I talk about the pseudonymous Internet commenter Barry Soetoro Esq. primarily because of his artistic endeavors to combine DARPA, the Wienermobile, me, gerbils, and Barack Obama with homoerotic and fecal imagery in crude paste-up productions that he posts at Birther Report; however, BSE’s actual claim to notoriety is his theory that bombing and shooting incidents (including Charlie Hebedo, the Boston Marathon bombing and the Sandy Hook school shooting) are really staged “false flag” operations: The (not really) dead and wounded are actors, and the purpose of it all is to take away guns from the population, so says BSE.
I talk about Carl Gallups because he is a birther, and mouthpiece for Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse commander Mike Zullo; however, Gallups’ actual claim to notoriety comes from his books related to the Apocalypse and the second coming of Jesus. (Actually Jesus already came and Gallups was Left Behind™.)
The literature suggests that people who believe one conspiracy theory are more likely to believe others, and that is true of Gallups and Soetoro. Now the two have come together with Gallups publishing Soetoro’s false flag conspiracy theories on Gallups’ PPSIMMONS YouTube channel in the form of an interview.
Those two idiots are made for each other.
Obviously of the Birferus lunaticus batcrapicus variety.
Hide yer gerbils!
“,,,purpose of it all is to take away guns from the population, so says BSE.”
Doc, feel free to tell Mr. BSE that I still have my guns.
Much like one of our other commenters here (about pixels) I had an encounter last weekend with a friend who insisted that Sandy Hook was a hoax. His proof was that the FBI crime reports did not report the 27 deaths. I asked for proof. He said he saw it on the net. I pulled out my iPad, and brought up the FBI report with minimal searching. Sure enough, 27 deaths at Sandy Hook are mentioned multiple times. Friend then observed that folks were covering their tracks. I pulled out my money clip, placed it firmly on the table, and told him he could have it if he could find any original source material. He suggested the internet was scrubbed. I suggested the wayback machine.
I picked up my money.
I kicked myself for getting into a debate.
As Forest Gump observed, you can’t fix stupid.
People who suggest that those kids at Sandy Hook did not die are despicable. Including my friend. I told him so. Then Mrs. Reilly intervened.
BSE continues to spout easily disproved claims about Newtown and Sandy Hook being “movie set” towns. I drive through Newtown and Sandy Hook once a week, and i can vouch for the fact that they are real towns with real businesses and real churches and real people.
BSE personally offends me because one of the teacher victims at Sandy Hook, Anne Marie Murphy, was the daughter of the man who was my dentist when I was a youngster. She also grew up on the same street as me, and her brother was a classmate of my youngest brother.
Ditto here (in the principle) with the Charlie-Hebdo killings; I knew one of the artists (Cabu).
BSE is a moron and a laughing stock — until he turns dangerous, of course.
As I’m growing older (and I’m still decades away from retirement), I’m noticing I experience more and more cases of seeing a person (mostly on TV) and thinking “he/she looks exactly like…”. I guess if this phenomenon is getting stronger over the years, one might eventually reach the state of the Sandy Hookers who seem to believe all kinds of people who look vaguely similar are actually the same person. (And while this probably isn’t true of BSE, it might be the spark that turns one into a conspiracy believer.)
The one thing I never get is: why create such a complex conspiracy theory (comparable in size to the Moon Landing Hoax theory)? Why not just claim the Sandy Hook shooter was a government agent, or a victim of government mind control [tm]? That would be a “false flag” just the same.
Leave it to PPSIMMONS to afford credibility to an anonymous individual who can spend hours just making stuff up as he goes along.
Mr. BSE wouldn’t last one minute in a locked room with the mothers and fathers of those children who died at Sandy Hook.
i enjoy following birtherism because whenever i find myself getting too absorbed and/or upset by the antics/comments of birthers i can just remind myself that it doesn’t really hurt or affect anybody ( then shut off the computer and go for a bike ride, work around the house or do something physical and healthy ).
not so much with sandy hook. as a parent i cannot conceive the amount of pain that these douche-rockets continually bring to those who lost children in the shooting.
I think the belief in these sickening hoax theories like the ones on the Sandy Hook massacre and the Boston Marathon bombing are more common than you might think among Birthers and the right wing in general. When Scott at BR tried to call out BSE and Falcon on this Bob Nelson stood by and let them run Scott off the blog with the same vile and filth they direct at Doc and Foggy. One or two people took up for Scott but they were also ridiculed and shunned.
They’re not very different from Nazis in that respect, and people like Apuzzo are their Julius Streicher.
That’s because shit sticks together.
Must be a question of intelligence. After all, the 9/11 truthers never claimed nobody died at Ground Zero (though the “no planes” claim is almost up to the level of craziness, and the claim that witnesses on the ground were lying is eerily similar to the Sandy Hookers’ crap).
Right-wing conspiracy believers seem to want to set themselves apart by one-upping every crazy they encounter.
I think it’s several one ups. Not only are they claiming no one died at Sandy Hook but now also saying the whole town of Sandy Hook doesn’t exist. That’s an amazing instance of one-upmanship. Over 11,000 people live in Sandy Hook. To put it in terms our resident storyteller would understand, that’s about one and a half clewistons.
And there are more than 27,000 people in the entire Town of Newtown (Sandy Hook is a village in the Town of Newtown).
For an example of how BSE lies, check out this site.
Yeah, BS is a real piece o’ work. He thinks the mother of one of the victims is really an (undercover, I guess?) Swiss diplomat. Easily debunked, but you can’t slow down BS with facts.
If BS sees someone sitting in a car, they’re IN ON IT! If someone’s standing in their driveway drinking a beer with friends, they’re IN ON IT! Construction work? THEY’RE BUILDING TUNNELS!! If you have a beard trimmed similarly to Kevin Davidson’s beard, you must be KEVIN DAVIDSON!! (Hmmm, I might be Kevin Davidson).
Well, BS, two can play at that game. My pixel-by-pixel examination of photographs of Wolfgang Halbig indicates that he is, in fact, Milton Waddams. If you deny that fact, you’re IN ON IT!!
I thought Halbig was really Slim Pickens.
In his younger years, Slim Pickens was a fearless rodeo rider/clown. Halbig is a cowardly crusader/weasel.
Though I suppose confronting parents of Sandy Hook victims and calling them liars could result in the same kind of injuries that rodeo performers sustain.
One could only hope.
There was a post on the YouTube page debunking his description of Sandy Hook, but to no one’s surprise it has been deleted.
Birthers can’t stand the truth.
There is debunking in comments at Max Resistance:
Barry Soetoro, ESQ is commenting as “Jess” and “Robert” on that article.
That’s quite simple. If you admit that a lone guy actually did take out that many people, even if that guy was a government agent, you STILL admit this point – that having that kind of lethal firepower makes someone dangerous. That one guy with a high powered gun CAN kill that many people very easily with the weaponry that are openly and easily available and are probably in your gun collection. So claiming that the government did it really does not get them anywhere – the overall conclusion is that guns need to be regulated as.the guns out there are far too powerful and dangerous to be concerned defensive weapons.
But if you believe they are all actors…. well then the devastating consequences of that kind of firepower does not need to be looked at as they are all pretending. So your 100 round drums are safe for you to have as there is no real evidence they would hurt anyone and gun owners are not psychos.
Senator, now presidential candidate Lindsey Graham explained this. The kind of defense an assault rifle provides is defense against marauding mobs of starving people in the case of complete breakdown of civil authority.
I think you could argue that Mad Max needs all the firepower he can get.
Of course, BSE’s conspiracy requires so many people to be complicit as to be even more implausible than most conspiracy theories.
One of his more ludicrous claims is that Sandy Hook Elementary School had been closed for several years prior to 2012. Tens of thousands of people would know if that were true. How has the government managed to keep all of them quiet?
The answer many conspiracy theorists give when you point out how many people would need to know is “compartmentalization,” that only a small number of people at the very top know what’s really going on and the individuals at the lower levels, the first responders, the crisis actors, etc. know their roles and nothing else. The idea was, I guess, that there police, fire, EMTs were told that they were taking part in a drill at Sandy Hook Elementary School, which they knew to be closed. As far as they knew, it was a drill and of course there were “crisis actors” involved and as far as they knew, they were taking part in a drill. This whole idea falls apart when you stop to think and wonder why nobody saved any written record of the notice of the drill and that none of the participants in the drill saw media reports of it where it was covered as a real shooting and went public with the truth.
My Father is fond of saying that one of the things we learned from Watergate was that anytime two or more people know something interesting, one of them will tell the Washington Post.
I knew people who died at the Pentagon on 9/11. They haven’t come back. Their families are still around, with a hole in them. That’s pretty extreme to cover up a charade. Yet books were written insisting that no plane hit the Pentagon despite film evidence and conversations between Ted Olson and his wife, for example. And a giant hole in the building.
And about a billion people watched the second plane fly into the WTC. If you think that can be produced by a hologram, your free to try to replicate that.
I’m not convinced by that explanation. Everybody knows how much damage a single person with an assault rifle can do, not even the NRA denies that. There is no need for a conspiracy believer to cover that up.
Besides, the “government shooter / mind controlled shooter” explanation would also basically say that nobody ever goes on a killing spree unless it’s a false flag, so we need not discuss how bad guns are anyway.
A friend of mine has the theory that some conspiracy believers want/need to believe in a series of “false flags” that are ever growing in scope to prepare the “ultimate false flag” that will allow “them” to declare martial law (or institute the NWO, or reveal the Antichrist, or whatnot).
But they do agree there was some kind of explosion/impact that killed people, they just “disagree” on what caused it (missile, bomb etc.). They don’t say nobody died there.
Oh yeah? What if you are standing in your car (sticking out of the sunroof of course) drinking a beer with friends that are doing construction work and you all have beards trimmed similarly to Kevin Davidson’s? Huh? What about that bucko? Coincidence? Ha, I think not.
I dunno who Milton Waddams is, but I know who Adam Weishaupt is, and he is George Washington. AND HE WAS CERTAINLY IN ON IT.
And an underrated comic actor, even accounting for his posthumous cult status. Today he has resurrected himself as “a singer, songwriter, guitarist, and producer with a penchant for the aesthetics of simpler times. Think Woody Guthrie meets Ramblin’ Jack Elliot with a bit of Ry Cooder unpredictably thrown into the mix.” (Martin Jones Rhythm Magazine).
Slim Pickens photo
Slim Pickens Happy Trails
Oh, man, Keith, I literally LOL’d at that mental image.
I don’t think we’re talking about the same Slim Pickens here. I assumed Steve was referring to the Slim Pickens who rode that H-bomb in Dr. Strangelove – and who died in 1983.
EDIT: duh, I just realized I’m being dense. You do know your Slim Pickenses, don’tcha!
I’ll tell Theo when I see him.