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My Other Blogs
Did Justice Scalia get THE question?
“Patriotic Citizen” Asks U.S. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia the Meaning of “natural born Citizen”
Is it your understanding a ‘natural born Citizen’ is a person born in the U.S. to two US-citizen parents?”
Scalia then responded, “Uhh… Umm… Ahh… I have to research that.”
I moved this to the new open thread.
I wouldn’t expect Scalia to respond to something like that, given the possibility that the Court will be confronted with a Cruz eligibility case next year.
My name is Nancy Ruth Owens and I forged Obama;s birth certificates for the still very active Medellin Cartel.
We already know who your crazy self is. You don’t need to keep introducing yourself and repeating the same stale lies.
I knew you going to say that.
It sounds like another case of birthers hearing what they want to hear. This birther’s story is no more credible than Orly’s was regarding Chief Justice Roberts and Justice Scalia and later released videos proved just how “accurate” her story was in relation to what actually happened when she asked questions of them.
Learn a new trick already, you moldy bitch!
We all know now that this nonsense was cooked up by Donofrio; yet they cling to it like an article of faith, despite (or perhaps because of) zero evidence to support it.
Lupin: We all know now that this nonsense was cooked up by Donofrio; yet they cling to it like an article of faith, despite (or perhaps because of) zero evidence to support it.
Well, IF obama produces a birth certificate, then it must be a forgery since he was born in kenya and IF we can’t prove the forgery, then one of his parents is not a US citizen …… we CAN prove that and we can “rely” on Vattel for his (supposed) “2-parent influence” in the constitution and Loretta Fuddy is dead so that must mean she knew the truth and there are those (phony) photos of obama’s mother and, since obama was “educated at a madrassa”, then we know why he’s a socialist and since his father was (once) a muslim, then obama is a muslim … he is certainly not the (right kind of) christian he says he is and then there is that “grandfather clause” which we can use (as an excuse) and then there are those statements (in the dissent) by judges moore and parker and then obama “failed e-verify” and there are those (umteen) SS #s (from CT) and from the dead man, bounel, and there are those “bombshells” that we will disclose (any day now) from all of our investigations, especially from trump cause he knows the “truth” and, as a presidential candidate, he will have standing (and the cojones) to file a lawsuit and, after his “research”, justice scalia will finally prove that we were right all along …. obama does not qualify for the presidency under the constitution (nor do rubio, cruz, jindal, nikki haley, (probably) santorum, etc) and we will finally have all of our documents on the merits disclosed in the pleadings and during oral arguments for all of the world to hear ….. ENFIN, WE WIN!!
Here ya go then.
Volin Parts 1, 2, and 3.
[The videos are not Mike Volin. Doc]
H/T Cuba Gooding, Jr
awesome. we need it.
with all due respect, you all have said that very thing for years.
sure, what have you got ?
also, bill ayers was (keeps getting) mentioned, what he did for work while he was on the run. which brings me back full circle on this blog, i grew up in chicagoland you know.
I’ve been to Cuba, you know.,-106.953438,15z
Tell us the story about the “Chicago way” again Scottie. 😆
If it’s the knowledge you seem to have on birtherism I wouldn’t bank on that knowledge. You seem to continue to show total lack of knowledge about everything you approach. You watched a lot of movies we get that.
Hey Doc, are “scott e” and “john” the same guy? I asks because both of them are gormless idiots who don’t capitalize their names.
Okay, they’re just birdbrains of a feather then.
Yeah, scotte, I’d like to hear it too.
Chicago can’t be all that bad. They chased off Scotty.
Meh. If its good enough for e.e. its good enough for them.
The cast, the stage and the audience are all shrinking. Has Corsi left the room yet?
Corsi took his toys out of the sand box and ran home a while back. This was when he realized there was no longer any money he could make off the birthers.
He’s probably home working on his Whitewater expose.
Or “BREAKING: New forensic evidence in the Vince Foster and Ron Brown murders!”.
Conspiracy suckers just love “suspicious” deaths.
This was when he knew that people knew he was lying about the mailman being from Chicago and that he had the potential of spending the rest of his life behind bars.
The mailman is from Clewiston, Florida.
To birthers, “forensic” means “published on an Internet forum”. 😉
Same here. Last week birthers peddled an alleged Cruz interview by an anonymous interviewer (of course) that was published nowhere (of courser) where Cruz allegedly said (of coursest) you need two citizen parents. Now they’re piling on more crazy stories.
(From a logical standpoint, it would make no sense that SCOTUS is actively not taking the birther issue up, thus “knowingly” supporting the “usurper”, yet are totally unprepared to tell birthers they’re idiots when the question comes up. But a conspiracy believer will believe anything, it appears.)
Next week on Gerbil Report: “I met Obama and Jesus in the checkout line at Walmart, and Obama said to me ‘Did you know I’m not eligible?’, and I looked to Jesus and he said ‘Wanna have an Obamaphone before Jade Helm 15 brings on the end times?’. It’s true, this phone here proves it!“
Well, this will be fun to watch.
Judicial Watch FOIA’d a memo from the DIA saying that the US knew that guns were being run from Benghazi (Well, duh: the reason the CIA was there was to interdict the weapons that had been looted from Libya’s military), and the RWNJs have misinterpreted it to mean that it was our government doing the gun-running.
One of the gerbils linked to a story with the breathless headline “BREAKING REPORT=> SMOKING GUN! US Was Running Weapons Thru Benghazi to Syria” and a lede that says “FOX News confirmed today that the US ran guns from Benghazi to Syria before the attack on the US consulate on September 11, 2012”.
But if you watch the actual Faux News story, they quoted the memo as saying the U.S. was aware of it, and included file footage from an interview with Michael Morell in which he stated categorically that we were _not_ doing it, but said “can’t talk about that” when asked if we were monitoring it.
So, I guess that headline should be corrected, changing “SMOKING GUN!” to “SMOKING CRACK!”. 😉
Pity poor Faux News: they finally try to kinda-sorta get the story right, and their well-conditioned audience screws it up for them…
No one cares about some made up mailman who had nothing to do with Obama. You’re lying about the mailman, they’re lying about the mailman. There was no mailman.
Don’t you know? That was really Nancy Owens.
I know that, you know that, everybody here knows that and even Nancy knows that.
Who are you talking to?
A heads up, Nancy Owens: Presidents don’t sue for libel because it would be bad form and they’re also kinda busy with other stuff. But (former) presidential candidates DO sue. At least one did, and won: Barry Goldwater. And in his case it was a left-wing rag that purported to diagnose him as mentally ill. Being crazy is a lot less shameful than being a child rapist, so to falsely accuse one as being the latter is a far more serious matter legally than being the former — and thus potentially much more devastating to one’s pocketbookr. So Nancy, given your propensity to make wildly unbelieveable statements, you might want to seriously rethinkr this one.
I think the GR discussion on de Vattel and Lupin’s excellent comments would make for a good article on the main blog. I have a title: :”Birther Rambo Ike digs deep hole and jumps in”.
I’m scheduled to do a podcast (or is it a radio appearance? not sure) with our RC and our esteemed host tomorrow, details to be provided later by RC.
I’m greatly looking forward to voice-meeting our Fearless Leader and flattered that my modest contribution is being given this forum.
RC scores another interesting guest.
Here is the link to that exchange:
Am I correct in assuming that Rambo Ike’s Alamo-like argument basically boils down to “You may be right about what Vattel meant in French, but the Founding Fathers were idiots who didn’t understand him and they made up their own meaning, so there.”
At that point, I can’t find a proper response.
I’m trying to imagine a French attorney who doesn’t speak English trying to teach a lesson to Mario Apuzzo about Pennsylvania DUI laws — and I can’t. Seriously you’ve got to be deranged to pontificate about another country’s legal system. That’s why i still stay away from matters of US Constitutional Law though I learned a lot here.
That sounds a little too coherent for what Ike is saying.
It is being recorded as a podcast. I will post a link when it is available.
In case I’m not the only one who missed it: Gallups has made a new friend, and is now hosting BSE’s “false flag/hoax” lunacy. BSE thanks Bird Boy for helping st it up:
I see BSE has a new Intense Debate Profile.
I read it that way too. It’s funny because then that way they didn’t have to tell anyone. It’s why no bither can answer Frank when he asked for proof that the meaning of Natural Born Citizen changed during the intervening years between the end of the war and the constitution.
As an aside to Ike’s comment about the states adopting the English Common Law, Hawaii adopted English Common Law by statute.
§1-1 Common law of the State; exceptions. The common law of England, as ascertained by English and American decisions, is declared to be the common law of the State of Hawaii in all cases, except as otherwise expressly provided by the Constitution or laws of the United States, or by the laws of the State, or fixed by Hawaiian judicial precedent, or established by Hawaiian usage; provided that no person shall be subject to criminal proceedings except as provided by the written laws of the United States or of the State. [L 1892, c 57, §5; am L 1903, c 32, §2; RL 1925, §1; RL 1935, §1; RL 1945, §1; RL 1955, §1-1; HRS §1-1]
And he didn’t even claim Obots hacked him but that he simply forgot his password.
Someone should suggest to the Gerbil crowd that BSE has obviously been arrested and DARPA has sent a mole (because BSE wouldn’t give up the password to his real account).
IMO, the birthers’ attempt-at-scholarly-talk about Vattel is just a smoke screen.
The bottom line is that they like a concurring opinion in Dred Scott (which cited Vattel).
But do we know this is the same BSE?
This was his old profile
He claims to be. But I think we should demand that he post his LFBC, draft registration, and college records.
Oh, and Shrimpton wants a DNA test. But there’s no need to actually do that: if nobody tells him anything, he’ll just assume it was done, and BSE failed.
I checked with OARPA, and they assure me that it is the same person.
Wait until he posts some of his masterful
PhotoshopMS Paint 1.0 creations. Only the real BSE is able to do that.Fun fact I haven’t seen mentioned yet in the birtherverse: Dennis Montgomery was sued for sexual harassment here in Sacramento for alleged acts including masturbating in front of a coworker.
A pervert too? No wonder he fit in so well with A/Z, he’s one of them! 😀
Speaking of birdboy, here’s a paragraph from a recent posting by Falcon at BR, that provides stunning confirmation that birdboy’s psyche and social maturation plateaued when he was a 12 year-old waiting for a haircut. His idea of realm-entrusting, Constitution-defending character-evaluation is right out of a pen-it-yourself super-hero comic book! He describes a stranger he met somewhere, who confided some ‘inside info’ to him, the Birdboy, about what low regard the military retired have for Obama:
Falcon: “….I noticed some smokin’ tattoos on his forearms – paratroopers on an incredible background. The aircraft were absolutely amazing and detailed like you can’t believe. Really nice tattoos. They reminded me of the Avenged Sevenfold tattoos due to the shadowing. And those guys have the best tats I’ve ever seen. Shadowed like you couldn’t believe. Someone has some incredible skills. These tats are done by someone that has a waiting list and most are in military that have the money and pedigree. These aren’t biker tattoos. They were that nice. It’s hard to even describe these tattoos – but they were shadowed so nicely that you couldn’t help but noticed them. Seeing those tattoos told me this guy was someone special….”
His life-style referents there, Avenged Sevenfold, are a heavy metal band who Birdboy imagines have established name-dropping credentials in a Constitution-focused posting, perhaps because (if Wikipedia can be believed) one member attempted suicide by drinking excessive amounts of cough syrup and another was found dead from what was described as “acute polydrug intoxication due to combined effects of Oxycodone, Oxymorphone, Diazepam/Nordiazepam and ethanol”.
I get the idea that Birdboy might as easily use quality of tattoos to discern which among all of the pretenders, is the one true God?
The most expensive sheriff in America:
and darn well not worth it.
No worries, when the risk-management pool runs dry, Sheriff Joe still has his fawning fans to fall back on. BR commenter “Kathy” shared this letter from her Inbox today:
“I’m going to cut right to the chase, because I really need your help.
You’ve been a tremendous supporter of my campaigns through the years and because of that I’m asking for your help with my legal defense fund.
You see, in the daily exercise of doing my job I am often targeted by groups that file legal actions against me for a variety of reasons.
In some instances I have to personally pay for attorneys to represent me in these cases. I do not have the personal wealth or the wherewithal to keep up with the costly demands of paying for attorneys to defend me.
So many of my supporters have asked me, “What else can I do to help?” That’s why several years ago, I established the “Joe Arpaio Legal Defense Fund,” created to help raise money with which I can defend myself against the numerous lawsuits I face day in and day out.
I’m going to keep fighting for what I know is right. I took an oath to protect and defend the US Constitution and I will keep that oath until my last breath.
Will you join me? I desperately need your help now — I cannot do it alone.
Your financial support today is critical. Please make a sorely-needed, generous contribution of $25, $50 or even $100 to the “Joe Arpaio Legal Fund” today!
Unlike a political campaign, THERE ARE NO LIMITS to how much you can give. Further, the contribution can come from any entity: business, trust, corporation, etc.
I would be so honored and grateful if you would consider making a contribution today. I don’t have the personal resources to pay for attorneys to represent me in each and every case. Your most generous gift would be greatly appreciated.
Can I count on your support for the “Joe Arpaio Legal Fund?”
Please help me — I pledge to you that I will never give up or surrender — and I thank you for your support.
Again, I cannot express enough my gratitude for your support and backing. Thank you so very much and I look forward to hearing from you soon.
-Sheriff Joe Arpaio
Maricopa County, Arizona
P.S. xxxxx, please don’t click away from my message — I desperately need your help to fight the numerous legal actions being waged against me. And, please remember, unlike a political campaign, there are no limits to what you can give — and any amount is greatly appreciated! Please consult your tax professional for any tax deduction you may receive by giving to this organization.”
Scientists in Italy did a study and found out that Conspiracy Theorists Will Believe Anything. Gee, they could have saved time and just asked us. 😆
Yeah, but if they believed us without checking, it would make _them_ conspiracy theorists 😉
I found this statement particularly interesting:
It’s much like something I’ve been saying for years: that wingnuts in general want simple answers to complex questions, and resent those who try to show them that reality is rarely as simple as they wish it were.
Is that like a re-election campaign fund, that can be converted to personal use if it isn’t all used for the stated purpose?
i love that sharon rondeau was able to get a lengthy article out of the fact that she sent a certified letter and was able to get a signature and confirmation.
I don’t know how it works in Maricopa County, but I don’t think legal defense funds work that way. On the federal level, the US Office of Government Ethics says this:
“In the event a legal defense fund collects funds in excess of the costs of legal defense, such excess cannot be transferred to or accepted by the employee.”
But that statement is in reference to a US government employee having legal expenses paid by a “government legal defense fund.” I have no idea how this would translate to Sheriff Joe’s situation.
I can’t imagine how using any legal defense funds for personal use could possibly be considered ethical, but I feel the same way about campaign contributions, and apparently that’s hunky dory.
What happened to john (jy1977)?
Nancy Owens’ Call To Sheriff Arpaio’s May 21, 2015 Confessing To Obama Forgery
Arpaio’s Office Express Confusion As To Why Confessor Is Calling…Just Like The Last Time.
BIN Page view numbers already doing a backwards count.
No one cares Nancy
Those people passing hundreds of thousands of dollars to Arpaio and ZulloMoore care.
No one cares about what you have to say.
I would like to submit the following comment on Birther Report by “selfsovereign” as a candidate for Stupidest Friggin’ Thing Ever Written:
“I found it of interest that Dr. Conspiracy posted this statement at least twice: “That is your opinion, but I don’t know of of [sic] any authority that defines it that way.”
“Dr. C, and others who think like him, must reject the concept of God given rights as well since they look for “man’s” law as the authority. According to him, “there is no law that makes ANYONE a natural born citizen” and thus there is no “authority” to make it so. The meaning of the word “natural” is rendered both impotent and plastic. We must rely on the authority of man’s law to define what words mean. Citizens do not have the authority to think for themselves, we must be told what to think by the neo-illuminati.
“Even atheists, if they know what’s good for them must reject his subterfuge. Although I, a man, cannot define God, I know that I was born naturally with my God given rights. No man or authority other than the undefinable God has given me these rights. They are mine, and they are yours, and no law or authority can grant them to us or remove them from us. Our rights can only be infringed; never taken. What is natural is of Gods making and does not require man’s authority for existence; nature is perpetual, as are our rights. A natural born citizen is born with citizenship granted by God and does not require man’s law to grant it; man can only acknowledge it.
“What Dr. C. and those who think like him seek to destroy is nature itself and the concept of an authority beyond man’s reach. They are devoid of all humility and are among the most dangerous kind of people.”
To fact-free morons like birthers, Doc is a very dangerous man. Well, to their ideas at least.
We’ll ask the Arpaio monitors about that. I don’t think that they’d agree with you, Ken.
It’ll be hard to top that one.
Yup, that takes the cake. These dunces can’t overcome the cognitive dissonance claiming “natural” rights w.r.t. a man-made construct like citizenship.
I’d like to ask this guy if he thinks an NBC can be stripped of his citizenship (i.e. if man-made law can override his “god”). I bet he’s also one of the “revoke Muslims’ citizenship and expel them” crowd.
The KKK has understandably and deservedly a bad reputation — but I’m always astounded to see how many of those guys are basically true followers of its Precepts, although they would of course deny being associated with it or even being racists. But when you look at the ideology behind their words, well, if it quacks like a duck…
World View Map: KKK => John BIrch Society => T.E.A. Party
There are other links in the chain, but the words in whatever passes for the manifesto are the same. The world view concepts are identical in each manifestation.
There is no question that the T.E.A. Party is just a rebranded John Birch Society, even though the JBS still exists as a rump (no pun intended, but if the diaper fits…). They were both funded by the Koch Family even.
Orly Taitz’ nemesis Kamala Harris is running for the U. S. Senate:
I didn’t read the article, but WND is running a story about “Fake Christians”. When I saw this, every single irony meter on the street exploded, one by one.
Wow, Doc, you’re still going! Well done! But of course you are, birfers never die.
I haven’t been to the deep end of their pool for awhile, just dabbling in the shallow wading pools of the stupid. Over in the headwaters, birferism is pretended to be long forgotten if not denied entirely. Never was a thing, and no one knows anyone whoever went there.
Riiiiiiiiiight. 😉
Just this morning, I responded to a poster who was casually denying and dismissing birferism … and then trotted out the old “Hillary supporters did it first” chestnut.
Really? You never dabbled in birferism, no nothing of it, nor anyone who ever did … and yet are prepared with the stock, go-to rationalization? LOL!
Please, do tell me more about your not knowing anything about this, ever. 😀
After the numerous times that NRO has “admitted” to knowing Volin personally, why does this not surprise me?
Got a link? I’m interested.
Oh, goody! Are you expecting that you’ll be headed to Phoenix to testify? I’ll be sure to head down to the courthouse if so, so I can watch the plaintiff’s lawyers rake you over the coals. 😛 (that’s assuming, of course, that you actually ARE called).
Pretty standard fare in the classic Christian topic of … fake Christians. Heard it all my growing up years from many a church pew.
Fake Christians, RINOs, tribal memes used to reinforce tribal identity, and to create and maintain bogeymen to be demonized … and lay the groundwork for identifying enemies, and shunned members of the tribe, as The Other. Then it gets ugly.
Bring it. I’ve got lots of dirt to share for anyone who has the kahunas to make it official. I have emailed Stephen Lemons. Not that I expect that to go anywhere.
I’m sure all of my phone calls are blocked as well as my emails.
People would much rather believe the lies of law enforcement than the truth from anybody else.
Is Arpaio in prison yet?
I’m interested in the comments, not the article itself. LOL Thank you.
Image submitted w/o comment:
Oh, yes. I’m sure as soon as you open your mouth and say that you killed Adam Walsh and Pablo Escobar (and you know you can’t resist the temptation to do so), they’ll toss out your testimony. Bwahahahahahaha! You’d better HOPE that is what happens, because the alternative is that you spend some time in a mental health facility.
The way I heard it, when a betsy bug goes over the edge, the other betsy bugs say he’s as crazy as Nancy Owens.
Dirty so-and-so’s block me about the same time they blocked Doc.
The difference is Nancy isn’t an elected official that they have to try to take seriously.
And when they do that, they lose me as a reader.
No kidding.
They just removed a post of mine. I’m done. I knew I wouldn’t be treated fairly, but I still had to try.
Yes I’m sure you’ve got lots of made up stories to tell. None of which you could ever support with evidence.
Be sure to let us know when they recommend you be institutionalized. What conspiracy theory do you have related to arpaio other than he turned you down for a date?
No she’s much too lazy for that she thinks they’ll convene an interview with her from her double wide in clewiston. She’s all talk no action
I have stopped commenting at WFP until Greg Conterio reigns in or bans Apuzzo for trying to “out” people. His latest target is brygenon.
Now that is really tacky.
Pablo Escobar’s murder was already confessed to the Hendry County Sheriff’s Department back in the late 90’s. He was not liked by the officer who interrogated me.
This questioning was just a few short hours after I shot the former Hendry County Sheriff Sermon Dyess, Jr with Able Danger right at his side.
Abel Danger just won a major law suit. I don’t know the details. But, you might want to check it out.
Call them.
Labelle Sheriff Office
(863) 674-5600
Clewiston Sheriff Office
(863) 805-5000
Clewiston Police Department
(863) 983-1474
Labelle Clerk of Courts
(863) 675-5217
Any proof of the confession or your involvement outside your word which lacks credibility
But exactly the sort of behavior I expect from a DUI lawyer!
Doc, isnt what Nancy is doing considered thread hijacking?
Instead of running your mouth at me, why don’t you call them?
GOP debate rules could reignite questions about Cruz birthplace
Dallas Morning News
Did already they have never heard of you and have no idea what you’re talking about.
You didn’t make the call, Ken.
Yep I did. They have no idea what you’re talking about.
That’s DR. Ken; he’s not just some nut.
I also called them to verify that Mike Moore still worked for them several months ago When they asked me why, I told them about Nancy’s comments about him supposedly being Mike Zullo and her alleged confessions of killing multiple members of LEO, including FBI agents. The woman who answered the phone couldn’t stop laughing as Mike Moore had just left the office a few hours earlier after his shift was over. Their word for her behavior was “bizarre.” They also verified that Sermon Dyess, Jr. is still alive and working in Clewiston with his wife in real estate. They wrote off NRO as an attention seeking publicity whore. There was also someone who mentioned that she was banned from the Clewiston newspaper website for telling these outrageous lies. Obviously, the people who live in Clewiston don’t want to be associated with her crazy stories and they know she’s lying. She’s been repeatedly asked for proof of her stories and will post an article about Dyess to supposedly prove her wild claims.
To repeat ad naseum, I have the video proof out of Volin’s own mouth that says otherwise. Hendry County employees are experts at covering up the moves of the still very active Medellin Cartel depending upon who you speak to.,5198742&hl=en
Posting the story on Dyess, Jr. proves that the county is the liar and, as we all know, if they were to be proven to be actively deeper in this conspiracy, it comes out of the county’s pocket for all of those families that the sheriff had murdered off.
Actually your video proof doesn’t say otherwise. It simply was him having no idea what you were talking about. Hendry county employees don’t back up your claims. There was no cover up.
No it actually proves that you’re a liar.
If there were any truth to the claims you made about Dyess, his trial would have been the perfect time for anyone who had knowledge of other crimes he committed to come forward. Instead, you were quiet and didn’t say a word. Of course, you would have been implicating yourself if what you’ve said was true. Or could it be that at the time of the trial, you weren’t yet spinning these delusional tales about Dyess and the HCSO?
As for Volin, he has said that Zullo is not Moore and to anyone sane, it’s quite obvious he’s telling the truth about Zullo’s real name. Moore is almost 15 years older than Zullo. They both have documented histories in Florida and Arizona, that’s separate documented histories, proving they are not the same person.
You should stick to the websites that cater to those who believe in conspiracy theories, although I’m sure yours are too wild for most of their readers, there may be a few who will go along with what you’re saying simply because it smears President Obama.
Come to Phoenix, Nancy. I’m sure we can find a strait jacket for you. 😛
The video of Volin confirming Mike Moore speaks for itself and we all know it.
Oh, there’s that faulty authoritarian cognitive dissonance again. Nancy, I would never presume to tell you what you know or believe. Why do you participate in such dishonest and futile exercises?
Yes it speaks to you being a crazy person who calls up morons like Volin who has no relationship with arpaio, zullo or Hendry county
Is 24th an Van Buren still the nice relaxing gardens it was when I was a kid?
The monitors are there to make sure that Arpaio is complying with court orders. The monitors have no interest in Obama’s birth certificate, and if possible they have even less interest in your fantasies.
To come forward? As I’m coming forward now and being denied and/or ignored? Is there ever a “perfect” time? I have come forward many, many times in the past, Kate.
Mike Zullo IS Mike Moore and it’s not hard to have plastic surgery done when the motivation is there. And, certainly, Mike Moore trying to ride in as a hero to take down Obama is motivation for many.
The video speaks for itself and I did ask Volin several times for clarification. The fact that Volin wants to back out and deny what he said on video is not my problem.
The fact is, it’s on video and that’s pretty much all the proof that I need that there is a conspiracy going on here.
As for the perfect time to have something done, that would have been thirty-five, forty years ago when Mike Moore was being paid by the taxpayers to investigate these matters so don’t preach to me about the “perfect” time to bring this forward.
Ask ZulloMoore why he and his corrupt Sheriff’s department didn’t stop this way back when, Kate, when we had a chance at fighting back against the Russian/Cuban invasion of Clewiston, Florida where Mike Moore, Obama, Mike Volin, Sharon Rondeau, Abel Danger, Gallups?, Pablo Escobar and I all lived.
Yes, there are many laid back people in that location. 😛
Nancy thinks she’s found a new audience for her crazy stories. Bwhahahaha!
I’m just waiting for the day she starts integrating fictional characters from movies into her stories.
Art follows life.
No characters yet but the plotline from TV series has been used in one of the videos.
There must be a couple dozen new videos since the last time I looked on YT. One of them has a plot line that sounds like it came from the TV show “24” except the deadly poison was transferred by her kissing 3 young Bush or Clinton elites, as she referred to them, rather than shaking hands. She referred to it as one of the more interesting assassinations she was involved with…then she talks about flying to Paris for one night with Pablo and how she could only see the Eiffel Tower from a distance because Pablo reminded her that they weren’t there as tourists, they were there for an assassination. So, Pablo Escobar, international criminal & drug lord, allegedly flew to Paris with Nancy Ruth Owens, from Clewiston, for an assassination because whoever wanted it done couldn’t find someone in Paris to do it, LOL! Of course, he wasn’t worried about being identified despite being on a list of most wanted in more than one country.
I figured out what she’s doing, she’s punking all of us and is going to confess to trying out storylines for a mystery/criminal novel or screenplay and was just trying to determine which was the most credible. What else could it be?!
Pablo lived in my small hometown. He did not live in Colombia. The main drug they transported in the beginning was reefer. Cocaine as the primary drug did not happen until 1981 and, even then, in small amounts. By 1982 and 1983 however, it became the main transported drug using America Civil Air Patrol for its pilots.
You really need to stop relying on Wikipedia, Kate.
No one of any importance lived in your backwater town. Pablo lived in Columbia this is well documented. There is no documentation to support him ever living in Clewiston
He lived in Clewiston.
You obviously can’t remember anything you read as I’ve repeatedly told you, when you accused me before of relying on Wikipedia, that I don’t use Wikipedia as a source for anything regarding what you’ve said. I read the biography on Escobar that was written after his death in December 1993 and the author had no hesitation in speaking the truth about Escobar’s history. He rarely set foot in the U.S. due to his fear of being imprisoned here for life. He knew he couldn’t bribe the FBI and so he built his own prison in Colombia, not Clewiston. The only thing that they have in common is the ‘C’ at the beginning of their name, nothing else. You’re a joke among the people in Clewiston. There are so many people you’ve claimed to have killed that are still among the living and have proven so. There’s no “Zullo-Moore”, just 2 individuals, one named Mike Zullo and the other named Mike Moore. Arpaio was never a Sheriff in Hendry Co. and neither was Volin and nobody sane will ever believe otherwise.
You’re better off at the websites that promote CT’s with Linda Joy Adams and Geir Smith. You fit in better, too, as those people love their CT’s so much that some of them might be persuaded to at least read yours.
And here too! LOL
A joke would be funny, even if occasionally. Nancy is a sad, transparent liar, possibly delusional, whom no one believes or even cares about.
Get real. Pablo had no fear of the FBI and he lived in Clewiston, Florida.
He became rich with Bush, Jr’s partnership as well as our tax dollars and had, in later years, acquired several properties all around the Caribbean, Central and South America while the Bush cabal imprisoned Americans for the cocaine that he and Pablo were flying in.
the ” authorities,” including Mike ZulloMoore, are not going to say Escobar had their protection.
It would blow their “Here I come to save the day” con job completely out of the water which is why they ignore me.
I killed Pablo Escobar October 2, 1990 in Melbourne Beach, Florida.
Article by Larry Klayman at Renew America:
“Move Supreme Court to Independence Hall.”
What a doofus!
Plastic surgery? Here is a photo of Mike Moore which was taken last month. No one but you would ever mistake him for Mike Zullo.
So as I said there’s no documentation of Pablo ever living in clewiston continuing to repeat your claim doesn’t make it true. Bush Jr’s partnership? Every company bush jr was ever involved with was a miserable failure
No he didn’t
For all we know Nancy is Mike Moore since sexual reassignment surgery is “easy”
Once again, I have the video from Mike Volin and my questions on Mike ZulloMoore’s identity were quite clear.
“The “I couldn’t bring myself to say it” edition” – Give Nancy a few more weeks of this lunacy and I predict you WILL say it. 😛
I really think she belongs in a mental facility and nobody seems to want to do anything about it. So long as they can shrug her off, she is someone else’s problem; but the woman is severely deranged.
So there is a new Obama controversy brewing. Those of you who read my article about the President’s timekeeping based on photos I took of the President, may recall the watch he was wearing. The story is that the watch was a gift to the President from his Secret Service protection detail.
The first issue in the controversy is whether this watch can or cannot be purchased at the White House gift shop. (It is available from I was seriously considering asking for one of these for my next birthday because after all I am Dr. Conspiracy, and I think it is a cool-looking watch.
That led the second controversy as to whether the Jorg Gray 6500 Series Chronograph worn by Obama is way less cool that the Omega Speedmaster worn by Vice President Biden. It is certainly less expensive! More on that here:
I decided against both of those.
I just can’t get behind this one. it’s not juicy enough. 😛
Why would Volin know anything about Mike Moore? Volin owns a liquor store in Pennsylvania and has no connection with Hendry County. He grew up in New York but has lived much of his adult life in Pennsylvania.
In fact, why don’t you look up Mike Moore in Clewiston and ask him why he is posing as Mike Zullo? That would be an interesting Q&A. Did you know that “Mike” is actually his middle name? Did you know that he married Judy Byars 19 years ago? Heck, you could call him on the phone. He is listed in the phone book, but you need to know his first name in order to get his number.
Please report back after you have spoken with him. We can hardly wait.