Birthers do not understand what it means to be an American.

    People who suggest that Pres. Obama has a different name, like Mr. Smith suggesting his name is Barry Parks, and whose proof consists of the ravings of a person sadly afflicted with mental illness ought to be ashamed of themselves.

  187. LindaJoyAdams says:

    Before ones completely disregards Nancy Owens that she may have learned something but not directly correct about Pres Obama let me share with you what several of us worked a lot on and came to a pretty sound conclusion about. Its on line. in my blog.
    if one starts with the premise that most are sharing what they really believed or found out some way from what they may know then real serious research can go on and real info be put together as most only have a piece of the whole. .
    I WAS THERE AND AM EYEWITNESS TO MUCH OF WHAT I SHARE. I say if its another source. when I wrote on my biog ALL OF THE MATTERS I WRITE OF ARE ITERCONNECTED IN THE TOTALITY OF THIS AS IT NOT JUST ABOUT A BIRTH CERTIFICATE. go study all the videos out there that purport to be the real bin ladin and understand that we have had some real smart people in the USA at the top that have really deceived the world and now its backfiring on thins nation as we meddle in everyone else’s business and now can get out of the trap we put ourselves in; , BIRTHERS ‘YOUR .MISSION SHOULD YOU BE WILLING TO ACCEPT IT” ( Mission Impossible )IS MORE THAN A BIRTH WHICH. WAS BACK IN TOPEKA KS. THIS IS A SEARCH FOR TRUTH AND JUSTICE AND PRAY ALL THOSE DOING WRONG WILL CHANGE AND DO WHAT IS RIGHT AND GOOD. WE MAY NOT AGREE ON FAITH ISSUES, AND STILL SEEK THE TRUTH OF THINGS.
    My mother Florence (Hunt) Hardy took Ann to the hospital to hve him and a future Adams relative took her home to her live in job in Topeka Ks from Forbes air force base Hospital.
    Daniel Wayne Pope, my first cousin stole he real Stanley Dunham’s wallet and Id at age 14 and went to WWII. He married and had a baby on the way before my Aunt Dad’s sister) and uncle found him. and he was marred and a baby on he way.
    Inside the family Toot is not known as Madelyne but Marilyn and there seems to have been another Stanley Ann born to the real Stanley and Madeline Dunham who were older .
    When I spoke to Lt Zullo he recognized that this was some kind of intelligence community id situation and was reluctant to get involved.
    Time for some courage by those collecting big sum of money and saying they want to know and then back off when its bigger than a birth certificate which it always has been.
    When My aunt and uncle visited out home in 11/63 just before Thanksgiving, they were w]really concerned that Dan not being Stanley was going to be found out as {Pres Kennedy was do a complete restructuring of the in intelligence communities and a real shake up was going to occur. A few days later, he was assassinated and things went on as before.
    We did not get too deep n to the research of the older Stanley Ann and whom she might have married and so forth.
    and one cannot go to the Hardy genealogy that John Hardy a distant relative put together and published, as my aunt purposely did not put down the full truth when she sent in her info and My Dad refused to and my mother sent in what she thought things were and the lies of the last hundred years continued and Dan;;s mother double confused things.
    Some have dug out my profile on LInked in and this is all true, also and well covered up.
    How easy it is for the birthers to believe n a real cover up and then when they find out from eye witnesses that the matters are worse than imagined and cover ups abut far more than a birth record, they seem stymied as to how to handle all of this.
    Those who think Pres Obama is the anti Christ, then think about the prolife of Satan who is a deceiver and extremely smart as he was to have had rulership over this plane of existence and turned on the Creator the Deity I speak as a Christian but others have similar faith histories..
    AlQeuda and the persona of Osama bin Ladin were a CIA creation that they lost control of for one can not control evil with secrecy and cover ups and we must start living in the light of truth in order to recognize it and then go out and find the other eyewitnesses and documents. I tried for 2 years to stop 9.11/01 when his name became famous and we knew he was the one who worked with us using that name. Not all the pictures of him out are the same one as Sec Rumsfeld said they used doubles. We had the real one in our SSA office .for 3 weeks in 7/88 and he was in the stairwell just before the toxic fumes started coming up and badly injured as I was and to many died already from those injuries. AS A CHRISTIAN, MY PERSONAL FAITH BELIEF WILL NOT LET ME GIVE UP ON ANY ONE BEING SAVED FROM EVIL.
    FAMILY PICTURES ARE ON LINDA JOY ADAMS @FLICKR AND I POSTED THE ONES OF THE POPE FAMILY FIRST SO THE FIRST BACK IN 3/13. and continued until I almost died in 7/13 at the hands of this cabal that controls the USA now and most of the world and Pres Obama has not stopped it nor stood up to this evil yet and past presidents have allowed it to take over this nation.. Neither has this or past Congresses either. So Where do you get the info re lost nme of Allen. as another one for Pres Obama. I knew a woman a little older than Stanley Ann later on whose last name was Obama and she was black. So that name has been around in the USA by others. Forgive my typos. Linda Joy Adams

  188. bovril says:

    So, Dear Geir, Do tell, in exactly what manner or form does this “tearing down” of “house of cards” happen..?

    Has there been, for example press release a’ la Zullo wherein the media have, en masse started reporting on this curious new tale..?

    Has there been a motion in Congress or Senate to impeach Obama based on said curious new tale, or any other tale for that matter..?

    Has Obama tendered his resignation from office..?

    Has his cabinet, Senate and Congress moved to remove Obama from office via any of the Constitutional safeguards and Amendments..?

    Has there in fact been ANY visible activity based upon the curious take of the dog that did not bark in the night..?

    Please, do tell, one is fascinated and on tenterhooks to hear the next ripping episode in “House of Cards….. Barry and the Pirates huff and puff and tear it all down”.

  189. Not true. Nor, is it logical in any way.

    Before ones completely disregards NancyOwens that she may have learned something but not directly correct about Pres Obama let me share with you what several of us worked…..

  190. bovril says:

    So, that’s Dear Geir, now Linda…….

    Linda, whilst I am sure you believe in this phantasmagorical tale of swapped identities, Mission Impossible set ups, Kansan births, body doubles and nefarious ne’er do wells, it alas has a rather substantial set of internal inconsistencies, shall we say.

    Lets start with a really simple set, shall we, where oh where is the birth certificate that would be generated by Stanley Anne Dunham, giving birth in an air force hospital in Kansas and how does an opposing BC, generated by hospital in Hawai’i and certified by a wide selection of officials fit together..?

    On the one hand we have a constitutionally legal, valid and sufficient BC from Hawai’i, attested to by a wide selection of officials stating categorically that Obama was born of SAD in Hawai’i, in a named hospital etc. On the other we have a fantastical tale worthy of pulp fiction without a shred of documentary evidence.

    I am sure you understand ones concern that your tale of wonder, is shall we say, rather akin to the Emperors New Clothes

  191. Lupin says:

    John Reilly: People who suggest that Pres. Obama has a different name, like Mr. Smith suggesting his name is Barry Parks, and whose proof consists of the ravings of a person sadly afflicted with mental illness ought to be ashamed of themselves.

    Hear! Hear!

  192. Lupin says:

    I know we’re not suppose do “diagnose” people here — and indeed we don’t have the professional; skills to do it seriously — but… WHEW!

    It’s posts like this that make me happy to be an atheist.

  193. Arthur says:

    LindaJoyAdams: Forgive my typos. Linda Joy Adams

    I don’t forgive them. If you don’t care enough to proof your comments, I’m not going to give my time to read them.

  194. Linda is cutting and pasting her crap here. You can tell from the formatting. It is probably the same nonsense she has written somewhere else being regurgitated.

  195. Father is white, Thomas B. Owens.

    Geir Smith: Why I’m encouraging Linda, Doc oBot? Because anyone can claim to be Obama’s cousin. Until anyone has the guts to actually prove she’s not so what she says stands.

    I’m thrilled to find out Obama’s real name is Barry Parks. Isn’t everyone? Aren’t you all thrilled by this?

    It’s bigger than the Watergate, MonicaGate and the Civil War and WWII combined; It’s the biggest news in the History of This Planet.

    Plus, I’m not very fuzzy on the facts, no one can say that for once.

    Because anyone with a modicum of brains can get on the Internet and prove or disprove what Linda says as to her family links. There are loads of genealogy websites to establish the links Linda’s talked about, between her and The POTUS fraud Obama/Parks.

    If even one of you had a speck of proof she was wrong you’d be all over this website panting about it, wouldn’t you?

    Obviously you’ve all got empty folders.

    I bet you’ve researched it and it’s proven she’s right and Obama is indeed Barry Parks.

    I bet his dad is Jim T. Parks and that’swhy you’re not denying one single thing Linda says.

  196. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Interesting logic geir Nancy and Linda both claim to be relatives of Obama, both claim he had a different family and last name. Both stories contradict each other’s. So how do You square that?

  197. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Nancy R Owens:
    His middle name is “Allen.” You never quit, do you, Kenneth?

    Well it’s hard to keep up with your contradictions since they change from month to month you never did answer my question about how he could have a white mother and father or how you could be born 7 months apart without being premature. Both you and Linda claim he has a different last name and a different family. Both your stories are contradictory and crazy.

  198. gorefan says:

    Did anyone bother to listen to Mario Apuzzo’s interview?

    There was a time such an interview would be a big deal in Brithistan. How times have changed.

  199. Rickey says:

    Reality Check:
    Linda is cutting and pasting her crap here. You can tell from the formatting. It is probably the same nonsense she has written somewhere else being regurgitated.

    She has a blog. I won’t provide a link here, but Google her name if you want to check it out.

  200. Here is a link:–the-liberty-report.mp3?localembed=download

    The interview with Apuzzo starts at about 1:08:00. I haven’t listened to it yet.

    gorefan: Did anyone bother to listen to Mario Apuzzo’s interview?

  201. BillTheCat says:

    I know we’re not suppose do “diagnose” people here — and indeed we don’t have the professional; skills to do it seriously — but… WHEW!

    It’s posts like this that make me happy to be an atheist.

    Agreed, seconded.

  202. Rickey says:

    One part of Linda’s history should be easy to verify, namely her story about toxic fumes killing a large number of her co-workers in a Social Security office in Jersey City on 1/9/89. All she has to do is provide a list of her deceased co-workers and I’ll be happy to check it out.

    Of course, one problem is that she now says that Osama bin Laden was in her office in July, 1988. On her LinkedIn page she says it was 1/9/89. In any event, a search of the New York Times archives between 7/1/88 and 3/1/89 turned up no stories about any toxic fumes incidents in Jersey City.

    [Certain personal information has been redacted. Doc]

  203. Dave B. says:

    Vattelbirtherblogger for the A to Z, Peter Lettkeman:
    His, uh, “evidence” is right up there with 00Bob Gard’s dinner invitation.

  204. How does Donofrio connect?

    mimi: Hey Doc, I didn’t know if you saw Leo Donofrio’s new film trailer.

  205. gorefan says:

    Rickey: toxic fumes killing a large number of her co-workers in a Social Security office in Jersey City on 1/9/89.

    Maybe this was similar to the time all of Joe Turner’s co-workers were killed at the American Literary Historical Society in New York.

  206. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Hey Doc, I didn’t know if you saw Leo Donofrio’s new film trailer.He’s moved onto Moon Landing Truther:

    I posted about it over at Fogbow.

    Moon landing deniers are still a thing?! Seriously?!
    Well maybe I shouldn’t be so surprised, there are still geocentric universe nuts out there too..

  207. Just did. I’ve listened to Joann Moretti before. Interesting. Apuzzo seems to be set on exactly who is and who is not a citizen. I like his definition of, “…either both are natural or both are alien.” Those may not be his exact words but, close enough. This definition clearly shows Communist Cuba’s Ted Cruz is NOT eligible. I have also talked with Apuzzo in the past month or so and shared my Obama birth certificate forgery details, namely Obama’s hanging and the murder of his black mother, with Apuzzo.

    Did anyone bother to listen to Mario Apuzzo’s interview?

    There was a time such an interview would be a big deal in Brithistan.How times have changed.

  208. Arthur says:

    Nancy R Owens: Apuzzo seems to be set on exactly who is and who is not a citizen.

    Apuzzo’s definition of citizenship is meaningless. It carries no weight, has no value, and decides nothing.

  209. Punchmaster via Mobile says:

    Guess he’s running low on drunk drivers to defend, if he’s back to pretending he’s a constitutional lawyer.

  210. Either both are natural or both are alien.

    Arthur: either both are natural or both are alien.

  211. LindaJoyAdams says:

    Before one speaks ill of the deceased who just went to work one day, please do tty and read what has been written and get the facts correct, please. And I have faced death several time in this and its not right to not allow me to fight to stay alive and this is one vehicle to share the truth and get it our to warn others of the mess this nation and world has been allowed to get into by those in power who are corrupted by their own power and wealth.There was one TC reference and some archives in the Jersey City Paper and this was covered up well. Would have been nearly totally if I had not gotten the tests to prove toxic fumes done on me at Christ Hospital do to a mix up on my chart s whom I worked for. DO YOU KNOW WHAT A COVER UP IS> This is one on top of another and its lead right down the path to WWIII. This is one done well. by some in the highest powers. As some should have gone I DO NOT DEAL IN CONSPIRACIES BUT FACTS AND DOCMENTATION AND MY WORKES CAMP CASE IS ACCEPTED AND NOT CONROVERTED AND PRESIDENT BUSH 41 GAVE AN ORDER THAT WAS DEFIED THAT ALL OF US SHOULD HAVE BEEN TREATED WELL AND NONE OF US WERE. SOURCE IS LINDA TRIPP WHO TURNED ON PRES. Clinton AND NOT BUSH AFTER FINDING OUT WHAT HAD BECOME OF THOSE IN MY OFFICE .
    It was in 1/90 that public enemy number one came in to pick up his w-2 I do not know of any one who died on day 1, but over the years did hear of deaths and very little was being shared by the highest level of government on this as you well know these kinds of things are under the privacy laws. You should go back and read the 9.11.01 anniversary articles on my sites. Also there are 51 Violations of Civil rights submissions that summarize much of what is going on right now with YOUR MONEY AND RIGHTS IN THE USA. I reposted them last weekend and one can scroll down the side of my BlogSpot to find them and them realize you may need to check things our for yourself and loved ones to help them out. Its difficult for so much to be summarized quickly in a comment here. VBUT SO MUCH OF ALL OF THIS IS INTERRELATED TO THE BIRTH IN TOPEKA KS COVER UP AS WELL IN WAYS OONE MAY BETTER UNDERSTAND WHEN THE TOTAL PIECES OF THE BIGGER PICTURE IS KNOWN. Monicagate began over what LInda Tripp knew in side the White house and turned on Pres Clinton not Bush 41. Listen to the tapes, my son is the cute guy at McDonalds on the tapes trying to help his mother.
    I HAVE THE LIST OF THOSEON DUTY IN 1/89 AND WE HAD A TOXIC POOL COMBINATION OF WHATEVER OBL DID IN THE STAIRWELL ALONG WITH CONSTRUCTION FLAWS IN VENTILAITON SYSTEMS ETC. AND CARBON TETRCHLORIDE MIXED IN FROM THE COPY MACHINES PLUS THE SULFHURIC ACID AND WELDING FUMES AND NO VENTILATION CARRYING THE FUMES OUT. THE MIRACLE IS I AM EVEN ALIVE. EVEN BIGGER IS THAT THE BLOOD AND SKIN SAMPLES GOT DONE ON ME AS THE OTHERS GOT TURNED AWAY FROM THE HOSPITALS. When the highest level of govt wants to cover up , it did and lives have not value to them. Please do not make life of those badly injured and fighting to stay live as my site shares just how your lives are in danger right now due to corruption in charge of health care right now and before Pres Obama even took office and whether he knows and approves or just goes along with what he is told, if told at all is for some in DC to find out right now.
    if he does this is much higher of a crime than any wrong USA state put on a ballot access form. when the only legal ISSUE IS IN THE USA AND HE WAS. ITS THE REST THAT IS SO VITAL AND SO INTERWOVEN IN ALL OF THIS.
    SO go check the 1/89 archives . I have the ones form the Jersey Journal . Jersey city was under the control of Hartz mountain, owner of the building and eventually even their puppet mayor got sent to jail for mail fraud. but the cover up continues and it was after 9/1101 that I was told by an FBI agent that every FBI agent in the nation knew and no one was ever allowed to investigate.
    NOW ALL THOSE DEBATNG HOW THE TWIN TOWERS CAME DOWN, ETC. GO BACK AND GET TO THE TRUTH OF WHY IT HAPPENED. Our own internal corruption brought it down and that included creating a persona based on one man, FROM Saudi ARABIA to fool the world and control the Muslim nations and only caused us to be more hated than ever.
    I am in a life and death struggle right now and please go back and read beginning 11/20/14 how desperate some are to cover up their crimes against humanity I CHOOSE TO LIVE AND ITS WHY I GOT OM LINE IN THE FIRST PLACE.

  212. LindaJoyAdams says:

    Among the typos is a big one 1/89 HE CAME IN TO GET HIS W-2 NOT 1/90. I TRIED TO GET back in to spell check and couldn’t. Its lot in all of this and so convoluted as one crime births another. Linda joy Adams

  213. Lupin says:

    Arthur: Apuzzo’s definition of citizenship is meaningless. It carries no weight, has no value, and decides nothing.

    I think Apuzzo is either (a) sincerely on a crusade to keep the US pure; or (b) paid to shill for someone who is on a crusade etc. I can’t quite determine which although I favor (b) myself, but that seems to be his goal.

  214. bovril says:

    Oh Linda, the tale grows yet more amazing.

    We now have the man who helped orchestrate 9/11, a man whose family is one of the wealthiest in Saudi Arabia and continued his very generous stipend until his death now not only being on the payroll of the US government but an employee, presumably with benefits and Social Security deductions.

    So, do tell, did his W-2 include his address, surely the governments search for him for so many years would have been aided if they had gone and looked up his HR file.

    Obviously as an employee one wonders as to who his line manager was, was one of his annual objectives “I will attempt to bring down the Great Satan”…?

    Did he have anger issues and receive counseling, was his widow paid survivor benefits. Did he have a 401k via his employee or as a government employee did he participate in the Thrift Savings Plan..?

    So many questions Linda now you reveal he was a direct salaried employee of the government……

  215. LindaJoyAdams says:

    He was hired by Delores Bryant after taking the civil service test,rather a witness in the room said a taller double came back in and took the test for him. I saw both that day. One before and the other as that one left. Then he worked there for 3 weeks in 7/88 and quit the day after Delores Bryant gave him access to the entire financial records of every one with an ssn and OIG FOR HHS WOULD NOT STOP HER LOGGING ON 22 NEW HIRES WHO HAD NOT HAD THEIR SECURIITY CLEARANCES DONE YET. IT WAS THE biggest breach of security ssa had ever had to that time. and t that time we were the agency that knew the most about folks because of cross checking for our low income program SSI to verify what ones finances were. MS BRYANT WAS NOT IN THE OFFICE WHEN THE TOXIC CLOUD CAME AS SHE HAD TO TAKE HER CHILD TO THE DOCTOR?. She got promotions for what happened and the rest of us got ;blacklisted before we even got the hospitals. WE WERE PART OF HHS THEN, we were all told he transferred in as an employee of the CIA which caused everyone to want to meet him as we were not used to any one that I am trying yo summarize all that has been shared in detail on my own sites and this site may not appreciate us getting diverted over to mine. But as I have said its more than about a birth certificate.
    as for the HHS document on file: I was sent back to work the second time in 7/90 and and none of the promised accommodations of non exertional job and removal of chemical barriers was done. as I had aleady set another precedent in 8/89 when sent home from the office after trying to work even part time as not being able to tolerate the modern office environment which I had worked in several for over 20 years for SSA already. with no problems My mucous membrane was burned off my body., its how one gets this way, minute levels inflame that most can tolerate as they have a protective coating in their bodies. I nearly died etc and it ended with THE EEOC WITH SANCTIONS AGAINST SEC OF HHS DONNA SHALALA FOR WHAT SHOULD HAVE BEEN ATTEMPTED MURDER AND PHYSCIAL ASSAULT tHE hhs filing one found on line is only the first part where Workers comp was being ignored in one area was not being given all the paper work and the issue on 6.92 is when a laser printer was put near my nose and I was told to breathe the fumes that I was to not be near at all as two of my accepted conditions at works comp are chemically induced pneumonitis and chemically induced asthma. I spent 6 weeks at home recovering and the physical test results show what occurred. , I was working in our Camden NJ office by then. Over the years I had gotten and lost w/c as felony riffling of my files occurred and at this time I had appealed to get it back and did later, but I was forced to file new claims and new numbers put on each until later when all were consolidated when the appellate judges were obeyed as they used to always be until CEO LYNN Blodgett took over total control; at ACS in 2002 and he just withheld the judges orders from any one at US Dept of Labor as he controls what anyone can see in the govt now AND IS TAKING OVER ALL WORKERS COMP IN THE USA SO THIS IS NOW YOUR COVERAGE TOO.WORKERS OF THE USA. and as another one died , I got more harassment as I was under the ones who were trying to stay out of jail and covering up and my medical records proved what occurred,all this is on my sites along with the three deaths from this two unborn and a cancer victim and others in that complex in other offices that all occurred after another unsafe condition .
    I came back wearing a prescribed gas mask with cartridges for organic vapors and acid gases but it did not protect eyes and also fumes got through and I was interviewing the public in this. I had no way to earn a iiving until the judges got me back on workers comp and then they had to find a lung doctor to send me to. at the time and Doyle had taken work in Philadelphia schools and they were laying off teachers and he had little seniority., and hard to speak and that is how I survived working less and less until workers comp could find a pulmonologist willing to do the exam as my case had become such a political football and setting precedents for this kind of injury. Finally one who was a member of Green Peace did the exam m and I got home on workers comp the last time. The last two times I TRIED TO WORK IN 94 I WAS ADMITTED TO INTENSIVE CARE FROM THE FUMES IN THE OFFICE. I COULD NOT TOLERATE AND PROMISES MADE I WOULD NOT BE IN . ND NOTHJING DONE ALL DOCUMENT4ED IN 240 EEOC COMPLAINTS TO SHOW HOW EVIL CAN TAKE OVER IN THIS WORLD WHEN ONE CRIME PILES ON ANOTHER AND WE WERE AT WAR AGINST THE ONE WHO TURNED IN THIS NATION OVER WHATEVER HE DID IN HIS MIND.
    I HAVE SEEN EVIL FIRST HAND . when its workers comp then one is t protected by criminal laws when others do such to one, as its a civil matter.
    There has been no protection of any govt file of mine digital or paper since 1/89 . remember the State od Hawaii never made a certified record as they caught the ruse in time. Someone more recently did that but would not have let Pres Obama know. I think they fooled him? There was the notice of birth and the newspaper . There as the real one in Topeka KS and the real notice there as I read it. Speaker of the House, Boehner knows as his uncle was the under sheriff in Topeka KS and he was there until he ;went back to Ohio. DOES ANY ONE BEGIN TO UNDERSTAND THAT ‘EVERY ONE’ KNEW IN 1961 AND KNOWS NOW BUT THE BIRTHERS AND SOME OF THEM MUST TOO. This whole is common thread through all of this and a birth record is the least of it. Everyone was in Topeka back in those years doing all kinds of things we deal with today. MK ulta at Meningers, NASA, the leaders of the future leaders of this nation. IT WAS A HUB OF ALL KINDS OF THINGS. Thanks to this site for the opportunity to share and hope others will ask questions and offer info the have I have been cleared of anything non physical as its been wanted to discredit my testimony as until the raid in Pakistan it was always possible. I could have been called to testify at any trial and US attorney Mary Jo White wanted to do so in the late 90;s and got stopped from going back to 1985 by AG Janet Reno, I do not know what he was charged with before our office? Osama Bin Ladin was a student at Yale he said. And two in Us ptty’s offices said my blood and skin sample tests were in the sealed indictment against him that was gotten as John Doe one in ;90 . I fond this out trying to find my test results that NJ health dept required to be done for toxic exposures. So I had a real target on my back and sill do, I implore any one out there to help put all the pieces together as so far one is doing the b.c and another something else and it all seems to be the same saga of some in power that did not and still are not handling things very well . We are all being kept separated by powerful entities and most are sincerely concerned about what is going on. I want to live and that is my gravest concern to be able to continue to do so. and want no one to go through what I have and many are right now .Linda Joy Adams
    Linda Joy Adams

  216. Rickey says:

    Before one speaks ill of the deceased who just went to work one day, please do tty and read what has been written and get the facts correct, please.

    No one wants to speak ill of the deceased. I am just asking for you to provide us with the names of your co-workers who died from the toxic fumes which you claim filled up the Social Security Office in Jersey City in 1989.

  217. Arthur says:

    LindaJoyAdams: Among the typos is a big one

    THANKS for the correction! Now about the 273 other errors in your post . . .

  218. Crustacean says:

    Arthur: I don’t forgive them. If you don’t care enough to proof your comments, I’m not going to give my time to read them.

    Forget the conditional. Just don’t read them. Life is too short, and you (and Reality Check, and Rickey, et al.) are way too smart to spend one second responding to such gibberish. It’s sad, but sometimes you just have to let it be. Same goes for comments posted here by Nancy Ruth Owens. You can’t save them from here.

  219. Geir Smith says:

    LindaJoyAdams: LindaJoyAdams January 28, 2015 at 8:22 am  (Quote) #

    I want the posters here to be respectful towards Linda Joy Adams and recant on their slander, smears and heckling. No matter who you talk to, observe the TOS and Netiquette of Internet which is to speak with politeness and remain on good behaviour always.

    Linda has been badly handicapped and is a senior citizen getting into her 70s-80s, I suppose.

    She’s sharing her innermost memories and past life.

    Her efforts are prodigious and I can’t understand how she can manage to do it.

    Now, looking at the thuggish scoundrels who harass her by postings, that’s an easy choice between her and them.

    She mentions her family links, gives names, dates and descriptions of events.

    Those who want to contribute something, they better get with this and get up to speed with Linda.

    Linda says Obama’s father is Jim T. Parks. Armchair detectives who sit at home and pick fights with old ladies like Linda should be ashamed. Do real research – not just on Parks – but on all the people who Adams speaks of. She’s not an alien fallen to earth from Mars.

    Don’t come out shooting at Adams.

    She’s got a past, a family and a hometown.

    If you can’t tell us who Adams is from your research, then be quiet. That’ll be better for us and for you.

    If you’ve not tracked down Linda Adams in history then don’t bring it on. Just keep quiet and go back to your research and find stuff.

    If you’re not able to research because you don’t have the intellectual ressources to do it and you’re an ugly person then give us a break and abstain from posting. Thanks.

    I’ve heard people say that calling Obama Barry Parks is shameful.


    Covering up for the POTUS and accepting him by supporting everything he does is TREASON.

    Military people should be ashamed of that.

    It’s treason.

    Theodore Roosevelt: “They are traitors if citizens don’t criticize the POTUS because it is their duty. Or else we’ll go into Tyranny.”

    Those who don”t criticise the POTUS are traitors to the USA. Period. (Said…. Theodore Roosevelt.)

  220. Geir Smith says:

    LindaJoyAdams: LindaJoyAdams January 28, 2015 at 8:22 am  (Quote) #

    I haven’t heard anyone bring up any of the family links Linda Adams speaks about.

    What’s with this board?

    It’s ugly to see people who can’t even respond to the dam* topic.

  221. Arthur says:

    Crustacean: Just don’t read them.

    I’ve never been able to make it past the first couple of sentences.

  222. She graduated high school in 1963 (5 years before I did).

    Geir Smith: Linda has been badly handicapped and is a senior citizen getting into her 70s-80s, I suppose.

  223. There is nothing “ugly” about choosing not to engage in a discussion.

    Geir Smith: It’s ugly to see people who can’t even respond to the dam* topic.

  224. Geir Smith says:

    To those of you who have an ounce of intellectual legitimacy in you: Linda Adams has posted very important links to her family lineage and history. Unless you’re an ugly person only posting garbage on Internet this is for you. Track down each name and do your part of the research or else go someplace else and for Christ’s sake don’t talk on this thread because it’s polluting it to read creeps posting here.

    Your work is cut out for you. Go research how Linda ends up concluding that Jim T. Parks is her own family-link and Obama’s father.

    We can get DNA from the Parks family (which Linda knows) in Topeka and just check Linda’s and their DNAs. If that fits then there’s a good chance it’ll fit Obama’s DNA too.

    Do it now. We can get Obama’s DNA from fast-food joints seeing he’s always going to fast-food joints to eat. Just get his glass after he’s used it.

    Do the work and quit complaining like spoiled kids.

    5-18-22 wedding party of Hunts @ Hardy's 1-26-64 Mr @ Mrs Doyle Adams Scan 13-04-08 1851 | Flickr – Photo Sharing!


    Over at Obamaconspiracy some more serious discussion is developing and those who have information to share of any part of President Obama;s history please join in . Its helpful to share what one knows and how they know it.

    A few are still on there that do not wish a serous search for truth, but I m pleased for the most part to find another group to share with.

    One patriot admonished some of those with what they were saying and doing and did ask Geir Smith why he said POTUS’s name is BARRY Parks. It would be a birth name. He was using the name Barry Soetoro in 1/71 when I next saw him after seeing soon after birth in Topeka, KS.

    President Obama can legally use any name he wishes of those he has legally had in his life time.

    His mother was married to Obama Sr when he was born as Ann’s dad arranged the marriage to cover her and her baby with a name as Jim was dead back in 3/61. When you go searching around in Topeka Ks records do not confuse a relative of his James Parks who was a year older and lived until more recently. I remember well the first time I saw one then the other in Junior HS and realized there were two with almost the same name. I heard kids call him Barry ? use the nickname Barry Parks. And early I research on more details to included on line, I saw part of a death record for Barry Parks born 1943 who died in 1961 but did not have the money to buy in to the web site listing. Some one out there may already have access. BUT WE HAVE LEARNED THAT THINGS APPEAR AND DISAPPEAR OF THE PRESIDENT;S BIO ON LINE IN A REAL CONCERTED EFFORT BY SOME TO COVER UP FOR WHAT EVER REASON IS A REAL MYSTERY WHY TOPEKA KS BIRTH PLACE HAS BEEN COVERED UP.

    I was not online before the 2008 election and it was in the media a little about Kansas and Ann only being 15 and I assumed that there was no issue, etc. Then I got on line later to save my own life and low the whistle on things and ran right in to all of the birther movement etc. WHY THIS WAS ALLOWED TO GO ON BY THE HANDLERS OF POTUS , I DO NOT KNOW. THIS IS MORE THAN ABOUT A BIRTH PLACE. WHICH IS IN TOPEKA KS. AND EVERYONE KNEW AND MANY STILL ALIVE THAT DID KNOW AND WHY THE COVER UP AND SECRECY AND FEAR OF WITNESSES TO SPEAK UP? FROM THERE? MY DAD COULD NOT UNDERSTAND WHY NO ONE CARED ABOUT THREE DEAD AT THE HANDS OF OTHERS EITHER? SOMETHING SO UNJUST HAVE HOVERED OVER ALL OF THIS SINCE THEN.


    We need to be able to say a respectful good by in some way.


  225. Sef says:

    Let’s see. There’s Linda Joy Adams’ story and Nancy Owens’ story. Who to believe? Who to believe? Who to believe? Perhaps there’s another alternative?

  226. gorefan says:

    Doc. – I’m get old pages when I click on a comment in the right column.

  227. Keith says:

    Geir Smith: I want the posters here to be respectful towards Linda Joy Adams

    And I want you and LJA and everyone else to be respectful towards the President of the United States.

    Covering up for the POTUS and accepting him by supporting everything he does is TREASON.

    And I want you and LJA to be respectful towards the Constitution of the United States. Treason is carefully and specifically defined in the Constitution. It is the only crime defined there and for good reason: to prevent people like you from accusing people of treason just because they don’t think or look like you do.

    Theodore Roosevelt: “They are traitors if citizens don’t criticize the POTUS because it is their duty. Or else we’ll go into Tyranny.”

    In that quote, Teddy overstated his case for effect but he did not accuse anyone of treason.

    He certainly recommended his fellow citizens be outspoken in criticism of the President when they felt it necessary – he did not recommend that they slander him or arrest him for treason because they didn’t like his politics or the color of his skin.

    The bigger problem with the usage of that your usage of that quote to advance your argument is that Theodore Roosevelt NEVER said it.

    What he actually said was:

    “To announce that there must be NO criticism of the President, or that we are to stand by the President Right or Wrong, is not only UNPATRIOTIC and SERVILE, but is Morally TREASONABLE to the American Public.” Former Republican President, Theodore Roosevelt

    Notice he says to the “American Public” not to the Country. He is not referring to an actual prosecutable crime – certainly not the one defined in the Constitution, but to an abdication of public responsibility. He is saying it is UnAmerican to not have an opinion and to not express that opinion. He is encouraging public involvment

    Furthermore, nobody has EVER “announced that there must be NO criticism of the President” Obama and he has been the recipient of much criticism during his term.

    You don’t criticize Obama; you accuse Obama. You accuse him all sorts of criminal things for which you have no proof, no hope of producing proof, and for no reason other than animosity. The source of that animosity, whether due to mental illness, racial prejudice, downright orneriness, over-reactive and misplaced political malice, or attention seeking hyperbole, is immaterial. It is just wrong.

    Lying about someone and falsely accusing someone of terrible crimes is un-American and in the words of Theodore Roosevelt: “Morally TREASONABLE to the American Public”.

    If you prefer a religious taboo against false accusation, it is also un-Christian, (1 Peter 2:1-12 ESV So put away all malice and all deceit and hypocrisy and envy and all slander.), un-Jewish (Exodus 23:1 You shall not spread a false report. You shall not join hands with a wicked man to be a malicious witness.), un-Islamic, un-Hindu, etc., etc.

    And I want to win the Lottery.

    And I want a pony.

  228. Rickey says:

    Geir Smith:

    She mentions her family links, gives names, dates and descriptions of events.

    Those who want to contribute something, they better get with this and get up to speed with Linda.

    Linda says Obama’s father is Jim T. Parks. Armchair detectives who sit at home and pick fights with old ladies like Linda should be ashamed. Do real research – not just on Parks – but on all the people who Adams speaks of. She’s not an alien fallen to earth from Mars.

    Here’s some real research for you. Linda claims that there were multiple deaths and that she was seriously injured when toxic fumes were allowed into the Social Security office in Jersey City, NJ in January, 1989. She further claims that the “puppet mayor” of Jersey City was sent to prison for mail fraud.

    The Mayor of Jersey City from July 1, 1985 to June 30, 1989 was Anthony R. Cucci. Mayor Cucci has never been convicted of a crime and has never been in prison.

    She also claims that Stanley Ann Dunham graduated high school in 1963. However, this is refuted by photographs from Mercer Island High School yearbooks which show that she was in high school in Washington in 1957 and 1960. We also know that Stanley Ann was born in 1942, so she would have been 21 in 1963.

    I have politely asked Linda to provide me with the names of her co-workers who supposedly were killed by toxic fumes in January, 1989. So far she has not named a single victim. Newspaper archives for January, 1989 have not turned up a single mention of this supposed catastrophic event.

    So far she has not provided a single shred of evidence to support any of her claims. And there is no record of “Jim Parks” or “James Parks” having been murdered in Kansas in 1961

    The burden of proof is on the person making the claims. If she provides me with the names of her co-workers who died, I will research it and see if there is any corroboration for her story. Until then, color me skeptical.

  229. LindaJoyAdams says:

    Apprently some have gravely misread what I have written about President Obama. I call him President and respect the office. I know of no high crime he has committed within the time limit to be charged with, INTENT to defraud means he knows he was born in Topeka KS and he knowingly lied. I have no proof he knows yet, although I have sent numerous messages to the White House, he probably never received, David Mariness who wrote his biography admitted on Hardball in 8/12 after I contacted Chis Matthews and he is the only one who had the journalistic integrity to raise the issue and had him on his show< He said that he had all the Kansas info and did not ask President Obama about it and went with the press releases. now he wanted to do a rewrite , but with so much money involved obviously? his publisher is not going to permit it? Others have alleged he has. committed crimes, but one has to know they are lying to defraud. WHEN DID HIS IMMEDIATE FAMILY EVER TELL HIM THE TRUTH?
    And if they have proof then they need to present it to the authority that can now deal with it, Congress. who now has the Constitutional obligation to deal with any president.. Either over turn actions through legislation to the ultimate removal.from office. Many in there might expose their own complicity and crimes if they went forward is my OPINION AND I HAVE THE RIGHT TO EXPRESS IT. SINCE WE ARE IN MESS AND THAT IS PROOF ENOUGH something is badly wrong for crimes committed against me and others have been allowed to o on and that's a lot of pubic money being stolen daily and no one does anything.
    I have never shown any disrespect for Pres Obama but others have resorted to some things that are not so nice and said things not so nice, but they have the right of free speech and if all of us are to have it, then we have to let them have it also. I thank those saying to be nice on this site. as some do get passionately a little gross at times. As I truly am trying to piece together what now with what others know to get the whole timeline of why we are in wars and debts and trying to convince everyone to get registered and vote.
    I have never advocated any violent action or anything else that would be treasonous and have never threatened any one. I do chide , and castigate Congress in general but am careful to praise those who do try in that body . I file legal actions and many judges have ruled in my favor and the international cabal that HAS NEARY OVERTHROWN THIS GOVT WHICH IS TREASONOUS HAS SHREDDED THEM LIIKE THE US CONSITUTION HAS BEEN. if any have been derelict in their duty its been past Congresses. I pray for this one to step up and do their job or they may the last hope we have.
    Overthrow of this govt has occurred when we have turned our public monies and authority over to ones who have no oversight of what they are doing and many things are illegal and they steal our monies and our rights and even the Us Justice dept has tried to act and ben stopped by laws put in place by post congresses that need to be changed pronto.. And since we have no law enforcement any more to investigate crimes by a govt contractor etc. of well documented crimes and no arrests any more any more just because they are a government contractor means we have been overthrown and my cases well document just how that has occurred and mine is not unique But our media no longer covers such stories or they would be daily reports of such from many,
    Back to the Hawaii birth certificate:Crimes others have committed were too long ago to prosecute as most crimes have a time limit or others may have done something more recently and that is a vaid case and the best proof is to get the Kansas record to show the certified record is a forgery, maybe some do not understand that states end out notices of birth and they say on them they are not the official record and hospitals notify newspapers, That is all that got done in Hawaii. I do allege that sec of State of Kn.,Kris Kobach committed perjury in the 9/12 Kansas eligibility issues then. CHARACTER AND POLITICAL VIEWS SHOULD HAVE ALWAYS BEEN THE ISSUES IN THE ELECTIONS. NOW WE VOTERS VOTED AND HE WON TWICE AND CONGRESS NOW HAS JURISDICTION TO ACT OR NOT. I state the obvious . Please do not misquote me, I was taught to offer constructive criticisms and my writings always offer suggestions and too often judges are ordering these things to be done to carry out the laws. which too much is not being done now and it puts everyone at risk. I AM UNDER NO TOP SECRET SECURUTY CEARANCE AT ALL AND AM ONLY TRYING TO STY AIVE IN MY legal FILINGS.
    If bad character or bad judgment was impeachable we probably would not be able to keep any president very long in office as they would all have been impeached. In fact if one does not carry out the laws Congress has made they are derelict in duty and could be for that reason and all of them have not done this. Many times Congress is repassing laws that were already passed years before and the president then did not carry them out, Go with the truth and have justice for all and we can survive as a nation better off than we were before or now. Do petition your government when you think something is wrong and give a way to make things better. see fickr for famiiy pictures Linda Joy Adams

  230. I am not interested in a commenter who is just trying to stir things up.

    I’m not going to approve any more comments like this one. If you want to discuss a topic OK, but goading I will not put up with.

    Geir Smith: Your work is cut out for you. Go research how Linda ends up concluding that Jim T. Parks is her own family-link and Obama’s father.

  231. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Doc, you’re a much more patient man than I.

  232. John Reilly says:

    Mr. Smith: I am an armchair detective who is now back in the States. I was intrigued by your claims and by those of Nancy and Linda. So I did my research. I found that Pres. Obama twice got a majority of the popular vote and twice got a majority of the electoral vote. I checked and found that not a single member of Congress objected to his selection as President. (Pres. Bush did receive objections in Congress.) I found that Chief Justice Roberts has now sworn him in 4 times. More than 200 court challenges to him were resolved in his favor, including, I’m proud to say, Ankeny v. Daniels here in Indiana. Not a single court has ruled him ineligible.

    I figure my research is done. Do you actually have some piece of evidence other than the ramblings of some poor soul who can’t afford a decent shift key on her keyboard?

  233. Geir Smith says:

    LindaJoyAdams: LindaJoyAdams January 28, 2015 at 10:59 pm  (Quote) #
    Apprently some have gravely misread what I have written about President Obama. I call him President and respect the office. I know of no high crime he has committed within the time limit to be charged with, INTENT to defraud means he knows he was born in Topeka KS and he knowingly lied. I have no proof he knows yet, although I have sent numerous messages to the White House, he probably never received, David Mariness who wrote his biography admitted on Hardball in 8/12 after I contacted Chis Matthews and he is the only one who had the journalistic integrity to raise the issue

    People want to quash all criticism of the President, Linda. Because he’s black they’ve pushed the race card to quash freedom of opinion and freedom of speech. It’s got nothing to do with him, they’ve just pushed his skin colour to distract from freedom of speech and deny us our liberties. They’re using a ploy to reach their political goals and self-interests of the Democratic Party.

    But Theodore Roosevelt said that those who quash freedom of speech and quash any criticism of the President are traitors. He said those who don’t criticise the President are traitors too.

    I like Obama and I think that if he’s illegitimate he’s a criminal genius which I admire in a sick way like when we study Hitler and we admire his military genius in a sick, painful way.

    Obama’s a problem to the world and he’s a greater scandal than Watergate for the USA. But he’s a genius of crime like Al Capone before him in Chicago.

    I criticise Obama because it’s my right;, and it’s my duty. It’s my mission because I’m sure Obama’s the Antichrist.

    Criticising Obama starts with looking at him as a human being first of all, beyond his role and high position. No matter how powerful he is, that has no bearing upon what I think.

    If money and power determined what I think about people, then the rich and well-positionned would be the best people in the world in my book.

    I don’t think the rich and well-heeled are good in any way.

    Criticising Obama thus starts with examining his identity papers and biography which is the same as I’d do with anybody whom I don’t know.

    Looking at Google it turns up that Obama’s got a mountain of trouble in determining who he is.

    Bush does not have that.

    Clinton does not have that.

    So, people are offended that I criticise Obama.

    Well, I don’t criticise Obama. I’m merely, at this point, trying to establish with certainty his identity, his birthplace and family. At this point it’s not even personal at all.

  234. Geir Smith says:

    LindaJoyAdams: LindaJoyAdams January 28, 2015 at 10:59 pm  (Quote) #
    Apprently some have gravely misread what I have written about President Obama. I call him President and respect the office. I know of no high crime he has committed within the time limit to be charged with, INTENT to defraud

    The only ones who are treasonous are not you Linda, but those who let a fraud take the White House and don’t want to see his original paper birth certificate and not (as Doc Obot says is proof) his computer-generated birth certificate on the government website. Linda you’re a patriot instead for saying Obama’s fake birth certificate is no proof and Obama’s real name is Barry Parks. Linda you’re our Paul Revere warning us to stand up and go to battle for the USA.

  235. I found this at BirtherReport by William Thompson and have to copy and paste since I am banned over there:

    The power inherent in the Office of the President, especially the increased power it has gained, and been given, over the history of the country, and, increasingly, during the course of our many wars, and, especially, during the War on Terror, is more than enough to threaten, and intimidate, it’s enemies, by whatever methods it chooses, including murder. There is a lot of evidence that Vince Foster was murdered IN the White House, but the power of the Office was more than sufficient to cover it up. And, it was obvious the Monica scandal was about the cover up,not about the sex, but Bill was aquited anyway. The deaths of Obama’s two, rumored, lovers during his first campaign, are still unsolved, and the cover up of Benghazi is obvious, just to cite two examplesof the power it holds, today. The Benghazi cover up, benefits both the present, and potentially, future, occupants of the Office. The power of the Office is the reason for the massive conspiracy it took to put the illegal alien in it, and the conspirators are not going to give it up easily.

    Vince Foster was murdered at the “Texas Ranch” house that Abel Danger keeps talking about. It was not the White House per se and Mike Volin was present. This is about Bush’s failure to capture Gorbechev on American soil, isn’t it?

  236. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    On the subject of the Gerbilers using “gay” or “Muslim”, as insults….I just don’t get it!
    To me that’s like calling someone “Chinese” as an insult. It’s not going to offend someone who is actually Chinese, and its only going to baffle someone who isn’t.

  237. Lupin says:

    Andrew Vrba, PmG:
    On the subject of the Gerbilers using “gay” or “Muslim”, as insults….I just don’t get it!
    To me that’s like calling someone “Chinese” as an insult. It’s not going to offend someone who is actually Chinese, and its only going to baffle someone who isn’t.

    Monty Python had an amusing routine (aren’t they all?) about how to insult people of other nationalities, e.g.: french =- frog, german = kraut., etc. For Belgians they couldn’t come up with anything worse than “belgian!” Methinks that “birther!” is similarly turning into an epithet.

  238. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Lupin: Methinks that “birther!” is similarly turning into an epithet.

    The way Gerbil Report reactions to legitimate news sources calling them birthers is cause for agreement. There was a series of articles over there, earlier in the month that were all along the lines of “Wahhhh! They’re calling us what we really are! That’s unfair!”

  239. Curioser and curiouser.

    Nancy R Owens: It was not the White House per se and Mike Volin was present.

  240. Thomas Brown says:

    Geir Smith: those who let a fraud take the White House

    You have no political claim anyway.

    §6 No idiot, or insane persons, shall be entitled to the privileges of an elector. (1851)

  241. I don’t know what outlying properties constitute “White House” property. There certainly are several retreats around our nation. I believe the PDF file was done quite possibly by somebody on the inside in an attempt to keep my testimony from hitting the courts. As usual, my information is used for people like Bill Clinton, Mike ZulloMoore, and several others to climb the social ladder while failing to address the infiltration of our nation.

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    Curioser and curiouser.

  242. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Geir Smith: I haven’t heard anyone bring up any of the family links Linda Adams speaks about.

    What’s with this board?

    It’s ugly to see people who can’t even respond to the dam* topic.

    It’s an off topic thread dump basically any information is the topic. So not sure how you claim anything is off topic on this thread.

  243. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Nancy R Owens: Vince Foster was murdered at the “Texas Ranch” house that Abel Danger keeps talking about. It was not the White House per se and Mike Volin was present. This is about Bush’s failure to capture Gorbechev on American soil, isn’t it?

    That’s interesting because when I asked you about Mike Volin last month you said you didn’t think you knew him now you’re claiming he was there for Vince Foster. So you’ve now added him to your stories.

  244. Like ZulloMoore, his real name isn’t Mike Volin and it’s been many years since I’ve seen him. That’s not hard to understand, is it?

    Dr. Kenneth Noisewater: That’s interesting because when I asked you about Mike Volin last month you said you didn’t think you knew him now you’re claiming he was there for Vince Foster.So you’ve now added him to your stories.

  245. I think his name is Selma Volin.

    Nancy R Owens:
    Like ZulloMoore, his real name isn’t Mike Volin and it’s been many years since I’ve seen him. That’s not hard to understand, is it?

  246. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Nancy R Owens:
    Like ZulloMoore, his real name isn’t Mike Volin and it’s been many years since I’ve seen him. That’s not hard to understand, is it?

    Like everyone else as time goes on you add more people to your fictional stories.
    There should be a unit of measurement for your fiction. A unit of Nancy per say. 1 Nancy = 31 days. A nancy is the amount of time needed for you to work a new person into previous claims you’ve made where they weren’t in the story before.

  247. It was very ugly and brutal with the elites having a field day with their new cocaine gold. You wouldn’t want to remember it all either.

    Dr. Kenneth Noisewater: Like everyone else as time goes on you add more people to your fictional stories.
    There should be a unit of measurement for your fiction.A unit of Nancy per say.1 Nancy = 31 days.A nancy is the amount of time needed for you to work a new person into previous claims you’ve made where they weren’t in the story before.

  248. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Nancy R Owens:
    It was very ugly and brutal with the elites having a field day with their new cocaine gold. You wouldn’t want to remember it all either.

    I’m sure if we give you another 2 months you’ll work Dr. Conspiracy into your fictions.

  249. What’s his real name? AR?

    Dr. Kenneth Noisewater: I’m sure if we give you another 2 months you’ll work Dr. Conspiracy into your fictions.

  250. Just make something up.

    Nancy R Owens: What’s his real name? AR?

  251. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Nancy R Owens:
    What’s his real name? AR?

    You could just make something up as you always do. I think he went by the name Arthur Klingersmidt while in Clewiston. But otherwise you can read the about section of this site.

  252. Actually I heard Mike Volin’s real name is Elmer Selma Fudpucker. Go with it Nancy.

  253. Ok, how about one hundred dollars for a gerbil shot with that bottle of rum?

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    Just make something up.

  254. I guess most folks would say that one’s real name is the one on their birth certificate or drivers license. Others would say that one’s real name is their spirit name.

    My spirit name is farting buffalo.

    Nancy R Owens: What’s his real name? AR?

  255. Thomas Brown says:

    Does that qualify you to be a Wind Talker?

    As long as it’s down-wind, that is…

  256. Arthur says:

    Dr. Kenneth Noisewater: There should be a unit of measurement for your fiction. A unit of Nancy per say.

    I think a much better unit of measurement for Nancy’s Tall Tales would be a “couric.”

    Google “South Park + couric” if this scientific term is unfamiliar.

  257. Arthur says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: My spirit name is farting buffalo.

    Mine is “Laughing Ass Off.”

  258. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Arthur: I think a much better unit of measurement for Nancy’s Tall Tales would be a “couric.”


  259. Do you want me to share the story, Doc? Or, would you like to do it? *wicked grin*

    Nancy R Owens:
    Ok, how about one hundred dollars for a gerbil shot with that bottle of rum?

  260. I don’t drink or gerbil.

    Nancy R Owens: Do you want me to share the story, Doc? Or, would you like to do it? *wicked grin*

  261. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Ewwww. Nancy has gone all “creepy uncle”.

  262. Keith says:

    Dr. Kenneth Noisewater: You could just make something up as you always do.I think he went by the name Arthur Klingersmidt while in Clewiston.But otherwise you can read the about section of this site.

    No it wasn’t. I knew Arthur Klingersmidt and he would never have gotten involved in anything like this. He was always extremely paranoid that his NAZI background would be discovered and he’d have to move to Buenos Aires before he had received his final annuity payout from the CIA.

    The Doc really used the name Henry John Deutschendorf, Jr. while he was in Clewiston.

  263. SvenMagnussen says:

    Keith: No it wasn’t. I knew Arthur Klingersmidt and he would never have gotten involved in anything like this. He was always extremely paranoid that his NAZI background would be discovered and he’d have to move to Buenos Aires before he had received his final annuity payout from the CIA.

    The Doc really used the name Henry John Deutschendorf, Jr. while he was in Clewiston.

    Far out!

    Abe Deutschendorf, the uncle of Henry Deutschendorf, Jr., was my principle in junior high (middle school).

    Ol’ Abe was very clear. The Indian Removal Act and the subsequent forced removal of tens of thousands of people from their native lands challenge U.S Constitution with respect to equality, justice, and majority rule versus minority rights. President Jackson said Indian Removal was for the best of intentions and ignored the Supreme Court.

    Besides, who wouldn’t want to grow up in Oklahoma?

  264. sfjeff says:

    So I just heard ‘Jerry’ Corsi on the radio for the first time tonight.

    Is there any conspiracy that he doesn’t promote?

    Tonight it was how the ‘globalists’/Soro/them are conspiring to form a single North America Union and how the U.S. passport is going to be replaced soon by a single passport for Canada/US and Mexico.

    He was quite proud to tell everyone that he had been predicting this stuff for over 10 years… if predicting something that has not happened in 10 years is an accomplishment.

    And in true Birther fashion part of his ‘evidence’ was a phrase that Obama said in Spanish when talking about open up relations with Cuba

    ‘Somos todos Americanos'(I think) translated as ‘We are all Americans”- speaking of Canada, Mexico and the United States… Corsi that was proof that Obama is part of the plan for the United States to give up sovereignty.

    Because of course to Conspiracy theorists…politicians are all giving out their true agenda in code…..

  265. The Magic M says:

    Keith: The Doc really used the name Henry John Deutschendorf, Jr. while he was in Clewiston.

    I thought that was while he was in Denver.

  266. The Magic M says:

    Nancy R Owens (quoting a “William Thompson”): There is a lot of evidence that Vince Foster was murdered IN the White House, but the power of the Office was more than sufficient to cover it up. And, it was obvious the Monica scandal was about the cover up,not about the sex, but Bill was aquited anyway.

    I’ve always marveled at how the Evil Clinton Machine could easily murder dozens of persons without a trace but couldn’t stop a simple female intern from nearly toppling their Evil Regime. The cognitive dissonance in conspiracy theories never ceases to amaze me.

  267. Lupin says:

    “Evidence” is Nancy’s word for seeing animal heads in the clouds.

  268. Yes, that one has me baffled as well. I’ve spent quite a few hours tossing and turning trying to remember all of the details. For me, Clinton bringing Graham along to rape my fourteen year old brother is more than enough for me to go all in to see a repeat performance of that 90’s take down. I hope whoever managed that one can work their magic again. Go hard or go home.

    On a side note: In my opinion, Corsi is a part of the conspiracy because the mailman who witnessed Obama’s document forgeries is from South Florida. Not Chicago. He’s never, to the best of my knowledge, challenged my claim.

    The Magic M: I’ve always marveled at how the Evil Clinton Machine could easily murder dozens of persons without a trace but couldn’t stop a simple female intern from nearly toppling their Evil Regime. The cognitive dissonance in conspiracy theories never ceases to amaze me.

  269. Lupin says:

    This is fun:

    Meretricious Mario Apuzzo and Krazy Kommander Kerchner are disagreeing as to whether Rick Santorum is actually a “natural-born citizen” (and therefore eligible) according to their own weirdo definitions.

    This is like the Judean Popular Front going to war with the People’s Front of Judea.


  270. Geir Smith says:

    I’ve been defending Linda Joy Adams on this board because the hecklers here are nothing but trolls. She’s bringing a wealth of news from her Kansas birthplace which no uneducated, rude ignoramuses should lack respect for or interrupt.

    Linda’s bringing the news of Obama’s real name of Barry Parks, the son of Jim T. Parks. That’s totally devastating for Obama because he’s used a false identity during most of his ife whether he knew it or not. (Linda says he didn’t know it.) But I’ve been bringing something else even far more ominious for Obama.

    I’ve been spreading the news since six years about a lottery draw of 666 which marked Obama in 2008 and that’s been gathering a band of scoundrels who have been following me around on Internet since all of those six years. That news is insupportable to them…. “I’m a racist they say and I hate Obama”.

    Not true. I’m not racist and I don’t hate Obama.

    I’ve been spreading the news worldwide everywhere that the day after Obama’s election, the lottery in his hometown of Chicago drew the Mark of the Beast of 666, the Antichrist.

    Among many other websites, I went to Wikipedia and I tried to edit pages like the entry of “Claims Obama is the Antichrist”

    ….in the “Barack Obama religion conspiracy theories” page of Wikipedia.

    Also the “666” page of Wikipedia.

    I got into a brawl with the editors of Wikipedia who banned me and told me they’d also monitor me anywhere on Internet to block that news of the 666 lottery draw from being spread anywhere in the world. They warned me that I’d be monitored by a website dedicated to blocking me and sent me the link to it.

    I felt I had hit the rawest possible nerve there. If the lottery draw wasn’t a big deal, why were they so intent on blocking me? Why not make fun of me like a loon and say I’m harmless like Ruth Nancy Owen here at Doc Obot’s “Obama Conspiracy Theories” website?

    They called me out but feared me too much and “They Protested a Bit too Much.”

    They overreacted and revealed what their game was.

    I don’t get why the trolls at Doc Conspiracy’s website didn’t pick up on the heckler in the quote below.
    He’s one of those from Wikipedia or who joined later and who vowed to block me. Wikipedia’s mostly made up of Radical Hard Leftist Commies.

    But this one “Axis of Evil” is a French-Canadian lunatic from Quebec City, who’s been stalking me for about four-five years now and used a name of JimAlbi to begin with first of all.

    He’s a Far Left Commie but also a Bible-Thumping, indred, backward hick who hates Buddhism, is an intolerant Puritanical bigot and an all-round madman.

    Axis of Evil: Axis of Evil January 26, 2015 at 11:20 pm  (Quote) #
    Geir Smith has a dream….. Soon…..

    So, among these hell-bent lunatics starting out from Wikipedia, defending an illegal undocumented alien like Obama, I ran into other people too, just like this Axis of Evil: Christian fanatical Evangelist types just like him.

    They said to me in summary: “You can’t say Obama’s the Antichrist because 666 was drawn the day after his election. Indeed because that would make it be that you’re Jesus and the Messiah. Indeed, only Jesus can reveal the Antichrist and not a Buddhist who rejects Jesus like you.”

    So I got very mad about that because they were invoking some garbage and fleeing the truth and denying the truth I was revealing.

    So basically I told them: “No matter what you think of me, I reject Jesus and the Messiah. Because my Tibetan Tantric Buddhist faith is the highest form of culture and indeed rejects both the Christian Messiah and Jesus. But I’m revealing the Antichrist whether you like it or not and you can take that to the bank.”

    Since then they’ve gone bezerk: saying I’m a false prophet because I’m wrongfully claiming to be Jesus and the Messiah. That’s an open slander and smear, seeing I just said the total opposite to that in the previous sentence above here (and on all websites, all over Internet). They just don’t want to read the words I write.

    But one thing I claim totally to be, is the title of the Biblical “Reluctant Messenger”, because the Christians have proven to be such a pack of twits that I really am reluctant to enter that snakes’ den of Christians to reveal their Apocalypse in their stead.

    They’re such a stubborn lot that none of them can stand up to reveal their own dam* Apocalypse. They need someone to do the darned job for them. And it’s me a Buddhist who have to take out the garbage for them.

    Because they’re like white trailer trash who can’t even clean up and sweep in front of their own doorstep.

    When I say “take out their own garbage” I mean reveal the Antichrist Obama and endorse the role of Jesus and Messiah.

    So when they claim I’m saying I’m Jesus and the Messiah, well they haven’t read my words that are saying the total opposite to it. But I totally lay claim to the title of Reluctant Messenger of the Apocalypse without any problem. Because facing the backward Christians and their tortuous, warped mindset is for me, a burden and a hassle.

  271. In exactly what way did the “666” lottery draw “mark” Obama? Yes, there was a 666 draw in Illinois, but that would happen on once in every 1000 picks on average. In 2008 “666” came up

    January 16
    March 22
    October 23
    November 5

    What special significance do any of these dates have to Obama?

    And anyway “666” refers to Nero, and he’s dead.

    Geir Smith: I’ve been spreading the news since six years about a lottery draw of 666 which marked Obama in 2008

  272. You use that word “troll” but I don’t think it means what you think it does.

    Geir Smith: I’ve been defending Linda Joy Adams on this board because the hecklers here are nothing but trolls.

  273. Geir Smith: told me they’d also monitor me anywhere on Internet to block that news of the 666 lottery draw from being spread anywhere in the world.

    I don’t believe a word of that. Certainly no Wikipedia editor (of which I am one of the millions of them) is blocking your repetition of this nonsense here.

    Entering “666 obama illinois lottery” in Google returns 78,000 hits, including this 2010 comment on my site:

    The reason that this “666” story can’t be added to the Wikipedia is that it is not notable. Intuitively, I would say that it’s not notable because the day of the 666 draw was the day AFTER the election, and the draw happened 3 other times that year. The Wikipedia concept of notable is different. They want things that are important to lots of people as evidenced by the thing being in the newspaper (not the lottery result, but commentary on it).

    I read the Wikipedia Talk page for the article you cited, and they are being perfectly reasonable. I had the same problem getting some of Orly Taitz’ lawsuits into the article on her litigation history. I had links to the cases, but they weren’t worthy of newspaper attention.

    Eventually Wikipedia did ban you, saying:

    OK, now I can tell we’re being trolled. He claims “millions of hits” for his blogging, but the blogs he’s written concerning his efforts on Wikipedia have only garnered a couple of hundred hits, and a good portion of those are from Wikipedia editors following this thread.

  274. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    In exactly what way did the “666” lottery draw “mark” Obama? Yes, there was a 666 draw in Illinois, but that would happen on once in every 1000 picks on average. In 2008 “666” came up

    January 16
    March 22
    October 23
    November 5

    What special significance do any of these dates have to Obama?

    And anyway “666” refers to Nero, and he’s dead.

    It also happened on January 2nd 2007 and November 5th 2001… hmm a year after the election that put George W. Bush in office. Also on December 13th 2000… hmm that was a day after Bush V. Gore was decided for George W. Bush. This must mean George W. Bush was really the Anti-christ

    You can find all the winning numbers and search by year by clicking the years. I just hit find on my browser and put in 6-6-6

  275. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Geir Smith: Linda’s bringing the news of Obama’s real name of Barry Parks, the son of Jim T. Parks

    Well that’s funny because Nancy Ruth Owens has been posting in here and claims to be his half-sister and claims his real name is Barry Allen Owens. They can’t both be right. They both bring the same exact proof to their claims which is none at all.

  276. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Dr. Kenneth Noisewater: You can find all the winning numbers and search by year by clicking the years. I just hit find on my browser and put in 6-6-6

    It also happened May 30th 2003 which was 29 days after George W. Bush gave his “Mission Accomplished” speech

  277. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Nancy R Owens: On a side note: In my opinion, Corsi is a part of the conspiracy because the mailman who witnessed Obama’s document forgeries is from South Florida. Not Chicago. He’s never, to the best of my knowledge, challenged my claim

    I’m sure if we give you another month you’ll add Martha Trowbridge as well to your stories.

  278. Geir Smith says:

    Geir Smith: Geir Smith January 30, 2015 at 5:51 am  (Quote) #
    I’ve been defending Linda Joy Adams on this board because the hecklers here are nothing but trolls.

    Geir Smith: I got into a brawl with the editors of Wikipedia who banned me and told me they’d also monitor me anywhere on Internet to block that news of the 666 lottery draw from being spread anywhere in the world. They warned me that I’d be monitored by a website dedicated to blocking me and sent me the link to it.

    I’ve made this article now:
    The Reluctant World-Saviour Speaks Out (Video) Step By Step Apocalypse’s Outline

  279. Geir Smith says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: Dr. Conspiracy January 30, 2015 at 10:19 am  (Quote) #
    In exactly what way did the “666” lottery draw “mark” Obama? Yes, there was a 666 draw in Illinois, but that would happen on once in every 1000 picks on average. In 2008 “666” came up

    January 16
    March 22
    October 23
    November 5

    What special significance do any of these dates have to Obama?

    And anyway “666” refers to Nero, and he’s dead.

    It’s not rocket science.

    666 draws on average three times in Chicago every year.

    I never claimed this was a special event.

    It’s nothing special. It’s an ordinary event. In the world every car on the planet reaches 666 km/miles on it’s speedometer regularly.

    Lightning doesn’t strike the car every time.

    I mean do you guys have any formal education at all?

    Are you just plain stupid or does it take an effort to look stupid?

    What’s exceptionnal with the lottery draw of 666 in 2008 on Nov. 5th in Chicago is that
    1. it’s Obama’s hometown. if it were drawn in any other place no one would make any link to it. Being in Obama’s hometown the 50 plus million people who see the results on TV and/or radio were looking at 666 while obama was celebrating.

    2. Being Nov 5. when Obama was elected POTUS on Nov. 4. it cooincided with the headline news and with the coverage of Obama’s triumph and day of massive celebrating.

    3. Nobody in HIstory, no US presidents have ever had such a curse upon them.

    4. What’s hair-raising is that all those millions in the Great Lakes states who were convinced Obama was marked by 666 will now rise up with this news being spread now.

    Now is the time to be saved by spreading the news you yourself or else you’ll miss it. Join the bandwagon fast or it’ll be too late for you and your close ones.

    Nero is mentionned in the Antichrist and 666 articles but as a minor entry and just a theory of which none are proven.

    The evidence of Obama being the Antichrist remains the number one probablity.

  280. Arthur says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: In 2008 “666” came up

    January 16
    March 22
    October 23
    November 5

    What special significance do any of these dates have to Obama?

    It’s simple:
    January 16, Obama went to market,
    March 22, he stayed home.
    October 23, Obama ate roast beef,
    November 5, he had none, and McCain went, “wee, wee, ‘wee” all the way home.

  281. Geir Smith says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    You use that word “troll” but I don’t think it means what you think it does.

    Troll means an ugly and stupid poster.

    Like the Joker in Batman. He works for “Satan Inc.”

  282. Allen is his middle name and his biological father is Thomas B Owens who may or may not have claimed him. As of 1985, he had not. Since then, I don’t know.

    Dr. Kenneth Noisewater: Well that’s funny because Nancy Ruth Owens has been posting in here and claims to be his half-sister and claims his real name is Barry Allen Owens.They can’t both be right.They both bring the same exact proof to their claims which is none at all.

  283. Geir Smith says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: Dr. Conspiracy January 30, 2015 at 10:47 am  (Quote) #
    Geir Smith: told me they’d also monitor me anywhere on Internet to block that news of the 666 lottery draw from being spread anywhere in the world.

    I don’t believe a word of that. Certainly no Wikipedia editor (of which I am one of the millions of them) is blocking your repetition of this nonsense here.

    Entering “666 obama illinois lottery” in Google returns 78,000 hits, including this 2010 comment on my site:

    The reason that this “666” story can’t be added to the Wikipedia is that it is not notable. Intuitively, I would say that it’s not notable because the day of the 666 draw was the day AFTER the election, and the draw happened 3 other times that year. The Wikipedia concept of notable is different. They want things that are important to lots of people as evidenced by the thing being in the newspaper (not the lottery result, but commentary on it).

    I read the Wikipedia Talk page for the article you cited, and they are being perfectly reasonable. I had the same problem getting some of Orly Taitz’ lawsuits into the article on her litigation history. I had links to the cases, but they weren’t worthy of newspaper attention.

    Eventually Wikipedia did ban you, saying:

    OK, now I can tell we’re being trolled. He claims “millions of hits” for his blogging, but the blogs he’s written concerning his efforts on Wikipedia have only garnered a couple of hundred hits, and a good portion of those are from Wikipedia editors following this thread.

    That was then, back years ago.

    Now Obama’s lost the Senate; Linda’s revealed Obama’s real name.

    Things are speeding up now. The whole “Barack Obama religion conspiracy theories” page at Wiki should be rehauled and I’m the one to do it. All the WIkipedia editors should be removed for High Treason and covering up facts.

    Why don’t you ask for Obama’s paper birth certificate Doc Obot?

    Why do you have a selective understanding of reality?

    No matter what your differences with Arpaio be, why don’t you agree with him that “Obama should show the microfiches”?

  284. Arthur says:

    So, you’re probably heard that Mitt Romney is not going to run for president., I wonder how long before the birthers say that it’s all part of the grand conspiracy?

  285. LindaJoyAdams says:

    For those who do not know, yet. I am AN EYEWITNESS TO EVENTS SURROUNIDNG PRESIDENT OBAMA’S BIRTH IN TOPEKA KS. I w also acquainted with Jim t Parks and other members of his extended family in school with them fro several years. Often those in school th4re at the time had our lives and biographies formed as were the ones who made integration work in Topeka Ks.
    without riots and show downs as occurred in other parts of the USA.
    Many do not know the full history of Brown Vs Board, but it got heard twice at the US SUPREME court. The first time a questions came up: what would the children do? if put together. This led to an experiment run which I was part of as the summer recreation programs were integrated one day and the media and all the parties showed up at Randolph grade school along with some blacks who lived in the area who had not been permitted to come to our grade schools or summer recreation programs, either. It was such a ‘circus’ it almost did not go well. but I played hostess and the future UN Nuclear Inspector ,Dr David Kay joined in to organize some playground games and later on when we went in side for inside activities I was able to get all to set down for game of cards ’21’ We had white children show up in Sunday best who did not even attend our program so we had those we regulars did not even know so some one had to play hostess. We regulars were not told ahead of time this was going to happen either. The adults stayed back to see what we ids would dol.
    It was duing a game of FOURSQUARE outside that the blacks had ended up at the end of the oine and I had gotten into one of the first slots to play first and gave up my place to one of them. With cameras rulling I ws wasked why I did that and the phrase that came to me beame well known I TOOK AFFIRMATIVE ACTION.
    we hd our pictures in the papers, etc.
    So the uniqueness of being part of those schools at the time is more than just the usuall remembrnces most have. And on top of all that went on , was the undergrojnd opposition that was never permitted to occur on schoolgrounds. iN FACT THE COVER UP OF ANY DISCORD IS WHAT LED TO MUCH OF THE PROBLEM THAT OCCURED OFF SCHOOL PROPERTY AND LED TO TRHEE DEADIN THE KANSAS OR ‘kW” RIVER.
    So when I say ‘everyone’ knew it was ll part of the whole of the stuggle for integration that occurred and has yet to be recognized and faced that it was not all happy times but some cover ups of issues which means we can not over come our pasts if we do not face the total of what has gone on.
    Linda Brown was only the first black child named and few understand that the whole court case was about attending ones local school where one lived.. This got turned in to a busing issue later at the US Supreme court went overboard and made it that instead of a fair housing issue.. ITS WHY WE NEED A CIIL RIGHTS MUSIUNE IN TOPKEA AND ALL OF THIS INCLUDING PRESIDENT OBAMA BE IN CLUDED AS THEY HAE TRIED TO HAVE A CENTER ABOUT ONE PERSON AND ITS MUCH MORE THAN THAT AS SO MANY OWRKED TOGETHER TO MAKE THIINGS WORK TO BE A MODEL FOR OTHERSL IT’S ALL ON MY SITES AND THAT LEADS ME TO MY APPRECIATION OF GEIR SMITH FOR ONE THING HE HAS DONE IS READ WHAT I HAVE WRTTEN BEFORE HE CONTACTED ME TO FIND OUT MORE and before he began writing about my exposures of the truth.. And he pushed and prodded me for over a year to publically state the name of the biological father of President Obama whom I have always known it to be directly form my mother who had guardianship of POTUS;s mother and her ‘confidant.’ as well as he was the boyfriend for months before there was any pregnancy.
    There is a lot I have published about my extended family on both sides and pictures are on line at Flikr. There is info about each with them and to add to the Romney announcement I guess he decided not to engage in the ‘family business’ of both sides of my famiiy to run for president or vice president ot the USA against other family members or in laws again. Ands some have won. It looks as if one of Doyle’s relatives might enter the run this time, also.
    Thereof is so much that Geir Smith sometimes does misunderstand some of the minute facts, but he also his able to see the whole picture as an outsider to the matter also and puts it in words that draw attention which is crucial online when everyone in the world is also online too and many have a lot to say about all kinds of things. REMEMBER HE HAS TAKEN THE ISSUES OF PRES OBAMA SEROUSLY AND HAS READ TO FIND OUT THE TRUTH AND I WISH MORE WOULD DO SO THEN ASK QUESTIONS FROM THAT.
    He does put some graphics in that have shocked me, but this is FREE SPEECH and he has a right to his opinion and how to portray it.
    TWO FAMILIES: There is the older and real STANLEY DUNHAM FAMILY AND SOME OF THERI PCUTRES AND DOCUMENTS HAVE GOTTEN OUT AS IF THIS IS THE FAMILY OF President Obama and its not. My first cousin stole the ID of Stanley Dunham at age 14 and went to WWII , marred and his child born in the Fall of 1945 was given the same name as the older Stanley Ann Dunham also and his grandmother ‘toot’ used the other ones name also.
    I do not know if they were in-laws of some of my Dad;;s family or not. when my mother and I went on Easter Sunday in 1961 to Westboro Baptist church to get he guardianship papers signed over to her from Fred Phelps she did not take a close look at the papers until she got back to the car and we both noticed that the child’s name was Stanley Ann Dunham and not Pope and we were both confused about it. I said maybe that was the family she was living with/ It was not until 11/63, when h great grandparents stopped by our home in Kansas Mildred Filmore Pope and my dad’s sister Helen ( Hardy ) Pope born Olga Romanov. It was explained to us about the ID taken , although when Dan visited our home in early ’53 I saw the name Dunham on his Uniform as he tried to put his coat on fast but I saw it and he lied and said that was his company’s name in the army and I knew better. and I just never said anything more as I did not like being lied to and used to say nothing when it occurred and I HAVE CHANGED. and here I am sharing he truth and sick of the lies of the last 100 years which has harmed so many. relationships and when my extended family does it , the whole world is harmed by it.

  286. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    The blacks? Who still says that?

  287. Geir Smith: Troll means an ugly and stupid poster.

    Not really. This is a better definition from the Urban Dictionary:

    A person whose sole purpose in life is to seek out people to argue with on the internet over extremely trivial issues. Such arguments can happen on blogs, Facebook, Myspace and a host of others.
    The best thing you can do to fight an internet troll is to not answer..or report them.
    “God, Jeromy won’t stop posting about Larry’s bad spelling in that conversation.”

    “Yeah, I know, what a Internet Troll.”


    “One who posts a deliberately provocative message to a newsgroup or message board with the intention of causing maximum disruption and argument”

    That’s how I see you, and apparently how the Wikipedia editors saw you.

    See also:

  288. Uh… You are wasting too much space here with your nonsense.

    LindaJoyAdams: My first cousin stole the ID of Stanley Dunham at age 14 and went to WWII , marred and his child born in the Fall of 1945 was given the same name as the older Stanley Ann Dunham also and his grandmother ‘toot’ used the other ones name also.

  289. Arthur says:

    Nancy R Owens: Uh… You are wasting too much space here with your nonsense.

    Thanks, Nancy. You just broke my grandfather’s vintage irony meter that I was going to take to Antiques Roadshow.

  290. Arthur says:

    Dr. Kenneth Noisewater: The blacks? Who still says that?

    Bill O’Reilly?

  291. Mine’s the truth. Hers is BS.

    Arthur: Thanks, Nancy. You just broke my grandfather’s vintage irony meter that I was going to take to Antiques Roadshow.

  292. Arthur says:

    Nancy R Owens:
    Mine’s the truth. Hers is BS.

    Darn it! Now you just broke my grandmother’s–and that one’s from Tiffany’s.

  293. Northland10 says:

    Geir Smith: What’s hair-raising is that all those millions in the Great Lakes states who were convinced Obama was marked by 666 will now rise up with this news being spread now.

    That would explain why everybody was talking about today in my Great Lake state. Oh wait, they weren’t. Never mind.

    What really bothers people in my area are Metra raising their prices and the last Bears season.

  294. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Nancy R Owens:
    Mine’s the truth. Hers is BS.

    I’m sure she’d say the same about your story. Problem is neither of you can prove your claims.

  295. Northland10 says:

    Nancy R Owens:
    Mine’s the truth. Hers is BS.

    “It is typical of these cases that an indeterminacy originally restricted to the atomic domain becomes transformed into macroscopic indeterminacy, which can then be resolved by direct observation. That prevents us from so naively accepting as valid a “blurred model” for representing reality. In itself, it would not embody anything unclear or contradictory. There is a difference between a shaky or out-of-focus photograph and a snapshot of clouds and fog banks.”

    Excuse me, while I go feed the cat.

  296. Geir Smith says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: Dr. Conspiracy January 30, 2015 at 4:49 pm  (Quote) #

    Not really. This is a better definition from the Urban Dictionary:

    A person whose sole purpose in life is to seek out people to argue with on the internet over extremely trivial issues. Such arguments can happen on blogs, Facebook, Myspace and a host of others.
    The best thing you can do to fight an internet troll is to not answer..or report them.
    “God, Jeromy won’t stop posting about Larry’s bad spelling in that conversation.”

    “Yeah, I know, what a Internet Troll.”


    “One who posts a deliberately provocative message to a newsgroup or message board with the intention of causing maximum disruption and argument”

    That’s how I see you, and apparently how the Wikipedia editors saw you.

    See also:

    Well we’ve got a problem Doc Obot.

    You’re selective in your reality, just like Stalin was. When someone was in disagreeement with Stalin they’d suddenly be called “crazy” by loonbin Joseph Stalin.

    Obot Stalin, you’re still not talking about the original paper birth certificate aka “show us the microfiche” which Arpaio talks about. You’re just not the brightest bulb in the drawer. That’s an ugly thing to witness.

    You’re too old to talk about things others bring up.

    You’re not talking about the fact that Christians are so full of themselves that they claim only Jesus or the Messiah can reveal Obama the Antichrist.

    Sorry, we Buddhists (I) can also reveal the Christian Antichrist Obama and still we reject both Jesus and the Messiah so you Christians can just eat your hearts out.

    I’m reluctant to shoulder the Messiah or Jesus title because I like neither of them nor respect them in any way.

    Buddhism and Hinduism never carried out religious wars.

  297. Here’s what I can prove and it’s a doozy which Volin is trying to deny. You don’t think there are people waiting in the wings for ZulloMoore and Arpaio to raise their heads? The difference between cartel and Americans is that Americans just bark. Cartel bites. This would have been over and done with by now had it been Pablo’s game.

    Dr. Kenneth Noisewater: I’m sure she’d say the same about your story.Problem is neither of you can prove your claims.

  298. Faceman says:

    Would that be Schrodinger’s cat? I didn’t know if it was still alive.

  299. Dave B. says:

    I just saw where a birther over at the GR posted a comment quoting from EO 13489 and asking

    “How did Barack Obama get a copy of a birth certificate without going through the archivist with his records sealed?”

    Now if that question were asked HERE, a factual and accurate answer explaining what the heck “presidential records” are could be expected. Why, you could hold your breath and wait for it. Over there, you get:

    “She (Valerie Jarrett) is an Iranian psycho.”

  300. Yes and no.

    Would that be Schrodinger’s cat?I didn’t know if it was still alive.

  301. Translation: “They cut me in on the action.” Same thing Orly’s been trying to do.

    Dave B.:
    Weasely birther weasel, weaseling:

  302. Rickey says:

    For those who do not know blah blah blah…

    I’m still waiting for you to provide the names of your co-workers who died from exposure to toxic fumes in Jersey City in January, 1989.

  303. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Nancy R Owens: Here’s what I can prove and it’s a doozy which Volin is trying to deny. You don’t think there are people waiting in the wings for ZulloMoore and Arpaio to raise their heads? The difference between cartel and Americans is that Americans just bark. Cartel bites. This would have been over and done with by now had it been Pablo’s game.

    Sorry Nancy but rambling incoherently in a video doesn’t prove your claims. Saying you were there and such and such was someone doesn’t prove your claim. So when you say you can prove it, that’s false. Thus far you’ve never been able to prove a single one of your claims.

  304. Arthur says:

    Geir Smith: Buddhism and Hinduism never carried out religious wars.

    For those who are interested, Google “Buddhist wars of religion” and “Hindu wars of religion.” Like Christianity, Buddhism and Hinduism have much to say about peace. However, that hasn’t stopped their adherents from killing non-believers.

  305. Arthur says:

    Geir Smith: I’m reluctant to shoulder the Messiah or Jesus title because I like neither of them nor respect them in any way.

    You might be shocked to learn what they think of angry little misinformed liars like you.

  306. Kate says:

    Reality Check:
    I think his name is Selma Volin.

    According to you, all these people were known by different names in the ’80’s. Did that include Jeb & George Bush, Jr.? How about Able Danger? What was his name then? I’m sure you must remember some of them.

  307. LindaJoyAdams says:

    Rickey please have some respect for the families of th deceased. I had responded to you already here but guess you did not read it? U had not been aware of so many as that info came from Homeland Securty soure over a decade ago. I do have the list of those on duty I our office in 1/89 and an aware of some who died before my last day I went to work Do you know of any one who has paid to access obituaries in the USA so I can cross check 90 names.. I do not have the money for some of these sites. We have tried to just search for the names of the 90 and fhave not found them. I was aware of how many were suffering as I was and some trying to work for awhile. THIS HAS BEEN A REAL COVER UP AND WHEN ONE IS DIELING WITH CONFIDENTIAL PERSONNEL FILES THAT ARE NOT PUBLIC AND INTENTIONALLY NO SHARING BEING DONE, ETC. Its part of the evil that has gone on. Most of us will die of our injuries. I NEVER SAID MANY DIED ON THE FIRST DAY. Toxic exposures just do not work that way unless there is a fire , etc. Its how so many ever get the befits they are due if the right tests do not get run immediately and before one is given oxygen , hen it is hard to prove as liability insurers will do everything to cloud the issue of the fact one was fine at the start of the day and left injured for life. IF YOU EVER HAVE THIS OCCUR DO NOT LET PARMADECID ETXCC GIVE YOU OXYGEN UNTIL THE BLODD GAS BLODD IS DRAWN. Mine was done correctly bas the chart had the wrong employer on it an they thought I was a port Authority employee and a few months earlier the hospital had gotten into legal trouble for not properly taking care of one injured from there.
    But when the feds gave orders to turn us away it was done, all but me.
    To the one who thinks we know the whole bio of Bush 41 and Clinton 42.
    Clinton is also in the Ayers family as it was His grandmother Ayers who contacted mu mother, her second cousin to make arrangements for her to meet him before she died as part of the Blythe family. Contact was made in 1974 as we watched his girlfriend was legal counsel for Republicans in the water gate impeachment hearings going on TV, AND ITS MORE CONOVLUTED THAN EVEN THAT FOR BILL Clinton. born Blythe etc. So as media decried Pres Obama’s connections to Ayers, remember Pres Clinton is blood connection.Linda Joy Adams.

  308. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    I notice in linda’s long rant she didn’t produce any names of her coworkers she claimed died during this incident.

  309. Kate says:

    Nancy R Owens:
    Translation: “They cut me in on the action.” Same thing Orly’s been trying to do.

    You’re not making any sense here comparing him with Orly Taitz. Can you explain what you’re talking about. You appear to believe there’s this grand conspiracy among different government officials from 35 years ago that is still in effect today despite your allegedly killing many of them. None of what you say has any correlation with today. Your saying they had an impact on certain events but the timing never works out as in Clinton got into the White House because he claimed he killed Escobar, (which he never claimed) yet he was already President when Escobar was killed. Again, your timeline is wrong.

    Reality Check:
    I think his name is Selma Volin.

    According to you, all these people were known by different names in the ’80’s. Did that include Jeb & George Bush, Jr.? How about Able Danger or is that how you always referred to him? What was his name then? I’m sure you must remember some of them.

  310. Rickey says:

    Rickey please have some respect for the families of th deceased. I had responded to youalready here but guess you did not read it? U had not been aware of so many as that info came from Homeland Securty soure over a decade ago. I do have the list of those on duty I our office in 1/89 and an aware of some who died before my last day I went to workDo you know of any one who has paid to access obituaries in the USA so I can cross check 90 names.. I do not have the money for some of these sites. We have tried to just search for the names of the 90 and fhave not found them.I was aware of how many were suffering as I was and some trying to work for awhile. THIS HAS BEEN A REAL COVER UP AND WHEN ONE IS DIELING WITH CONFIDENTIAL PERSONNEL FILES THAT ARE NOT PUBLIC AND INTENTIONALLY NO SHARING BEING DONE, ETC.Its part of the evil that has gone on. Most of us will die of our injuries.I NEVER SAID MANY DIED ON THEFIRST DAY.

    I never suggested that they died on the first day. I just repeated what you claim, namely that they were exposed to toxic fumes on January 10, 1989. You implied that you are the only survivor because the others were refused medical treatment in local hospitals but you got some treatment due to an error about your employer. To quote from your LinkedIn page:

    “OSHA was lied to initially as all were ordered to have treatment denied at the local hospitals. As the,only one, due to the wrong Employer listed on my admissions chart, i got diagnostic tests run and being nearly dead was being prepared for admission when the mixup on employer was discovered and I was sent home to die as my other co-workers had been. Rushed back to another hospital, admitted and Washington ordered me denied treatment, rushed to hospital again and lay near death for 8 days.”

    I have access to the records which are necessary to verify your story. That is what I do for a living. All I need is the names of your co-workers. If you don’t want to publish the list here, I can ask Doc C. to give you an e-mail address where you can send the list to me.

    How about it? Isn’t it about time for you to put up so we can establish once and for all if there is any truth to your story? Wouldn’t you like to be vindicated?

    This has nothing to do with disrespect for the families of the deceased. On the contrary, I would like the deceased to be honored if I confirm that your story is true.

  311. Rickey says:

    Clinton is also in the Ayersfamily as it wasHis grandmother Ayers who contacted mu mother, hersecond cousin to make arrangements for her to meet him before she died as part of the Blythe family. Contact was made in 1974as we watched his girlfriend was legalcounsel forRepublicans in the water gate impeachment hearings going on TV, AND ITS MORE CONOVLUTEDTHAN EVEN THAT FORBILL Clinton.born Blythe etc.So as media decried Pres Obama’s connections to Ayers, remember Pres Clinton is blood connection.Linda Joy Adams.

    Bill Clinton is not related to Bill Ayers. Five minutes of genealogical research makes it clear that Clinton’s paternal grandmother, Lou Birchie Ayers, was not related to Thomas Ayers, the father of Bill Ayers. Clinton’s grandmother Ayers died in Texas in 1946 and she never met your mother.

    And Hillary Clinton was not legal counsel for the Republicans during the Watergate hearings. She was an advisor to the House Committee on the Judiciary, and the chairman of the Committee was a Democrat, because the Democrats were in the majority in the House at the time.

  312. justlw says:

    Savannah Guthrie is live with the president now, helping him pretend to drink beer. Trickery! Trickery!

  313. Adrien Nash says:

    Permit me to invite all those who are certain of their citizenship views to read an expositions I wrote today, which will challenge your cherished assumptions about citizenship reality. Reality is not the same as S.O.P. status quo presumption about what the “legal” truth is. The truth is self-evident, irrefutable and contrary to “standard practice”, -as you will discover by reading: Royals, Elites, and the Citizenship of Presidents

  314. I think the heart of your mistake is found in this paragraph:

    Long ago in England it came about that one could be both when it was decided that children born within the royal realm were to be deemed to be the king’s subjects. They were thus ambiguously born subjects. They were not subjects by birth but were strictly subjects from birth because their father was an alien. Thus they were “made subjects” from the time of their birth via the dictate of law, giving them the ambiguous distinction of being “born subjects”.

    The English Common Law is described by one legal dictionary as:

    The ancient law of England based upon societal customs and recognized and enforced by the judgments and decrees of the courts.

    Children born in England were not natural born subjects according the “magnanimity of government,” to use your worlds, but because of the ancient customs that formed the fabric of English society. They were born natural born subjects because of the of their allegiance to the sovereign due because of his protection, not by statute.

    Your essay is essentially begging the question, something common in texts labeled “self-evident.”

    Adrien Nash: The truth is self-evident, irrefutable and contrary to “standard practice”, -as you will discover by reading: Royals, Elites, and the Citizenship of Presidents

  315. John Reilly says:

    You are too kind, Doc. Mr. Nash is arguing from his conclusion, and is not at all interested in finding any truth. His argument is: 1. Pres. Obama is not a natural born citizen, and 2. what word can I parse to prove that point.

    And if what he is really concerned with is American blood, then Pres. Obama, through his Mother, traces herself back through to pre-revolution times.

  316. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    So, I managed to get blocked from Gallups facebook page. My only comments were about how its very unbecoming of a so-called leader of Christ’s flock to break the ninth commandment so wantonly.

  317. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Andrew Vrba, PmG: So, I managed to get blocked from Gallups facebook page. My only comments were about how its very unbecoming of a so-called leader of Christ’s flock to break the ninth commandment so wantonly.

    Managed? It takes me about 1 to 2 comments. He’s blocked me several times over. Last time I simply asked him to point to which statute he claims Obama has broken regarding the birth certificate since him and zullo keep claiming laws were broken.

  318. ballantine says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:

    Children born in England were not natural born subjects according the “magnanimity of government,” to use your worlds, but because of the ancient customs that formed the fabric of English society. They were born natural born subjects because of the of their allegiance to the sovereign due because of his protection, not by statute.

    True. Adrien again has the law backwards to fit his preconceived notions. Children of aliens born in England, such as Calvin, were natural born subjects because Coke said by the devine rule of nature, they owed their perpetual allegiance to the sovereign under whose protection they were born. Such was considered a universal rule by the English. Accordingly, persons born overseas to English subjects were aliens, not subjects. However, they eventually adopted statutes conferring some of the rights of natural born subjects on these foreign born children of subjects, however, they were never treated the same as children born within the realm. For instances, England not claim their allegiance if they were citizens of the country of their birth, at least outside of England. They were citizens for commercial purposes, but not public purposes. From the Royal Commission on Naturalization:

    “no attempt has ever been made on the part of the British Government, (unless in Eastern countries where special jurisdiction is conceded by treaty) to enforce claims upon, or to assert rights in respect of, persons born abroad, as against the country of their birth whilst they were resident therein, and when by its law they were invested with its nationality.”

    “It is competent to any country to confer by general or special legislation the privileges of nationality upon those who are born out of its on territory; but it cannot confer such privileges upon such persons as against the country of their birth, when they voluntarily return to and reside therein. Those born in the territory of a nation are (as a general principle) liable when actually therein to the obligations incident to their status by birth. Great Britain considers and treats such persons as natural-born subjects, and cannot therefore deny the right of other nations to do the same. But Great Britain cannot permit the nationality of the children of foreign parents born within her territory to be questioned.”

    Adrien may not like the law of England, but he is not entitled to distort it.

  319. Rickey says:

    Adrien Nash:
    Permit me to invite all those who are certain of their citizenship views to read an expositions I wrote today, which will challenge your cherished assumptions about citizenship reality.Reality is not the same as S.O.P. status quo presumption about what the “legal” truth is.The truth is self-evident, irrefutable andcontrary to “standard practice”, -as you will discover by reading: Royals, Elites, and the Citizenship of Presidents.

    Your “self-evident” ramblings are entirely erroneous and unpersuasive. One day you may wake up and realize that you have wasted a substantial portion of your life on a doomed effort to discredit President Obama.

  320. Lupin says:

    John Reilly: You are too kind, Doc. Mr. Nash is arguing from his conclusion, and is not at all interested in finding any truth. His argument is: 1. Pres. Obama is not a natural born citizen, and 2. what word can I parse to prove that point.

    I for one find it refreshing that unlike his loonie brothers he is not dragging poor Vattel in what is after all a purely UK/US matter.

  321. Dave B. says:

    The mind reels.

    Adrien Nash: Reality

  322. wrecking ball says:

    Adrien Nash:
    The truth is self-evident, irrefutable andcontrary to “standard practice”, …

    this line just screams to me ” i’ll ignore anything that contradicts my beliefs and completely avoid the realities of the situation.

  323. justlw says:

    wrecking ball: this line just screams to me ” i’ll ignore anything that contradicts my beliefs and completely avoid the realities of the situation.

    That reminds me; in this certainly irreversible downturn in the anti-birfin’ business’, I’ve jumped into the burgeoning field of anti-anti-vaxxing.

    Anti-vaxxers are easily as wrongheaded as birthers, although much more articulate and less inclined to jump straight to sexually-inspired ad hominem attacks. Dunning-Kruger absolutely as strong, along with a hearty dose (as it were) of what Brendan Nyhan has documented.

    (Nyhan, interestingly enough, got his start trying to figure out why the “Obama is a Muslim” meme was so stubbornly implanted in some peoples’ minds, ahead of the ’08 election. I’m surprised his name hasn’t popped up here at all, according a quick search.)

  324. Orly went there briefly in 2009. I said at that time:

    If the professionals of the CDC recommend vaccinations, then you can be assured that these recommendations are the best that anybody has. Parents would be playing with their childrens’ lives by taking the premature, inexpert, politically motivated recommendations of a raving lunatic dentist instead of the real professionals who make the study of epidemiology and the risks and benefits of vaccination their life’s work.

    justlw: anti-anti-vaxxing

  325. RanTalbott says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: Arpaio seeks closed door settlement conference in racial profiling case

    So, is this where he brings out all the “evidence” about Snow that Dennis Montgomery manufacdug up for him?

  326. Keith says:

    justlw: That reminds me; in this certainly irreversible downturn in the anti-birfin’ business’, I’ve jumped into the burgeoning field of anti-anti-vaxxing.

    “anti-Vaxers” are truly the scum of the public advocacy world. “AGW-deniers” are close, but the ant-Vaxers take the cake.
    Andrew Wakefield should be prosecuted for manslaughter for all the lives his fraud has taken and the families that he has ripped apart. The trial, every day and every minute of it, should be required to be shown on Faux Spews to ensure the entire nut job population is forced to see it.

    I have no argument with uncertain parents who have a genuine fear for their children, but I have nothing but contempt for fraudsters who take advantage of parents natural fear of harming their children to plant that uncertainty and increase that fear through lies and innuendo.

    Civil society has one and only one prime directive: ensure the continuation civil society. That is accomplished by ensuring that each generation is given the skill set the tool set to pass on those skills and tools to the next generation after that. There is no higher purpose for existence in human civilization than to ensure the continuity of civilization.

    Those who would block that continuity by destroying the education system, the health system, the economic system, do so at the peril of destroying the fabric of civilization itself. Those who seek to destroy the education and economic systems seem to be doing it for a simple purpose, taking more and more power unto them selves. On the other hand, the anti-Vaxxers seem to have no purpose what-so-ever to their fraud. I just can’t see them getting rich or powerful out of lying about vaccines and scaring parents out of their wits.

    It seems to me that the only possible motives are two: a pathetic personal ego-need to control others whatever the leverage mechanism or consequences are, or a conscious desire to promote the destruction of civilization.

    It just doesn’t make sense either way.

  327. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Keith: Andrew Wakefield should be prosecuted for manslaughter for all the lives his fraud has taken and the families that he has ripped apart. The trial, every day and every minute of it, should be required to be shown on Faux Spews to ensure the entire nut job population is forced to see it.

    He deserves an ironic punishment, like being dumped in some mosquito infested jungle hell. No vaccinations against the local illnesses of course.

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