Why Donald Trump cannot be elected president

Two reasons:

1) His birth certificate doesn’t have a raised seal.

2) His hair does.

Flannel Moth Caterpillar

Flannel Mouth Politician

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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92 Responses to Why Donald Trump cannot be elected president

  1. john says:

    Of all the GOP candidates, I think Trump is best hands down. He’s only one who isn’t a politician and the only one who isn’t part of the Washington Establishment. Trump also has a billion dollars to spend. All the other candidates including Hillary Clinton are politicians that can’t be trusted and will not do anything. I think the GOP should throw there banner around Trump but I seriously doubt they will consider him for the nomination. Trump is a man that tells it like it is. I especially think his views are Mexico are quite interesting. We trade with Mexico but are allowing illegals from Mexico to come. Mexico ain’t sending Business Executives, Doctors, are Engineers over the border, they sending their flith over the border. Trump says he wants to clamp down on Mexico for border security. Build a wall and make Mexico pay for it.

    Trump 2016!

  2. tim says:

    Of all the GOP candidates, I think Trump is best hands down.He’s only one who isn’t a politician and the only one who isn’t part of the Washington Establishment.Trump also has a billion dollars to spend.All the other candidates including Hillary Clinton are politicians that can’t be trusted and will not do anything.I think the GOP should throw there banner around Trump but I seriously doubt they will consider him for the nomination.Trump is a man that tells it like it is.I especially think his views are Mexico are quite interesting.We trade with Mexico but are allowing illegals from Mexico to come.Mexico ain’t sending Business Executives, Doctors, are Engineers over the border, they sending their flith over the border.Trump says he wants to clamp down on Mexico for border security.Build a wall and make Mexico pay for it.

    Trump 2016!

    not sure if serious …

  3. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    john: Of all the GOP candidates, I think Trump is best hands down. He’s only one who isn’t a politician and the only one who isn’t part of the Washington Establishment. Trump also has a billion dollars to spend. All the other candidates including Hillary Clinton are politicians that can’t be trusted and will not do anything. I think the GOP should throw there banner around Trump but I seriously doubt they will consider him for the nomination.

    If they want to lose the election then Republicans should definitely nominate trump

  4. y_p_w says:

    Just wanted to note that it’s a flannel MOTH caterpillar. And yeah – it does look like he’s got one on his head.

  5. Keith says:

    And I understand that touching the Flannel Moth caterpillar is almost as dangerous as touching the Flannel Mouth Trump.

  6. Dave B. says:

    And with that imprimatur, the contest is all but finished.
    NOBODY wants to hear ANYTHING else you have to say about Mexico.

    john: Of all the GOP candidates, I think Trump is best hands down.

  7. alg says:

    Third reason:

    3) They don’t allow carnival barkers in the White House, although some might point out that the field GOP candidates is already a circus.

  8. Lupin says:

    john: Of all the GOP candidates, I think Trump is best hands down.

    Why am I not surprised.

    You’re a but like a compass that would point to the South, aren’t you?

  9. Steve says:


    llegal immigrant accused of raping 10-year-old girl in Kenner

    US citizens rape people all the time. Why is this more objectionable?

  10. Dave says:

    Yes, but john came up with three examples.

    Spread out over the last two years.

    And for two of them, he had to dip into the wingnut echo chamber, which specializes in selecting out crimes committed by blacks, Muslims, and Latinos (who they call illegal immigrants whether they are or not).

  11. Sam the Centipede says:

    Steve: US citizens rape people all the time. Why is this more objectionable?

    Ooo!! OOO!!! That’s easy! Is it because John is a bigoted moron? Or perhaps because he’s a moronic bigot?

    I suspect though he has a degree from Trump University – remember that scam of Trump’s?

  12. Northland10 says:

    Sam the Centipede: Ooo!! OOO!!! That’s easy! Is it because John is a bigoted moron? Or perhaps because he’s a moronic bigot?

    I suspect though he has a degree from Trump University – remember that scam of Trump’s?

    John thinks they should be like the good white nationalists and various rabid anti-immigrant types, who don’t do things like that. Oh wait, rape of underage girls is a popular activity among those types.

    Never mind then.

  13. Whoever it was who warned me that ‘bad john” would show back up you were right.

  14. Bonsall Obot says:

    I think the GOP should throw there banner around Trump …
    Trump 2016!

    “I quite agree with you, sir, but what can two do against so many?”
    – G.B.Shaw

  15. donna says:

    Des Moines Register: Donald Trump says if he gets elected president, he would have to change his hair style because he wouldn’t have time to maintain it, as he would be working his butt off in the White House.

    This was one of the GOP presidential candidate’s comments that solicited both applause and chuckles from an audience of about 200 at the Winterset High School for the Madison County Republicans

  16. JD Reed says:

    Y’all are too hard on John. Wanting someone to occupy the most important political position on the planet who doesn’t know jack about the political process — and proves it every day — makes perfect sense to me.
    In my own life, if I need wiring done, I quiz the guy to make sure he’s not a licensed electrician. If a water pipe breaks, I check the list of local licensed plumbers to make sure my workman isn’t on it. A legal snag, I look in Martindale Hubble to ensure that my advocate isn’t listed. And if I have a bodily malfunction, I always opt for an unlicensed therapist.

  17. CRJ says:

    I can hear that little moth singing, 🎺🎵”I’m worth 10 Billion Dollars, I’m worth 10 Billion Dollars.. That’s net worth… That’s net worth..🎵🎺

    My recent plea for Mr. Trump to help out on printing cost of my Cert in SCOTUS has netted nothing. 😥 . but I’ll keep trying.

    Doc, you should be a “Bundler” for me, I know you have “mad” fund raising skills and Hillary has a Trial in the precious water district of South Florida for “Racketeering” coming up or I’d ask her for help. She’s good with getting foreign dollars back in the U.S.A! Not to mention because she’s a she , she can empty servers and use Yoga as an excuse. Who the #&%$ would believe me if I said that I had a Yoga instructor?

    You guys gotta start helping me or we are all going to hell.

  18. CRJ says:

    Announcement: The Q for President had nothing to do with this. , and Mr. Obama is not helping Mr. Trump. The proof is in the facts Mr. Obama gave Mr. Boehner a ride in Air Force One for the first time.
    Mean while..
    70 million Americans teetering on edge of financial ruin

    Results of a survey released by bankrate.com revealed that more than 70 million Americans have no emergency savings. Bad as that sounds it gets worse. Only 22% of Americans have at least 6 months of emergency savings. So the other 78% aren’t in that safety zone either. When emergencies do arise and they often do, it means that 78% of Americans will rely on credit cards to make it the next payday or they’ll take out loans. Since they have to repay the loans and debts, they won’t save any money when they get their paychecks. And it gets to be a vicious cycle . . .

  19. There is a documentary called “The Flaw” that touches on this. From World War II to the 1970’s there were real gains in income. Since that time the gap between rich and poor increased dramatically. In 1970 the mean income of the bottom 20% of families was about 9% of the mean income of the top 5% of families. In 2013 it was 4.4%,

    In my own state of South Carolina, 18.1 percent of the people were below the poverty level in 2013. 51% of children in South Carolina live in low income families (less than 200% of the federal poverty level). 58% of South Carolina students qualify for free or reduced price school lunches..

    CRJ: 70 million Americans teetering on edge of financial ruin

  20. Rickey says:


    You guys gotta start helping me or we are all going to hell.

    Speak for yourself.

    How is your fundraising coming along? You have until July 13 to pay your filing fee and submit 40 bound copies of your cert petition.

  21. If you would like a Civitan candy box in your place of business to raise money for children with developmental disabilities, let me know.


    CRJ: Doc, you should be a “Bundler” for me, I know you have “mad” fund raising skills

  22. Sef says:

    john: Trump also has a billion dollars to spend.

    Except he would never spend a dime of his own money on this fantasy. At the end he would declare bankruptcy. Again!

  23. alg says:

    CRJ: My recent plea for Mr. Trump to help out on printing cost of my Cert in SCOTUS has netted nothing but I’ll keep trying.

    You guys gotta start helping me or we are all going to hell.

    Good luck with that Cody.

  24. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    If you would like a Civitan candy box in your place of business to raise money for children with developmental disabilities, let me know.


    You beat me to it I was just about to tell him to do the same thing. Or he could sell magazine subscriptions?

  25. OllieOxenFree says:

    john: Build a wall and make Mexico pay for it.

    Yeah… see, I heard about this too. Funny thing is, he was just as vague about the details of making a foreign country do something, and pay for it, apparently just because he says they will, as he was over what his, “investigators,” were finding in Hawaii.

  26. dunstvangeet says:

    john: Build a wall and make Mexico pay for it.

    And how do you expect him to do that, especially since, in one day of him on the campaign trail, has also POed the Mexican Government and Mexican citizens by calling all Mexican Immigrants to be nothing more than drug-dealing immigrants (yeah, I know, he put in there “some, I suppose, are good people.” That still doesn’t take away from his previous statement.)

    His proposal is unrealistic, made to basically just throw red-meat at the base, and no real proposal.

  27. Bonsall Obot says:

    …calling all Mexican Immigrants to be nothing more than drug-dealing immigrants…

    That’s so not true.
    He also called them rapists.

  28. dunstvangeet says:

    Bonsall Obot: That’s so not true.
    He also called them rapists.

    Actually, his exact quote from the speech was: “When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.”

    He called all Mexican Immigrants to be basically drug smuggling rapists.

    He doubled-down on his comments after this.

  29. John Reilly says:

    We actually have a wall between us and Mexico for much of the border.

    About half of the illegal immigrants in this country arrived legally and simply did not leave.

    Congress, controlled by my party, has appropriated enough money to deport about 400,000 people per year. If you want to deport more you have to pay for it. That means you, John, as Mr. Judy is a pauper, at least until he becomes our first terrorist elected President.

  30. The Magic M (not logged in) says:

    john: llegal immigrant accused of raping 10-year-old girl in Kenner

    So I guess you want to expatriate the Duggar family, too? Or every “quiverfull” family? Or every Christian family? Or every white family? Or every conservative family? Or every male Murican? All of the above? C’mon john, which one is it? You “care about the children”, don’t you? #winning

  31. The Magic M (not logged in) says:

    dunstvangeet: And how do you expect him to do that

    Trump (and john) probably think they can either blackmail Mexico with trade restrictions or just wage open war against them to force them to “pay for that wall”.

    Ironically, conservative hero Reagan called for another infamous wall (that kept people inside a country) to be torn down. Another icon thrown under the bus out of sheer hatred.

  32. Ana says:

    It was celebrity that got Obama elected and it might be what get’s Trump elected too. Don’t be surprised if that’s what happens. Maybe that’s why so many politicians of all political stripes are acting so threatened. Latest poll has him second to Bush. Conservatives are not going to vote for Bush. They will sit out the election like they did the last two if he is the nominee. Celebrity is what propelled Obama to office the first time. Conservatives sitting out the election is what propelled Obama to office the second time. They will not sit out on Trump. Either in the primaries or, if nominated, the general election. That is millions of people – 3 million self-identified Republicans and 4 million self-identified Conservatives. So I wouldn’t be so fast to say that there is no chance for Trump. There is a very, very good chance that he might one day become POTUS.

  33. In what sense was Obama a “celebrity” in 2008?

    Ana: It was celebrity that got Obama elected

  34. And send all the Catholic priests back to Rome.

    The Magic M (not logged in): So I guess you want to expatriate the Duggar family,

  35. “Give me your tired, your poor,
    Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
    The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
    Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
    I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”

    — From the New Colossus
    — Emma Lazarus (1883)

    dunstvangeet: Actually, his exact quote from the speech was: “When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.”

  36. RanTalbott says:

    OllieOxenFree: he was just as vague about the details of making a foreign country do something, and pay for it, apparently just because he says they will, as he was over what his, “investigators,” were finding in Hawaii.

    He did get specific about it when challenged in a later interview: his “plan” is to threaten to abrogate NAFTA, and cut off all trade, if they don’t pony up.

    Which would be a substantial amount of leverage if he actually had the power to do that (Which I don’t think he would). I’ll leave the analysis of whether Mexico might decide it was a reasonable trade-off to economists, but my not-very-educated guess is that there’s enough of a world market for their non-agricultural products that they might decide to tell us to eff off as a matter of national pride.

  37. Northland10 says:

    Trump and John are just upset the the current immigrants are not as upstanding as the earlier ones. Those early ones created upstanding civic clubs such as the Dead Rabbits, The Fourty Theives, the Plug Uglies and the Whyos.

  38. J.D. Sue says:

    john: flith

    Many said the same about my grandparents, and probably said the same about yours.

    Filth is in the mind (and the mouth) of the beholder.

  39. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Saw on CNN, that NBC is severing all ties with The Dolan over his racist remarks about latinos.

  40. dunstvangeet says:

    RanTalbott: He did get specific about it when challenged in a later interview: his “plan” is to threaten to abrogate NAFTA, and cut off all trade, if they don’t pony up.

    Which would be a substantial amount of leverage if he actually had the power to do that (Which I don’t think he would). I’ll leave the analysis of whether Mexico might decide it was a reasonable trade-off to economists, but my not-very-educated guess is that there’s enough of a world market for their non-agricultural products that they might decide to tell us to eff off as a matter of national pride.

    The US has a lot more to lose if they do that. If they do that, there is a significant chance that the World Trade Organization would actualy throw the US out, impose sanctions, and basically send our economy into a tailspin that would be worse than the great depression. With the world-economy being what it is, we cannot afford to get the entire world against us. The U.S. can not be a bully in the trade-wars. It cannot go upto a nation and hold a gun to its head to say, “If you don’t pay for the wall, I’m going to kill you.” It would look extremely bad economically.

    This just proves that Trump would be a worse President than Herbert Hoover. Hoover didn’t actually cause the Great Depression. However, Trump would cause a great depression in order to get a foreign country to pay for a wall in our territory.

  41. Bonsall Obot says:

    It was celebrity that got Obama elected…

    That’s adorable; you start with a lie and just go downhill from there.
    Not so much with the independent thinking, are ya, doll?

  42. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Ana: It was celebrity that got Obama elected and it might be what get’s Trump elected too.

    Oh. Someone bumped her head pretty hard, when she fell off the turnip truck…

  43. Thomas Brown says:

    What a hilarious spectacle: Republicans running to be President saying all the things that they’d do if they were Emperor.

  44. Northland10 says:

    Bonsall Obot: That’s adorable; you start with a lie and just go downhill from there.
    Not so much with the independent thinking, are ya, doll?

    She cannot fathom that the voters would elect Obama, so she needs to come up with an excuse for why it happened.

  45. Sef says:

    Andrew Vrba, PmG:
    Saw on CNN, that NBC is severing all ties with The Donald over his racist remarks about latinos.


    For the students of Presidential Candidates what’s the shortest time from announcement of candidacy to shooting one’s self in the foot?

  46. A point of irony here. The folks at Birther Report are having a discussion about Donald Trump’s not having presented a long form birth certificate. Steven Craig is arguing for consistency, demanding proof of eligibility for Trump the same as for Obama.

    But it shows how much they cared in the past, that they don’t know that Trump released his long form certificate in 2011.

  47. Donald Trump and his hair have different birth dates. I doubt his hair is old enough to be president.

  48. Dave says:

    I see four reasons I don’t expect Trump to get the GOP nomination:

    1. His brash obnoxious manner plays well with some voters, but I think most GOP voters will find him too abrasive. (And ditto for Christie.)

    2. If he shows any signs of life in the polls, other candidates for the nomination will criticize Trump and/or his policies. I don’t think he knows how to deal with that — I expect he’ll respond with a vicious counterattack, which is usually the wrong answer in the primaries.

    3. Although a lot of loonies like Trump win straw polls, the guy who gets the nomination is in the mainstream — in this case, I’d say Bush, Walker, or Rubio.

    4. I can’t ignore Trump’s long history of talking about running for President and doing nothing. And so far, his campaign seems to be focussed on the Miss USA pageant. Let’s see if he’s still campaigning in two weeks.

  49. Rickey says:

    Conservatives sitting out the election is what propelled Obama to office the second time.

    The numbers contradict that claim. In fact, Romney received more votes in 2012 than McCain received in 2008, even as overall voter turnout was down. Read this Wall Street Journal analysis.


  50. Dave says:

    Interesting piece. She concludes that the GOP needs to improve its turn-out-the-vote efforts in minority communities.

    That could be difficult in conjunction with the GOP suppress-the-minority-vote efforts.

    Rickey: The numbers contradict that claim. In fact, Romney received more votes in 2012 than McCain received in 2008, even as overall voter turnout was down. Read this Wall Street Journal analysis.


  51. Notorial Dissent says:

    I would think that the general attitude of the GOP towards the minority communities would be their biggest stumbling block, well that and their very real and perceived animosity towards those communities, but then what do I know?

  52. The Magic M (not logged in) says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: that they don’t know that Trump released his long form certificate in 2011

    The one that shows him born in Jamaica?
    Just imagine Obama’s BC had had a handwritten addendum “Kenya”…

  53. The Magic M (not logged in) says:

    Ana: It was celebrity that got Obama elected

    I think you’re confusing him with Reagan.

  54. Kate says:

    dunstvangeet: The US has a lot more to lose if they do that.If they do that, there is a significant chance that the World Trade Organization would actualy throw the US out, impose sanctions, and basically send our economy into a tailspin that would be worse than the great depression.With the world-economy being what it is, we cannot afford to get the entire world against us.The U.S. can not be a bully in the trade-wars.It cannot go upto a nation and hold a gun to its head to say, “If you don’t pay for the wall, I’m going to kill you.”It would look extremely bad economically.

    This just proves that Trump would be a worse President than Herbert Hoover.Hoover didn’t actually cause the Great Depression.However, Trump would cause a great depression in order to get a foreign country to pay for a wall in our territory.

    The way Trump has spoken about what he’d do as President, what he’d command other countries to do, if elected, etc. indicates he’s never read the Constitution nor is aware of how the Legislative branch works with the Executive branch. All the idiots who have been screaming about President Obama being a dictator would soon find their worst nightmares coming true if “the Donald” were to inhabit 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

  55. alg says:

    Kate: The way Trump has spoken about what he’d do as President, what he’d command other countries to do, if elected, etc. indicates he’s never read the Constitution nor is aware of how the Legislative branch works with the Executive branch.All the idiots who have been screaming about President Obama being a dictator would soon find their worst nightmares coming true if “the Donald” were to inhabit 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

    Yeah imagine how effective he’d be if simply told Putin “you’re fired!”

    Trump has lived a life of privilege where he has enjoyed the financial resources to be able to simply boss people around. That may work in the real estate and development business, but it doesn’t work in American politics. And, it certainly doesn’t work in foreign policy.

    Trump’s entry into the 2016 race will only solidify his place in history as America’s official Carnival Barker.

  56. The Magic M (not logged in) says:

    Kate: indicates he’s never read the Constitution

    Has any right-winger ever? I’m talking to people on Twitter every day who make bold claims that are easily refuted with a simple look-up in the Constitution.
    (Same with the Bible BTW.)

    One guy claimed the Constitution does not define the legal meaning of any of its words, I pointed out how it defines treason (for its own scope).

    Another guy said that, when I told him Obama could send the National Guard if TX refused to allow same-sex marriage, that “the National Guard is under the governor, fool”. He obviously never read Article II Section 2 where it says “The President shall be Commander in Chief of […] the Militia of the several States, when called into the actual Service of the United States“.

    The greatest hoot is of course the opponents of same-sex marriage who claim there is no such right in the Constitution, totally forgetting the Constitution does not *give* people rights, it *limits* them in certain ways to allow a government to function, as evidenced by the 10th Amendment.

    I don’t know what Constitution these people read (and this goes for every conservative, from the dumbest redneck yokel to Presidential candidates), but certainly not the US Constitution from this point in time in this universe.

  57. john says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    A point of irony here. The folks at Birther Report are having a discussion about Donald Trump’s not having presented a long form birth certificate. Steven Craig is arguing for consistency, demanding proof of eligibility for Trump the same as for Obama.

    But it shows how much they cared in the past, that they don’t know that Trump released his long form certificate in 2011.

    I think the eligiblity of Trump is settled and moot. He doesn’t have to show his certificate but it it’s nice that he did. There is no question where Trump was born and unlike Obama there is not a mountain of evidence that’s as big as Everest that points to a foreign birth. In fact, My mom was born is the same hospital in the same year (Jamicia 1946) about 4 months apart.

  58. john says:

    I see four reasons I don’t expect Trump to get the GOP nomination:

    1. His brash obnoxious manner plays well with some voters, but I think most GOP voters will find him too abrasive. (And ditto for Christie.)

    2. If he shows any signs of life in the polls, other candidates for the nomination will criticize Trump and/or his policies. I don’t think he knows how to deal with that — I expect he’ll respond with a vicious counterattack, which is usually the wrong answer in the primaries.

    3. Although a lot of loonies like Trump win straw polls, the guy who gets the nomination is in the mainstream — in this case, I’d say Bush, Walker, or Rubio.

    4. I can’t ignore Trump’s long history oftalking about running for President and doing nothing. And so far, his campaign seems to be focussed on the Miss USA pageant. Let’s see if he’s still campaigning in two weeks.

    Trump is right. All of the candidates are politicians and are all talk so nothing will ever get done. They are also sissys in that they don’t want to tackle tough issues. We have had a GOP controlled Congress for 6 months now and so far no substancial has happend.

  59. bgansel9 says:

    john: I think Trump is best hands down. He’s only one who isn’t a politician and the only one who isn’t part of the Washington Establishment.

    You are such a chump for Trump, John. Influenced by those who hate education, want to shut down every program that doesn’t create new military toys and the person you want running this country is someone with NO GOVERNMENTAL EXPERIENCE!

    What you propose is failure, and Trump has already failed in his own industry: http://www.vanityfair.com/news/2015/06/donald-trump-companies-bankruptcy-atlantic-city

    Trump has had to restructure his company so many times that it becomes laughable watching him shift his pawns around the chessboard. And THIS is who you want to run (more like DESTROY) the country?

    You’re insane.

  60. roadburner says:

    john: I think the eligiblity of Trump is settled and moot.He doesn’t have to show his certificate but it it’s nice that he did.

    i suppose being of the caucasian persuasion is good enough for you eh?

    john: There is no question where Trump was born and unlike Obama there is not a mountain of evidence that’s as big as Everest that points to a foreign birth.

    care to tell us where we might find this so-called `mountain of evidence’?

    i don’t suppose it’s that big pile of bullcrap you keep feeding from with the flag on top saying `long debunked memes that are laughable’ is it?

  61. bgansel9 says:

    roadburner: i suppose being of the caucasian persuasion is good enough for you eh?

    That’s exactly how I read that statement too. John will say he’s not a racist, while he shows perfectly well that he is.

  62. Benji Franklin says:

    It’s interesting to know what the sovereign nation of Steve Craig would establish as its acceptable standard of proof for this issue, or every issue for that matter. I find few things about Birtherism more astonishing than their vast range of differing individual demands for ‘proof’ of this or that aspect of their black president nightmare!

    It would seem to be a Birther, that one must not comprehend the most basic tenets of society and collective governance. They seem to think that they can EACH uniquely decide which official rules apply to them or somebody else, and which official rules are superseded by their own declared rules. Add to that those of their small number who peevishly refuse to accept ANY COMPLIANCE with their demand, as being sufficient to satisfy their doubt and/or those who declare that any attempt at compliance is an additional series of criminal acts (i’ts a FORGERY!) and we have no trouble understanding why the Birthers feel comfortable suggesting that, while it would prove nothing to them, an honest President would have had Hawaii send every resident of the U.S. a raised-seal copy of his long-form BC, by registered letter, but if he does, all the letters had better be delivery confirmed during the same five minute period of time on a Tuesday or it will be pretty obvious that the President killed Fuddy with a spoon.

    Dr. Conspiracy: A point of irony here. The folks at Birther Report are having a discussion about Donald Trump’s not having presented a long form birth certificate. Steven Craig is arguing for consistency, demanding proof of eligibility for Trump the same as for Obama.

    But it shows how much they cared in the past, that they don’t know that Trump released his long form certificate in 2011.

  63. bgansel9 says:


    “WBEZ reports that in protest, 5 Rabbit Cerveceria is severing ties with Trump’s Rebar, where they had collaboratively brewed a house beer with the bar manager…

    “The remaining beer won’t go to waste— it has been renamed Chinga Tu Pelo. Roughly translated: “F*ck your hair.”


  64. Dave B. says:

    John’s mother and Trump were switched at birth. Trump is John’s real mother. That explains everything.

    john: I think the eligiblity of Trump is settled and moot.He doesn’t have to show his certificate but it it’s nice that he did.There is no question where Trump was born and unlike Obama there is not a mountain of evidence that’s as big as Everest that points to a foreign birth.In fact, My mom was born is the same hospital in the same year (Jamicia 1946) about 4 months apart.

  65. bovril says:


    SLCraig is having a bit of a hissy fit as he vomited forth how hospital souvenir BC’s PROVE parental nationality and that along with census results of the parents can somehow be magically combined to make that mystical and elusive beast the NBC US Citizen.

    It was pointed out that out that hospital ‘BC’s’ have no effective legal value.

    Even if it or a real BC denote parental nationality, they are self reported

    As are census details

    Therefore his whole magical thinking was full of cock

    He didn’t take kindly and promptly squawked and blubbered and moved goal posts…..

  66. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    bovril: He didn’t take kindly and promptly squawked and blubbered and moved goal posts…..

    Lol it’s not surprising. He ran away previously from RC’s blog after he lied about a court case in which he referred to the appellant’s losing argument as being the Chief Justice’s majority opinion. When pointed out he denied it several times then finally admitted he screwed up. Then he made a few other claims he couldn’t back off before calling it quits and calling us names and running away.

  67. Dave B. says:

    I haven’t bothered to look, but I’m pretty sure he’ll lie about it again. He’d already been busted on it before. Tracy Fair makes the same kind of error about another case. I don’t think they actually read cases. No fun. Too hard.

    Dr. Kenneth Noisewater: Lol it’s not surprising.He ran away previously from RC’s blog after he lied about a court case in which he referred to the appellant’s losing argument as being the Chief Justice’s majority opinion.When pointed out he denied it several times then finally admitted he screwed up.Then he made a few other claims he couldn’t back off before calling it quits and calling us names and running away.

  68. I’ve been engaging Craig at Birther Report on this subject. I think he may now have the types of certificates straight. What makes a natural born citizen, not so much.


    bovril: It was pointed out that out that hospital ‘BC’s’ have no effective legal value.

  69. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Dave B.:
    I haven’t bothered to look, but I’m pretty sure he’ll lie about it again.He’d already been busted on it before.Tracy Fair makes the same kind of error about another case.I don’t think they actually read cases.No fun.Too hard.

    Yeah he hasn’t mentioned Rutledge yet. I’m waiting for him to do it again.

  70. Notorial Dissent says:

    La Rump is a buffoon as well as a bully who has never payed nicely with anyone. His knowledge of just about everything but the Donald is largely illusory, and I think the image of a carnival barker is more than adequate of him. His career, at least as far as I can see, has largely been one of hype and hyperbole rather than actual substance or constructive action. His general nastiness has cost him his ties with NBC, and he may well have managed to kill his pageant since he may not be able to get anyone to broadcast it after his latest outburst.

    On the lighter side, I really do feel sorry for that poor caterpillar being irrevocably identified with la Rump, it never did anything to anyone to deserve that.

  71. Dave B. says:

    I took a quick look at his Disqus profile. Oh man. Maybe he should just trademark that catchphrase of his, the “exclusionary prerequisite imperative requirement provision.” He certainly does have a “way” with words. And…punctuation. Anyway, that took me in a roundabout way to this sublime irony:
    which provides another example of birther chicanery– quoting P.A. Madison’s blog:
    as if it were Charles Pinckney. Which leads us, of course, directly to yet ANOTHER example of birther chicanery– quoting Washington’s Farewell Address, wherein he warns of “a passionate attachment of one nation for another,” and trying to draw some inference regarding birthright citizenship out of it.

    Dr. Kenneth Noisewater: Yeah he hasn’t mentioned Rutledge yet.I’m waiting for him to do it again.

  72. Thomas Brown says:

    If Obama’s celebrity status was so strong, why did the Wingnuts say for years that “nobody knows him?”

  73. ScottRS says:

    I am particularly enjoying the risible assertions John and Ana keep making about anyone being “concerned” about Trump.

    Trump will not be nominated, let alone win a general election. And this all presupposes he actually runs, since he has yet to disclose his finances, and will eventually be required to do so. Were he to do this, we’d all find out that he actually is an actor portraying a wealthy person on TV, and not an actual wealthy person.

    The only thing any rational person is doing in contemplation of a Trump run is laughing, and I suspect Secretary Clinton is in fact measuring for draperies.

  74. Arthur B. says:

    john: “… a mountain of evidence that’s as big as Everest that points to a foreign birth …”

    Why don’t you remind us of what that evidence is, bearing in mind that it has to have sufficient probative value to overcome several official state documents upon which no legal doubt has yet been cast?

  75. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    john: evidence

    You keep using that word, but I do not think it means what you think it means.

  76. Crustacean says:

    RE John, the phrase “put up or shut up” comes to mind. Since he has failed to do the former, it’s time for him to seriously consider acting on the latter.

    Arthur B.: Why don’t you remind us of what that evidence is, bearing in mind that it has to have sufficient probative value to overcome several official state documents upon which no legal doubt has yet been cast?

  77. Bonsall Obot says:

    john, pumpkin, I’m soooo “concerned” about Drumpf running, I will make you this promise: I live in California, and if Drumpf is still running in May (our primary is in June and I vote by mail,) I will vote for him in the primary. I voted for Orly Taitz, so you know I mean business.

    That’s how worried we are about your hero.

  78. Rickey says:

    john: My mom was born is the same hospital in the same year (Jamicia 1946) about 4 months apart.

    That’s spelled Jamaica, John.

    And big deal. I was born in the same hospital as Caitlyn Jenner, who is much more interesting (and better looking) than Donald Trump.

  79. justlw says:

    john: My mom was born is the same hospital in the same year (Jamicia 1946) about 4 months apart.

    Your grandmother must have been exhausted.

  80. justlw says:

    Dave: Interesting piece. She concludes that the GOP needs to improve its turn-out-the-vote efforts in minority communities.

    That could be difficult in conjunction with the GOP suppress-the-minority-vote efforts.

    She writes:

    But equally important has been the party’s mind-boggling failure to institute a competitive Hispanic ground game. The GOP doesn’t campaign in those communities, doesn’t register voters there, doesn’t knock on doors.

    I try to scrupulously avoid the term “LOL”, but: LOL.

    Part of their giant postmortem, Rinse Prius’ “Growth and Opportunity Project” that came out a couple of months after this article, lamented that they, basically, didn’t know anyone in these neighborhoods. At all. “Couldn’t we ask the help? Maybe they know someone? Does anyone here speak help-language?”

  81. Keith says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    I’ve been engaging Craig at Birther Report on this subject. I think he may now have the types of certificates straight. What makes a natural born citizen, not so much.


    I tried to explain to him (again) how claiming that dual citizenship negates natural born citizenship relies on asserting that foreign law is of superior authority to American law, but I expect it will be moderated out of existence.

    Alas, I didn’t cut a copy for reference, but it was rather long winded, and he won’t pay any attention to it anyway.

  82. Keith says:

    justlw: Part of their giant postmortem, Rinse Prius’ “Growth and Opportunity Project” that came out a couple of months after this article, lamented that they, basically, didn’t know anyone in these neighborhoods. At all. “Couldn’t we ask the help? Maybe they know someone? Does anyone here speak help-language?”

    I was under the impression that “The Shrub” spoke Spanish – and I sorta thought that Cruz and Rubio might have some passing acquaintance with it.

    Was that question really in Priebus paper? Or did you make it up? Either way, I have to assume it is a sharply pointed, and accurate, dig against all three: GWBush, Cruz, and Rubio.

  83. justlw says:

    Keith: Was that question really in Priebus paper?

    The conclusion that they needed to engage in outreach was there. The conversation about how to go about it was purely my snark.

    Los Hermanos de Arbustos (Jeb!’s wife was born in Mexico) and Rubio aside, I think this is still an accurate characterization of the GOP’s challenge, though. Romney getting a spray tan before appearing on Univision is more their style than actually getting a true ground game going. You also mentioned Cruz, but It would appear he is getting very little traction in the Latino community. I can’t imagine why.

    Actual line from the report: “If we want ethnic minority voters to support Republicans, we have to engage them and show our sincerity.” (see: Romney spray tan)

  84. The Magic M (not logged in) says:

    john: I think the eligiblity of Trump is settled and moot. […] There is no question where Trump was born

    O RLY? Because you have seen an internet image of what purports to be a BC, without a seal? Hypocrit!

    john:and unlike Obama there is not a mountain of evidence that’s as big as Everest that points to a foreign birth.

    There is exactly zero evidence Obama was born abroad. Even if one accepted as true your ilk’s claims about the “forged birth certificate”, there is exactly nothing that proves or even hints at where outside the US he allegedly was born.
    (And you don’t really count that LDS ‘Kenyan BC’, do you?)
    All your ilk has is wild speculation how foreign birth would’ve been *possible*.

    john:In fact, My mom was born is the same hospital in the same year (Jamicia 1946) about 4 months apart.

    So she has personal knowledge Trump was born there?
    She remembers having seen him there when she was 4 months old?
    And “there” being Jamaica, i.e. outside of the US? Irie, mon! *lol*

  85. OllieOxenFree says:

    john: I think the eligiblity of Trump is settled and moot. He doesn’t have to show his certificate but it it’s nice that he did. There is no question where Trump was born…

    Don’t you first have to pose a question for there to be a question? There is a big difference between there being “no question,” and, “no one questions.”

    So here… a few questions.

    – Has the hospital confirmed that Trump was born there?
    – Has the hospital released any records confirming his birth there?
    – Has an independent investigation been done to confirm the validity of his birth document?
    – Have passport records been requested of Trump’s parents so we know that they were in the country at the time of his birth?
    – Why have we not seen any pictures of Trump’s mother when she was supposedly pregnant with him?
    – Why are there no testimonies from workers or witnesses at the hospital who remember him being born there?

    These are the types of questions that birthers had about Obama, but few birthers questioned Trump.

    Now, don’t get me wrong. I believe Trump was born exactly where he says he was, just as I believe Obama was born where he says he was. But, just because you didn’t ask the question does not mean there are not questions to be asked. You just accepted Trump’s certificate on faith without any real examination while refusing to do the same for Obama.

  86. RanTalbott says:

    justlw: Actual line from the report: “If we want ethnic minority voters to support Republicans, we have to engage them and show our sincerity.”

    Unfortunately, they’ve already shown their “sincerity”: they sincerely believe that they have to do stuff like voter suppression and appeals to xenophobia to maintain their existing base. And most humans are hesitant about taking a hand that’s extended to them when they recognize it as the one that just slapped them in the face.

  87. RanTalbott says:

    OllieOxenFree: So here… a few questions.

    Here’s one that’s more “serious”: was his mother naturalized before he was born? Since most of the remaining birfoons are ardent believers in the “Two Citizen Parent” myth, they’d have to throw him under the bus with Jindal, Cruz, and Rubio if she were still One True Scotswoman.

    (Hmmm… The Firefox spell checker flags “Jindal” and “Rubio”, but not “Cruz”. Does that mean the Illuminati have warned the Mozilla Foundation not to diss their next Chosen One?)

  88. RanTalbott says:

    And a couple of more-serious reasons Trump won’t be elected…

    He’s going to get challenged (probably including at the GOP debates) on his wildly-wrong claims about immigrant crime.

    The judge in a civil fraud case against Trump University has ruled that he’ll have to answer questions about his net worth under oath. And one of those questions is certain to be “Why did you claim a net worth about double what Forbes magazine says is the actual number?”.

    Interesting that Trump’s lawyers set a schedule for his deposition that could put it just _after_ the first GOP debate. Hmmm…

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