Monthly Archives: May 2015

A new species?

No, I’m not proposing homo birtherus, even though sapiens does sound like a counterintuitive label for this bunch. I think that just as chimps and humans share most of the same DNA, birthers are not all that different from the … Continue reading

Posted in Birthers | Tagged | 28 Comments

Carl Gallups makes clear association between “earth shattering information” and confidential informant Montgomery

An extremely interesting and revealing audio clip from the Freedom Friday with Carl Gallups show today has been posted on YouTube. In the clip, Gallups talks specifically about an ABC 15 news story, titled “Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s investigation was intended … Continue reading

Posted in Joe Arpaio, Mike Zullo | Tagged , , , , , | 112 Comments

Arpaio contempt case: evidence turning bad for him

The exposure of the Cold Case Posse’s so-called deep, dark turn, provides some sense of Sheriff Joe’s misdeeds coming around to bite him. For me, the Dennis Montgomery sideshow was nothing more than one con man conning another; however, media … Continue reading

Posted in Joe Arpaio | Tagged , , | 27 Comments

Image conspiracy debunking

I received an email yesterday asking for some help debunking claims that a number of Obama family photos are fake. I didn’t have much to offer. Obama fake photo stories make the rounds periodically, and Birther Report has an article … Continue reading

Posted in Images | Tagged | 26 Comments

Melendres status conference today: Judge could rule on Montgomery intervention

Update: Motion to Intervene denied. See notes at end. According to Obama Conspiracy Theories sources, confirmed by an article at KJZZ, there is a status conference in the Arpaio lawsuit this morning in Phoenix before judge G. Murray Snow at … Continue reading

Posted in Joe Arpaio, Larry Klayman, Mike Zullo | Tagged , , , , | 55 Comments

The occasional open thread: The “I couldn’t bring myself to say it” edition

Place your Obama conspiracy comments that don’t relate to the current articles here. This thread will close in 2 weeks.

Posted in Open Mike | Tagged | 140 Comments