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I am one of the few original Obama birth certificate forgers. Whoever this is, did little more than scan an image or secure it from some unknown source. This is another “swordfish” operation. Not the first. And, certainly not the last.
It is “gems” like these that make Birdbrain such a valuable contributor to Gerbil Report:
“No doubt. I call French Fries – Fart Fries – reminds me of the French. Unfortunately, those frogs have more balls than Obama on every international issue. They’ll be back to stab us in the back – right after ISIS takes Paris.”
Worthy of THE ONION — except of course the delusional idiot believes every word of it.
Oh so you’re now claiming there were more than one non-existent forger. Swordfish? You watch too many movies.
Nothing new for Fowl Con! Remember Doc quoted him last March, the 27th for the previous day posting at BR:
“In my opinion Obama is done. And so are his sycophants who ran over America and her citizens for the last five years. Obama is no Lazarus and will not recover from the public beating he’s about to take. This will also take down all who refused to even consider Obama was a fraud when it was staring them dead in the face. I hope this all leads to an Uncivil War and the communists are imprisoned in their beloved FEMA Camps. I also hope the rail cars with guillotines are used. It’s a shame to let all that looted DHS money go to waste.”
Fowl Con lives in a fantasy world where his word and opinion matters; it’s the Birther World! Of course, the most significant movement which could see Fowl Con as a ‘leader’, would be a bowel movement.
We know he never showed up at any Birther public event, because there is no hook-beaked red-caped individual in any of the published photos who has put their jockey shorts on over their jeans and is wearing a protective 1/4 cup.
I have a fleet of mini-submarines in my bathtub.
Keep laughing and don’t be surprised when Cuba’s Ted Cruz or Marco Rubio become your masters. They didn’t take this threat seriously in the 80’s and they sure won’t be acknowledging it now. It could interfere with their drug supplies.
Reagan In. Castro Up.
Okay we’ll keep laughing about Ted Cruz being your daddy.
I wonder if NRO realizes that the absolute proof that she is telling falsehoods is that she is still alive.
Whatever shadowy cartel/secret society/whatever that got her to kill so many people, and had the skill and intelligence to keep it hidden from the world for all this time, would surely not fail to tie off that one little loose end that could bring them all undone – NRO herself. They cannot be happy that she is telling her secrets to the world.
How is it possible that she/he/it is living? Is Clewiston a giant “King’s X safety free parking home base” or something?
You must be new here or a paid Obot:
Well, Keith, looks like that’s game, set, and match. Nothing to do now but apologize to Nancy for doubting her.
Most birthers present arguments without evidence. Nancy presents evidence without an argument.
She doesn’t realize that it’s common knowledge that drug smugglers used a private airfield near Clewiston until they were caught. That doesn’t mean that Nancy had anything to do with it, but it does sort of explain the genesis of her delusions.
I am not sure I understand what a dredging controversy has to do with the ‘cartel’ not silencing their loose cannon.
Today,Carl Gallups briefly talked A and Z. So far, the regulars at Gerbil Report aren’t buying it–not even bird boy:
“I just listened to the entire FreedomFriday . . . Unfortunately, Gallups is lying in this segment. It’s a damn shame we’re gonna have to do this again and this post by BR could possibly be yanked by BR due to Gallups claiming he was misconstrued. Again. I’m not gonna tolerate Gallups’ lying. And for his own benefit and building his audience. He’s not telling the truth. Again.”
They’re starting to openly call it a con. Should be fun when they start accusing each other of being “Obots” for losing faith.
I wonder what picture BSE will use when he puts Foul Con in his stock shot of “the DARPA building” 😈
Its funny. They’ll admit to Gallups, and anyone else associated with the “investigation”, being a swindler, but not always stop short at doing the same for Shurfjoke and his magical mustachioed man!
Especially after Zullo basically said Gallups is his official mouthpiece, something he hasn’t retracted so far.
Isn’t it fascinating how the deceived are not acknowledging that they have been PROFOUNDLY and, to every sane observer, TRANSPARENTLY conned by Our Pie Hole, Zoo Low, and Gall Oops!, not just recently, but FOR YEARS! And that the OBOTS were right about this fact, and that they (the Birthers) were ALERTED fools and dupes for their exploiting ‘heroes’ , ALL ALONG and in some cases, STILL ARE! What does this say about their judgment?
You’re a real perceptive genius, Fowl Con.
Its just heartwarming, to see Falcon and his not-so-amazing friends in such low spirits. Their language suggests that they know nothing will come of the CCP’s sham investigation. They just can’t bring themselves to full on say it.
I grew up in Clewiston just as I was coming of age. There was more than just one airfield in and around Clewiston which had, at that time, a population around four or five thousand with half of those being foreigners who worked the sugar cane/lettuce/tomato fields. Foreigners like Rivi Ayala who would leave these same fields when Pablo Escobar offered more money to kill off white Americans for the Hispanic invasion.
another dingleberry shriveling in the sun: “Conservative Activists Dream Of Military Arresting Obama”
looks like wiley coyote’s not gonna get that wascally wodewunner after all …
and a dingleberry by any other name would still smell …
Hmm….it’s my mother’s birthday today, Gladys Maxwell Owens and she is the woman who filled out most, if not all, of Obama/Allen’s college paperwork.
Happy Birthday Mom!
Just thought you might get a kick out of this Venn diagram showing Obama Citizenship as the #1 conspiracy:
When you are proven wrong, will you slink away in disgrace and leave us to contemplate actual reality, please?
With all the “proof” from fake “technical experts”, I’d’ve put it in the intersection of “Conspiracy Theory” and “Pseudoscience”.
I just happened to notice that they put Feng Shui in “Quackery” and “Paranormal”. I saw a fascinating talk by Douglas Adams on Youtube yesterday (transcript is here). Among other things, he spoke of rice production in Bali. Some Westerners showed up, and observed that everything rice-growing-related was done in strict accordance with their temple calendar. They said “Forget that religious nonsense. You’re getting good yields, but you’ll do even better if you use our modern methods”. And they did. For a couple of years. Then the predator/prey/pest balance that their methods had evolved over thousands of years to maintain got out of whack, and yields plummeted.
He thought Feng Shui might be similar: people had developed a pool of knowledge over time about what was aesthetically pleasing and/or practical in architecture, but wrapped it in a mythology about dragons, spiritual forces, etc.
The fact that the “official explanation” for why things are done a certain way is nonsense doesn’t necessarily mean that the method is madness.
A kick maybe, but a lot of that stuff seems to have been put in its position rather arbitrarily.
The whole topic of religion as “irrational nonsense” troubled me. There are religious practices that are beneficial. Fasting is an example.
Wrong? Ted Cruz, a non-American of Cuban descent is running for President as is Marco Rubio who states quite clearly that BOTH of his parents are Hispanic/Cuban? immigrants. How in the world could I possibly be wrong?
This reminds me of these lines from Hesse’s Siddhartha:
What does that have to do with what you said previously?
Good: discussions of fundamental existential matters _should_ be troubling. It’s a sign that you’re actually thinking about them. Though I don’t know you well, I’d’ve been surprised and disappointed if you’d simply shrugged it off.
But it’s far off topic here, and has a lot of potential for heated and unproductive discussions, so I’ll refrain from going further.
Absolutely: they kept the Balinese from involuntarily “fasting” to extinction. Over time, they’ve been a source of both good and harm, great and small. It’s a complex topic, that tends to bring out strongly-held beliefs that are “simple, obvious, and wrong”, and I’m up against a deadline, so I’ll avoid it for now 😉
By presuming that there’s a credible possibility that they’ll “become your masters”.
was this article discussed before?
No, but it probably should be. Particularly since it cites this blog!
Not specifically, but Lupin has beaten the mistakes made by Pryor and Jones to such a fine pulp that not even the imaginary technology on CSI could detect it.
It’s somewhat surprising that a paper so bad could make the law review, even at an institution with Regent’s reputation. But it’s really quite astonishing that a law professor would write something like
when it never appeared in Vattel’s own writings, and didn’t even appear in the English translations until he was almost 30 years dead.
Unless, perhaps, his favorable review was supposed to be satire…
I left this comment :
“Groucho Marx is quoted: “I refuse to join any club that would have me as a member.” I refuse to take any academic article seriously that cites me (“Dr. Conspiracy”) as a source.
I find Mr. Jones argument to be “warmed over birther with footnotes,” and I found nothing that I hadn’t seen a dozen times on birther blogs and in birther lawsuit briefs. It exhibits the same bias in selecting sources, ignores the same primary sources, and glosses over the same problems. It is the same argument explicitly rejected by the courts since 2008.
Mr. Jones writes: “It would be difficult to overstate the influence of Vattel’s treatise on the Framers,” but I think he succeeds quite well in doing so, relegating the elephant in the room–the lack of the phrase “natural born citizen” in any English language edition of Vattel in 1789 to a footnote, and there dismissing the translation problem with a wave of the hand. James Kettner in his 350-page book, “The Development of American Citizenship, 1608-1870,” cites Vattel not once. And indeed, I have been able to find but a single citation from the founding generation of Vattel on the acquisition of citizenship, and that was in a letter to the editor of a Charleston, SC, newspaper by a loser in the race to be a member of the first Congress. No one in the founding generation that I know of ever talked about parentage as a criterion of citizenship or allegiance. All of the eligibility debates in the Constitutional Convention centered around how long a person must be a citizen. If the Convention were following Vattel, the United States would have had a king and mandatory state religion.
Mr. Jones cites dicata in a legal decision to support the claim that “Vattel was the most widely cited international jurist in the fifty years following the Revolutionary War,” but a legal citation is hardly an appropriate way to demonstrate a historical fact. In an actual study by Mr. Lutz of the works from the founding generation, the most often-cited jurist was Sir William Blackstone (as any lawyer should have guessed). Vattel lags behind John Locke, David Hume, Plutarch, Pufendorf, Sir Edward Coke, Rousseau and Machiavelli. (Vattel is number 29 on the most-cited list). Vattel cannot be discarded, but Mr. Jones discards Blackstone!
The complete omission of the interchangeable usage of “natural born citizen” and “natural born subject” in various state naturalization acts both before and after the ratification of the Constitution is a serious hole in the discussion. I find the complete omission of the Supreme Courts’ reasoning in US v. Wong, and its citations on the equivalence of natural born citizen and natural born subject to be inexcusable.
And to bring into the question the 6-2 decision in Wong by saying that Justice Gray was appointed by President Arthur (who the article suggest might not be eligible either) is guilt by insinuation. That bit is pure conspiracy theory right out of the birther playbook. Let me point its absurdity by exposing the contradiction. In order to say that Justice Gray was biased because he was appointed by an ineligible Arthur, one must deny the second premise of that argument: that Arthur hid his father’s naturalization status.
The highest court in Arthur’s state had said in Lynch v. Clarke (1844), that the children of aliens born in the United States could become president. Vice Chancellor Sandford also said that this was the universal opinion of the legal community and the public. Sandford gives an extensive historical survey, much broader and far more balanced that we get from Mr. Jones, even to the point of examining Vattel.
I agree with Mr. Jones, that birthers have muddied the waters and sown confusion on the question of presidential eligibility; however, I do not see that the works of Mr. Jones can be distinguished from the birthers in any way, and I am one of the nation’s foremost experts on birthers.”
the comment doesn’t appear yet. i’d love to see it posted with a reply from the professor.
I left the following comment:
“Perhaps when commenting upon a law text written in French, Mr Jones would be well advised to first consult a French lawyer? I am such a thing, with the added bonus that I have actually edited translations of Vattel’s text into English, and am more than familiar with the subject.
“The short version of it is that, even if you agree that Vattel’s term “indigene” or “naturel” is equivalent to your own term “natural born citizen” (which is a highly debatable point), Vattel clearly stated that citizenship was transmitted by the father only.
“The notion that father and mother had both to be citizens in order for their child to be a “naturel” is total rubbish, born of ignorance of basic syntax, and contradicted in the text itself.
“As you may or may not know, Vattel’s (amongst other legal texts) was the basis for Napoleon’s Civil Code of 1804, and there is extensive jurisprudence on the subject. FWIW, the position of the mother was finally acknowledged in the 1860s and of course both sexes were made equal before the Law in that respect in the mid-20th century.
“Finally, I’ll add that while Vattel was concerned with jus sanguinis (the term “parens” actually means all blood relatives and not merely the two parents), he also acknowledged that England used jus soli for the basis of citizenship and had no problem recording the fact.
“I don’t mean to lecture about this but Mr Jones’ paper is, at least as far as his understanding of Vattel is concerned, total rubbish and unworthy of the institution to which he belongs.”
As well as the biggest elephant in the room when it comes to Vattel:
That somehow the Framers decided to take a well-known legal term of art (“natural born (subject)”) and replace it with their secret translation of Vattel (English translation saying “natural born citizen” was released 10 years after the Constitution) – and somehow expect the people on the streets to guess the secret meaning while ditching the Common Law meaning.
No Vattelist can answer that, and Jones completely glosses over that glaring hole in his logic. As a typical ivory tower theorist, he seems to assume pointing to the fact that the Founders were legal scholars versed in French somehow means they also wrote the Constitution for themselves while pranking the people.
We might as well assume the Founders were secret members of a Martian cult and that therefore, whenever the Constitution speaks of “Year”, it means a Mars year and not an Earth year (which would allow Obama to be President for ~5496 Earth days instead of ~2920). So “Seven More Years!”
Even if (a big if), why on Earth would anyone assume that a legal notion promulgated in the late 1700s would apply unchanged in the 2000s, notwithstanding modern evolution of the equality of the sexes, etc?
Also, the Vattelian/Napoleonic model of transfer of citizenship via the father did not bar anyone from seeking national office or led to any discrimination since, if the mother was of the correct nationality, the offspring could still inherit it automatically (barring crimes) upon his/her legal majority.
Trying to shoehorn the 1800 Vattelian concept into modern-day Common Law makes no sense whatsoever.
Well Doc Cs’s seems to have been finally approved and is visible, Lupin’s Wrecking Ball and the small post I placed do not as yet seem to be.
(Mine related to the problem with assuming Leo Donofrio somehow did an impartial facts based research as well as the impossibility of reconciling Birhers belief in Vattel at point 212 whilst ignoring the equally weighted point at 214)
It seems the “original intent” approach (as adhered to by Scalia and others) actually has no problem claiming that the views of the 1700’s should still hold today. I think this issue is simply so alien to us Europeans because we don’t have constitutions that reach back to such olden days.
And from a legal perspective, I can even understand that approach because of clarity issues – how is someone supposed to interpret a law according to what you call “modern evolution” absent any court rulings (here: definition of “natural born”)?
Courts always find ways to twist the interpretations to fit their preconceived ideas. Like when homosexual acts were still crimes according to the German penal code in the 60’s despite our (German) Constitution mandating equality before the law.
Or how our (German) Supreme Court still considers the law banning consensual incest between adults constitutional. (Reading the decision is painful from a logical point of view.)
Given that background, having one well-defined litmus test (original intent) has its charms.
The real issue that I have is that politicians seem unwilling to adapt the Constitution to modern issues as if that was somehow a sacrilege akin to rewriting the Bible. Banning alcohol: no biggie. Securing the right to vote for everyone: nigh impossible. Clarifying that NBC means “born in the US”: unthinkable. But there the politicians are to blame, not the courts or the laws.
Well in the case if Right wing politicians, they seem to have hard time telling the Bible and Constitution apart.
Agreed, but the modern French judicial system dates back to (as I pointed out) 1804 — that’s not altogether “new” either.
You couldn’t make a legal argument in France that the rights of the husband/father should be the same today as those intended in good faith by the framers of the 1804 code. For instance, back then, a man could get away with murdering his wife if he caught her in flagrante delicto; she could only divorce him if the situation was reversed. Or having a mistress was not a cause for divorce as long as the husband did not bring her to live at home.
Even if Vattelian logic was thought to apply to the original intent of the framers, I doubt you could make an argument today that would grant the father the right to transmit citizenship to the offspring and not grant the same right to the mother. Would that be even constitutional? (I’ll defer to those who know such things here.)
This is why IMHO Donofrio came up with his crazy bullsh*t notion of two parents (since them widely propagated by the likes of Apuzzo); because he knew he couldn’t get away with the proper Vattelian “father only”.
i didn’t post a comment. i was hoping that by bringing it up here doc or lupin would do the heavy lifting ( since i’d merely be linking back to lupin’s work ).
i got my wish.
it would seem that all other quotes are up….. except this one.
The plug has been pulled!
pryorthoughts4/21/2015 8:49 PM
I’ve never received the number of comments that this post. has generated. And to think, most have come in a flood three weeks after the fact. I appreciate the many insights and thoughtful comments posted by some. Indeed, I appreciated the others that seem to have wandered a bit afield. I am, however, bringing the comments to an end. It’s time for all of us to move on to more fruitful pastures or at least to take this conversation elsewhere.
Given that this person claims to be a professor (or is a professor at a place that claims to be a university), I find his stifling of debate to be very intellectually dishonest. Especially considering that he was apparently moderating heavily already.
You may be right — whatever became of Lupin’s comment? — but at this point I will give him some credit if he lets the page stand as it is. His side has been thoroughly trounced, and he at least had the decency not to post a “rebuttal” before shutting it down to give himself the last word.
If he lets this record stand, I’m happy to have future readers see it this way.
For those who don’t follow this sort of thing, Regent University is the school founded by TV Evangelist and one-time presidential candidate, Pat Robertson. At one randomly selected law school ranking web site, theirs was number 151.
Given time, the birthers would have swarmed all over it and it would be the same mess repeated that I have seen dozens of times. Indeed today’s feature article at Birther Report is about the law review article.
I still had a reply to ajtelles in moderation when Pryor pulled the plug. Maybe he figured out that Jones’s article was an embarrassment to Taft err I mean Regent Law School.
it’s this fact that screams intellectual dishonesty.
I couldn’t agree more.
I shall always remain flabbergasted that so many Americans, most of which have no knowledge of French, feel so free in discussing the arcanes of an 18th century French legal text with so much (excuse the term) aplomb.
I have been on French forums or lists for decades (literally) and i don’t ever recall a French person — even those with the most basic prejudices about the US of A — being so arrogant as to think they could, say, nitpick the meaning of your Constitution in French.
As a lawyer specializing in IP, if someone comes to me with a question even about things like patents or trademarks, which are rather specialized areas, I will always call on a professional expert in that field. Even more so for matters that are rather foreign to me like, say, the right to fence off the banks of a river (a matter i had to handle last week).
I have to assume that their hatred of Obama simply overrides their common sense about the Law.
I wish I had, say, $10 for each comment that I ever wrote & posted all saying pretty much the same thing, but I don’t copy/paste) and that was never publicly posted or immediately deleted by the webmaster.
The only one ever who welcomed my input and ended up agreeing with me on this rather fine point of interpreting Art 212 was J.B. Williams — yet, one of the “idols” of Gerbil Report. I found him intellectually honest. He even invited me to contribute to his site, but I politely declined.
Here is a bit more history. The law school at Regent University got their start by receiving the law library, some professors (including Herb Titus), and some students from the O.W. Coburn School of Law at Oral Roberts University, when that law school closed. Besides having Herb Titus as a professor, one of the O.W Coburn School of Law distinguished graduates is Michele Bachmann.
The Wikipedia article says she graduated in their last class. I see definite possibilities for humor in the notion that this was not a coincidence 😉
I have been thinking about posting an article on the paper at my blog to provide a place for continued discussion. If I do I will link it here. I can’t fathom why Pryor would not approve your comment. Frankly, I think he was embarrassed when people far more knowledgeable on the subject like Doc and you weighed in and he now wants it all to go away. I believe he was doing a favor for a student and since ti was anti-Obama all the better.
Frankly there isn’t much “discussion” to be had, is there? Only in the birthers’ demented minds…
As to the why, I’d guess the inherent absurdity of arguing about French legal history with a French lawyer must have hit him squarely in the face, figuratively speaking.
As I’ve said repeatedly, neither you nor anybody else has presented an investigator to present the evidence to such as hand writing analysis expert since no true, non-forged birth certificate has ever been presented.
Mike ZulloMoore has clearly taken a ten thousand dollar payoff.
Volin has, according to Mark McDaniel whoever he is, been fired from the investigation.
Arpaio is in court facing contempt charges as we speak.
And, even the courts don’t know who should be suing who when dealing with Arpaio and Maricopa County.
I did submit testimony to the FBI who chose to ignore it.
Who else have you clowns got?
You are probably correct. Lupin. The Vattel theory (if you can even call it that) by Birthers is just nonsense. I imagine after Professor Pryor started receiving comments he realized he was stepping into Birther excrement and wanted to get out as soon as possible.
I notice the birther commenter was using the Steven Craig nonsense about the naturalization act
Just reported on Channel 9 News in Tampa, Florida. John Hinkley/Chapman to be released.
Funny, since I believe Hinkley, who lived right across the road from Abel Danger, was shot and killed in the early 80’s.
Another coverup/conspiracy folds in light of the truth which is that there were TWO shooters, myself included.
And that Reagan was most likely shot for failing to deal with Che Che Gonzalez after Che Che murdered a bus full of white children with the Hendry County Sheriff’s Department looking on and helping cover the event up in favor of the newly budding drug smuggling business based in the Everglades region of south Florida.
Chalk one more closed case up to me.
Reagan’s shooting
Tiffany Sessions murder
Adam Walsh’s kidnapping.
i tried to put myself in the professor’s shoes and figure out a retraction of the “well-reasoned article” claim that didn’t make john jones ( and/or the professor ) seem like a complete doofus. i couldn’t figure out one.
it’s just really pathetic that a man that gives himself the tagline “law is more than a profession, it’s a calling” intentionally hides a source as qualified to respond as lupin because of ego and/or political bias.
” I am, however, bringing the comments to an end. It’s time for all of us to move on to more fruitful pastures or at least to take this conversation elsewhere.”
I was also toying with something at Gerbil Report. My problem with the article either here or there, is not being as condescending and snide as I feel, and making the obvious guilt by associative statement: what do you expect from fundamentalists?
BTW, I agree with your suggestion that adding Intense Debate to that site would be a good idea. When I tried the installation, it didn’t work (Google wouldn’t let me save the revised template.) I have no idea why.
Wtf are you even talking about? Abel Danger wasn’t a person but rather a program. Nope Hinkley didn’t die in the 80s. You also previously claimed Adam walsh was killed by you and that he was really Ted Cruz
I tried presenting someone but you wanted to stalk them. No investigator is going to talk to a crazy person who won’t present any evidence in good faith. A hand writing analysis expert wouldn’t help you.
There was no forged birth certificate ever presented.
Volin was never apart of the investigation. Volin never worked for Arpaio or Zullo.
Personal citizens don’t “submit” stuff to the FBI especially not through youtube as you have.
John HinkleyChapman Dead Since 80’s Witnessed By Abel Dangers Daughter Jennifer
Who did you present? Volin bowed out early on and I have the emails to prove it.
Who are you talking about?
RE: Personal citizens don’t “submit” stuff to the FBI especially not through youtube as you have.
Do I need to have royal blood or something to approach the FBI?
I have written an article for publication at my blog. I would like permission to post your and Doc’s comments there.
Wow! I was skimming through “Before It’s News” as usual and saw that I had somehow re-blogged Doc’s article. It’s never done that before.
I knew it would go to Google. But, had no idea it would go there since all of my other articles from had failed to post.
My apologies if this encroached on you, Doc.
Why would you present it to a package store owner like Volin? He has no investigative authority. Maybe if you wanted a 40 you could consult him.
You do know how the FBI works cases right? A civilian can’t just present a complaint to the FBI.
Once again Abel Danger isn’t a person. It was a program. John Hinkley still alive. How does you rambling on youtube like a crazy person back up your claim that a program’s daughter jennifer witnesses something?
Nancy’s talking about herself, just as she always does.
Nancy, why don’t you get your own blog where you can talk about yourself ALL of the time, and you won’t hijack a single thread.
I’ve emailed them when I see valid threats. Anyone can email them, but they don’t follow up and one can only hope that they take the information seriously. They don’t work directly with the public.
I don’t know who John Hinkley/Chapman is, but if you are referring to John Hinckley, he isn’t being released. His attorneys have merely petitioned the Court to allow him to live full-time outside of a mental hospital. He already is allowed to live with his elderly mother 17 days a month, and he spends the other days in a mental hospital. The government opposes giving him more freedom.
Are you suggesting that John Hinckley and Mark David Chapman are the same person?
First of all, they are two different people, and you read or viewed no such thing. The board John Hinckley is meeting with has not released a decision yet.
Here we have a bit of enlightenment into how Nancy gets her facts. Yes, she is suggesting they are the same person and yes, she is stating this combined Hinckley/Chapman person is going to be released without any factual reporting. She hears half a story and derives the other half from her imagination.
She has her own 90s style format website. She tries spamming the link everywhere.
No, I mean an actual blog, where she can discuss herself in real time. She seems to have a deep seated need to always talk about herself.
Who did you present? Why don’t you answer my question?
Hinkley and Chapman are one and the same and he has been dead since the early 80’s.
That would be quite the trick, considering that Chapman was incarcerated at Riker’s Island on the day that Hinckley shot Ronald Reagan in D.C. But then Nancy has never let facts get in the way of her delusions.
Hinckley,_Jr._Mugshot.png and Chapman×2.jpg don’t even resemble one another.
But, but… they were both born in May of 1955 and they both had round faces and the same type of haircut. 😛 Doesn’t matter that they had different parents, lived in different states of the country, one was married while the other wasn’t, etc… LOL
I think we should call this process of news gathering “NancyNews”. It can be quite entertaining, although ALWAYS factually deficient.
The content of my article isn’t republished, so there is no encroachment.
John Hinckley (you should at least spell his name correctly) in 1981:
John Hinckley in April, 2014:
He’s looking pretty good for someone who has been dead for 30 years.
You’re confused Hinkley and Chapman are two different people just as Mike Zullo and Mike Moore are two different people and Adam Walsh and Ted Cruz are two different people.
Time to take your medication.
BR and all of their fake-fake short form birth certificates:
Only the long form looks close to the real-fake birth certificate.
You still haven’t answered my question. What contact did you provide?
The stupid rides again. He also said this:
He takes it has a given with absolutely no support. Like Steven and all the others, his baseline assumption of NBC is 2 citizen parents so anybody who uses that term was referring to 2 citizens parents.
There’s also the simple fact that there was no Abel Danger program until the late 90’s. NRO didn’t start adding Abel Danger to her stories until she started following him online, just as she did with Volin, Zullo, etc. She makes claims that are outrageously false and despite being told they aren’t true, she continues to state them as fact. For example, she still says Reagan initiated the Pell Grant program despite the fact that it was started decades earlier. She talks about her alleged discovery of burning fingerprints off as done by criminals and how Mike Moore supposedly married her so as to prevent her from telling anyone that he wasn’t the one who discovered this supposed new idea. It had been done and noted by law enforcement for over 60 years yet she claims it as her discovery. She’ll do or say anything for attention.
The FBI is not going to pay any attention to a looney tune like her especially when she writes to them to inform them that she’s being censored on certain blogs, as if it would ever be of any interest to them or as if it’s a criminal matter. Irony meters explode around the world as she talks about a number of people who post here, the Fogbow or on BR and how she expects them to be jailed for treason because they don’t pay attention to her ridiculous rants. Yet she conveniently forgets the fact that she has claimed to have murdered dozens of people and that there is no statute of limitation on murder. I guess she thinks she’ll claim it was all done under duress in her fairy tale version of life w/Pablo Escobar.
Screaming into the phone, “Why don’t you call the cops?!!” meaning, “Instead of me.”
Abel Danger lived right across the street from Hinkley/Chapman and his daughter was murdered for witnessing something in the Hinkley/Chapman home.
Like I said, I remember having a fight with Hinkley/Chapman and it goes blank for me just after entering his home.
If I shot him, like those I didn’t want to really kill, a bullet might have grazed his forehead.
But, that would not explain the need to kill Abel Danger’s daughter who was threatening to act as a witness against me.
Of that one, I am sure. I did kill her.
Strunk in esse is running for president as the candidate of the Natural Born Citizen Party.
Fine by me, and for anything else.
I have also added an article at Gerbil Report:
I did that to mirror the article that BR published. I also have Intense Debate working starting with this article.
Elliot Ness
Again you’re confusing a program that didn’t exist until the 90s with a person. Abel Danger isn’t a person. Chapman and Hinckley are two different people. You are once again trying to retcon your delusions.
WTF are you talking about with the phone? [Unlicensed practice of psychiatry redacted. Doc] What part don’t you understand about the fact that everyone knows you are lying?! Moore and Zullo are not the same person and neither is Chapman and Hinckley. Chapman was in jail at the time Hinckley shot Reagan. There is nothing to dispute regarding that information.
I don’t think you’ve ever killed anyone except in your delusional imagination. Otherwise, you’d be in jail by now with all the claims you’ve made as there is no statute of limitations on murder nor can you claim duress with the dozens of people you’ve allegedly killed.
As usual, NRO ignores those questions or statements which she can’t refute as in Abel Danger didn’t exist until the late 90’s. When she’s unable to come up with what she thinks is a reasonable excuse for her lies, she tries to turn the topic in a different direction. It didn’t work on RC’s show and it won’t work on here.
Nancy has a blog:
Of course; by all means.
I for one do not find Nancy’s tissue of transparent lies and muddled delusions even remotely entertaining. I have no idea if she is merely trolling or is indeed afflicted with some mental illness, not do I care, but her stuff is just as relevant here as discussing DOCTOR WHO or the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and that, at least, would be fun.
oh this is getting so amusing!
fowl-con is now saying that it was brought down by a `navel’ (i’ve not heard of anyones belly button being fitted with a laser) laser system.
in the same thread the armchair engineers are trying to disprove the FAA report into why the engine failed and part showed fire damage.
as a mechanic and with my experience in performance tuning engines, i have seen the results of catastrophic failures inside engines, to the point where you find yourself thinking `how the blue #&*$ did that happen?’
the forces and tempratures in a normally operating engine are phenomenal, the tolerences very close, and when something goes out of synch inside one, the results can be spectacular to say the very least!
melted and distorted parts are not unusual
This is getting so old, Kate, Kenneth. Try burning this into your memories.
Dr. Kenneth Noisewater April 22, 2015 at 10:44 pm (Quote) #
Nancy R Owens: Abel Danger lived right across the street from Hinkley/Chapman and his daughter was murdered for witnessing something in the Hinkley/Chapman home.
Like I said, I remember having a fight with Hinkley/Chapman and it goes blank for me just after entering his home.
If I shot him, like those I didn’t want to really kill, a bullet might have grazed his forehead.
But, that would not explain the need to kill Abel Danger’s daughter who was threatening to act as a witness against me.
Of that one, I am sure. I did kill her.
The obvious way to tell whether it’s true is to open the online version in Illustrator, and check whether it has layers.
In the last couple of weeks, they’ve featured the “commemorative birther coin”, Lowell Weicker’s request for an NBC challenge (with a few of the gerbils speculating about the outcome before some spoilsport pointed out that the story was 35 years old), the law revue [sic] article, yet another non-update from Preacher Carl, and now this. They’ve scraped so far past the bottom of the barrel it’s a miracle they haven’t fallen in headfirst.
All of us OARPA folks have navel lasers. That’s why no birther better mess with us.
Will Nancy D’Alessandro Pelosi being conning the states into approving him as an American citizen just like she did with Obama/Allen?
Marvel is obviously in on the secret that there are infinitely many parallel universes (and, therefore, infinitely many where Obama is ineligible). The NWO plans to take over all of them, including Earth-8192 where they installed a white Christian male born in the US of two citizen parents who is nevertheless ineligible because in that universe, only people born to Russian parents can be President.
And don’t even get me started about all the documents Obama has hidden inside the Pandorica and how DARPA (Daleks Assisting Roundup of Proud Amerikans) will “Exterminate!” us all because Obama was born on Raxacoricofallapatorious.
Thank you and Doc.Here it is.
She seems to spend all of her time here. I guess she doesn’t get the hits you do.
Yes your lying gets old fast.
Noone cares about your next delusion.
Yes I’m sure. A non-existent daughter of a non-existent person. Now you’re just making up people that don’t exist to supposedly murder. Have you ran out of famous people to claim you were associated with?
I think that this blog should have a special thread for N. R. Owens, which would be the only thread she could post in.
I didn’t choose the battlefield. The battlefield chose me.
Just like you killed Sheriff Dyess, Jr. who served five years in jail and is alive & well, selling real estate in Clewiston. Why do you bother to link to a newspaper article that has nothing to do with you. It offers zero proof that anything you say is true. Go tell your lies elsewhere!
Check out the Pentagram of Blood
Any of her “alternate biography” comments get moved here to the open thread.
A meaningless platitude. Obviously years of being attention starved caused this.
You’re the liar, Kate.
I put a bullet through his head a short time after he had been released. That’s assuming he ever went in at all. I also shot Abel Danger because he was with Dyess and both wanted to murder Timmy Ledbetter. Take a close look at Abel’s head and notice the large area where no hair will ever grow.
This was confessed openly to the Hendry County Florida Sheriff’s Department who also questioned me about my murder of Pablo Escobar which I also confessed to with pride on the both of them, Dyess, Jr. and Escobar neither of whom would just leave the “f” alone.
How about putting NRO in her own thread and ONLY letting her post there so she doesn’t disrupt everything else, since she has nothing to contribute otherwise. I’m tired of her general crazy and the distraction that she cause with everything she butts in to. Let her go screech at herself and leave the rest of us alone. I’m rapidly reaching the point where I don’t want to waste my time wading through her nonsense and the pointless replies to response in a topic I am otherwise interested in.
Mike Zullo Moore And What He Knew About Pablo Escobar
Hey Doc, head’s up: Arpaio testified that what Lemons wrote was true. Zullo and two deputies worked with Dennis Montgomery to investigate Judge Snow. Snow read the New Times story from the bench and grilled Arpaio about it — then ordered him to keep all records relating in any way for further examination.
Arpaio also admitted his lawyer hired a PI to investigate Snow’s wife.
Today, it hit the fan. Yowza!!
Iowa Congressman Steve King wants to strip jurisdiction of the courts (including SCOTUS) to hear marriage cases:
Sounds like someone wants to exceed his constitutional authority.
Now, if they could only put that kind of effort forth to investigate Nancy Ruth Owens, the Obama birth certificate forger.
He says “If passed, my bill would stop the Court from destroying traditional marriage and preserve the votes of millions of voters in States that have passed bans on same-sex marriage.”
If passed, it will be appealed to the Supreme Court, which will rule that it is unconstitutional. I wonder what King’s fallback position is.
Fallback position? He doesn’t need no stinking fallback position. 😛
Her maiden name is D’Alesandro, not D’Alessandro, as her college yearbook proves.
What’s there to investigate about a person who lies to tell tall tales?
You shot a program in the head? There was no person named Abel Danger. You really just like making people up to supposedly kill. Dyess is alive and you’re still lying.
Hi Doc,
When I go to the home page tonight, this site now assumes I’m on a mobile device. Clicking on the “desktop” button on the bottom of the page does nothing.
I finally stumbled on a way to get it to let me see a “desktop” version, but it looks like something’s gone wrong? Or is it some weird thing I have cached on my system?
That happens to me, too, on occasion. There’s no pattern to it, it just occurs despite my never having used my cellphone to access this website. This is the only site it’s happened with so far but usually after signing off and then signing back on, it reverts to standard form.
it’s doing it to me also, Doc. Not on all articles, but the desktop preference button won’t work once it switches.
I think he (deliberately?) misunderstands what Congress can do.
Article 3, Section 2 says
“In all the other Cases before mentioned, the supreme Court shall have appellate Jurisdiction, both as to Law and Fact, with such Exceptions, and under such Regulations as the Congress shall make.”
I.e. Congress can indeed restrict appellate jurisdiction for SCOTUS.
However, this does not extend to cases “in which a State shall be Party“, and I would think somebody suing his state because he thinks a law is unconstitutional would fall under this category, is that correct?
These politicians are notorious for faking photos and evidence and you want me to believe this when I know better? Sell it to somebody else dumb enough to buy it. Former Florida St. Attorney Joseph P. D’Alessandro was on of the original protectors of the still very active Medellin Cartel.
The “Bikini Killer” was not Chinese. He was a Cuban also protected by the D’Alessandro family.
He was one of the Delgado family members whose brother, Humberto Delgado, just received a reduced Death Penalty Sentence just yesterday in my town, Tampa, Florida.
When the real truth comes out he’ll probably be released completely.
Also a brother of this guy who lived in Clewiston, Florida:
One of the other brothers was shot and killed by non other than Mike Volin in 1985 in the very same compound that “Charles Sobhraj” was murdered by me.
The why I murdered Charles/Delgado was that I found out he was behind my little arm/anus/lake ordeal.
New article on Arpaio’s increasing troubles:
What could turn bad to very bad is if the Sheriff’s Office paid for it, and by all accounts they did.
So, if I hit the “B” button for Blog, this will appear on my “Before It’s News” page. Ok or not?
Wow so more nonsense. So reality doesn’t match your claim that must mean somehow photos and evidence must be faked not that you’re delusional and make stuff up.
You’re the one trying to sell stuff to people dumb enough to buy it. The sad thing is not even the stupidest of your bither comrades take you seriously.
I still find it funny how a few months ago you had no idea who Mike Volin was now you’re weaving him into your stories. I’m sure Sharon Rondeau is next and Andrea Shea King.
Your Joseph D’Alessandro isn’t related to Nancy Pelosi. Different spelling.
Here is the grave of Nancy Pelosi’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. D’Alesandro.
Nancy Pelosi’s brother died in 2007. His name? Franklin Roosevelt D’Alesandro.
That’s because Mike Volin is not his real name and it’s been almost three decades since I saw him last. Not to mention that so much of what happened in and around the still very active Medellin Cartel was very, very gruesome.
Volin’s real name is “Sal.”
“Better Call Saul.”
Well, I did and……nothing.
He keeps emailing me back saying I need the “original” typewriter as the smoking gun. He then proceeds to chastise me for not having it by saying, “I still have my typewriter from thirty years ago. Why don’t you have yours?”
Which makes me think that he may have the original Underwood typewriter that Obama’s birth certificate was typed on which was in the possession of the convicted felon and former Hendry County Sheriff, Sermon Dyess, Jr. (deceased).
Or, that there never was an investigation in the first place and that Arpaio and Zullo are just simply conning the gullible public out of their hard-earned cash as usual while pretending to be cops.
Nobody has claimed that the Bikini Killer is Chinese. He is Vietnamese. And he isn’t dead.
And here is a link to a 1947 Time Magazine article about Nancy Pelosi’s father. Note the spelling of his name.,9171,860626,00.html
He’s Cuban and dead since the early 80’s.
Nope he’s Vietnamese and still alive. Poor Nancy wrong again.
Saul Goodman? Have you been watching too much breaking bad. Ah yes we all know you retconned Mike Volin. When I asked you about him months ago you had no idea who he was. You then claimed he was involved with the blue dress, now you have him supposedly murdering people. I’m sure if we gave you more time you’ll pull other random birthers into your fictional stories
I am now working on an audio book version of A. P. Hinman’s 1884 “How a British Subject Became President of the United States.” I’ll post when it’s done.
Sal was very much involved in the blue dress as was Sharon Rondeau.
Is there an app somewhere that will change Nancy’s posts so that they say “A deluded idiot is posting nonsensical fantasy gibberish not worth reading” instead of her posts? Just wondering.
I find it interesting how the Paraclete used that book to establish President Arthur’s parentage (without misrepresenting Hinman) while Mario does his best to imply that Hinman was Mario’s flavor of pseudo-Vattelist crank. Looking forward to your post.
Haha and like I said you’ve retconneed Sharon Rondeau into your stories when a few months back you also didn’t know who she was
Notice how she completely ignores it when presented with vintage evidence that Nancy Pelosi’s maiden name is spelled D’Alesandro, not D’Alessandro.
Here is a link to a 1947 New York Times article about Pelosi’s father, Thomas D’Alesandro, being nominated to run for mayor of Baltimore.
NRO convinces herself that some shadowy political operatives have gone to extraordinary lengths to change Pelosi’s maiden name in every record ever published so that no one will notice her supposed relationship to an obscure former judge in Florida.
Lest We Forget
Today (25 April 2015) is the 100th Anniversary of the ANZAC landings at Gallipoli.
In addition to Australian and New Zealand troops there were also British, French, Canadian, and South African involved in the landings, however the Gallipoli landings have become a founding myth for the Australians and the New Zealand.
There is no more sacred day on the calendar.
The Ode of Remembrance
The Last Post
Dawn Service at Gallipoli (2012)
I have Intense Debate installed at Gerbil Report, just as it is at Birther Report.
It appears that the moderator does not get see the email addresses or IP addresses of commenters. A commenter can be blocked by their IP address, but ID doesn’t tell you what it is. That’s quite interesting, and explains why there are so many sock puppets at BR.The IP address and email address are not available in the UI, but they appear in notification emails when enabled. Thanks, RC, for pointing out my error.
A couple of birthers have shown up to comment, RamboIke and one I hadn’t seen before, ringwind. The latter takes the name from “operation ringwind,” a venerable conspiracy theory.
Coincidentally, this is when the italians celebrate their Liberation Day from the Nazis.
It is also the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide in Turkey (the initial round-ups actually started the day before the landings).
We’ve had a lot of articles about that in the press today.
This is hilarious.
In response, Rep. Jared Polis (D-CO) has introduced the “Restrain Steve King from Legislating Act,” which would block King from introducing legislation related to judicial authority.
Doc, a couple of those “birthers” may or may not be sock puppets of mine. In the interest of maintaining full deniability, I can neither confirm nor deny any such allegations…
That said, if anyone’s feeling a little whimsical, the sock puppets Reagan’s Gerbil and Barry Soetoro, GERB (IMHO the ultimate prize – photoshop skills required) are still available.
Cody Robert Judy says he’s learn all the lessons about how to become president:
“After more than six years in fighting consistently across party lines in the Judicial Branch for the principles in our Constitution with some thirteen cases and court numbers stretching from Nevada to New Hampshire and down to Georgia and back up to Washington DC, I’ve learned a fair amount about what is required and what isn’t required in now what is my third race for the Office of the President, as have many of you…”
I have named a game character “Armanus Lake.” I have no idea what Nancy’s talking about but thanks for the funny name.
I didn’t realize that he has yet another pending SCOTUS appeal. It’s doomed to fail, of course. And he wants to taxpayers to cover the costs.
No. 14-9396
Cody Robert Judy, Petitioner
Barack H. Obama, President of the United States, et al.
Docketed: April 20, 2015
Lower Ct: United States Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit
Case Nos.: (14-4136)
Decision Date: February 3, 2015
Rehearing Denied: February 27, 2015
~~~Date~~~ ~~~~~~~Proceedings and Orders~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 30 2015 Petition for a writ of certiorari and motion for leave to proceed in forma pauperis filed. (Response due May 20, 2015)
You mean, “Nancy D’Alessadro Pelosi Evidence” similar to the forged birth certificate?
Yeah, I’m sure it’s completely credible, not!
Oh wait, it’s never even been presented to the American public, has it?
He really is a special little potato, isn’t he?
Speaking of loons, aparently BSE’s latest thing is that Ted Cruz hired Free Republic to do his PR. Can someone with a sockpuppet at BR be so kind as to help me with an experiment? I wish to see if it’s possible to trick him into thinking that oxygen is poisonous.
Dude! Anhydric dioxide isn’t just poisonous, it’s explosive as well.
So basically you can just claim whatever BS and claim that the original was modified because reasons. This gives you an excuse to lie about everything.
Yeah maybe, but is it really all that dangerous? Compare it to Dihydrogen Monoxide that kills about 4000 people every year in the United States alone. This stuff is a major component of acid rain, can cause severe burns, accelerates corrosion, and has been found in the tumors of terminally ill cancer patients.
Despite the danger, this chemical is still used as an industrial solvent, in nuclear power plants, as a fire retardant, in the distribution of pesticides (produce remains contaminated even after washing!), and as an additive in many junk foods.
Facts about dihydrogen monoxide
Are you serious? Anhydrous dioxide is so addictive that withdrawal causes death in minutes. It is a component of smog and all other types of air pollution and it or a derivative is a necessary component in explosions and fires. Yet you are inhaling significant quantities of this highly reactive chemical as we speak! And you ask if it is dangerous? Wake up and smell the anhydrous dioxide!! Wait, you can’t, it’s odorless as well!
One word: E. P. I. C.
Obama uses an anger translator
Obama has got to be the most pop culture savvy President we’ve ever had. My favorite such moment was on that video he did, where he’s trying to dip a cookie in some milk, but its too big, and he mutters “Thanks Obama!”.
The whole thing was great!
And Donald Trump is still here.
Only in every newspaper article ever published about Pelosi’s father, her brother, and every other member of her family.
I don’t know about that. Haven’t you ever been near a body of anhydrous hydroxide that has been mixed with large quantity of atmospheric dihydrogen monoxide! Or after it has come into contact with freshly mown hay or cut grass? The stench can be overpowering.
Thanks for explaining that: I guess I’ve been watching too much British TV, because my first guess was that it was a euphemism for “fart”.
Nancy Pelosi evidence is useless.
Her manipulation of Hawaii via reworded documentation is proof of that.
In other words, nothing presented by Pelosi, including newspaper clippings, even her own birth certificate, can be considered to be fraudulent.
Several “spoof” posters have shown up at the Gerbil Report site, and for the life of me I don’t understand why they aren’t taking this new blog more seriously.
Do you even know what your argument is? How exactly did she manipulate anything? So you just said nothing presented could be considered fraudulent
Correction: Everything presented by her can be considered as fraudulent.
It happens to deal with a lot of crimes and there’s only one person who can bring it all together in a way that makes total sense.
That’s me.
Not Mike ZulloMoore or Arpaio or Volin.
Nancy, let me make this very clear. ANYTHING to do with your claims of being the birth certificate forger, being involved with a drug cartel, having murdered anyone, or anything else that puts your personal life story into Obama’s is OFF TOPIC for ANY article on this blog except the open thread.
I have been moving those off topic comments to the open thread rather than deleting them, but this is extra work for me and I’m not going to do it any more.
Unfortunately for you, nobody cares. Especially not a single prosecutor anywhere in America.
Clinton Cash Crushed By Facts As Author Admits He Has No Evidence Of Clinton Crimes
As the Obama “Birthers” ride off into the sunset, do we now see the rise of the Clinton “Cashers”?
Methinks, that “Khaleesi is coming to Westeros”.
Considering the supposed evidence, this latest theory looks as if it will be as successful as Benghazi and the IRS scandal.
Will Zullo and Gallups be too busy trying to cover-up their doings with Montgomery or trying to persuade birthers not to look in that direction that they will forget about the birther investigation this week? Maybe the folks at BR will overlook this one instance and concentrate on all that A&Z have accomplished thus far like…umm, I’m sure they’ll come up with something. After all, they’ve certainly never worried prior to this whether the info provided by A&Z was credible, why start now?!
Did I hit a sore spot, Doc? I sure didn’t mean to.
Some of the BR crowd actually seem to be ready to settle for “he held two pressers and said it’s all in the hands of Congress now” as his “accomplishment”. How the mighty have fallen. “Any day now Obama will be behind bars” has been replaced with “let’s write more letters to our Congressbeings”.
She’s killed hundreds. Of bedbugs.
I kind of suspect that at this point in their lives, the birfers are “of no consequence” to Zullo, they Shurf and Co, they are too busy worrying about their own collective hides to be concerned with delicate birfer sensibilities. I expect Lyin’ Carl to keep up the charade for a while longer since he is an even dumber rock than Zullo, but eventually even he will figure it all out and then it will be like it never happened.
So it’s all in the hands of Congress. I imagine they’re referring to the infamous Sheriff’s Kit? The one that was supposed to turn everything around, right? Please, correct me if I’m wrong, but I don’t believe that contained anything new, it was just every bit of already debunked evidence that the Prosecuting Attorney for Maricopa County told ShurfJoe was not worth a damn. Where’s all that “courtroom-ready evidence” that Galloops was rambling on about? (still wonder what that means, courtroom-ready?) Although it could likely mean that it’s different from anything presented by Orly in that it’s actual evidence. However, if it’s like the crap they presented at their long ago press conferences, it’s worthless, too.
Poor, widdle birfers, this is not a good month for them. ShurfJoe has been proven, again, to be a nutcase and willing to jump at any chance to try to prove himself untouchable, even following a well known swindler like Montgomery, Zullo probably won’t have much to say about Montgomery or anything else, claiming it’s not safe to speak or some b.s. like that. I highly doubt we’ll ever see the info he claimed he would put on paper if, and remember this is very, very unlikely to ever happen-according to Galloops, they were unable to present all their courtroom-ready evidence in court for all the world to hear!
Worst of all, the universe shattering evidence is still coming but it’s shattering the birfers with the news there was nothing happening in the Obama investigation after the 2nd conference. I think that Arpaio saw the writing on the wall with Bennett accepting Hawaii’s letter verifying the info on the COLB that was sent to them at their request. Brian Reilly was the only one with the guts to admit the truth publicly-that their verification was indicative of the investigation being over.
Well, Carl has the blinkered yokels in his congregation to fall back on, and Arpaio has the remnants of his election fund and pension, but what’s poor Mike Zullo to do? I mean, he was Grand Commander Zullo–maybe he could apply to be Prince of Narnia?
Rely on people like John to push the donate button until they lose all confidence too?
Awesome! Has he been nominated for an Emmy yet?
Birther William Lolli has come up with a new way to separate birthers from their money.
Introducing the Birther Coin, which can be yours for only $95 plus shipping.
This is actually a first—a birther delivering exactly what they promised.
You can’t spell “Lolli” without “LOL”.
Seeing these quotes stamped into metal somehow reminds me of the galleries of people tattooed with inspirational sayings such as “NO RAGRETS”.
(…speaking of which, I note that the page itself exhorts us all to “Stay Infomed”.)
I’m certain of it, but they were on Laugh In. So, did she mean Hee Haw? Or Laugh In? (funny watching her try to piece together a new story and flubbing it up totally. How can she herself not see that she’s really,REALLY, bad at this?
Oh no Doc you know her two different people with different names born in different places at different times are always the same people.
Well, they were certainly on “YeeHaw”….NOT!!!
Sonny Barger was able to teleport himself to Clewiston from a Federal lockup in Arizona. And back again.
Just stop, Nancy. Your stories are less believable than the special effects from any given Sid and Marty Krofft show, and more poorly written than the average 14 year old’s anime fan fiction. You can’t honestly believe that a single person here believes a word you have to say.
Thank you very much.
Taken off of Intense Debate because I can’t respond to bloggers on the BirtherReport blog.
TonyUnplugged @ Birther Report – Sun Sentinel: Trump Is…
26 minutes ago · 0 replies · +2 points
Mike Zullo apparently found some embarrassing info about Obama’s past. I wonder if the event that resulted in the head scars is the embarrassing info. Did his head go through a car windshield? Was he driving? Was he stoned? Was anyone else in the car? Did someone die? The head scar may be the clue. Is there a hospital report? Is there a newspaper article about an accident? Is there a police report? Is there a juvenile court record? Why hasn’t Mia Pope told us any stories about Obama’s head scars?
Mia Pope knows nothing about how Obama received his scars. Obama was hung from a tree in Pablo Escobar’s Montura Ranch compound. His black mother was murdered at this same time.
Obama was taken to Hendry General Hospital located in Clewiston, Florida. He recovered and Sermon Dyess, Jr. then ordered his murder.
It goes blank for me just at this point. I seem to recall that my mother and I set it up to get him out of the hospital before Dyess returned.
He was told to leave town and stay completely out of sight before Dyess could have him murdered.
Nathan Bickle has, regrettably, at least two. Doc, I was finally able to follow up on your May 10th, 2014 Open letter to’s Nathan Bickle , who styles himself a “pastor emeritous”, but as you pointed out, doesn’t seem constrained to follow many of the most explicit teachings of Jesus.
Turns out your description of his excesses was charitable. For example, you said blandly that he supported the execution of members of Congress for suborning fraud, but he’s into a lot more detail than that, and since you wrote about him, he seems to have gone even further off the deep end.
In his mind, anyone HE SAYS knew that Obama had committed ID fraud, and did nothing to stop it, has committed a capital crime! And deserves a public execution!
Here’s a sampling:
Nathan says:
How shall public executions take place for various US Congress members who aided and abetted criminal ID (felony) fraud?
“…Could our criminal White House ID (forgery) fraud, aka Obama, his First Fake Lady and Hillary Clinton be hanging from meat hooks?…….. adequate enough to string up the hefty self-appointed Fat Czar, Michelle, and the dead weight, scandal-ridden pant suited, Benghazi butcher?”)
Hillary Clinton’s Rabid Ideology Leaves No Room For Religious Tolerance
ADOLF HITLER’S 126th BIRTHDAY: Did Grandson Bâri′ Throw A Party?
Ungodly Filthy And Unrepentant: Stench Will Fill Hell With Joe Biden and His Kind
John McCain And Hillary Clinton: Twin Birds Of A Criminal Terrorist Feather
“If you were the only man on a freezing earth — and there were only two women, Hillary Clinton and Sarah Palin, which of the two would you desire to snuggle with?”
Obama Qualifies For The Hangman’s Noose: His Latest Treasonous F You To America
“…..Will the fires of hell be adequately heated for aka Obama? Will his suffering damnation equal his heinous sins against God, himself and his fellowman?…..”
Obama Likely The Sinister Kidnapping Criminal Behind The Missing Malaysian Aircraft
Obama and Cuomo’s Adulterous Homo Interlude
The Impostor President, Aka Obama: The Epitome of What Lord God Almighty Hates
Gee, Nathan Bickle, you sure can’t read the mind of God very well when it comes to your (ironic) guesses about what He hates! The rest of us find out by reading Proverbs Chapter 6: Verses 16–19. Those texts don’t reflect too well on your anti-Obama activities, Nathan.
I’m going to utter a prayer request to God, in your behalf, Nathan, and see if it results in you becoming aware of what behaviors God really hates as set forth in those verses, and then maybe not doing so many of those things he hates, yourself!
I figure if God could make Obama a two term President of the United States of America, surely He could make you read your Bible.
Another Religious Right commentator, Carl Gallups, said, “Regardless of how uncomfortable Bachmann’s comments might have made some feel, the biblical fact is that when a nation turns its back on Israel and at the same time celebrates, promotes, and legalizes homosexual marriage it is inviting end of days judgment upon itself.”
I say….Screw um if they can’t take a joke!
As they say, there is (almost) no such thing as right-wing humour.
Most right-wingers’ idea of humour is “Hillary is an ugly witch, huh-huh!”.
Probably because they are technically unable to understand the required basic concepts (irony, sarcasm etc.).
“Wife, did you cook me my steak already?”
“Sure, right after I came back from the moon.”
“You went to the moon?! You have time for that but not for my steak?”
Troll or lunatic, it is clear that nothing will chase Nancy away. I renew my suggestion that she be kicked out purely on spamming grounds.
My suggestion is that Nancy be given her own topic. She could only comment there and it would only be visible to her. 😉
Doc, I concur. Nancy’s claims about Adam Walsh display an insensitivity which merits shunning.
I agree. Claiming to have forged Obama’s birth certificate is stupid but within the parameters of this blog; making blithe claims about murdering people is offensive, has nothing to do with Obama conspiracies, and dishonors the victims’ memory and suffering.
Birther Report is replete with examples of right-wing humor. It’s the kind of a stuff that would make an Austrian corporal giggle.
Not when you keep feeding her need for attention. 😀
It’s amazing how people in the birther movement she has never met or heard of suddenly months later get retconned into her stories.
Yeah, but it’s so hard to look away… Nancy is the Chevy Chase Gerald Ford of Birthers.
I have deleted all of the “Roland Martin” comments.
You have deleted the truth and the right of people to know the truth.
It was off topic for the blog.
I recommend this article for those interested in the topic:
Revelation That Sheriff Arpaio Hired Informant For CIA Investigation Raises New Legal Questions
RE: Cold Case Posse – Glad I found this blog. This is a despicable group. I personally know a couple of their members who claim they are Investigators. They tried to convince me the President was not born in Hawaii and kept eluding to the fact that people would remember a black baby being born to a white women in those days. What kind of racist crap is that? That is there best evidence! This Kowalski character who is listed on Arizona Corporate Commission as a Cold Case Officer works for an Investigations company located in Scottsdale, AZ per my research. Wonder if this company is involved with this birth certificate Investigation. Sounds too shady to me.
This objection, whatever its motivation, is founded on a lie. Somebody does remember the black baby, Monica Danielsson was interviewed by CNN. She is in her 80’s now, which explains why we don’t see more accounts of the event like hers.
Maybe Sheriff Joe can crash on Ed Snowden’s couch until this all blows over.
Each day would be like an episode of “The Odd Couple.”
Sheriff Joe: “Now kindly remove that spaghetti from my poker table.”
[Snowden laughs]
Sheriff Joe: “What the hell’s so funny?”
Eddie Snowden: “It’s not spaghetti, it’s linguini.”
[Sheriff Joe picks up the linguini and hurls it against the kitchen wall]
Sheriff Joe: “Now it’s garbage.”
From talking with true Private Investigators, I learned that Kowalski, who works for a company called Bonnamy and Executives is actually heading this phony Investigation and Zullo is just the mouth piece.
You ban me from all other topics but the open-thread and then, when you don’t like what I say, ban my speech from that thread which you designed for all off-topic comments.
You do know that this blog is being watched by those who want the truth, right?
Not the BS cover-ups.
The truth.
Speaking for myself, I love your posts. It is unusual for a troll to keep up the comedy for as long as you have. I think you should get some kind of award for it.
Truth about what?
First, I didn’t ban you from all other topics. I said that your personal story is off-topic for the articles because those articles aren’t about your personal story. You have in the past turned story discussions into arguments about your personal claims, to the detriment of on-topic discussion. If you want to express an opinion whether or not Arpaio should resign, or speculate on whether Zullo will have to testify under oath, feel free to participate.
Your personal claims insofar that they intersect Barack Obama are within the overall topic scope of the blog –that’s what the Open Threads are designed for.
Comments accusing others of criminality outside Obama conspiracy theories are off topic for the entire blog.
If you want to get “the truth” out, you have your own blog to do it. I hope my readers want the truth, but they come here to read about Obama conspiracy theories and not about you.
you’ve provided no truth to delete
The truth is, you’re an offensive person. Ain’t nobody got time for that.
We learned about Mike Kowalski last June. Doc C. discovered that he is listed as an officer of the Cold Case Posse. He also is a licensed private investigator and a manager at Bonnamy & Associates, LLC which has offices in Illinois and Arizona.
What a poor choice for a “mouthpiece” unless their goal was to look like a bunch of incompetents. That is an interesting claim. Could you provide more detail?