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Picking up where the last open thread left off, we can add Rand Paul, Chris Christie, Laura Ingraham and Sean Hannity to the anti-vaccination crowd.
Paul’s comments are particularly egregious, considering that he is a medical doctor.
Well, so was Bill Frist, when he diagnosed Terry Schiavo back in the day.
Apparently the Hippocratic Oath has a sekrit “…unless I can score some political points” clause.
On another topic: Pat Boone put on his white buck shoes and took another leisurely stroll through the fields and meadows of ODS.
Obama’s Willie Horton plan: Release all murderers
If I understand him correctly, and how could I not, the 50th anniversary of the release of Dr. Strangelove is ironic, because America is being “taken off the rails by a mad conductor” (spoiler: that’s Obama!), because that’s how trains are run, by conductors. Just like Dr. Strangelove was!
Pat wants to be clear: Dr. Strangelove was about a bad thing. But on second thought, forget that: there’s another, different, bad thing happening now “right before our eyes,” and socialism and communists. But also, Willie Horton! He stabbed people!
So, after a very lengthy recap of Lee Atwater’s Greatest Hits, let’s look at where we are today, because he forgot we’d already done that, and we saw communists. Now we see Bowe Bergdahl, and all-expense paid trips to Yemen! Again, just like Dr. Strangelove!
Pat Boone is “not making this up,” he assures us: it’s not a Stanley Kubrick screenplay, no matter how eerie the similarities are between Dr. Strangelove and… stuff. It’s the mad conductor, “the man with a phone and pen”, and his communistic “executive authority” in scare quotes because, you know, the powers granted to the executive branch by the Constitution are scary.
Will Obama, because Willie Horton and Guantanamo, “just sovereignly declare” that we should shut down ALL the prisons? Question mark? Well, he’s not saying yes, but illegal aliens! And yes, this would indeed be ‘like a 21st century “Doctor Strangelove”’! Somehow!
“Not even Stanley Kubrick could have written a fantasy like this.” Who would dare disagree?
Dunno if anybody mentioned it before, but the CCCP site ( runs on Joomla 1.7. Not secure in any shape or form.
Some news from Cody Judy:
I’ve read jokes about Michael Zullo’s rank of “Commander” in the past. What I didn’t realize was that the Sheriff’s Kit actually refers to him by that.
Is that a real rank he holds (or held), or something frequently used in posses? Or something just invented out of thin air?
Wasn’t it smart of Obama to come out as “pro-vaccines” so that all the Republicans will soon die of measles?
Maybe he should come out ads “pro-oxygen” but then I’m not sure their brains would notice the difference.
I’m waiting for Obama to say how great living in America is. Then maybe all the RWNJs will all scatter to the seven seas.
Yes, Zullo’s rank in the Cold Case Posse is commander. The bogus rank is lieutenant.
Well the issue has always been what exactly he’s a commander of. At one time there might have been multiple people but Brian Reilly seems to have stated it slowly became a posse of 1 over time. So he’s commander of a posse of 1?
The Honorable Gregory Phillips was appointed by Obama and assumed his seat on the 10th Circuit on July 9, 2013. His appointment would be a violation of the Appointments Clause if Obama had been found ineligible.
Minor quibble: “Commander” is not Zullo’s rank. It is his title as head of the non-profit corporation that is the Cold Case Posse.
Many of the posses do have ranks but they also have more than one member.
From a public health standpoint, we do not vaccinate children to prevent them catching the disease; we vaccinate them to prevent them from spreading the disease to others.
If a child is vaccinated there is still a chance of him contracting the disease, but if enough children are vaccinated, then there is no outbreak of the disease, and nobody gets sick.
I wonder it he says to the mirror each morning “You’re not the boss of me!”
We don’t really know how members there are of the Cold Case Posse. Brian Reilly, even when he was a member, couldn’t answer that question.
The posse’s corporate filings over the years list two other “members” besides Zullo but, you’re right, it has never been clear if they were actively involved in whatever it is/was the posse does.
From a public standpoint it has been a one man show – Zullo – from the beginning.
Your use of the subjunctive mood is confusing here.
“If he had been found eligible,” he could have been removed from office, and if this had occurred prior to Phillips’s appointment, an appointment by Obama obviously could not have taken place.
But he has not been found to be ineligible; and should he be found ineligible now, or any time in the future, the appointment is still valid under the De Facto Officer doctrine.
Judge Phillips’s position is secure.
bob posted links to Tracy Fair’s filing.
GMTA! SCOTUS’ docket for Fair’s petition.
I wonder if he ever found his calendar.
When the snipe hunt was announced, Arpaio said he had appointed a special “task force” (or similar term) of five people from the CCP to do the job, with Zullo in charge. Frank Arduini’s “Annotated Zullo” mentions one lawyer who’s been identified as being part of that group, but I’ve never seen any identification of the other three (and doubt we ever will, given what a debacle it’s turned out to be).
I’m _pretty_ sure it wasn’t revealed until later that Zullo was in charge of the whole posse. The description of their (plural) having worked as bouncers suggests that there are other non-lawyers in its membership, though.
via Orlylicious at Fogbow, GOP Rep no longer birfing:
Too bad for birthers, cuz he just got himself a nice committee seat.
The De Facto officer doctrine applies to US federal statutory, technical defects. In Buckley v. Valeo, SCOTUS ruled the FEC Act violated the Appointments Clause when Congress legislated a Congressional committee was empowered to make appointments to the FEC Board. SCOTUS opined the De Facto officer doctrine applied to the FEC Act because the statute provision empowering a Congressional committee to make appointments to the FEC Board was a violation of the Appointments Clause. SCOTUS opined that Congress must amend the FEC Act to comply with the Appointments Clause or it continue to grant relief to petitioners with standing. Buckley was granted the relief he requested. Congress amended the FEC Act.
Pursuant to the Supremacy Clause, the US Constitution is the supreme law of the land and does not have any statutory, technical defects. The US Constitution, as amended, is absolute and perfect after ratification by 2/3 majority of the states. The De Facto Officer doctrine cannot be applied to the US Constitution because the US Constitution does not have any statutory, technical defects.
Appointments by an ineligible President cannot be corrected. Once the Constitution is violated, it is violated in perpetuity even if the US Constitution is amended in the future to ratify appointments made by an ineligible President.
In a civil suit, the allegations made in the complaint are to be considered as true until a decision on the merits of the allegations is determined by a preponderance of the evidence. Judge Phillips opined the civil suit was frivolous, citing a 2013 immigration case where an another appointee of Obama was sued in his official capacity, even though it is incumbent upon judge Phillips to proceed as if the allegation President Obama is ineligible was true. Since Obama is presumed to be ineligible for purposes of the case, Judge Phillips, an appointee of Obama, should remand the lower court to resolve the eligibility challenge before any other decisions are made.
The only reason Obama has not been found to be ineligible is because no federal court has allowed discovery of Obama’s federal records identifying him as a legal permanent resident alien. Federal records supersede state records under the Supremacy Clause. Once Obama’s federal records are exposed, all judges appointed by Obama will be found to have assumed the federal office after a violation of the US Constitution. All opinion by Obama appointed judges are voided. Opinions where an Obama appointed judge participated on a panel and voted in the minority are voided after a violation of the Appointments Clause.\14-933.htm
If you are claiming that the doctrine applies only to US federal statutory, technical defects, I’d like to see your authority for that claim. Otherwise, I have to conclude that it’s just one more figment of your imagination, like the other points in your post.
“Birther now turning attention from Obama to Cruz, Rubio, Jindal”
No, the only reason Obama has not been found to be ineligible is that he is eligible. There is no “there” there. Never has been, never will be.
And as for the rest of your posts, I give you an A for creativity and entertainment, and F for accuracy and veracity.
Sadly, Obama never notified the SSA he naturalized in 1983. Consequently, the SSA has documentation stating Obama is a legal permanent resident alien living in the United States since 1971. Obama’s NUMIDENT file will become a public record at some point in the future.
I cited SCOTUS opinion in Buckley v. Valeo. CJ Rehnquist carefully explains how the De facto officer doctrine applies to statutory, technical defects. The US Constitution, as amended, is absolute and does not contain technical defects.
An amendment to the US Constitution cannot and does not correct a defect in the Constitution because the US Constitution does not have defects. An amended Constitution resets the goal posts and begins a new era.
Obama is ineligible because he naturalized in 1983. Obama’s ineligibility cannot be corrected. Once the Constitution is violated, it is violated forever.
I left this comment after yours:
There was never any Constitutional issue about President Obama. Over 100 years ago, this question was settled by the Supreme Court in the case of US v. Wong Kim Ark. A brief summary of that case, which determined that a child born in the United States to Chinese nationals was a citizen argued:
1) The Constitution doesn’t define citizenship but it clearly shows that there are “natural born citizens” (because the President has to be one) and there are “naturalized citizens” (because the Congress is given the power to create a system of naturalization).
2) The term “Natural born Citizen: derives from English Common Law term “natural born subject”. The lawyers and statesmen who wrote the Constitution used terms based on the English Common Law.
3) The English Common Law definition of “natural born subject” includes all born in the King’s dominion including those with alien parents.
4) Wong Kim Ark was born under the jurisdiction of the United States, therefore he was a citizen.
That argument is all part of the holding. So while the Supreme Court didn’t come out and say “Wong Kim Ark is a natural born citizen,” that is the inescapable conclusion based on the reasoning used by the Court, and since 2008, no fewer than 11 courts have looked at this question vis-a-vis Obama and come to the same conclusion I outlined above. That fact has not deterred a group of folks trolling the Internet offering a crank argument about who is a natural born citizen on every forum where the topic comes up.
Because Ted Cruz was not born in the United States, the holding in US v. Wong doesn’t settle the issue as to him, and there is legitimate debate on that question, and perhaps the Supreme Court will have the opportunity to rule on it; however, Tracy Fair does not have standing to bring suit in the first place and nothing she does will settle anything.
I don’t see your argument. All of the prior acts of the FEC were considered valid under the defacto doctrine, and the only limitations placed were on its future acts under the 30-day stay.
“Mrs. Fair, who has shepherded her case through the complexities of the legal system by herself to the Supreme Court”
That one got me.
Translation = Ms Fair, whose case has been dismissed by all competent lower courts has now filed a worthless Petition for Writ of Certiorari with SCOTUS.
The Court upheld limits on contributions to candidates
The Court struck down limits on expenditures by candidates
The Court struck down limits on independent expenditures (i.e., expenditures by other groups or individuals than candidates and political parties)
The Court upheld mandatory disclosure and reporting provisions, after narrowing the types of speech to which they could apply
The Court upheld a system of voluntary government funding of campaigns, including limits on spending by candidates who choose to accept government subsidies
The Court struck down the system by which members of Congress directly appointed Federal Election Commission commissioners
…. snip …
The Court held that the method for appointments to the Federal Election Commission was an unconstitutional violation of separation of powers.[1] The Court opined that these powers could properly be exercised by an “Officer of the United States” (validly appointed under Article II, Section 2, clause 2 of the Constitution) but held that the Commissioners could not exercise this significant authority because they were not “appointed”. Id. at 137.
The “significant” actions of the FEC Board with members appointed in violation of the Appointments Clause were voided. Judge Phillips opinions in case or controversies before the Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals is significant. After a violation of the Appointments Clause, Judge Phillips, Justices Kagen and Sotomayor and all other judges appointed by Obama were not appointed under Buckley v. Valeo.
The only thing that could save Obama and his appointees would be for SCOTUS to hear the Fair appeal and opine “Natural born citizen” and “citizen” are the same thing.
Your reading comprehension is failing you again. I asked you to provide an authority showing “that the doctrine applies only to US federal statutory, technical defects.” You have done no such thing.
Furthermore, your presentation of Buckley is flagrantly dishonest. While the Court found that the Commission failed to be “appointed in conformity with the Appointments Clause” and could not in the future function under the Federal Election Campaign Act of 1971, it stated clearly that “the Commission’s past acts are accorded de facto validity.” (emphasis added)
So your point is completely bogus. Even if President Obama were to be found ineligible in the future, all of his past acts would be considered valid.
The actions that were voided were voided for being unconstitutionally at odds with the First Amendment.
Your implication that it had anything to do with the Appointments Clause is, at best, erroneous.
From President Obama’s own words:
My grandparents laughed and pointed at me and waved some more until the customs official finally tapped me on the shoulder and asked me if I was an American. I nodded and handed him my passport.
“Go ahead,” he said, and told the Chinese family to step to one side.
The sliding doors closed behind me. Toot gathered me into a hug and tossed candy-and-chewing-gum leis around my neck. Gramps threw an arm over my shoulder and said that the mask was a definite improvement. They took me to the new car they had bought, and Gramps showed me how to operate the air-conditioning. We drove along the highway, past fast-food restaurants and economy motels and used-car lots strung with festoons. I told them about the trip and everyone back in Djakarta. Gramps told me what they’d planned for my welcome-back dinner. Toot suggested that I’d need new clothes for school. Then, suddenly, the conversation stopped. I realized that I was to live with strangers.
The new arrangement hadn’t sounded so bad when my mother first explained it to me. It was time for me to attend an American school, she had said; I’d run through all the lessons of my correspondence course. She said that she and Maya would be joining me in Hawaii very soon-a year, tops-and that she’d try to make it there for Christmas. She reminded me of what a great time I’d had living with Gramps and Toot just the previous summer-the ice cream, the cartoons, the days at the beach. “And you won’t have to wake up at four in the morning,” she said, a point that I found most compelling.
I had gone for several interviews with Punahou’s admissions officer the previous summer.
The meaning of the Constitution, and the operative characterization of how and whether, changes in its interpretation constitute “corrections” of “defects” , or merely the rejection of earlier MISINTERPRETATION, is the province of the judiciary, not that of an unelected, unappointed, non-official such as for example, you, Sven.
Your attitude represents one of the worst fears of any liberty-courting group of founders; someone who thinks that they have a privileged perspective on reality that lets them function as an anarchist under the guise of more authentically interpreting the Constitution and statutes, or on the strength of their own imagined “superior” intellect.
You aren’t coming close to conning us with your drivel, you know. Obama is serving his second term as leader of the Free World; you are a nobody ranting on a private blog where we only interact with you in the hope that making you saner would make the world safer for our kids.
Zullo paradox: He has nothing to hide, but he is hiding a whole lot of nothing.
It’s also worth noting that the government’s brief asked whether the lower court had made an error by declaring that Wong Kim Ark was a natural born citizen. I have never been able to find the lower court ruling online, but I assume that the brief correctly stated what is in the ruling. As I recall, the government even argued that if WKA was declared a citizen it meant that he was eligible to be President. That gave SCOTUS the opportunity to rule that WKA was a citizen but not a natural born citizen, but it obviously did not do so. Since SCOTUS upheld the lower court decision in all respects, WKA was indeed ruled to be a natural born citizen.
I found a vintage candidate for Quote of the Day.
“I am optimistic that the Court will grant certification [on Kerchner v. Obama]. The question of presidential eligibility and the meaning of an Article II “natural born Citizen” is too important for the Supreme Court to turn down the case.”
Mario Apuzzo, November 22, 2110, at CAAFlog.
Here you go:
On a completely different subject, I am trying to find a reference to an ancient TV skit (circa February 1964 I think) from That Was The Week That Was (again I think). The skit was referencing the Cuban complaints about the US ‘stealing’ water from Cuba for Guantanamo.
The skit was Fidel Castro talking to Nikita Khrushchev on the phone. You only hear Castro’s end of the conversation.
It went something like this (my memory is of course imperfect)
– Hello Nikita? This is Fidel.
– Fidel Castro… From Cuba.
– Yes, very well, thank you
– How’s the wife?
– Terrific. And the kids?
– Sorry to hear that. Listen Nikita?
– Yes, I did what you suggested, I turned off the water to the Yanquis, but what should I do now?
– Yes, Yes. Turn off the gas. Sounds great Nikita, but then what?
– I see. Turn off the electricity. Yes, I’ll do that. That should really make them see we mean business.
– OK. I can see that it will be a problem for you to help… but Nikita?
– Yes, yes, but…
– Look Nikita. What should I do if they send in the Marines?
– Oh, I see. Turn on the electricity.
– Uh, huh, Turn on the gas.
– Right, turn on the water.
– Thanks for all your help Nikita. Give my regards to your comrade wife and I hope your son gets his tongue unfrozen from the door knob. You really should send him to school in Havana, you know.
Or something like that.
Anybody else remember that sketch? I can’t find out anything about it on-line, yet I remember it, or at least the central joke lines, really well.
Lyin’ David Farrar, over at that Tracy Fair article, citing Luria v. United States:
“Under our Constitution, a naturalized citizen stands on an equal footing with the natural born citizen in all respects save that of eligibility to the Presidency. Minor v. Happersett, 21 Wall. 162, 88 U. S. 165; Elk v. Wilkins, 112 U. S. 94, 112 U. S. 101; Osborn v. Bank of United States, 9 Wheat. 738, 22 U. S. 827.”
What it actually SAYS:
“Under our Constitution, a naturalized citizen stands on an equal footing with the native citizen in all respects save that of eligibility to the Presidency. Minor v. Happersett, 21 Wall. 162, 88 U. S. 165; Elk v. Wilkins,112 U. S. 94, 112 U. S. 101; Osborn v. Bank of United States, 9 Wheat. 738, 22 U. S. 827.”
An unimportant distinction, unless your principal point is that native citizens AREN’T natural born citizens.
How do you then explain he had a US passport when he traveled to Europe in 1981 or 82?
I think you’re making up sh*t as usual.
This is the same kind of sh*t Adrian Nash constantly pulls off or tries to in his rambling posts (albeit in a more obfuscating sort of way).
*yawn* No, for the umpteenth time.
First, the allegations in the complaint are only to be considered as true when a motion to dismiss is on the table. In that case, only statutory defects (such as “no jurisdiction”, “failure to state a claim upon which relief can be granted” etc.) are grounds for dismissal, while obviously false claims (such as “I am the pope” or “the Sun revolves around the Earth”) also need not be considered true.
Second, the allegations in the complaint are only to be considered true as far as they are uncontested. If the plaintiff claims “I lent defendant $1000” and defendant replies “defendant never lent me $1000”, the burden of proof rests on the plaintiff and his claim is not considered “true until the case is resolved”.
By your “logic”, you are to be considered a child molester until a civil court rules via preponderance of the evidence that you are not.
As I said, I cited the SCOTUS opinion in Buckley v. Valeo. Significant acts of the Commission were invalidated after a violation of the Appointments Clause. SCOTUS opined the legislative acts of the commission had de facto validity after parts of a federal statute creating the commission were found to be unconstitutional.
The FEC explained it this way:
“The Court ruled that the Commission, as it was then constituted, could not exercise its authority to enforce the law, conduct civil litigation, issue advisory opinions or determine eligibility for public funds, because these functions could not properly be regarded as legislative. The Commission’s informational and auditing powers, however, were found to be legislative in nature, and therefore constitutional.”
Judge Phillips of the Tenth Circuit is not Constitutionally authorized to perform acts that are legislative in nature. Judge Phillips’ opinion on civil litigation appealed to the Tenth Circuit are voidable when Obama’s ineligibility is exposed. Obama’s SSA records will be publicly available at some point in the future. When Obama applied for his SSN through his legal guardian, Catholic Social Services, in 1977, he was a legal permanent resident alien of the United States.
The Circuit Court is not authorized to perform legislative functions. The portion of the Buckley v. Valeo SCOTUS opinion you rely on to prove Judge Phillips opinions will survive after Obama’s ineligibility is exposed due to de facto validity is incorrect. Judge Phillips’ appointment, and all other judges appointed by the ineligible Obama, will be voided after Obama’s ineligibility is exposed unless the current SCOTUS opines “natural born citizen” and “citizen” are synonymous.
It could happen. CJ Roberts was aware of Obama’s Certificate of Naturalization in 2007. CJ Roberts, with other Bush administration officials, recruited Chief Judge Michael B. Mukasey, USDC SDNY, to retire and become Bush’s Attorney General. In 2008, AG Mukasey cancelled Obama’s Certificate of Naturalization with the blessing of CJ Roberts. Mukasey and Roberts know administrative denaturalization by the Attorney General is unconstitutional, but that didn’t stop them. Obama is an naturalized U.S. citizen ineligible to be POTUS.
Wrong! Go back to law school.
The court room is considered a place for the gathering of honorable people. Honorable people do not make false allegations. Therefore, allegations in a civil matter are considered to be true, until they have been found to lack merit by a preponderance of the evidence.
Your example of dismissing cases due to lack of jurisdiction, failure to state a claim, etc. have nothing to do with the truth or veracity of the allegations. Dismissed cases in civil matters have to do the authority of the court to enter a judgment if the allegations were found to have merit. In effect, the judge is ruling, “If I allowed discovery and the allegations were determined to have merit after a trial, I do not have authority to enter a judgment against the defendant. Therefore, the case is dismissed before discovery of the evidence can begin.”
No federal judge has allowed any of the eligibility cases to proceed to discovery.
SvenMagnussen: Sadly, Obama never notified the SSA he naturalized in 1983. Consequently, the SSA has documentation stating Obama is a legal permanent resident alien living in the United States since 1971. Obama’s NUMIDENT file will become a public record at some point in the future.
Sven: Still waiting for your answer.
So, Svennie
Still waiting on that copy of the naturalization certificate and cancellation of said naturalization certificate you swear Obama has.
You know, the publicly accessible, public records that I have shown you on INNUMERABLE occasions where to find.
So, why no copy Svennie, not found them….. not looked for the…. if not looked…. why oh why not..?
So, put, shut up or feĉk off I believe is the order of the day Svennie
A new mountain of ignorance/xenophobia has just been climbed by FALCON (aka birdbrain) on Gerbil Report tm:
His original post:
Anyway – Esiason runs down the Super Bowl and then says that the NFL will not be using the typical Roman numerology for Super Bowl Fifty. Some excuse that the officials didn’t like using the letter “L” for Super Bowl Forty Nine. No real reason was given – just said they didn’t like it.
I’m passively listening (because I hate this segment of the morning show) and I catch this part – the officials will be using the Arabic alphabet for Super Bowl Fifty. I know Hussein will say that Muslims invented American Football at some time – that’s a given.
Creeping Sharia Death should be a concern for everyone when every segment of America and the Western Hemisphere is being infected with this disease. Only when the halftime show is replaced with a ‘Call To Prayer’ and everyone is mandated to submit, face Mecca and get on their knees or face a beheading will the unconscious finally realize they live in the New World Order – controlled by Islamists.
First, I’m incredulous. Then it dawns on me that the idiot actually DOES NOT KNOW that our numeral system is often called “Arabic Numerals”:
Someone tries nicely to explain it to him:
SirenDrake : Arabic alphabet or Arabic numerals? I must be missing something. English speakers have been using Arabic numerals for most purposes for hundreds of years now.
But reason penetrates Falcon like water granite and he responds:
FALCON: The English language is based on the Phoenician alphabet. At any rate – Arabic has no place in the Super Bowl unless it’s to appease and placate the savages.
The old line from CHEERS about what color the sky is on his planet comes to mind…
Yes, they were invalidated after a violation of the Appointments Clause. They were not invalidated because of a violation of the Appointments Clause, but rather because of their unconstitutionality. Big difference, which totally trashes your argument.
Perhaps it’s simple ignorance on your part. But I must be honest, I think you understand the post hoc, propter hoc fallacy and are invoking it deliberately for deceptive purposes.
US TV version or BBC version?
Here’s what I replied, although I rarely make it past the blinders filter on GR
“Does Falcon think we should then remove the Arabic Numerals from all the players uniforms?”
I see that Augusta Free Press article we’ve been commenting on was just Tracy’s own press release. Yay, journalism.
I got another odd one via the Site’s contact form:
Yeah, but it’s been so long since I’ve had a rollicking debate.
It would have been the US version.
The Guantanamo Water issue was in 1964. TW3 was on BBC from 61 to 63 I think, and the US version started in 64. David Frost was the primary host of both.
The University of Georgia houses the Art Chimes collection of audio recordings from early television shows. Their inventory list includes “That Was the Week That Was”.
I doubt if the recordings have been digitized and put online or if transcripts have been done but you never know.
Thanks, I’ll try to check it out.
If the inmates at Gerbil Report rip on Doc, because he uses “Doctor” as part of his internet handle, without being an actual Doctor, then why aren’t they ripping Falcon a new one for not being an actual bird? 😉
Because he’s a birdbrain.
Their vocabulary gives their intentions away.
When a birfer is so stupid he confuses your site with Gerbil Report, that’s gotta be some kind of record.
If you’re not even familiar with the concept of “burden of proof”, you’re the one who should go back to law school (or even attend one in the first place).
The legal system is also not a place devoid of logic where both a claim and its opposite are true at the same time.
The closest thing to your argument is that all claims are to be considered “neither true nor false” until resolved, but in this particular environment, “not false” does not mean “true” but “undecided”.
*laughing* Funny.
Spotted this wonderful bit of irony being quoted by someone at GR:
The poster asked “Is this a hint?”.
The answer is “Yes, but probably not the hint you’re hoping for”.
(I checked the link, and there actually was such a posting on the page with a timestamp of about noon Florida time on the 5th)
Birthers always talk about the one debunked pamphlet but never seem to take into account the 100s of pieces of evidence that state Obama was born in the US.
From NY Times 25 years ago, Feb. 6th, 1990: Mr. Obama was born in Hawaii.
More Sven nonsense, I see.
Allegations are only considered to be true for purposes of certain motion practice or if a defendant has defaulted. In an actual civil case trial, when the plaintiff testifies there is no presumption that he or she is telling the truth. The judge or jury can pass judgment on the veracity of the plaintiff without ever hearing from the defendant.
I have seen many defense verdicts rendered after the defense rested without presenting any evidence. In many of those cases it was obvious that the plaintiff was lying.
Even in the event of a default, the plaintiff’s allegations about damages are not presumed to be true. An inquest is held and the plaintiff has to provide proof of damages.
A Federal judge does not need accept it as true when a plaintiff claims that Obama is not eligible because his father was not a U.S. citizen.
Of course, a judge might be persuaded that Obama is not eligible if you were to produce that Certificate of Naturalization you claim to have. So it looks like the ball is in your court. Will Sven rise to the occasion? I’m predicting “no.”
So this means the universe will be shattering in April then? Alert GR! Post to all RWNJ sites! THIS IS IT!!!
Or Carl could be getting a reverse colonoscopy to see why all his chit is coming out the wrong end…but I don’t think the birthers will be interested in watching that.
Loony birther lawyers are allowed in court rooms, so there goes that theory.
Given Carl’s track record on predicting “conferences”, I’d say a modest wager against that happening would not be unreasonable.
I’m wondering how many of his followers will see the humor in the situation.
The Honorable Michael B. Mukasey, Chief Judge of the USDC SDNY, retired, cancelled Obama’s certificate of naturalization in 2008 in his capacity as US Attorney General in 2008. The Honorable John Roberts, Jr., Chief Justice of the US Supreme Court, along with senior President George W. Bush administration officials (Dick Cheney), recruited Judge Mukasey to leave his lifetime appointment as a judge in USDC SDNY and become President Bush’s AG in his final two years of office to cancel and bury Obama’s ineligibilty.
I looked forward to putting Liz Cheney on the stand and exposing truth, but Judge Lamberth chose to sell out. Obama’s federal records will become available eventually, but most will be trying to survive rather than seeking the truth.
Is that before or after the Unicorn flew out of your butt?
Now, I misread that as Unicron, which if you know your Transformers mythos, paints an unspeakable mental picture.
In other words, the dog ate your homework.
Svenski, thanks once again for allowing me the pleasure of saying and pointing out what an utter and complete fool and ass you are.
If there were any truth to this, never minding that no one be they judge or US Attorney General can just cancel a Naturalization Certificate. We have a little thing in this country you might have heard of, if you’d actually really gone to law school, called due process, and without it,not gonna happen, not that it ever did in the first place, and if it had then you could have gotten a copy of that very public record certificate, which you haven’t / can’t/ didn’t, since it doesn’t exist, a figment of your failing deluded mind. You’re a liar Svenski, and not even a particularly good one.
I mentioned this a short while ago, but no one commented on it.
Has anyone noticed that Krazy Kommander Kerchner and Meretricious Mario Apuzzo appear to have parted ways over the Ted Cruz would-be candidacy?
there’s a reason for that.
aputzo has latin roots the same as cruz so he’s not going to complain too much seeing as cruz isn’t a darkie, but he’s still too much of a darkie/beaner for kerchner
An article about Obama in the NY Times, 25 years ago. It says he was born in Hawaii.
You obviously need to be locked in a room with Nancy Ruth Owens and Linda Joy Adams. You could endlessly entertain one another with your fantasies about Pablo Escobar, Osama bin Laden, and Obama’s Certificate of Naturalization.
Throw in Rick Hyatt and they can get a bridge game going.
I had almost forgotten about Hyatt. He claims that he is Obama’s half-brother and that they are both the sons of East German intelligence chief Markus Wolf.
Hyatt’s latest fantasy is that he knew Gary Condit “in 1977 when we were both in Duesseldorf at the British Base there.” In 1977 Gary Condit was a member of the Stanislaus County Board of California. Hyatt has an e-book on Amazon which accuses Condit of being a professional assassin. It is currently #1,417,972 in e-book sales.
So, I checked Orly’s site today. Something I haven’t done in a while.
There is a very bitter subtext to her articles, that mention Obama, lately. Methinks the frustration of not winning a single case against him is really getting to her.
I want to call special attention to today’s quote of the day:
I have no aversion to common law. English common law was never American colonial common law. The English Parliament did not make common law for the American colonies. It was this lack of representation in Parliament that, indeed, lead to the American Revolution.
— David Farrar
— Comment at Augusta Free Press (2015)
I am rarely speechless, but in this instance…
Tracy Fair, at the same article:
“English common law consisted of THE LAW OF NATIONS!”
And Tracy doubling down:
“The law of nations is not international law, it is Natural Law, just as the title states:
Here’s another one of David Farrar’s head scratchers from that same article:
“Quite the contrary, Minor stated “a native, or natural born citizen,” was written precisely as it appears in de Vattle: §. 212. “…les Naturels, ou Indigènes”, both phrases are nonreflective, using the word “indigent” or “natural born citizen” to better define the writer’s intended meaning of the word “native”. In order to write the phrases as you are suggesting, i.e., as a reflective phrase, the comma would not have been used.
So, yes, a “native” is a natural born citizen, an indigent, living in the land of its birth and that of its ancestors, and can quite correctly be used in the place of the word, “native”.”
He’d substituted “natural born” for “native” in a citation from Luria v. United States and got busted on it; I guess this is him trying to weasel his way out of it. I really can’t tell what the hell it is. It ain’t the first time I told him he needed to look up “indigent,” either.
Yay Tracy, ignorance is thy meme. I know she isn’t smart enough to know the difference between The Law of Nations, and the law of nations, that one is an 18th century book of enlightenment philosophy written in ancient French, or that the other is a descriptor used to loosely refer to the common laws between nations, none of which have anything to do with natural law, and I know she isn’t smart enough to have come up with this on her own. Along with being a birfer idiot and failed litigant, she is rapidly becoming a failed plagiarist as well.
I assume the quoted text says “indigene” not “indigent”, right?
Need i elaborate?
The cosmic omphalous has almost completed its great galactic circle.
The End of Days ™ will begin at 9:26 on the morning of March 14, 2015 – but only in America. Start stocking up on pie now.
Those Obots in Indiana need take no action.
Gerbil Cub Reporter “Born Texas” recently shared how he’s been struggling with the “dark places” of his mind, and how he has to fight the urge to seek out an organized effort to open the “gates of Hell” on – well, I’m not sure, exactly. So I thought a follow-up question or two were in order. Of course, follow-up questions (from me, at least) are not allowed there, so I’ll copy my comment here on the off chance that BT will somehow see it and provide some clarification:
Hey, BT, out of curiosity, exactly on whom do you fantasize opening these gates of Hell? Is it just Democratic politicians (and RINOs)? Or, as a two-time Obama voter, am I a target for your blood lust, too? Will you be kicking in my door, or will this be an ambush-type scenario? Do you plan on murdering my children, too, or just me?
Love, Crusty
Did you mean this comment by the delusional BT?
Then there is this ironic comment:
But at least he took a whack at Tracy for posting her stupid Obot outing video:
She’s going for the gold now, and I’m running out of metaphors. As near as I can tell, she’s trying to make some leap from Elk v. Wilkins to there being some significance to Obama’s descent from the Luo tribe…in Kenya.
Well it could be fun. At least David Farrar’s not trying to run up the word count like Arnash. He can be just as impenetrable in a few short sentences as Arnash can be in a thousand words.
Sandy Hook truther and FAU professor James Tracy is claiming one of the reasons for the shooting was to cover up Obama’s stole Social Security Number.
Why does FAU still employ Tracy?
Deep down, part of me wants Sandy Hook truthers beaten with a stick until declared sane. I’ve never had to bury a child, but its a hot button, just the same.
There is a lot of paranoia in the comments.
I am pleased to announce that the identity of ★FALCON★ at Birther Report has been verified. Falcon is not someone whose name you would recognize, so that is the end of the story so far as I am concerned.
Verification fact: Falcon’s grandfather died in 2001, not 2002 like Falcon said.
The story is by BR commenter Barry Soetoro, Esq.
If you know his identity, that’s fine. But I really don’t think there’s any value in saying that you know it, without providing evidence that proves your information is accurate. Do you plan to write an article on this?
Me too.
And the forger, which is myself, called her twice and told her in so many words that everything the Cold Case Posse had “confirmed” about him via Corsi or Corsi’s sources was BS. So much money down the drain. During the second call she actually screamed at me!
Living in the state; Sandy Truth Hookers are really the one group I show no restraint with. The crap pisses me off to no end. I notice many of these people are birthers as well. I had one tell me about his total investigation of this. I’m like did you bother getting off your rear or did you conduct all that from your double wide. It’s nonsense.
No, I’m not going to write an article. The problem with presenting evidence is that any convincing argument I could present would of necessity name who Falcon is, which is against my personal ethics, and the site policy. The identification has been peer reviewed and that is the best I can do.
Anybody who knows who Falcon is can verify that I know by my brief comment on his grandfather.
I made the announcement basically for two reasons. First I had discussed wanting to figure out who Falcon was and this brings that discussion to a close, and no one will wonder how I’m doing on that question. Second, and the reason I added the hint, is to let certain birthers know that Falcon’s identity is known.
Make sure to add him to The OCT Christmas list! 😀
Um, maybe Luo means Elk in Hindu?
Today, February 10, 2015 is the eighth anniversary of Barack Obama announcing that he intended to run for President.
Might February 10th be considered the official founding date of the Birther Cult?
They’re interested in the President’s privates?
Well they do tend to go on about very vividly detailed homoerotic scenarios at GR, so it wouldn’t surprise me one bit.
Had a gander at Gerbil Report this morning. Nothing but a lot of “Is something about to happen?!” type articles.
Newsmax and Drudge are floating the idea that Savannah Guthrie is in the lead for Brian Williams job. I expect birther heads to explode over this.
And Orly sent in a wonderful letter of recommendation for Ms Guthrie. That’s what will tip the scale for her. 😀
Obviously this would be her payoff for helping pass off the forged birth certificate. And, of course, she’s not a real American…..born in Australia, as I recall.
April Fool’s Day is coming…
And Birther Report has a story about Zullo giving an interview yesterday to 1776Channel and stating there is no seal on the birth certificate that Guthrie photographed and felt.
You can just look at the Guthrie photo and see the seal.
Zullo also talked about Reed Hayes in the interview.
If you cannot out FALCON’s identity then how can be be sure know it. Just because put a comment out about his Grandfather doesn’t mean you know it. It’s just like RC. The identity of RC is Randy Daniels which RC doesn’t seem to deny although Doc claims that Randy Daniels is not his name but Doc won’t confirm that Randy Daniels is RC’s alias so we basically are running in circles there.
I agree on this. Guthrie’s pics have the seal and on the images, the seal disappears completely. (although you see remanents of a seal) However, the problem with Guthrie’s pics is that the seal looks very very “sick” It looks almost nonexistant like a watermark instead a raised seal like it should be. Some the other long birth certificates from Hawaii that have been shown have a seal that far more profound.
I bet you’re one of those idiots who thinks real life image enhancement works the way it does on CSI too.
Rumor has it that Jon Stewart will be taking over Meet the Press
What will explode if that happens?
Tim Russert was good. Chuck Todd and David Gregory have been awful.
Todd admitted if he did tough interviews ‘no one will come on’ my show.
Jon Stewart won’t care, if they decline he’ll expose why they won’t come and they’ll all soon learn it better to face the music than sit the dance out.
The comment I gave for confirmation discloses a lot more to Falcon than it does to you. That’s why I selected it.
John doesn’t understand that it’s about seven years too late to still be in the things-that-make-me-suspicious stage.
I keep trying to convince myself that there is no way a person can be that dense…yet he keeps finding new ways to underwhelm!
Pi day is coming first.
March 14, 2015 (write it as an American short date.
Include 9:26am for seven digits
Now, now, John. WND’s reporter at the birth certificate press conference said the birth certificate was genuine. As did Hawaii.
Oh, I get it. You want to believe some report you’ve never seen by a guy who is not an expert as to what documents Hawaii choses to certify.
Makes sense.
Technically, if you’re rounding PI to 4 decimal places, PI would be 3.1416 (remember, it’s 3.1415926…)
Don’t know if this was posted before, but it definitely proves that God forged Obama’s BC and put the smiley face in there:
(Or, strictly speaking, that the person who forged Obama’s BC also forged the Hubble image.)
Or it proves that God is fake, because we all know the smiley face wasn’t invented until 1963, and that light was emitted thousands, maybe millions, of years ago.
I’ve always enjoyed this little diatribe of insults. It probably would go over the heads of most birthers, as it does not contain one instance of profanity or homophobic slur.
Not to mention, said Guy never saw the actual certificate but only an image.
If you’d rather, here is the video:
I am privy to Doc’s research on Falcon. It believe it is solid. I don’t ‘t think his identity is of any consequence to any issues related to the subject of this blog or the discussion of the Birther movement.. From my reading of Falcon’s many online comments he is a troubled person filled with hatred. I can see why he gravitated towards commenting almost exclusively at BR. He found fellow haters there.
Or 9:26:53 for nine! (After the decimal point that is.)
I haven’t outed your identify. but I know your name, your age, where you live, and where you went to high school.
Aw snap! 🙂
I love the quote of the day. I need to a better job of ratting next time. Nothing seems to have come from it.
LDS seems to have put birfering on the back-burner, and now seems to be focusing on how buildings that are not the WTC burn differently than the WTC did, therefore: inside job…or some such nonsense.
I wonder where he found a sample set of other towers being hit by jetliners.
If you’re referring to the smiley face on Obama’s forged birth certificate, which I forged, it represents Rivi Ayala. The “A” always brought back memories of the few short months when I was really happy being with Ayala because, for me, there was hope that one day, together, we would kill the sheriff.
I eventually did kill Dyess on my own in the 90’s with Abel Danger present because he ordered the contract kill of one of my former Medellin Cartel assassins, Timmy Ledbetter whom he had probably kidnapped just as he had Timmy Allison and Johnny Rourks.
I can’t quite remember if I shot Abel in the head or missed just barely, I really didn’t want AB dead, when he decided he was going to be the now deceased, headless former Sheriff Sermon Dyess’s hero by reporting me to the authorities.
If they really search, it shouldn’t be too hard for them to find samples in my alma mater Palm Beach Community College and other documents in Hendry County, Florida.
Like a certain somebody said to me yesterday, “It would be the smoking gun.”
I know you’ve got a sample, Volin, don’t you? That might be why you don’t waste any time talking to me, eh?
Nancy. If there is one thing birthers and obots actually agree on, its that no one believes a word you say.
Don’t feel bad. They didn’t believe it back then either.
Ha! That’s it! You guess it!
Even Harpo got that one.
Next time, take the damned elevator!
In other news, Judge Snow in Arizona has ruled that the contempt hearing against Arpaio will go forward on April 21.
Way back when, I posed a kinda lengthy hypothetical here about “Rocky”, whose parents Nancy and Dan weren’t too fussy about registering their kids with the gummint, asking how that might affect his future life (including his presidential eligibility, of course).
So guess what.
I see you’ve mentioned Chuck Johnson of notoriety before; he had a seriously Ebolaesque eruption of birtherism on Twitter tonight (handle @ChuckCJohnson).
One especially ridiculous example: