Arpaio is correct in an email solicitation as he writes:
Unlike a political campaign, THERE ARE NO LIMITS to how much you can give. Further, the contribution can come from any entity: business, trust, corporation, etc.
The solicitation was spammed1 to a broad mailing list of people who, I guess, have ever been associated with Republicans or conservatives—not just prior Arpaio contributors. Just in the past 2 years, Arpaio has spend around $3 million dollars in fundraising for his political campaign, so I guess he has access to some serious mailing lists.
Arpaio would make it seem like he has tremendous legal bills from just doing his job as sheriff. In fact, most of these tens of millions of dollars in legal defense costs are borne by Maricopa County. It is this recent contempt of court flap that the County isn’t paying for.
There’s a sucker born every minute.
–David Hannum
Read more:
- Controversy over Sheriff Arpaio’s fundraising letter (Fox 10 Phoenix)
1The emails came through Bluehornet, which is considered to be a spammer.
if his legal bills are being paid by the MCSO, would begging for funds for his legal expenses be fraudulent?
he might be trying to feather his nest for his inevitable departure from his post as sheriff.
it sounds to me like a last ditch effort at scamming the gullible.
Just another plea for Joe dough.
Wouldn’t that be “income” in the eyes of the IRS?
He has at least one private attorney and the judge recommend that he secure private counsel as he considers the possibility of a criminal contempt referral.
The county won’t pay for his lawyer if that comes to pass.
I suspect it will. That’s why the solicitation coyly notes there are no limits on how much a loyal Arpaio supporter can give. It also leaves unsaid that the donation isn’t tax deductible either.
actually it says:
” please consult your tax professional for any tax deductions you may receive by giving to this organization.”
and yet here is what the “sheriff joe legal defense fund” has to say on it’s website:
“Contributions to the Fund are not tax-deductible,…”
Charming. I haven’t looked but I suspect this is being handled by one of the professional operators in Phoenix. Wonder what percentage of the take they will keep?
I love seeing that fat sack of crap begging for help.
Pretty comical. How many people without substantial financial resources for attorneys does Sheriff Arpaio arrest every day?
Why hasn’t he just gone full-blown evangelist yet?
Not very subtle, Papa ‘Paio.
“The solicitation was spammed1 to a broad mailing list of people who, I guess, have ever been associated with Republicans or conservatives …”
I wonder if Judge Snow was on that mailing list.
Won’t it be a hoot if he gets put into the same prison he’s so famous for making tough?
That’s the county prison, Arpaio could be facing federal criminal contempt, that would be time in a federal pen. But, we could send him some pink underwear if it makes him feel more at home.
He already has a pair:
Karl Gall Oops!:”Hey, Listeners we’ve got Share If Our Pie Hole on the phone here to ask for your help defending the Constitution, – watch me kid him a little- ‘Hey Joe, where you goin’ with that gun in your hand?’ (giggles)”
Share If Our Pie Hole (after the deafening discharge of a 44 Magnum revolver) : “DAMN, Karl, I was only aiming to harass another one of these non-English-speaking bastards out of our jail’s infirmary and back across the border, but your tomfoolery startled me into accidentally shooting an ill legal alien dead as a door nail! Jeeze! I suppose somebody’ll come after me now FOR THAT too!”
Karl Gall Oops!:”I hear you, Share! Kind of reminds me of any one of my best-selling books about Rabbis who, let’s face it, crap on their own faith so they can get down and kiss my religion, WHEN and WHERE it counts!”
Share If Our Pie Hole:”Not why I called. BUT, bottom line, Karl, we need your listeners to help me out by contributing to my legal defense fund. Now, shoot, Karl, ever’body knows that in dee fence of the Constitution, I’ been uh disobeying judges ever where they order me and breaking more laws than a drunkin’ coyote drivin’ a back-firin’ dune-buggy through a nursing home cafeteria full of wheel-chair-bound deaf and blind nuns. Fact is, I AM the Constitution ‘round these parts – the kind of Constitution that put’s on his pants, one leg at a time, and speaks English doing it! Ever’body knows that, shurely!
“Okay. WELL, so listen HERE! I can’t afford to pay for the legal trouble that rains down on this county ‘cause of my shannaigans, is the point. So send me money. Now don’t be shy. I’m readin’ here now from sumpin’ Oh-Ficial- like, see? It’s ‘bout fun-raisin . Listen here. ‘Unlike a political campaign, THERE ARE NO LIMITS to how much you can give. Further, the contribution can come from any entity: business, trust, corporation, etc. THERE! Soooooooooo, any entity?
” Why that could be a damn STATE! Or a nation, far as I care! Send me a billion dollars! Send me your inheritance! Send me college funds where they can do some good – in my pocket! An, an, and if you think I won’t need it to defend lawsuits and criminal charges lodged against me THINK AGAIN! No amount is TOO SMALL – send me the pennies off your dead mother’s eyes before they’re lost in the dirt bein’ shoveled in on top of her! But it’s gotta be YOUR CHOICE, see? Do you love your country, or don’t chee?
” I ain’t tellin’ people how to live. Except which country they can be in, and what color underwear to wear, and what judges I might obey now’n then! An, an and see here, folks, I put you on your darn honor as far as this money you send me being legally obtained and so forth. Fer instance, we get a lot of wooden nickels, bus tokens, and Green Stamps, and we’re glad to get ’em. But naturally, I don’t WANT your BLOOD money! I don’t WANT your SAME-SEX money! I don’t WANT your DRUG money! I don’t WANT your BANK-ROBBERY money!
” And I sure don’t WANT any a’that money your old folks maybe squirreled away for their retirement somewhere inside their walls, an, an, and have plum forgot where they put it or how much they put there. Honest-to-Pete, I wouldn’t even WANT, – I say, wouldn’t WANT, to go and real quiet-like, SPLIT something like that with yuh either. No! I wouldn’t WANT ANYTHING like that. Nope. Buttttttttttttt, a person doesn’t always get what they WANT, now do they? So spare me the details, and just send me ever’thing except the Black Plague, or as we more often call him, ‘Barry’.”
Karl Gall Oops!:”Share If Our Pie Hole, as my favorite law-abiding role model, can you tell our listeners how their donated money will help you disregard federal laws that you don’t want to comply with, because THAT’S what we mean by, ‘protect the Constitution’, quote-unquote, right?”
Share If Our Pie Hole:”Oh, sure, well – of course, EVER’BODY knows that the Framers –for sure they wanted sheriffs, or maybe just one sheriff, to interpret the Constitution and approve legal decisions made by courts – they didn’t want judges doing that, for Christ-sakes!
“So I need enough money to instigate an illegal investigation of every dad-burn judge in the country, and their loved ones, including all the SCOTUS justices, so that every possible judge whose courtroom I might get hauled into will have a conflict of interest, and have to re-accuse themselves. That way, I can’t be tried anywhere for anything, but THAT TAKES MONEY! Big money!”
Karl Gall Oops!:”Well, Share, our listeners won’t let you down – but say! While I’ve got you on the line, my audience will ‘have my hide’ if I don’t ask you if you could share some of your investigation’s ‘Universe-Shattering’ evidence against Obama with us! Any hints for us there, Share If Our Pie Hole?”
Share If Our Pie Hole:”Well, sure, Karl – uh course, we got so many goll-blamed investigations going on at any one time, I can’t hardly ‘member them all – they come and go, you know, – some of them just crap out – take for example that Obama – what was it – ‘Birth Certificate’ and draft card fuss – I think I told you – or maybe I told Zoo boy to tell you – turned out- there was nothing there – no crime and uh course, no evidence of wrongdoing at all – false alarm we used to call it. Nothing for any court or Congress to look at. No fraud and no Constitutional problem. We double-checked for YEARS, as you know. Nothing. Nothing there. “
Karl Gall Oops!:”Now hold on Listeners, I smell a big ‘BUT’ coming here, from the Share If. Now, there was more to the investigation than just the identity fraud part, and yes, way over a year ago, Mike Zoo Low told us that the identity fraud portion of the investigation had been vastly overshadowed by a new source of evidence, new leads, and the discover of new undeniable criminal activity that would convince even the most critical observer, and trigger a cataclysmic change in our government sending thousands of traitors and other law-breakers to jail. We’re still waiting for your progress report Share If on that, until now, unexplained blockbusting, Constitution saving, and country rescuing change of direction in that investigation! This is exciting!”
Share If Our Pie Hole:”Yes, well, my lawyers say that I should answer that completely right here on the phone, with the same text I’ll be reading tomorrow night when we hold the long-awaited presser on the Conjured Case Posse’s investigation of President Obama. First we’ll official-like announce the identity fraud investigation succeeded completely in clearing President Obama and his staff of any wrongdoing and confirming that he is Constitutionally, Presidentially eligible.
“But in regard to the new deep, dark, direction the investigation took around two years ago, pointing at Universe-shattering evidence of major crimes serious enough to get rid of Obama and overturn huge traitorous elements of the government, and imprison every registered Democrat, everyone in the mainstream media, and everyone who ever offended a Birther, I can now officially declare in regard to every one of those accusations which we made, that we unreservedly TAKE THEM ALL BACK!”
Karl Gall Oops! (after a heavy breathing radio pause of 7 minutes):”Okay Listeners, here’s the deal. You’re gonna have to listen, see? Listen like you’ve never listened before! You heard me right! I’m gonna help you PROCESS what Our Pie Hole just told you, and see how it vindicates every bad thing we ever told you about Obama! But you’re gonna have to kinda read not so much between the lines, as between the black devil and the deep dark see? Hear me? This is plain talk!
“We’re done with askin’ you to kinda be, wadin’ around the edges, see? Now we’re asking you to open your wallets, shut your mouths, and trust us enough to dive head-first right into the Obama-Fraudulent-Identification-Investigation crapper! First off, the complete absence of any evidence against Obama or his supporters is OF NO CONCERN! After all, when did we EVER need EVIDENCE to know Obama was guilty of EVERY heinous crime ANYBODY COULD THINK OF? You know in your heart, he’s guilty, guilty, guilty. ‘Nuff said.”
I for one are glad Maricopa County taxpayers have to pay the bill. Arpaio is county official and if they want prosecute him, its going to cost them. Them being bunch of liberals who want to infest our borders with diseased and crime ridden illegals in which Arpaio is desperately trying to control. Don’t blame Arpaio, blame those illegals.
And here is the guy for Joe to hit up for some ole cashola for his big get out of jail card. Well, er, ah, maybe not.
May 27, 2015
“I for one are glad Maricopa County taxpayers have to pay the bill. Arpaio is county official and if they want prosecute him, its going to cost them. Them being bunch of liberals who want to infest our borders with diseased and crime ridden illegals in which Arpaio is desperately trying to control. Don’t blame Arpaio, blame those illegals.”
John, you are an illiterate, racist, troll. And your hero Joe, is a scofflaw who plays his racist supporters like a fiddle. You are right about one thing, Arpaio is desperate to keep his butt out of jail.
You’re a racist and a sore loser. The CCP had nothing on Obama, and you’re bitter about that. Now your hero is having to pay the piper and well, that’s more than you can take.
Your precious Shurfjoke is going down in flames and all you can do is repeatedly stomp your feet and curse at the Latino-Americans that he and his department have illegally profiled. Your uncle-father, and aunt-mother must be so proud of you!
1. Arpaio is being sued by the federal government, NOT Maricopa County officials, or state officials.
2. Maricopa County taxpayers are already paying a crapload of money for Arpaio’s activities, which resulted in the disbarring of our county attorney and his assistant (see more here: ) and the cost of lawsuits to the tune of millions that resulted from these illegal activities:
3. Maricopa County is a Red County:,_Arizona#Politics
Actually, this particular lawsuit is a class-action lawsuit brought by private citizens, and being litigated by the ACLU.
As the plaintiffs prevailed, the litigation costs are being picked up Maricopa County. And, as noted, a “bunch of liberals” did not vote for Arpaio.