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Quick Reference
- Birther aggregator
- Congressional Research Service report on presidential eligibility
- Donald, You're FIred! – FactCheck.org
- Hawaii Department of Health Obama FAQ
- Hawaii verification of birth certificate
- Jack Ryan document collection on Scribd
- Made in the U.S.A. – FactCheck.org
- Nordyke twins birth certificate
- Obama Certificate of Live Birth – Gurhrie Photo
- Obama Certificate of Live Birth – Press
- Obama Certificate of Live Birth – White House
- Obama Certification of Live Birth
- Obama presidential library
- Obama White House archive site
- Politifact Birth Certificate articles
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The Fogbow is still down for conversion. Previously The Fogbow had migrated from the open source forum platform phpBB to a commercial package. Now they are switching back. Apparently it’s taking longer than anticipated (been there, done that). If you visit The Fogbow forum, you’ll see a link to status information.
“Donald Trump’s Birther Strategy: His loony birth certificate quest fits into a xenophobic tradition in American politics,” by Jeff Greenfield at Politico.
the answer to the title of this thread is….
does that mean the thread is finished now?
What’s with Mike Volin constantly rescheduling your appearance? He had repeat guest Gabe zolna on last night and claims he was firming up the base. As if the crazy birther base needs firming up after all of volins nutty guests
The copy of the “clown shoes” video, linked to from one of Doc’s postings last fall has been sort-of deleted: the preview picture is still there, but it’s overlaid with a 404-like error message for the video.
I’ve used it many times to whack birthers who think the investimagination is “real” or “official”. Thanks, Doc.
I just happened to double-check it when using it today, and found it’s broken.
The Phoenix New Times still has it, though: http://video.phoenixnewtimes.com/joe-arpaio-boasts-about-milking-the-birthers-for-cash-in-the-joe-show-41925042
I have fixed it. Thanks for the info.
The Fogbow forum is back up. I had to do a password reset.
The forum is running much better after an initial crash or two today. Foggy will have to install a number of extensions that were installed before. The forum is running on the basic software right now. The conversion wasn’t perfect but some issues are still being addressed.
I keep telling ya’ll, he’s Pelosi’s boy and Pelosi is, as we all know, the one who OK’d the fake certs. I think he’s afraid that either he or the Doc might let something slip that would expose the entire conspiracy.
The real problem with aliens:
Interesting article about unaccredited law schools in California and their drop out rates.
Wow. The dropout rate at Taft is 91.5%.
A high dropout rate isn’t surprising, considering that the only entrance requirement is the willingness to pay the tuition, but 91.5% is mind-boggling.
I’m guessing that most don’t pass the baby bar exam they are required to take at the end of the first year.
Here’s the June, 2014 essay questions and answers
Depends on why they’re enrolling, and why they’re dropping out.
The article says those schools are cheaper than “real” law schools, offer conveniences like online courses, and don’t require a degree to get in. If you just wanted to take a few basic law courses to help run your business and/or avoid paying lawyers for simple jobs, it might be a sensible thing to do.
Otoh, if they’re selling false hopes of a lucrative career as a landshark, I’d go for “appalling” or “despicable”, rather than merely “mind-boggling” 😉
Imagine, we’re talking about a situation in which Orly Taitz is a success story.
Somebody reposted the “4 simple questions” email in a comments section at WND, and got 9 upvotes (so far).
So, I think the correct answer is, not just “NO”, but “HELL, NO!” 😉
There’s the occasional spark of intelligence, like when a birther ups and goes “Hey, you know what? I don’t think anything is going to come of Arpaio and Zullo!”, but that spark is immediately extinguished, when the next thing that very same birther says, is monumentally stupid. We had a few close calls with birther john having a spark of reason igniting, but then he started going on his evil rants about killing Mexicans, and how POWs aren’t real war heroes.
The blog will be closed for Windows 10 installation tomorrow. Of course the blog doesn’t run under Windows and will still be here, but I’ll be busy updating 6 systems (maybe).Right now I have temporarily reconfigured the systems and I’m typing right now on my Cyrillic keyboard, which is driving me nuts. I’m also going to be migrating my main work flow to a newer system, which I got surplus from OARPA. I’m getting the period confused with the ю key. Grrr.
Donald Trump has hinted that he might pick Palin as his VP.
I’m still hoping he’ll go with Taitz instead.
Slim chance, as she is not eligible. Palin would be just too good to be true.
Hillary would simply have to counter by selecting Tina Fey. The VP debate would be the best thing ever.
Doc, apropos of nothing, did you take that picture of the GBT?
ConWebWatch: Monkton’s massive birther fail:
The OARPA machine is up on Windows 10 (yea!) and I’m commenting now from it. So far I’ve got 2 Windows 10 machines running and two more upgrading from 8.1 in progress. Next is the big deal, the Windows 7 machine that has all my real stuff on it.
Finally the open question as to whether Ms. Conspiracy will upgrade.
Don’t forget to send us our updated codes and assignments…
All 6 systems updated.
birther report thinks they have something https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ryZ9R-qjOSQ
Miriam Goderich in 1999 probably long after she was some lowly junior copy editor saying she works closely with all her authors.
I thought it was agreed at the last board meeting that OARPA requires the super-security of “Red Flag Linux”?
They do: their usual bucket o’ (bleep).
Also a huge bucket o’ libel liability. Is Goderich prominent enough to be considered a “public figure”? Not that entering a few samples of BR’s “news” into evidence wouldn’t be enough to clear the “actual malice” bar…
This is one of the surplus OARPA machines.
Ted Cruz says his dad’s no birther, he’s just got birther ways.
Shocking news! A literary agent says that she works closely with her clients!
She also said that in 1991 her job was “agency assistant.” She was 24 years old at the time the booklet was written.
Yeah and 8 years removed from when she wrote the blurb so she most likely wasn’t even in the same role in the video. As usual birthers think they found a gotcha.
Has there been discussion here on the article “On the Meaning of ‘Natural Born Citizen’” by Neal Katyal & Paul Clement, Harvard Law Review, March 11, 2015?
Meanwhile, If Obama’s father had been white and his race listed as American, would people be crying fraud because American is not a race?
My parents’ race is listed as “American White” on my birth certificate.
If I recall correctly Sen. Cruz’s Father was a Cuban citizen, a communist, and a compatriot of Fidel Castro.
Imagine how the Birthers would feel if Pres. Obama’s Father was Kenyan, not a communist, and not a friend of Fidel Castro.
And then there’s Trump. Was his Mother really a full blooded American citizen when he was born, or, according to the British Nationality Act of 1947, was she always a British citizen? And aren’t some of Trump’s wives foreigners? How’s that for divided loyalties?
White? American? You’re legit.
There’s been some speculation about how Arpaio got hooked up with Montgomery, and whether the Xerox evidence was the trigger for the Seattle Operation. Zullo said a few things during his circle jerk with Carl a few weeks ago that shed some light on that, but are still ambiguous. Starting about 6 minutes into the recording, he describes what I think is the point where someone (Sellin???) said that Arpaio was ready to shut Zullo down:
Translation: We had clues from the git-go that this was a Very Bad Idea™, but we did it, anyway. Then the Obots showed that our “case” was full of holes you could drive a 50-cent Crown Vic through, and we thought we were terminally screwed.
But he goes on with:
This seems to say that Zullo sold Arpaio on bringing in Monty to work the BC scam. But, alas, it’s not clear whether he had made the contact on his own, or because Arpaio was already using Monty.
Skipping ahead a bit, he says something that may be of great significance later:
He’s referring to Monty’s repeated failure to deliver as “legal problems”, which seems to me to be the sort of deliberate misrepresentation that constitutes “fraud”.
My older birth certificate (a copy of the “long” form), does not even list the race of my parents. It may well have been in that statistical sectional not included with certified copies.
I did just notice that in the boxes for the parents “State of birth,” it includes the city as well as the state. I guess that means my BC is probably forged.
The doctor’s mailing address is also missing a zip code, even though it is supposed to be listed according to instructions. Another point of forgery against me.
I thought I was born but maybe I wasn’t.
Given that blank is not a race AND, if it is determined that you actually were born, you may not be eligible to serve as president. Should you decide to run for president, you may want to first consult with an expert in constitutional law. There are a lot of them available at World Nut Daily, but I recommend waiting until Obama leaves office and starts looking for a real job, when you should give him a call. You’re welcome.
btw, Blanc is a valid race in France. Unfortunately, as you no doubt know, France is not a valid country.
Yeah, deception in every statement Zoo Low and Our Pie Hole, make. I think your hunches are probably very accurate.
Actually, no. “Blanc” is just a word meaning “white” and, while it may be used in exactly the same approximate fashion in common speech as in the US or the UK, officially the French Government maintains a race-blind policy; i.e.: it would be actually illegal to ask for “race” in a questionnaire or survey.
You may read more (in English) here:
The more interesting question is, if Obama’s father had been a black(-ish) US citizen and his race had been listed as “American”, would birthers have cried foul?
McChrystal from what I’ve been told.
I believe birthers would cry foul no matter what it said, or what they imagined it said. For example, I recently ran across a thread from a couple of years ago (wish I‘d saved the ink) where the theory was offered that the real reason for the forgery was to cover up the fact that his mother had listed him as white so as to avoid the moral stigma attached to a white woman having a child by a black man, never mind that the child’s race is not listed on the BC.
That’s funny and outlandish and one of the less interesting conspiracy theories because, even if true, it would have zero impact.
Racist birthers assumed blacks would not vote (again) for a black guy whose BC listed him as “white” (for whatever reason), but that was because they assumed (1) that blacks vote primarily on skin colour and (2) that blacks would consider Obama (who is clearly not white) as white just because some 1961 document said so.
In other words, that theory assumes blacks are both racist and dumber than rocks.
Just like some of the theories about Obama’s “real” parents that e.g. assumed he was the child of Stanley Dunham sr. and a prostitute – as if this would’ve had an impact on the election results, again only feasible by assuming everybody thinks like oneself.
Ah yes, the Albert Moore narrative. What a nut. Albert tried to make a native Hawaiian out of Obama.
Let it never be forgot that Albert Moore submitted an amicus brief in the McInnish case that was lifted verbatim from Sven Magnussen’s blog. So Moore either is Sven (which is loopy,) or is happy to adopt Sven’s scholarship (which is worse.)
“TripWire1” holding forth on the common law over at the IVN thing-that-wouldn’t-die:
“Individual Freedoms and innate rights are concepts that are entirely rejected by British feudal common law.”
“TripWire1″ is T. J. McCann who pushed the same nonsense at John Woodman’s blog a few years ago.
Oh, McCann… yeah, we had fun with him at Fogbow last year, didn’t we?
A discussion that has gone on far too long. I finally got unsubscribed.
Much like the Ted Cruz discussion at Western Free Press. Almost 9000 comments and it is still Minor versus Wong Kim Ark.
It always amazes me how they forget the most important and demanding eligibility requirement of the Constitution…electability. Let them waste their breath on Cruz, he’s not going anywhere.
It is a bit disheartening to realize that one’s species — homo sapiens supposedly-sapiens — produces individuals of such stupidity.
Jade Helm: Shots fired
You mean: “Brave wolverine patriots hunted by Usurper’s occupying force”, don’t you?
Somehow I doubt RW’s will raise hell about the “security of our troops” this time.
People with Muslim-sounding names shooting at the military: terrorists.
White RW’s shooting at the military: Second Amendment heroes, defenders of the free state.
They found the people mentioned in the original report, and questioned and released them. They’re now looking for a single individual, and saying that he may have simply been out hunting, and not shooting at the soldiers.
However, there was another linked story, which went away when I refreshed the page, that said three guys who were planning to ambush Jade Helm soldiers have been arrested.
And it’s happened again
BR is at it again. Yesterday’s article about Internet trolls comes courtesy of Examiner.com. The writer, Jim Kouri, added some of his own comments, but sneakily, he did it in such a way as to leave the impression that it was part of the NATO study. I have separated his “contribution” to the article with asterisks.
“A study that had been commissioned by the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) StratCom Centre of Excellence and conducted by scholars with Latvian Institute of International Affairs and Latvia’s Riga Stradins University, takes a serious look at something most Internet users deal with on a daily basis: Internet trolls. The preliminary results were released on Friday and appeared in some news outlets.
“Many of the trolls prowling the Internet are part of a concerted effort to demonize the United States, according to the study. The researchers termed these operatives as being “Blame the USA Conspiracy Trolls.” The researchers claim these trolls will post lengthy comments piecing fact and fiction together with the goal of blaming the United States. ***These trolls may be affiliated with radical groups, Islamic terrorists or a terrorist wannabe, or a member of the Democratic Party’s left-wing. The perfect example is the posting of photographs showing blacks with their hands held in the air shouting, “Don’t Shoot Me!” The fact that such a situation never happened in the Ferguson shooting of a unarmed black by a white police officer did little to stop the absurd Internet posts.” ***
In other news, Pastor James Manning was interviewed on The Daily Show last night and claimed that Starbucks is putting semen in its lattes.
He also also said that Obama is the son of Satan.
Hole-y condom, Batman! I record The Daily Show each night, so I’m looking forward to watching that segment when I get home this evening.
“You may not be able to find my explanation suitable to meet the empirical standards” is a line that Birthers should memorize.
I wonder what Freud would say about Manning’s claim that the purpose of the baby batter is to make their drinks more flavorful.
Story about Phoenix PD. they appear to have issues.
In reality, you’re right. But birthers don’t live there. No matter how outlandish, it provides the necessary hook for seemingly less outlandish solutions, like: “Yeah, that doesn’t make him ineligible but altering an official document makes him a felon. Impeach his a** and boot him out of office.”
Australia’s version of the Statue of Liberty
Where’s the Clause about the giant killer spiders?
It would appear from the answer he just gave at the debate that Trump has the same amazingly classy level of evidence about the Mexican government that he does about Obama’s BC.
I missed the debating but I caught the closing statements. I wonder just how many amps Mike Huckabee has.