Monthly Archives: October 2015

What is Zullo hiding?

Mike Zullo was presented with a subpoena in the Melendres case, and he produced thousands of pages of documents, but he also suggested that some documents might be protected under the 5th Amendment freedom from self incrimination. So what is … Continue reading

Posted in Lawsuits, Mike Zullo | Tagged , | 56 Comments

Zullo plays for time

H/t to Sharon Rondeau at The Post & Email. Mike Zullo has finally, himself, filed a motion with the Federal Court in the Melendres case. The Jack Ryan collection at Scribd has the full text of the motion, brought by … Continue reading

Posted in Mike Zullo | Tagged , , , , , , | 93 Comments

No immunity for Zullo

Stephen Lemons is on hand for the resumption of hearings in the contempt of court proceeding against Joe Arpaio and some of his employees in the Melendres v. Arpaio lawsuit. You can follow Lemons’ updates on Twitter via the hash … Continue reading

Posted in Lawsuits, Mike Zullo | Tagged , , | 110 Comments

Zullo seeks attorney as Arpaio retaliation claims gain national attention

In court documents made public yesterday by the Phoenix New Times, we learn that Mike Zullo is consulting a so far unnamed Atlanta attorney to represent him in Phoenix. Meanwhile a possibility remains that the Arpaio defense team will be … Continue reading

Posted in Joe Arpaio, Larry Klayman, Lawsuits, Mike Zullo | Tagged , , , , , , , | 25 Comments

Birther national tour

I’ve been trying to piece this story together from comments at BirtherReport. A commenter there under the screen name “systemictreason” left this comment today: "in re: Natural Born Citizen Party National Committee" 15-XXXX-OP Multi-Circuit USCA1C notice given USCA2C pending docketing … Continue reading

Posted in Lawsuits | Tagged , | 48 Comments

Doc back on the air with RC tonight

Realty Check has invited me on his Blog Talk Radio program tonight (Oct. 21) at 9 PM Eastern Time. I’ll be talking about my experience on the Mike Volin Show, and probably a range of other topics in the birther … Continue reading

Posted in Dr. C. Comments | Tagged , , , , , | 153 Comments