Delay in Arpaio contempt hearing

The agony of the deconstruction of America’s toughest sheriff has been extended. Judge Snow, who is presiding over a contempt of court proceeding against Arpaio, has postponed the June continuation of hearings in order to deal with a motion from Arpaio that the judge disqualify himself. Station KPHO in Phoenix reports the story.

It would seem to this commenter that if Judge Snow was inclined to recuse himself, he would have done so by now, but we shall see what we shall see.

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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19 Responses to Delay in Arpaio contempt hearing

  1. Curious George says:

    No matter how much Arpaio drags his feet, this will not end well for Arpaio. I see no recusal of Judge Snow coming anytime soon. Buckle up, this is going to get very interesting.

  2. alg says:

    Curious George:
    No matter how much Arpaio drags his feet, this will not end well for Arpaio.I see no recusal of Judge Snow coming anytime soon. Buckle up, this is going to get very interesting.

    I agree. I also think that the USDOJ will move ahead to obtain copies of the Montgomery “work” product independent of the Court and the contempt proceedings.

  3. bgansel9 says:

    I smell fear in Arpaio’s team and it smells delightful!

  4. Punchmaster via Mobile says:

    Won’t it be a good larf, if Snow does recuse himself, but is replaced by an even harsher judge?

  5. Benji Franklin says:

    bgansel9: I smell fear in Arpaio’s team

    They never imagined that their sham ‘investigation’ of Obama would be examined closely in a courtroom because they knew they could never bring it in through the front door – their county prosecutor told them it wasn’t court-worthy – which confirms they had no REAL evidence to support their accusations of wrongdoing on Obama’s part or behalf. So they just shouted ‘forgery’ as a fund-raising rant to Obama-haters. But then the scammers got out-scammed by Monty in a blizzard of provocative wire-tap-like charges gratuitously claiming a blurry connection with national security and the judge whose orders Our Pie Hole had disregarded too openly.

    Suddenly the whole mess comes through the back door of the court, and lands in front of the bench like a dead body dropped from a plane that fell through a courtroom ceiling skylight. Now, there will be a closer look than they ever wanted. The last thing a scammer wants is to be cross-examined about the scam and all of it’s delusional premises.

    ‘Forgery’, Mr. Zoo Low?

  6. Kate says:

    Punchmaster via Mobile:
    Won’t it be a good larf, if Snow does recuse himself, but is replaced by an even harsher judge?

    There’s always a risk of that happening but Arpaio is too stupid to contemplate something else happening that he couldn’t control. He thinks if he gets rid of Judge Snow, all his problems will go away when the reality is far from it. He can’t sweep these charges under the rug.

  7. Curious George says:

    Benji Franklin,


    Fraud? Obstruction? Not passing Go, not collecting $200?

  8. Pete says:

    Kate: There’s always a risk of that happening but Arpaio is too stupid to contemplate something else happening that he couldn’t control. He thinks if he gets rid of Judge Snow, all his problems will go away when the reality is far from it. He can’t sweep these charges under the rug.

    He may be stupid, but I don’t think he’s quite that stupid.

    I would rather describe it as a “‘hail Mary’ pass.” He knows he’s in a bad situation, and is willing to roll the dice. Maybe he’ll get a sympathetic judge, maybe he won’t. Throw it up in the air and see what happens.

  9. Pete says:

    And yeah, that’s sort of a mixed metaphor.

  10. J.D. Sue says:

    Pete: Maybe he’ll get a sympathetic judge

    In the unlikely event that he gets a new Judge, I would think that new Judge would have more sympathy for Judge Snow who has had to put up with all this contemptuous crap.

  11. Crustacean says:

    LOL!! I’ll have whatever Benji’s having… 🙂

    Benji Franklin: Suddenly the whole mess comes through the back door of the court, and lands in front of the bench like a dead body dropped from a plane that fell through a courtroom ceiling skylight.

  12. Jim says:

    Pete: “I would rather describe it as a “‘hail Mary’ pass.””

    Looking at Arpaio’s history with judges and people who oppose him, I’d say this is more like “business as usual”. After he loses his bid to remove the judge, you have to wonder if Arpaio will try something like what he did with his opponents on the county board, midnight arrest on trumped up charges.

  13. Curious George says:

    Over at BR, Sharon R. reports that she wanted to interview the lead Court Monitor, Mr. Warshaw, who is overseeing the MCSO. I found the response from the Monitor’s office to be in stark contrast to the behavior of the lead investigator for the Cup Cake Posse, Corporal Zoo-Low.

    “Last week, The Post & Email was told by Warshaw’s business partner, Chief Charles Reynolds, that Warshaw does not grant interviews to the press.”

    Wow! Compare that comment to the countless Zoo-Low, Karl Giddy-Yaps radio interviews over the past few years!

    Who sounds like the real professional investigator?

  14. Bonsall Obot says:

    Rharon must be thrilled that someone mistook her for “press.”

  15. Benji Franklin says:

    Bonsall Obot: Sharon must be thrilled that someone mistook her for “press.”

    Sharon Rondeau is to the legitimate press, what “the-man-in-the” is to the Moon!

  16. Rickey says:

    I don’t see any particular significance to the delay. I believe that Judge Snow is just making sure that all parties have a chance to weigh in on the recusal motion.

  17. bob says:

    I don’t see any particular significance to the delay. I believe that Judge Snow is just making sure that all parties have a chance to weigh in on the recusal motion.

    And you would be correct.

    Birthers see Arpaio obtaining the short-term goal of a slight delay as “proof” that Arpaio will soon be vindicated in this case and/or a precursor to (finally!) releasing the universe-shattering evidence about Obama.

    The reality is, after due process and consideration, the judge will deny the recusal motion, reinstitute the status conferences, and reschedule the evidentiary hearing.

  18. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    That would be such an epic pwn!

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