Monthly Archives: April 2015

Wikileaks on the birthers

Just on a whim, I entered this query at Google: “birther” OR (“obama” AND “birth certificate”) I didn’t expect 59 results. I didn’t expect any. One, from Stratfor, looks like a joke. A new Stratfor analyst became a US … Continue reading

Posted in Birth Certificate | Tagged , | 4 Comments

Birth certificate producer confesses?

So far I haven’t been persuaded to subscribe to the Post & Email web site, but on occasion one of their articles is reprinted, in this case on a Facebook page. The article quotes what Sharon Rondeau describes as an … Continue reading

Posted in Birth Certificate | Tagged | 6 Comments

Natural born dilemma

The Huffington Post has a new article out by Terry Krepel, “Birthers at WorldNetDaily Won’t Hold Cruz to Same Standard as Obama,” charging WorldNetDaily with hypocrisy, for not raising the same eligibility objections to the foreign-born Ted Cruz as they … Continue reading

Posted in Birther Politics, Citizenship, WorldNetDaily | Tagged , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Leaking the birthers

I offer this article as a curiosity. I first came across the name “Stratfor” at a web site called Dazzlepod on one of its pages talking about security breaches at web sites, including Stratfor, Forbes Magazine, YouPorn and  I … Continue reading

Posted in Birthers | Tagged , , , , | 2 Comments

Fellowship of the Minds

Fellowship of the Minds (FOTM), hosted at,  is a large and active blog covering a range of political, religious and conspiracy topics. While the site has been on my “Bad” list probably since its inception, I haven’t paid much … Continue reading

Posted in The Blogs | Tagged , , | 26 Comments

It’s my blog and I’ll whine if I want to

Actually, I don’t have much to whine about. My taxes are done and filed, taking the big load off that comes this time every year. I’m even getting a refund. 😉 I got my old computer taken to the recycling … Continue reading

Posted in Lounge | Tagged , | 11 Comments