Hear any good April Fool stories yesterday or anything else not relevant to the current articles?
This thread will close in two weeks.
Hear any good April Fool stories yesterday or anything else not relevant to the current articles?
This thread will close in two weeks.
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Ted Cruz is now polling in 2nd place
Wonder Woman’s Invisible Jet Now On Display at National Air & Space Museum.
The pictures are a hoot…
I’d say “Orly Taitz”, but she’s a fool pretty much all year ’round
I heard he was 4th, behind Undecided, none of the above and not voting.
CNN’s list:
I heard one years ago…something about the President attending Columbia as a foreign student. Man, did some people fall for that one!!! 😆
The website for the Finger Lakes in New York posted a fake story that the New York Legislature passed a law requiring the names to be changed because a state senator from Long Island got lost after confusing Keuka Lake with Cayuga Lake. And nobody knows how to pronounce Skaneateles Lake.
Some people on Facebook didn’t get the joke and were outraged
Devvy Kidd has a new stupid article up:
It’s April 2, but it’s as false as can be.
Rachel Maddow had a great one last night: the city of Stockton is having problems with weeds clogging the ship channel that leads to their inland cargo port. Rather than risk poisoning the wildlife with herbicides of uncertain efficacy, they imported hippos and capibaras to eat them. She was tipped off about the story being in a water management NGO’s online newsletter, and presented the rather elaborate story (complete with faked pictures of hippos roaming free in CA) nicely.
Yeah I stopped reading after the first few lines were filled with complete lies like the claim that people knew him as Barry Soetoro at Occidental or that he ever used the names Barry Dunham or Barack Dunham.
Well, this one’s not an April Fool, but it piqued my attention; although I sincerely doubt it hasn’t been covered here before. I think it would bear repeating anyway. I’ve been reading the debates in the Third Congress over the Naturalization Bill, and came across this item–
On January 2, 1795, an amendment to the Naturalization Bill was proposed:
“And in case any such alien applying for permission to become a citizen of the United States, shall have borne any hereditary title, or been of any of the orders of nobility of the Kingdom or State from which he came, in addition to the requisites of this, and the before recited act, he shall make an express renunciation of his title, or order of nobility, in the Courts to which his application shall be made, before he shall be entitled to such admission; which renunciation shall be recorded in the said Court.”
Rep. James Hillhouse of Connecticut raised an objection to that amendment on the grounds that it would be
“admitting that there may be some other mode of introducing a privileged order or a nobility among us, than the one guarded against in the Constitution; for, if a law is passed requiring a person, before he shall be admitted to a certain privilege, requiring him to renounce some other privilege, it is clearly admitting that such person does or may possess such privilege, other wise the law is futile, requiring a person to renounce what he does not, or cannot possess.
If we pass the present amendment, the construction must be, that an alien, after residing in this country, abjuring his allegiance to his own, offering to become a citizen of, and taking the oath of fidelity to, the United States, is in possession of the rights of a hereditary order to which he may have belonged; and further, that their rights are hereditary, unless he shall, agreeably to the amendment, come forward and renounce them.”
Okay. Pretty dry there, but then it gets interesting:
“But what will be the consequences of his not renouncing? Most clearly that he retains and possesses them. A nobleman, then, may come to the United States, marry, purchase lands, and enjoy every other right of a citizen, except that of electing and being elected to office. His children, being natural born citizens, will enjoy, by inheritance, his title, and all the rights of nobility and a privileged order which he possessed, an idea which ought not, either explicitly or impliedly, to be admitted.”
The debate became pretty spirited, with recriminations over the political effect of casting a roll call vote on the matter. It includes some real zingers, like one from Rep. Fisher Ames of Massachusetts:
“Can the advocates of the amendment even affect apprehensions that there is any intention to introduce a foreign nobility as a privileged order? If they can, such diseases of the brain were not bred by reasoning and cannot be cured by it.”
You gotta love that last clause.
The amendment was passed and became Sec. 4 of the 1795 Naturalization Act. But there was Hillhouse describing a foreign nobleman, coming to this country and NOT being naturalized, whose native-born children would be natural born citizens.
Gerbil Report is in a bad way. They’re back to rallying behind Orly’s refuse.
I really liked Obama, but I have lost a fair amount of respect if this is not an april fools joke…
I have yet o see anyone “debunking” this yet….
Granted, the republicans would have wished they came up with this wording first…if it real.
sigh…what happened to this country…
It looks real, but I don’t see quite what concerns you. As I read it, it basically says that the US can seize assets of overseas cyber attackers. In practice, the only kinds of entitles that would have such assets would be nation states, large corporations, and terrorist groups (as it it relates to the donations section).
I suppose you could construct some scenario where something not all that evil would fall under some interpretation of the language of the order, but it still would have to pass the judgment of the Secretary of State and the Attorney General before any asset seizure was attempted.
Citizen WElls has a new article on the Birth Certificate:
He seems to think the rubber stamp on Obama’s birth certificate is invalid in a court of law because it uses the words “or abstract.”
What I’m still trying to figure out is why he is claiming it doesn’t prove US birth when it very plainly says where he was born in the US.
I can excuse some dim bulb recipient of chain emails for thinking some of this stuff, but Citizen WElls has been blogging about Obama’s eligibility from the start. He cannot plead ignorance.
I left a couple of comments over there. Maybe they will not be deleted.
He’s actually kept your comments up for now and is responding to them.
He’s still repeating the same tired old claims.
Been seeing more and more ODS types leaning towards radical claims like “Obama will seek a third term, if we don’t stop him!” and the like. I think they make claims like that, so they can take credit for said thing not coming to pass. Gives them some warped illusion of victory, I suppose.
Any one understand the reason for the capital W, capital E in the site name..?
That’s one of the many reasons that I’m glad federal judge Wingate in Mississippi dismissed Orly Taitz’s lawsuit. Judge Wingate had the opportunity to review Obama Long Form Birth Certificate copies as exhibits submitted hy both the plaintiff and the defense.
But not only did he have copies of the long form, he had an ORIGINAL verification from Hawaii.
Yep, one of the continuing birther myths is that President Obama has never released a hard copy of his birth certificate. Not only has he released a hard copy (via the Mississppi attorneys Tepper and Begley) he also got that Certified Letter of Verification for Judge Wingate.
Well, it looks like Gallups may have jumped the shark: Gerbil Report published a clip on Youtube from Free Dumb Friday that it said was about “Sheriff Arpaio’s Obama ID Fraud Investigation”, but wasn’t. Or maybe it was, in a way.
Gallups seems to be feeling the heat about how thin the definitions of words like “soon” and “forthcoming” have been stretched as they’re sucked into what’s become a black hole (NGC designation CCP
201320142015whenev) into which money disappears, but from which no results emerge.Perhaps he’s noticed the (not-so-)gentle mockery of anti-birthers commenting on his past “updates”. But yesterday he dropped all pretense of reassuring people that something “universe-shattering/gut-wrenching/really-really-really-big” is coming “any day now”, and simply started rattling off a list of some of the worst long-debunked birther lies. Then he switched to beating some of the 2016 GOP hopefuls with the Vattel Stick.
I wonder whether this is a sign that he sees the Zullo grift as having run its course…
Kidd is just another alleged journalist who repeats debunked lies for years to support the position that they so badly want to be true, that President Obama is not a natural born citizen. However, they fail to realize that wishing so will never make it true. It’s just like Kidd’s use of a photo that must be close to 30 years old. She’ll never look like that again and publishing it day after day won’t make it reality.
Wethepeople or something. Or his real name is William Ells or whatnot.
Don’t tell that to the old goats at B.R. They think she’s still one hot ticket.
She’ll be eligible to begin collecting Social Security in a couple of months.
Finding a recent photo of her is difficult, but this is how she looked in 2000:
As Shurfjoke’s court case draws ever closer, I expect an uptake of rabid birthers having ever grander A&Z predictions. Seeing as the Gerbil Report inmates have put all their eggs in that single basket, I look forward to the panic and pandemonium as Shurfjoke’s battleship is sunk.
He may not lose his job, but you can bet all this talk of an investigation will dissipate. At the very least, an announcement will probably get made about the department having to re-prioritize, and certain investigations being put on the back burner.
Sure. You know what they say: the grass is always greener just before the dawn. Or was it “The flak is always heaviest over your neighbor’s yard”? Something like that 😉
I haven’t seen much speculation yet, but there are already factions developing, with some thinking his personal disgrace will undercut the credibility of the investigation, and some saying it would liberate/motivate him to Tell All™.
Assuming the leaks about the “second investigation” were more-or-less correct, it’s already dead and buried, with a stake through its heart. Unless Arpaio actually believes the stuff he got sold by Montgomery, in which case he may try to use it to “vindicate” himself, producing a motherlode of schadenfreude for both anti-birthers and anti-Arpaio folks.
Having events go against him might, otoh, motivate him to go for one last grab at Birfer Bux by turning Zullo loose, in the hope that he gets more donations before the new BS is shredded and/or it becomes clear he’s got no chance of even making it past the primary in 2016.
I wonder what Zullo’s next trick is gonna be, if he no longer has Shurfjoke’s name and “credibility” to back him up.
…At this moment, I would like to profusely apologize to the author of the word “credibility”, for the way I misused it.
Does he need any? The few who still hang their hopes on “A/Z day” aren’t questioning him despite getting zero updates for months.
I don’t see how anything he could say would improve anything, I guess the donations haven’t been coming for a long time anyway so he has no incentive to appease his marks.
Oh, some definitely are questioning. And the reason you can say “The few” is that they have been for a while.
So far, about all I’ve seen is some grumbling as people say they’re giving up. But, once in a while, there’s a little speculation that A/Z have been “gotten to”, or even that they’re “controlled opposition”. There’s still the potential for some major fun when the infighting gets serious, and a significant number of suckers turn on them as they have on others who’ve disappointed them.
Jeb Bush fraudulently identifies himself as Hispanic.
This one seemingly flew under the radar, but Strunk’s appeal in the case in which he was sanctioned $177,000 was denied last month.
I saw a comment at B.R. in which the writer suggested that after Arpaio successfully resolves his current legal troubles, he’ll be releasing everything he’s got on Obama.
Poor, deluded fool.
Not sure if you have seen this site previously but probably has earned a “Bad” listing if not an “Ugly”…..
Chock full of crazy nutty Birfoon and general ODS goodness
Usual swathe of Obama is Evil Incarnate, 2nd Amendment solutions, FEMA camps, Martial Law, DARPA etc etc.
A small selection of the headlines
Barack H. Obama: A CONTRIVED FICTIONAL ENTITY Created for the 2008 Election
PROOF The Military is Transitioning From Drills (Operation Jade Helm) to MARTIAL LAW…
Are YOU Ready for MARTIAL LAW & FEMA CAMPS? – Beware!
Federal Whistleblower? Obama Will Simply Have You Killed…
While Obama Continues His Unabated Tyrannical Stampede, the American People Are M.I.A.
NEW DOCUMENTS REVEAL: Iran Plans to Use EMP Blast On United States
ASSAULT ON AMERICA: Obama Killed the Oil Pipeline, Seized the Internet & Cut off Ammo In Just ONE WEEK!
OBAMA’S PEERS & AMERICAN PUBLIC CALL HIM: A “Liar,” “Dishonest,” “Incompetent,” “Lazy,” “Unqualified,” “Detached,” and “Flat Footed”
Physicist Dr. Fran De Aquino: HAARP (Department of Defense) Can Manipulate TIME!!!!
Saw this comment by William at BR
Brought forward,
Dr. Con stated that he has 6 document experts that have deemed the W.H. Pdf file as correct and not a forgery.
Question: Are these Federal Court Certified Forensic Document Examiners? I would guess none of them wrote the book on pdf or took part in creating the program itself.
Any idea what he is taking about?
Yes It is a slightly misquoted comment I made at BR. What I said was:
“I have 6 qualified document examiners, some of whom have published reports, not finding forgery. All you have is hearsay. ”
I left this reply:
First of all, you seem to be implying that a birther document examiner is “Federal Court Certified,” has written a book on PDF, and took part in “creating the program itself.” There is no such person.
The Federal Courts do not certify document examiners, so there are none. Mara Zebest was one of several authors on a Photoshop “how to” book, but it was not specifically about PDF’s. Further, pretty much everything Zebest wrote was contradicted by Zullo’s other “expert” Garrett Papit. Certainly NONE of them ever created the PDF program. Vogt wrote some kind of document management system that used PDFs, but I’ve done that myself. None of these people has the slightest exposure to how PDF algorithms actually work. Vogt knows something about scanners, but Xerox is not one of the brands he sells or has expertise with.
On my expert list, however, is a research scientist for Xerox who holds patents on PDF compression of the type used in Obama’s PDF. Several have testified as experts in court. Three of them were hired by WorldNetDaily!
I should add that you misquoted me. This is what I said: “I have 6 qualified document examiners, some of whom have published reports, not finding forgery. All you have is hearsay. ” I did not say that they deemed it “correct” but rather that they did not find a forgery. I should add: Three of the reports I mentioned were given to WorldNetDaily who refused to publish them–I only have WND’s Aaron Klein’s statement on what two of them say. The third WND report was published by Zatkovich himself after WND mischaracterized it. One of the experts did not publish a report but made a statement to a Phoenix television station.
The experts I cited have more specific expertise in electronic documents than Reed Hayes, who is just a handwriting analyst.
Hmm are any of the birthers Federal Court Certified Forensic Document Examiners? I’ve never seen anything regarding Reed Hayes being in federal court to testify. Also william seems confused since they’re certified on a case by case basis.
You might want to post part of the text to the McCain resolution to SirenDrake. Not once in the entire resolution is it claimed that McCain was born on US soil or that US Military bases on foreign soil were considered US soil.
Just watching Doc own those clowns is enough to make you feel knackered!
That goes along with all the other “slightly misquoted” comments, interviews, laws, court cases and constitutional interpretations they post…why should you be any different?
Ain’t that the truth! I’m so glad that Dr. Conspiracy is back on BR, giving ’em a much-needed dose of reality. During Lent, that blog is just not worth reading.
I wish I could send SirenDrake and William “Property of Dr. Conspiracy” t-shirts. A perfect fit at any size!
Remembering what you expected someone to say rather than what the said is a problem for me too.
I feel rather guilty writing for them instead of here. At least in this instance I was able to salvage an article.
Doc, I promise not to tell if you don’t, but a lot of your readers go there just to watch you at work on them…it’s fun to watch paranoia v. facts.
I’m still waiting for them to start calling Cruz a Castro Communist…till then they just aren’t into it yet. 😀
It is a little disconcerting to visit Birther Report and be greeted with an Ad for Embarcadero Delphi XE8, which I gather was released today (mostly). It was certainly on target, since I’m entitled to a free upgrade when they get their OIT&^% maintenance portal fixed. When they do get it fixed, I will be there and not here for a while.
They’ve been doing that on B.R. since he declared he was running.
Could be worse: I get ads from a night-vision camera vendor who lost to a competitor when my client was shopping for one months ago, and from people wanting to sell me stuff for professional and hobby interests I haven’t had time to pursue in ages. It’s so wonderful getting constant reminders that “You used to do a lot of this when you had a life”.
New claim at BR from an anonymous expert.
“It’s a technical detail which prevents the Xerox from processing the file, actually. If a case ever makes it to court, the public air waves, etc and there’s finally a true nationwide discussion of it, I’ll detail it precisely. ”
I knew i shoulda sprung for XE7 last month. I’ve been trying to spring the cash from “she who must be obeyed” since November.
I’m still on XE5 and XE8 looks like it has some good stuff. Dunno about the even number release though.
Still no Windows Phone support yet as far as I can tell though.
Prima facie, this sounds like double-talk from someone pretending to technical knowledge he doesn’t have.
Even if you say that the cases dismissed for lack of standing don’t count as “mak[ing] it to court”, there are still a couple of dozen that have. It’s on “the public airwaves” almost daily, thanks to the likes of Boyles, Gall-oops, Savage, et al.
You _could_ argue that there’s no “true nationwide discussion”, since the birfer side consists almost entirely of regurgitating myths and hoaxes, sticking their fingers in their ears, and libelling/threatening the people trying to (re-)connect them with reality. But I doubt our soi-disant “expert” would like to claim that as his excuse for not talking 😉
I say it’s a bluff.
Or for Linux. Given that Windows Phone market share looks like it might shrink to the level of the Linux desktop share in the next year or two, Embarcadero can afford to ignore it simply out of revenge for Microsoft’s many past sins against Borland. Even from a pure business viewpoint, are the incremental sales likely to pay for the R&D required to support it?
Yeah, what ever happened to that Pascal compiler that targeted Linux that Embarcadero bought (no I don’t mean the Borland home-grown Kylix)? I’m sure it was in RAD studio once upon a time, seems to be gone now.
Some things I read suggested that XE7 was not stable. I didn’t use beyond making sure it started. XE8 is all about mobile stuff, but you can’t develop for that without buying the mobile pack, and that costs as much as Delphi Pro IIRC.
He’s going to claim that the security paper prevents the Xerox from processing the file. This is of course wrong, as we’ve proven empirically using the same type of security paper that Hawai’i uses for the later testing.
There is also this claim by someone else:
1000s of software programs will do it as well. I am sure Xerox does not what your statement as source statement of their POS quality if true.
The SOURCE image of ANY scan is a single layer bit map. That single single layer bit map is then post processed by any vast number of software programs that may be embedded in in the device – but embedded software is very basic for enhancing purposes. It does usually include subjective human directed activity – such as applying a clipping mask around the edge. Or straightening a document that normally has an off-square pattern (as a security feature) and straightening up the pattern behind the letters.
There is some freaking amazing software in that Xerox. To straighten the background image to aligh with the foreground lettering – wow.
I don’t mean to disparage the fine work done in proving that layers are a normal result of scanning, but…
The State of Hawaii simply cannot forge its own documents. Hawaii says that what the White House posted is genuine. It really does not matter that the image you see on the web has some variations due to software, compression algorithms, or just how my computer displays images compared to your computer.
Even though IANAL, what I’ve learned through this discussion is that if there was a court case and the court actually cared about the birth certificate, and if a certified copy was offered into evidence, the court would not allow testimony about what someone of dubious qualifications thinks about a different image seen on the web. Moreover, Republicans who are also adults rather than addled, who asked Hawaii for a separate certification (such as the secretaries of state who readily accepted what they got back, because it is the same sort of thing they issued) saw the light.
Confirmation bias is letting your emotions dictate an opinion. That’s not what we have here. Once you see 17 different proofs of the President’s birth in Hawaii, proofs accepted by WND’s White House correspondent and Arizona’s Secretary of State, what we are left with in Birthers is delusion, mental illness.
I could not agree more with this. Whatever the State of HI says goes. End of story. It’s the information that matters, not the support.
I’m on Enterprise
Thirded. Information, not the message format.
No, what Hawaii says is prima facie evidence. It’s still subject to rebuttal.
But you and John are right that “rebuttal” doesn’t include “crackpots analyzing pictures like some ancient priest doing divination from the entrails of a sacrificed chicken”. They’d have to show that Hawaii was lying about what they have in their vault.
Which cannot be done by trying to measure the spacing of letters on an image that’s been heavily compressed with lossy methods.
Tell him you’ll adress his claims only after he posts a diagram of that sentence-like bowl of word salad.
It’s a simple fact, which anyone can verify, that high-end Xerox scanners do optimizing like that seen in the WH PDF. The claims of anonymous blowhards who can’t even write gramatically-correct English, when weighed against that, don’t even _move_ the scale, much less tip it.
What you are left with is a huge conspiracy falsely labeled under “National Security.” I forged those documents in 1985 for the still very active Medellin Cartel which is and will always be based in South Florida. Not Colombia as they would have you believe.
Your anonymous “expert” came back and posted more error-filled “analysis” that confirms he’s either a blowhard or a troll.
His babbling about Obama’s ring is an amusing example of how a conspiracy loon’s mind fails to work.
It’s not easy to decipher what ol’ Bluecat6 was trying to say there. Probably just clumsy thumbs and an overactive autocorrect on his/her smartphone. But fear not! my (patent-pending) Autocorrect Reversing Sentence Engineering software almost always succeeds in fixing this problem. First, the original sentence:
“I am sure Xerox does not what your statement as source statement of their POS quality if true.”
After running this vexatious “sentence” through my (patent-pending) ARSE, we can see what Bluecat6 was most likely trying to say:
“I am surely Xena! Doe snot wets your stout ass. Sour, stale Mentos therapy qualifies, it’s true.”
See? It makes much more sense now.
The only way to prove that Obama wasn’t born in Hawaii would be to prove that he was born somewhere else. Good luck with that, birthers!
That’s very true. Even if it could be shown that the original birth certificate in the Hawaii Department of Health was a fake, that still doesn’t make President Obama ineligible to the presidency, or guilty of any crime.
wonder if this is one of the gerbil report crew:
Sounds like something BSE would do.
Sad that the comments seem to be 3 or 4 to 1 in favor of the truthers.
Maybe crazy really is the new sane.
But not surprising: they’re probably by the truthers. The tribe is closing ranks, defending one of their own.
Meanwhile, most of us are looking on in disgust, saying “There’s no way I’m going to wade into that cesspool”.
You can argue (and I have) that rolling truth grenades into birther chatrooms may prevent some uninformed people from getting fooled by the BS and sophistry. But anyone who would buy into “Sandy Hoax” is already beyond the reach of facts and reason.
But proving that isn’t a necessary outcome of the exercise, any more than proving that the PDF was made with a Xerox is a necessary outcome of ours. All that’s needed is to prove the opponents’ claim (“The PDF could only have been made by hand”, “This particular BC is genuine”) false.
It’s still theoretically possible, despite the Xerox evidence, that someone could have faked up the PDF. It’s also theoretically possible that Nibiru really is out there, and space aliens have used their cloaking device to hide it from us and lull us into a false sense of security. But now the people making the extraordinary claim don’t have anything that could be called even “ordinary” proof, so they’re being written off as loons.
Perhaps, right after they turn off the cloaking device, the space aliens will land on the WH lawn to pick up Obama, announcing that he’s one of them and that they planted the BC in the HDOH vault so he could get elected and keep us unprepared. But the smart money will bet against that. 😉
Agreed. One person even claims that there were no funerals, despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary.
One of the teacher victims, Ann Marie Murphy, was the daughter of my dentist, Dr. McGowan, when I was young. So many people attended the wake that hundreds of them waited outside in the cold for two hours to get into the funeral home.
I’ve been spending a good bit of time debating here:
sparring with Apuzzo, Farrar and ksdb (who used to comment here).
I had to go and poke the anthill with a stick.
“C’mon birthers! Birther harder! You’ve yet to take pot shots at Ted’s children, make claims that his wife is a man, I’ve yet to read a single disparaging remark about any dead relatives the man might have and whats up with the lack of cockamamie theories about his parentage?! You guys are totally half-assing it this time around!”
That’s a mess. This ksdb, whose identity I’m practically certain of, takes this sentence from Wong Kim Ark:
“That neither Mr. Justice Miller, nor any of the justices who took part in the decision of the Slaughter House Cases, understood the court to be committed to the view that all children born in the United States of citizens or subjects of foreign states were excluded from the operation of the first sentence of the fourteenth amendment, is manifest from a unanimous judgment of the court, delivered but two years later, while all those judges but Chief Justice Chase were still on the bench, in which Chief Justice Waite said: ‘Allegiance and protection are, in this connection (that is, in relation to citizenship) reciprocal obligations. The one is a compensation for the other; allegiance for protection, and protection for allegiance,'”
extracts the part that says
“that all children born in the United States of citizens or subjects of foreign states were excluded from the operation of the first sentence of the fourteenth amendment, is manifest from a unanimous judgment of the court, delivered but two years later”
and throws the first clause away. I have a hard time believing that particular individual could be that dumb.
Mario has outdone himself over at the Western Free Press, with what I believe is a genuine example of him constructing an argument on the fly, on how the Philippines follows Mario’s definition of natural born citizenship:
It is a wonder to behold. It’s the new Chewbacca Defense.
It would seem to me that Apuzzo has “undone” himself. The Philippine Constitution provides for the child of a Philippine father or mother to convey natural born citizen status, and Apuzzo says this is the same rule as Vattel–thereby admitting that his “two citizen parents” reading up until now of Vattel is bogus.
Under the Philippine rule both Obama and Cruz would be natural born citizens.
I don’t: quoting partial paragraphs, partial sentences, or even partial phrases, out of context is normal for birthers. If you took birther quotes as a representative sample of English, you’d conclude that punctuation, and capitalizing the first word of a sentence, were relatively recent inventions that hadn’t quite caught on yet.
As has been amply demonstrated many times, there is no “Vattelian” country that has ever held the notion that citizenship required TWO parents to be transmitted. You don’t have to look to the Philippines; the Napoleonic Code of 1804 which proceeds directly from Vattel makes the point already.
Is that kdsb in the comments? I wonder if he still announcing for the Kansas State marching band.
Klayman defamation suit against Phoenix newspapers dismissed:
Judge warns him of possible sanctions should he move to reconsider and violate the rules.
I have learned to lower my expectations when dealing with birthers.
Birther Alan Keyes writes an especially demented WND column, and
Wonkette makes fun of it.
The question is just how low is low enough? Just when I think they can’t go any lower they find a whole new sub basement complex.
Simple logic.
There would not be any birthers if Obama had ever produced a birth certificate.
I helped forge them for the still very active Medellin Cartel in 1985.
I think Keyes’s case of ODS is deeply personal. Since at least as far back as 2000, Keyes wanted to be our first black President. Obama “took” that away from him. As I understand it Obama also took the Senate seat that Keyes wanted. He probably blames every slight that has ever happened to him since, no matter how small, on Obama.
Wow! I just realized that my summary of Keyes reads like a golden age comic book villain origin story, but the man is a raving maniacal loon, with a persecution complex and aspirations of punishing those who dared oppose him. So I’m really not that far off!
At least he promised, no matter the election result, that he would stay around and fix the Illinois GOP. So, starting on November 3, 2004, we never heard from him again.
Birthed coins – lol
Video from William Lolli, no less.
We haven’t heard from him in awhile.
Looks like Lolli runs a company that is mentioned in the video – coinpositive.com. They test the metal content by using XRF.
This must be the company that made the coins for Lolli
British politicians taking a page from the birther book:
Here’s an interesting question that needs answering… what DO they mean?
Obama released his birth certificate in 2008. Its issue date was in 2007 and printed on a laser printer. It was certified by the current chief of vital records.
It’s still based on a fake. How much do you think the chief got paid?
Neither you nor anyone else has shown that Obama’b birth certificate is a fake, and I am certainly not going to take your word for it, in the face of the statements of the President, the Hawaii chief of vital records, and two directors of the Hawaii Department of Health. Sorry, but you’re just not going to convince anyone of your story without some evidence, and that’s not going to happen because you are either lying or delusional.
You keep making this claim but there’s no evidence to support it. You claimed you forged a format that didn’t even exist in 1985.
Birtherism: It is a riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside a cow flop.
Donald Trump knows the truth as do I being the forger.
To expose the birth certificate would mean exposing a very large conspiracy which not even the FBI wants to touch which includes Russian mini subs being run by communists IN our inland waters.
Do you think that they’ll ever admit to that? Not a chance.
I know all three of those signatures, two being my own. The third belongs to a Hendry County, Florida deputy by the name of Joe Lee, aka “Ukelele.”
Are you confused again as to how many signatures are on the document? Yes we know you claimed to put Ann Dunhams signature on the short form despite no signatures being on it.
The signature you claim is “joe lee” is Virginia K Lee.
Donald Trump doesn’t know his ass from a hole in the ground. There were no minisubs being run in florida. The FBI doesn’t deal with crazy people.
Verna, not Virginia.
The man who signed the third block of the long form is Joe Lee, a Hendry County, Florida deputy. In code, he spelled “Ukelele.” We were both witnesses to the white genocide being perpetrated on American soil while the higher ups became more rich and more powerful off of Pablo’s cocaine.
Quit trying to twist my words, RC.
There WERE mini subs being run in Lake Okeechobee just a few miles north of where Mike ZulloMoore “investigated” criminal activity (not). They had no fear of doing so because, as I have repeatedly stated, our sheriff PROTECTED the cartel. It’s a proven fact that he did so as did many other officials who worked out of that office.
Nothing’s changed.
So, Nancy
Why would someone build, house and use submarines on land locked Lake Okeechobee to transport drugs within the same part of Florida, when the average depths is less than 9 feet and the very deepest abyss is 12 feet..?
Surely a regular old common or garden boat, just like thousands of others, or possibly a truck on the many roads around the lake would have been more useable and certainly more reliable and unremarkable..?
Lake Okeechobee has an outer canal which is over 16 feet deep and certainly wide enough to run a mini sub. I can’t attest to housing these subs since I was in only one of them. It was being driven by Medellin Cartel member “Popeye” who had a brother. It was his brother who was testing out the sub and I tried to kill him.
I was never trusted again by Pablo Escobar so I can only swear to that one and can only swear to its location which was the Okeechobee Rim Canal.
Where it was built is based of deductive reasoning and comments made by my friends at that time. It, according to statements made, was built in Clewiston, Florida.
You’re wrong as usual.
Now Rubio is running too. Birthers are gonna be damned exhausted by the time primaries get here.
Oh, so now the magical mystery sub hides by being in a canal…..
Still waiting to hear how this sub was manufactured, launched and housed and why oh why use such an esoteric, highly visible and wholly insane method of transports opposed to a boat or a truck….
Says the person who doesn’t grasp how hyperlinks work. Not that I’d trust a working link from you.
Pack up your computer you obviously don’t know how to internet. That’s a link to your local file system that only you can access
You seem confused rc and I are two different people. Verna Lee was the signature of the local registrar. I’m not twisting your words just repeating them back at you. You claimed to create the short form back in 1985 before the format even existed. You also claimed you signed Ann Dunhams signature on the short form despite no signatures being in the short form. Your white genocide bit is just you showing your racist true colors again
No it doesn’t do you even know what a canal is? So were these subs run by midgets? Or rather hamsters. it makes no sense to put subs in a lake how exactly would they get in there in the first place? Sorry Nancy there were no minisubs in the lake that’s clearly your imagination.
Steve Craig did the same thing yesterday over at RC’s. Oh my god, is Steve Craig Nancy R Owens?
OK. Try this link.
Lake Okeechobee’s rising water level is expected to hit 16 feet Thursday, continuing to climb despite the deluge of lake water getting dumped out to sea for South Florida flood control.
There ARE minisubs on Lake OkeeChobee, but they aren’t what Nancy seems to be describing.
I’m blocked at Foggy’s and BirtherReport so it wasn’t me.
The obvious answer is that the sub(s) was manufactured, launched, and housed in CUBA.
The Yucatan, Cuba, and Florida are all connected by subterranean channels which are accessed via cenotes.
The only real mystery is who built this secret transportation system and why?
cenote diving at Playa Larga, Bay of Pigs, Cuba
hmmm… Bay of Pigs? Where have I heard of that before?
And here is proof that the Mafia is using Minisubs: http://mafiawars.wikia.com/wiki/Mini-Sub
Back in 2013. So are the subs time travelers now? I found your minisubs right here nancy
So, it’s been a couple of months since Volin announced he had
wastedmailed thousands of ShurfSkits to sheriffs, AGs, and governors in every county and state.Has anyone heard of any of the recipients doing anything with them other than using them to protect their desks from coffee cups and/or lemonade glasses?
Does the silence mean that every sheriff in the country is now prepped to appear at a news conference in a burnoose and announce that they’re imposing Shari’a?
Okay, this is getting downright eerie. That’s EXACTLY the kind of logic Steve Craig would use.
Too bad Nancy is lying again. She’s not blocked at thefogbow. She’s allowed to post in her very own thread.
You are right about Steve Craig though he seems to be carrying on an argument with himself.
Mario, protesting over at the Western Free Press why our esteemed co-Obot HistorianDude is not smarter than Mario:
“The reason that you are a jerk and not smarter than I am is that you are an idiot to think that you are smart for knowing that a natural born citizen is also a citizen.”
Mario has confirmed, resoundingly, that that is the kind of argument a prospective client could expect him to make on that client’s behalf. Mario has opened up his lead in the race to the bottom.
Isn’t this the explanation that Lord Helmet gave to Lonestar in Spaceballs?
Oh, please. When Mario finally gets to the bottom (and so far he’s always found lower depths to sink to) he’ll find himself next to a trench. At the bottom of the trench will be a hole. At the bottom of the hole will be a pit. And staring up from the muck at the bottom of the pit will be Orly Taitz.
Well, you do have a point, but I was thinking of the current contest between Mario and Steve Craig. The other day HistorianDude told Mario he was “the single most stupid person I have ever argued with online.” Steve has, at the very least, been dogging Mario’s heels there.
You’ve never heard of body doubles? Or, destroyed/fabricated evidence? Who controls the info? Those peeps in Washington who aren’t thinking twice about putting up admittedly son of illegal immigrants Marco Rubio.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. It’s all about the Hispanic New World Order and Obama is a tool to set up the precedent.
They’ll try and act like this is some sort of intellectual plan when the truth is that it is Russia and Cuba’s ultimate goal to put a foreign king on the American throne and our politicians are as useful as sock puppets at this point.
Adam Walsh….The Undercurrent You Don’t See.
Okay now Steven is pushing the born naturalized citizen type of citizen.
What does Adam Walsh have to do with the voices in your head?
What? No comment on Marco Rubio running for President?
So, I hear Marco Rubio is running for President.
“The Crazy Base Still Hates Marco Rubio, And Some Might Go Birther On Him”
I’ve resubmitted to FogBow. We’ll see what happens.
Nobody said anything about “hate.”
We have millions upon millions of Americans whose families have lived in and supported America for decades. Are you telling me that the only “leaders” available happen to be of Cuban descent?
Unless you’ve lived through what these communists will do to America and her interior support systems, you will never understand.
There is no hate for my half-brother Obama/Allen. There is, as a sicaria of Pablo Escobar, a very keen understanding of this Communist game plan and just how gruesome things can get.
I also served the Mafia before it transformed, via Adam Walsh, into the still very active Medellin Cartel.
They are two very different and distinct entities.
Mafia will not kill women or children.
Cartel will.
That’s why we keep pushing.
Anybody know now to insert a poll in the comments at Birther Report? There’s supposed to be an “Add poll” button, but I don’t see it. Maybe they removed the plug-in.
I don’t know that I would call them leaders, but there are plenty of Republican hopefuls who are not of Cuban descent.
Jeb Bush
Scott Walker
Mike Huckabee
Ben Carson
Donald Trump
Rand Paul
Chris Christie
Rick Perry
Carly Fiorina
Lindsey Graham
Bobby Jindal
John Kasich
Rick Santorum
Now you’re claiming Marco Rubio is really Adam Walsh who you claimed to kidnap and murder? I thought you said before it was Ted Cruz?
You don’t have to resubmit to fogbow your old account is still active. You lied before.
Obviously not or I wouldn’t need to ask for a new account. All requests for my password reset, which mysteriously only worked once or twice, have been ignored.
You’re the one who is lying, RC.
Ewww. I can’t believe Doc let that comment through moderation. Such salty language, Rickey!
Check out HuffPo’s latest:
Birthers at WorldNetDaily Won’t Hold Cruz to Same Standard as Obama
RE your comment: “I don’t know that I would call them leaders…” with the exception of Trump who is the only one that I know of who has reportedly chosen a MILITARY man as his running mate.
That’s the way to go. And, the only way to go.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, Pablo, during Reagan’s first term in office, kept repeating, “Where is jur military? Where is jur protection?”
Cuban/Russian mini subs IN…IN Lake Okeechobee. That’s a fact.
RE Huffington Post article:
WorldNetDaily telegraphed more than a year ago that it would not use the same presidential “eligibility” standards on Ted Cruz that it spent years hammering Barack Obama on.
WND editor Joseph Farah threw a fit over applying WND’s birther standards to Cruz in a January 2014 column, insisting that any eligibility concerns about Cruz to be a manifestation of the fact that the “elite media” is afraid of him because “he is a bold, eloquent, charismatic, principled, committed defender of American liberty.” Farah then huffed that he doesn’t care whether Cruz is eligible because “no one cared about Obama’s questionable eligibility.”
End quote.
As the African-American population will soon learn within the next few decades, this has NOTHING to do with empowering the African-Americans and EVERYTHING to do with empowering the Cuban/Russian alliance.
They are nothing to Cuba but a bump in the road while on their way to total domination of American for the HISPANIC New World Order which has many, many allies.
While working for Toulis/Escobar, one of our jobs was to bomb trains in South Florida. When I asked Toulis, “Why are we destroying our own things?,” he said, “Because, after we have taken over, we will rebuild them. First though, you have to take them down.”
Checkmate, Obama.
Pamela Anderson to visit Arpaio, tout vegan diet
I see some interesting comments being made by “Falcon” who dominates the BirtherReport boards as many of you already know.
Andrew Breitbart – he spoke to Michael Savage the day before he was assassinated and according to reports – and if I’m not mistaken – Savage said, and I’ll paraphrase, ‘Andy, they’re going to kill you’. End paraphrase. Who are they? I think most have a really good idea who ‘they’ are.
Breitbart was going to release stunning new Obama video – that was never released. As Reagans_Ghost said, Pollak decided to release that video by that racist bigoted Harvard professor – Henry Gates, if I recall correctly. So, where’s the other video? Who knows.
Breitbart spoke to Arpaio hours before he died. What that conversation encompassed is only known to two people and one is dead. I doubt that Breitbart would speak to Arpaio about anything other than Obama – and this was all before Snowden blew the whistle on the NSA – so, they have every conversation by every human on the planet and targeted phone numbers that are always monitored.
Draw your own conclusions if Charles C. Johnson is correct or not.
End quote.
They keep hinting at this info. But, as yet, have not disclosed what that info is.
Any comments and/or inside info?
FYI: I’m banned at BirtherReport as well as the Fogbow so I can’t make any direct comments on these postings.
You seem confused RC and I are two different people. You don’t need a new account learn to work the internet and check your junk mail folder. Did the voices in your head forget your password?
stop lying you forgetting your password at Fogbow isn’t you being banned.
TRANSLATION: Somebody, maybe even me, probably made this up
TRANSLATION: I really don’t know what I am talking about but my lips are moving so I must be saying something
TRANSLATION: Did I mention that I don’t know anything about what was or was not said? Tell you what, I’ll just make something up and maybe nobody will notice.
Sometimes I think I should change the byline of the blog from “Fishing for gold coins in a bucket of mud since 2008” to “I waste my time so you don’t have to.”
But you’ve turned time wasting into a fun community exercise! 😉
You know, I have not actually seen Dr. Ken and RC in the same place at the same time. Hmmm.
Of course they don’t look at all like each other, and they don’t sound at all like each other.
More importantly, Dr. C, has either RC or Dr. Ken lived in Clewiston? If so, it’s likely that either one or both of them have body doubles. There is also something in the water there that may lead to immortality as many have been allegedly killed and have come back to life!
If I were able to log in, I would have most certainly been commenting as I do on every birther/anti-birther blog that will let me.
I am banned from Fogbow. I am banned from BirtherReport.
I try to avoid backwater areas where you can grow a third eye just by drinking the water.