Monthly Archives: April 2015

Arpaio squirms as hearing approaches

Arpaio squirms as the April 21-24 contempt hearing draws closer in the Melendres racial profiling case. For the second time Arpaio pleads to avoid judicial scrutiny and the remote possibility of jail time. Arpaio and Deputy Sheridan are offering to donate … Continue reading

Posted in Joe Arpaio | Tagged | 35 Comments

The Dr. Conspiracy conspiracy

Slow news day. The character using the screen name Barry Soetoro, Esq. at Birther Report has been making some comments there about me. You might recall that BSE is a Sandy Hook truther, and the person who tacked so many … Continue reading

Posted in Birther Report, Wild & Wacky | Tagged | 19 Comments

Obama Conspiracy Theories: The posthumous articles

I have been pondering some end of life topics the last few days. I suppose that there will be birthers longer than there will be me, but I am resolved to stop publishing new articles on this blog whenever the … Continue reading

Posted in Lounge, Posthumous Articles | Tagged | 10 Comments

Arpaio’s millions

I was chatting with some friends yesterday while we were volunteering at the Special Olympics, and the topic turned to football. Is it fair that a college football coach gets $6 million in salary while the college president gets a … Continue reading

Posted in Joe Arpaio, Lawsuits | Tagged | 7 Comments

More funnies from the Obama Conspiracy Theories mailbag

Hi Doug, Have you had any success with your misprision of felony applications? Have the courts even responded? I would like to put in one of these applications because a town hall committed felonies against me. Would you have instructions … Continue reading

Posted in Mailbag | Tagged | 2 Comments

The six document experts

This is an adaptation of a comment I made at Birther Report. First, there is no truth whatever in the oft-repeated comment that the so-called anomalies in the President’s PDF birth certificate file pointed out by birthers cannot be recreated … Continue reading

Posted in Birth Certificate, Birther Report | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 13 Comments