NBC reports that President Obama made a birther joke/quip during a toast at a state dinner in Kenya. Obama said:
Some of my critics back home might be suggesting I’m here to look for my birth certificate. That’s not the case.
The Kenyans present laughed.
Read more:
Of course they laughed: the Americans fell for their scam, and now they have one of their best secret agents in charge here 😉
Because Kenya has always been a deadly enemy of the U.S.
Birthers have graduated from national joke to international joke.
I would never use the word “graduated” when referencing anything “birther cult” related.
How about the birther cult has been “left back” as a joke in both domestic and international schools of intelligence.
What’s even more amusing is that birthers don’t really understand that everyone is laughing at them.
I like that they don’t get it. It’s gonna make their collision with reality hit at breakneck speed, when Obama’s successor is sworn in in 2017. The fact all they did for eight years was for nothing, will no doubt be too much for some of them to bear.
As shown in this video:
Andrew, the idea that birthers will EVER have an awakening to reality is every bit as much a fantasy as the idea that President Obama is one day going to be frog-marched into a courtroom, or that some great “Obot conspiracy” is one day going to be revealed.
Or that Sheriff Arpaio is one day going to come forth with some irrefutable evidence that the President’s birth certificate is a forgery.
The day our next President is sworn in, they will say, “As long as he doesn’t mount a coup and refuse to move out of the White House, the usurper is finally out of office.” If the new President is a Republican, they’ll say, “Maybe now there will be an investigation and his forged birth certificate will be acknowledged.” If the new President’s a Democrat, they’ll say, “So-and-so is going to continue the coverup, but one day the truth will be known.”
As the years go by and nothing ever happens, any time the topic of President Obama comes up, they will say, “You know he was never eligible to be President in the first place, but they covered it all up.”
Maybe, Moon landing deniers are still around after all.
New Evidence from the Obot’s Forger’s Lucas Smith.
Smoking Gun Evidence Obama was born in Kenya?????
Oh yeah, and Flat Earthers too, and let’s not even get started on the Hollow Earth crowd..
No provenance John, no provenance.
So, Johnny boy, you take as “proof” some nonsense on the internet posted by a convicted felon (and forger) whose every other piece of “poof” has been roundly dismissed as outright cock….?
A man I might add whose choice in age of female companionship, particularly but not it would seem exclusively in the Dominican Republic, is akin to pederasty.
A man who attempted to scam folks by offering his kidney for sale….?
That is your paragon of virtue..?
No. It’s just another Lucas Smith forgery.
Also, there is no record of Obama’s mother ever working for Zambia or any other African country. And she didn’t use the name “Stanley.” Professionally and personally she referred to herself as “Ann Dunham” or “S. Ann Dunham.”
No. Just another fake. Smith tried to pass off two fake items as legit, and was caught. You really are a pathetic idiot, if you believe him a third time.
john: “Smoking Gun Evidence Obama was born in Kenya?????”
The CCP found layers and declared it a forgery.
She was in Pakistan in 1986.
But, now that you mention it, didn’t the CCP declare the POSFKBC a “forgery”, and ask people to stop sending them copies?
Poor John: he forgot that his #1 heroes had called his #2 hero a crook.
Lol convicted forger produces new forgery birthers fall for it. Sorry but no The National Commission fell under the Ministry of Agriculture and not the office of the President in 1986
At this point, john will take any “heroes” he can get. He’s so desperate that he’d probably cozy up to ISIS, if they up and went birther.
Today’s headline, john:
“Convicted Forger Produces New Document… But This One’s Real, Honest!”
Listen up, dude: There will never be a “smoking gun” found when no crime has been committed. You’re desperate for a final proof of a falsehood. A document that will prove the Earth is flat. A way to make 2+2 = spinach. It’s over, john.
And in the purported context of that fake letter, Dr. Dunham’s academic title (the Dr. bit) would certainly have been used.
But there would be no reason to mention anything about Dr. Dunham’s family connections, as they’re nothing to do with Zambia.
So Smith’s fake letter is not just fake, it’s a rotten amateurish fake.
But racist John likes it. It’s against Obama, so he likes it, the nasty racist toerag.
While I am certain the letter
Is fake, for many reasons, I don’t think she received her doctorate until 1992.
Could be wrong, but…
You’re correct. The University of Hawaii has her listed as Ann Dunham Soetoro.
However, there seems to be an unresolved question about whether government officials in Zambia would have used the honorific “Ms.” in 1986.
I certainly have no idea about that one. It’s kind of a minor thing, but certainly something to explore if someone wanted to take the time.
It really doesn’t matter as to whether I believe the letter is fake. It’s fake 1) simply because He, Lucas Smith, posted it. 🙂 ; 2) because there’s no evidence she ever worked in (or was ever in) Zambia, and certainly not in an area that was not within her expertise. 3) the comment about Ann and “her son” are gratuitous; and more.
But just for grins, let’s say the letter were legit. So what? It doesn’t prove Obama was born anywhere other than Hawaii nor that he’s ineligible to the presidency. It offers no evidence of any such thing.
” .It’s fake 1) simply because He, Lucas Smith, posted it.”
You hit the nail squarely. John may have missed this when I posted this before, but Smith’s touting a document reminded me of an old professor of mine. In an undergraduate jurisprudence class, this guy — a pracitcing lawyer by day, a university adjunct by night — wiould say when addressing a matter of law too obvious to debate, “You do not hire a convicted sex offender to hand out towels in the girls locker room.” By the same token, you do not hire a convicted forger to authenticate a document. Logic 101, or common sense 101.
Exactly. 🙂
I disagree! When Obama leaves in office in 2017, they will all congratulate themselves on persevering with their efforts and finally driving him from office.
Then they’ll start hammering on Whitewater and “look.. Bengazi! for 8 years.
Meh. Won’t phase Orly. She’ll start over birfing and will sue Obama as a now private citizen and will have STANDING and will then be able to get DISCOVERY and will null and void everything he did.
If Orly’s bar license is revoked, will every case she ever filed become null and void too? Oh never mind, that already happened.
Now, be fair: we did get official confirmation of the non-existence of Harrison J. Bounel.
So it wasn’t all nullified 😉
Which she still denies, and the last I checked was still harassing the SSA for non-existent records and generally wasting court time over it. I don’t think they’ve killed the SSA suit(s) completely yet. ❓
Oh, yeah: that was the one where the judge ended the ruling with “7. The Clerk is directed to CLOSE this case.”. There was joking at the time about her wanting to shut off the seemingly-endless flow of motions and zibbits.
And the appeal was denied. The appeals court even said they wouldn’t hear arguments because the filings were all they needed. (A cynic might say that they had seen videos of Orly, and didn’t want to suffer through her presentation)