Berg Book

imageFinally Phil Berg’s Obama book is out. It’s called ObamaScare, and available both in paperback and Kindle formats. The book has 32 chapters plus an appendix and index for 266 pages.

I have a moral objection to giving money to bad guys, specifically buying their books, so I look for used copies. In this case Amazon lets me read the book for free through their Kindle Unlimited program. One immediately notes that there is a big difference between the paperback edition and the Kindle edition (as seen by previews on the Amazon web site)—the Kindle edition has no table of contents.

What I wanted to look at was the chapter titled “Malaysia MH17 – Obama could have Avoided the Destruction.” Berg blames the conflict in the Ukraine, and the air disaster, on Obama’s foreign policy. He doesn’t develop the idea or present specifics, but it happened, and it must be Obama’s fault, and this at a hasty glance, appears to be most of what the book is about. Oh, and Benghazi.

Berg both denies Obama is a US citizen, and asserts that he is guilty of treason. He also makes a case for impeachment. He says that ObamaCare and Benghazi will “bring him down.”

Yes, there are standard birther talking points in the book such as:

And Obama has spent over Three Million [$3] Dollars to keep his records sealed.

You’d think someone like Berg would know better. And Berg says following a paragraph on the “grandmother tape”:

When New York Times bestseller author Jerome Corsi traveled to Kenya to investigate the claims, he was almost immediately kicked out of the country by Kenyan officials.

Only Corsi was detained in Kenya on October 7, 2008, and subsequently deported. The “grandmother tape” was recorded October 16, 2008. Corsi could have hardly gone to Kenya to investigate the grandmother tape, as the interview had not occurred.

Berg seems to be stuck in time, including very little discussion about Obama’s long-form birth certificate in 2011, and what there is appears amidst a chapter on Berg’s 2009 lawsuit.

He also talks quite a lot about Orly Taitz, concluding:

There are so many other appearances by Orly Taitz that has (sic) undermined the efforts of others and yes, my efforts to expose the real fraud of Soetoro/Obama.

The book is a mess.

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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28 Responses to Berg Book

  1. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    “The book is a mess.”
    Not unlike it’s author.

  2. Krosis says:

    Dr. Taitz really should write a book of her own. Show him, Orly!

  3. Notorial Dissent says:

    yes, just think of all the opportunities to copy and paste inappropriate material and to inartfully collate and staple the material, as well as all the fonts she could use, why she could really stretch her creative talents in a book. Hopefully a vanity press item that will cost Yosi lots and lots of money.

  4. Bob says:

    I think I’ll wait for the movie.

  5. A few errors and omissions were pointed out at the Fogbow. Berg claims to have been a lifelong Democrat but ran for judge unsuccessfully as a republican in 2009. Berg’s retirement date for practicing law is within a month of his suspension by the Pennsylvania BAR.

  6. I wrote a review (pretty much what I said in this article) for Amazon. Should you be there and find the review helpful, give it a click.

  7. bookfiend75 says:

    Andrew Vrba, PmG:
    “The book is a mess.”
    Not unlike it’s author.

    This is the same guy who tried to sue President Bush under the RICO act for 9/11 and also tried to have Supreme Court justices removed because of Bush v. Gore. Here is a short quote from the WSJ:

    “But while Mr. Berg doggedly pursued Mr. Obama, he was not so assiduous in caring for his own clients, according to the Pennsylvania Supreme Court, which in September suspended him from the practice of law for two years.
    The U.S. Supreme Court followed by asking Mr. Berg to show cause why it should not disbar him from its practice; he responded by resigning from the Supreme Court bar, which the justices noted in an order earlier this month.”

    Are birther attorneys not emblematic of the birther movement itself? The general unorganized and chaotic nature of their theories and product only serves to show that the movement itself is chaotic as it is not based on any real interpretation of the law, but is actually based on the fear caused by a darker-skinned man working and living in the White House. Fear causes people to behave and think irrationally; hence, the birthers.

  8. Punchmaster via Mobile says:

    bookfiend75: Are birther attorneys not emblematic of the birther movement itself?

    Birther attorneys belong to the alignment Chaotic-Stupid, and they can only ever manage to roll a one.

  9. Rickey says:

    Birther heads are going to explode when they learn that Obama will be visiting Kenya in July.

  10. Arthur B. says:

    Doc, your Amazon review speaks of “the President’s maternal step grandmother, Sarah Obama.”

    Shouldn’t that be paternal?

  11. Sluffy1 says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    I wrote a review (pretty much what I said in this article) for Amazon. Should you be there and find the review helpful, give it a click.
    “He discusses a tape recording of a telephone conversation between Ron McRae and the President’s maternal step grandmother, Sarah Obama. The recording, through a translator, seems to say that Sarah Obama was present when “he” was born.”

    I clicked it.
    I think the full transcript of that recording has been scrubbed.. The way I remember it was, they had been talking about Barack Sr and then went to something about coming to visit and bring a “gift” of some sort… then when she was asked about being “present” when “he was born” … she had Sr in mind… not the President..

    … and wasn’t she his paternal step grandma?

  12. Thanks for the correction, which I have made to the review.

    There are links to the full transcript and the full audio recording at the end of this article:

    It could be that she was talking about Obama Sr., although others think that she meant that she was present (in the sense of “here” in Kogelo) when Obama was born in Hawaii. Keep in mind that this is going through a translator.

    Sluffy1: I think the full transcript of that recording has been scrubbed.. The way I remember it was, they had been talking about Barack Sr and then went to something about coming to visit and bring a “gift” of some sort… then when she was asked about being “present” when “he was born” … she had Sr in mind… not the President..

    … and wasn’t she his paternal step grandma?

  13. donna says:

    Rickey: Birther heads are going to explode when they learn that Obama will be visiting Kenya in July.

    Former New Hampshire Gov. John H. Sununu is not happy about President Obama’s planned trip to Kenya:

    “I think his trip back to Kenya is going to create a lot of chatter and commentary amongst some of the hard right, who still don’t see him as having been born in the U.S.,” Sununu said on the show “America’s Newsroom.”

    “I personally think he’s just inciting some chatter on an issue that should have been a dead issue a long time ago,” he said.

  14. When I said “the book is a mess,” I did not mean this as a summary of what preceded, but as an overall impression of bad organization in the book.

  15. bgansel9 says:

    Birthers will eat it up though, even if they do choose to use the Kindle edition and spare Berg from having to collect the money on a sale. 😛

  16. Jane Whitman says:

    Birther lawyer writes bad book. Whodda thunk it?

    So what’s next, a 1200-page “scholarly” bloviation by Mario Apuzzo? Riveting reading like that would surely sell like hot cakes. No doubt about it.

  17. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    Thanks for the correction, which I have made to the review.

    There are links to the full transcript and the full audio recording at the end of this article:

    It could be that she was talking about Obama Sr., although others think that she meant that she was present (in the sense of “here” in Kogelo) when Obama was born in Hawaii. Keep in mind that this is going through a translator.

    Well the problem is that McRae several times goes between talking about Barack Obama Sr. and Jr a few times he does it interchangeably asking about her “son” and then grandson. I’m not sure if he was intentionally trying to confuse the translators or was just confusing himself.

  18. Sluffy1 says:

    Besides the being “present” issue, on several occasions McRae refers to Obama as your son.

    Your Link explains and details it all very well except for the “other present” issue.
    Did she ever get that Bible?

  19. justlw says:

    Sluffy1: Besides the being “present” issue, on several occasions McRae refers to Obama as your son.

    Doc? Can you rebut?

  20. John Reilly says:

    I’ve just returned from a quick trip to France. In my field, the universal language is English, and yet the French, German and Spanish speakers I dealt with had frequent issues of translation.

    The grandmother tape was my introduction to the Birthers. Given that there is no attempt to identify everyone in the room, or the skill of the translator, and the leading questions of the questioner, it is of zero value. When you imagine that Grandma was simply saying that she was present in her village when Pres. Obama was born in his village, it all makes perfect sense. And towards the end, Grandma and others in the room make clear that Pres. Obama was known to them to be born in Honolulu. I’m confident that Grandma had no understanding of the ramifications of that concept in light of the natural born citizen clause. For all she knew, the principal qualification to be President of The United States involved having the courage to kill a lion, throw a spear or locate a water source.

  21. Lupin says:

    John Reilly: I’ve just returned from a quick trip to France. In my field, the universal language is English, and yet the French, German and Spanish speakers I dealt with had frequent issues of translation.

    Conversely I find it rather ironic that the so-called Vattelian birthers have built their entire case relying on a rather obvious mistranslation of Vattel.

    English is not as nearly understood correctly world wide as most Americans seem to think it is.

    There is a basic English-like lingua franca that’s used around the world, which is really a kind of pidgin English where much can be conveyed without verbs. 🙂 (“I happy!”)

    And SPEAKING LOUDER won’t help. 🙂

  22. John Reilly says:

    Lupin: since I’m dealing with aircraft electronics, simply saying “I happy,” no matter how loudly one says it, does not explain why the widget won’t talk to the gizmo. Or, conversely, why you don’t let the widget talk to the gizmo.

    And “widget” and “gizmo” are apparently American idioms which not every European understands.

  23. Craig HS says:

    “gadget” or “doodad” might get you a bit further in commonwealthian countries.

  24. Lupin says:

    John Reilly:
    Lupin:since I’m dealing with aircraft electronics, simply saying “I happy,” no matter how loudly one says it, does not explain why the widget won’t talk to the gizmo.Or, conversely, why you don’t let the widget talk to the gizmo.

    And “widget” and “gizmo” are apparently American idioms which not every European understands.

    That’s exactly what I meant. People talk “English”, but not “your” English. You assume they do, because they can handle the “lingua franca” English, but that’s a mistake. There’s a lot they don’t actually understand; often stuff that may seem very obvious to you.

  25. Loren says:

    While I haven’t bought the book, parts of it can be preview on Amazon. Including page 67, where Berg begins the section on the McRae interview with this:

    “Obama’s Kenyan grandmother, Sara Obama, repeatedly stated that Obama was born in Kenya and she was present in the hospital during his birth. Why would she lie? We contacted Bishop Ron McRae…We decided to arrange an interview with Sara Obama.”

    Note that he says Sara “repeatedly stated” this BEFORE the McRae interview, but doesn’t offer any examples or sources for the claim. So even with years of preparation, he’s still repeating rumors.

  26. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Loren: “Obama’s Kenyan grandmother, Sara Obama, repeatedly stated that Obama was born in Kenya and she was present in the hospital during his birth. Why would she lie? We contacted Bishop Ron McRae…We decided to arrange an interview with Sara Obama.”

    Its funny how she could say this stuff before Jerome Corsi went to Kenya to investigate an interview that hadn’t even been done yet. Time seems to work different in the birthersphere.

  27. bookfiend75 says:

    Birther heads are going to explode when they learn that Obama will be visiting Kenya in July.

    Cue Birther Report…and, Action!

    “Going Home: Obama Set To Visit His Home Country
    Of Kenya; Were Barack & Michelle Obama Correct!?

    Barack Obama is scheduled to visit what Michelle Obama twice declared Obama’s home country,,, Kenya! This is Obama’s first visit as ROTUS to the birthplace of his purported father.”

    What’s hilarious is the number of comments actually referring to Berg within the aforementioned article. It’s like everything coming full-circle.

  28. Greenfinches says:

    Craig HS: “gadget” or “doodad” might get you a bit further in commonwealthian countries.

    or ‘thingummyjigger’ if not ‘thingummy’ or of course ‘thingummybob’,which I prefer………….

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