Birther national tour

I’ve been trying to piece this story together from comments at BirtherReport. A commenter there under the screen name “systemictreason” left this comment today:

"in re: Natural Born Citizen Party National Committee" 15-XXXX-OP Multi-Circuit
USCA1C notice given
USCA2C pending docketing
USCA3C docketed 15-3463-op
USCA4C notice given
USCA5C docketed 15-41276-op
USCA6C notice given
USCA7C notice given
USCA8C notice given
USCA9C notice given
USCA10C notice given
USCA11C notice given
USCA DCC docketed 15-5251-op
USCA FC notice given

USCA2C clerk office stated Friday that original proceeding should be docketed Monday — they cashed the filing fee check today.

once second circuit dockets case next week, will pick one of Orly case circuits for docketing


As we go along in each of the thirteen USCA circuits — they are acknowledging collectively and individually judicial notice of such related items as Strunk being screwed by the NYSUCS Shack court in Brooklyn,the NBC eligibilty (sic) "Trump Rule",the hand counting of general election ballots "Schulz Rule",the "Kerchner senior military officer elector constitution defender standing Rule"

So it appears that something is being filed around the country by the Natural Born Citizen Party (whose 2016 candidate for president is Christopher Earl Strunk).  They call it the “Multi-Circuit Original Proceeding” which sounds odd for a Circuit Court filing. The document itself lists each of the circuit courts of he United States, and under some (but not all) of them there is a link to a lawsuit filing. The header text of a filing with the  5th Circuit1 mentions “ineligible nomination” and “misprision of treason” (that latter a term that Mr. Strunk brought up on the Mike Volin show when he talked to me). There’s also something about mandamus.

Orly Taitz tried to consolidate some of her cases into a multi-jurisdictional whatchamacallit, but didn’t succeed.

One case listed is Schulz et al v. State of New York et al. That case was filed in 2007 and terminated in 2011 with an order dismissing the complaint for lack of subject matter jurisdiction. It appears that this original case was an attempt to get audit controls, specifically chain of custody of ballots, placed on elections. It had a huge number of plaintiffs and defendants in various states. Another suit mentioned is Strunk et al.  v. Department of State et al.

The Scribd profile constitutionmonitors has 120 documents published.

I’m really having difficulty getting at exactly what is going on, but it appears that the NBC Party wants some kind of order from all of the circuit courts to keep anchor babies from inflating the census, and to keep people who are not natural born citizens from being nominated for president. Beyond that, who knows?


1The 5th Circuit wrote them back saying that filings had to conform to the Federal Rules of Appellate Procedure, not the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure.

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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48 Responses to Birther national tour

  1. Dave says:

    I suspect that people who fret about “anchor babies” inflating the census are not aware that, as clearly directed in the Constitution (as amended), the census counts “persons.” That of course includes not only “anchor babies,” who are US citizens, but also foreigners whether here legally or illegally. The only persons excluded from the count are “Indians not taxed.”

  2. The Magic M (not logged in) says:

    they are acknowledging collectively and individually judicial notice

    The cat-call of the crank.
    To them, it either means “look, they’re looking into it now and who knows how they might rule” or “they’re on notice so we can hang them as collaborators when we get to power”, or both.

  3. bovril says:

    A big ole bucket of crazy, flavored with some Sov Citizen nutjob, a soupcon of whine, a dash of BS and a slathering of linguistic torture.

    Alas and alac, Strikes latest scam will go the way of all the rest of his nonsense….. exactly nowhere.

    As an example of just how barking mad Strunk is, his ‘party’ and his party members and electors ALSO have to be ‘verified’ NBC citizens, in addition to the one they put up for President.

    Still it’s interesting that it’s regarded as not TOO crazy for Birfoon Report, then again they are happy to see chemtrailers, sov citizens, BS Extreme and the rest post their insanity so…….

  4. realist says:

    My WAG… This is Strunk’s attempt to file in all districts, obtain divergent opinions so he can then file in the Holy Grail… SCOTUS.

  5. bob says:

    My WAG… This is Strunk’s attempt to file in all districts, obtain divergent opinions so he can then file in the Holy Grail… SCOTUS.

    Yes, I believe that is the goal as well. And Strunk likely receive it, to some extent: the circuit courts will all dismiss or deny these petitions, but there will likely be slightly different bases for doing so. But these differences will not interest SCOTUS.

    And, IIRC, “systemictreason” is Strunk.

  6. J.D. Reed says:

    A big ole bucket of crazy, flavored with some Sov Citizen nutjob, a soupcon of whine, a dash of BS and a slathering of linguistic torture.

    Alas and alac, Strikes latest scam will go the way of all the rest of his nonsense….. exactly nowhere.

    As an example of just how barking mad Strunk is, his ‘party’ and his party members and electors ALSO have to be ‘verified’ NBC citizens, in addition to the one they put up for President.

    Still it’s interesting that it’s regarded as not TOO crazy for Birfoon Report, then again they are happy to see chemtrailers, sov citizens, BS Extreme and the rest post their insanity so…….

    If one of them believes that it was illegal for Obama to even be born, then nothing that can be imagined by the mind of man is too crazy for them.

  7. Pete says:

    The nutty flavor does tend to predominate in this dish.

  8. CRJ says:

    It’s amazing to see what the SCOTUS perps by simply not understanding there does need to be a Ruling between Pres. Candidates on the subject.

    Judy v. Obama 14-9396 may yet be considered active.

    Interesting to ponder the anti-birther movement having much to do with the following rather than upholding Law and Justice.

    [The fact that Trump is a billionaire enhances his [c]redibility as the standard-bearer of the populist moment, suggests Steve Schmidt, a Republican strategist who ran John McCain’s 2008 presidential campaign. “Trump is essentially saying there’s one set of rules for people like you and another set for people like me—[I]’ve played the game, [I]’ve won at the game and now [I]’m going to be fighting on your side,” he said.] emphasis added.

    Essentially the anti- Birther movement has pushed the public to Trump and men like him admitting they have played the game, known how to game the system, and now are asking people to trust them for the task of fixing it.

    This really seems an unintended consequence of not at least supporting a Candidate for President’ like myself’s humble Petition Cert.

    Hillary & Jeb included. The Amicus Curiae invitation in Judy v. Obama 14-9396 declined may yet go down in D and R History as the single biggest contribution to Trumps Campaign.

    They have paved the way in how to create a Donald Trump Presidential Campaign and if Trumps successful, it will be not because of Justice but in spite of Justice or a promotion of Injustice.

    This is probably the saddest of my contimplations now. For our HOPE is that Justice would prevail.

    I’ve long pondered the attraction of the populous to Trump, and when Justice and Equality do Fail, money is what people run for in a Leader. Romney was a warm up.. and Clinton has long forgotten the poverty class with pay-to-play fiasco.

    It certainly does take money, however Justice was suppose to be attainable in equality and … Justice for All.

    The denial of forma pauperis standing in Judy v. Obama 14-9396 being observed by SCOTUS in defference to two lower Court’s the same year.

  9. Now that’s pure delusion.

    CRJ: Hillary & Jeb included. The Amicus Curiae invitation in Judy v. Obama 14-9396 declined may yet go down in D and R History as the single biggest contribution to Trumps Campaign.

  10. Lupin says:

    CRJ: I’ve long pondered the attraction of the populous to Trump, and when Justice and Equality do Fail, money is what people run for in a Leader. Romney was a warm up.. and Clinton has long forgotten the poverty class with pay-to-play fiasco.

    It certainly does take money, however Justice was suppose to be attainable in equality and … Justice for All.

    The denial of forma pauperis standing in Judy v. Obama 14-9396 being observed by SCOTUS in defference to two lower Court’s the same year.

    We need to cascade memos about our remote transitional mobility. The solution can only be integrated through transitional capability. For It’s time to revamp and reboot our deconstructed modular resources.

    (I think I’m starting to master this. Or maybe it’s late and I need to go to bed.)

  11. Pete says:

    I was just staring at that and thinking about inserting “sic’s” at all the obvious stupid errors.

    CRJ: I’ve long pondered the attraction of the populous [sic] to Trump, and when Justice and Equality do Fail, money is what people run for in a Leader. Romney was a warm up.. and Clinton has long forgotten the poverty class with pay-to-play fiasco.

    It certainly does take money, however Justice was suppose [sic] to be attainable in equality and … Justice for All.

    The denial of forma pauperis [sic] standing in Judy v. Obama 14-9396 being observed by SCOTUS in defference [sic] to two lower Court’s [sic] the same year.

    That’s just the obvious stuff, and completely ignoring punctuation and the lack of adherence to current English language capitalization rules.

    I’m going to sign off for a little while now. I’m feeling a bit [sic].

  12. Arthur B. says:

    Lupin: I think I’m starting to master this.

    Close, but your English is too good. (Or should I say “you’re English”?)

  13. Neither the Birther nor the anti-Birther movement has anything to do with Trump’s success so far. Trump is riding a wave of anti-immigration, racist bigotry. He is also benefiting from the fact he can run as a government outsider with absolutely no record. The far right hated Boehner because he had to make compromises to actually govern. They don’t like Ryan for the same reason. They will like him less as Speaker.

  14. Rickey says:


    Judy v. Obama 14-9396 may yet be considered active.

    Not a chance. It’s as dead as a door nail.

    Essentially the anti- Birther movement has pushed the public to Trump

    Wrong again. Republicans may have been pushed to Trump, but among Americans as a whole his unfavorable rating is 60%.

  15. roadburner says:

    Reality Check:
    Trump is riding a wave of anti-immigration, racist bigotry. He is also benefiting from the fact he can run as a government outsider with absolutely no record.

    i find the irony in this to be the same people who are fawning over trump currently tend to be the same ones who complained that president obama had little political experience.

    edit – excuse the way that came out. i’ve been speaking and reading spanish all day and coming back to english takes a little time.

  16. The Magic M (not logged in) says:

    Lupin: (I think I’m starting to master this. Or maybe it’s late and I need to go to bed.)

    The veracity of this public blog court’s open remissal/adfusal of the importancy no real two citizen parent born citizen baby can deny has taken place before SCOTUS can not be understated. Rest assured my very much open active case “The Magic M vs. undisclosed recipients” in the jurisprudishness of Arkham, Texinois, will finally constitutionally resign in the animous undecision, uh, unanimous decision that no Founder can ever take office again under perjury of this legal penalty until, and unless, this has been brought to the attention of Darth Trump.

    The rest defends, your honour.

  17. Pete says:

    The Magic M (not logged in): The veracity of this public blog court’s open remissal/adfusal of the importancy no real two citizen parent born citizen baby can deny has taken place before SCOTUS can not be understated. Rest assured my very much open active case “The Magic M vs. undisclosed recipients” in the jurisprudishness of Arkham, Texinois, will finally constitutionally resign in the animous undecision, uh, unanimous decision that no Founder can ever take office again under perjury of this legal penalty until, and unless, this has been brought to the attention of Darth Trump.

    The rest defends, your honour.

    BINGO! I think you’ve got it.

    Oh, my. That was hilarious.

  18. bob says:

    Reality Check:
    Now that’s pure delusion.

    If Judy had any self-awareness, he would reflect upon all of his past predictions. And assess how many of his past predictions have not come true. And then reconsider his predictive abilities.

    But Judy doesn’t, so he’ll continue to saying mind numbingly dumb things that have no basis in reality.

  19. Rickey says:

    The Magic M (not logged in): The veracity of this public blog court’s open remissal/adfusal of the importancy no real two citizen parent born citizen baby can deny has taken place before SCOTUS can not be understated. Rest assured my very much open active case “The Magic M vs. undisclosed recipients” in the jurisprudishness of Arkham, Texinois, will finally constitutionally resign in the animous undecision, uh, unanimous decision that no Founder can ever take office again under perjury of this legal penalty until, and unless, this has been brought to the attention of Darth Trump.

    The rest defends, your honour.

    Finally, a post that CRJ can understand!

  20. Lupin says:

    The Magic M (not logged in): The veracity of this public blog court’s open remissal/adfusal of the importancy no real two citizen parent born citizen baby can deny has taken place before SCOTUS can not be understated. Rest assured my very much open active case “The Magic M vs. undisclosed recipients” in the jurisprudishness of Arkham, Texinois, will finally constitutionally resign in the animous undecision, uh, unanimous decision that no Founder can ever take office again under perjury of this legal penalty until, and unless, this has been brought to the attention of Darth Trump.

    The rest defends, your honour.

    Oh you certainly nailed it! Bravo!

  21. RanTalbott says:

    Reality Check: Neither the Birther nor the anti-Birther movement has anything to do with Trump’s success so far.

    The polls show that over 60% of his supporters are birfers. And there’s a recurring expression of hope among the gerbils that he’ll suddenly reveal himself as their deus ex machina (though maybe not until after he takes office: some of them have learned it’s dangerous to set near-term goals that are easily identified as “failures” 😉 ).

    So there’s some influence there. It’s just not clear how much. But I’m convinced that the reason he keeps ducking the question is that he knows any answer he gives will hurt him noticeably, in the primaries, in the general, or both.

  22. I am not surprised with that number. As Doc said on my show last week it’s hard to separate the Birthers from the bigots because they are for the most part one and the same voting block. I believe that Trump already had the Birther vote locked up but it is his ant-Mexican statements that propelled him to the forefront. However, the latest polls seem to indicate the Trump phenomenon may be ending.

    RanTalbott: The polls show that over 60% of his supporters are birfers.

  23. Pete says:

    Reality Check: However, the latest polls seem to indicate the Trump phenomenon may be ending.

    And just when the GOP was trying to come to terms with the idea that he might actually win the nomination.

  24. The Magic M (not logged in) says:

    Reality Check: However, the latest polls seem to indicate the Trump phenomenon may be ending.

    Who knows? The GOP base is so crazy you never know what they’re gonna do tomorrow, or whom they’re gonna cheer for. By early December, Cruz might be at 30% and by end of January, Trump is back on top.

    And Trump hasn’t been very vocal recently; just wait until his next round of “telling it like it is” (one of my ex-gf’s favourite excuse for being impolite and rude) and he’ll rise again.

  25. RanTalbott says:

    The Magic M (not logged in): And Trump hasn’t been very vocal recently

    Um, this past weekend he did two rallies in Florida, and hit 3 of “the shows”. Which might be a problem for him, since, if he’s taking up all their air time, they can’t put on any of “the generals” to give him military advice…

    He may not be getting as much network news coverage, because he seems to be dividing all his time between bragging and trashing his rivals, instead of coming up with new outrageous sound bites.

  26. Northland10 says:

    CRJ: Judy v. Obama 14-9396 may yet be considered active.

    And yet:

    Oct 8 2015 Case considered closed.

  27. Rickey says:


    And yet:

    Oct 8 2015 Case considered closed.

    Judy hasn’t yet come to grips with the fact that technically he never filed a cert petition. When his motion to proceed in forma pauperis was denied, he was given three weeks to file a petition which complied with the rules, He failed to do so.

    That is why his case is listed as “closed” rather then “denied.” He never filed a valid petition, so there is nothing to deny.

    It is now too late to file a cert petition, so the only way for him to get to SCOTUS again is to start over from scratch and file a new lawsuit.

  28. Pete says:

    In other words, Cody’s previous case isn’t just mostly dead, it’s all dead.

  29. Sef says:

    Reality Check: However, the latest polls seem to indicate the Trump phenomenon may be ending.

    “Bull Moose” time.

  30. RanTalbott says:

    Or “Bull in a China Shop”.

    Or just plain “Bull”.

    (btw, there is no absolutely truth to the rumor that one of Trump’s deficit-reduction proposals is to raise money by starting a new reality TV show called “Flip This White House”)

  31. Northland10 says:

    In other words, Cody’s previous case isn’t just mostly dead, it’s all dead.

    It’s not only merely dead,
    It’s really most sincerely dead

  32. It was never alive at SCOTUS. His petition to file IFP was denied and he never refiled under the rules. Technically his petition for writ of certiorari was never before the court. He’s out of options at this point.

    Northland10: It’s not only merely dead,
    It’s really most sincerely dead

  33. Rickey says:

    In other words, Cody’s previous case isn’t just mostly dead, it’s all dead.

    Rule 13 applies:

    Rule 13. Review on Certiorari: Time for Petitioning
    1. Unless otherwise provided by law, a petition for a writ of certiorari to review a judgment in any case, civil or criminal, entered by a state court of last resort or a United States court of appeals (including the United States Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces) is timely when it is filed with the Clerk of this Court within 90 days after entry of the judgment. A petition for a writ of certiorari seeking review of a judgment of a lower state court that is subject to discretionary review by the state court of last resort is timely when it is filed with the Clerk within 90 days after entry of the order denying discretionary review.
    2. The Clerk will not file any petition for a writ of certiorari that is jurisdictionally out of time. See, e. g.,28 U. S. C. § 2101(c).

    The rules make for rather dry reading, but no one should file an appeal with the Supreme Court without thoroughly understanding them. If Judy tried to re-file his petition, it would be rejected pursuant to paragraph 2.

  34. Lupin says:

    Northland10: It’s not only merely dead,
    It’s really most sincerely dead

    Dare I say it: It’s pining for the fjords and joined the choir invisible.

  35. Pete says:

    Lupin: It’s pining for the fjords

    It’s not pinin’! It’s passed on! This petition is no more! It has ceased to be! It’s expired and gone to meet its maker!

    It’s a stiff! Bereft of life, it rests in peace! If Cody hadn’t nailed it to the internet it’d be pushing up the daisies!

    Its metabolic processes are now history! It’s off the twig!

    It’s kicked the bucket, shuffled off its mortal coil, run down the curtain and joined the bleedin’ choir invisibile!!


  36. Northland10 says:

    Reality Check:
    It was never alive at SCOTUS. His petition to file IFP was denied and he never refiled under the rules. Technically his petition for writ of certiorari was never before the court. He’s out of options at this point.

    Once upon a time, for a brief moment, in the district court, it was alive. After that, it was the walking dead, without the zombie charm. As for SCOTUS, it was no more than a blob of goo on Neal Street.

  37. bob says:

    Because presently there’s no open thread, here will do: The 9th Circuit affirmed the dismissal of Taitz’s case. (In a word: moot.)

  38. Pete says:

    Is that Taitz’s last birther rodeo? Does she have anything else in the system?

    Second thought: Never mind. I see it’s 9th Circuit. That means she’s undoubtedly going to appeal it to the USSC.

  39. bob says:

    Is that Taitz’s last birther rodeo? Does she have anything else in the system?

    Second thought: Never mind. I see it’s 9th Circuit. That means she’s undoubtedly going to appeal it to the USSC.

    It is her last active birther case.

    And I don’t think she’ll take this to SCOTUS. As Judy will tell you, it is expensive. And Taitz has lost her mojo; she has not bothered SCOTUS with several of her other failures.

  40. Pete says:

    Oh, in that case:

    Sayonara, Orly. Your misguided efforts to prove lies and rewrite the US Constitution have utterly failed.

    Just like we tried and tried to tell you they would.

    What other Obama birther cases are still outstanding? Any? Or is this the end of the line, legally speaking?

    The reason I say “Obama birther cases” is that I don’t doubt if there’s the opportunity some moron will file a case against Marco Rubio or Ted Cruz or anyone who had a non-citizen parent or was born a US citizen overseas.

  41. bob says:


    What other Obama birther cases are still outstanding?

    Strunk’s national birther tour are the only active (or anticipated) birther cases.

  42. bovril says:

    It would seem Mr Strunk in Esse has outworn his welcome over at Gerbil Report, he had a selection of the crazy fact and grammar free posts in the latest thread…. Alas, all gone as the morning dew.

    Too crazy for the birthers…. to crazy for ANYONE….

  43. Joey says:

    Ding Dong! The lawsuit is dead. Which old suit? The Judy Suit!
    Ding Dong! The Judy Suit is dead.
    Wake up – sleepy head, rub your eyes, get out of bed.
    Wake up, the Judy Suit is dead. Its gone where the goblins go,
    Below – below – below. Yo-ho, let’s open up and sing and ring the bells out.
    Ding Dong’ the merry-oh, sing it high, sing it low.
    Let them know
    The Judy suit is dead!
    Doc C
    As Doctor of ObamaConspiracyTheories, In the County of the No more Loonies, I welcome you most regally.
    But we’ve got to verify it legally, to see
    Doc C.
    To see?
    If C.R. Judy”s
    If C.R.Judy’s?
    Is morally, ethic’lly
    Obot #1
    Spiritually, physically
    Anti-Birther No. 1
    Positively, absolutely
    Undeniably and reliably Dead
    Anti-birither #2
    As Birther Suit Coroner I must aver, I thoroughly examined it.
    And its not only merely dead, its really most sincerely dead.
    Doc C.
    Then this is a day of Independence For all the Obots and Anti-birthers
    Obot #3
    If any.
    Doc C.
    Yes, let the joyous news be spread The Robert Cody Judy suit at last is dead!

  44. Rickey says:


    And I don’t think she’ll take this to SCOTUS. As Judy will tell you, it is expensive. And Taitz has lost her mojo; she has not bothered SCOTUS with several of her other failures.

    It seems like there were more, but the only cert petition which Orly has ever filed with SCOTUS was in Taitz v. MacDonald in 2010.

    Her other SCOTUS filings were applications for stays, all of which were denied. She never followed up with cert petitions in those cases, probably because her clients wouldn’t pony up the cash to pay the filing fees and other expenses.

  45. bob says:

    Rickey: It seems like there were more, but the only cert petition which Orly has ever filed with SCOTUS was in Taitz v. MacDonald in 2010.

    True, and (IIRC) that one involved her $20,000 sanction.

    She never followed up with cert petitions in those cases, probably because her clients wouldn’t pony up the cash to pay the filing fees and other expenses.

    Likely true. And she has filed several pro se suits, but didn’t take those to SCOTUS either.

  46. Pete says:

    So let’s assess what remains of what was once significant enough to be called a “movement.”

    We have a guy filing some kind of futile lawsuit in a “national birther tour.”

    We have Mario Apuzzo who occasionally shows up to endlessly post repeated, long-debunked nonsense, even though almost no one pays any attention to him.

    We have a web site – Birther Report – that’s run out of anything to say, but says it anyway. With maybe a little bit of an assist from the Poster for Efail.

    I guess we still have Carl Gallups and his Freedumb Friday.

    And we have a few assorted crazies, mostly just individuals who post bullcr*p to their friends on Facebook.

    And the main thing to watch, which will soon be over or at least on break, is the Universe-Shattering (TM) adventures of Arpaio & Zullo.

  47. Jim says:

    So let’s assess what remains of what was once significant enough to be called a “movement.”

    Considering the garbage they have as evidence, I think it’s moved on from a “movement” to a “bowel movement”…and it smells the same.

  48. Pete says:

    I think we could safely abbreviate “Birther Movement” as “BM.”

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